VOL. XX. -Ko. !. '' MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY^my .22,1014. OUR DOLLAR -A Y EAik- C U S S O F 1 9 1 4 GRADUATED Closing Exercise* of Eastem.CoI- leg« Held Wedneaday—Hon. R. P. HdtMon Spealcs. BANKERS H£RE TOMORROW Member* of Group Three to Meet in Ftfth AnniMt Se—ioo SfCdnaer^ Opera HbtueT S The cgnunenceinent txercises Group Three of the Virginia at Eastern College ctosed W?*nes Bankers' Aaaociatioo.-wrhTch day morning when Dr. Hervin | braces the banks of a large area ^cn»«" 'playi U. Roap, president of the col- lege, pffesented di^lomaa to a from many states in the Union as well as from foreign countries. The program opened with an overture by Miss Mozerazui Miss Hume, following which Rev. J. F. Buries pronounced the invoca- tion, and the girls'glee club sang '"Tis the Wedding Mom. Bank of Manassas; address on , Friceain^-a^wano soTo by^3aiai|-"TtgiigyGnrrRTiRy T^t^latinrrf Mary Russell, of West Virginia, honor orations were delivered by fir. Clarence H. Corkran, Wash- ington.-D. C, oi' Self Reliance;" Miss Edna E, Hume, Parsona, K a s-s-. > ea D. Maphis, of the PeQples Nation- jJ-Bank-ofStri Miss Mamie Blanton Patterson. of this section of the State,Ja to convene here^tqmorrow at Con- ner's Opera Hoi^se. Tl»e program inehides the dress of welcome by Hon. Thos H. Lion; response by Mr. C. E Tjfteay. president Qf._Jthe Faiu. 4uier National Bank, of Wacre^; ton; annual address by Mr. West- wood Hutchison, of the National by Mr. Oliver J. Sands, president of the American National Bank of Richmond; report of the sec- tary ftnd treasurer, Mr. Fred BO genwously mixing the liquor and caUing his customers, Sam- ple Swichel, Joe Morgan, Green and Hammond to come and drink - with hi nil Mr. John Harpine, appearing in the role as Romaine, the coun- try gentleman, attired in the ESEznasjBsntjst ggnftral Fi discussion and election of officers. Luncheon is to l&e served at 1 Sl)C€ESSFafUMTABBffTK m a O f f l f f l f M M^Li^zfit^Bl Given Last Saturday for Benefit of Aden School—Characters WeU Portrayed. "Ten Nights in a Barroom," Dnunatic Club of First Matinee Performance at 3:30 Friday Afternoon, June S, on Eastern Campus." With eighty people in the cast Adeo, was a great sueeess. Mr. Amofi^mith, representing Simon Slade, the barkeeper, kept the audience in roars of laughter, by acted his part fully, and added much amusement to the play of the evening. ^ delightful novelty in theatricals which Manasso has yet wit- nessed. The ladies of the Guild of Trin- ity EpiscQpaT charcb are sponsors The caM will include sixty chil- dren who are to dance at Miss Parkman's lawn party. ~AmffngTtinSirtft apfw^r are the The card game of seven-up in the barroom, played by Mr. C. C. jQgle aa G^ppn ar^d Mr as Willie Hammond, did not fait to bring a pleasing smile on and an ideal scttlni; UDun nature's own stage, the coming perform- anceof ' The Old VerBM»Bt Farm" in the open air at Eastern Ck)l- legft PAmniia wiJI y^mvo fha m^t Misses Elizabeth O'Neil, Evdyn Kincheloe, Alma Lunsford, Ella Cathpr, Lula Arey, EotoUo Cora well, Goldie Beavers, Carrie Ben- nett, Thelma Utterback, Nannie T iwy ^ -^r- kio, Helen Payne. Muriel Lar- Morgan Mory, Former Manassas LumbeK DeaTcar, Dies at~ fflfflbLffiBBttmJEXilS Home in PennsylTania.- - Morgan Mory, for many years C o n f e d e r a t e Veteran TeHs About die Mexican Situa- a resident of Manassas, diedlasf Satorday morning at his late home, No^ IZA^ North Jefferson Btr^t. AUentown, Pa. He had ttfifin aiifffring thst pa~it yaar f r w hardening of the arteriea whinh Was. followed by several strokes of paralysis, culminating in his death Saturday at the age of eighty years^ He was boni IhTTpper Saucon, Pa., October 25, 1833, and was the son of John and Lydia Mcry. He was married on May 9, 1867, to MaKndatSUnd, the cooide re- cently celebrating the 47tfa anni- versity of their marriage. ' Mr. Mory came to Manajjwas eighteen yeat« ago and entered the lumber busing, building the resident on Centre street'now oc t'upied by Mr. J. B. Trimmer^^ [and cgnductmg his businesia on . . • -,;- .-^ 1 the adjacent comer. kin, Thelma Bryant; ElTzatieth agt^e returnedto— ' r T 'TT ; " .' WW ^ f" W ^ 11—TT——— •_ ' -'T-T l"—." ? .". J":-"!? tion—A Texas- View! Capt. John R. Rust, of Hay- market, is in receipt of the fol- lowing letter from a Texas com- rade: AUSTIN. TEX., May 4. DBAR COWMDB; TOO WCf fr kind enough to remember me * few weeks since and a prompt reply should have been sent, but you know the many putolfs. -^ would be"jilad to join you In hohor of our great leader at Gettysburg; there is nothing that should be left undone by the sot» dters Ot K E. Lee to render per- manent the memory of the great deeds of thk .great gitiy^rn hn(f jfeneral in the years to come when thooo who followed Geu. iMH will no longer bear witness; those to foww ahoulj Itave some token, tor' point to, around which to center 5QUghraOhe"great chieTCain: Wytheville, Va., on 'The Social- ized Conscience." o'clock at the New Prince Wil- liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh, acting aa Mrs. Uoleman, Madeline McCoy, Esther Bfyant, Betay Payne, Margaret and has since lived a retired life Therefwe I regret that I cannot COBOTlbUte bV a v bresenf>P fhafc # The oommoncomont orator was HntrhJBfm i« to h"'t^fflHtmiwtnrl'Slade, akitifntiy inauaHed Iter Cornwell, Mny Thmwu and Ratfa:: dren, fien. A, Mory and Mra. Mary Weaver, and thre^ grand^ Tnr muieh to the honor and memory R^prtat'iilHllvH Rjehmuuil Feag A trip to •^the battlo_fiold_wJtt portln scckinr to save httr hii^ X(jii!j'4;lue and MaftlHrH CieinHnt children, Paul L., Maiguwite and Chfurles Weaver. Alabama, whooo subj ect was' 'The College Student of theT wentieth Century." Mr, Hobson opened his address with ~s gracexul complmient to the three college orators and to all college students in general, the 2 per cent «f its people from which^-the eounlry dKiws- 77 per close the day. from the awful )usTRiAL mm. Commencement Proper > t& IKS Held Tomorrow—Orator Frma t o Ite^hresent. r»ant tff nH^ifa Ipnrioryi, Up (fffrft upon the importance of charae- . ter building, of that leadership and of the knowledge that the ^ individual's circle of service hfis extended with tfa^ yflftrH. Viflg= Dommenceifienl DaV"-ia—te-b& band and son tttJDinrofH Let us then look at the oecno, so clearly presented by Mr. Ray- mond Jones ^ Joe Moi^ran, the drunkard, and Mrs. C. C. Fogle- as Fanny, his heart-broken wife. Perfect stillness pervaded the room as the drunkard's child was cruelly struck by Simon Slade, in Cornwell, Raymond Hewitt, Alli- son Hooff,"C«'ter K.o<mtz, Carle-' ioii AUiwy. Praiirii Qimiug, fewyewB and < ^ ° gray hoataof the Confederate tin Beavcprs, Carleton Cannon an< thirty other?. Mrs. J. B. T. Thorntem and Miss Julia W> Lewis have charge of the ticket sale. The cast w411 include twenty principals and « large committee will serve re- MR army will i>e but as a dream; they, the few left, have a duty t-n tKo m^wy^niy ^ thM» gffnfl bfH Prizes in. Ondnry Awardedi— Judge C E. Nicol MakM Addreu; observedtomorro^TanSeHaiias^^ttympfin^Jg-^cg-thMif^ fr^imentB, sa&IndQStinal Youth. Pi ingalcohol from a scientific stand- ^Joe Morgan, and gmet rel| ^ ^ ^ [ through the atmosphere as the Tie ezerdses of commence- ment week at Hebron Seminary, cer, Sa{^ «fa» » i » itapaping watflhjthrtnigh th» n j i ^ point he explained the situation. cited the solntion of the problem and followed his remedy to the droaa, foUowing -which oorUfi- cates, prizes vad gifts vriU be presented. time whei^prohibition should be in the constitution of the world. Glimpses of the battle of Santiago, were pleasantly delineated, and a happy climax was r^ched in an- ^The additJMi o f &=tv child lay dying and the Bfliathsr pal adult guests neweat taflagb and maxteer ivillej_were concluded yA- waiting for the last words of the : IhSi. ftowimiaw.waUwBngpior sufferer which came faintly "Nearer, My God, to Thee" was beautifnlly rpndpred by the care o r fewns &om Jrorponnding mencement proper. JudyeC. E. Nicol deHvend aa^rioqaent ^ defending theiygoo*^ Ifinft*^ amnTtpp ticipation of the time when every child bom under the American -—flag aboul^have the opportunity. Normal Course eliminates a grad- uating class this yjear in the Aca- demic; Department. Trade««ti- ficates have be^i awaided f(»- cabinet making to Raymond Rice le quartet of Aden. 4istricts. Thfr play is a great '^it" in Washington and that the opea drtaa to the gi'aduating daas and Mr. Lewis B. Fk>hr made un ad- of a higher education. Sunday morning the bacca- and for blacksmithing and wheel- wrighting to Daniel Laws. —The prnf^^m inf)|]df^tl 4hg^m- mencement sermon Sunday by Rev. Edgar E. Eicks,^ of Wash- i -7au-reale;:s«=vii^was-teM-in^he^ ve™"n chaneL Dr. ROOD delivering the „„K,-K;*;^^ "^ A'^^^^ZTZT^.- Ibtean4«WfOSCopic_3Qeldto The-closing scene revealed the reformed drunkard's home, and every one preswit went home feeUng that they had been Te- paid for attending the interest- ing play of Ten Night's in a Bar^ room. '- Bro«tock,-of Waahiagftma, 9* ^ chapel. Dr. Roop delivering the sermon, *'The Educated Youth the Chief Element of National Piohpei'ity."—T-h-e—giria' glee club sang the antham and Mies Nellie E. Monks^ instructor in\sigki. voice, sang a solo, ' ^ y Redeem- er and My Lord." Mr. Benja- Cholera, foot rot, vermin, visC- ,.,... J J , , >,lc and micro8copic_yield to asep- exhibition^ and deda«auon con- ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ j around i n f f test Tu^ay; exhibition and pro-^3^^ j^ ^j^^^^ ^^1^ ^ ^ m ^ industrial departments| ^^^^ ^ j ,j^^ .^ Wodnocdayj alnmni f v r m f l g j ^ '^^^^^ ho.. lerday,. and annual ^H<WM to--i your l«.st .ship- Xvo -WaahingteiB vocal-.l^ ; ment, and kept it injr,*nseftrwherr yoTrtavemndr ~ min D. Lucas, for fourteen years a missionary to China, made the annual address to the Christian associations S u n d a y evening. Preceding this the campus^praise oor^ico woo oondueted by Dr. ists will be assisted by talent' ^~^ -,„ ^•„ „^*i.„ o.,* . f fK krtrti ^ rainy weather. Put a irom tnescnooi. ^ 'eouplfcof-big^lumiw ins hiTfket, MFJMnRlAI HAY JIINjr , 1^°"'' ° " '^'^ ^'^'^ ""'^ " "^'^^ MJzJMUKiAL UAY, JUNE 3 . ^ ^4^^^ gg they wilJ*<!rink in, and " ! then let tij«B-stand Until the The Memorial Association and - lime geta hot and steams and Reap, who eallod upon otadont Daughters of thp r.Mf^>AM^^y then falla to a .riry pnmHar—If. t. are arranging an interesting pro- \ the time does not heat readily, and citizen to take part in the in- gram to be rendered next Wed- " d some Hmes di not, use hot formal program xd music and ""^^^ '" observance of Memo-: or boiling water to shick it Then words of praise. I "^^ ^^- R«P*'«sentativ€ Rufus "" the bucket with enough cold The exhibition concert of the I Hardy, of Texas, will be the ora- water so as to make a thin mUk pionoforte department. P r n L l t o / of thA^ay^__Evirybody is in-: withtheto Glenn C Gorreil director tookt^**^*** ™**' at the Courthouse down the walls of the animal place Monday evening^ and on i ** 2 p. m., when the procession sUlIs, the pig-f^n and chicken X^esoay-was rendered the p«,^*i" formjo mych to the ceme-. houae and ^^^P ^he ^ 5;^-:^ produced; With a p o l o g i e s to Shaktspeare, the witches' scene from "Macbeth." The darkened aLiditoruim, tur*- w»>o<i{and, the ration of the graves, the « <^ daah it on with aa old l»«om. cises are to be held. Then, sprinkk all the Aoors with Members of Ewell Camp,are fitter. The lime does its work at the suge a minia- requested to mee/,-the Nation- once when it is in the eaustie heaw- bolts 1»* ^ ' ^ »^ 1 o'cibe. \ condition, ^ f t e i seveial dajs. air performance will delight Ma- nassas is already those ^ho. have witnessed the rehear- ffiils of ^ e large cast, which is being trained-%^ Mr. G. Stuart The beneficial effeci prepared seed bed and die use^of hoijy or par- tially otfset by improper or sufficient cultivation,i8 the luhnee of rrof ap««ny«.<rtB ft/ t i n , n g p a r t - . tant inciber in c r ^ production. Cuttivation should begin immedi- ately after plantisg by running oae^ «r twiee aeress th« jsa& with a wetgg >r section harrow. After tfceplaBtaeoiae up at l^ut twnaf^dirianal fntriyations should be gJTOi m& gkberdie weeder <»* harrow m toe tase oz mtber conior.eett<» befefe the regular cuHivatos are «aed. Ron diag-. on ally aeroas the rows with either of theae implee»ent8._Mang the section harrow with the te^k slanted backward with an angle of-45 degrewMd drefw nprni the antjertr *^^0w iiindowment II'MML" The graduates are; Miss Anna Beahm, presidait; Mr. Franklin vioe-prerident; Miw LeUa Mt^ Early, secretary; Mr. Jerome W. Miller, treagoroi^ Wilson the services of this camp in the war wrthMe;rico," i>^^_ ing t h a t thCTe-fiyia&at ihis feiniH pntctically 9. state of war. I conceived it meet and proper a x ^ H r . EdwuHi Franklin G9T- boEv -Eaehmemberpartkipated in the excellent program. i=_The.pizea7warded during the oratory evening; SiSoi'ti^.Hi^ 'ollowo: The Judge N i e o l - debater's sdal: Ir. W. Beahm, Bedford City.Va. ^ e Judge Thornton $10 prize: F. W. Beahm, Bedf<»d City. Va. The HOB. EL Thornton'Davica lias Erthar Baahm, Nokesville, Va. The Hon. Thos. H. Lion $10 prize: Mias Peniie (kissOiNokes- J^esk F k ^ botany jeodad, MSm IliMa Flehr, Vieana, Va. GOOD TILTH. Soil that is heavy to i^w, that holds water and dries with big cracks, is the despair of thefar- fure, to so bemean tlumwlves ai3~ to be fitting Umpl6ft of that p l - iant army. . ' T f(wl the r^ponribUity as the membegrb grow less, and try to so conduct my line of march thiit it will meet the approval of thoB» sitting ^ high on thrones above, , who are jgatct" ^ those who pf-theae latter day*. knew them utab. I offered a reeolution last Sun- d a v i n t h e .Tnn Ti Hnn^ fTamp that "wft tfindn to President' &at. oeeupying the position we- do. that we thonM »•*. an nvam.^ pie to every other class of citi- zens that we have in good faitl^, cai 1 ied -out tixengreemeut at Ajp^^ pomattox; aa we left the differ- ences betwe^ us to the arl^a*- ib«xt of the sword and lost, we* are aa true soldicm ready to fi^far in the natiwi's defense. We are- but a few hours from the border; wfi fpri the atmtion more keenly than those farther away Mft*- icaas are thick among us; the history of the race is * 'tr^chery. *• "Remember the Alamo and Go- liad" wiB alxays be the battlft, czy of Texas. ' Of eOBTge- ftwy prin<»ip»t rt«v>«^ pation should we go would be to fcaap up witl^thc eetwmiaMij do uitfffary' any gMf wH^ ft m fanning. First, hard w<ak in plowing; second, more work in of thunder an3 rapTH^lTasTi of .li^-.^.t-n.r.g.^tiie bubbling cauiaron, we.rd ft'guTgsand sepulchral vo.ct?s all contributed to a suc- cessrti; rendition of the^cene.- -ifr,-...,*v -Ajid Mnrt»iay_al^^- no<.rf^ !i.-p . ^ xoeiient and nwich- adr.vir.i; > ^nibit of art and do- n t.-ti. :-i]er.ce was viewed at ^ first cuUivadoD. - ^^ The use of the weeder or sec- tion harrow is strongly a^viaed, ^ j ^ t e d rolling and harrowing; for the early cultivation of cam, ^^.^ e s e ^ which means work 4t^Tiganrin cultivating. And, even ^ ia nr>flT^)y B harml-gBS whJt^ •" ^*^ *" ™* *^ w<v^i»r on vttry fiw>n, a aati.'tfafttorv nr}tilrh- that A CARD OF THANKS. cover. So, when you clean up loose or sandy amis while the sec- holds moisture in a drouth, is again, you must xsnew^the Jitne, tion h«Tow ia preferable on day ^^"^^ atkaniable. ^ach iind- i» tfeatnent, even if the waHs still look white and fresh, for newi"; "^ orbuclfahntaoila -.. _, , discouraging in a wet season and Thiseariycul- gtjnaiiy so in a dry one. But. partment; in other words, "drair ratkms." If I had been that Admiral Mayo at Tampico I wouki have g i v ^ those yellow devils just 16- minutes to salute the flag or *>!••"» h-r_ _OBtJHt t h e m . , B u t mre silent Still, the siHrit lives, and While 5 f e ftrts we will go forth in defense of our country and justice. 0«r-littJe family ^roup is as you left us, health good, country in good cMidition for crops, plenty fitniff: Tours truly,' W. H. R. . Ifee ii^<affetum our '^/^:^^elt^"erpjg""have~'igiur"dCTd«^ <«" ^ar- there Is an effective remedy andj«^.„Q^, r^.oT\ MCE-rtKir- "t?PS f thank5 to the dear friends who everywhere even on thr i^lte I row desu^ys ail young grass and one that co4« than the extrg «»o-k«idly -jfaveuis a do- walls. ' weeds and leaves the soil in fine labor of two .seasons. That rem- nalion nartv laat Thursday nicrht' "" '"^—-^ • ~- ^condition and the cotton ready edy is soti floccuiation or CMrect- at Mr. J. M^iir^cSf^; TOWN lMPROVEMEPn3riforet»;^_or thin^ »•<•<»• yg^ Qf ^^g section narrow for prevented our being present, A cor L.T-.U... - -p is being the early cultivation of com and there:iire -xe avail ourseh^ of alined ti-tne . --^ si ^je property cotton in the South is rrrnpara- .. ^he meaiLtm of the papers t<J con---t)iM-^~ .>..^c_.i ... .... jsRixey. ^ t i v e l y rc-CLnt but is rap.Hixy ;>e- .vey Our Lhania to one and aj] hew tM^xt Sunday a4twm^"-. ^^concerr.^ti: ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ -^itsidp woodwork of t h ^ t a thp exwllenl wnrk * •• --ock tn tfi« Preirivuir.-ia. ^<.'.\. ^. JAA^I cs's: and Nat.4<f>») <<,aT>k <if MftnuBPac ie in th°-^tra amounti>t inn-"i inatcan < .-^ ircn. Aiiarecoroiati.virr.-iTor:. .Mr= A fi M \: FENN-V. the hands of the painter. be cultivated in a givc-n time. n',;>erfir..'e .r. W»-ii'>>.lay evening comin>i->reneral. One of the ^reat it? r^'acp .'.-.A .:>4j(Xlc uu; wiu&L -°adv%nU2e» 4 & its use, in addition, done. 14 ia«';v~ mK tne stickiness of day by a I ^ f^^%^'" ^^ * meetinjj of tr.c chemckl which counteracts it. Gainesville district school bAS;.: Flocru'stwn tn ajrnrakafe «» ae- rJiH»e27-at_10-*, v^-, at \.»-,...^^ cotnivi'shf^ eeenomifsl^r fm^f by ike*; for the-parprse of fit;^ . ' }jKrK.:nie Not' ;-.g t-ise '^K^.s^ng teachers .to ihe coixur.K M-^- w hen thorouehiv _• _ . * in-i 4 i r T ., .> • LSion 01 1914-15. dt>niK4s:is tirtte dfiTiC-^T nf fTv^r-ltTPtn??.'^" i n e p a l i w u s - * ^ tntt*—' t o - ^ - 4*»r tb* MatCht*me_attaci«; tfe^-tend. W. L. SA>.T»»-K- clay in preft-rence to the hurras. ' ' . ,


