ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four...

I frrmmm^ VOL. XXV.. No. MANASSAS, VIRGINIA. FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1920 $1.56 A TEAR IN ADVANCI ffUm ADMINS TO NEXT MoyrH junfe Tttm to Be ill Owion of ProcMdingB. The June term of the circuit court for Prince William county, which convened here June 7, Judge Samuel Q. Brent presid- ing, adjourned Saturday to Thursda^ July 8. The summary of proceedings continued from last week follows: Report and account of W. M. Jordw, committee for M. H. M. Magaw, 4Dnfirmed.« ^ Lewis Liming, surviving trus- tee of M. £ . Church at Dunofries, ordered to aeO: lot a^iHibUc auc- tion, W. Hill Brown and A. A. Hooff, partner^ trading under style and firm name of Brown & Hooff, against T. J. linttm, trespass on the case in assumpsit—Dismiss- ed by consent. C. D. S. Clarkson exonerated from paynient of state tax on $6,000 intilngible property be- queathed by Margnet-fi. Joliffe to Girard Trust Company of Philaddiphia, income to be paid to Helen K. J. Clarkson, wiU ot C. D. S. Clarkson, said tax hav- ing been paid in PeamsylvHids 1^ Girard Trust Company. Licen^ to sell soft drinks at their respective iriaces of busi- ness granted to: C. E. Ctete, Minnievilfe; Qfl& H. Floiwnce, Dumfries; Ml* feys. Token; B. S. Robertson, Bristow;^-B. Ash- by, Wateorfall, and Farmers' Co- OpenitiVe Um<m, Inc., Nokes- vflle. : Fnrmfni' v^ri^'rift^, Manan- CHAmXR GRANTED TO —M0NASSA8 o n . COMPANY MaxiMiw Coital Set at I600,- OOO-T-Measn. Lion aAl Ha- The charter of the Manassas Oil finrnpany, Incorporated, has sas, granted permit te purchase and sell patent and prc^rietuy mediciBe^ toilet, <me$(^f||l t i n antiseptic prepanttkrioi sod sec- tions and^voimqgffictractaom- tjtwiiwg alcohol.' C. J. Meetae w l T . B. I>i#>ke»i •*<"°ff°y ^ IbtSbig and d<Ang busmess i ^ 6er the firm name of C. J. Meet** ^ Co. against T. J. Lanton, tres- pass on the Mse in assumpsit^ Judgment foV plaintiffft, f l 5 0 ; James Luck, foreman of jury. Thoe. H. Lion, executor uadet will of JohnHobert Till^, quali- fies as such by entering^to $10,- 000 b<md with Rdefity ft Deposit Company of Baltimore as stirety. against Emil StoD, adminiptra- tor of Charles F. Stoll, judgmWit been granted by the State Corpo- ration Commission and recorded in the county clerk's office here. The company is to have a mini- mum caiHtal.of $1,000 and a maximum capital of $S00,p00, which is to be divided into shares of $1.00 each. - - The officers are: Mr. Thos. H, Melvin C. Hazen, of NokeaviUe, and WasluQfftpn. vice-president; Mr. H. B. Sliller, of Staunton, treasured-; Mr. B. B. Sheppard, of Washington, secretary, and Mr. Wm. P. Nininger, of Roan- oke, general manager. The fol- lowing directors -are named in the charter: Messrs. Melvin C. Hazen, Ndkesville; B. B. Shep- pard,'Washington; H. B. Miller, Staunton; Wm. P. Nininger, Ro- anoke; H. W. Herring, Nokes- ville; J. Roger McSherry, Paeon- ian Springs; T. D. Kinzie, Trout- ville; Josei^ A. Janowitz, Balti- more; C. E.~Nash. J. P. Leadi- man and Thes. H. Lion, Ma- nassas. The object of the i»>mpany, as set forth in the, charter, is to drill or mine for coal, oil or gas; to omstruct pipe lines, tanlcB,and otho* buildings; to -purchase, lease or otherwise acquire real or pearsonal property; to hold, own, sell oF^eal in or utflize any property rights; to acquire, im- prove, operate, manufiwture,deal or tz«de in property of any and every class and dMeripti<»««ot prohibited by law, and i% any par^ of the world; t» conduct in Sxiniiy Eflmo^ Gktftek -b «!>« S^ue of Brilliant "llledHtiV —Many Goesta AttoMk MSSIMCHMAN WEOSMUJANNEy Wm^PBOBATH) IN QROJIT COURT John JL Tittett Leavw Bateto to Matiwdista and Wenrieh WUL The marriage of Miss Marie Childs Leachmaa ta ~Mr.-Je8S«. Douglas Janney, of Occoquan, was solemnized Wednesday even- ing at Trinity Episcopal Church, the rector. Rev. A. Stuart Gib- son, (^dating. The church was effectively decorated with white t Mrr[<?andleg in gleaming PAndelabga. white roses, evergreens and p<^t- ted plants. Immediately befoire the ceremony MJi. Robert E. m- ley, jr., of Warrenton, sang "At As a memorial tohis son, John Julian Tillett, the property of the BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUB ^ TO MIBT HBUBTHDEY f HlETnhRl& Parenis and Friends Invited to AttMid—Mtas'JBarrai Receive Diploaa. to n'„;^i-„" _ _..:_i i.,'Mij--i^"*^^ **^^°*^ ^^" bequest under ?*.^?^.?,',„^'?!?5^_S^5r tiirconditions named it is t6 be- Julia Willcoxon Lewis,-who ren- dered t^e wedding music The bride entered the churth late Joia^ Robert Tillett. Confed- erate soldier and Mason, who died' here las^ winter, is Be- queathed at ^ e death or re-mar- riage of his wife to Grace Meth- odisi Ei»seopid 0»»eh, SouUi, "for sole and exclusive use as a parsoni^ie," and in the event that the church shall fail or re- come the property of Manasseh Lodge, No. 182, Ancient, Free . .^ ° w ^°T^ »!SH1;„ «"d Accepted Masons, for use as to the strams of ^ " ^ S S ? » »«*»i« * " indigent Members of ""^h 1"*'S H * * f ^ S ^ J ^ £ : tbat body, for any member of ^'^..^I ^^Lit^Z' *£:H^£" their f«nilies, or for anyqtiier Pendleton Leachman, and it- tended by her sister, Mrs. Allni Laws Oliver, of C i ^ Gtrarde4>> Ma, as matron of honor, atd four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing, as the ktdge may elect J ^lis property, which is now occupied J>y Mrs. Tillett, has a frontage of 330 feet on the west side osFairview avenue in south- WEDDING HERE *'"^L*%L?