From Pastor’s Desk Informer.pdf · birds singing songs that mark the cycle of life. The “Green...

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Transcript of From Pastor’s Desk Informer.pdf · birds singing songs that mark the cycle of life. The “Green...

In this issue:

Pastor’s Letter 1

Director’s Cut/ Vicar’s Letter 2

Serving the Lord This Month 3

Church News 4-12

Walking in the Light 9

Financial Secretary 13

Treasurer Report 14

Calendar 15

This month the Church Calendar turns

from the Time of Christ to the Time of the

Church. Maria Augusta Trapp wrote about

this season saying, “This second half of the

Church Year is referred to in Austria as

‘the Green Meadow’. This

insightful understanding of

the season is demonstrated

by the use of green

paraments on the Sundays

after Pentecost.

This analogy reminds us

that the “Green Meadow” is

filled with life and abundant

growth. In it plants are

brought from simple seed to

beautiful flower to produce

even more seed. It is filled

with the music of bees

gathering nourishment for the hive and of

birds singing songs that mark the cycle of


The “Green Meadow” of the church

year is also intended to be a time of life

and abundant growth. It all begins with

the outpouring of the Holy Spirit who fills

us with His life through our worship in

Word and Sacrament. The seed of the

word is sown and the flowers of God’s

people bloom and flourish as we all

prepare for the glorious harvest. Those

who are newly born at the font are

nourished through the pure, spiritual milk,

while the mature feed on the strong meat of

Christ’s body. All, together, make music

to the Lord with songs that nourish and

instruct in the cycle of Christian living.

The whole life of the Church, of God’s

people in the “Green Meadow” of this

season is given so that we may bear fruit

with patience.

This is our time to grow in faith, in

love, and in the fruits of the Spirit. While

the first half of the Church year focuses on

the life of Christ for us, this half will teach

us about the life of Christ in us.

I know that it is tempting to

take a vacation from Church

during this season to enjoy other

green meadows, but it is vital

that we join together to receive a

continuous outpouring of the

Holy Spirit. This is the only

way that our hearts can continue

to be the good soil. Otherwise,

the seed that has been sown

risks being trampled and

devoured, withering away

without watering, or being

choked out by thorns.

I encourage you, through the appointed

lessons of this season, to learn about and be

equipped for fruitful living. I urge you to

live this summer in the “Green Meadow”

so that you may live for Him who died and

rose again for us, and bear abundant and

lasting fruit.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Umbarger

From Pastor’s Desk:

Special points of interest:

Letters from the Pastor,

CEL Director, & Vicar.

May Birthdays.

Tons of information

about upcoming events!

St. John’s Lutheran Church of East Moline, IL May 2016 Volume 58 Issue 9

“A sower went to sow his “A sower went to sow his “A sower went to sow his seed. And as he sowed… seed. And as he sowed… seed. And as he sowed… some fell into good soil some fell into good soil some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a and grew and yielded a and grew and yielded a hundredfold… As for that hundredfold… As for that hundredfold… As for that in the good soil, they are in the good soil, they are in the good soil, they are those who hearing the those who hearing the those who hearing the word, hold it fast in an word, hold it fast in an word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, honest and good heart, honest and good heart, and bear fruit with pa-and bear fruit with pa-and bear fruit with pa-tience.” tience.” tience.” (Luke 8:5a, 8(Luke 8:5a, 8(Luke 8:5a, 8,

Page 2 May 2016

A C.E.L. Production

We are wrapping up the year and planning many fun events. Field day, bike days and a trip to Circa 21 are all in-cluded in the fun for the month, with an end of the year ceremony for those moving on to kindergarten on May 23rd at 6:30. Birdies for Charity! This amazing fund raiser is one the congregation can participate in that really

helps fund the Center For Early Learning. It is SO EASY! Fill out a pledge card (pledging 1

penny or more per birdie) and then once the John Deere Classic is over, they will send you the

amount of birdies they had, and how much you are to send. We get 100% of the pledges. PLUS

on your pledge card, you guess the number of birdies, and are then entered for many amazing

prizes. Pledge forms are out on the library counter, or see Ann!