Page 1: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,

VOL. XX. -Ko. !. '' MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY^my .22,1014. OUR DOLLAR -A Y EAik-


Closing Exercise* of Eastem.CoI-leg« Held Wedneaday—Hon.

R. P. HdtMon Spealcs.


Member* of Group Three to Meet in Ftfth AnniMt Se—ioo

SfCdnaer^ Opera HbtueT


The cgnunenceinent txercises Group Three of the Virginia at Eastern College ctosed W?*nes Bankers' Aaaociatioo.-wrhTch day morning when Dr. Hervin | braces the banks of a large area

cn»«" 'playi

U. Roap, president of the col­lege, pffesented di^lomaa to a

from many states in the Union as well as from foreign countries.

The program opened with an overture by Miss Mozerazui Miss Hume, following which Rev. J . F. Buries pronounced the invoca­tion, and the girls'glee club sang '"Tis the Wedding Mom. Bank of Manassas; address on , Friceain^-a^wano soTo by^3aiai|-"TtgiigyGnrrRTiRy T^t^latinrrf Mary Russell, of West Virginia, honor orations were delivered by fir. Clarence H. Corkran, Wash-ington.-D. C , oi' Self Reliance;" Miss Edna E, Hume, Parsona, K a s-s-. > ea

D. Maphis, of the PeQples Nation-jJ-Bank-ofStri

Miss Mamie Blanton Patterson.

of this section of the State,Ja to convene here^tqmorrow at Con-ner's Opera Hoi^se.

Tl»e program inehides the dress of welcome by Hon. Thos H. Lion; response by Mr. C. E Tjfteay. president Qf._Jthe Faiu. 4uier National Bank, of Wacre^; ton; annual address by Mr. West-wood Hutchison, of the National

by Mr. Oliver J. Sands, president of the American National Bank of Richmond; report of the sec­

tary ftnd treasurer, Mr. Fred

BO genwously mixing the liquor and caUing his customers, Sam­ple Swichel, Joe Morgan, Green

• and Hammond to come and drink - with hi nil •

Mr. John Harpine, appearing in the role as Romaine, the coun­try gentleman, attired in the ESEznasjBsntjst

ggnftral Fi

discussion and election of officers. Luncheon is to l&e served at 1

Sl)C€ESSFafUMTABBffTK maOfflff lfM M ^ L i ^ z f i t ^ B l Given Last Saturday for Benefit

of Aden School—Characters WeU Portrayed.

"Ten Nights in a Barroom," Dnunatic Club of

First Matinee Performance at 3:30 Friday Afternoon, June

S, on Eastern Campus."

With eighty people in the cast

Adeo, was a great sueeess. Mr. Amofi^mith, representing Simon Slade, the barkeeper, kept the audience in roars of laughter, by

acted his part fully, and added much amusement to the play of the evening. ^

delightful novelty in theatricals which Manasso has yet wit­nessed.

The ladies of the Guild of Trin-ity EpiscQpaT charcb are sponsors

The caM will include sixty chil­dren who are to dance at Miss Parkman's lawn party. ~AmffngTtinSirtft apfw r are the

The card game of seven-up in the barroom, played by Mr. C. C.

jQgle aa G^ppn ar d Mr as Willie Hammond, did not fait to bring a pleasing smile on

and an ideal scttlni; UDun nature's own stage, the coming perform-anceof ' The Old VerBM»Bt Farm" in the open air at Eastern Ck)l-legft PAmniia wiJI y^mvo f h a m ^ t

Misses Elizabeth O'Neil, Evdyn Kincheloe, Alma Lunsford, Ella Cathpr, Lula Arey, EotoUo Cora well, Goldie Beavers, Carrie Ben­nett, Thelma Utterback, Nannie

T iwy ^ - r-kio, Helen Payne. Muriel Lar-

Morgan Mory, Former Manassas

LumbeK DeaTcar, Dies at~


Home in PennsylTania.- -

Morgan Mory, for many years

C o n f e d e r a t e Veteran TeHs About die Mexican Situa-

a resident of Manassas, diedlasf Satorday morning at his late home, No^ IZA^ North Jefferson Btr^t. AUentown, Pa. He had ttfifin aiifffring thst pa~it yaar f r w hardening of the arteriea whinh Was. followed by several strokes of paralysis, culminating in his death Saturday at the age of eighty years^

He was boni IhTTpper Saucon, Pa., October 25, 1833, and was the son of John and Lydia Mcry. He was married on May 9, 1867, to MaKndatSUnd, the cooide re­cently celebrating the 47tfa anni-versity of their marriage.

' Mr. Mory came to Manajjwas eighteen yeat« ago and entered the lumber b u s i n g , building the resident on Centre street'now oc t'upied by Mr. J. B. Trimmer ^

[and cgnductmg his businesia on . . • -,;- . - ^ 1 the adjacent comer. kin, Thelma Bryant; ElTzatieth agt^e returnedto—

' r T 'TT ; " .' WW ^ f" W ^ 11—TT——— •_ ' - ' T - T l"—." ? .". J" : -" !?

tion—A Texas- View!

Capt. John R. Rust, of Hay-market, is in receipt of the fol­lowing letter from a Texas com­rade:


kind enough to remember me * few weeks since and a prompt reply should have been sent, but you know the many putolfs. - ^ would be"jilad to join you In hohor of our great leader at Gettysburg; there is nothing that should be left undone by the sot» dters Ot K E. Lee to render per­manent the memory of the great deeds of thk .great gitiy rn hn(f jfeneral in the years to come when thooo who followed Geu. iMH will no longer bear witness; those to foww ahoulj Itave some token, tor' point to, around which to center

5QUghraOhe"great chieTCain: Wytheville, Va., on 'The Social-ized Conscience."

o'clock at the New Prince Wil­liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A.

every face. Mioo Moybugh, acting aa Mrs.

Uoleman, Madeline McCoy, Esther Bfyant, Betay Payne, Margaret

and has since lived a retired life Theref w e I regret that I cannot COBOTlbUte bV a v bresenf>P fhafc

• #

The oommoncomont orator was HntrhJBfm i« to h"'t^fflHtmiwtnrl'Slade, akitifntiy inauaHed Iter Cornwell, Mny Thmwu and Ratfa:: dren, fien. A, Mory and Mra. Mary Weaver, and thre^ grand^ Tnr muieh to the honor and memory

R^prtat'iilHllvH Rjehmuuil Feag A trip to • the battlo_fiold_wJtt portln scckinr to save httr hii^ X(jii!j'4;lue and MaftlHrH CieinHnt children, Paul L., Maiguwite and Chfurles Weaver. Alabama, whooo

subj ect was' 'The College Student of theT wentieth Century." Mr, Hobson opened his address with

~s gracexul complmient to the three college orators and to all college students in general, the 2 per cent «f its people from which^-the eounlry dKiws- 77 per

close the day. from the awful

)usTRiAL mm.

Commencement Proper > t& IKS Held Tomorrow—Orator Frma

t o Ite^hresent.

r»ant tff nH^ifa Ipnrioryi, U p (fffrft

upon the importance of charae-. ter building, of that leadership and of the knowledge that the

^ individual's circle of service hfis — extended with tfa^ yflftrH. Viflg=

Dommenceifienl DaV"-ia—te-b&

band and son tttJDinrofH

Let us then look at the oecno, so clearly presented by Mr. Ray­mond Jones ^ Joe Moi^ran, the drunkard, and Mrs. C. C. Fogle-as Fanny, his heart-broken wife.

Perfect stillness pervaded the room as the drunkard's child was cruelly struck by Simon Slade, in

Cornwell, Raymond Hewitt, Alli­son Hooff,"C«'ter K.o<mtz, Carle-' ioii AUiwy. Praiirii Qimiug,

fewyewB and <^° gray hoataof the Confederate

tin Beavcprs, Carleton Cannon an< thirty other?. — —

Mrs. J. B. T. Thorntem and Miss Julia W> Lewis have charge of the ticket sale. The cast w411 include twenty principals and « large committee will serve re-

MR army will i>e but as a dream; they, the few left, have a duty t-n tKo m^wy^niy ^ t h M » gffnfl bfH

Prizes in. Ondnry Awardedi— Judge C E. Nicol MakM


observedtomorro^TanSeHai ias^^t tympf in^Jg-^cg- thMif^ fr^imentB, sa&IndQStinal Youth. Pi

ingalcohol from a scientific stand-

^Joe Morgan, and gmet rel| ^ ^ ^ [ through the atmosphere as the

Tie ezerdses of commence-ment week at Hebron Seminary,

cer, S a { ^ «fa» » i » itapaping watflhjthrtnigh th» n j i ^

point he explained the situation. cited the solntion of the problem and followed his remedy to the

droaa, foUowing -which oorUfi-cates, prizes vad gifts vriU be presented.

time whei^prohibition should be in the constitution of the world. Glimpses of the battle of Santiago, were pleasantly delineated, and a happy climax was r^ched in an-

^The additJMi o f &=tv

child lay dying and the Bfliathsr pal adult guests neweat taflagb and maxteer

ivillej_were concluded yA-

waiting for the last words of the : IhSi. ftowimiaw.waUwBngpior

sufferer which came faintly "Nearer, My God, to Thee"

was beautifnlly rpndpred by the

care or fewns &om Jrorponnding

mencement proper. JudyeC. E. Nicol deHvend aa^rioqaent ^

defending theiygoo*^ Ifinft* amnTtpp

ticipation of the time when every child bom under the American

-—flag aboul^have the opportunity.

Normal Course eliminates a grad­uating class this yjear in the Aca­demic; Department. Trade««ti-ficates have be^i awaided f(»-cabinet making to Raymond Rice

le quartet of Aden.