**'**^.?™*^'!u' east Manassas. All household ?^?L' f - S ^ f S ^ ! ? ' ! , * ? ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ goods, books, pictures, vehicles y lawlNfl ntuumte the whole or any part of the business so ac* quired and4q.exereise all powers neeeStuOy to the conduct and nuHUigement of the business. The real estate holdings of the li&iitadt»%< WEDDING GUSSXS N N B Jaonisy-Lcaehnun Party Enter- tained at Lenfhinan HutcT^ The Janney-Leachman wed- ding party, on the evejof the wedding whidrtoi* place Wed- nesday evening at Trinity Church, waa entertained at—ar progreasiTe dinner at the home of Mr. Joim Peadteton Leach- on Bun;eBti<»—JudgmtioiJ-ifiiq man, fatiier ofvthe bride. The plaint^ $22.86, amount to be r^ covered fnnn Peoplee Hatiimti Baiik. ~ " Copy of order <rf Supreme Court of Appeato—awardSng a writ of error upon petition of Winnie Harris sentenced to tern 8 years in pmltfntiary •«*"»yt- ted to records- _^ j Two dozen towels' deposited with cleric of eonrt as evidoiee in case AgftlMt Harwsy Gniiettw- dered surrendered to W. H. aark, agent of Soutiwrn Raa-t way, to whom t b ^ bekmg: Account of Robert Jannantf _ Jrfm L DieW against-Casper Horn, trespass <m the case m as- 3ilmlSgB=J>imiB«t fw piaintur. $172.50; jury, Joa. R. Turner, foreman. Will of H. D. Wenrieh probat- ed and admitted to record; Adah C. Wenrieh, widow and sole lega- tee, granted certificate for ob- taining tetters of admiirfstration uf ber lirte orr personal esiate husband; administratrix quali- fies, entmng into bond of IMOO with C. C. Wenrieh as snrety. F. J. Byer, of Nokesville, a mlnistor of the Church of the Brethren, authorised to cdctorite^ rites of marriage, fkrafc eueuiins^ $500 bond. In Chancery. D. R. and Rose V. McCarthy against Chapm Brown*-toiatee, et als—^Decree annulling deed of trust heretofore executed by D R. and Roee V. McCarthy, oom- dled aftw granting of decried divorce a menaa et tboro. Adjourned to Thui»day> -Jtdy 8. at 10 —Mr. M. J. Busfaong waa call- ed to Maurertown this week by the death of his brother, Mr. J. H. Rushonpr. Mr. Buahong was seventy-seven years old and leave? his wife, €hi^ brothers dinno: was served in five courses at five tables, the bride's table fwrning 4he centor of 4he group. The bride's cake was adorned with -a miniature bride and groom and th^ idace cards were decorated with the same diminu- tive figures. The decorations of the beaotifuBy appointed toUe were carried out m pink and white, haduding pjnk Toaes and Bhaded"weeBud h g S a tn hoot» wffeet wiUi^^ftaHuf ried~iiri]ifr1tT<iA^aga''^met«yr Hertt^veHfeDiigrace-^gjg win was dated August 20, All f<dd8 from a cap^itf orange jgj4-|md gijiBed in tiie preeence blossoms and she carrieda show- ^j two witnesses. Miss L. M. er bouquet of orchiifar freesias j^^ and Mr. C. J. Meetze. Mr. and orange blossoms. Thos. H^ Li<m is named executor. The matron of honor wore ^ ,^11 of the late Harriscm white Ideated chiffon ctotii ma^ Daniel Woirich was also probat- in bell effect and adorned with ^ ^j ^;^^ ^^^j^ of the circuit English thread lace. She wrae* ^j^urt^ j j , Wenrich's estote is girdle of green and orchid wt- i^ f^, life to his widow, Mrs. jji and «»fTTripH * pinlr oRtneh Ian Art^ili fj. Wmriffh. °T"i>^ ^"*^ ** with a bouquet of laricspor and ^^g^es beat tod to use accord' sweetheart roses. ' jQf to her own idea«ire and eoia- •Rie bridesmaids were gown«l forf" The bride's gifte to her atten- ire s9yer nunUKTsmuted picture' framea and toe brfete- groom's gifts ib the grooauBaen were leather bill fdds. The guests inchided the Inide- groom and bride-to-be, Mr. Jesse D o u a ^ Janney and Miss Marifi Childs Leachman; Mr. John Pen- dleton Leachman, father of the bride; Mrs. AUoi Laws (Miver, Miss Lillian Letris I«etrhman. Miss Rebecca-TY'<"n ftamfpi, Miss Pauline Curry Fred, Miss Sallie Withers. Fletcher, Mrs, David BlftlikwtJl Smith, Miss Mildred Leachman ^oith, and Messrs. Harv«y Janney, Wiffiam Henry LearhmMi. DougiasJ^^ inger, JenHne Barnard^ Phfly Talbot itod Jamea Garwith Met- calfe. UGHTNER—BAIN The marriage of Benson Bain, of Portsmouth, and Lient. Gordon ffitt Lightner, Medical Corps, t J n i t e j L ^ t ^ Navy, win take place Wwtneaday brid^room; Miss Paulme Cnr^ Fred, of Waahingtim, md ~" Sallie Witia^rs ¥letoher, of Wi renton. littie Miss Leachman Smitii, of Cape deau. Mo., niece of theJbaade, was flower giife ^ - Mr. Harvey Janney, ci Oceo- quan, was his brother's best noan. and other effects are bequeathed to Mifs. Tillett "for her exclusive ben^t," and all real mdl[>er8on- al eatote, except the dweUing house and outbuildings is to be paid to Mrs. Tillett "for and dur- ing Ear natural Me" or so kmg aa she shall remain his widow. The "Will, which had not been and the ushers were Mr. ^^lli*m discovered at the time of Mr. Til- Hemy Leachman, of Peon's Grove, N. J., brother of tiie iHide; Mr. D o u | ^ Deringer, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. Philip Tal- 6t Falb Chuich, and-Mff Bot7 Jerome Barnard, of Washinfttnii. •Hie Iwride-Wore white isatfa trimmed with satin rose petus and princess lace. Tbie bodice was a tiJEht basque with a bCTtta-gj^^^ ^goQ ^gg get aside. ^ » « ? ' « « * ' * - ^ ^ « t t stedtfs son are bo- letf s death and burial, directed tiist Ids body be buried beside his deceased son, John Julian Tillett, and reserved a lot at his latelionie for thelagt ratto: place <^ his family, the family monument to be removed- f m n the Manassaa cemetery to tlie fscmily lot, for the upkeep of (0<)en Br««d«n, Coonty PrMident) The Prince William Boys' and Girls' Agricultural and Home Economics Club will hcAd ite sec- ond meeting of the year on Sat- urday, July 3, on the Manassas high school grounds. It is the custom of the dubs throughout the state to make the summer meeting an annual picnic, there- fore very littie business will be transacted. - .'