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VOL. XXIIL N«. 44-


(H. W. S u d e n . Seerrtauy) ' Th« March mee^ng of the

Farmers Institute, held last Fri­day, was piTobably the best one of this session. This was. due largely to the increased attend­ance, as well as to the instruct tire and entertaining speakers. T^e last mating of the institute Seac ike session of 1917-18 will be held on the third Friday in April, and it is earnestly hoped that the farmem wffl doH^mr part toward mating this the best meeting of th^ year. '


JL^rzciwe F r f f c a r i ^yWft"" """Xjlx© ^ r-'

DMdrie KilliiW.

Salary ref^uetions and creased expense and

Lawrence Farquhar, a mem ber of the Waahington. D. C. police force, and a son of the: tuaee accounts v e recommei late Charles Farquhar, of this in*, T t li of messages sent: county, committed suicide in the legislature by Gov.

•-T^m^:i)fB*m^.^ -j^^^sssem^-' i ' s :3es«««r-



She, however, held it to be the teacher^ duly noT io l e a ^ the

CONFERENCE HELD ^^^""^ r ^ T J H : efForts to secure more favMnble CowMttoM. IBiM Grfigg pointed oat that the goverunent p o ^ tiona which are calling so maay of the teachers away from the

The. Educational Conference «=hools will be but temporary,, t pfCimgressional District H con- •"*' * ^ '" the final aniJysis the 'jfened at eleven o'clock yester- ' ** *"" wiD Be as wHI, if not l ^ lay morning, in Asbury church. ^^^ off. by sticking to his or i with prominent educators and ^^ chosen work.


THING Y E T FKirt ^inwisr Nsnari aTTh^

giidaBcUia Forty Yours As*.

Hie first Sununer Normal i»fL

Washington on Tuesday mght of Davis, the genertU approprJ^JpiibUc school teachers through-J •* Portion of the afternoon this week, after he had shot andi tion WIl being cat down more j»ut the d&toict in MtendanceJi^l "*««* w " P^en over by the killed his. wife and Mrs. Harry j than |i,250,(»b. Further, he] The conventi<m was opened conference to representative* <rf whose home Mrs. Far-,holds to his poution reganluifl|^th prayer by the Rev. Hair the War Savings and Thrift

rnmppnwst%»|rnny, after whieh^ | » i ^ ^i- ^^IQE work. Addrwmes touch, [nsitag f<»ty year» ag», and pronounced by Dr. W. H. Ruff-

quhv was sUying and wound- the wockmen's ing Mr. White and Clarance W. commission and declares thfctTdr^sM of welcome were deUv- "»« on the importance of the TriplBtt. • . the fund provided for the Sta*e!ered by Rev. Mr. Burr, Rev. Mr. 1P*"** *"* of these govmimeat

Aecordmg to ^ friends. Far-! prohibition commissioner is toafMeasict ip«i—Csnnty SupeHa- » *'*"''* ^ were made ^ Jir. quhar had been tewding over Jajge. While his messaTges ar» fa tendant <rf Schools Chas. R ifc. HMUT, of New Yoric, and Col. theactionof his wife infifin«r re-, the nature of recommendation,[ponald {"^^^ B. McAdams, of Rich-

The morning session of the in-, cent divorce proceedings against, they are construfed by many as * ^Mr. McMannawaV former nHmd, director for tile SUte of

the VirginU Public School Sys tem for the counties of T nH nn, Fairfax, Fauquier, Stafford, Cul-peper, Warren, Rappahannock, Prince William and f<Hr the comi­ty and city of Akxandria, was hdd in Asbury Church at Ma-

«titute cjwaaed at 10:30 Friday i him in the Diatxictof GolaiiHft .j,eing tantamount to vetoes, and morning, FresidMit Hutchwm-courts. jit ia now said that a special |es-pretriding. Readmg of minutes j Mrs. Farquhar bad left her sion of the lesislature wiU at the previoBS meeting was dja- thusband Wl-btd gaae to live at | necessary. pftiftH with, nnd the rf gnlar j the Whitfl hwrn , in ^ < *'g fl'y"

pni»deiA ai the Eighth Con-j ''****"**'

Biaeuseing the a^^<JiH'iatio» program was^teccd upon. Mr. Aboot midnight Tuead«y, Tar--^ ^ gov«nor aaidt- 'This bifl C. Wwdsey. apeelaUst fa horti-|quhar went to tite White zeai-' cnltare frwn Bi'»<'if«?'*»Tj *!""!'*""'• "i: ^eeted an entrance, ai>rice m 'XitaiaaiDg.'* Thisibymesna of afadUer,toi&e

»tssional District Teachers' ] V * ^ * ^ a4joiimment of the , and wbo will shwtly >f*e™«« wasion, tiie viaitfaff

jliU for France for the purpoae *«^*«'*^^"™'* «*ertimed-fa ^ asaistiug m semii^g motioni^*""**^ TTaB, •tuiy .rrfrttiu


Otahard." A »innmBi'> of bptii at theae talks ia giyen bdow;

I^at year, gmileping was BMW mipnrtamt tiia» »b ban «WMC bean before, and this ijrear ^ 4p e?en more impnrtant Jf l to it be saediniiateMtkOj^^** to *iul ^vpaganda work in tfc^i .. —,. v,ii._!-— __zz:—i^i?,

Ml |^ ,000 ^»ideathf pvona-^fchools, tddr^iiod 4be- c o n f e r . j ^ ^ ^ CRO^ Atj;!^vmi^ "~ for laM; Toar s defiota. |fMb|MAr<m t]wimporbMMeol'||g,|^ UMH

8 ^ t o a « n t ^ f a t i i e a f t w - | « d a t M y o f t h e h o u 8 ^ e n ^ ^ *w*^«8 keeping tham. noon by "Hie Care of a Smin through^a mndow mto a roomi^jfo^j^ , ^^^dn* balance fa K ^ informed>cil aD lines

m wfach Mrs. Farqahar aAd ^j^ traaaory id $2l00fla0, is f l ^ f f M worktfait tfaey may befa MIS. White were aleeiwig. Mrs. Whdttie, wlu) waa aroaaed by the

fa i bed and was -.~~ ^:^^+he Jh^attte a nnmediaitcay

rermver j ^ egsentiahr to victo! fa the up^t faia sbwiriiig wife and fiised

l^erefa, I leeammend tedue


172,779.21 fa ezseaa of what a^positioa at all times to eo*^»-may reaaeilaUy be nsmrtnA to Jptf with^i/iMfi^renmmAm its

ensuing two years. After -^ -of


(MiM Mazr Larkk. atentmrj) A regular meetfaffjif ^ Ma*

ner as "The Biggest Thinr Yet." My first wltniMS is TJr. W3-

iain H. Ruffner, the magnificent man and efficient admiliisrator who from 1870 to 1882, ^as the first superintandwit of- -pubBe instruction for the . eommeB* wealtii of 'S i :inia. The fcSkm-ing is r copyT>f a letter written bFTiiiii snil iiiiw piiwiii imT iii tla'

^ S c a Bandatoh-apob .^"^ '''"^^' "^ ****™^'

archivea niiia^twans board.

1 ^ Mterjwaa written Orae montlis b e i m the fi^ormid'wM oiieiied:^ "VomaaemmattOi at V^rgnia, D f K . -

w a * «« PtibBe biatrartiaa. BiehmMd. Hay 18, 18T8.

GMTXC C Booad. EMI^ ]iaM«aM.>p-Dear j ^ I am wmtk i^ftiAtA »t

fMrf t^t^aotbe qtfte ao U c aa y w hat 1 htaa that it w g a t

^ ^ t J « ™ « * ^ After the favocatiohlarJ|e«.Al. t M tkv

^SligMW^^Kea.-bslk*talfingefftet^1iir •—P»TliSd». - * mi*i^ MHUona at Catawba for to- SH " - ri~Z " L Z T SS* jTbe t u ^ t p n ' r S l ' l ^ ^ S ^ S . ' S f k r « * — ^ - „comn^^»>enXn«s applyfag for ad- '^ '^'^ and i « - « ^

aas' aure cartaiidr avnft fai •craeiiw te Wavi ai tmA

Mrs. A. p . HarrdU supovisor i^rmtit. TM cwild ant ha«« « tatr^

present p u r p o s e ^ bufld-aHcet, ^ j^romu of the ladies fa the S ^ e S e g ^ > • « . > aai

Saee we cannot ah^ $K^OD. .the~roofa Jnto a hallw:^, llae ymdnefa to our armies overseas o men grap|l^d. and .White to advantage, it is necessary ancceeded fa geiting afaMontlM ttat we ahip a moK ooneen- iHatol,.bntwi^ themoadepniit-trrted fom^ of food, vnetiemg iHfir towards hinu BrfweWhae the preserratiMi of market veg- contd cMafa poaseaskm of ^ e

^•wwqini, FaripilMg fired two

JlOAr aanami^ m.m twenty to g ^ ^ ^ ^oAro^ a^ ^to par hkH be made ..ti.ta.fry.Ya,

4fc»^beda.aad the pobhc schoo^ p^,,,^^ j „ ^ , ^ , ^ 2. ,

fii this way, a great anvmnt of aliotB, one of the boHets tearing,^g^ time and mmey ia saved and the * "*y flBc 0^ " ^ ^ ^ relief of auhoad eoageatkn the otlier hitting him fa the aide, greatly wgmnelited. Hie im-j tlidett, a - boarder fa the

of f l ^ saving fa tnoM-jWIute home, appeared fa the b ie*lned mora ft^jhalhray dtioat^tiua tfawand waa

we eenader that it ie-|f(^led by IP arqahar by abtow <» t i idght tha head with tta butt end nftj

can to aoppiy foad for «f 80.000

tiiarevofarar. ttumtiK

J*e flntthfac to do ^ j ^ l ^ ^ atian for Oie home-itMden igT«w»e

hoiite, Fuqnhar ran of a f r i o i

ma WUte fato the

T»y a drawing ettheganfanlJ^ «ene ot me ttonftie kimnir

.•^^ ,,yT^Trt^apH « h « . t ^ ifHifat « t o hia « —

to be plaaied fa dw de-_ananging

fathe order of their halHts glUWUL

pjsofd in ane jjei^mi and notia-...

brain. He .died from the aelf faftiftAi woond.

Fliqahar marnSTm the Unffced Btatea atniy diui^" Wt^AmepesLJar, and upon hia honoraUe Saeharge from the

Second auditor-^aapae 9 ^ > g ^ g j ^ ^ * * * ^ , . « ^ .wipwi and 175 mnsifa 12.760, and iaaeit l i sO^ T * * ^ ^ ^ f : ? ? ^ * » »«W''«™«* ^ta^ ate to

T»aaiir«r?s deilcs—StxakeW; S^f'**® appropriation of f 10.- jg^ C. R. C Johnson, chair* ^*«*»«T 114.000 and insa^ «13,OO0L i l ^ t o be m»d for ttis objerf. . ^lan of the Junior woric. made a »« -»«^

PBbKc -fater^BedBBL faaii^^J»«J«^««J^^<>S^^ >S;OOOtofeaO<K«iid<gprfat^>ggQ[°^;j^^

acwresa amiv^nnt ay Mr. W. A- HWltafy lypwtB ftxwii Mri J fj. **i! —j *•" jHam j iss Hazris. Mr. Harris emphaaiaed g ^ ^ , ^ ^j^^ hia charge of a *»»«* -iiy W saoifcina

that tfair « c paid bvt I caanatt sa, k»-

CoipcHratiMi Make salaries al eaAWtfiOOr, in-stjad of f4.d00, and tatOmg Jfi

—Make aalaiy IgJWQ faatead of f3,00K ~ r

I Mdd be

^5^***?**»f "P^J^,^^ol»<rfgirt^«dlfissB»1iP. ««tl-t"«i«t».«tt i« the lUme Servwe b m e h of the g ^ y , treaanier of the adboel Sed Ooaa is tocarefor-thefsBBP f^m^ jfp^ i^rTft sfatfid tlw* jiea of the men in the fightfag ^^ ^^ ^ , ^ ^^^ weently J>av i tonea of the Amenean a n i y . ^ ^ ^^ a o * of gl5 at theilw*** r*" •«**'*«*• "• »id the afliad anniea. ^ T»iWt- tw—•— "* w».. &.;»!. i „ i tetter; aBdat-tSea any, f

-Heme'-Mr. Hama " ^ ""^^^ * ^ ^ ' ^ " '

^0^000 ^^p^ww*» -

noQiioed thii ooilecfaoB of S22.2S r ? ^ ? 2 f T ^ **»*" * ^ «* - toward (he enroUment of Mar

te ^ «C food. cMhes and mon^. ^^g^ggg^ (^^^^ ,eho<d fa the Jot^ y ° g ^ "*f " T ^ - ^ ^ '*^ ig- Bed Croaa. Further i - T««rt .» ,

'Department oc


tcnaxed with diort eropa. Care should be taken not to shade a hyw-gimring crop 1^ onetiiatiabJL 3deetkin of seed ia the next atop fa the garden preparation.

•^ Serae~varietiea cf aeed cannot be * whfinfrf, evor now. whSe

_ ^Oittiea are finitad fa quantity; For thia wssQa noasere aaeds of an avaaabie vegetoble riwuld be pnrehaaad than wil be needed Varietiea ahondd be Mleetod fa

the year and the natnre of the soil F v exKBitte, do not boy a

Awint^- variety of " jwcting it to do wefl fa

a MNig type•ar vaiiut «q>ectfag it to do wefl fa a «hal-

Jow type flf soiL - —

in 1903 he waa jvpointed a membev of the WaAi^tan pe-hee fwce. Be had ^i_silaid^ reoofd both aa a aoUacr and aa a POOCC OfllOCF*

Sevaral menAen of the Far-» | i i h T fmintfj

Afl safarieaaf ing 40,000 er mere afe to be pa

. . ^ , _ J earing niadical aid. when needed inn„£ jom SmA'a dasa fUOO to^fr- » * . * f ^ ^nnaer of tha fay ^ , , ^ j„ make baxaa far

fly, i d loafcfag a f — **" * • ' *

pemanany" Ifr; u<uii. » « » ^ ^ ^ ^ traaaoier of tike duvtcr particufar attention to the faet ^ ^ija^riaad to aifaice

. _ _ . , ^ for the purehaae ef the on ,tiie Home Service workers to maintam fa the mwaie of wnr.