There are still plenty of spots available for next years classes. Ages 3-5 can attend and learn all

kinds of academics and all about our faith. See the office staff or Ann for more information.

“But Joseph said to them, ‘Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil

against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are to-

day. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.’ Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to

them” (Genesis 50:19-21).

Joseph was one of the 12 sons of Jacob, Jacob’s beloved son. His brothers sold him into slavery and he

ended up in Egypt. He faced many difficulties, but God was with him. Joseph eventually became the second-

most-powerful man in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh himself. Joseph used his position – and his God-given

ability to interpret dreams – to store up food in preparation for a huge famine. People from all over the region,

including Joseph’s brothers, traveled to Egypt to get food.

After prodding them to confess of their sins against him, Joseph forgave his brothers and provided for

them. After their father Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers were afraid that Joseph would finally get his revenge, so

they made up some phony “last words” of Jacob, asking Joseph to forgive his brothers. Joseph wept and ex-

plained to his brother that revenge is God’s. He knew that God used the evil that they had committed to ac-

complish something good, the preservation of life.

There are numerous parallels between the life of Joseph and the person and work of Jesus Christ, but

during the Season of Easter it is easy to see how the words of Joseph above foreshadow Christ’s death and res-

urrection. Jesus was mistreated, sinned against, and crucified, yet even as He hung on the cross, He forgave

those who killed Him. What man meant for evil, God meant for good. It was His plan for Jesus Christ, the

Son of God, God’s beloved Son, to die on the cross. The purpose of this plan was that many people should be

kept alive. Jesus died to take away our sin and He rose to give us life.

As His family, we have no reason to fear. He will provide for us all that we need for both body and

soul. Joseph’s treatment of his brothers further calls to mind how Jesus dealt with His disciples after His res-

urrection, and how He deals with us today. Like Joseph, Jesus comforts us and speaks kindly to us with His

word of peace, and love, and forgiveness.

Vicar Joe Warnke

From Vicar Warnke

Page 3 The Informer


Sun, May 1: Ethan Sountris

Sat, May 7: Allison Antolik

Sun, May 8: Kaitlyn McMillin

Sat, May 14:Jonah Wilson

Sun, May 15: Noah Cobb

Sat, May 21: Rylee Sherwood

Sun, May 22: Trevor Keogh

Sat, May 28: Merigold Green

Sun, May 29: Adam Homann

Serving the Lord This Month:


Sunday, May 1:Brian Nielsen, Adam Schnabel, Clinton Merritt,

Larry Hipple & Jeff Belan

Saturday, May 7: Norm Antolik, Larry

Ripka, & Vern Sletten

Sunday, May 8: Brian Nielsen, Adam Schnabel, Clinton Merritt,

Larry Hipple & Jeff Belan

Saturday, May 14: Jim Moews &

Larry Ripka

Sunday, May 15: Brian Nielsen, Adam Schnabel, Clinton Merritt,

Larry Hipple & Jeff Belan

Saturday, May 21: Norm Antolik,

Larry Ripka, & Vern Sletten

Sunday, May 22: Brian Nielsen, Adam Schnabel, Clinton Merritt,

Larry Hipple & Jeff Belan

Saturday, May 28: George Fellows &

Larry Ripka

Sunday, May 29: Brian Nielsen, Adam Schnabel, Clinton Merritt,

Larry Hipple & Jeff Belan


Sun, May 1: Scott, Amber, Peyton & Owen Mattly Sat, May 7: George & Marlene Fellows Sun, May 8: Scott, Amber, Peyton & Owen Mattly Sat, May 14: Norm & Orene Antolik Sun, May 15: Scott, Amber, Peyton & Owen Mattly & Marsha Boarts Sat, May 21: Norm & Orene Antolik Sun, May 22: Ann Engebrecht, Barbara Honert & LaVera Bull Sat, May 28: Ruby Pancrazio & LouAnn DeRammelaere Sun, May 29: Dennis & Margie Schaefer & Earl Schaefer

Fellowship Callers Sunday, May 1: John & Kay Iwen

Sunday, May 8: Ralph & Norma


Sunday, May 15: Charlie & Joan Britton

Sunday, May 22: Dave & Candace


Sunday, May 29: Kevin Verschoore &

Bali Guerrero

Thank you for your service!!