^ "' A report will be expected from the exhibit committee. This is necessary as the date of the county fair is so near. A few momente will be devoted to inci- dentals tiiat may arise. The American Poultry Asso- ciation diploma will be ivesented to Miss Georgie Harrell by Miss Emily J. JohniBon, former county home demonstration agent, who had the honor of getting-Georgie started in the work. Georgie has conqdeted the course in poul' try work as outlined by the American Poultry Association. _ Features of the meeting wiH be muuc and games, and a good time is expected. -The county banner presented by the Peoples National Bank of Manassas will be on exhibit. Parents are urged not only to let thdr children come to this meeting, but to come themselves. Everyone 10 48ked to br£% a sim- ide limch and to put forth a spe- cial effort to be on the grounds by lOrSO' a. m. Should Satur- day, the 3rd, be a bad day, the faceting will be poe^ned to the ollowing Saturday, June 10. ' Boys and giris, be sure to at- eettng. Bring Mother Miss Sophia Aahton Beeoayes the Bride of Join Willis Meetze. "I do this because as my true and faithful wife she has. at all tinoea jnoved futhfnl to me and always woriced and saved to bdp me to g ^ wfiat I now poaseas,^ tiie win vends.' "So this is my and wdl eonaklered and Father with yoo—they make fine chaperones. TEMPLE SCHOOL WILL HOLD ANNUAL RECITAL A pretty June Wedding took place at Trinity Episcopal Church Tuesday evening at 8:39 o'clock, when Miss S<^hia -Ash- ton Adamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weatherly Jopling Adamson, became the bride of Mr^ John WilKs Meetze. The rector. Rev. A. Stuart Gtbson, of^ ficiated in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. of the contracting parties. IGsa Mary Xee Chgptaan sang "O Perfect Love" and the weddinir music was rendered by Miss Ja> lia Willcoxon Lewis. TTie churcb was attractively decorated with ferns and festoons Of pink rosea. Hie bride, who was given in marriage by her fathor, wore a becoming gown of white baronet satin with an ov.erdnQ>ery of white georgette. Her veil was held in place with a coronet of <»ange Uossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of brides roses and sweet peas. ' She was attended by a maid of honor and six bridesmaids. Miss Miuy CHive Honibaker, of Ma- nassas, and Miss Lola Ashton Tebbs, of Baltimore; Miss Vera ^ftliow? *"^ Miss Agnes Har- EvieJyi' lowe, of Burke; Miss M3ines, Miss Mildred CoveU Law- ler and Miss Claudia Leaviit Donohoe. Miss Homb^er wore yeUow organdie, with a. becoming headdreiss ot the same material, and carried jank roses. T%e bridesmaids were sunilarly «t- lowe in pink. Miss T^>bs and CoaUncneenMnt ExCTdses at ComMi^s -Han Three-JBvcnK—[^diminutive bride flower girls, Miss Miss JDonohoe in ydlow and Ifiaa £[arlowe and-lGss MQnes in Irfue. . Little Miss Christine Elizn- beth Meetze, ^ister of the Inride- grofloi, ^vaa ring bea«r. fihr waa dressed m white organdie in rainbow e^i^des of taffeti^with gcan<^>ed basque and heoa and trimww^ with emlnrmdery of a darker shade and Tkandmade flowers. They wore hatsof har- monizing georgette, trimmed _^ __ with dimmutiveflowersand Ao'^^^iearnwt ing gieorgette searfis, and earned ^^foh.'* showa- bouquets of I^,FxM«. ^i,^ „ ^ ^m written on Mie roses and sweet peas. Miss R ^ g^j^^ ^f bosinesa stationery and w<we greoi. Miss Fleteher ^ k , ju^ reposed f « a kmr time in Minn l-yr'HtnMi nrrhid Mtd Mas ^j^ ji^i^g ^f u , , Weurich's safe, Janney iq>ricot. The uttle ifower ^ h a e his widow was directed to gsi w<»« a simide frock of white geek "imp<Mtant papers" in the organdie with an (wgandie hat ^voit <rf his death. Mr. Wen- adomed witii pu»ted r^^y and fj^>g ggg^ wefe «bfiged to re- aidnkaarii <rfpiooted fOwRE; 'mow tiie linibiff <i< tte aafe to After tile cerem«Hiy the young „ g | ^ ft. couide stMted-on—« iwrthem, honeymoon. TTigr wffl visit New, PLAN SPECIAL MBETfNG YMII^ Bar Harbor, Me,, SCJohns;! New Brunswa; «nd other pointo 3uter, JngsNext Week. _ The annual commencement and recitals of the Temple School of Music win take place at Con- ner's HaU Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.The.pro- grams wiU be given under the di- rcction of Miss .Margaret T«nple Hopkins, directoi*, assisted by Miss Frances EUzabeth Spies. llie elementary studento wiU ai^iear Monday evming in a iday entitied "The Garden Cinder- ena," the young people being elalXxrately costwued to repre- sent flowers, butterflies and fair- iea. Fifteen cento admissicm wiU be charged, the proceeds to be apfdied to the expoiaes of the even&ig. The graduating recital of Miss Mary Elizabeth Fope wfll take idaee Tuesday evoiing. Misa Pope win be assisted by Miss Brunsw^ M Cana^fa^ returning 1^ WoedUne S«ving CMb Win HaU The bride is the Al-Bny Jaw2». youngest daughter of Mr. Jobn ifeaamoa Leachman and a popular mem- .