4istricts. Thfr play is a great '^ i t" in

Washington and that the opea

drtaa to the gi'aduating daas and Mr. Lewis B. Fk>hr made un ad-

of a higher education. Sunday morning the bacca-

and for blacksmithing and wheel-wrighting to Daniel Laws. — T h e prnf^^m inf)|]df^tl 4 h g ^ m -

mencement sermon Sunday by Rev. Edgar E. Eicks,^ of Wash- i

-7au-reale;:s«=vii^was-teM-in^he^ ve™"n chaneL Dr. ROOD delivering the „„K,-K;*;^^ "^ A'^^^^ZTZT^.- Ibtean4«WfOSCopic_3Qeldto

The-closing scene revealed the reformed drunkard's home, and every one preswit went home f eeUng that they had been Te-paid for attending the interest-ing play of Ten Night's in a Bar^ room. '- Bro«tock,-of Waahiagftma, 9* ^

chapel. Dr. Roop delivering the sermon, *'The Educated Youth the Chief Element of National Piohpei'ity."—T-h-e—giria' glee club sang the antham and Mies Nellie E. Monks^ instructor in\sigki. voice, sang a solo, ' ^ y Redeem­er and My Lord." Mr. Benja-

Cholera, foot rot, vermin, visC-, . , . . . J J , , >,lc and micro8copic_yield to asep-

exhibition^ and deda«auon con- ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ j around i n f f test T u ^ a y ; exhibition and p r o - ^ 3 ^ ^ j^ ^j^^^^ ^ ^ 1 ^ „ ^ ^ m ^ industrial departments|^^^^ ^ j , j ^ ^ .^ Wodnocdayj alnmni f v r m f l g j ^ '^^^^^ ho.. lerday,. and annual ^H<WM to--i

your l«.st .ship-

Xvo -WaahingteiB vocal-.l^ ; ment, and kept it injr,*nse ftr wherr yoTrtavemndr ~

min D. Lucas, for fourteen years a missionary to China, made the annual address to the Christian associations S u n d a y evening. Preceding this the campus^praise oor^ico woo oondueted by Dr.

ists will be assisted by talent' ^~^ -,„ ^•„ „ ^ * i . „ o.,* . f fK krtrti ^ rainy weather. Put a irom tnescnooi. ^ 'eouplfcof-big^lumiw i n s hiTfket,

MFJMnRlAI HAY JIINjr , 1^°"'' °" '^'^ ^'^'^ ""'^ " "^'^^ MJzJMUKiAL UAY, JUNE 3 . ^ ^4^^^ gg they wilJ*<!rink in, and " ! then let tij«B-stand Until the

The Memorial Association and - lime geta hot and steams and

Reap, who eallod upon otadont

Daughters of thp r.Mf^>AM^^y then falla to a .riry pnmHar—If.


are arranging an interesting pro- \ the time does not heat readily, and citizen to take part in the in- gram to be rendered next Wed- " d some Hmes d i not, use hot formal program xd music and ""^^^ '" observance of Memo-: or boiling water to shick i t Then words of praise. I "^^ ^ ^ - R«P*'«sentativ€ Rufus "" the bucket with enough cold

The exhibition concert of the I Hardy, of Texas, will be the ora- water so as to make a thin mUk pionoforte department. P r n L l t o / of thA^ay^__Evirybody is in-: wi ththeto Glenn C Gorreil director tookt^**^*** ™**' at the Courthouse down the walls of the animal place Monday evening^ and on i ** 2 p. m., when the procession sUlIs, the pig-f^n and chicken X^esoay-was rendered the p « , ^ * i " formjo mych to the ceme-. houae and ^ ^ ^ P ^he ^ 5;^-:^

produced; With a p o l o g i e s to Shaktspeare, the witches' scene from "Macbeth." The darkened aLiditoruim, tur*- w»>o<i{and, the

ration of the graves, the « <^ daah it on with aa old l»«om. cises are to be held. Then, sprinkk all the Aoors with

Members of Ewell Camp,are fitter. The lime does its work at the suge a minia- requested to m e e / , - t h e Nation- once when it is in the eaustie

heaw- bolts 1»* ^ ' ^ »^ 1 o'cibe. \ condition, ^ f t e i seveial dajs.

air performance will delight Ma-nassas is already those ^ho. have witnessed the rehear-ffiils of ^ e large cast, which is being trained-%^ Mr. G. Stuart

The beneficial effeci prepared seed bed and die use^of

hoijy or par­tially otf set by improper or sufficient cultivation,i8 the luhnee o f rrof ap««ny«.<rtB ft/ t i n , ngpart - .

tant inciber in c r ^ production. Cuttivation should begin immedi­ately after plantisg by running oae^ «r twiee aeress th« j sa& with a w e t g g >r section harrow. After tfceplaBtaeoiae up at l^ut twnaf^dirianal fntriyations should be gJTOi m& gkberdie weeder <»* harrow m toe tase oz mtber conior.eett<» befefe the regular cuHivatos are «aed. Ron diag-. on ally aeroas the rows with either of theae implee»ent8._Mang the section harrow with the te^k slanted backward with an angle of-45 degrewMd

drefw nprni the antjertr * 0w iiindowment II'MML"

The graduates are; Miss Anna Beahm, presidait; Mr. Franklin

vioe-prerident; Miw LeUa Mt^ Early, secretary; Mr. Jerome W. Miller, treagoroi^

Wilson the services of this camp in the war wrthMe;rico," i>^^_ ing that thCTe-fiyia&at ihis feiniH pntctically 9. state of war.

I conceived it meet and proper a x ^ H r . EdwuHi Franklin G9T-boEv -Eaehmemberpartkipated in the excellent program. i=_The.pizea7warded during the oratory evening; S iSoi ' t i^ .Hi^

'ollowo: • — The Judge N i e o l - debater's sdal: Ir. W. Beahm, Bedford

City.Va. ^ e Judge Thornton $10 prize:

F. W. Beahm, Bedf<»d City. Va. The HOB. EL Thornton'Davica

lias Erthar Baahm, Nokesville, Va.

The Hon. Thos. H. Lion $10 prize: Mias Peniie (kissOiNokes-

J^esk F k ^ botany

jeodad, MSm IliMa Flehr, Vieana, Va.


Soil that is heavy to i ^ w , that holds water and dries with big cracks, is the despair of thefar-

fure, to so bemean tlumwlves ai3~ to be fitting Umpl6ft of that p l ­iant army. . '

T f(wl the r^ponribUity as the membegrb grow less, and try to so conduct my line of march thiit it will meet the approval of thoB» sitting ^ high on thrones above, , who are jgatct" ^

those who pf-theae latter day*. knew them utab.

I offered a reeolution last Sun-d a v i n t h e .Tnn Ti Hnn^ fTamp

that "wft tfindn to President'

&at. oeeupying the position we-do. that we thonM »•*. an nvam.^ pie to every other class of citi­zens that we have in good faitl^, cai 1 ied -out tixengreemeut at Ajp^^ pomattox; aa we left the differ-ences b e t w e ^ us to the a r l ^ a * -ib«xt of the sword and lost, we* are aa true soldicm ready to fi^far in the natiwi's defense. We are-but a few hours from the border; wfi fpri the atmtion more keenly than those farther away Mft*-icaas are thick among us; t h e history of the race is * 'tr^chery. *• "Remember the Alamo and Go­liad" wiB alxays be the battlft, czy of Texas. '

O f eOBTge- ftwy prin<»ip»t rt«v>«^

pation should we go would be to fcaap up witl^thc eetwmiaMij do

uitfffary' any gMf wH^ ft m fanning. First, hard w<ak in plowing; second, more work in

of thunder an3 rapTH lTasTi of .li -. .t-n.r.g. tiie bubbling cauiaron, we.rd ft'guTgsand sepulchral vo.ct?s all contributed to a suc-cessrti; rendition of the^cene.-

-ifr,-...,*v -Ajid Mnrt»iay_al^^-no<.rf !i.-p . xoeiient and nwich-adr.vir.i; > ^nibit of art and do-n t.-ti. :-i]er.ce was viewed at


first cuUivadoD. - ^ The use of the weeder or sec­

tion harrow is strongly a^viaed, ^ j ^ t e d rolling and harrowing; for the early cultivation of cam, • ^^.^ e s e ^ which means work

4t^Tiganrin cultivating. And, even ^ ia nr>flT )y B harml-gBS whJt^ •" ^*^ *" ™* *^ w<v i»r on vttry fiw>n, a aati.'tfafttorv nr}tilrh- that

A CARD OF THANKS. cover. So, when you clean up loose or sandy amis while the sec- holds moisture in a drouth, is again, you must xsnew^the Jitne, tion h«Tow ia preferable on day ^^"^^ atkaniable. ^ach iind- i» tfeatnent, even if the waHs still look white and fresh, for newi"; " ^ orbuclfahntaoila

- . . _, , discouraging in a wet season and Thiseariycul- gtjnaiiy so in a dry one. But.

partment; in other words, "drair ratkms."

If I had been that Admiral Mayo at Tampico I wouki have g i v ^ those yellow devils just 16-minutes to salute the flag or *>!••"» h-r_ _OBtJHt them., But

mre silent Still, the siHrit lives, and While 5 f e ftrts we will go forth in defense of our country and justice.

0«r-littJe family ^roup is as you left us, health good, country in good cMidition for crops, plenty fitniff: Tours truly,'

W. H. R. . Ifee ii^<affetum our '^/^:^^elt^"erpjg""have~'igiur"dCTd«^ <«" ^ar- there Is an effective remedy andj«^.„Q^, r^.oT\ MCE-rtKir-



thank5 to the dear friends who everywhere even on thr i^ l te I row desu^ys ail young grass and one that co4« than the extrg «»o-k«idly -jfaveuis a do- walls. ' weeds and leaves the soil in fine labor of two .seasons. That rem-nalion nartv laat Thursday nicrht' "" '"^—-^ • ~- ^condition and the cotton ready edy is soti floccuiation or CMrect-at Mr. J. M ^ i i r ^ c S f ^ ; TOWN lMPROVEMEPn3riforet»;^_or t h i n ^

»•<•<»• yg^ Qf ^^g section narrow for prevented our being present, A cor L.T-.U. . . - -p is being the early cultivation of c o m and there:iire -xe avail o u r s e h ^ of alined t i -tne . -- si je property cotton in the South is rrrnpara-

.. ^ h e meaiLtm of the papers t<J con---t)iM-^~ .>..^c_.i... . . . . j s R i x e y . ^ t i v e l y rc-CLnt but is rap.Hixy ;>e-. v e y Our Lhania to one and aj]

h e w tM^xt Sunday a4twm^"-. ^^concerr.^ti: ^ ^ ^ ^^^ -^itsidp woodwork of t h ^ t a thp exwllenl wnrk * •• --ock tn tfi« Preirivuir.-ia. ^<.'.\. ^. JAA^I cs's: and • Nat.4<f>») <<,aT>k <if MftnuBPac ie in th°-^tra amounti>t inn-"i inatcan < .- ircn. Aiiarecoroiati.virr.-iTor:. .Mr= A fi M \: FENN-V. the hands of the painter. be cultivated in a givc-n time.

n',;>erfir..'e .r. W»-ii'>>.lay evening comin>i->reneral. One of the ^reat it? r 'acp .'.-.A .:>4j(Xlc uu; wiu&L -°adv%nU2e» 4 & its use, in addition, done. 14 ia«';v~

mK tne stickiness of day by a I ^ f ^% '" ^^ * meetinjj of tr.c chemckl which counteracts it. Gainesville district school bAS;.: Flocru'stwn tn ajrnrakafe «» ae- rJiH»e27-at_10-*, v^-, at \.»-,...^^ cotnivi'shf^ eeenomifsl^r fm f by ike*; for the-parprse of fit;^ . ' }jKrK.:nie Not' ;-.g t-ise '^K^.s^ng teachers .to ihe coixur.K M-^-

w hen t h o r o u e h i v _• _ . * in-i 4 i r T ., .> • LSion 01 1914-15.

dt>niK4s:is tirtte dfiTiC- T nf fTv^r-ltTPtn??.' " i n e p a l i w u s - * ^ tntt*—' t o - ^ -4*»r tb* MatCht*me_attaci«; tfe^-tend. • W. L. SA>.T»»-K-clay in preft-rence to the hur ras . ' ' . ,

Page 2: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,


-^i-*€TERA}iS FOR ' m ^ f f l l f l ^ ? ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ dith . Henry and Mrs.

N«t>rttaka G. A. R.'s Pan ReM>-3M*»MU fo AM! m'~<SBSBM

Battle Park.

Largest P ^ Its Hiftory

by a shelj fromEicketts'Battery' With tfxe hand in oh July 21; IBSr, when confined' trains inK) Atlan

OURyaj^ FRIDAY. MAY 29. 1914.

11» r i

+ Bw^&fflBE M l


~ The Grand Island (N< r.)Ir f]e peadeat published a 4aFge«d}t{on during the Grand Army encamp­ment of that department which was extensively circulated among tbe Nebraska veterans. The edi­tion centaioed cuts of the Bull Ruiwnonuments loanad hy THB-

We quote the following from ita columne; —

to her bed in her 85th year. The trains out bearing Shriners who grandchildren of these ladies still; attended the annual meetinj? of own the land,-ia8lttdM>g tba mgii- rtbe imiMfwl CkMiaeil of cite: umcnta rcfierred to.—They have-Ancient Arabic Ordef, and never"offered. the property for|dition many extra sections of sale to private^persons, and are;regular trains and extra equip-not wiiiing to sell it for farmment on all regular trains, all purposes. They have kept the without an accident of any kind monuments as well as could be; and on practically schedule time, expected for nearly half a cen-.j the Southern railvyay h ? jnet-tury and are eilUUed 10 fair com-{completed the largest passenger

"Among the resolutions that will be presentfid will be one memorializing the Nebraska con-,

4a OeHKTeaa to vutBjWr tbe purchase of the farms known as the-Hemy-antt the- Bt ran farn»,~ tBe historic grtAmds of the battles of Bull Run. at Man-waaaB, Va. The JJnitad State* Government has monuments oh both sites, commemorating the first and second battles. _Tbe. fiarins consist^f 128 ai)4l4&aeres^ respectively. But the govern­ment does not own the lands. The owners are willing to sell,

rt ask a price baaWl 6n a value

movement in its history and what is believed to fcive been one of

pensation therefor. "The Lee family were paid

$240,000 for Arlington, which!the most -sacceagfattF Irandlsf was taken in time of war. Could! movements ever accomplished by i t be thought extravagant notr|any^merTcan raHw^ to pay |gQ.OCK <>ti ptirP J^f^'^^ i Arranrfmpwtfffrrr for 'Jlfinry Eill' where two greatj of tkp--aiwyiai; ttTwig wpy** so ar-battles ended, and wherein 1911 ranged that this was accom-


Lumber and Planing

historically aside from the intrin­sic, fertility price of the land Small au ihe ditterence is, there is apparently some diviaion of

tlje~fifir J libtlee of the Blue and the^Gray was lietd ih the pres­ence of the President of the

Statest ' 'Surely the United States does

not pr( x>se to tear down the monuments, plow up ihegnHlBd and" "raise corn and potatoes on soil soaked with the blood of the brave. Hence we submit t ^ t

plished absolutely without" cojiif gestion -or confusion and as the result of the protection given by the large force of apecial (^cers which the Southern had on duty at the Atlanta Terminal Station and at places where cars were T)arked, not a single robbery or attempt at robbery was reported. The parking places were occu

W« kaep oa hmad LmBber. Lime, Cement ij ikiirifik, j.>oew, «a«h, ^'«il4i5g«J>por tad Window Frames, Punt* ^'^< ^tuuii, SingM, TieTewf aStS ^^BA at BailiUn' Hardwue, •lul u « -|m|MiiK) til ftll Qtden tot MOM on tboH aotiee.'

We guarantee prices, to Jieai. low as any in aJl cases.

dplnion in Congress, some hag-' gling aboot the price. To hund reds of thousands of Americana

geaeratioina »« WPJI a^ rans who have a More

acute to the vgi direct and interest, jUie convictioh will come instauiiane-" ously that there should be no hesitation on llw pailof r^ngywa in the acquiring of the sites and their protection, beautification and perpetual retention. Dr. Spaldlhg, of Omaha, la one_of the main leaders in the mattelr of presenting a proper reBola tion in reference to the monu^ ment auesHnn nnA »Ko B..»t m .nt f aniffflg the YPtprang ia atwdHfaS

thfi gnvpmmpnf ahrwM net on | pied b i 150 Pullman cars in WhlgB between 3,000 and 4,000 Shriners lived while in Atlanta, being

pect to buy such- land at agripul-tural prices'

B^=it fiirt-hnr i-onnlwr.rf.-Th tr the assist adjutant general of this depailiueut be iBatructect to send a copy of these resolutions to oar aenatetB and raproaontativoo in CongrfiM,

A definite relation between the amount of humus, or vegetable matter Ih the soil, and its crop-prodocing power as shown by

just isaued by the department of ai^etiftttre; T h e department therefore advocates the use of

given every-conafort and eoave-n i e n c e a f f o r d t ^ h v f h o nr./w«-

modem hotels. These results could" bhly have

been Beftumd bj a wilwiiy=^g= tem with plant and an flffjcientoryaniaation and-tbey-followed" therni(Bt earefSTplan-aiag, eiEteiidingovarmontfas-and

Lumber Special tyr-

in Carioad Lots


Walls sre f^ e^t ore<f t o

xiginal Beauty. and br ightness When Finished — — W i t h

The Ied«rli7T)ttfIlll, SaDitirj FUt^Bti'ri F.E GEE F L A T K O A T X i . a distinct depanure ir< m otd-lime w»Mp»p«f —4o lh» i wMniwry niim-iiKi -i»»»,', '

expensive and frequent redecorating, no more tfirin and iluit cafching walU. A moiat wonge U »U it take, .o reMore a tlatkoatt-ed waU to iw original be«uty and brightness. P E E GEE FLATKOATT come* inliioif, deep, v e l v e t y colors, pemittrng ttae a»oir"artilQe decorative effects.