Now read Ifr.'Saffner'a written ^ nibnth after, shows that Jt waa fa hia



sary lumber, the amount to be letmued hiter by ^Stor

Geo. C. Yirnr Trmri ** *

Stenographer to court—Strflrn out S4J00 and

IfamiBea Icarsd for

dnoed from the incieaaaxaraadj"<» - .. ^""^L ^ S - * ? ^ ^ o^ **» «hool fund. m the appmviatian M to t ^ !>•«< win ne erimmatfd to a greats ggj^ aggrepating $101.30 for ^^ ^^^ figureaobtofafactmi year, hat W If t h ^ know thai thar , ^ g ^ T t o i V we^ J ^ L - " ^

**^*^*' Pfeaented by Mr. G. Bi^mond J-TT Ratdiffe, diairman of the

_ M ^ 8«»«*Bl Gregg, of the g ^ ^ eonunittee. and enknd " • * » . rert7 to (o . Y a »

Bepert for the wwiiaiHtini on'

Eaq.—^Daar A t : mtert iBg « o » -

tbe t I Haat (*«•

' r i

at home.

U M w>tarpria«. I l f«C8«H9 • • «

tteaohjastaf Strike ant fi404»i^hr and faaert fUMOQL

Medical CoB«e «f

Nation's Cal to the Tteeh-

—It ia v«zy demrable that the name, rank and mail addreaa of every Prinee Wiliaai aoMier and

i i i w uf'000 to 180,000. of Ua fjonily at

home be sent immediatety to the P^in, etc, cut aaetetary, l&aliKcy Larkin, oflfrom f^.OOOJo flO,IIMt

Giegg depldred the Ovihan BeUef

N o n a l —


f . r t f t . i t t i ...iin, ThnnltETi. «*»»*"»«» '^- WTtT Wegener, toet Oat the fMoes^oal t e a c h - ^ ^ annoanoed the plan of the ™ i«w^Bwy H* ^ a ^ ^KKiy flouHuttee to eonunnnieato with

JP?»* ?«•?« ^ ^ T l*"*""^"* Ptjnee WBIiam^ddieKs caneem-—^ fagiwylPUHaM and flmfly •!-

of $500 for an increaae fa the btments. The secretary, Mias on, oLf^

«icp t i ^ •nmr%, W. H.

SiVC Pak would now Eke to file fa

a oipy rf the Manaaaaa Gaaetfa of Satwiia), Aiqiost SI.


ter, that fall partiealaaa art givin, as Private John.C. Smith. Co. E.

1878. containiBg a [aakry of the insurance rrmrmia- Ifary Laxkfa. was autiioriz«d tol^y^B-eoiamB aceomrt

piito the fctU • AD of the above reoommenda- tee. and IGss Mary Beverly

asaiirtMit aearctary. , burg — Reduce sigport front | f2»6.000 to $2S0,000. _ Itions are for the^rst year, and Tiwrhnnn,

University of V i r g i i u ^ Be^'they are carried oarf(H=~lhe sec- was aakeS'to obtafa the _ . i 3l8th"&ifantry, Camp Lee, TiL, <Joce IppropriA^ott ftWBfiaOr'ond year. ' sary addresses.

Transplant a long, slender; j^^^j^^ j^^^-j^^^j^^ jj g j j ^ |OQO to $100,000. ' _ 'Touching: the prohibition bill, i;«v. H. (J. Burr, chainMjToi w. B. McGihray of RichnK. d, rOanft by wnking it deeply i « t o ; y , „ „ „ g y*. It Is desired tot VlfXUlU Polylechnic lusUUite'the Kuveiiioi lakes Lbe Kiciuiid the Chr atmaa McmberBSip emu- that the insfatute wa^'orgamz^ " the soil, without lea^nng a loTiK^hivg a complete list next week. —For support, reduce from that the operations of the de- mittee. announced that the mem- Monday, Aujrj^t Y*\- w th stem. All plant.* can best be- :$120,fXV> to JIWOOO. partment should not entail the bers of hiscoramittaehaddecidfHi

that the Normal waa OMier the charge of-Hon. M. A. Newel, state -aaperintendcat of Maryv land schools, assister bv Prof.

tr}i.rsf..axi!tti h%- he j">bt-'~t » as Ep.,' ;if tr <.j.-.n>-.

Dort ';..\Tichh-r

T^fVC. $ i i K

ner I -:.\

*s nerr^,= ar(" for an appropri- to pive a - . .r. . .( L^.J^tl^'V• 9 y s - vj.vfi n ^ : .MSA >'. , ._

iscnption tn thf F.t f^'hers . -' .".ty -


1 6 i>*:tr;.<f'

. • * •++«»* • '

- t w -: 46

ooper, ( hiche.«ter and




FARMERS HOLD the hog industry a profitable one, we must have good foundation

USUAL M E E T I N G ^ (Continued from Page \)ne)

a normal position. Th« use of pots, large enough for the development of the root system, prevents a shoek nr the growth of the plant when it is set out in the fleht

l «}onomv ^ -ffaJBs 4«~ methodH he Adopts aig^ the Jbeat

Where the amount of land is limited, It l»~Dften^ practicable to double Cl*p. Th« eaily iiia^ turing crop which is soon re­moved may be pTahted^ Betwe»eh the rows of the princip^ crop. For exaifaple, between cabbage rows 3 feet apart there may be planted a row odiettuce between two rows- of. radishes, aft -being 8 inches apart.

In planting peas and beans place the seed carefully in th« row to prevent waste. Have

largely upon breeding and selection, and thaw is more dif­ference between individuals t^aaJbdfcS^ JHtil'l* i fliiH lliii breed is merely a matter at choice, select the breed you like best and stick to it, determining to make the individuals a little better every year. .

There is HO wjcaaiwi for keep-ing hogs under such filthy and unsanitary conditions as they ore usually found an opportunity to stay clean and he win avu^ the ^irtr f m ^

ight- because 4t j cpgt - 2 0 Hbo -26^ Finishing hogs cost 11 to 15 cants a pound with the.be8t. feed ing methods. The one period in the pig's life when you can make money that of eight to ten weeks —weaning time until he is put

these improves the f^pearance of the garden and makes it. pasier to cultivate. A good marker can be made by putting sharpened -stakes thrniigh a,-pifice_ of 2x4 timber. Other nepessary iipple-ments, such as hand weedersTtTn the feed lot at about 150 and a dibble can be ihade at home. 2._ _ : 22 ^ ;; 2ZZ

Those who are interested in the application of "insecticides and fungicides for {garden use should apply to the"Agricultural Experiment Station^ JBlaClw-burg, Var, for Bulletin No.^l4.'

Every farmer should^hn^ * tlttwigh well kept, productive orchisrd. i f beginning, i t la,JjetUr -te~ sliurt with one year old rather than two year-old xmriaey stock. The first pruning should be given at settingran effort being made to get away from the open h^ad system to prevent spin^sng.

In later pruning, k«ip in mtod the^ dcairod snape. Kwnove d a eased, brokfti^ efegafag, and

merely serves as an incubator for germs, materially aiding in the spread of disease. The hog industry is a matter of "manu­facturing the greatest t^ount of pork at the least cost, and care should be taken to elimin­ate all sources of waste.

A iorty or fifty pound pig will cwits a pound.

He should also satisfy himself by actual experiments that the

ones that are available


Raritea Lnatance Whwe R4«4er Was Aatowded at BvimUd

kUanUa Secured.

Give the hug 1 ^ ^ " j ^ ^ Tonle. Blood and KU

4i«y Hemedy, Uaata Say.

Of course thousands of people have read of the discovery of Acid Iron Mineral, the remarka­ble ore found in Miasiasippllrom which the Ferrodine Chemical Corporation of Roanoke, Va., is niaking -a highly concentrated medicine for stomach, kidney, blood and rheumatic complaints.

pounds weight. The farmer who keeps his

pigs shut up in a dirty, crowded pen, and relyr-upon com, tank-age, and miU feed idone,. had better sdl them and get out of the bufiness. Hogs-must have a place, in-whidi to run. Al-

think of grazing hogs, the ter 'iKa pasture, ~fehe larger cheaper t^e gaina^ and i » breed­er can afforij to do, without this part of the rat i<^ Alfalfa pais-ture la oneojMiie best^ Clover and Uue gnm are gobd. tJnder average conditions, Horn ten td fifteen 100-lb. dnata can be maintainea on oin^ iwnriif pa«-

Everyone knows, too, - tl\at used extemaJly this rjemarkable preparation is a wbriderfuTlieat ing'agent, stopping flow of blood almost instantly and otherwise proving a blessing to humanity. WHAT A NEWSPAPER SAYS

We quote the exact words in a letter r«yjHv«d from the Siler City Grit, published- in City, K G . -

Gentlemen:' We are writing to tell you of a very fine tegtt monial lor Acid Irop Mma«t that should be passed o n t o the

lufad^rers-^One of our reaS-telis us t&Sfcy^fBM^it Is the ^ ^

for ( yiiry thing be 'ever saw. He uses' it for* the

closely parallel braBffhpa. T^Vft some fruiting spurs in the -cen­ter of the tree, thinning out to such an extent-that sun spots can be seen in the shade 61 t^e f ra^ T a p p i n g ia n ffnnH J>nwi.\p^

when the treea are running too high. Always make cleaoi, smooth cuts, leaving no stuba.

Since most orchards suffer from the lick of plant food it ia advisable to add 1 ^ to 2 pounds

nitrate of

¥y^ following tike ckttte. How>-ever, you can make the moat money by quick finishing, get­ting rid ofthe hog^ as soon-aa

of soda^^arbnnff i i c f i f i i x^^ decreases tree, growing legomes. and plowing them under. ^ ~

In a short talk on *'Seed Com," Mr. Campfield, <Uii o f , ^ dis­trict agents for Virginia, very strongly urged the cazefol selee-tion of seed com this year. The seed com proposition i more jienoiis this year, * *t«« i* baa. been for many years.; This is due to the_ezceaaiEfi.£Qld.-£beB^

Kaiser 15eat the Ufilted Statraj because we must have - ewn. Find out exactly, which rom are composed ef kcmcis which win grow and which will not. Tadi r;in germation tests,'Whk:ll mi^ he done hv__thp fjund-hn-r Mot-: i n ),r paper, or rag doll method.

At 12 m. the institufe adjourned for lunch, resnminc .it 1 p. m.

The following is a suinmary of t he address given liy Ms. damp-field in the afternoon session oa

The Feeding and Care of n g s : " The one great quesGon for

Virginia farmers <HI this subject is "What is the matter with the hog industry in this state?" In the western -states, hegs are mortgage Bfters. whflfr In Vir-ginia they are too often called

tarei^^-TWs s f a m ^ b e «q>{de-montad bv a in-ahi "rsrionr of Y ^ ^ ' " ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ g ^ ? f a * ^ per cent of the live weig^t-of the h.og. Pasturing, furtiiermore places the pigs und«r nimnal conditions, is sanitary, and de-

animal f w consuming food. Finishing-cm be done siowty

the period of risk, but alsa-g>--duces maintaumce coat. 4b per cent of the ration being med in this way. — - - - -—-' florri Bhoilld not^A-^ed »!*«"«

as iVdh 1^ no means a balanced or economkal ration. The prqper combination of "Jteeds must be prawAfrf; to iwAftt tlw needs of the

grown ups, _hk_chfldren—*ureB conipletefly bis chickens and hogs of cbdoar—4>athes a sore shoulder of a horse, ffives a dose mwartfly immediately the x&-mal is sound as ever. Ajltiiia i s wionderfnl but t h e dimax waa reached w h ^ ha dddtared bis

xcac IJE


First in Peace, FIRST And First in the

Heigrts of his Coun-trynwsi" ~ '


Tirst in Stren


igth, First to Supply Your Wants and rirst for the Interests of Its Patrons

If yon have wnwtluA -an Acceimt irith oa open « w todiy. Uae -tlii» Bank as y w a

— V

The\NationaI Bank of Manassas SI

"A Bank Wbeie AU Toiu- Ne i^bo i s ^ank."

ari B K i l l


" ^ f e c t your »a«B* and companiea aa y o u w o u M j w u r Banker,. L a w y e r or Doctor , s ince your t inanc iat eziat-^vmot m a y dq>encl o n d i k a n d the bert coata n o m o r e t t w p # > » » b o g e » t ' . t » . -ya^-^ "-a^^"'-c^^' -is."'.. » • 'ir^

loping ujflsuinptiun by^-Aqid.|feB Mineral It is igtaining eus^m-ers evCTyday, the atores^tell us and folks surely do read all and ?^^x-T^ 'vrnit!, ahfrnt i t W? r^^ glad to let you know of this t e ^ timony,' Youya truly, The S g ^ CSty Grit, pfr P. fi^EBdns, Edi­tor and ProjMietor. . ^

Acid Iron Minend is probab^ the most ^werfu! iron me<|k&e aa. the market^^:The iron closes: up a wound, heals and soothes ity

^nimal bodyVao^thb u n n t Iw^^ given in »nfBy{«»nt qiiMttity to

ever you plant seed corn that i s not good, you are helinssrUieIlH]tl,enuIlk vre best-for bnlttie-

preViait stuiiOng. Sliiihiiulli and

eral next lime you pada a c&ug store or send direct to the Fer-

fns a ntlou with curVi, actnal valne of lOO poonda be-

fme^batt tiie prkse the bushel of c o n , if fed Jnrtire-igDPortion 8:1. Tankage

_ i?odine Chemical Corporftion for the I * "TW " ^ ^^'^'^ \^^^-

a gnnri mphatjfaita* rtnp twrnwi of which should be osed to ten pniinHa nf «7r*iVi

Iowa baaHten h o ^ t o oar one, the market

Thit setf feeder for b o ^ is tss longer aniBzperimenL Pnrfes-sor. Ewafd preved by bis experi­ments that tiie bog knows more aboot balancing bis oun ratkin than anyone else, provided, of coBorierwdi feed* are plawB in the f aedtf aa will cnaBe bim to hdanoe the rafidpl & connec-tiMi with its use it is essential that an abundance of fresh, clean water be jtvailaUe at aO times. A IWoet feeder, 8 ^ % 1u»t hi«rh K»»««n 1^ jgglnf

drives out the sting and has T splendid effect upon the Uood just as i t does when taken in-!*?l*^i_ K doesn't barm _ the teeth or stomach i n d fMr a tonic, stomach, kidney or blood lema-dy it cannot be equalled acccHrd-ing. to thousands of Users.