^^^^^ btar of tiie younger set in this vi- j q ^ ^^ cinity. She is a graduate of j^£J^ -i^g minutes of the Manassas High-Schod and of the y^^^^ meeting were read Blissouri Stote Normal School at proved. Rdl was caUed by ^ secretary and absentees noted. The Sewing Club of Woodbine ^School met agiain on Tuesday, 15. - the president in . the Capa Girardeau, Mo. Mr. Jan- ney is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Janney, of Oeeoquan, lus fathtf being a f<M-mer mem- bo- of the Virginia legialature. He served in the American army Ameliato^e'^"*** »°^ •• ""^ engaged m business at Oraoquan -^ere the couple wis make their home. ^' Among the oHl-of-town gueste Mr: and pUinants himrtmmm tece«: ^^'emnj** « ^.*=fe^5JSf>.^ copal Church at Portsmouth. The bride is a daughter of Judge and Mr«.^Ma>eth A, »•"».. °(P"'t5 month. Dr. Li|*tner is the eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lightner, of Haymarket, and is attached to the Na»nl hospital at PcMtsmouth. He attended high achool in MuniinBfit andhaaaaany friends here. TJMI JOUTMI. Il-M » yew—w-Mfli it- at theweddmg wwe: Mrs. David Blackw^l Smith and Mr. and Mrs. AUen Laws Oliver, of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Mr. and w ^ r!>.«rfa^ Hamilton FredJhss Ertiimne Leachman* Misa Lucie Buck, Miss Ida Ferris and Vin Thelma Towles, of Warftington; Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Janney, and Mr. Ashby B. Rogers, of Occo- luan; Mrs. Howard Ftetcher, of WarrentooTMr. James Garwith Tji^tri^lfp, ot Chestertown, Md.; Vlr. Eugene C«'Troll, of Char- The special featore of mai^i^ was stenciling for em- bn^dery. During tlM session Misa (Albert also tdd oa aoata very interesting stories wUeh made a moat happy eoobination of work and piearare. On Toewlay. June 29, there win be-a. spedaLaU-day aesaion beginninir s t ^ a . m. Every mem- b^ ia urged to dme and bring something for hmch. Miss Gil- bert is gooif Urijtn wa lesson in the art of brta^toialrfiig Come and briny a reendt with yon if We down at yis dob. Icttesville, and Mr- and Mrs John Delaptane, Miss Gayk>rd Gibson and ICr. Warren Jones, of Delaplane. Rose Latimer Rice, reader, and Mr. Frank McNamam. of Wash- kigt<m, tenor. The ftoal evening has been se- lected for the annual commraoe- ra^ exoeises. ^ort addrcaaeff wQl. ha made and' diplomsa.and certificates win be preaent^L Parmto and friends are re- quested to limit their gifto and flowerstostudents receiving eer- quest is made necessary by. the large number participating. with flowing veil, rei^^esenting ; The little. Rose ISnihir Ratdiffe and Miss Jane Love Ehot, wore dunty frocks of white organdie and curied b**- keto of pink rose petals. Mr. Odide Dabney Waters, of Manassas, was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Weatherly Jopling Adamson, jr., George Doit Adamson andOarenceLea^~ ter Meetze, brothers of the bride and bridegroom, and Messrs. Eu> gate Davis, John BurcheD LeaCh* man and Walter Lee HMnbaker. After tilie ceremony the bridal purty was entertained at a recep- tion at the home of the bride's parmto in West stireet Lata*, in the evoiing Mr. and Mrs. Heetae 1^ on a northern wedfing toor, inehi^ng pdnto to Canada. The hri4r I"''** • mnHifft: suit of mid- tk: 'm. ^ttHF-TO « 0 B FOSr^OTfWX Tkfcvea, Pri^tcaed AwayJ^eave ^jigl CeabnsUblea in Safe. night blue tricotine, witii hat tnd accessories to match. "HIT young—ceuirfe—reedved many hiuidsome and uaeful-gifts, induding silver, linen, cut a^ass and china. The Inide is A e younger daughter' of Mr. awl Mrs. Weatherly Jc^ilinl; Adam- aon and has a host of friends in this community. The bridegnKHn ia thfr-dder-a<« -of- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jcdinson Meetze. He served overseas with the motor —: tank corps and sinw his, zetoni.. to the States has been located at Marcus Hook, Pa., mberi the rouple win reside. Among the out^-town gaesto at the wedding were: IfeSi Unknown robbers made an un- successful attempt to rob the post office at Bristow Tnesday night VHien Postmaster H. J. Carr entered the office the fol- lowing morning he found the combinatiMi brdun from the safe and soi4> and nitroi^yeerin inserted in the opening, thie rob- bers aiqwrently having been frigfatoied away at the critical moment of Mowing tM safe. Postmaster Carir reported sev- eral Visits during the day before of a stranger who purchased a stamp each time, entering on one occasion by the side door. The post office is located in a wing of the R. 9. Davis building and it is supposed that the intruders were frightened by Mr. Davis' dog. Charles Walter, of Easton, Pa.; Miss Sylvia Benhoff and Miss Lola Ashton Tebbs, of Baltimore, Md. ;Misses Vera jmd Agnes Har- hiwe, uf Burku; Mr. Clatenee L. Meetze, of Chester, Pa; Mrs. William J. Ruby, of Oriole, Md.; Mr. Frank Browning, of Falb Church, and Messrs. Weatholy Jopling AdamaonJr,^ and George Dent Adamson, of Washington. —^Mr. Edward Tyler, jr.,^ was seriously injured recently in an automobile accident at Norfolk. Reports received by liit fatbei', Mr. Edward Tyler, state that his leg and riba were broken, his head was cut and his foot badly mashed. He waa said to have been struck by a speeding auto- mobile and a police officer follow- ing the machine was injured at the same time. Mr. Harry Ty- ler went to Norfolk to see his brother this week.