Altar Guild

Gene Dreier Libby Dreier

Altar Flowers Sunday, May 1:Bill & Doris Byles

29th Wedding Anniversary

Sunday, May 8: John, Rhea,

Chelsea & Dalton Oaks

Sunday, May 15: Karen Schmidt

Jim’s Birthday

Sunday, May 22: The Johanson’s

Thankful for 1st grandbaby.

Sunday, May 29: Scott & Stacey Reed - Zachary’s Baptismal


Eternal Candle

Sunday, May 1: Karen Schmidt - Thanks

Sunday, May 8: OPEN

Sunday, May 15: Greg & Cindy Hart - Granddaughter’s Birthday -

Grace & Glory

Sunday, May 22: Kevin & Chris McAnally

Tanner McAnally & Adrienne

Wittenauer Baptismal Birthdays

Sunday, May 29: Brandi Erickson - in

memory of Jerry Hill

Page 4 May 2016

May 1 – Bill Byles & Sharron Ripka

May 3 - Nikki Anna Johnson & Sally Owens

May 4 – Nancy Bonow & Michelle Bowser

May 5 – Mildred Mauritzson

May 6– Brandon Busch, Brett Busch, & Alex Verschoore

May 9 – Donna Hakeman & Sharon Kays

May 11 - Laverne Schmidt

May 12 – Pastor Umbarger, Mark Brault

May 13 – Rachel Duffy

May 14 – Mark Grotelueschen

May 15 - Michael Wojcik

May 18 – Kristian Umbarger

May 19 – Kathryn Herron & Barbara Honert

May 20 - Kathleen Kelly

May 21 – Karen Hendricks, Lindsey Ransom

May 22 – Phillip Graham

May 25 – Kris McAnally & Wendy Rouse

May 28 – Steven Bailey, David Busch & Keith Foehrkolb

May 30 – Katherine Engebrecht & William Johnson Jr.

May 31 - Adam Hess

Church News



3/27/16 337 Easter 265 Easter $9,524

4/3/16 206 443 Easter 21 $9,524

4/10/15 208 215 19 $9,987

4/17/15 198 243 $3,969

4/24/16 225 251 $3,764

Simply Giving March 2016 $3,245 Average monthly attendance of St. John’s membership 32%

We invite you to attend the Baccalaureate to be held during the worship service on Sunday, June 5th, so we can recognize your accomplishments and pray for you and the class of 2016. If you still have your gown at that time please feel free to wear it. We would like to recognize our graduates on a display board. You will receive a letter to be returned to the office by May 18th. Please include a picture of yourself to be included on the display board.


Reaffirmation of Faith Deaths Richard Berberich – 3/16/16 Amanda Nickens 3/22/16 Funeral @ St. John’s 3/29/16

12 Rebecca Ave. David Stegenga 3/23/16 Funeral @ St. John’s 3/26/16

Carbon Cliff, IL 61239 Virginia Black 3/29/16 Graveside service 4/4/16

Page 5 The Informer

Church News


LCMS Stewardship Newsletter Article

May 2016

Do we Christians really have to tithe? Are we really under a compulsion to give? Aren't we free? Don't we

have a freedom from the law that was purchased for us by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection?

The problem is that our sinful flesh uses our freedom for selfishness. Christ

did not die and rise so that we could give less and do less good work in the

world. He died and rose to free us from the compulsion of the Law, to free

us from a burden we could not bear.