G*t a battle of Add Inm Miu-

Sdd In WsntHsaw by W. Fred DowcB and its food dragilfltfr everywhere. • ' . AdT>


Home people a^u^ yoiur firea^Hod Hew York sharped It wiH pajr yon to till

sboaM supply 100 bogs. Minsril matter m ^ be siQ>-

pKed to good advantage in tiie following mBttttw: Flawew afl^jasHH u * t any mote and

xaa-prare-ititfdkhiB-sten. sulphur, 1 lb.; copperas, 3 Ibr.; salt, 3 lbs.; charcoal or wood

med^ or

"^tlfew^rd Car frice^ !B


Touring Cur Runab^of

• » • $450.00

-« •

f i t doesn't matto- how much matiey a man has in ib« bank he can't affoM to waste it exp«ci-mentins. i n i a i it ecnnes to the question of buying foods only high charactered e QMes riioofiT find their way to any man's ta-Uet. Take it the year aroond it

yet wu are ueaijsr and c«a grow an-equal vailetytrf crops. Moreovffl-, eastern fahn ers get the price of the hog*ashes, 10 lbs.; bone without deducting the freight, slacked lime, 10 lbs. ^ whereas western farmers must' No farmer should be willing to ^ y the frcight.=^=^-— ^—rainc hogs without kHewiwg what t , _^,

We have too many "just[the cost of the finished product!Tb«-Joanial—41—and worth U


FiK»« dl itkr Mikk iKyi^ fawks, ranii ie vm.' flare 6ie Mw 1918 Tins Car epppol m ekdric sislcr, hmmHk wkeet^ ^mir

•c i in r tires. BargiBi Ik fick sdt

hogs" in this state for our own good. If we are going to make

is, and the self feeder win be a The Joamal—11—and worth it great aid in determining this. The Journal—$1—and worth it




Entered at the Post Office at Manaaua, VirginU, as Secocxl CUaa Hail Matter

$1.00 A ItuM kknaa



y COUNCIL O^ DEFENSE At the meeting of the VTrginia

State Couiu^ of Defense.held at ^chmond on Friday, March 15, « resolution was adopted urging

* in boys between 10 and 21 to lleed President.Wilfloa's, call and

Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed on the 28th day of November, 1913, by Mary V. Morgan Mid J. A, Mn^an.-hc^ husband, of reaml in the clerk's tjflfce of Prince William Conntyr

thg^tpwn of sDOut 1 o clocK, jivni., »ffer Toi sale to the fairiiest bidder for -cash the (»e-fifth undivided in­terest of the said Nettie L. Gar­rison in and to the following reaj estate J.ying^ and being_8ttuate in said county of Prince WiOiamt Virginia : First. The undivided onfo fifth interest of the said Nettie

of land sHuate on tfaVlroia lead­ing from Manassas to Br nta-ville, in Manassas Magisterial District, a p^rt of said land also lying on the road from Bradley to Sinclar's Mill, and being the same pnwertjr^u^n which Mot Stevens ai pnasent lives.

Second.—The undivided

Virginia, in deed book 64, pages 8 to SMur . to_ William

which interest is now due from May 28, 19l7), as fully set out therein, the undersigned trustee therein named, having been re­quested so to do by said Clarke by reason of default having been fliftde in the payment of s«i4 note •nd interest, will sell at pubbc auctton, to tbe highest bidder on

MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1918. at twelve o'clock m.. In front of the courthouse, Tn the townof [the town of Mam Manassas, aforesaid county and state, all those two certain lots of land', lying between Center street and the SbiithfirS RaHway on the southeast comer of said Center street and F^urview ave­nue, in the aforesaid town, and described as follows <

First=-Containing about two acres, with dwelling, etc., there- and' "to- said


P^ —

enroll in the U. S. Boys' Work-1 ^ Reeerve, T h ^ are urg«it-ly needgd t& help provide'food to win the war.

Bfys now attending school ';wiU only be expected to work on ^Bins during their vacation. .

AJl high gcho<ds are particu-l" lariy asked to i^ipoiat an enroll-' nioit agent among the boys. He win faV^thft namiYi 'f ih'wr wiUuigr4o join, and foffr^^ ihim^io thi@-State pirectcM:. ; B ^ s j?.ho jwtrk QB ,S»«r PBJCT

% H ^ l R ^ r v e fwdreceive.tlM ^ftit» tfff service faithfojyiiy per-ifpped.. Ml should r^aUw thftt •fei9§ Htpment of toil on a farm la ^q^ricelu^MMrDl snsBdered io

Boga wto caii tod. aitftidito.;^^ ^ ^ ^ , ^w6if^r|teaiiH«t#^»ear^ 1^^ are asked to dp so. They should

Under' tain ^xBcotions itt my hands itt favor of the Commonwealth of»in8tJ^ttieL. gar­rison, and by virtue of I vy of

said exeieutiofas ott the riM


liect to wpric, and asking for offi­cial sanction to the anangem^t' ihey propose to nulce with the laimei. Thwy vylll reewvtflhB Badge after fulfitling the condi-tjons- of service; the minimum lieqtlii^sient is" 6 we6|B"of 8 hoqrs a day, or 8 weekfli.: of. <^ liours a day-^288 iKmrs' work in

^ • ' ~~ Boys iriiib can not find work

-foar themwglviat wiH agwil pitrHo.H-

lars to the State Director^ who will do his beat for them.

The conaeiDt- of parent or ^Murdiaa Is ne w a r y bejEwre en-

— nllmait. . ", , The women of Virginia Are

WBcetly asked to h ^ in tiiis wcHic of getting all boys and young men lietweai 16 and 21 to <M0U In the Regerve.- They are

Jj j^ ladced to Mod -in nam^ of :&nners-who aroih apoattiai to take one or more boys -from the <3t?~intS ttcH- homes, and tre

-^ i*p]^ to take pains to get them tisained and gxmdoally aeeoBtom-4d tc farm mxk. tnm the Digtgiet of Cd«nMa

on, running with Center street 176 feet and said railroad 188 f6«t, U\d UHM 322 f«et back to Center atreet on eitiwr side of said lot.:

Seewod—Cmti^nktg about ^ acres, and running with said Center street 178 feet, 190 feet with Furview Avenue, 172 feet with railroad, tad 176 feet from said railroad-back to Centor street.


J. p. KBRLIN, Aue'r. —

fifth interest of the said Nettie L. Garrison in and to a certain lot of land iynig and being situ-ate-oir"

VaTia; joining the lands of W. N. Lips­comb, C. A. Sinclair and others, containing about one and one-ludf acm. The said two^t^ic^ or parcels of land being the real estate of which the late Judge Wm. £ . Lipscomb died seUed and possessed. The interest of of tbe said Nettie L. Garrison in

sold 'Bubjact to the life estate therein of Mrs. Henrietta EL L^necomb, she having a life .aa!> tate tlv^rein by virtue of a coo-vey<(nce, dol^ recorded, from the-hejris at law of the late Judge Wm. E. Lipscomb.

CHAS- A. BARBEE, Sheriff Priiw^ WilHiLfn Cnunty.



, ^ . o 1, 1918 ei the €?6urthoaae, ia

If If If .

H We have Miliated in the United Stataa

^^.f^ssapiilhr&tibo^ «f#^^^aiiiiMw» wc pledge eanrirea tMjtoe «Hg costoiH-ers the benefit of fair and moderate prices, adUng at no nuire than a reaaoa-aUe profit abor* cost to os. Give oa a

caU and be emvinced.

of the United SUt«8 -Adwlniirtnitloa


y One cold usually" mea&a a suc­cession' of colds.' ¥ou m i ^ l have o ^ ahd you mi^t hav^ ten. You might stop at one if yoB t*kg in time OUR € 0 1 ^

^ ^ a safe of vital value, deetroyi&g germs; bat not harmii^ ti^ sys­tem in-gencsx^. -A £avorife~rem-edy whenever used onoe. Get a

---_. . ^ ^^ psfckage to ward off timt first l^yf^^^fr*^ "^*^~.*ypjy of ^JA, w lUTe^ose iisqdy- - w ^

Wi next bold a|q>eara..

11f tt's a OMDiPLANTBR tiMt that ywi waat, wa hara It f Writs «rBi«Mi«jH rvm mtikihsnm M uimm'tmm:M


to Eat [My lina ombracea Staple

and Fancy Groceries Queensware, Tin and .

Enamel ware



Rector & Co. 'MAHKLI , VA.

BNDERTAKERS Prosnpt and satisfactory scr> ince. .Hear«p fumiakMl for any reaikouaUe distaiica."

Rich's New Style Book af Shoe Fashions will be Mailed OB Raquart

Dliutntw Mvaralof Uiejnod«U whick will be worn tfaia fall *Dd wiatar bf iiBCxkunrntimg peopli—is««, waiS«i and children. WiUi it yoo can Imf with perfect aatlsfaetioa. .

B.Rich's Sons — 1 T*OieTSL,iSf:iOi

APanNISTRATORS* NOTlCEt ' Tlie undersigned having qi

ified as administrators of the es­tate of tb« late Sussex D. Davis, all persons owing said estate wOl

come forward and settle ving—claimr

afSiBiJbs. same mH^ease pie-sent them properly antkeiktl-, cated for payineat.


Please adfceaa aM commimira-tiona t o Mrs. £ SI Davit, SSI

^Tluoaidi tlM wintw my oOtoi wfll ha at my gPsMsnca o n f t ^

want tea

ace prepiired to go oat Jo^THr-Cfatiafttms. ——

. WAtfum fak HA i t importMlt acarvice at tbe present time iust taUdnx this ovar with tbta friends and getting aO the yeoBg

kaowli to them to join the -Reserve.

A button and airtdhnent eer-tttgate wjfl be aent at oaee to

jUB s^bwlge wffl be seat on cemptotiOB of

AB naimee shouud be sent di-nct to FedefU SUU Direetw,

Alexandria, Va.

- V

Tirginia't Hotu« ' e* Drievatee adopt! a pecaliar manner of demon-•tratinjr its i economy, wWdi in this

- parlouB ttwK-49- ajiioiifimma with ley-, - -ahrr -Called biKk by the Governor to:

anist in brinffint tlw state's expendi-' tvea within its income, the Boose ^ Mens its pngnait by voting to each el iU iiiemlieiB Uie »u» of Iteft—107 peiat of fiforea, the ynpoeed raid on: -the treaaiiry ia not loioas: in point of nrinflipl*" tn-^fl-'-H, ^ '• "'"MPWa fr,

-bsTpea^ i ^ ^ W the WUi.—KMJF;

tHis^ week on the town water works tower.

-^Buy War Savings and Thrift Stampa and knock tba "Germ" out of Germany.

—^Mrs. Irvin Back, of'Front his intention of enlisting just as soon tA the condition of his

Budc, of Manassas, died Moliday at MenMHial hospital, Win-chestw. •

—Mr. A. J. Ramey, for a num­ber of years a resident of this county, i a s naov«d to Spring-port, Ind., where he will engage in buaingw^

—Miss Mary Beverley Leach-man, daughter _ of Mr. C. C. Leachman, luuB returned from a visit to relativM in A l e ^ d r i a and Washington.

—Mr. 0. L. Carter^.who was uken to Washington last w e e k f j ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ for treatment for appendicitis, is so much improved that he re­turned to his home near town yootcrdayi ' • —

—L. T. Hutchison, who has t)een in Mr, R. M. Weir's em|rf<^ during the past, winter, has ac­cepted a position with the Texas Oil Co., and Alexandria.

—Aylette, the eldest-SOB t^ Mr. John S. Wilson, was operated

at the George Washington on Univeraity hospital, Wjuhing-ton, D. C, oni iMt Tuesday for appendicitis. ^

—The air l i f t to be used at the town well in connection with tfie pumping apparatus has been set in place.. It is air lift wilp-iolye the totRrt water problem:

—The L. T. L. wiH meet Sun-day afternoon at tJiree o'clock in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Lucas, af-Eaatert College, will taHc to Wie LetHatwisl. All

been hororajyvdi^ Miss Mary Payne, of Alexand-c h a r g e n ? ^ t h e U.'s. TTmifltff'*'*. Va., was - • - : - - • n i H ^ u t of servi<*. \ Mr. Cocker«ll, whq^Mrs. Albert ^>eiden. was located at Camp Lee, Peters-1 j j j „ j ^ ^ Rayland. formerly a burg, Va.; has recently recov-i^^^g^t. ^ Eastern college,' vis-ered from a severe attack of | pneumoniar^—JPreddie declsrfa

itsd friends in Manassas last week: ' — —-

—^There will be A Sunday School Institute and Deacons' Conference of the southern half of Potomac Presbytery at Cul-peper on March 21 and 22. On Friday morning Rev. Alford Kel-ley will deliver an address, at the roquost of the comroittoe, on "Larger Cords and Stronger Stakes," an assigned toi^c bear-ing upon enlarging Jttf-ih&5yB!i day School's influence

Mr. Read Hynson and Miss Ora Mason Kinchetoe were mar-igp^irfpn, Sunday

the bride's parents) Mr. and Mrs. James^M. K i c h i ^ , at UuK»er-ville. Va. Both the bri'*" fln'^|Mrs. W. N. Tiinscomb. <

Mr. J. E. Bradford and wife, of Richmond, Va.; were hr^hK

groom are well known th Ma­nassas. Mrs. Hjmson-ia a niece of Mrs. R. S. Hynson, and. Mr. Read_Hynsoh is a coiudn of Mr. R. &. Hynson.