Transcript of ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four...

Page 1: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,





junfe Tttm to Be ill Owion

of ProcMdingB.

The June term of the circuit court for Prince William county, which convened here June 7, Judge Samuel Q. Brent presid­ing, adjourned Saturday to Thursda^ July 8. The summary of proceedings continued from last week follows:

Report and account of W. M. Jordw, committee for M. H. M. Magaw, 4Dnfirmed.« ^

Lewis Liming, surviving trus­tee of M. £ . Church at Dunofries, ordered to aeO: lot a iHibUc auc­tion,

W. Hill Brown and A. A. Hooff, partner^ trading under style and firm name of Brown & Hooff, against T. J. linttm, trespass on the case in assumpsit—Dismiss­ed by consent.

C. D. S. Clarkson exonerated from paynient of state tax on $6,000 intilngible property be­queathed by Margnet-fi. Joliffe to Girard Trust Company of Philaddiphia, income to be paid to Helen K. J. Clarkson, wiU ot C. D. S. Clarkson, said tax hav­ing been paid in PeamsylvHids 1^ Girard Trust Company.

Licen^ to sell soft drinks at their respective iriaces of busi­ness granted to: C. E. Ctete, Minnievilfe; Qfl& H. Floiwnce, Dumfries; Ml* feys. Token; B. S. Robertson, Bristow;^-B. Ash-by, Wateorfall, and Farmers' Co-OpenitiVe Um<m, Inc., Nokes-vflle. :

Fnrmfni' v^ri^'rift^, Manan-


MaxiMiw Coital Set at I600,-OOO-T-Measn. Lion aAl Ha-

The charter of the Manassas Oil finrnpany, Incorporated, has

sas, granted permit te purchase and sell patent and prc^rietuy mediciBe^ toilet, <me$(^f||l t in antiseptic prepanttkrioi sod sec­tions and^voimqg ffictracta om-tjtwiiwg alcohol.'

C. J. Meetae w l T . B. I>i#>ke»i •*<"°ff°y ^ IbtSbig and d<Ang busmess i ^ 6er the firm name of C. J. Meet** ^ Co. against T. J. Lanton, tres­pass on the Mse in assumpsit^ Judgment foV plaintiffft, f l50; James Luck, foreman of jury.

Thoe. H. Lion, executor uadet will of JohnHobert Til l^, quali­fies as such by entering^to $10,-000 b<md with Rdefity ft Deposit Company of Baltimore as stirety.

against Emil StoD, adminiptra-tor of Charles F. Stoll, judgmWit

been granted by the State Corpo­ration Commission and recorded in the county clerk's office here. The company is to have a mini­mum caiHtal.of $1,000 and a maximum capital of $S00,p00, which is to be divided into shares of $1.00 each. - -

The officers are: Mr. Thos. H,

Melvin C. Hazen, of NokeaviUe, and WasluQfftpn. vice-president; Mr. H. B. Sliller, of Staunton, treasured-; Mr. B. B. Sheppard, of Washington, secretary, and Mr. Wm. P. Nininger, of Roan­oke, general manager. The fol­lowing directors -are named in the charter: Messrs. Melvin C. Hazen, Ndkesville; B. B. Shep­pard,'Washington; H. B. Miller, Staunton; Wm. P. Nininger, Ro­anoke; H. W. Herring, Nokes-ville; J. Roger McSherry, Paeon-ian Springs; T. D. Kinzie, Trout-ville; Josei^ A. Janowitz, Balti­more; C. E.~Nash. J. P. Leadi-man and Thes. H. Lion, Ma­nassas.

The object of the i»>mpany, as set forth in the, charter, is to drill or mine for coal, oil or gas; to omstruct pipe lines, tanlcB,and otho* buildings; to -purchase, lease or otherwise acquire real or pearsonal property; to hold, own, sell oF^eal in or utflize any property rights; to acquire, im­prove, operate, manufiwture,deal or tz«de in property of any and every class and dMeripti<»««ot prohibited by law, and i% any par^ of the world; t» conduct in

Sxiniiy Eflmo^ Gktftek -b «!>« S^ue of Brilliant "llledHtiV

—Many Goesta AttoMk



John JL Tittett Leavw Bateto to Matiwdista and

Wenrieh WUL

The marriage of Miss Marie Childs Leachmaa ta ~Mr.-Je8S«. Douglas Janney, of Occoquan, was solemnized Wednesday even­ing at Trinity Episcopal Church, the rector. Rev. A. Stuart Gib­son, (^dating. The church was effectively decorated with white

t Mrr[<?andleg in gleaming PAndelabga. white roses, evergreens and p< t-ted plants. Immediately befoire the ceremony MJi. Robert E. m-ley, jr., of Warrenton, sang "At

As a memorial tohis son, John Julian Tillett, the property of the


Parenis and Friends Invited to AttMid—Mtas'JBarrai

Receive Diploaa. to

n'„;^i-„" _ _..:_i i.,'Mij--i^"*^^ ** °* ^ " bequest under ?*.^?^.?,',„^'?!?5^_S^5r tiirconditions named it is t6 be-Julia Willcoxon Lewis,-who ren­dered t^e wedding music