We are missing the point completely if we use the freedom from the Law

that Christ won by His passion, crucifixion, and resurrection to give less, or

to do less of any good work. Christ set us free to live in His image of

faithfulness, generosity, and kindness. We are free from the Law's

condemnation so that we can walk in the good works the Lord has prepared for us.

Our freedom is not given to indulge our sinful and selfish flesh. Our freedom was purchased and won by

Christ so that we could serve our neighbors — our family, our society, our church.

As a result, much of your freedom is not a freedom from, but a freedom to and for. You are not free from

serving your neighbor. You are free for service toward your neighbor—willingly and without compulsion. You

are not free from giving to your church; you are freed to give to your local congregation in joy, willingly, and

without compulsion.

The reason you are free to serve, the reason you are free to give is because of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness

of sin He won for you on the cross, which He delivers to you in the Gospel and the sacraments. That is our

motivation. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him

will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). And since God loves us in this way, by giving us His only-

begotten Son so that we do not perish, we also love one another in this way, by giving what we have so that

our neighbor does not perish.

If the God who has provided the sacrifice for your eternal salvation, the God

who delivers that salvation to you in Holy Baptism, the God who continues

to forgive you and show you His faithfulness, if that same God is the one

who also promises to give you daily bread and take care of your earthly life,

you can trust in Him, even in giving. After all, Jesus Christ is proof that God

loves you and will take care of you.

Church News

Page 6 The Informer


St. John's LWML will meet May 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Janssen Rooms. The hostesses will be Marsha Boarts and

Norma Grotelueschen. Devotions will be given by Norma Grotelueschen, and the program will be a Sketch, New

Growth - Again. Mission Service will be cereal for St. John's food pantry.

Birdies For Charity—For St. John’s CEL

CHIP IN FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! When you chip in to help area charities, you can win some great prizes. But your favorite charity will be the real winner. That’s because participating charities receive every single penny of the donations from this program, plus a bonus from the Birdies for Charity Fund which historically has been a 5-10 percent match. Our charity is Bird #644 (St. John’s Lutheran Church)

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Simply make a one-time flat donation OR pledge one cent or more per birdie. After the tournament, you’ll be mailed a notice of your pledge amount due. To enter the contest, guess the number of birdies that will actually be made by Tour Pros during the tournament, Wednesday through Sunday. CONTEST RULES:

• Only 1 grand prize awarded. Ties and other prizes determined by random drawing. Judges’ decision final • All guesses must be on an official pledge card (located on the library counter or you can download it from • Rules are available at • No pledge or purchase required. Need not be present to win. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR HELPING US OUT. If you have any questions, please contact Ann at 792-0755 or go to



St. John’s LWML meeting was held on March 17, 2016 at 6:30pm There were 10 Ladies present. President Marsha

Boarts called the meeting to order in the name of the Triune God. A devotion “Kindliness is next to Godliness” was

given by Betty Streeter. Desert was served by hostesses Donna Hakeman and Joyce Hoffman. The business meet-

ing started with Mite Box Dedication #3 and the League song. The Secretary and Treasurer's reports were given.

Marsha will attend the Zone Spring Event at Miss Mamie’s on March 19th . Marsha reported she had not received

any registration forms for the Central Illinois District Convention in Jacksonville, IL. When she receives informa-

tion she will post it on the bulletin board. Following these announcements, Marsha moved on to new business. A

suggestion was made that we invite the young Ladies being confirmed, their Mothers and Grandmothers to the

April meeting to introduce them to LWML. Judy Dugan will write the invitations to each of the your Ladies and

include their Mothers and Grandmothers. Ramona Oltmann made a motion that we give each young Lady a gift.

Carole Hodshire seconded the motion and the motion passed. Judy Dugan made a motion that a gift from LWML

be given each year to all of the students being confirmed. The motion was seconded by Betty Streeter and passed.

There being no further business the following announcements were made. Marsha thanked our hostesses. Host-

esses for the April meeting will be Margie Schaefer and Marlene Fellows. The mission service project for April

will be cans of green beans and corn for St. John’s Food Pantry. The meeting was adjourned with the League

Pledge and the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted by Ann Engebrecht.