^^^"order that the import-amx o t the thrift stamp move­ment Bo^ be Jbrought t e the at­tention of the people gwjer»lly, the Director for Virginia has ar­ranged- for a "Spring Thrift Drive, for the period of March 20 to 30, inclusive. The bojL and girl Kouts of Manassas are busy selling War Sayings and Thrift iStamps-ritt CMmection

are cordially-invited. —^:-i__-

—Mr. F. R. SanndeCT hiaa-«<k ded vt ance

»|ipe«fe ^ gaffiofflggrar^baoio^JlftME • of" 'his Htore prupeetidai^

Center street by the erection of a new front porch, nmning the entire width of the building.

Little River, Loiidoun couhty, a brother ofWestwodd Hotel son, was paralissed on Tuesday of this week. Mr. H}>tchisim> condition is said to b0 serioiiit.

—A force of raes has be«i busy this week putfing the low«ar end of Lee avenue in passable condition. The tong existing mud hole has been, a i ^ this thoroughfare is now in fine shape.

—An artiscfdly arranged af-ghan, knitted by-^irte betweenf• the ages of nme and fonrtea yerirs, under the cGrection <>f Mrs. J. L. HerPdl uad Mrs. G. Raymond RatclMe; ii^mx displAr in the Prince William .iiicinnacT

—An unauceMBrfttf: TrttBaBjit burglars FriS^ was made by

ni^ht of last wedf to enter ttie boarding house at' HnL "Muy-aret Lest_gn burglar effecting an ehtruiee' to <iM house. •

—The -Qccoqewi Braach of County Red CroeL WDA held '« meeting at AgnewviDe on Wed­nesday night. In orderto keep in touch with local bnOMteraad to ennourage members in thdr * . « „ T „ «ni h . helpful artiviti«, B « r . ^ ^ < « l | * * ^ l ^ ^ f | ^ 7 ? ^ Kellev, represenfiag tfce Ibm.^ . ». «_ ^

Chapter; the pewTiJodyr ^ ^ * ^ » ~ f . " • ^ l ^ „ , ^ ' don't, hear fteo^yoor

per. cent'tif h«r <iuotai<rf'^6tt Savings stamps.

- # • . • ,

. —AIL t h e m o i in Class A are invited to the c(«nMned Red

AflMpCUn fioH reception in then: honor, to

Mr. Herman Bryant, of Wash jngton^^d^u^h^week-end wit[ his psmms, asT.vla Bryant.

Cmit. J. N. Hombaker and wife were guests tai Mr. and Mrs. I n E. Cannon Tuesday evening.'^ " •

Miss Ethel Bryant, of Wash-ingU^ is spending a w « ^ jritE^ her parents, |Cr. and Vxt. B. L. Bryant.

* Hours. John H. Nelson ind^ James E. Nelson, of Washingtcm, visited their sister. BCrs. Albert

Jamison, wife of Capt Howard W. Jamison, is visiting her parents,- M . and

naissas on Tuesday as the guests of Mr. taa/i Mrs. G Raymond Ratcliffe.

Miss Fula Marie Polen had as her guest over the week-endt.the Misses Carrie E. Fetzer, of Washington, Mary Jacobs, .of Conimoigo, Md., Florence Gross, of EUutem college, and Mi'.Walt-. er Moore, of New Jersey.

Maialian Teong l 4 ^ hi Bedtid.

Miss Carrie. L. Sanders, dsugh-tet of S. B. Saacfera. of Mlrahail,

Viigirtin han nold lesii than tTin|w1ii> Un iwiiiu timr pnriUnin liri n studying in the pianof (»i« de-partaient of_the New England Conservatory cdF Music, BMton,

be h^d in Conner's Hall on the crve hef!i»e t h ^ depaitaza iKt 7:80 p. JM.- Instead of a ntimber

Witt be but <me for the men-of the present draft, as only a few will go at diflferent. times,^ A soldier from^ Fort Lee and a YT M. C.^IL mu sectetal'J/, WllB eump experience 'ffflT'be pteseul to make addresses. Anv tf^ the bien wh6~ csmiiot~^ftam~Sbme that night or who have not friends in town to entertMU them will' please aaid word to Rev. Alford Kdliqr, so ibat pxo-^ vision can be tnytA f^p fht^m Citizens whe'can entertain one or more of the n^oi wffl abo kindly inform^ Mr. KeBey.


OnKht to Be ProMLdtl :Hcr R w f i » ^ SoUtar Boys

Mr8-.< Rachael Fiirr'of Catb-_ srpin, nnrifT datf irf: MMshJlg,

writes the J o u n ^ as foDows: ifeairt- ypa> two my bbyw en

Following-ia •.gpamfete-Ua.t P^ ManaBfuw bpy^ "Over Hiere" at present: Capt C. H. H e r r ^ and Privates A. W. Leith^ tiee-AdMUOB. i'aol VWeiir €<il>4e» Browaand Walter Hombaker.

For the benenl ox tiK fainihes •bw»

fanHa: —It takes several weeks for a letto- to reach itaAmeiicaa tination aftw it fa miikd Fraaee. Doot beeon if yoo dont Iwar froaa ymtr boy promptly.

If aaythng happens to a eol-

sa-s Tiade the addreul

—The United States soiate

.n yesterday passed an amoid-ment to the agricultural ^ipro-

ment it aaay mean that the _ _ President wifl veto thfchitt.aathe, j ^ , ^ mlwlkja If amendment was passed over his „ j , ^ ^ oppeettton as wdl as ttst of f—

BO If yon

boy, you may know he is all right

This is impoftawtT—T^c gov.

made a public appearance • last ^lurday a f t ^ o o n , Mardi 16, i r « M " cJ' lhe >»^eEfy

1 -• -^ibaEUW>AY '*

Bessie Barriseale . . i n . .

"BAWBS (y BLUE RIDGE" A beaatiful pl^y^f all that is — foed-aad sweet and pureir^—

Matlnee^at 3:15.


Jeanne Eaglea . .la..


WEDNESDAY Dorothy Kplky

rrhrrr-"^HB MONEY MILL' '

A sweet; gentle loTiT story thai breaUies the spirit of on-

selfish swvlee.

THURSDAY E i h d BanyaMM-

. .h i—: ~**THE AWAKENING OT^

HEI.^,NA B I C H n r Dreaaied of ktve, bat daty

awakened h«-. Why?

-FRIDAY Robt. Warwick

' . . h i . . / n U E ARGYLE CASE"

i n w Ticatert ieteeflve ever screoied.

SATURDAY EUd Beiiiiett»


A nnuuAe with a thrilL See i t MsHnee.HTlBi— r

The beautifuliflay or"Human Hearts"'will be produced at Con­ner's Hi^ tcHiight with & splen­did company and aU its owa. spe­cial, scenery. Prices will be 25

Which hav^ bfefea given regianty fofnEhe^l»8tTar"c«it^ i^nexica's (ddiest and hogest on-r

irig'^TBe" more advanced dents oiqpiortunities for perform­ing jander actual concert eoooi-tions. Her {election was the An?

iJaaaicaL wraii whjbch m a ^ v o y favorable impression on a large; and represaitativc- -aa^-^ ence of music students and their friends. Miss SudiOB has a s her principal teacher Charl^ F. Den-aee, - weS knonrh. ocon^MM^ and concert laamst"^""""""'.- " .

Mother'Has ,Gbr»:,£n.Rey8.

listed, l«ilnitg me w i A seven lit-I was glad for them

to go, and I have two urthier sOto whn T ttm willifiy to have a h s t

se«m -as fhey.ttR . Fiorest, the oldest, is at

« i B S r 7 jatfa

and is.seBdiqf me moneir to help taka care of the, little boys. Harry, who is wriy seventeen. hmded "Over Thae^ OuryiBas Day. H e n d a i a c w d l a a d l i k e s where he ia

Patriotism of the kind Re­played hy Mrs. TOTT mast msi ultimate Victory for the United States sad the Allies.

ItfiW HEALTH Diiiiug "thhi particular seasoa

when, cold wwthw pEDdoces odds aad..t!iMr'ptTxhKV down systeats, a good tonic bnilder and reconstructor is


is that a aian shall be Jodged by his e f f l < ^ ^ , by

what he accomplishes, and not hy what he dalaM

he can do. Not always bat osoally his ability to

aceompUah Is fudged hy the care he ases fat con*

servhig h k faicome, U s accamafaitkHi. This hank

eMraiMtty wdcofeus accDonis of eamcal meil, mat

only had a start "

Hie Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our Slogan: "It ia a pleasure to serve yotu"

F e u d WUh Sev«id Phtte nt Liqaer Concealed hi S h b t

On Tuesday of this week. Ser­geant C. H. Wine,' while in the discharge of his usual police duties, noticed two colored men on the railroad tracks, between the . station and, the cemeteryl The action of the two darkies aroused Sergeant Wine's.siupic-i o n a j l a ^ J ^ e w a l k ^ . m . i h ^ i S -

questions asked him by the offi* and 40 cents, which^^giU^u^udeJfial a M i>0 ' * ^ placed imdor av* the warfiKKrife reserved seats.

. Uibon beihs jnazehsOr is m a discoveied that tlie prisMMg traa

rection, overtaking one of them ashiMt distance below the ceme­tery. The negro did not give satjgfactory ^mswerfr to thefnent (m, by Mayor Wegener, to

literally a walking bar-room. ^ jiad on a nihm uniqae shirt, or blouse, fitted out witii pockets in ' front, around th^ sides and in the back.- There were ten such pockets in all in this shirt, and each pocket contained a piht bulUe uf V&l&key. ~

When arrested the man gave his name _ as Charlie Jackaim. Later, 'brfore tiie mayor, he stated—that- his namw was

his address as Lynehborg, Va. Jackson or Jones was'

await the aoti<m of the ^rand jury i n the Uqiior charge. Be

rest as a sospieiotis « h a m c ^ . - j ^ a s senfeiuyd to pay a fine of fSO <m a furthar charge of carry-ins: cpiieealed weaixma.

Try it—yott will want more

W a bave a nice atodc QF the fttfiowMig fnArhiiy>ry diat vre are in a position to'offa- you «t a good price:

rl Com King ioosier Compfag

Drilbgmd Mogul and lltan Enginei {iMg. % 1 E. C

J. L Case Pbw^temational Pivol Wbeel Cultivators, Deering Ralm»

Mowers and Bindors

HAYDGCK^BUGGIES e r ^ t d o e s n o m e t h e t e S ' s T O ^ ^ HYPOPHO«*HTTES^ »f t h , ^ . y i^ 1 ^ ^ p .hM,W COMPOUND, sn old-tame com-at home> - If yon give out to '>i°***<» favorert h g r h j a i r i a n s j priation bill fixing the ^ ice of ^

wheat ^ 12.50 per bushel, g l ^ ; ^ . home n e w ^ p e f your bi>y'^^"P">^«^ ^">^^°^ " *^ * * ~ ^ . the houDo a g r e g 0 6 the aaend ^ti^^^-,^if^^=^n„^^h'^nhTr ^^joedthiat to ttms^ tetter^ or a part of it, it may re- j . , ^ .^

suit te the caftaiBnent of h i , > a s l s d fltsh


Three CenU SulMeqi iubsequen.

After disposing of my hamesa business I fipd I have left a few horse collars—20, 21, 23 and 24.

baFgaia».—Augtia. 44-2


For Rent or Sale—Six-roofti >m

erage; oa ed^e of towiw W, S. Athey, 44-2

(CoBJbinued fifom Page Ctee.) [ Mr. R. E. Leg; of Gainesville, j . The Clillon Bed Cross bnujch M

Marvin Sice^ who largest Dumber of m«nba« during the Christmas member­ship drive.

AanoHneamant »f ihm plwi o f

Prize winning Johnson county white seed com; good germina­tion ; $4.50 single, or | 4 pw bu-Jlhel for two bushels or more. W. h. Ileuaer, Hay^uu^^€t, Vt.' 44-S^


Boone County Seed ' C o r n -Extra fins; harverted swrly. Ap­ply to Rolfe Rf^rtson, Haymar-ket.Va. . • -^44--4

For Sale.—One pair of mules. C F. M. Lewis, M*—••" ••. Va.