The bride entered the churth

late Joia^ Robert Tillett. Confed­erate soldier and Mason, who died' here las^ winter, is Be­queathed at ^ e death or re-mar­riage of his wife to Grace Meth-odisi Ei»seopid 0»»eh, SouUi, "for sole and exclusive use as a parsoni^ie," and in the event that the church shall fail or re-

come the property of Manasseh Lodge, No. 182, Ancient, Free

. .^ ° w ^ ° T ^ » !SH1;„ «"d Accepted Masons, for use as to the strams of " ^ S S ? » »«*»i« * " indigent Members of ""^h 1"*'S H * * f ^ S ^ J ^ £ : tbat body, for any member of ^'^..^I ^^Lit^Z' * £ : H ^ £ " their f«nilies, or for anyqtiier Pendleton Leachman, and it-tended by her sister, Mrs. Allni Laws Oliver, of C i ^ Gtrarde4>> Ma, • as matron of honor, atd four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte

Mason in good standing, as the ktdge may elect J l is property, which is now occupied J>y Mrs. Tillett, has a frontage of 330 feet on the west side osFairview avenue in south-


*'"^L*%L?**'**^.?™*^'!u' east Manassas. All household ? ?L' f -S^fS^!?' ! ,*?^^-^^^ goods, books, pictures, vehicles

y lawlNfl ntuumte the whole or any part of the business so ac* quired and4q.exereise all powers neeeStuOy to the conduct and nuHUigement of the business. The real estate holdings of the



Jaonisy-Lcaehnun Party Enter­tained at Lenfhinan HutcT^

The Janney-Leachman wed­ding party, on the evejof the wedding whidrtoi* place Wed­nesday evening at Trinity Church, waa entertained at—ar progreasiTe dinner at the home of Mr. Joim Peadteton Leach-

on Bun;eBti<»—JudgmtioiJ-ifiiq man, fatiier ofvthe bride. The plaint^ $22.86, amount to be r^ covered fnnn Peoplee Hatiimti Baiik. ~ "

Copy of order <rf Supreme Court of Appeato—awardSng a writ of error upon petition of Winnie Harris sentenced to tern 8 years in pmltfntiary •«*"»yt-ted to records- _^ j

Two dozen towels' deposited with cleric of eonrt as evidoiee in case AgftlMt Harwsy Gniiettw-dered surrendered to W. H. aark, agent of Soutiwrn Raa-t way, to whom t b ^ bekmg:

Account of Robert Jannantf

_ Jrfm L DieW against-Casper Horn, trespass <m the case m as-3ilmlSgB=J>imiB«t fw piaintur. $172.50; jury, Joa. R. Turner, foreman.

Will of H. D. Wenrieh probat­ed and admitted to record; Adah C. Wenrieh, widow and sole lega­tee, granted certificate for ob­taining tetters of admiirfstration

uf ber lirte orr personal esiate husband; administratrix quali­fies, entmng into bond of IMOO with C. C. Wenrieh as snrety.

F. J. Byer, of Nokesville, a mlnistor of the Church of the Brethren, authorised to cdctorite^ rites of marriage, fkrafc eueuiins^ $500 bond.

In Chancery. D. R. and Rose V. McCarthy

against Chapm Brown*-toiatee, et als—^Decree annulling deed of trust heretofore executed by D R. and Roee V. McCarthy, oom-

dled aftw granting of decried divorce a menaa et tboro.

Adjourned to Thui»day> -Jtdy 8. at 10

—Mr. M. J. Busfaong waa call­ed to Maurertown this week by the death of his brother, Mr. J. H. Rushonpr. Mr. Buahong was seventy-seven years old and leave? his wife, €hi^ brothers

dinno: was served in five courses at five tables, the bride's table fwrning 4he centor of 4he group.

The bride's cake was adorned with -a miniature bride and groom and th^ idace cards were decorated with the same diminu­tive figures. The decorations of the beaotifuBy appointed toUe were carried out m pink and white, haduding pjnk Toaes and Bhaded"weeBud hgSa

tn hoot» wffeet wiUi ftaHuf ried~iiri]ifr1tT<iA^aga''^met«yr Hertt^veHfeDiigrace-^gjg win was dated August 20,

All f<dd8 from a cap^itf orange jgj4-|md gijiBed in tiie preeence blossoms and she carrieda show- ^j two witnesses. Miss L. M. er bouquet of orchiifar freesias j ^ ^ and Mr. C. J. Meetze. Mr. and orange blossoms. • Thos. H Li<m is named executor.

The matron of honor wore ^ , 11 of the late Harriscm white Ideated chiffon ctotii ma^ Daniel Woirich was also probat-in bell effect and adorned with ^ ^j ^;^^ ^^^j^ of the circuit English thread lace. She wrae* j urt j j , Wenrich's estote is girdle of green and orchid wt- i^ f , life to his widow, Mrs. jji and «»fTTripH * pinlr oRtneh Ian Art ili fj. Wmriffh. °T"i>^ ^"*^ ** with a bouquet of laricspor and ^^g^es beat tod to use accord' sweetheart roses. ' jQf to her own idea«ire and eoia-

•Rie bridesmaids were gown«l forf"

The bride's gifte to her atten-ire s9yer nunUKTsmuted

picture' framea and toe brfete-groom's gifts ib the grooauBaen were leather bill fdds.

The guests inchided the Inide-groom and bride-to-be, Mr. Jesse Doua^ Janney and Miss Marifi Childs Leachman; Mr. John Pen­dleton Leachman, father of the bride; Mrs. AUoi Laws (Miver, Miss Lillian Letris I«etrhman. Miss Rebecca-TY'<"n ftamfpi, Miss Pauline Curry Fred, Miss Sallie Withers. Fletcher, Mrs, David BlftlikwtJl Smith, Miss Mildred Leachman ^oith, and Messrs. Harv«y Janney, Wiffiam Henry LearhmMi. DougiasJ^^ inger, JenHne Barnard^ Phfly Talbot itod Jamea Garwith Met­calfe.