F T> I? P "The Modern Method o< I\. Il> lii flm«hiii«W»U«." Itconwim

iLLUSTRATH) ?S!S*^.nS'?^o^ B C\ r% K Write to PraslM-GaullMrt

\J yj ^- Co..lnconM>ratMi.Loulsvitl», Kwituckr. for FREE BOOK, or s A it*.



absolute attention to every de-tai l w h e h jtjt^p pbiTV|a nroT" hfl ing

carried out* Every ^x^»r tram was accompanied by an opera-

yields of COTB, is giv«i in figures ting officw acd^ casaenger rep=-resentative and the crew of every

yariooa methods to introducfi the required humus into the soil.

there will hkeiS' be no delSnita tone in the resolurion, hii» t^a^ 't will cQiurc? an earnest appeal for prompt action, even tboUgbA somewhat faighgr price mnat h*i paid for the land. To the Gov; emment of the United Siataa these ianda after their purchue will ^ or, at least, should be. priceless. 'The Independent to-day is akl^ to present a view of the two iQonojneBtg which-ara receiving no care or not such care as plainly should be giveil them."

The followiing was the action -of tho vctorana, regaidiug Bull

Experts -ef-atat* that tfce a e t S ^ tfa» whole eoQtttry. and partic"i>triY of ffig

train was personally inspected by division and general officers be­fore gmng ott the run. The en tirfly saftiafactory haadliiig of thfg <>ift:i'aordinari > =fag

South, have lost and are losing immense amou]Qts of this source of soil ferrilny through forest nres-which apparently do little immediate danage, but rob the sou oi accumulations of hjunus. In many parts of the South land is being^ (beared &>rlanni^.aJad^ where juch forest land hag not been bamed there is a large oer-

Run: *' Whereas, a bill to pijoteet the

numuments already erected -on

4iure, and thus4s less likely to be washed'and gullied ..under heavy raiwa. - ^ ^ theae raaaons, Icwv-

tho battlofioldo of Bull Ilun,. Va., and otbo inonameots that may be there erected, is now before rnngram; • •

' 'And whereas, the fate of this propoeitiiMi which has be^i <uum-imously endoraed by the{Natk»n-al^Bcaapimiiig f tii ^ iafr yaay

senator, Gilbert and his *^»nmitt^

M. Hitcbcoek,

of the Uiuteff States attfiep: ent S€MioiL_

'*And whereas, these are the.^ only monuments b ^ k ^ the vet­erans therasdves and were built to the memory of the lO.OOOcom-

centage of vegetable mattk-, which i»«vides considerable fer­tility and a good texture. " More-over this soil has a greater ca­pacity to absorb and retain mois-

maot to Atfainta.fay-tbe SoBthern railway shoold aid all Southern cities in their eflforts to liiMilwge conventioM in the futofe.

EspMBritpoit m Feedmg. Gittle

President Harrison, of the Roiithem railway company, has received fromTHessrs. R. C.Cur-tis and L> W. Straok, anlaiO hus^ baadtDentncbarge of beef catde and sheep investigations at Ae Nftrth Carolina Agricultural-£x-i'

JDg out of accotmt the damage to standing timber, the d^>art-menf a authoritiea are agreed-

out of .woodlands.

i£u mmm The Pkaiae That CMMS Frdta

periment Station, a report of .an. experiment in feeding two lota of beef mLUe on the farm of Mr. R:A.Derby,in Richmond county, N. C, which will be of interest to those who contemplate feeding beef caiUe'in the South abd are deterred by the assumption that a large initial investment is ne-CtiHsary in llM> way 6t bems~%Dd sheds.

One lot of sixteen steers was ftsl iu an open shed and given ^ run of a ^Mce sixteen feet by jLhlfiyAwi.—AuothCT l a of ax-teen irteers was fed in a f y<»-j»'~ I ^^

The report shows that the' fed outside made Sl.$

lelcT cattle pounds more gain per head than those i ed inside and their final


One kidney remedy has known merit. Mmiiiaaa pcufilu rety upon'ft. , t That ramedy ia Doan'a Kidney PiUs. i market condition was equally as MsnMaas testinionyproireaitr^able. I good as those fed under cover

The feed for each lot of cattle Our repairser -iceU quickand«ffi«»BV4 3m. y.-»&ecBfi-OnarrvSt g«n..^ ! . n itf d ftf 1 Tlfl jtaiinrli cottttn j »!Jjeffl<%JM».i»£Mg warhaiiinaw


Hibbs & Giddings

S ? * ' ' ' * i **^^* « ^ ! ^ " - ^ " ] 4 : ; ^ 1 S i : : h ; ^ ^ ^ 1.230 pounds^o? c o r a , ^ . they » y g "KJ were dedicated .tandh., no«.'. la^y RU, were 915 pounds of com stover and in the most solemn lfti«uage the t u «» r«n»dr t^t did-th* _««*.[-42.776 pounds of cora silace. English hngnage can record.and They* brongfat reB<f aft«r other medi-faavcittobd on private grooad up}*'"'** " *•*'«*• t teti^tiat l car do to this time.

"Tberefon;," I great service to kidney jtafferer* by



Be It Resolved, mmmniawdiag Dsan's KiJiii> f Ula."

The paint that is CHEAP per gaJlon HEAR

That it & the heA jvtigmak of this Encampment «f the Ne­braska Grand Army of the Re> public that this bill have our hearty, pndqrsegie^t. and it is the I hope of this body that our sena-tMS aad representatives in Go.. Prop*.. Boffaio. N. Y. gress naay see their way clear to ' ^ her. \ our Back u Ume-RemMn support thia hill and to vote for- ^^ Its paa&age when it*baJlcomeup ~^ for finai aclion.

Tb* Above atatecDent must.^kn:y cQfi viction to the mjtid of every readtf. Don't simply «ik for a kidney remedy - a * k distinctly for Doan's Kuingy

' PilU. the same that Mrs. McCaen recotn-mentis^tfce riiucujF hacked' Uy Imitu testimony. Sue allitores. Foeto^lCil-

I *naarth«tiM AUuiiiilauPAd lar ' leaa Extraction of Teeth.


mvm [OR.X^ F. HatTGH I I D E N T I S T


'M. I. C. Buildinwr. Mana v as. Va.

^PQlkMfl lers l lVERPll lS Will renve your l»iy torpid tiTer without griping yon a-

-dwordernjg ytjnr srtraiach. They »rretigt}ien arid i.-.v'.por J p ^^ij« 'f>«T »re starrinf heilthf lecretioa «rd retnor (hatttr bile from your tystem. T h e y do oot prrxiuc, .^^ .o»ed JiT "" ' ' • •

ng the u»:»uiT vnT irom your sysieai. i nef oo aot f-—-'

b i d »ftcr f^ecu caoacd hj Calomel or sdock or weaken the lyswrn T h » f f ' ' « w e , puiify it\« rebuild whrt* itief'tn ff-moringlmitick^ Wlti8B»»«>

«n<l (nurd yoo apiinjt more »enous ailments.

» t y d i B | aiwl m u H l f y i.l6re», lOc a box. Sample ;, r neat. Examine Free Coapoa in each box, it is worth 2«c free ijok

POLK MBJiR DRIX, (,0.,4fle., Kichm.,nd. ^

rasDnmended" for ilii II'IIILJ tjoanlr

m a ; eoet yon a l i t t le more per gal lon,

TtTT i^Mt I-ESS--^jSBT t5h""Ogn^oiiy

trther paint made , as It - 'li liu from

E EXT HP. an

- r * r S A - » r TYSON j^.M-^ry.

bavmg a perfect baautoom

Smnitmry. therefore hei.!n; Oura6i«, T^crefoT e. - - il

A-a r>cj-,«-< tru :et :« njT« an ir,,-; .'•,•..:. \, IV. {ipre«M.-.~ ..; ..^ - .—r. tistri The^e re^wu

w auj ni^i<.i:-~ s...

•• i: er •' P IS SUCft MX\ c x t c z u i v c

• I en..r.Ait


tr . «J, L r d r n b ?.Url.»i Si. -.-ibijrg .V« .


Page 3: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,


, a i T a S B a 0 -301 i rUt t l ." ' ' i^ } vLiiloi^. The reiult is that during the three < I


\.Enter<rd a l the I'l -I Ottice at Mana.»iis, Virgvi ia . its S«sctma~ Ctass Mtrrt Mat ter ••

ng •"tnonttisof sumroCTandthe^ftrst month of atttasftft, tliuugh th« concert schedule of the^olScerof putbi

• lie Lnn^Fa^IajiJ ;gTO cert fi«- each weekday, .there. ai"« a s > matter of,



tact a higher nximfapr than six ^>en-air. coneeiSfr -The^reekJjfxeftcert of tie Ma»fi© &u)d

at the east frf^nt of th** ff<pitnl alsnJn_additiQn , Fifty (>ntai ir i i-,t h f,j[ tht-Tintt ir ->*-rtjur <iiid Tw,*nty-fivc '""entB fur

AH cards ' t^ial1^.-. foriniii r»-ttoli;lKxi*, ••bituarj noticpa <i\hvx usua: <4«ath riutirn, and »ll Jimtter uf »n adverUbtriK ciiiiracter. ,?itk«r . , • , , , . , . , , . , j l U diro^tlycr ii.dir^a>, will bt puUt«be<i«t the r»teuf Twcnty-fiye Genu an j ifi c j ^ ^ g g o f p u D U C b U l l Q i n g S 3 0 0 g T O U n O S , t n C

• th.r> tke to Llios«<«iven under the direction of the officer

" '^dpiloi giouadij bein;; uniici liie autjtufity twtof __ i that officer, but of the superintendent of the cap*^

; itol. The Cavalry Band on the evenings when it \ does not play in the parks of Washington gives

- .-idTcrs anrt sailors arcep' their w^rrk^th thejy.p^nraTf r mf'pTF, aTir^^'pcsT" ToTEecSneem in

MANASSAS, \ 'A , FRIDAY, MAY -£6. 1914.


iii>iti<-i-i;^iP'i'"j^ ' i - ^ ' ' " ' ^ > f-'** ^ ' ' 'hwrn ii\

lay down llteir lives !ur the cuinmoii good. It is

a r tdeeming trail in iJie netesiiary work of mak-

J! j , iv;,ily to d'.'feiid the nation against its foes. Tlui.-,c liien wtio died in Mexico were but fuilill-lii^ uu aiv,.... ^ putsible call of duty. Should there bfc III) curiH ^ixjnding elements in the call and duty of tlie ciNliian citiy>fu? Are we not, too, the chil^ dren of riie nation, pledged to her honor and liv­ing in her service? It is easier sometime to di^ than to live for a devotion. The maijiching orders ft)!' tilt; light, ilie stjitat; uf cuimadesiiip, the ex-

tlib Wliitti House gwunds, Potomac Pnrk^ Duptfflt Circle, Franklin Park, Garfield Park, Iowa Circle, Judiciary Square,the Smithsonian grounds,Wash­ington Circte, Lc^SB-Pwpfc, McMiliaft Park and Montrose Park, all under the authority of. the officer in charge of jpublic baiiding and grounds, should be added the frequent band recitals in the ^ u n d s of the Soldiers' Homo, on the parade at Washington harracks, on the lawns of the navy-yard and at Fert Myer. " ,

A glance at the pro-ams of these bands and

citement of the battle, bring all the poweiii uf the ""sdiiPfo unlfv'and T)Iow our c o u r s e fo a flame Tho quiet, worluuiay courage of-uiiBclfioh-ei^geg-ship is quite as needful for the nation's life. Without-it the soldier's heroism may go for, naught, or be employed in unjust causes. While we honor ourdead'of Vera Cruz, let us dedicate

ilvea an6w t a j h c tjoryigC-of tbo nft Jow-fe* which they so bra^vely gave their livear-



SCHOOLBOOK PRICES. Superintendent Steames and the members of

the State Board of Education have undep^.'A^/Hf.icai entert^nmente. whetb^r outH>f-doOTS or in-the task of securing schoolbooks at a lower c«|W tft th^ r^^^"" "^ ^^^ public schools. The ei er-getic manner m which they have gone abpnt^the

rk attd tlieHteUwdK wUiyhihey '"^^^^^^^JH^iiJU^jgi^ ^ ^ m j s e success._ That seems assujced. ^,_

But Superintendent Steames and those work-- ^ G work (Mamofbg

their numerous concerts shows that they embrace the whnld fielri of muaic from gaV to tfraverand f rwm the flippant to the tragic, and that nearly all composers who have won recognition and some to whom popular recognition has not yet come ar^ repr'^g^nt^ These gavamMent and semi-pqblic baptte4iavehad nKieh^terd&^?wth*^&f«t

' i ation «f muBJcd taeta in. Washingfnn, and as t t»t

is high a gKffltit jtesl i ciana. While the public appreciation of parit

4;hat the enjoyment of the respectful atttfitois i s j . sometimes marred by the conduct of un^^reci^ ative persons. Terhaps this is fcrue of most nui-

doona.- The best of order should be maintained

dyijngthe progress of a park connpJtr " ^ * ^ police chargS?>iifl[ th thp

ion 17IGHTEEN years of successful banking is one ofour greateil t^l_assets- Starting with a Capital of $50,000 and leso than

O $50»000~oh deposit, we now have a Capital of $75^D00, in­cluding surplus, and Undivided Profits of $6,000 and Deposits

. of ^ 8 3 , 0 0 0 . And as a protection to ourselves and our deposrtprs \ye carry a policy m a fending trua company ering alt of our aVaitable' ca^. A bank account wirfi

wiii insure the safefy of .your surplus money


Select your ««ent a a ^ M you would youi^ Banker, Lavryer or Doctor, siace your Bnaacial exiit>

-4»ce may depend o^ thb ami the best <io«C« iw, BMW tiban tbe poorest, s s**" r ^ ?? ~ ~

EttwbcMiec m l o 7 o

g"; Ingvilth him HGGJ timir done in few weeks nor in a few months. There are the prices in other states aad in Canada to he studied. There are methods of purchasing to be learned. There is the system of plate renting on the royalty basis to be investigated. Even state pubHcationi its advantagwi and disadvan-tages, are to be learned, that all may be in readi-nc33 for undcrtolting it as a last reaort, aa was done in California. We know now that school-books aiie secured in other states at'lower prices than in Virginia, but we do not know fully all the reasons. We klSow there is a way to give Vir-ginia the benefits other states enjoy, but we are net fully acquainted with the best m«?ans tn givp


it to ber. . I n shorty .there is a wide field for in-vuiti^iitibu, and a llinimnjli iiivffll.i^alJUjiMlI^te time. The school board must give the time.

In the meantime the people of the state should be spared the expense of further change in text-beo'r". The adoption,, which has already been

t in^ for.a year,, as su^es ted by.the book- (SJnP

mittee. • - — There is no need for hurry. The books now in

li ^t

I. It

ire giving satisfaction, and while the "tentetlT ' ,ist already prepared is doubtless an im-. :;,enr over the present list, another year's

ii^iia^MkJSBS^^AJ^iSB^^t3&S^ittB!L^ -I-i mtiiJiifip^ch.


Washingtcm St»:.