For Sale.—Hay and fodder; hay is clover mixed. W. D. Sharrett, Bristow, Va. 4a-tf

Wanted.—Good pasture for 20 cattle and range for 40 sheep. Geo. H. Smith, Manassas, Va.4S

For—Sate.^==;^n6 Pure-bred German Coach Staltion; good style, dean and in good condi- rollment of 755 and the Receipt tirai; ready for the seasofl. One lliorouij^ibred Stallion-'^-the best in the state—ready for the sea­son. Two good Brood Mares; two good work horses. Will sell on the farm reasonable. Over­stocked. Wheatland Stock Farm H. W. Herring, Noke^ville, Va.


r — F o r Sftl6.—U«y and oats. J. P. I&aith, Waterfall, Va. 42-3

Boone county seed com (w Prinoe William White, prize

w&EEtiig' stramT good gentniiia-tioa; ortier eari^.—J. H. Dodga, ManMBgs, Va. ' 42-4

For R«it.~-On 8hares,^260-acre farm in the Haymarket neighborhood, consisting of g^*d, sirqiig knd . ' This farai can be rented for ra term of years, but only to a gwod, ptafe

^ kff

tical fanner, willing to wOrk, and having^ on^ or two aonB old enough and experimced enoufl^, ^ ^ to woAiWrnfeceMagLfarm labor . I <add±^iz:

tilfrity raqnirfid. Owner -will dir win not forhish. Lock Box 155, c»re of ntl, Mananoiit Va- ^

Answer Jbur-


• White and Barred Plymouth BorkH, S. C. White-and' Brown Lee^Hnns, eggs |9.00 per 100 or $1.50 per 15. Blue ribbon wm-ners. HMvey A. Young, Ma^ nassaa, Va. ' 40-8m

Purebred Boone County Seed

the famous prize-winning com that made ajdean sweep of the prizes at Prince William C<Mm Bbow m 1918. Also a fine sUow-JBg at the Virgima^-Cem (kow-&n' Association, at Chariotfces-

test mns hU^^ | 6 per bo&eL Jno-M. O n e . 4O-10t

Eggs f<»- Setting, $1>50 f o r i s . $9 par 100, fnym fancy White Boek cMekens», J. J. Comiwr, Muasaas, Va. 39-tf

^ • •

4.000 Peach trees and 2,000 Apide trees grown in oar own nursery iH_ Fairfax - county,

-GatfUkteed £FSS of any Plant hi Bptin, t n w ^rSBi ad» vaoce in pnee Uti^iA C P> Jones. Swetaam P. O . Fairfax Si>ttoii,^v»;-

Wahted—50.000 white oa cross-ties. Bee as and gi^pricsi M. Lym* A Co. 2S-tf1

BcctawhW F s b m r y 1 tfl ftnthsr a s t k s 1 wM cH» ifc Tw«aty-ftT« Csirt Thrift S taav witk t^wT U «Mfc pnchaM.

StoHa, NokaniBe, Va. S6

For Sale.—Small lot o^ canned

hi glass jaf«^ wffl seQ at a krw

Lmxh, or S. Hynsoo. 4S-1


Firs Intorance—If afraid of Mutual

yuu- are Assessments,

try our old line companies. If you dont Uke the incrasing old tins mtf*. ti-y uuF Mutual, Tafc^ yooreboiee. We represent both k t o ^ Aasa&~Oafpantio«. 6S

tfaeMtnisteriaTAs^iation to ob­tain speakers from Camp Lee

iir^' 9t""ti^^^r^Tmace William men for Camp Lee, was doade by Rev. Alford Kelley. The ch^ter voted to cooperate with the Ministerial Association and appointed the following commit-tee to confer yit** **"* p/ mmit.tAp

secured the Mr. and Mra. R, H.Lfifi,At 'The auditorium, Friday ^ evenmg, Hermitage." j March 22d, 8 p. m. Oae of the

MJM Mary Reid aflfitit f riday ^iea^urea of the program will he night of last wjoek with Miss the procession of the Allies in Helen Cook, of GaiHeBrille. =2"feootuHie and the natlonar in*

News was received last Satur­day of the safe arrival of Priv-ateJE^tes^^CartCT/son oM**"' Mra^ itti w?'*8Sffli^^*'Gai iMty*' Df Gainesville, "somewhere ^ in France."

Mr. H. W. Wood was in Ma­nassas last Friday on business.

Private M. M. Ellis of the Xhcdnancs dei^rtment, Washing-

to discuss plans for an evenixur I»x>gram: Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge, ghaiman; Mr^ B. S, Hypflon. Mrs. A. E. Spies, Miss Julia Lewis, IJeutr ^iecnrge C. Betrad Mr. W. C. Wagener and Ifr. RaymoQdJSatdiiffe.

Mra. R. S. Hynson was vp-

u a / r pointy chairman of a commit* tee to assume charge of the ship­ment of old clothing collected from March 18 to March 25, for the peoife of Belgium and north-em Fnmce behind the German lines. __ ,

The aecretaiy reported an ffa-.

of $14.27 -raised some time ago 1^ an entertainment at Buckhidl school and fbrwarded to the Red Cross by Mrs. Arthur Raymond.

The benediction was pro­nounced by Rev. H. Q. Burr.

Stateme^ «t the FinsneUl CvrnktOaa nl lUnfc iif fFfTnama,

Mrs. T. M. Coals, of Gaines­ville, and Miss Mary Reid spent Friday of last week in Manassas.

Mrs. Laufimce M. Downs, aged 36 years, died after a short-spell of illness at her home near here on Saturday last. Her remaiiu were laid to rest in the OiJcdale church yard on Monday. The services were, conducted by her pastor, the Rev. Bamett Grims­by. Mrs. Downs leaves a hus­band and eleven children to mourn her losK ;

We are sorry to note that Mrs. J. W. Holliday is quite sick, but we hope by the time this goes to print she will be greatly im­proved.

Mr. Chas, Powers spent aev-

loeatcd at Oecoqaaa, la the conntr of Priaee Williui. Stete of Viz r U a , st tike daae pt hiwhirM Mjw^ A. l«m •adg »> Vhti Htstfflnnd Wm Ellis, D^^^4>>ckeHU»

litens and dt»coimfe»j,. OveidiiifU —


Secor^ Unsecured


. 52.40

Bobds, sectmties, ete., oWn-. _ed,,.ineladiiqt_ig?jiniqm "mi ^ ' same , . . . . . , . . . _ - ^ ,»,-Other real estate dwned... Fnmitare and fixtnrea..... Exehangta. aa^ leht^a fioc.


55««|Mi88"yn^inia fcee ahd Mr. John HaU have beenjQute sick and we

^ 1 ^ 1 hope i>y the tune^rthia goes to i,42o!98 press they wHl have entirely re-

Doe from NatiiHud Banks.. P»pA Cftmbet .....:..}. Fra^tiqaal v'Ver earnttsy,

fiidmls and cents.

^1.00 13,381.68

. 290.66

UabBittM ^7,64?J9

Cagital stock paid in. . . . . .^ Soiplos bind. . . 7 7 . . . . . . . . . : tfndivided profits, less-

amoOnt paid for interest, expenaes and t a x e s . . . . . . 128.16

DJvidtnUto ^^rpaid . . . . 161.M Indiridnal deposjta, inetaid- ' ' .

mtt savings depdntsr... 43,883.69 Time-certificates of dqwsit Ii4lSi>0 Cashier's checks outstand­

ing . . . ; . . . . . . . . . ' OOJtt Eeaerved tac aoeroed mter-

'ert on deposits . . . . . . . . . G0.81 Beseryfd forJMSKIIWI iiitatr--^ __ ~-'tst~(iu cwLUIeates of 4B=" '

posit . . . : . : . . . . . . . . . 7 . 5.00 Beawved for accmed taxes. 31.60

Total $67A«7.6» I, James M. Barbee, do sotnnnly

atrear that the above is a true stato-nent of the teandal «»ditioii of

tion rBmk~af OcewquaM, Incorponted, lo­cated at Oecoqnan, in the edonfy of Prfoce tTiHiam. Itete ef Vvxiala, at th« close of boaiDess on the 4 ^ day of March. 1918, to O^ twat of my knowledge and belief.

Cowcetr-Attest: 7 ~ r A g i » • . BAltBEK, UaaMerT^

'wrK-jEdssoffr D. s. CHAS. mRHKK,.

Dinetcn. St^te of Virgfatia,

Comty of Pimee William. S inm to and w»hs«afe«l^«!«* •*•

by i m r t If-^^AM. this aoth day ec ,UI8.


Waoted^liarried farm wnrk—^

man for waf.tim»

Iffke to good man. Wm. D. Sharret, Bristow, Va. 8 0 4 1

APMfNWTRATOra NoncKi Havinff qoaUfiad as adminia-

tsator of-tlM late Thomas H . Pferay, all persons havfift debts ««aist ths estate will ptcsent

Sewfaigaspegal%^Ji;tfc&&jthasMnei>ropsriy antlmitirifid; 4o the mMfersigned. Jod all ow-ing Mid futatft wffl ^ O M J for-ward and

41-4 GahMsrOle.. Va.

" • NOTICE. Fhrmers desiring to have

ft doa« wtthoat cost by bring-1 *«• «ate. iag it to the A^-fcalteial H l | ^


irMfc HlV*.

ion en \e<d

ton, D. C.,,spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JanMW miia. '. " """ '

Mr. G. H. Washington spent ^Suad^ at^ '^he Hermitage;

days this week with Mr- J.' W. HolHdajr.

Messrs. John Marshall, Oscar

and, G. H. Waahingfawi spent[lu^ye about ftrished ttidr mcdi-cal survey of seho^ and vicinity.

Rhinefelder eveninjg at . "Clover kohd^y

Hnr- — — — ~ - — We are ssrry'to leans Ihat

katl^rihe rBuhrett.1 0^ Fairfax, i^ere in the village in their auto Haeadky: • '"" '" 7 ' ' '^"-

Kev. J. R. Cooke was a Mana^ sas yisitor fln Wednesday Uit . '

"*Sf t#W5l .

will attend the t ^ h e r s oonielr-• y * " TJg nMIWS jfajpe «iavH^

Ilam County, U^wit; Seomd Rale« March, 1918. <

.Eh ![Jtokcs, " v s . - - •• -—

Nancy "Virginia Stokes, Lavinia Berry, Spencer Stokes, Thom­as Stokt». Virginia MarshaU, William Stokes, Hester TlMHn-as, Robert I%oma8 and R. B. Go88(«n, iadministrator of Spencer Stokes, decease^ The object of this "suit i s to

settie tbe^ aeeoonts. of-^w nid^ adininistrator; to subject the' es­tate of SpoiceT Stokes, deceased, to the paymoit of iQl liabilities against ft; to asngn dower thtirein to the widow of ^>encer Stokes; to partitioii the real es­tate of,^>encer Stokes among 4ho8e oititled thereto, by sale^ir partitiai in kind, subject to the payment of liabihties; to snbj«sct the dower interest of said widow tirthe payment of a debt doe b r -said widow, as guardian to Kob-ett.and Hsgter Thomas; to i^ot counari fees, and for general re--Bef.

It appearing by affidavit .^Jed in t h h f '* **"* ^^" A«tmA»n*m^ Nancy Virginia Stokes. Lavinia Berry, Virginia Tffarrital, and

of the statt <rf V g d a k k f t isjw; ^ | d e i « i timt-they appear irithin

fifteen day» after dne poMiea-tion of this ord«','te>d dg^*^*"*

terests;.and that ttua order be published onoe'a week fcv fonr successive weeks in Tlie Manas-sas Journal, and be posted on ths treat doM- of Uie eoort house ef n i d coonty on or before tbe

inecesding mis day. GEO. Q. TYLgRtJaerfc. -

ee|«y^-Teate: e:TflJSR, Chth.

Bob«rt A. HntcUsoa. pi q "

ll iere will be a publk sate of HWioaai prtneity ai W. G. Bal-ley's farm, near NokesviDe, on Wednesd^, April 8, begfamfaig at 10 o'dodL Horses, erttte and

Honssfori i^weB-

G. R a y o a d Batdiffa. M a m ^ a ^

themX^ Vlolih "and vocal sel^c^ tions by the Misses Kelks, Ayre,

'Sijl^^S^ others.^ a Tarasf to an,

i*ho love music."'Admission, 15 and 10 cents.

Mr. H. B. Derr, county demon­strator, will make an address in the s^ool auditorium Wednes-dayridarch 2'/tfa, 8 m.

lection and subject will be the testing of seed eg;

Mra. Gibson Tmnper has been quite ill but is a little better at this writing;

Mr. and Mrs. S. Ji. Ayi« have

JOnion Sets, Garden Seeds of aU Khida, j w t m, ^ ^ c i s lower now than thq^ will be laiufc 3 1

IJCow Peas, too, arc a bargain at tedi^'s price

H We have floar (not war flenr) and i nice ment of anbstitates. Try ear pare JMMM Baekwhsat and Hoadny—they're


f Locally prodaesd Honey, 2ee per fafl

1!Try a box of onr Weekend Specials ia Choeo-bU«8at43c Everybody Ukes thcBi. **

been on the sick list. Both are are slightly better.

Bfr. FuUner has also been quite sick, but is able to be out again.

Miss Christine Ferguson has so far recovored fpom her recent operation as to be aMe to come home.

Little Miss Virginia Buckley Is home from the bospitiU.

Mrs. ;~SoBier i s smiting daughter, Mrs. O. C. Douthard.

Mr. W. EL Merchant was home <Ma sick leave a~ few. days last week.

Miss L. D. Svans had the mis-foirtimte to lose her footing on the school house steps and in-juredjieyself so badlv ftVift h*i been unable to get to tlw school house to take, chargte of h ^ pupifi for sevoral days. ^ I^. Coi

Mrs. Rhinefelder spent "the day in Washingt<ni Monday of thi8~week.-

Mr. E. Gs Btirretfr and Miss

Ihere will bono achool Thurs-|i day and Friday,^XbdJeachexa

Miss Evans w«at to Hftmassas ToMd^ evoting to visit rela tivgg until t»»r injnripT a f t TTytl

«aou|d> tor ho* to resume her duties in the school ~

Mrs. C3ias^ Adioss wait to Mftnaamm Tuesday evenings

Mr. W m . f i . Rfehards, Jr., is at "Red GaUes" with his par­ents for the spring mmiths:

Mrs. Grimes and Bowoolya ^v^ttea Mrs. tmnitlw jQf C a i n ^ viOe, reeehily7 Urs.'Grifflih is

f a m to a ME S o i S r i a . " Mr. Hersbn. idboiot one mfle

nixsd Tharsday ct tost week at the hwne <tf Elder J. T. Fkgy, wbtn Miss l i a t e Armentroni' became the bride of Mr. Bateigh Long of NokesviBe. Only a few JdhUres of the eontraetins par-Uea wwtife tmMUU Ml-, aad Mrs. Long wfll make their t t f tan

in Fairfax oooity. StntiM iBd fuaOr

Satoiday for Ohio. Mrs. S. S. Shaffor returned

Marylaad o » Monday i week's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mra. H. A. Shoemako-.



ifewifejff'fiResointwrit i[ If yon haven't let me suggest one. Yon know, Mrs. Housekeeper, wim!Lii^ng^ Umm we aB had darfaig the past ycwr. Necessities of life have been scarce, and prices high. In fact, govemmeniE snpervision has become imperative, and as the eH a A « e goes the mochaat is *1ietweai the devil and the d e ^ bfaM sea." Notwithstandhig aU thfa, I have beim aMe to famish way. patrons the m u i -minn qnaWty at thft aiinlaniBi frifr Thim iias only tee %l^flDtt I cSilHIrthll^ W M I J ! STICK TO ONE LINE—MEATS.

f To make my Bne a svecass, I have pat e v o r oance of energy into it and this, plas sanitaiy

'methodic plas q c k l r ^ i t T W t e r a a h e n s i t ^iesa psrmita B s (e n e e the new ynu* trnstinir inji

l i fa


H We. know Uiat inrices are h i « ^ ^A (HM PRICES are as low as we can audu thcnt white BMhitahdng t h e s t a n d a ^ of qaattty whidf ye« have the right to V We are a t e t to the iiecesBUy of watding tKs niaiket, that yoor needs i iay be nMt with

f Every artfcte in onr large and varied oir geods'ls backed bjr ear gaaraatee of f We are reecivhw 9>1UN6 GOODS G i y E U S A L O O K .