May 2016

LWML- Meeting Minutes

Page 7 The Informer

Church News


We like to give the regular teachers the summer

off and need volunteers to sign up for a week or two so we can still provide fun summer Sunday School for the children. See Ann or Christine Engebrecht if you are available to help

us out!



VBS is Coming!

June 13-17th 2016

9 am-11:30 am

Volunteers are needed in the

following areas: Group Leaders

Group Assistant Leaders

Station Helpers

Game Leader


Please contact Ann Cobb at or Vicar Warnke at 792-0755

Page 8 May 2016

March 13, 2016 Voters Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Kevin Rossmiller and Pastor Umbarger led opening devotions based on 1st Corinthians Chapter 12. Rod Hopkins was accepted as a new voting member and the minutes from the December 2015 voters meeting were approved as printed in the Informer. Norm Antolik gave the Treasurer’s report. Board Reports: Board of Education: Evan Antolik reported VBS has been scheduled for June 13-17. There is a need for helpers for the week. Registration is now open. An open house will be scheduled to view the renovations in the education wing. CEL is planning their Annual Family Fun Night and they are in need of auction items. Board of Elders: Bill Park reported the board was happy to welcome Jim Homann to the board this year which brings the number of Elders to 8 members which is still less than our constitution recommends. The board thanked Libby Drier for calling people on our “Love in Action” list which consists of those members who have not attended worship in six months. This list, currently consists of 277 people and is available to anyone who would be willing to make calls. Elders also made calls to these members to invite them to Lenten services and suppers as well as Holy Week services. Board of Evangelism: Charlie Britton reported the board is working with Vicar on a booth at the Rock Island County Fair. He encouraged everyone to invite their friends, neighbors, and family members to attend Holy Week services. More Fellowship callers are needed. Anyone who is interested can contact Charlie or any member of the Evangelism Board. Board of Parish Ministry – no report Board of Stewardship – Kris McAnally urged everyone to fill out an “area of interest” sheet located on the Library counter. The Board will be sponsoring a “Church Board Fair” in the upcoming months to help generate interest in serving on a board and to encourage our new as well as our younger members in serving on a board. Board of Trustees – Norm Antolik reported there currently are no large projects except for the completion of the education wing renovations. Any outside work will be decided on during April. He also reported Rebekah Weber will be working on her scouting beautification project in the courtyard. Board of Youth – The Confirmation Retreat will be held June 5-7. LYF will be participating in the Great Oaks High Ropes Team Building Course. The work day for CYF and LYF has been planned. The youth will also be serving breakfast on Easter Sunday between services. Pastor’s Membership Report – Baptized Members – 732, Communicant Members – 601, Average Weekly Attendance – 240, Average Weekly Adult Bible Class Attendance – 80, Members who did not attend last year – 248 There being no old or new business, the meeting was closed with The Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Lynne Suess


Church News

Youth News

LYF Confirmands Welcome - Saturday, April 23rd 10:30am (after confirmation practice) all Confirmands please come down to the youth room for a brief welcome into LYF, Bible Class, and invitation to the first LYF event, and morning treat.

All CYF-ers and upcoming 5th graders are welcome to attend the CYF Retreat at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca, Sunday, June 5 through Tues-day, June 7. If you would like to come, please speak to Vicar or Ann by Sunday, May 22. The cost is $30. Please make the check out to “St. John’s Youth.”

GREAT OAKS TRIP - LYF youth, including the youth just finishing 7th grade are invited to attend the annual day-trip to Great Oaks Challenge Course near Peoria, IL on Friday June 10. We will leave church at 6:45am and return to church around 5:30pm. This day activity will include team building and time in the high-ropes course. Lunch will be provided. We need at least 6 youth to attend. Cost of the trip is $20 unless we have 12 or more youth attending. Cost will then be $15. Money and permission form (extras on the youth bulletin board) is due Sunday, May 29th. This is designed for youth at least 12 years old, therefore no younger siblings will be able to attend with you. This special trip is for St. John's youth only, therefore not friends.