^RE :4 311 l>e#acm^ttaar .daily- with_^ firamesB j i ^ \^—\^


The eahn <yith which the House of Commti^ accepted the inevitable emphasized more than riot could have done the importance of yestov day's passage of the home rule bill

A great historic event lor -more than Ii^riand, i t may foreshadow further devolution; home rule for Wales, ScotlandTEi^land; the lifting from Parliament of a hurden of local l^rislationall-tDO heavy. Bhtain already a s delayed oyeriong to


Home people adjiist your fire»-4io New York yliarpef*^ h wfll p^y y^"

gain federal a d v a n t a ^ jv i th which Germany, the United OUlfca ami, uTbuiw exUilil,. F,i are familiar. -- ,. —To hav« triumphed where Gladatonc and Par-noil failed fwrtR-Aagutth an^ RatfrT>nnd c;p/>iirt>l

Mr. Asqfflth It statesmwi. works with so Uttle appearance of effort, he ^>eaks so seldom, so smoothly and so briefly, that his power.has scarcely yet received due recogniticm.

^ postrK)ned twice, should be postponed again, this- combmed '^rehgtBTwith "iympatfeylaiid'forte ' ^ ~

, moderation. The British habit of concilia­tion and compromise finds its leading ^xan^le in the "fiery Celt."—New York World.

V. .

" ana

t r e t -

* \ .1Y1U>:




.Lft '


flian most things of Kfe. Yesterday a girl tried to kill h e r s ^ because

some friends advised her that an operation which UK> parim io one of tho foQtui^ ^^ !> v-^doctors thought necessary woukl probably life in summer. Everv afternoon 3,

(k i l " ' " ^ summer. >,. ji^y tiirnughout June . July. .August tember citizens throng the green an(*

wn squares and circles and i'«f,-A-i to gv)od ^ w^^ j • j - . ,.• i j ^ , . . > t .j^^ K. 1 us on 4iie ,^^tect-and in distraction asks our ad-

.'ed hv bpr?d«rS-*twr ^ich ^^\^^

• Jto«Bt-o{ us r&.«» -thought \e»&^ in_a<tvice. Some man or woman confronted with a problem meets

•fiienti} play< ;. ,-!,a:TonaT repiilaiKrn, ahdTTie others a

*i viefc^—It-istt't often that "we "realize "tiow ous the answer may be.—Evening Sen.

to talk it over ai^i^get-om' rates n s

Fare hsunmce

s C M I 9 ^ S Maifcet for &occries and Feed, Fredi and Sak Meals,

iSeed PoUtoes, Seed Oats, aU lands of Grass Seeds, also a fidl


f»ck P.iJ far aP liiMk J fiMmhTLEanhcfc.

•\' ends throughi>ut the mnitarj' ser- j i, :..;.-i States. In addition to the' _ iM^

-.^. a r BAT-T^MOR*:Is not malting any hysterical ^^cots t S ""r.£rnopr Ban it. >!.i«tion< ^<wiiier's Market nru\f tnat Aas IK>{TI in Maryland. -Nor-iT- C O f U l ^ R AUiLDINC^- MANASSAS, ViRGiNlA of ttr? 7-rvmt- ijfTT not the sttn~£tJ down tn ttis wra th becauseJ-^A

•••ji finven't^w&tttHJft #¥;—W«e«-?>moo Horoid.•t; ^»»«tt<llttt»<>ttttttttttttttOttttttftl>gl><l

Page 4: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,

1 ^ : ^


Allison and Lucy jCeyaJ -Mf. George V. P«yt#n, fw! ASOtnrPEQPLE WE Kf-

- M « . s r r . Wdr is .uite « i c k : f e , ^ ! : ' ^ - - B froSrS^SJH>uthe^ Railway, with offices i ^ ^ o ^ t ^ T ^ ^ ^ Z

ciay on tusines3.\v -Thtrty-fiye hwufa of tiea were brought ts one dealor in town 'o&tUTtUijr.

L,MttUna a i ^ »^a tatwreron:tfee;in Aiexandria" h ^ been trarns-town iTniirovprniint gystamB. 'forrod te-a-wmiiHr position aT"

—A niarriaffelicense was'ii8*u«d'^^'""'^'*'^- ^- He will be »ae- ^ „ . ,,,, - , ^, , - -r « W ^ n ^ i J r f ! ^ J T _ ! ™ c««i«eded June 1 by Mr. W. C.t'^''' ^'^^ ^ . ^^ "^ Nokesvilie,

iAr. N. W. Hopkins;irKidaugii-:

enters iipnaitg 4 publication.

here Wednesday for the marriage' f ^ « < ^ ^

£»• Wogt, of NokeLville. TiiBi^^"^^^ ^ ' ^ ' " " —

-Mis8 UHie M. has been confined

Jones, who to her home

fifiHfi&fldentv^ji.tfa^*'** town ytsitora to-day. Mias Annia -Lioiv -»l (ieopge

weddingifltn ralf«plwatanrwiiew} S a y tha RttoiUei of Wefcfa f g P ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ g ^ V y ^ ** g^^^ morning at the home (rf the W. Va.: "Mr R r T..O.V,^O„'i'**'* ^ " «^ ^'^tives here.

Misses Elsie and Mary On I in. morning bride

at the home oi the W. Va.: "Mr. R. C. Leachmani of Manassas. Va., hstn accepted,

—The ladi«»of tbeU.B.diorch w *>uo<(niiH wm hold an ice cream

the past week, ia improving.

-Mr. and Hra. t . F. Bargwnin i , __ ^ i duties Mnnrf moving from East street to*"*^ strawberry festival t6-mor- °""^ *7"°

ir n " : ' ^ t r r h o ^ i i ^ h - evening, beginning at v l ^ « > f , h e were going to'make 0 clock, at the home of Mrs

are their new BrentsyiJle

-Tha Manntfiii High SihutfrniiliaHj iuijuji. baseball stars defeat«d The Plains nine last Satunfaty. score stood 10 to 9.

The final

—TEtTTiino I Pl-m nf tha "i^^^^

L. Linaweaver.

a position as typographer witht*^ Greenwich, have been guests , t^js office, _and entered_upon-iii«i°^ Miaa Margaret Lewis the past duties Monday. It looks at this}*eek.

^ ^ , - _ Miss Mary Cox returned last J I good. To make good here-[Friday from Turbeville w h e r e !

means to work. Tt fi Rgcordftr j fthe liaa haea taacbing the p n o t | | means to work. The Recorder 1 ftgipe i» thfi nmmtf plara nn aiwitii |i for loafers.


court for Prinee William county will convene here Monday, Judge J. B^

-Manassas High School is to

Chapol> Fairfajc county Mr I •'?-ia« athletic association. Ger-Wyckoff died Sunday night a t !"*" ^^^ *"^ ^^^^ *»" ^ his home at Burke's Station. He

'eand^one cbfldr

given by the german classes

Mr. W, M. Brown recently visited Mrs. Brown who is still nnilei tteHtnent in iTBalgn

-. -4——p_^f TIT n Hi- T-~ and Hprnun St—le, tho -Mra. Louise Schultz suffered L ^^f- "• ^- Chapman, A. M., school stars, and a mVk*vi school stars, and a picked team ^.«^ >.vu«>v uu>u>v<. Buucxcu . --• -—*"•-»<, « . «.., ocnooi stars, and a nicked team

a Sti^e of paralysis Swiday. D-P^:-Pnncipa^ of the Clarks- of alumni will be a big d r a ^ W<»aM*<rl«/l««n«f»ti,«n,^.«^« vUle High School. M(>rklpnh..«, I rx-_.. , ! ^ uigorawmg We are glad to note that her con- ^ ' e High School, Mecklenburg dition was improved this mom- p^""*^' ^^^ J>een in Manassas

" " ig .

—Although next Sunday is the fi ff.h Sunday ther« will be preach

(flinee the dwlH|; exewlflte of that inatikition May 13 to take his degree at Eastern Coll re.

card. Don't fail to attend and help the school athletica.

—An all-day Sunday School


Mr. J. C. Harley, of Chester, Pa . is here to be a guest of Mr. ~. C. Harley at **e!overdsle"for

fortnight:———-—:— Mr. L. A. Wright, of Rich­

mond, waa a guest during the we€!k at the home of Mr, and

- ^ - abiht>'tD earn monev tunounts to •'" »"f iiu4«—unless yuu make use of

a definite arid systematic plan lor ^ - ^ ^ -mrt -iJ.^ yu^r ino<.me. rhe future holds out the ''Giad Hand" to the man who persistently g ^ e s use of our Bank Account rlan. The one plan that does not-require a deposit of a specific

__ amount at stated intervals. With Vys, pI Ti yQH.LaJi make a dt^ix^ii of any amount - a t any time it suits your convenience. It is the one dfifimte, systematic plan that con-

Hforms to the heeds o f each indivi­dual depositor. Why not start to­day?

MiH. Ht!«ry CaM{)Ar.

n w « l ^Z^ ' ' T * ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. R. B. Gushing left Wed-

Manassas fr.VnH« are in r>^ T* ^'^^^l^ ''l'""^^' ^The-TTOIHber

The Peoples National Bank f OF WANASSAS, VA.

ing u th« llanawM—BaptiBt chuich, butii. oiurainiimA wm= ing.

—Next Monday at 2 p. m.. at '^raxe M E. Churoh. South, the regular rtwetigg of tha Rince William PtuibgitftC^niJ[£xexuxvm he held.

• cidpt of cards announeing the fuumiencement exareSaB oh^one 5 of Vincennes University, Prof. H.-F. Button, former directOT of agriculture of Manassas High School being a membq- of the

Pt the state Sinday School CcHB.

tnake his home with hia daOgh-tfr, Mrs. Jajnea Whitfe

—Mr. G. Kryihohd Ratcliffe ^ntei-taiued the men's Bibtc class


' riday at home <« Grant avenue. . -\ business and social hom- waallf"^!'! P"'"< 'P*1>—>nd Misses - n i oved.

Rev. J. P. Burks will con-I'jct services at Trinity Epttc<HMtl

iLirch next Sunday at 11 a..ffi^ i 8 p.m. Sunday gohooi pieets

-u. 10 a. m.

Dr. E. P. Beverly. Who served rr «)untry.jn the Canal Zcnie;

Miss Lucy SafFer has returned from Washington where she spent

_ ' past siA wefeks with ha- sis-and recitaticrns and songa by hnth | *^' **™- ^- ^- Cullen.

vention, Sunday School talks by Revs. John E. Slick, J. T. Flory. S^S^ Bkogh and J,

Bnuitey and Cannon Branch Sm-b&&ket

lost 4 to 3 to the Clifton nine in •d^!L^gg_^aygijaBtSiifliTday — , ^ onCHfi^^moHwiR~ Mra y Ttf JJlatam met Wedne«^y affyr:

at noon.

•Hie Ladies' MeQunial Asso-

Kate Willcozcw and Selina Taylor aoeompKnied a party 9f.«tadents to the game -

—A Carolina uti ru (uaployed sewer ayatt-nt «^M.


'.•• Miufajiiiuu.

canTingconoealedw^p^w: ing uimbletoprwioefethifeigqmrad

noon. Mra. fl M J- rlrin presil^ ing. The session was devoted to cMnpledng the program tot Memoripd Day and the election of < feCT8 which retolted a s M

, _ , Mr- and Mrs. John A. Payne, luneh I f ""Culpejf^fr inaceiiay" v w i ^

w: the New Prince WiHwn.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthm- P. Hey-" « » 4 of Aanappj^ Md., were recent guests of Mr. Heymood's l i s t er . Mrs. R A. Lewis.

Mr. B. B. Thornton leaves next wed£ on a tour <rf the New En-gland states. He goes on bqa lows; JPresident.^ Mrs. C. M. Lar-

kin; vice-prcaioent. Mxs. West- [iiess fur the guiveramattfc. vood fiutchison; reeordmg ^ 8ee<

i»-JtJin«^rn; WHS r ^ » n r

welcomaLtn^Haymsrket, aipount, ha is new-ewSned4tt

aswBWjssr To-morrow being MiwwnrUl , the banks will beckned^ the

.day hours and no nural mail be delivered. '

The Daughters of the Con federagy will h^M »v,>-r,^p,|,r monthly meeting two days earlier

Img aeea»|Bryy Mra.4^4^ -Mr

Miss Virginia Iden has retoraed m^Mnrt

Geo> <y. Johnson.

to Ann^wlis. Md.; tegafew days with bar parents. Dr. and lfa& B. F. Idea.

I , — : , •

ffice and ceiria'idwillobeerv^ this UHmth on account of Deoo-

Mr. andTIrs: T. H. Seay, : have beeaa Byiag'iaJJbiB Maia

-et property of Mr. Q. .W, le. are ro occupy xhs inz9on

- - on East street. " '

The tramewwk of the towW rhe water works \»as com-i Tuesday with tlM» ffyr*^ : final b ( ^ and tte tank -L' lifted by sectaons into

ration Day coming on Wednes­day, making the meeting Mon-<^y. Jnne l,.at 3 p. m. Mrs. R. S. Hynaop, jecrptary.

—The schedule of U. B. services foUowsi Quarterly

Dr. Shacklef<»d, of The Plains, was a JSaymarket visikorMi Sun­day. ^ X Mrs. James E. HerrdL of Ma­nassas, AndMrs^Wal^rBattonr

- ^ - Richmond. - werer jteefeend

. ineettufr at Aden U. B. Churdi Saturiay and Jgnday, May 30 and 31. C<«>.

Mr. John M. Qibbst of Norfotk.

L W I N G to delay in arrival of machinery, I • regret to announce thatTnylee plant will

I. 11 J^?^ ^ ^ operation until May 10, when I atoll take pleasure in serving the aanmunitv wi th ice m any rngpUty. .

My plant «fil be-new and equipped with all

, fectare poreice ffrom diattiied «^ter~ insuring a tg( proauet for all P U I J M J S ^ -

1^<*onage andi ^ f u a ^ t ^ to tOMt^

I gireyott

HAYMARKET HAPFENING&iand Mr. A. R Schlichter. of North Gag fa%

gfuests of Mrs. J. E. Beale. . Mr. and Mrs. Eromatt Whit

-3-in. Sundj|S^ by F^eachinig «t

iim Kmma <>ayaon, of Cul

Grammar Schosl realized amoant tar the athletic

on the Johnscm k)t adjoin--.e hotel.

Rauklin, UiB •StSF ancT Ihftot <rf Mr

' nas. K. WaiaingtxMi and n of Mrs. F.-P. King, of was recently liuried in

• tery hare.

:erence PreacWngaHJ-

•Qight at Buckhafl by S ^ H S n ^ ^J^' ^P^ • The Ladies' Aid Society will

have a sale of ice creas» and



of Gary, Ind., have the congrat ulations of their friehds faexe cm the arrival of a fine little son.

Mr. John A. Nieol on Wednesday.

Mrs. H. L.Qiiaries has returned from Culpeper where d i e spent the past eis^t weeksjvith^Ker


peper. is viaittngho- eoBan.Mra.

unjgn mggtjng_jrf_^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^g^^ ^^^ Prmnnvp Bantiatft'convened at 2:30 o'clock tms afternoon at Kettle Ran Church, under the di-rection of Elder Bretz,of |ndnna7 EWer Powers, of West Virginia, and EWor T. S. Daltbn. The sessions will im>baMv CIO«P s„n. <tey afternoon.

oo Thursday, June .4, from 4 t» 6 p. m.

Mr. R. 6 . Cudiiag. (rf WeDing-ton, and Capt. W. T. WBlrina. of AJexandriSi. were guests in tiie home of ^oeadoy

Mrs. L M. Dofudwe

- Mr. C. D. SwillafkauB. wk>hm been superintending a party in thft^^^ "'Mir Markhnm. wna in Manassas yesterday, en route to his home at Haymuket.

Mrs. Ravenel. of The Plains, was A e recent grue^ of her a s ­ter, Mrs. W. W. Gilliss.

The cki«ng exercises for the nayiuaihct pabMe aelmul witt tatrn pi«.»« »h.., (p,;^.y^ yriminc

Miss Angela Fontaine Brown has rfturBod_fggia the Viiitiliiia •; InterBMHtt CoIl^,~at Br»tol. to jBp&ad the summw vacation with .hw parents. Mayor and Mrs. W. S i l l Brown.

Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Dai gamin had an t^\eir goeats last week

^cribers who do not re-iK JOURNAL on time this

—It is inta^sting to note that «t the school bubding.'«^ ^ Miss Annie LuekeCtjuid Mr. R. IQ'OOO gkltons of water and six Mr. Eawrenfce,- of Roanoke, I ^"^^^ Lnckfett, of Alexandria tons-nf salt are required for the and^Hias F<«taine, of Washing-1 ' '^ M. C. a P e y t « , cff Rose^

[raaiuifa^ure of ice at . the new I too, w « e week-end guests of ™">t» *nd Mr. and Mrs. Hey-P ^ ^ j ^ ljK5«d, in opeeg6or5y| Mr. tad MrarCTX S, Clarksoa. w> t> » rx ._ — j j j ^ j j Baker and childrenr

of Lynchburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William M. ^wemaker.

^rect^from Ae_factory—frnpossi-ble to become stale in the hands of the jobber—Sizes of packages from 10c to Spound hnYf ^ «n ^U tq

there ' frv on

'-- John A. Niocrf informs ch^ **" '-^-y--' -rtirr

ther rich strike that has r.ade in a gold nunc in Cali:

lar -e interest.

Mr. J. R R Davis. The plant has a capacity of ten team daily

11 kindjy bear i2LJDind.aDdsev»i and one half tons were sorrow ilAifieiiiaiJdaz. turned out this mominfr^^ Dr. Edward Beverly, o:

wood D. Luckett and B e y wood p . Lockett, jr., of Charleston,

Mrs. C. R. Baskervill and httle

JI pCT pound. This liiie includes Noms E^uisite Candies, Uggett's Choc^ates, Fenway Chocolates, and Gutfa Chocolates'*•Goods re-

iveiy week or two in small quantities to insure fredbness.

' - %

=; 1

Doweii's Pharmacy

peated fife alarms. Tbe k>eal firemwi nahfri a"?l'^jtj!_tlieea-

AL ^bc. H. R ftrit. of Loe f-s, Cal


gihe. A saaall boUduig in the rear orEastem CoUego was re-.SKHisible f«r the twubto, Mon--day night anotho- amaU f r ^ ^

, , 1 b ^ n y i n tb» neighborfaood was a friendly letter to THil^f™-

-^ . • T - - ~ At a uiw-Uug of the town invites his Virsnma,council on Monday night build-i

w i l t L "*: ) r T"^ '^^ ^™''* ' ' ^ ^nSdMeSsS. Won. vo. , . , . .. when they visit the iaii,tO. O. HbHar and Guv E. C W ' * ^ th« t h ^ te .

'ness « getenrTn03f-BeT--t^emnfs^ f ^ MffM^a^^X^l^ ^"^ ' "^'^ ^' ^ y s Mr. Hall, -ever^th^n* , James-R. D o r S a n T ^ T ^ ' ^'^'^^ ^ ^ « * * ^ * ^ vorjbodj ii .ook.r.g forward.. CoJe.addjUons te r«.,-(^rce,: R^^ - - - - ••- ^ V ^K^' -

daughter, MisSr Latham, have ar-__ tBpff "tpf V^Mt

^BwkerviU's parents, a [Mrs. H. L. Quarles. I>. Basker

fVill is expected next week andi with hia wife, will shortly leav^!

\(or a stay in Europe. During, [their absence little Mias Latham ! jis to remain with her giand-t ; parents. t

REXALL S T 0 R £ '

i* \

•rr tn y-'-. by or p . fnisji i n a t wi l l ^faction 'ilce

^attnfxhlsphce. Icolored. dwelhng. \ "^^

j ^ ^ >.i> ififlflt ifciitLj

New Stock Of 15.CKKfroiis-and beau-tifui desijjns of Wall Pa­per u-> .-htx-K^ frr.m . f

_ roOTE'S iALL £ iPU m ^ It -.V '• , . a . . . :.• V , - n .

M^assas s.

Orrt^wm, V«. ;Foote'sWalifSEv

I take ik^^iore in a ' - ^ ^ « ^ j , ^ . . t.^- public tnat I gw en my plant a ihoftugh orernauHng aiir arr a p.^iLior. to suf.()tv f-njre artificial ict- in a*-v '

w;th all MUDER.^ IMPRQVEMr. ' ' wr.ich r.i.iWi ixun: ^,ir weii {<t rr? f, \._nen furt; ;.ur.:.t^ in lii-^:..,.. Ox K^ ni U) place l>eiore ibe mof'


v i >

. H >

ne E. L. CORNWELL. y

Page 5: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,

THE/A1ANA3SAS JOURNAt, , g R I D A ¥ . MAY 29 1914. r^

Tf^-y r 'w •^^^^"'•'•rrf"'^^v^?^^wi^^

^ ^ . . k ! '•jpg^;''»^VS>:;j

R a r e , i n d e e d . U a d^y in J^n«., K..> >«>^, . t ; n ; , ^^^r » TH E Cr ig l er & C a m p e r Co . i n a u s u r ^ t e a s a l e iuat for J u n e .

- T a i f i T y d r e . . e d : It n e e d not hi a n e x p e n . i v i c o ^ t u n ^ ^ ^ ^ o i ^ ^ ^ f l i i r ^ 'HLrel:i^"lJ;'JZl'^r^^^-"""^^^ "if** * ^ " ^^^^(^f -^^ h e r d r e . . e , . her u n d e r w e a r , h e r h o « e r y a n d h^ fcM-note t b e i a . t . L e t h T b y . S ^ i t T r T S o D l S H teTlSNERf^l^LTr^ ^ ^"^ * ^ ™ = ^ ^'^W*"*' e x c e p U u i i a U ^ luw. A » v « u k n o w . t h i . deui>. Ui^Bni « ••—, »;>!. ••• .^M >.. ^ . u J ^ - t T i . ^ ! ^ , * * * ? " ^ ' X ^ ^ ' ^ P M I L U N E R Y . A l l the U t M t r r M h o n t ^ . ^ W w ; I h i . d c p a t u u c u l i , u e w w U h u r ^ ^ i i to , > ^ e y o 7 b S ^ ; c q » ^ « « i > U I N ^ K r . A l l t h e i a t « t r r r a H o n . u , h . f a « d p r i e d g e t t i n g your* . E x p e r t m i l l i n e r , i n e b a r « e « « d , « l H . e « U d to riiowVo" ^ - ^ *^-*i'*Pg'^J^J^_ye ^"^J^^^f^^r^HL^ m ik^h^m^rO^'tjmh^

r Nyvs i:< ;iic' lime for piciiica and outing ttips and we have the fig in rnalunals to make the occa»ioBi5 foe you iutHi del^h4#ttl^ an4 mcmor-

• WrifA iiir ^^liifduu. if ynix nam't nrmij^ Lawns, Batiste and Flaxona—stripes and

figures^ solids and wiiites— — • —

5c> IQc. 12ic, 15. 25c Cotton Voiles and Marquesettea—in beaati-

ful sheer effects—the very latest importations l o C , 2 5 ^

The call for Crepes has been loud in the land, but our stock is bettar than-«v«4-. AU kinds of d e s i ^ s and co lors . . 1 2 c ^ 1 8 c , 2ISc

Silk Crepes, in 24-inch; pink, btae and _^ black only 5 0 c

This season has witnessed a rush for Ratines. We are here with the goods.

Boautiful valaoa fq* • • i . •. • , . i , , 25<» 40-inch values for SOc

Beautiful Silk Ginghmns—washable, dura-bje. thin and cool 19Cf 2 5 c

Dame Fashion says: Chiffon Taffeta re-leni^—Wo iiBTO tfaOM ttDdthioy iga migbty

hard to g e t A showing in aJi colors, ^ i n . w i d e i ^ a n L . . „ - . ~ ^ ^ — . ^ ^ . - ^ i W

Crepe AU-overs, with colored embroid«%d dots and flowers, 27-inch 5 0 c

Silk - Poplins are mighty good. It won't wrinkle and is so cool; 44^111. ..j^^..._. fl.OO_ Bhadow Lace of ev€xy deNM^ripdon. 5 c to 5 0 e

Beautiful Embroidexy f l a o n d n g s , in Crepes and Voiles SOc t o £2jaQ-

'Muslin UndaTyear—Pants, Corset Covers, Gowns, Skirts, Slips. Bay a . Qoten fiab Might Uown; indinaually boxed • • • • $ 1 . 0 0

5;pFrTAf r n i T P n ^

t —Tins Coupon an<t 2Sc buys four JLa3ier 10c

"Sta Up" Gauze Veste. They can't Only sold with this Coupon.

=ac 3nc =»c


L Whon you think of good ahoca yoa will think uf ua.—WB aiv wjfa Miimla for

La France Shoes for Ladies, Oxfords, Colonials, Pumps in leathers ....,....: -... . . *~

American Lady and Madame Lyra Ck)rst ne LiVra-tJorseLs.

iw« and CuiBiim Out acta

y u s t opened, 10 dozen L<adies'~Wais&Iih all eoloraarid latest styles: tl.5Q valui.* ^

Oar showing of Paraads is greater than ever this year; all colors and styles from 5 0 c to $ 4 . 0 6

Ladies' N e w Wash SWrb, in Poplins, I Ratipss. R g a a s a n d ^ i a m s . rT^.-:-r S f c o p

Ladies' Crepes . .

Porch Dresses, fast ootor $1.49


$3.50 Smith's sterim^ Shoes tor Ladies^ tiVery-pair warranted

$2.50 & $3.00: Walkin Shoes for Children,

who , ^ ^ , . The m<»t saliafaelory line ever offered to mothers

who want to combme style^and service. Thej are ^ . _ ^ « ^ warranted ..} ;...... $1.50 & $2.00


$1.50 Cugrtum ^SMrts, guaraateed tub-proof X... ; . . . . . . , $ 1 . 1 9 $8.00 Silk Shirts. •• ^ ^ » o

35c Shirts. -2Sc -

— ' 1 luw AbmtfHftiiitoinwii^kWiy y ~~

We are di«?>laying ft wonderful lot of Rugs of every, description. • •

„.shoes, moBtly RmalLfliaca, ^=—r^rr 24 to 4*....;....... $ 1 . 4 3

$ 2 . 5 0 atBd $ 3 0 0 v a l u e

UJB^ MM 99s

9x12 Matting Biig*,-..!^...,^... ^ . 5 0 I 9x12 Mat t Jag^ga . .^ " "

Shoes; entire line Ooesett Low n^B JM2 AxmlagtgrBagg^. J2II.00

A great hig )inmpf OutiBg boerfofTMea, Wbmen andCluMren Yoa should see ot)r Lac6 Curtains, l^attons

&om 75c 15 law. Kagnifieait Hae of ScnmB\with aod wi^oot border.

-R T

i mtm^\ mm*



Mrs. T. A. Moss is vis it ing friends in Lenah, JLioadoan coun-

-ty-—^ . _ Mrs. M. A. H a t t h e w spent t h e ] p r o v e d February 27, 1914, en­

l i s t two w e e k s ^ a . WashingtooT t i t l e d : ^ A n : A c t i a a m e n d a n d j e Several from

attended the hood riiis -neighbor


Mr. Tom Mosy is hatYiPsr * ""»•

S U P E R V I S O R S IN S E S S i O N T

(Cot duded from Isst week.)

I t was ordered t h a t an A c t of the Assembly of Virginia ap-

enact fifth subdivision of Section o i tne Uode of Virginia,

lirst day of February, n i n ^ e e n hundred and fourteoi .

n . "Be i t enacted by the Gen­eral Assembly <^ Virgmia, That i t shall be ^ e duty <^ every pcf-son, owning CH: haying in ^>iarg^ any, dog or dogs, to at all times

^313-meet ingatCatharpin on Monday, authorizing the Board of S u p «

viqgro uf each iHMTAy ,ot the State- to l e v y a tax on dogs and addition built to his house.

Mr. Wesley Ridiins lis building a new bam.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rdlins were Manassas visitors (UL-IThursday.

The Red Hill and . g c f l r e w ' s

g a m e at Red Hill on Saturday, May 30.

The smal lpoi scaTe is over in this section; it wad 6diifined to -but o n e family.

The Sudley Sunday school is

confine such dog or dogs to t h e l imits of his own premises or the premises on which nr^''^ '^"g irr ^ ^ 8 18, oar are. r^u lar ly k ^ t .

- _ "- — I "Provided, That nothing in to enforce collection of said tax | fhi« y^t gh«i| Knr../^n,T^p^ ^ ^^n--

Ihe owno* of any dog or or other person <H* persons,

ig such dogr or dogs in his

e t c , " and the act approved I vei March 21. 1914, "An Act to pro­hibit the runiiing a t large •of It'r dpga. and t o provida a gfflnaltyjoy^lliQir charge, fm'" H'-Tring

Ridge baseball tpama will have a fnr the piulHtlon t h e r e o f " be jsoch dog pr dogs to accompany

progressing nnsely under Super- taxes are now cdfectad by law, intpnripnf MrDnnald : TnnH » , . y i ^ ^ .,j^^ ^nd «^» «^y

and the same are l i ereby adopted by this Board.

The sections follow: L ' T h e treasurers of the re-

spective-eountjes ahall collect the tax ahnvp mtmtJftnftrT n« »»K»^

sirch owner iH- oQiin- p n s o n ~or^ persons e lsewhere than o n the premises on which such dog or dogs is, or a r ^ regularly k e p t

"Aoy person-violatiag tiiis act shall be deemed g»iltv nf-« mia-'

Rev. Coe g a v e a t«nperanc&, lecture last Sunday.

Improveofient of Sandy Soils.

"tje~flned not leas than two nor more than fifty tkrfiars: = ^ -

*Thi8 act s h ^ i not ai^>Iy to tbe n m n i n g a t Jarga of any dog or dogs within . the corporate

peasbnal property belonging to the owner of the dog « i which the tax is lev ied^asd he imd h i s sureties shall be adioantable $[»• = , - . ^

r By Karl Lu>«« »ck] , them s s for otha- fiinds now com- Knrits of any city or town in this T ' " ^. J ., , !mitted to him by law. and he Stirte that requires a license tag It IS important m sandy aoik to ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sett lement to be kept on dogs. But this art

P : ^ ' ^ 7 ' " ° L ^ ^ ™ ^ •" ' ^ ° : ! . . w h i c b t h e b o a n i o f s u p e r T i s o r s o f shafl'not apply in any c o u n i f i i rT;?5l4^rt~ frequently and plow the t.»,^ „„. J . j -^ >__ tv;.. cf»*.>-; i.*u ...i. >-=* "^

,. _ - , I 1 J J ^ , ! . * • ,« . „ « ^ i . . fcffi§-said county, and said treaa- t h i 4 . 5 t ^ » uatiL ths s s m s i a s g r e e n v e g e t i i b l e m a t t e r « « l e r . 1 ^ , , ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^

»»• Ih^^ ^^h a r ^ no only lacking , ^ ^ f.^n, ^ K e l S a tax accor*- « p e r v i s o r s of such county. m n . t ro^n . as a ruTe, but partic- ^ ^ ^ c«lers.from the said board . Ordered t h a t t h e Board be ad iilarly ,r, vpgpfahle mold This „f guptfrrUww, &nd %ny balance I j ° " 7 ' ^ ****' ThotadaT, Juut 25, IS vfTV eijsential for them, as it j„„ „;» t , n A j - ,

, , r 1- i j ^"^ after the a * 9 ^ ( duburse-enaoies liiis tvpe of .soil to hold ,^„„»„ ^v„], , i .^ »-nL- * ^•a. ^r ' ' • - - ^ " - » - - • ^ ' - •*-- • " * " ^ ^^^" Ukew!se*:n**9ai ^^ver

too -r.