Mr& Grimes' sister and is very iD. • /'^'

Mr. Csri Bucktey is very ill at the home oi Ms m c l t e y r Mire. Sam Bi^cktey. -rSafdOfaiters was home part of the week with Goman measles. _ r^ptOT Kelk. who is visiting at MtB. ChM. FagvoM'a abd looking around to h u y a h o m e j » « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - - - , hps gone to Warreniiin t o ^ T e e k | X a S X X X X X X X X X X I X X X X X X > around and visit friends.

MrsJra f^r'«^^ h«« aoM httr

';•-••••• t t f


Western Meate


t Bee^4^»d^A^eal^Ad


1 land LivSlock

Agmsntiwit' w s s -gnest of his parents recently.

Kaa Annfe Woodyard has ae-ypoaiihin lu JilgiiiBre:



THWeYET (Continued fronTPAge One)

Thornton. Many, more reported later and it was estimated that over 2,000^ differenT'perabni were in attendiuice^rom first to

band disGwraed fine entertain­ing m i u i o a H n a stand, in front of the chuixn. The interest of the large audience which crowded the church to repletion

=r9== the

Qie cAkinet malGer, UM BUJUI-

j that t)»e U U U T U I is carrMd twtm «mr ' forest* ahaost to the Canada Una, worfcerf op Iqr ataam or wat«r power, aad NbtHuT nui srtd hcnnrinvwvr'

Hand labor ia of but IKtie accoimt; , brain work ha« the aacentttocy every-Iffiiii ria""ii~r"*i^1WTniTi'Willi that of "«»'""r boota aad ahoea, not ka* than sevrateen patented inven­tions are now naed. Ciimpinc, statch-injr. , aewiac peggiuCi eyalettMH, riveting, are done in leas time than it woaM reqnire to deacttbe the procaaa

WaaKiagtoa D.C


Kamt ^o 8TH ST. AND P£N]U

continued tinabated and con stantly increased to the end.

• • • S • f i •

objeetioa baa bean made to The'ni^ht meetings were ad-' ~"™»i ^^^oj*- that knowiedce i.

« ^ t the teacher sMda, aad that ear


droflood by distinguish ad •pasV ers from all sections. Hea. John blaton. United States commis^ Hioner of education, spoke on the topic "Shan We Educate?^ He v.a£ introduced by Supt. Came uf Alexandria, t^ f . Joe^h M. WilsoHi of Washington, intro-(iuced by Supt Little, of Fau-q uier, spoke on w h a t " ira* then a new U^c, "Industrial Teaching," and gave an ex­hibit of pieces of mechanlBm wrought by v&cy «nali childroi.'

The most important, however, i ' if the course was the address of j Dr. Bamas Sears, general agent | of the Peabody, fund,*wbo wast endorsed in an introductory. peech by General W. H. F, Lee f Fairfax. Dr. Sears was the

man who encouraged us to open . .ir first public school ih Manas-1

literary tnstitntiooa furmaa » l>eg: TUs is ooty half or urtiat tiia taaebar

You will find twenty who have thia qne&fleattaa, whs>a,Toa fiai one wha knows how to teach aad cavern. Thia aaaa-taen i i made net front a theoret­ical point of 'rie»« but faifi s experience and obaoryation.'! was for some rears eonaeetad witb the pobHe mtbositrM ¥ssaai:hiiae*ta. ^Jehopl boards who had form(a4y tmfloftA ooQece gradoatas, bat m o n recently gradnatea of the' State Normal acbMb, eoold not b« iadoceid to ap­point MM taaeehcr a yoong man Joat from coBege witho«t a aanisal train­ing. l U s i s t h e iBore Twnarfcable aa the ni«nbers of the boards mira thaas-aelveas generally 6 ^ e g « gradnataa. i t was fooad if ttUL that a kaoirt-edge of what is commonly t a n g ^ ip learned aeboab ia not all that a teacher needa. He must know- enter into flte hidden y o n ^ o l mind, and fiwm that point wortc' ontward and npward? The

as in 1869, by a t fan^ C O n t r k ' ^ * ^ f j * * * * ? * fa theaea, aad

r,ut>onof ^ ^ and Who f ^ w e d j S : J ^ ^ ^ t S K ^ ' S ^ t •A up by $300 more for 1870. It not .deaecad aad ascartaia first exactly A as in view of this fact tiiat we wh«a» the chad's miad ias yoa will aot P.amed t h e aJ^r*^ nn-m^hify^ g „ J . • T ^ y l m m up TaiBjpf y y i f^, n i P

ner school No. 1 w«s l e e t e d aa' ^f^,f,^^, * y ^ " - - ^ t t ^ *• Peabody-itr^." * a*»e tt'gtjtf ' " ^ " "* ^^^^ I ' He who caa bc4;i& with a chfld aad

bears. The topk of Dn SeaiB, akWlfiy cany Mm tlowBcli the f n t which held the aodienee ^eU-'fiftaaa years ef Us Bte data tha bound for morfe,Jtitaal«LjM»r.lsf**' was "Popular Edaeatkci Normal Schools."

and lum.






The Gazette:

hakiadaada^ , grse of it iwrJiAta ta tke f«b«e

I Sinpe the- «>faeatioo of the eatlM fOMas at the rsnjk has been iiadar

The following is « l abstract tahea hr all dvffiaad waHwM. a vasOy of his address as fiuaiifead hr wiier matt is sxvaa ta Oa aahiset

itsnr _ at mimnOm U U 1m

"The difference iJTwMM a ine<incated—and- A Ugidy man or pe<^le nr. ant and an elephanL L a A at a thr jhrtiw ftrr lifie ^ara. t o - ^ nooT of Siberia, and t h » i m w - r o n r , , | ^ '.^^•.yt.pi 1 , _ nouprhts to a Hnmbtddt. aad yen BMSC imioaataaa made OB nntriad • uuld think th i t yon had craaaad the nmurhHi ah « » ^UUA—fr'i^mraJ ortment in the ariimal kini^om. I asethoda, vr any dead medtaliiam, bitf • - e *ith Huxley when he saya timt aooad, n t i ena l . wri t tes ted prjadplaa

ich man as Aricwrigfat w Watt ^f refnrm are to eontrot tite whole •1 .. pecuniaiV pwat yf TJewr "***^ i w i m a i — S a d T d r ^ t l A r v a m

"0 to Enijland.aloDe. T h « « i» fae>da? Or •»>»«li the g w a t r a: :y vastly more of antleielupwl pf the foremoat men « t the a ^ ite p *

u e; in the capacities of man. into practical form aad applied in aK r the unseen mineral wealth irf t h . .>lwwj. «f tlwi l « ^ f 1%^

t « rid. If both individnal man aad i,e made koMm hy » « • « . af normal . tu>: 5 are worth to Uw wnrid cmr nfhimli tfi th*" grrat btiilji iif Inaihisa

r. ired times more when highly vol- Un&rtniHit^ Nonaa l nrhnals. —Mr*i ..^ted, as England aad Praaaia are augbt to e e ^ fixat,

'.V. Chan when solkni in the ignsr-->t of barbarism, edoeatioa ia a i f l O j ^ a j . enidd have ^ e a t the necessitr-to .ntaa as. it is lua first tinaa years a< IHT p A i i i

peculiar perogative °'^~*i"-pi *'•—, , j | ) , | . In-ti^gininr a csrM af ,-hould be' universal u r e and necessities of man are naak

ersal It is the immenae iJisjaMrtty fc^ i^..^ <i.;ri^ , , ^ « , , , ^ ^ , , ^ ^ ^|,^y -tweon these two, the want aad ^ BOW are. bafcrtanataly the ;:"•> in the matter of eda^t ioa «f yAM. ^ i L ^ j . y ^ i a i a ia

Ahic: :s the cause (^ aome of w v a a a e aa eteawlMic It .^tate>t troubles at tUs ^1^7 .dcy.^.t« Jadaee »•;'- all the learning of indTTidnal Xi

there is among ns i^id a i l t a d - a frightful mass of IgBerat- aad

•..--.osi nselpM—ritiisasi—wiaeh—tha • «»i»»i»l l » ^i In

<rf Oe ijcated class_saaafll

-I luire into the caaac ef aneh af mc'stic unhappinesa, yea wiQ fiad l i ve ty .s the want of cottara a

»r!t Thcson goes oat at ^__ !< asure because be finda-as little at an,c The flanghtar

lastitate, fhett

PnL WK. R.

SS-i At $5.95 Eack i v«c7 lisatiwi fitagiMLfiir il»w4 nwy r|Mi fai Iha:

are the fairM«i''Wdi«r Tray," phhi bud aenB, M i rOTnalttil wHk fhin MASgmni eft«m.-~HMB» M » nuJe fewtISt warp gnrfv^utttRgOugf ti T«t7 iM ia vnttty. HMM art pharty sf gnimm, Uaa, aai kvwmT AM rtrj aMOfdin

HitU $tH, i*MU.MS9ie. 27s54 in.. »t CSe

^latioiially AdvertisecL Gimgi^eum^ GoM Medal, Art Rugs

al—s«^Ddblte thjg gptdal price

^ T h y r a —iW fww tke-MvpaveeM fab wUeh ^ Mt OKl, aai BMia M taddac dmra: I V •iteaetiwv !• pwfly riilni1pj|i iiiiilaWa ttr

H « fL i I a » ' ^ a * « M m mm M-jij

Allffiie prieaa a n tm rm^tn ttf tUs i Mrfsr, aai w* nqwat that J M Miw or » i m r M jifiB aif iiptlwMasBt i»wi mk 2 :^.-


fnuRCH 8»"™««gifc,..--

LUTHKRAN Bethel Latheran Charch. Bar. Ed­

gar Z. Pence, paatsr. Lenten semum Wedneaday at 7:34 ^

iB'rlnrlr— mi i n —:—:^ — - _ — ^ Cateehetieal I n s t r u c t ^ Thursday

^ • • r t n'r 1 II nil — — ' " n 0 ;ov o cjocK.

Sunday—Sunday School at 10 > (>d«k. • _ . • - - " ~ . : 5 ^ ; j

Scrrieea at the NokeaviUe Lntl^ craa Chnrch Sunday at 11 o'clock.


Ifsnassas Preabytariaa C^Tcli. ]

Preaching at 7:S0 p. ^ . Snbjaet, i'''emBeth in the Name tf the Lord.* '

Wedaaaday, at 7:40 p. m. Prayer iwiinHiig aad preparatory aarriea.

-Sobjeet, "Odldraa of God." Soaday, March SI, at 11 a'dock.

Saoamaat of the L w d ^ Supper. M o a d ^ , A«9]^ 1, *k ta»~^iiiimk^

Annual Congregatioa 'Macfttag. Clifton I^eabytariaa Chnrch, S e r .

Alfbrd Kdiey, p u t e r . Sanday Scfaaol at 10 a. ak Snbjaet

as atated ahoTa. Ptwsfhinc a t i l a . m. flahiwt.aa

stitat^abM*. C K. Meetfaig at 7:S0 p. m. Boh-


jl^^sawagl^bs^ Ei^mg ^nrtt 10^

lU Yi^, ^yoprTSnjpiain $ 1.39 S " D r e s s GiiM^^

10 Pnmids:.Sugar " % e83

aminatiop of abroad by day, aad' by ai|;|it, | COmillg t o n

^or tka

same reason. - K»s tj-> the saloon and r -psort because hia wifeVi ateck a*i r:ti>rtaininfc ooa

-•-ime in the (-^incs, because the -p pleasure elacwhera.

N r^. if this be the hastsry oT .- '.IPS in every eeouaaaity,, how . - of inteDaebsal a l e n t i M . . aC .-*<-'Tied moral aeatimaat aad poUfe -" «ril1 be fauad aaseag them?

>« -.a: are their aecW injujawals— -»- '-.nal and impraiiteg, or iew aad :€rradmg? eteratiag aad ••-•Aurse. 6

. 1 ' and

Pkof . R. t

rrusade aeainst tf"^tit K1''"1><

"nis nfciMiMM • I I l< ill • 1^ S*vt-ine aowBs •MCtmc fln r n -

day nicht was one of the moat reasarkabte ever hdd m ManM-aas. Supt Newel bade &iew«l to his pwpila at a ptfpetfui ad­dress irlOdi^kali then for two hoars, and was f reqpcntiy inter-r^ttjsd by- applaoae. The writer of -thM artide has frequantfy tUHl <>ceM!gB"to O M l T t t g ing of an aa<hence. hot he i>ever socceeded before^or since as he

Arbuckles'Coifee— --.19Sf Bob Whft» BiikiiigTowaar^<»?i Xiirfaigon, Star or Ni^diai

AUecd KaUay, pastor. Snaday-^Sondsy aeho^ at 9:4$ a.

m. Sobjaet, "Jaaoa lOatrtpnag t » the Moltitade."