1) CYFers, LYFers and parents please join the St. John's CYF/LYF Facebook page for all the up-to-date information on what is happening with the youth at St. John's. It is a Closed Group so you will need to click on the "Request to Join" button.

2) LYFers, please join the new closed MORP page to all the up-to-date information on the upcoming, annual MORP.

Page 9 The Informer

“Walking in the Light of Christ”

Teaching and Assisting

(One per person. Please print. Complete and return to office.)

Please circle any of these activities that you may be interested in being a part of.

Name:____________________ Phone:________________________

Acolyte Coordinator- Saturday Sunday Bible Study Leaders

Children’s Church Volunteer Jr. Confirmation Program- Teach Mentor

Assist Center for Early Learning Sunday School- Teacher or Subsitute Openings

Sunday School- Assist with Programs Sunday School- Assist with SS Admin. Duties

Vacation Bible School- Teach or Coordinate Vacation Bible School- Craft, games, Snacks, etc

Youth Leader/Supporter

If you have any questions, Please Contact Kris McAnally at 309-721-4709 or Visit our Website( Under

Groups and Ministries.

Church News

Page 10 May 2016

Church News

Page 11 The Informer

Volunteers Needed! St. John’s will have a booth at the Rock Island County Fair this year! The Fair goes from Tuesday, July 19 through Saturday, July 23. This is Vicar Warnke’s Evangelism Project for the year. Please, prayerfully consider helping to support Vicar’s project in support of St John’s Lutheran Church. The primary purpose of

this project will be to increase the visibility of St. John’s in the community, to increase the community’s familiarity with St. John’s and to establish and develop evangelism contacts. Volunteers are needed to help man the booth and are encouraged to share the Gospel with visitors who stop by the St John’s booth. There will be Gospel literature, as well as several of the booklets from the Lutheran Hour Ministries, for the volunteers to distribute as appropriate. Volunteers will also run a simple Bible Trivia game for children. We need at least two volunteers at any given time. If you are interested in helping out, please see the sign-up sheet on the Library Counter, or talk to Vicar for more information. Thank you!


A quick fix for depression: MAKE MUSIC!

Yes, music does lift us from depression, and good breathing is an aid to our physical well-

being, but God created His creatures (animal and human) to sing, rejoice, praise Him in

sound and song.

Participate in our worship this summer with voice and instrument, with solo or family/friends groups.

A sign-up sheet is on the piano in the balcony.

In the fall when our ensembles prepare for another “season”, join us for another exhilarating experience

– that of sharing your abilities with other members.

Life, love, and sheer delight will be your reward when serving our Lord with His music.

Church News


We are having a Fellowship Callers meeting on Saturday, May 14th at 9:30am. Anyone interested in

becoming a Fellowship Caller is invited to attend. If you have questions, please contact Charlie

Britton (309) 716-7079.

St. John's Ladies Aid will meet May 5th at 12:00 noon for a salad spree. Please note the one hour earlier starting time. Norma

Grotelueschen will be the leader and also give the devotions. The hostesses are Ann Engebrecht and Barbara Honert. Bring a

salad to share and come enjoy fellowship with your sisters in Christ. If you have colored pencils please bring them for an

activity we will do.

Ladies Aid

Page 12 May 2016

Page 13 The Informer

Financial Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Page 14 May 2016

WORSHIP SERVICES: Saturday — 6:30 p.m.

Sunday— 9:00 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS: Sunday — 10:15 a.m.

Worship Times

Inside our Sanctuary.

1450-30th Avenue

East Moline, IL 61244

Tel: 309-792-0755

Fax: 309-792-0776


St. John’s

Lutheran Church

of East Moline,

Walking in the Light of Christ!

We’re On the Web!!



Monday –Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

With Lunch from 12 noon—1 p.m. as always

Summer Office Hours

Sunday, May 8th