1914 1 r

. , ujciiLa snail uAtwise*"^-"sai ••^^ve .n ifiemseivea. th*y dry . ^ ^ j ^ according to W n e s s t ^ V evep 4n average sea, ^ Thiaart -amiHNi^fU^Wiutrf^

sor-s, ior ?v>od £:rop yields. Lune^^j^^j, b ^ - g j ^ j ^ g ^^^

BDSiNESS LOCAl^ W a a t . F«r 5 i J * . a d mimt • ! !—•! ! • •

•--I • • n i l wM b..«>Bifc I i mmit* Ab. ., ! •« at «b> n t s W B«> MMa a lis. for th* M M

I I <l I III fa«

is armos SS/h for

••'' :'or .'li: a l ter ar.<

invanablv necessarv, • ,^,- , , , , > - m n r . ^ -r'- pr^tTTCWVer crop ^ y- ^ , Tr T

^ apjiiies. except and until the board of huperAisors thereof shall

erl«x on i-^^U\i t&e&sen

; .-• : T :.. aye reorr ;;mp rnan-thf An.-i]>>L< ••'•J tlTe f iIT oalTs for . .Tip f- >. .c-rs will r.ave this h.7,r,\}-~:~ - . 1 ;e for the farmer at k rivnticai cottt. - - -

Ju •x-c wwKj for S 1 . I X ) - T H E

^ approve the .^me, provided the ••county tjf OkRicester la e x c e p t « i irom the provi.sions of this act .-L-id no dogs to be assessed for :a^itlon in the countj" of Glou ceslf-'T." ' ~^ '""^

"i: : : - aot : .hrii; DCicfDrcairom 't.- iJii.-«,aj<e. "_-' an emtr>:encv ey-.3:.s t c n a v e .t ..i loree before ihe

"Jrnty^FrKitty. Jin* 12, 1914, for th» «**etM>n 5/dJf act i»''ha~com;H.-'tion of a six-room brick • eye glasses

school t>uiKim(f at SoKesvi;!*., Va.. in " accordancennth .»pecificath>n.s and :i;an<< which may he ^een by callu-- on ei ihfr nnt- of the m«»mtx»r» of the Brtari. viz i.. H . lia^-ia, Hn«tow. Vm,'. i T. f»tftre .\r>k«>svn«-. V a . or J. k < onfcp, tjrecn-;rich, \"a. Bids to be op.>ne>; a» p. meet-ng of :h.- t.,.ard tr, be . eJ,. ai \'...;««!-

Deatersl Can save you money For S a l e . - E a r i y caWwge and on Wlu* metai polish in lots of tomato plants, in any quantity. one dozen or more, any size. Kk9o tm. 000 hamesB taeseiTCT: Austin. 6-22-tf.

i For choice fresh meat, call lA iMaddox & Byrd's. 5-22-2t."~

Los t—A

I reward will be {»id

F o r B e i i t . - C « e 6 r e e m o n € e n -•i' W a n t e d j - T o jwrChase^L i a e m i ' ^ J^i^^ - A l ^ l i ^ i o j : . R. Got^

J. H. Burke & Co. 4-24-tf

For S a l e . - T h r e e good work horses, one a brood mare with foaL . E. R. Conner. 4-34-tf -

xs&t: 4.24-tf _ pair o f : g o l * r i i n m e d 1 * t . " » ^ ^ ' ® ^ » ^ M * 7 : *«T'Y. eye glasses enclosed in ft s m a l l ' " " ^ "'°™ ^. • * ? • • « « _ « ' « • • " ^ «= "««v vou _ paper box. for which a suitabie I Address or call on J. M. Pnnuch . paint and wallpaper. We \mcm

••-' Of no good I ^ OPP- V«- S22-4t-* how. Newman-Truslg- Hard-

Let us help you select your

to any one but the owner. 5-2SL -A frraheow. T I B . r C o .

*-.-- _- .»-._—-

- i i l e j . . n . > .. •, - ,' - . B^^r: r"-

• . . ' • « , - • • ;•"• -I. -'ve-

->iH'*>iQ*><nJ£r Loaf ." fnt „ •!*'im'. tf^ '•TTKrm u trrr

-.:sr.!nj TTOod to the sthooU fox tike

Lost. — Bv miatakc two umbrel.j ias were put in wrong b u g p n ^ ' p„^ ^^^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ Nash s store Saturday, May 2^ ^^.^dj^y M_r, H a r d . e S ^ I S ^ A M y -

4-.'i-tf [anas&as, Va. 5-&-tfi . FoTSaTe. - Work horsp, cn^ap " —TApptyto C. B. WeatherhoTt... 4-24-f

t Return to this office. .S-29

If ir.-..-;

that, old horse coliar d o n ' t i ^ B o x i T : " r a new one at .\uatin'a.

i?v iiarne&s S7.n0 and

- - « • ? ' J. R. - i^t . I Jt-TK. 'tearr. harness $22.50 and .iii=rat,p.-^xui

^. . . , . ^ . . For Sale.—One r->pi,< . to Geo. W. Payne. R. F. D. S, mill, capacity Irr.itwt r.-

- ^.—a^j^Mk J a l h i i t 4 t . d a i . it> £eet ntw : — 2 inches :r. .-:.ij»«t^r w •

ore lor i i or th- . Diock* coiaiWr+e. 4 wtx^r '^ Der l(K>---,-<i nea - - r^iUev. sma''

Coniier'-- Feed up— we<=t Da'-v Feed. S1..S)


Page 6: CUSSOF1914 GRADUATED BANKERS H£RE …'clock at the New Prince Wil liam Hotel.—Col. Robort A. every face. Mioo Moybugh,

'X'- THE MANABRAJ? jQTTRNAI;. ^ I D A Y . MAY 29. 1914.


~ MTT- Ttlltngg. lAndladj-, loaked at *he gtri;«h Hirui*; bvtum her \»]tli H

tJcai ftniiLre*. l u i m , lialjjUi.*.^ :.r*v «'*><3 va^u«ly a n m u j the ri 'at ::itl<»

'T ' i^S; iiud "ttl'ter (the lijul iieedlcsMly fcdJusted til. iJlucuation and blrmBht-• a e d a ch»lr u e x i lo ihe burtmu, lilie kfiUj2£l m ti»r prgytw^tlve kxlggT •MUUU. luul dtmrmi bar Ihroat -

J Uiluk I o u s h t to toll yuu." alie begaA, &8 If with re iucui jue •You •«oni to like this rooiu, b-ud ihere ' t tiochtug tbe matlt^r wnti 11 an t^r M I can »«e—but fTs AL unlucky room."

Tior l i a i i r i e r K M — \ m

-toam Jwom, JSiT ^ppciurnj •ft mony -

lutKxJii were uucerlairi. aud B W ' 6eemed_oft*in low ajiLcited.

M F * . TlHmxs crbserved m e c h a D g * ^ with Increasing concern Why. s h e a tfetuoti B« jjfiftjieil »nfl mcunrfuS » » "haI other eucii g.i-l.' *u« "T wond«r what's tht; m a U « r "

Ti le matter was eniUrely suupie F'elle IAJUH had not aypret ia ted the bleaalngM ot tier ;ji.-vluuo yearn until c o w . Her hljrh Bplrlta atid tlaithmg

T e m j c r had cut b«r arfrtft from the ttmn who. once »«Bl(iultlcmit In her i l«ht , now loomed tor men ll ugly Im-

•SS^ 9B

LAM^BUHQH & BBO:r - » *»Z» Seventh St;, W^aaiilnyoiirg^ 'C

~ Prices from $4S.W To TIOO.OO

younij .itraiijjer's brown e y tiiKUaA wonderii i^ly. "Why, vhat <l9

: "Well . iiV. t t { . : ^ W F ^ * « r i 5 ? f bother teiUiig you a t all if you war* • t rpttn or oldor. • p u o l u or mnytidxig Uke that, but bard tuck s«em« to BO with the room, and I (TUKsa It's ft>t on my nervea. Ftrvt. th^-re w a s Un. Tay lor whose tausbaad iir<i on hlB way from the PblUpDine*-"I'hwn a medical s tudent took the room, and H6 got h f t by an auto Iruek aad

HH »«nt h o m e ciipplei. And a cous in

poiT^nt and destrable Her sule con-•otatlon wsB that Hits* T h m c b e r waa »r the falthfol U i u l - a o d would wai t

——tui her FfitSTBJSHT K i n g t a « m U>-( e t h e r some day.

But^ l in t . laiaaed. and tbe Klrt's dla-\tieftgantt-iintiiippggBifi' f^ow —flfc« r « - 1 afltH-aoeB*

rused tnr l tat ions and avo ided ber n e w

1 wuuOiT Jn. * ;i.ji.:. '..-act.'To aud JiareutS realizw Uiat OH'-M tbe dull VupU is « l t i i er u i .Jer ii>jur;.-.ijed or realJj lil

'i he ctiiid to do rood work In achutji, shuuld be -i^irt.'d uut m the niurii:;iK with a wkuluauLue, uulrltioUB brf-sKra^T. o n e wbiett wili ••»tay by"

Lack of Hpp*'tU.' Ill th« nio i i i lng Is gh« OT— aought eB»0luyuiant '"Baory-ofton Hic ir.^uli o f s leeyluR iu

to keep h«r mtnd occupied . "I think Vn go B-way." she dec ided o n e day. "i Dey«r l a u c l n e d l i fe oould s e e m so drewT."

S h e s l i i i ed and becftn to her trunk. As s h e e m p t i e d a drawer of the dressing U W e . a folded paper c a m e Into view. Curiously Bel le be­gan to read the * r l t t e n pages , her ^Mf Till iny« ram^^ |n mfl he 1

tbe ptwfilon he'd > e l d for t w e n t y e y e s TOiting ana"Tier l>iSi i tB^66mfni year*—lost t t . . U e ' ' T e r y next w e e k — - W u l c M y as s h e proceeded . aiiu the n e f t pBrty vms k e iWJl tTB*- "Oh!'^ tbe Qutrereid. - T h a t o ther » - liad the poUce b e r e and had a ttfr- r l r t—the ar t i s t—she w r o t e th i s and r ib ie t ime." lett H h e r e f o i ^ w h y . « ' • a copy of

- T h . .ipir 11|| J. . , ^^^^ MiTfn tt " " ' f ii>»*«r Tf-yag }inr m r r M , iiwl T b a r e j n m c h w o r s e than n o n e a t a l l , so that narrator unf l lndi iBcly . T c a n t s e e t**d It?" •' ais^renftfl umiUIB Im uiBfl to a t e that » b « t the t o o n had t« do with any of "I have found l ite bard and bitter, t h o s e mt«ft>rttiiw." i h a remarfced po- the m e s s a g e ran. ' > u t

poorly vent i lated ILK^UIB or too la te , hours . The bad ti»ste in the taualb In t h e morning Hbould not be thought uhworthy of aOteution '

A "growij up tijiiv itilBH a meal wi thout evil I'ff.'cts I.T !r. fact v\Uh good results , but a c l i i l j » h o uses all Its energy in building tlbBue cannot w e l l omit a lueal. f l i i ldreu are hun Kry tnofe «»ft«a-tb*» arii.iia, iiet-nnan t h e i r d iges t ive p r o c e s s e s are very ac­t ive . It Is for th i s reason that l u n c h e s ^ are n e c e s s a r y for the child between m e a l s . T h e cont inuous l u n c h l a g Is

' ^EVEirrrH!I^-THAy-g-f<£W^ AND _£REnXIN W ^ T £ AND -GOLQIM&O - ^

WASH GOODS B o t h h e i n i i p h i - r e . s h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d t h e i r b e s t in t h i s s h o w -

J ^ - o r f lu- n e w I'tl 1 Whit*^ a a . ^ ( V U n r ^ i W a ^ h Fahr ic t> , Thfe v\c-altii ui b e u t y . ck-ai^n a n d co lor i r i j r . a n d t h e w a r . d e r f u ] d l s -p i a y , c u m p l e t * i n a s s o r t m e n t a n d n e w n e s s w i l l a m a z t ; y o u . Cornt' urid . see .

SILK A N D C O T T O N B R O C A D E S '.'M u, .'.H- ,V i*.. ,n t'ln- ' - . •'""•^~" "•^ ™ "" tiie uraiifnj wjiura yjou iiU' T'lTOgff. "^pfcmTa vV":? 2 9 t '

T A F K E I ' A P O P L I N S ,. ;n->. u , . v v , J,> .u. .l-n Widc a.l.l ;.. . i , ;:, ,.<.., ...]..,.[..

- i - i s r i . . _ . , . . ,_ - ^ . ^ ^ _ ^ . ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ • - ' - , " ' , , ; _ J 5 C

COTTON CREPE ..' lajlies «iu«, n, ail ujluro ul liruwu. mu i ^ e. . .ai i.i-p ' i^' i ' w 1 •! V f* P • ' «-• r i t' ^ t^' ' ' ' I b f 1 1 1 I W l l ^ j > i j J1 * o rh* 1 • b . • T ^ - . • .1^. .^, 1 . * .— . . . .3 J I ' -" *

.•aii.e s|,-, ,;.. a >a;-,! , , / l j ( ;

WHITE BOX CREPE .V joubes wide; used for makiu;^ li.t,...!', Kini wu.-'-, ,;yc lalue | el•llJ. ., > jni . ' ! l 5 C

WHITE FRENCH CRINKLE C R E P E - 4 0 .nche. «.de, aud u„rtlj :r.. a >ani , |i.-i lai a yiinl '-hly 5 l tC

WHITE FKJU4CH B A T i S T E - ^ U k SU'BL; 4/ . iiK,i««, wide, and wonb 4<>r , _ a yard. Special a yard only Z-iH


I '1

j"'VVelia?l""tdst received one car-15ii3S^ "Baggies.

Hayt^fjjs each made of the veryTjesr material avaltabte, bought in the white wood and paifiled a? per our instructions.

Al&o a l l k i n d s o f


: ^



i t w i l l b e w o r t h y o u r w h i l e t o

i n s p e c t o u r s t o c k .

F. A. Cockrell & €e. Manassas, Va.

t h e luDch U. BwrvQ^ not too near »

mM\.TTty: stood It all If ynii hnrt nnt ; T h e fOod fOT grOWinK.

" ^ t e g ' q u e e r aboat n . And w b e a 9«n WMl {bi*me Lhal ymTT^lviwA"»Aiin nifff= • a m e a i o n g — a n d — " forever. But whUe I h a v e b e e n dream-

"la that a l i r I tb iok yoa .(wven't U t thoae dr«aiaa that could B e r a r told n a all ." T b e yonnc s i r l ebal- c o m e true, yon b a r e fonnd s o m e o M Iftnged bar com^aaloB wtth a gwif la -fela» to take a y ptace In your heartr -k o t direct gbUM*. Un. T iUtngi It does not s e e m fa ir—yet I k n o w I

— ' IBS in M a t . — I a m alunw tu my •h«y-<ftae j a n a g e l _ J 6 f a ^ J g t t | juttt « l t t o r , J , m M J e s p i g t to Jks

-TWt- <Bd—«>g«fr--lH^ g g t -dren's b e v e r a g e s ; milk, cocoa and wa­ter w i n be found a suflSclent variety .

Al l h igh ly s e a s o n e d foods, w h i c h - t end to -unduly e x c i t e -tfee J lgeat lTe ju i ces , should be tised only by Utose


- k Isn't q u i t s lU . iBS~HIi"kM3g«r"waa tfiS^TT.i^^eff7on bet ter tliaD J k n e w , a yoOTi» gtxt-Hkv yottrset t only m o i * • • * *•»* aahamed a a d repentant . I de l i ca ta a n d tf^trtted-tooUng whett- ^ * * c o m i n g bach t» y o n to aak y o « r • h e c a m e hara. B « t all* wmt yvej y o u n g a n d • n l i i c k y "

T h e eojtn-Cheeks of B a l l * Doatt, and ( H s t e M d .

"A girt n t e mo—ytMBg and aloBe,' She reffeatad, soRly . "Who w a s sheT A n d witat b e c a m e of h « c r

"f iST waa n i > r t i F l a » u i ii>«t««»7~ a n d ^ c o o l d n t «Mika a sdrtnrau of tt amTsbOilli

(brKlreneas. My poor Utt la wenttenr worth th« aaortflce L m a d e fni n o w , ww^ the l ight o t y o n ^ l o v e

"«Wir-W!renTE5ed f T m i w t Ifle stretidH M o a t before m e ao. b t o d t a a d >ao Ittptjr tk«t 1 tun hfratd^'* ,

* » « • w e r e s t r e u i l i i c d o w n BeHe's Ihoaka a s s h e bent abot i l the anfh i '

t h < d i g e s t i v e funct ions . T h e i r e o n tintted use h a s been the c a u s o of t h e c r a v l i « for s t r o n g s t imulaatd.