Chrlstiaa Badeavor maatinf a t T p. m. Sobjaet,

BAPTIST Baptist Chnrch. Bf«. T.

D. D. Oaric. paatar. Soaday—Soaday School, 9.46 a. m.;

morning aarriea. 11 oVlofk; B . Y^ J . U., 6:46; eveaiag aerriee at T JO,

ir«aaea«it—PMJUr n i e e t i a g . ~ p ~ IM p, ML ' SeS^aad evwy

Baptist rikqiieatad to ha •a^^

Bar. .uaut

4agm,*f.m. fisteher HeBMriU,

11 a. m. aad TiM p. at. Odt IMk, th i s tn i i i i l i j . U a. ak,

«:MY.afe. — l te.ak aai

trm: . ,—.—

igiSMiwa amsat s-ndtsa.


CATHOUC '. AS Sataita' CaOrite Chart^ Maa-

Fsther WQiiam &&, .lfsac:aKS;s. BL.-ftpt aM)

days. Sawwdai^-fenrt 10:10 a. ai., XaBowad by lia«qi|ttfaB «C tiw Bleaaed' fia< i iinaiit. _ — mCTHOPlgC . —

dKyB,Sp.m.-Gagaai^e—West fflaailaj. S fr

fifth Saafiv. 11 a. m. ^

Soap^ =€ak3^ for-

AH other goods in stcNTe, 10 p&t cent < ^ Cooae eailf aiid oftoA

T:M pk ak 4 a y a . l l a . s .


11 a. SL

- jnwise aa 111y iiip^ifltwim- We-*^ " 3 gLiewUflcaae, aad'catimi^ g t^

' it. Tnii«iTiii-fli aa :!!•!•» will be cewdm-ted im priTMH^es. The SMadaa at

JM^OH Uial nltfiL " T b e e c h j o s jrfaeed aot tw^ «ratH^ \

"SUdilorium and oe

hand and arm haTC grvaa way to ma-nmerjr. TW waya of o«r fatbera.

urhifh .^wtr for finitely

nn i'^9^

iiyuhd the ptatform was f >*« r -or an auditor seated <8i the floor.! Tht Urte windiywi in3~{he asmenoe.-


f S ^ m a f e r i a h . "tBted in in B|>-S>"3irtie bren, _^ Badfed % neat, cleui. care- ~T~ M workmen. Aak for it— ^ arcap» ao o thw. . Wo fiiaa ^ havejL nice QUKK LUNCH CgaWTER wtww >oo can"

liaeef yoBT anwtitai KaM

^ ^ ^ « ^ thewfwfe |Ja nfc BELL^

- 1

I ""^^^kLDAY, yi^y^^'SCifli jotTfS^nk' —-'^r—>i|t,jKI»» • :- «»**K(GE SET*.,,'

Clecm TeeOiL wwiMK mojf

o a B T s c m v x '' oiuut9.





7 An't « •

QnTersity of Virgina ajwttm af


C r i l c f c Gradoate, Law, Medi-d u e , KigiiieeriBK —

LOAN FUNDS ATAILABLB to iliwui iiliig •tedMtta. HOJOO • n easts to Vbrgiiiia atadeato to t t e

'TiM'iniy to mak« two blades irf grass grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesborg Lime-Ge., the Urae that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the pMt tweuly-flye yeaes, i w l oat produced th em all, and the reas<»i for it i s because i t con­tains Magnesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to Cal­cium Carb<Hiate, and tib« United States Agricultural P e p « r t m « 5 t , ^ ^ In Year Book 1901, page 161, TK"! EsleHe Greene TJay,

preciative. It w«» near midnight assiduously engaged in the plant-w h « i the resolutioiM were ing or cultivation of crops and passed and the first summer who are in Cjass 1, and within ftvTTOBt ul TSK San^^z ^ 1 _UMCr JJDne S 5 S ^Hvwfc iMviIIIl tty OB-public school system brought to ferred until the end, of the new an end, everybody agreeing with q u o ^ . Please instriict your

it i t w ^ " * " y e t "

There are, as far as I know, now living of those who took an active part only the following:

B. T. Thornton, then a Judge J. B teacher of

s tates that Magnesium is abso­l u t e necessary t o jdant growth and nothing else will take i ts ptace. Send orders to Gomwell Sui^Iy'Co.i Manassas, Va.; A. S. Bobortscm, Wellington, Va.; M. Bniliim, Bristow, Va., or direct to

first ManaBsatr teacher, ReUy. Md.

J should aidd that t h e ^ s w t to Major Thornton by Supt. Rifffner as mentioned in his congratulatory letter of S e p t 13,

laraiHtMnw will have piompt afc- ^gTg^ wsff^Hot for personal ser-tention.

Ledwt Lne Co. lnc B . V . W H I T E . Manager

llLXftOIILEl r M A N A S S A S . V A .

MniTAST TRAINING B O m S D Tra*BTON, Re^strmr,

Qecbic^li^ mrtf


miDi A h m y s from 100 to aOO Ikead <rf botWA and moles^of all dMOiBtiooa for sale « t my • t a b k a i n T o t k ^ F a . 14-3S*


teBeas Woawfa

A ^ N D

vices, but for expenses of t h e committee of which the writer

The contribution of $150 by the department of puUie in­struction and the published let-te i»_ .o t JDr, gether, show conclusively I think that the NcHnnal Institute of 1878 was recognized officiaQy as something more tha a local gathering. -

awnrw&xFtiu afWirr

T MBinwAWrn DapOftTOKT Qg rmM



three years standing; H. H. Downing of Frtmt Boyal, who gave one of the night ad­dresses ; M. D. Hall, now super­intendent of Fairfax county, and

this emergency they shall pass the order numbers of such men and defer their class for the present It must be borne in mind that this step is taken

our now in

so ldy in the need of the nation and not for the b e n ^ t of any individual. Tlierefore, while boards should consider it a grave duty to exercise this power to w h w u v e arid auguinoi the agricultural production, they should observe closely the con­duct of those deferred and im­mediately upon becoming con-, vinced that any person so de­ferred is not giving his entire t i m r and-earnest" attention fi) agricultural duty or that he t s trifling with the deferment

forthwith call him to the colors. All e i t isens should assist in mak­ing this effective and in bringing

tontii^Ti rrf_j^hp b f f f H t

cases meriting deferment.

The 18<i»-187«.

Mr. Editor—One decade since w h e n SupMJntendent Josq>E~D7 Egg ies ton . fix definitely the ktcation of t h e Firat Goagressknal IKstriet Ajg- vatM bdim: rieultoral Hig^ SchodU he ddir-eeed a n address a t t h e A s b t g r chnrdi « i West s t r e e t A t t | w t t ime be asked m e to secure publish an detract from the Prince William' cmurt r e c o r d sfiowihg t h e / f a i t and date of my"aapeintm€ait and hadi^-iKt sapmBteBdent of a d i o o i s ' f o r

HiUuBn^ exaiwhiHiff m e

well as cases in which deferment is being abused."


Tiie feggto ^wiag rmmfaition for toehen'will be'ilcU-iB-Hie-iBcniMtt igail<i'ng. .Munawas, Va., an FaiMg •ad Satarday; llAjrJS aad 4, bctiBotag st 8:30 ». m. ^PspplicMto wfll BBfe. nOt tfaMnadrt* wiOi pm mtti

^ ; O T W r w » 1 The qatetaoB* iti tlie varfax(M aab-

jeeta wfll >c buad -apin die

SBrith'm Advanced Artthmftk {(limn ACe.).

EmerMB ft Bender'* Mwkta tagMi, Bode n (lIClfilUB Co.).

Cieeaies: BroAke Knif. GompoiAtiM. ^ Boolr I (AmcvieaQ Book p(k>.

BUoi: S i lu

—oiaacToas— O.I.. aOOTHX, IC.B. s. a. w&RVB(u>, x.v.aTraa; wATsaKOisaTs, ».B*aa,jm.


c r o p y w l m i i r e -• a c l m a k e d i e ~

racaifB <





M eood temce tad material rtl * T . gETAJJC CASKETS CAEKIKD » BTfOCl-

If yoiLJeaOy want the iiEWS V . & ATHgy Tiiipiielw

of the rmmtf The i o a m a L j r f B l . 5 , , ^ , ^ ^ rmaltoie aad all g ive i t to yoo evary week for a year for one doDar, in advance.

alOtSlAlANeE^ H a v m g detenamod to devote oar wbtAe t ime t o t h e BeaUBsta te aad InsotaBee bnameaa, we he te -by ao&at afl ^praptety finr n l e

Cfty to Mrt the SHBT^IRth JOB pmiiptity.

Wa i n w l w to dMl MOr w t t « •

C J . M E E f Z E dk GOt. • a .

^Cily People Wi

S ^ i far catalogue and nirtie-okra. Metal Carriers wUl laat IS y e a n — s o breikage.

WIUHtllAimNCeF W A » m H q T f > H .

t a a i Ubu -euunij court a t i t s Oe ' t i c ^ term. 1^69, craiqilied wi th the s tatute thca in force and subdivided the county into sehofd difttncta, atynnimg^ school comniissioa>fer in eadi:

Then o n the 7tli day of tite D e e m b t f court foUowing, P>ffp tfA, t t n d t h e %»llowiMr^

Viiginia Edmaa (Guta A Oa.) -Gvies: McBaia;. Gmn emuBeitf aad Pal-

itiea e< Vir^Bia. Fi^aieai G«bsrapiiyr1^ar; New nqra-

^_jjal Ggigghy^ilianwiWaii <>.) AcrioAiBK JOanar; AtrkaKanrtte

guwthem aJwHJa <ManiilHair-Ctey Fl^raalocy and HnriaB*:

•Prbtntt _ot. Sa&itoAida aad FHyai*

*Hjeoarge C. Biwaad, who hath b e ^ j^MiBtMLaqpcmteBdeBt schools in this eounty bgr ihe board of adiool comfniHJwmerg^ th is dasr came into coort and t»-gether With Sumnor f t t t s as h is a w i B i t y ' entered in to and ao-1»nriec |ged a bond i s penalty o f |2,pOQ, i ^ i e h band i s conditiaBal m thrfanr g r e e t s mad m cr^a^ %o "Oe tetuHiwti • • ~ ~

A t Uiis t ime there paifbt f o l d s avaSafale course BO atfary wa IheLflAet—Ihe_oi)> |ee^


movemeat was^ however, pBahHd and ftue aeboA


^eDiac i New Werid S^eDer (Weeid B M C OEf—

Dtawiac: :..^^Sed Arts Dtm BpelcO<toJ 41-44 (Atkasca •srCo.) Aar «t tbe abeve books may be er-

tfavogh Ae ^raqpiria Beak Ca^ Va.- '. .~~

OEAS. B. MePWALD, Divkaaa

aTAttf o r YlBGPilA: Frinn Wffliai X^mstyr lo^^vit:

r m t Maidf Roiea m & NATHANIEL CRUl^

let ter and s ^ H t . e f t h e mm a t t t u t k n ^ iofnrthnf. before t h e ^ r w l estate <rfthe d ^ ? ^

p i M e aefaool law «f Joly . 1870, luul pmvhlBd-fdr

the first opened pmaaaDt 4o the *^eoastitatwn of 1869, a l t h o i v ^

tiiey were" eaiTisd «a 1 ^ o S e U a powaaaft t o t h e I the n a t n t e boofc>. ^,lKm:

G B C » G E a S O U N D .

f Tsubject to fiaft have l e e n placed in a favorable positioe. a s

Manassas Trafisfer Co„

Ael laa of Debt airf Attaehmort n ^ e object of tbu suit i s to re­

cover frmn t h e defendant, SCiaii-f y t r i i o a r y , the s o m of $54.52, w i t h m t e i e s t from Octobw 9, 1 » 1 7 «i»H M,a*»; tayj t o a t t a c h


rif a year it has become £i xKX2s; ^ man's c^-~

working: over here, and ^^fating: over there.

The reason? Because it*s made of Burfey Ptpe tuUioco aiidi»(sii]s&—


HMes and Furs a Specialty


A B t o w a ' a



i s said ooonty, Mid^to sol@eei"9i: „ „ . . . . - 5 — — ^ . . , . _ . to the payment of the said debt - W i « you t h i n k s punAasmg a watch, a nng, a scarf

m iHwchpiB» er^ethq* ywchy, wemimbcr we er siip[dy yoor «a^&~ Most-aoytltair ra tlie

A n d i t appearing that the de­fendant has not been served with a coyy -of im>ce8S in thia so i t , or anth a copy of the at-tacfament tasoed t h w t h i , and it further appearinr by affidavit

and filed fay the plaintiff t h e aaid B e n r y 6 . Leery is

aiot a resident of this state, the midlSeOY G. tiHBT i« reQsdrsd ta appear within 15 days after

faue paMJcatiun of <his orrkr do what is necessary to pro-

KarsMB b e u a a l t s e \io'vemers ec^aee 2HB*sa HW

' T I M order n a d s in pert-^a foa> tows: I

t«et his mteres t ; and this order efrall h» pofalirikBd Mice a

. ^ "~i5a Joemal . aad poetad

by the dork at the front door at the eoortliaaaa

iuecopding KalediT;-TVH'tf . IHfriET

A True Copy—Teste^ O S O . U. 1 ILkiL, Clat i .