The marriage of Benson Bain, of Portsmouth, and Lient. Gordon ffitt Lightner, Medical Corps, t J n i t e j L ^ t ^ Navy, win take place Wwtneaday

brid^room; Miss Paulme Cnr^ Fred, of Waahingtim, md ~" Sallie Witia^rs ¥letoher, of Wi renton. l ittie Miss Leachman Smitii, of Cape deau. Mo., niece of theJbaade, was flower giife ^ -

Mr. Harvey Janney, ci Oceo-quan, was his brother's best noan.

and other effects are bequeathed to Mifs. Tillett "for her exclusive ben^t," and all real mdl[>er8on-al eatote, except the dweUing house and outbuildings is to be paid to Mrs. Tillett "for and dur­ing Ear natural Me" or so kmg aa she shall remain his widow.

The "Will, which had not been and the ushers were Mr. ^^lli*m discovered at the time of Mr. Til-Hemy Leachman, of Peon's Grove, N. J., brother of tiie iHide; Mr. D o u | ^ Deringer, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. Philip Tal-

6t Falb Chuich, and-Mff Bot7 Jerome Barnard, of Washinfttnii.

•Hie Iwride-Wore white isatfa trimmed with satin rose petus and princess lace. Tbie bodice was a tiJEht basque with a bCTtta-gj^^^ goQ gg get aside.

^ » « ? ' « « * ' * - ^ ^ « t t stedtfs son are bo-

letf s death and burial, directed tiist Ids body be buried beside his deceased son, John Julian Tillett, and reserved a lot at his latelionie for thelagt ratto: place < his family, the family monument to be removed- f m n the Manassaa cemetery to tlie fscmily lot, for the upkeep of

(0<)en Br««d«n, Coonty PrMident) The Prince William Boys' and

Girls' Agricultural and Home Economics Club will hcAd ite sec­ond meeting of the year on Sat­urday, July 3, on the Manassas high school grounds. It is the custom of the dubs throughout the state to make the summer meeting an annual picnic, there­fore very littie business will be transacted. - .'^ "' A report will be expected from the exhibit committee. This is necessary as the date of the county fair is so near. A few momente will be devoted to inci­dentals tiiat may arise.

The American Poultry Asso­ciation diploma will be ivesented to Miss Georgie Harrell by Miss Emily J. JohniBon, former county home demonstration agent, who had the honor of getting-Georgie started in the work. Georgie has conqdeted the course in poul' try work as outlined by the American Poultry Association. _ Features of the meeting wiH be muuc and games, and a good time is expected. -The county banner presented by the Peoples National Bank of Manassas will be on exhibit.

Parents are urged not only to let thdr children come to this meeting, but to come themselves. Everyone 10 48ked to br£% a sim-ide limch and to put forth a spe­cial effort to be on the grounds by lOrSO' a. m. Should Satur­day, the 3rd, be a bad day, the faceting will be poe^ned to the

ollowing Saturday, June 10. ' Boys and giris, be sure to at-

eettng. Bring Mother

Miss Sophia Aahton Beeoayes the Bride of Join

Willis Meetze.

"I do this because as my true and faithful wife she has. at all tinoea jnoved futhfnl to me and always woriced and saved to bdp me to g ^ wfiat I now poaseas,^ tiie win vends.' "So this is my

and wdl eonaklered

and Father with yoo—they make fine chaperones.


A pretty June Wedding took place at Trinity Episcopal Church Tuesday evening at 8:39 o'clock, when Miss S<^hia -Ash-ton Adamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weatherly Jopling Adamson, became the bride of Mr John WilKs Meetze. The rector. Rev. A. Stuart Gtbson, of^ ficiated in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. of the contracting parties. IGsa Mary Xee Chgptaan sang "O Perfect Love" and the weddinir music was rendered by Miss Ja> lia Willcoxon Lewis. TTie churcb was attractively decorated with ferns and festoons Of pink rosea.

Hie bride, who was given in marriage by her fathor, wore a becoming gown of white baronet satin with an ov.erdnQ>ery of white georgette. Her veil was held in place with a coronet of <»ange Uossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of brides roses and sweet peas. '

She was attended by a maid of honor and six bridesmaids. Miss Miuy CHive Honibaker, of Ma­nassas, and Miss Lola Ashton Tebbs, of Baltimore; Miss Vera ^ftliow? *"^ Miss Agnes Har-

EvieJyi' lowe, of Burke; Miss M3ines, Miss Mildred CoveU Law-ler and Miss Claudia Leaviit Donohoe. Miss Homb^er wore yeUow organdie, with a. becoming headdreiss ot the same material, and carried jank roses. T%e bridesmaids were sunilarly «t-

lowe in pink. Miss T^>bs and

CoaUncneenMnt ExCTdses at ComMi s -Han Three-JBvcnK—[ diminutive bride

flower girls, Miss

Miss JDonohoe in ydlow and Ifiaa £[arlowe and-lGss MQnes in Irfue. . Little Miss Christine Elizn-beth Meetze, ^ister of the Inride-grofloi, ^vaa ring bea«r. fihr waa dressed m white organdie

in rainbow e i des of taffeti^with gcan< >ed basque and heoa and trimww^ with emlnrmdery of a darker shade and Tkandmade flowers. They wore hatsof har­monizing georgette, trimmed _ __ with dimmutive flowers and Ao' ^ iearnwt ing gieorgette searfis, and earned ^^foh.'* showa- bouquets of I^,FxM«. ^i,^ „ ^ ^m written on Mie roses and sweet peas. Miss R ^ g^j^^ f bosinesa stationery and w<we greoi. Miss Fleteher ^ k , ju^ reposed f « a kmr time in Minn l-yr'HtnMi nrrhid Mtd Mas ^ j ^ ji^i^g ^f u , , Weurich's safe, Janney iq>ricot. The uttle ifower ^hae his widow was directed to gs i w<»« a simide frock of white geek "imp<Mtant papers" in the organdie with an (wgandie hat ^voit <rf his death. Mr. Wen-adomed witii pu»ted r^^y and fj^>g ggg^ wefe «bfiged to re-aidnkaarii <rfpiooted fOwRE; 'mow tiie linibiff <i< t t e aafe to