A luncheon for t h e chi ld abould b e p a t up In s u c h a w a y that ft i s a t -t T M t l v e and w i n b e a p p e t i d n g .

I i c a m to pack a box or b a s k e t neat ­ly . H a v e p l en ty o f cheap p a p e r _nap-kdns, a p a c k a g e of paraffin paper, s o m e rubber bands , all v e r y i n e x p e n s i v e , and a .aapply Uwting a y e a r wlH coat buc l l t d e . A Olnner Giten frnm « ttn

DONT BE DECEIVED B y Advtrti»9mant O t f e r i n g C h M p G o o d s . Y o u G e t N o M o r e

Gd f k r e Y M liww the (mh WiO be as RepreseDted


H . p . W E N R I C M , Jeweler and Optidmi.


b e r s s t t -ii01W=

^ ^ . paii f a c k e d carelniiiQ'. and i n m a n r I T h h a r i n f t t a t e «lrl w h o f o a s e s ; froron on t h e w a y , i s a o t t h o j

M a d Of food w h i c h wfil p r o d a c e f o o d {

T h e girt's hands c lasped to-• e t h e r t ight ly , a a d ^bsr hritfrt t W

•«rT ^ss lred—too l a t e — t o r a U a i m ,%

I6W, *Bd w li* ami i H R T t e * -jbfPWB Imnatlpnt wai t ing . BoUe w a s

« o o tortoa~^Hfi~f iorwE r o o m ? " s h e gasped . thlngT"

"Oh. the poor

f h ^ t e d - f a n s T1 tVhat If

Into s a d d e n p a n i c W h M I f


faT#ott<6i 1ra»? s h e w e r e a lready too la te?

w h a t would bar l i fe h e wHho»t -

blOod'aild c loar l i i a lu wuik. Variety ts a n o t h e r th ing w h i c h J

bva—BUaa Thatcher ' s love"?

! Bttrprisas be t tor t h a n "grown o p s "- -Jk i flg or a date or t w o , or e v e n a b i t e f ! c a n d y U d d s B in t h e hutch.


IiYery,^aESrExcBaiij .JStables...

Boarding by The "Day Week or Month

Hewly lmui|>pnl-

of k e e n de l ight to t h e yoongater . L e t •No. not h o n a 8 h « was focnd hi „j ttl" n a r t Aad ahw had i l w a v . s i i r ^ P r o t o n and repentant lu spirtt n o w i „ , „„ , ^^ ^ .

a h e tod a o aoicr" r^Jaarsa^ and T " - * * « • h « i r t l » d been r e ^ e a M t o ' ^ V o ^ t h w d R o t h ' s d l r i n * ^ * couldn't M any addreaaea Among—»?Iu»M.WTOte a ha»ty-bat t e a d a r n e t o * ^ a n o y o o t n s oea irea . _ ^ h a r tlriggf, >o I sold h e r bits Of }aw- ")*>«> » a n ahe hald disdained. T w o e lry and g a v e her a decent hartal, hkf» l a l o i . a w a y , — s m i l l u g — y o a n »

e n a t a r * daaoad i n t o Kra. TUUnga' prooouoa.

"Oh. Mrs, TUUnga," crtod Bel le IJoaa. "I'm go ing t o l e a v e yoo—I' la g o ­ing back borne! T v a l^^en

g a v e her a decent But It waa a shock, I tell t o o . "

Be l l e sat t h i n U n g . "Well, r a f l i o t an artist , and I h a v « plenty of 're la^^ Uvea and oome m o a a r a a d - a eheerfaft dispotrtUon." aha sa id , f inally- l a l ike . t h i s rooin beU£ir't&an any TvO a e e n .

/Imf^,; ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ / y .

tor good n e w s and It Just bar fawe^ *^^ 1 H t f yo^'Mfta . T g t n g f r « » r » »on't i « ^ 3 m t i M t o i j i h l i t i p ^ <Mr HWO ^

s tay . aiMl r isk t h e ta f lu^we o l tB* ^ * g r a v e and her v o i c e s o f t e n e d — I •tCw hoodoo."

f e i i e s e n t M r h a r vemnmui t o o k p o s s e s s i o n of .(he unlucky room. K r s . Tti i ingg would TR>t hava r<tteitibd i s :

m y s e c r M r - a s d aoother ' s i hot s o m e t h i n g h a a ^ t o p p e u e d that I BhaU-t>e tTtUefdl for aB m y l i fe . And tt happened # h U a 1 waa UvUmt- In i n n r -

Tfa past t e n a n t s a g a t e , bat hor n e i r totfacky lodger s e e m e d to be intataatad- la b a r . ^TBeall#—hSw s t r a n g e ! " •"•^"-^iTTTi'r prnllTrttiMinr—¥h«—land^ * * * landladv "Well'. It's t ^ 7 ^ e ^ p f e k af ter «U. for y o u n g a r q f f S M t b e e n o ( a (pslet, a» -c o m m u n i e « H « » . t««f .^t i» . ,—^,^1—the

^ _ man who w e n d s all ot^hla e x c l a i m e d : -^^ time rrumbiteg, is a «eir-«(»-i1iii» **•! I ^^g*** fallore. If things are a lways w%>nc

tha- a s e U w a s broken, add Vm g lad TdaS:* i l ! ^ ' l ^ 'J •• y"" ' " " " ttM o n e who'a done it., m y dear ." frtwyrtrtit' l i n ay th> Me

d e m e n t of m y s t e r y m a d e the affair a^en more absorb! qg . There w a s a «mit1l phn»ngT«ph f ^ pale , wistful face wi th smoky iiissans • f hair and h a a n t i a ^ e j u s , the face e f

paiwr a^otflcate.)

I o m t w r t Ho*aia.


u o n t waste fhne and energy in proetaintlnK the £fcta Put tbeinjrtg^t. . "

^omhimttkm Pneumatic Sto^sper •nrinSSwiftlj-iawnLpiHc, Eaiy RuiiHineDUNTLEYSwe«pay

d e a n s withotit r a i s i n ; dust, a n d at t h * sSRle t u n e p i c k s u p p i n s , lint, rave lmgs , e t c . , in O N E O P E R A T I O N . Its e a s e m a k e s s w e e p i n g a s imple task quick ly lu i i shed .

e v e n t h e m o s t difficult p laces , and e l i m i n a t e s the neces s i ty o l m o v i n g and l i f t ing all h e a v y furniture.

HaSor Stiver of th* Home—Every home, h r p _ o r .sraail. as. eajoy relief-from-Broom A o d E u y a n d protecooo ftom the danger of flying dust

Has the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Noizle and Very eauly operated and abaolateiy g uar

ca. in Duvinf "fevoTvT^'EruJK znteed. In buying- a Vacuum Cleaner, why not give **'*'**QBiilfey" a tiial ia yuoi-hmne at our cxpca^c^

Write today tor tuU


O l S K E a F O R T H E DAY.

London' s hoto la . - -g f - -yhleh

o n e who bad k n o w n unspoken tong-tnga and unfulfljled des ires .

She was n e v e r bright a i ^ happy Dke you." said Mrs. /TUlinga. "Some f o l k s are b o m . for miaory,"

"Bright and happy ," reflected Bel le , a lone In her room later. ' "I thonght I Man >Mt Ts i n s l aa s a s s l * Oha l<-aned her ch in on her hands aad s tared o u t Into the busy s treet . "I (£< tigiit I waa doing a fine thing when t r.^n]e a w a y t o l i v e my own Indo-p<>r:denl life, bat somehow t h i n g s ha'-en't s e e m e d a s ' g a y a s I exported. :r :hey all h a d n t bothored me so m u c h ab -n Bitss Thatcfaet>c-lf he h a d n t b« .. yp pers i s teat—1 wonMn^t bavp r.T. a » a v AS If nialriaioiiy was thO ocU areer for a gIri-'-the only t h i n g l b - r.iuld hope to attain. PooBT*

i^ . '-'• thoughts often ran backward aftpr that, and s h e t f ^ ^ m e .raatieea %i^'\ diaajftfidded.— her hours oif 80li«««kk~

"I don't know what aUs ase^" s h e ChnuKht one rainy a f t e n x w n "1 c a n t (>c- rry mind on reading or s e w i n g

t'eopie bore me,

are ap- ^ w a r d s of 5<M, are ca l led upon to flad

-XCeomiUOd&nan fot- b e t w e « n 3 5 . 0 M a n d S0,00a viaitora night ly . S o m e of t h e s e l o n d o B hote l s are wondorto l—plaeea . i T w e n t y of t h e m represent a capita l of £1 ,000 ,000 s ter l log . S o m e p e a s o ^ o v e r 1,000 bedrooms, and as matty a s : 8,000 gnec t s - lutve b e e n k n o w n to s l e e p te a scxtre o f t fa^e palace*. Of

t'-I h a fo l lowing . d l s h e a . a t e s o m e ^ a t i wi l l lie »f<^ptahiK xoE.- U£iaaa-J3cca^ Biooe, to g i v e var i e ty t o the d i e t :

Clam S o u p — T a k e two tafaiespoon-

h o t e l repreaenta a v a l u e of £100 ,000 and a g i n s l dsa l dlaapiHMW annual ly Into t h e pockata of " s o a v e a t s h a a t o i e . ^ • n i e r e la hardly a trade or profeaslon \m,* nrv.f •> . . » f /.wn y a r t i f l a r hote l . i n Ltoodon. The origin of the m o d e m V e t r o p o l l t a n hotel waa t k a t years a g o a a enterpr i s ing aervaat w h o left a y—t.jwMi m a a a l o a t o s t a r t a -boarding- '.

Jtotol whtrh a f t f rwards b e c a m e o n e

fills of batter and t w o of flour; when the butter ts bubbl ing hot, add ^ e flour, stir s l o w l y unti l w^U blended, t h e n add ~a~-<jaart o f ricu iwiHr, and -when^ s m o o t h s e a s o n wtth ce lery aalt .

Uien add a S lams wHh

If aiiv roofw T'ebpTe ~bbr« me, and M ftr»d of :hp t o w n s pleaaorea i i > a~ i iadt^ tui w o n a a I Ck»» hoodi'H .if !h1g room is at work. '. ' a t aer-^: s ^ »TaJrhtt<i te my

>bp ri^a -^ her last tiour with Pl las i'-a!r.s»>T uA aai^TTf tnat had tar-*;:5aied • "ir long friea.lship; s h # *<- • r.r>t h»>r<1 !>nrr. ^ .tn or o! hira c ,-• M r. iTi I., tt- .1) . II. aiifiniMl, araik^e to . t:r tha.; .....-^. ..MtU t>e eo^ 3i'iair,aLa *.. i**: hip faJtt.'u^ jM*rv-ic* te a>-/ -^^rhap*! a*.* "^> tt\iiaA <v>0Hr4e. ts.. L ai.oLh,*r * .-. ft *:ir\^i\ ^—'Ha^

of the b iggest In Liondon, and enabled h l t t to ret ire to tbe c o o a t r y a rich

1 - r

Act iv i t i e s e f Wemct i . T e a thousand w o m e n e n g a g e d In

the m a a a f a c t a r e of e U l d i a s ' s g a r •^^..t. I.. v ^ » -p ^ v 1.—:^ ' ' m n m r

Attcatim to all Orders ~+-TTAULINQ A




fti eff«rt Jan. IS, 1914'. Mmdnls-&gures- pubHslred sa idr>taisM(n

and are not pfiiaraoteed.

^te-MANASSAS as f oHw»» SOC'THBOlTiiO.

-Daily Uicai. 8:.i5 a. '>elirvi^ • jB,.gt t'rangp_daiii_ except .Sunday

C. A 0 , No -103 for Gordonsville and Ritjluuwitt-

Ko. n l —Except ^.Sunday, l", ,25 a. m. Local for Wajrenloiiiinu mteniie'liatepojals.

No. 43—Daily throngb train. 11:42 a', m . . a i l l i t o j at Manassas on fJ ^ ^ _ ~'

No. 113 " e!,'[^uaaay.4:a.', p. ai Local fe»—WarrmiKin aad—"'"•"-liigti


s t r ike utttmatnm. A l l o w i n g tor lo s se s Va s lack aeaaot:

threo-qoarUers of th^ w o m e n workera ift Hew Yoft -J^t lL-r irr tTa > i


;.r?! at

1400 a year Miss Chrlstlp HoTmberg has

Btsatad d e c k 1B S a n t a -Barbara; by a s o v w w h e h u l a g .majority h*T male opponf>nt _ i _

.; T S e " TJew York H.~.;.-.:.keepeni-Ica^nje haa f c g a K e ^ several w e ^ e n to art V inapectoro (n their

. a c a l n s t >~o]d storage food Thp o i t»n«lve A , ; . - I>v«!ng Works

i- Pr...adel!khla • (-< nduried by Mian Kj i th*nne S K: - . laughter of thp foH&der o* •^p "* t>>i*

cupful of finely minced j the J u i t e . — U i t bull up

Crosby Pte ,—Chop fine t w o m e d t o s t Btsed applee: a f ter peel ing and cor ing , I add the lulce and rind of a l e m o n . . o n e '• cupful of sugar, on*^ egg wetl beaten | and o n e tablespoor. f-il of me l t ed 4 a t - ' tar. Mix wel l and baka In two c m s t a . - Chopped C a t i o n g lngor st irred into whipped creaifc makaa a .de l ic ious aauce for ice cream or in fa«t a n y kind of s teamed pudding » h l c h w«uld

<•• uaa t h e eroaiB aa a eauoe.

' ChickcA Souffte .—!9ake two cupfuls of cream saaoa, us ing thin c r e a m and a tabtespoonful of but ter to four of flour, add onion ju ice and chopped paf>l;» >er »>-ajBmng. t h t s a * 4 cnpfuls of finely mlneed e b i « k e s ; the beaten yo lks of three e g g s and cool , then fold In the beaten whi te* w » * "ssostrn—wslTTtTtK saTtr a daak or' . t w o of red pepper a a d p « * l a t e s bat—j- '— tered dish to bake. B a k e nntU t h e e g g s are set. j

Banana P i e — P a s s T i. h TSUfanas tnrmiF*- a rr.tcrtn.t'f -fth a rnp Tn thi<" n'^'*. a hs(f »'Jgar. t'»-r At'• cr-or.'.; j« .-'' m

Makes more good bread to the sack than ordinary flours. Absolutely pure and un-doctorea^never bleached. Famed for its guoUji^.—Ti^ A MLk. "" " •" —


Sckuttdier, Uiictni, Secreae aail Qorer Leaf Feeds

l^lltrian I arlsnr t. ar. No. 1 7 — E i w p l .- uii i.iv, Ifical from W»»h-

I j iwainn te WorrBui'^B. ivli' p m H No. 15—DaUy local. 5 ; U p. jj.

No. 41—^Daily -thrrmgfa -ra-i,, ".LO-S p. m.., stops to let off passengers fmin' ^^'aahiniiton aad Alexandria and T..-1 take OD paie«iO0er» forpointcat which ^cljpuuUii lo stop.

X i > R n t B u i . . \ D . No. 18—Eicfpt >u:iiiay, ,oo»; J.-om-TFar-

reotoa to Waabine''::- h:>-i a. m. S o . 16—[)Tity th, !.'jia~5erv,"(^^"^

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No. 112-- E\c?i:l .--i.rr.a-. .:;-«Aft4:10 I n- 'rem ' VarrehT 'i wediat*^ fK :;:-

No. 44—i'l-, • ' •• , . .-...^en Ma-. oaaaaAaoti vs ai.:..r..:. ,.

N^,3fi—1I...;T :, • . ,^ ^._ ^,,^^ ^^^ car-fo: "i> - ,_: , ,.,. •. . ^^ 8:2.3 p. a! . at 1 > tiou daj.^ ei..^

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Hi Get I k Journal's Prices ^ j ^ w M ^ d t .Sc 4v<—T>a ,

^.•]ter,i;*Nii&'. ." No. 2 1 7 - : :i

itci Car —

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hair a • eits a c:'. m, ik M'T a"

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— Henry K. Field & Co., Lumber, Shingles. Laths, Doors, Sash,

Blincis and BuiidHng Material

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ALEXANuR.; ! , VA, ^