Bobt. A. Hatehison, p » ' 48 4

LBCSiS Sporting Good!

npottiog goods line wUl be fooid



f t enry K, R d d A CCR Laths, Jwrs , Askr

BbHUand buBdingffeSBJ" OF-ALL KINDS.

e s t ! M A T l S ^fflBMISHE D. Adnmiater*^ Paia-

^ T h e situatiop ana ing t h e scarcity

from Off farm labor

ttukt the «a& t o tha colors of men act ivdy, completaty aad v . I. C. BuiMiiur. . V a

Office: No. 116 N . Union Street . Factory: No. I l l N . L o e ^ r e e t . A L E X A N D R I A . VA

**Soiig$ of UTea]idWar,''$1.00 Postpaid

^^^^^T^^^^^^^^pfy* • * ^ - ' * ' - ~ : "^"•"-yv*



Capt. and Mrs. Rust have re­turned from Bethseda, Md.,

with their son-in-law and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gil-liss.

Miss -Nana Rector, of Quant-ico, waf in Haymarket for the week-«H*r~~" ^ T""" '

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carter have heard of the safe arrival in France of their son, Sergt. Ekl-ward S. Carter.

Mr. and Mra. D. J. HiMyiflOH and Master Dan Harrison were the week-end guests of Mrs-N^ T, DePauw.

There will be services at St. Paul's church on (Jood Friday, and Easter Sunday at 11 a. m.

News has been received of the death of Admiral Thomas Will­iamson, U. S,N., which occurred at hla: home in Ann&poUs on Sunday ^ evening:—Ther funeral took place from St. George's church. Annapolis, on Wednes-day, the interment being at Arlington. Admiral Williamson has for some years spent the summers with his daughter, Mrs. Carval^ajl/ at her hotne,

was said recently that the ser­vice flag at his Annapolis home contained sev^Tfitwn^ hifr-twe sons, three grand sons, a n d ^ o

FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918


The farmers are getting busy now.

a One from horse.

Mrs. N> V. Davis visited her sister, Mrs. E. V. Anderson, TueBdAy. : '-

Misses May and Ray Luck visited their parents «t "Mt^-land Farm" Sunday.

Master Ralph Lynn, wlw has

cough, is improving rapidly. We hope to see Relph in school again Monday.'

.gg . tN tg»cfegrs' conference in

tite guest of Misa May Luck for Miw Edith Comwell woe the j aeveral days.

guest of Miss ArzuUah Dunn X uesaay; ^

Mr. J. T. Anderson and Mr. J. C. Dunn made a business trip to -Fredericksburg Thursday. '

Mrs. erazeiiberry and daugh­ter, ^ary Elizabeth, and son, Billy, was visitors at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Abell Monday.

Mr. Herbert Anderson, visited at Cedar Lane Sunday, as the guest of Miss Beatrice Abell.

Mrs, Ida Abell returned to her home Friday after, a visit in Washington,-D. C.

Mr. C. J& Duaft visited his mother, Mrs. Chas. Qupn Tues­day.

Mr. D. Bryan Norman and sister, Miss Maud, attended the Forest HiU entertainment Sat­urday evening.

Miss March has braved very nicely thus far, and. the roiads are much,improved.

An enjoyable party was given by Mis May I ick at the home of her uncle, Mr. Thos. J. Wool-fendeii, Tuesday evenlngrThbse

Manassas this week.


We weire very sorry to lose pendent Hill, is visMSng here this our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. E- week. S. Florence, who recently moved Mr. Clyde SuIKvan has

MiM Bertha Linton haw h*w»n|tn AlnvnnHwft . Ty« ^ > | , f],^,,, turned i o

<v>rro«pnnHont Inat » ^ ^ f ^^ ^ p

wasn't^on his job? Your littlte "burg" /must have some news, BO get busy

much soccess in their new home, Miss Lillian V. Gilbert, cwnty

home demonstration agent, re­cently visited ber club members here.

Misses Mae Keys and Belle •Vine rioto jitt HQwi B pirtjhd[B>y~'~' party in Dumfries Saturday night and were the guests of the hitter's cousin, Miss Myrtle


iting relatives here. Misa Martha Payne, of Ca-

nova, visited at the home of her giTUidparents Saturday.

has been at home for the past week, with the measles, has re-

^^tumed to her gehool at Hay-

' Mrs. j , P. Smith, who has been quite sick, is improving.

The Woman's Missionary Un-day vfter-

noon at "Poi ar Hill" with Mrs Omar Kibler.

• i t? * *


Rainy. Mr;__and_MriLJLJ5 T.unffford

are the happy parents of a fine present were: Mesdames Mary|baby, boy, Elmer Hampton,

grand sons-in-law being with. the colors. '

Mrs. ^fnnes=TS9gBFF'Gf ClewB^ land, Ohio, Who has been visit­ing Mra. A- W. Amidilett, left <m Tuesday for WtaUsgtDAi S^ was accompanied by Mrs; Amph^ lett and t h ^ wffl spend seyttal days together in Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. Engoie 'Keysior have received aletter fi:t>m their son. Major R S. geirsaf : »Oin»: where in France," telUnf them of his-safe anfvjd -fiiS^ igoeSt' health.

The fund to porebaae a lerviee flag for St. Paul's clnuch has been started. It is estiraated that at least twenty-five' and pos­sibly more than that number of the members of the cmgrega-tion are with tHe CdkHW. Cah-tributions may be sent to Ifr. W.

-Mi Jnrrirn, Hajrmarket, Va Any who is cQnnectSt~-mlE'

r 'We are glad tq know Mr. Mau­rice Abell is able to be out again.

Mr. Charlie Davis visited his mother Sunday, returning to Accotink Sunday evening.

hold services at Forest HiU M. E.^hurch Stmday at 3:30 p. m. We_ hope to see a large crowd out.

.Rir. and Mrs. J. t . Syncox visited at Pleaaurt View Skinday

tJig ^ guesta of Mrs. CSiaa. Dunn.

J f fSra G. Betiaa is sufferinf^ severely^ with the rheuniatinn.


\, Miss Mabd Pence, who him diphtheria is last impravii«. :

Mr. and i l n . M. Cl Taltmra, at WaOObgiot, tveiit Stnkdaj «M [ M6nd«?L Zjriau J!elitivei_ friends here.

D. Thornton and EflSe D. Lyftn, Misses Bertha Linton, Maud L. Norinah, Eethel IT. Tplson, Bay Luck, Lillian Garrison, B«>rt.>i H. Woolfenden, Corah MjDunt-joy jBnd-jl- -Clinfi_Woolfenden; Messrs. Lee R. Dayis, Chas. B. J. Linton, D. Bryan "l orman, Fred G. Klatt, Max Weber, Al­len L. IJming, Walter M. Wool­fenden, Kichard L. Thorpe, Al-

which arrived Friday, March 15. Mr. T. M. Russell, of Canova,

The Community League met at the school on Tuesday even­ing. After the business of the league the" following program wiij» prga«wit<>fi : , .' '

and Joseph E. W.oolfenden,' and Ralph K - Cole.—Games were jtlayed until a late hour, aftn* which refreshments wffice served. ^SD^resent spent a very delight­ful eVening. -1_

Miss Maud Norman is attoid-

viaited his parents hpro RnnHny (^ta^Qm^Qp^ disous^fii Mr. HameU, "The Raleigb

man," passed through here last weefc —

Mrs. Ruth Kincheloe arid chil­dren, lola, Bumard and Little Lucye and Miss Margaret Barr, of Mount Holly, were re<ient guests of -Mr. A. J. Kincheloe

eth W.,_T. Jack,, jnd Miss Lucye :^ncheioe.

Son^—"America," by school. Reading—"The Road," Mr.

Kibler. TaIk^"Good Roads,". R. B,


Mf. C. L. Lynn is spending a

Mr. Jas. W. NaUs, a Confeder­ate veteran, has been quite sick« recently.

Mr. R. B. OUshing, also a Ctm-federate veteran, who has been

Song — "Kentucky Babe,' Misses Rector and Gossom. -^teadlug—"House by Side~oi the Road," Rose Shirley.

Clbsingsong—"Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean."

Masters John and Hora^ Foley, the small sons of Mr. and Mra. W. M. Foley, are sp^ading

Mvate Magurto* Posey, of the spring months with their Camp Lee, is home on a- fur Mall. _ _ : ' r T " : ' \ " T ^ :-•_..

-We aie sorry to khdw that Mr. Leslie Merrill, of Independ-

grandfather, Mr. John Wolf, of ThePlains, and attendingechiy>l.

Misses Mary-iborasr Rector and Ellen Utterback are attend-

ence Hill, is sick with' munape. M m$ tte teachetaf e<«f«reoee Wh»e vu»-^he Mount Holly j held in T ffapwsag fliifi wi»t

ill for some months, at the home o f ^ s daughter, Mrs. Jas. White, in Vulcan, W. Va., is now im­proving rapidly. ^ Miss Marjorie Erower is suf-t,ering from a severe attack of measles- _ -

md ~Mrth WvHolmcs Rb>— ertson are receiving congratula­tions upon ^ e birth of a daugh-

Mr. and Mra. Chas. Ford Brower, Jr., who have been visiting relatives in Prince WjB-1am, have retuAed to Boutt<t HiU, where they wiU make t;heir future home. .

Mr. P i .^ Buckle haa Kcently aejA-tb Mcsers. Rollins & Gfee» for the Baltomore market "John Henry" No. 104t2S,-the head Ml his Poland China • hogs,'whidi

I toougfat 1112.20.

Miae Maij Leaehma the week-eiid in Manatwafl and W^»hingf^7-~^7^~ :""~~^^ -

Mesars. G. H. Walter, A R Wilkins and T. E. Rhodes were' Alexandria visitbrs Saturday.

Mr. William AHfti, nf Waah.

The church, who would like 'a Star on

ington, spent Sand^^Mth Ms parents Iwre.

the flag for a member of their family in the serwce, wiM ^eaue notify Mr. Jordon. The flag wUl be placed over the front «tt-tranc« to the church, and it is desirable toliaveiC ity, so that it will not easily lye-come faded or discolored. ...L.

Mr. W. M. g Dodge ia mmd-

—'The Junior League wiUjFender a_yery intereattng program at

I the—school'7hou8e;~Ttairadiy n l ^ t , Maich 2^. A v^ry intiw>-

ALL^HiE NEW G>NEa ^ ^ T ^ new things in - vWwneuV Slioer are here IOT

esting iday, 'Shadows;'' wifl be given by the older pujols.

Mr. John Grisao wad Mr., Roy

^ W e d n e a ^ .

ing this week in Philaddptda. Mrs. W. D. Bai^,js€ Wairiw

ington, was here fra^a day ^lis week.

Mr. W. M. Culeuuui was a


Services w i l ^ bdd at^eOe-haven &ptist chordi Soaday at 11 a. m. ~ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~

Baltimore visitor ^etteesday^ Mrs. Martha Cuter haa-^fc

tuj-ned to Baltimore after a week's stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrarer-Sr-Cartep. '—

Mrs. C.~D. S. Ui^cBMi ami her little daughtera, Oitrddia an^ Helen, have joined Cipt^Clark-son at WakefieM. Va., w IS fitationed for a short time be-frrre being assigned fe ifatytir France.

The regular monthly meeting of St. Paul's Goild w n Itdd at the home of tha-treaaar^, Mn. G M. CoTemw7 en WediiaKlay, aft -moon of last week. It was

t^dfsd the county school boaM meeting -io I b u n i t s WedMa-

file r^vdar meeting of tiie BeyehavtaJbaaneh e i the ABW» ieaa Red O w e WM heH afr

theNew liegphc English Wdfciiig ^ H ^

fl^ig^itly indispoaed with an at­tack ^ rheumatiam.

13ie who(9tng cooih vietima ^•reJjngJiSf .pecgyarimg driring|

Mrs. Stella A. DeWit^ waa a

ofTering of the Guild for mis* fions would-iie-maile at Enfter: Aft4>r tb« bnslneas was diapoaed

fhc Ttostess and a Time wasj^eaLzH


•Mr. John W. Lyons, of the I'nited Stales navy, anl his wife «ere week-«id guests of Mr . nd Mrs. H. S. Herrdl at Snow Hill. __ :

Miss IiiiuijbiJti Tiilly, of Wash-' ington, and Private Russell Her-reH. of Camp Meade, spent the u>-f),-,^n,: w:th Private Herrell's

Hirimes school Friday evening. _Mrs. M. C. Httowi la yialUug

at the home e^ !!«• aoPf Mr, C.\ H. Hohnes. | |

Mra. E. S. Carney has bean

It JS of HURRY if yon want at pair.

decided that tSe annual imited- *"^* at-the home of her siater, Mrs. L. D. DoQoboe, Sunday ^ Jfeasn. Altw IV D. Kryan Norman caUed in the

refreshments were aervwl by ?«yMrriiaihiinrhnni riiaifi^ The ladiea at the Dellehavep

. i s s n d i - ^ ' tlM Aaterfcan CJoes Bane been caflaethnretet^-

the peuijie of Be^inm tUa week. Qoite a and

large bomSe haa heen seeored. Mr. Wm. Crow, of Joplin, md-

tored here Monday en route to Mansasag

eial— 98<r^ct



" ^

M. C»v«, B. T. Tripi

Pabner artt. Wat P. B. Baackl Ann* Payne, Mi. Mayttos MBdwU BU Howard Haia J. a . HuHtr 9ntfk HUIJH

This ronsistsof Charmeiisc^ laffetgu Brocades ^siRt^lessalines; ww& &om^$1.5u to $2.50 pear yard ^Sniply lines we are notlmying to. ^ ' " they last, for 98c yardl


O. W. Hedrk M. 3. Boahoc B. A, TTaytg nUine¥< Shaitl / . T. Hunt .

Mr. H^U. Cole was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Storke Sunday.

Mrs. Maurice Ah< ] and H S. Her-: D^un-I. • w . - o

C«Bttacte wt I M H tXWtaMB MuiMMaaad

WwTMt No ~^B>d «Hilcn<i j

Eiuted utm

_]L. "wtveftM. far brUgc at Skiaj

B«port of oo P»u—rtea Toi

J CkjmiX.

Traaaorer B*Mi $27.00, ^ L. DawM ttteatoa to


—Mr. sold his near Bret Haydon.