After tile cerem«Hiy the young „ g | ^ ft. couide stMted-on—« iwrthem, honeymoon. TTigr wffl visit New, P L A N SPECIAL MBETfNG YMII^ Bar Harbor, Me,, SCJohns;! New Brunswa; «nd other pointo 3uter,

JngsNext Week. _

The annual commencement and recitals of the Temple School of Music win take place at Con­ner's HaU Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.The.pro­grams wiU be given under the di-rcction of Miss .Margaret T«nple Hopkins, directoi*, assisted by Miss Frances EUzabeth Spies.

llie elementary studento wiU ai^iear Monday evming in a iday entitied "The Garden Cinder-ena," the young people being elalXxrately costwued to repre­sent flowers, butterflies and fair-iea. Fifteen cento admissicm wiU be charged, the proceeds to be apfdied to the expoiaes of the even&ig.

The graduating recital of Miss Mary Elizabeth Fope wfll take idaee Tuesday evoiing. Misa Pope win be assisted by Miss

Brunsw^ M Cana fa returning 1^

WoedUne S«ving CMb Win HaU

The bride is the

Al-Bny Jaw2». youngest

daughter of Mr. Jobn ifeaamoa Leachman and a popular mem- . ^ ^ btar of tiie younger set in this vi- j q ^ ^ ^ cinity. She is a graduate of j^£J^ -i^g minutes of the Manassas High-Schod and of the y^^^^ meeting were read Blissouri Stote Normal School at proved. Rdl was caUed by ^

secretary and absentees noted.

The Sewing Club of Woodbine School met agiain on Tuesday,

15. - the president in . the

Capa Girardeau, Mo. Mr. Jan­ney is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Janney, of Oeeoquan, lus fathtf being a f<M-mer mem-bo- of the Virginia legialature. He served in the American army

Ameliato^e' "*** »°^ •• ""^ engaged m business at Oraoquan -^ere the couple wis make their home. '

Among the oHl-of-town gueste Mr: and

pUinants himrtmmm tece«: 'emnj** « ^.*=fe^5JSf>.^ copal Church at Portsmouth. The bride is a daughter of Judge and Mr«.^Ma>eth A, »•"».. °(P"'t5 month. Dr. Li|*tner is the eld­est son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lightner, of Haymarket, and is attached to the Na»nl hospital at PcMtsmouth. He attended high achool in MuniinBfit andhaaaaany friends here.

TJMI JOUTMI. Il-M » yew—w-Mfli it-

at theweddmg wwe: Mrs. David Blackw^l Smith and Mr. and Mrs. AUen Laws Oliver, of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Mr. and w ^ r!>.«rfa Hamilton FredJhss Ertiimne Leachman* Misa Lucie Buck, Miss Ida Ferris and Vin Thelma Towles, of Warftington; Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Janney, and Mr. Ashby B. Rogers, of Occo-luan; Mrs. Howard Ftetcher, of WarrentooTMr. James Garwith Tji tri lfp, ot Chestertown, Md.; Vlr. Eugene C«'Troll, of Char-

The special featore of mai^i^ was stenciling for em-bn^dery. During tlM session Misa (Albert also tdd oa aoata very interesting stories wUeh made a moat happy eoobination of work and piearare.

On Toewlay. June 29, there win be-a. spedaLaU-day aesaion beginninir s t^a. m. Every mem-b ^ ia urged to dme and bring something for hmch. Miss Gil­bert is gooif Urijtn wa lesson in the art of brta toialrfiig Come and briny a reendt with yon if

We down at yis dob.

Icttesville, and Mr- and Mrs John Delaptane, Miss Gayk>rd Gibson and ICr. Warren Jones, of Delaplane.

Rose Latimer Rice, reader, and Mr. Frank McNamam. of Wash-kigt<m, tenor.

The ftoal evening has been se­lected for the annual commraoe-ra^ exoeises. ^ort addrcaaeff wQl. ha made and' diplomsa.and certificates win be preaent^L

Parmto and friends are re­quested to limit their gifto and flowers to students receiving eer-

quest is made necessary by. the large number participating.

with flowing veil, rei ^esenting ; The little.

Rose ISnihir Ratdiffe and Miss Jane Love Ehot, wore dunty frocks of white organdie and curied b**-keto of pink rose petals.

Mr. Odide Dabney Waters, of Manassas, was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Weatherly Jopling Adamson, jr., George Doit Adamson andOarenceLea^~ ter Meetze, brothers of the bride and bridegroom, and Messrs. Eu> gate Davis, John BurcheD LeaCh* man and Walter Lee HMnbaker.

After tilie ceremony the bridal purty was entertained at a recep­tion at the home of the bride's parmto in West stireet Lata*, in the evoiing Mr. and Mrs. Heetae 1 ^ on a northern wedfing toor, inehi^ng pdnto to Canada. The hri4r I"''** • mnHifft: suit of mid-



ttHF-TO « 0 B FOSr^OTfWX

Tkfcvea, Pri^tcaed AwayJ^eave ^jigl CeabnsUblea in Safe.

night blue tricotine, witii hat tnd accessories to match.

"HIT young—ceuirfe—reedved many hiuidsome and uaeful-gifts, induding silver, linen, cut a^ass and china. The Inide is A e younger daughter' of Mr. awl Mrs. Weatherly Jc ilinl; Adam-aon and has a host of friends in this community. The bridegnKHn ia thfr-dder-a<« -of- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jcdinson Meetze. He served overseas with the motor —: tank corps and sinw his, zetoni.. to the States has been located at Marcus Hook, Pa., mberi the rouple win reside.

Among the out^-town gaesto at the wedding were: IfeSi

Unknown robbers made an un­successful attempt to rob the post office at Bristow Tnesday night VHien Postmaster H. J. Carr entered the office the fol­lowing morning he found the combinatiMi brdun from the safe and soi4> and nitroi^yeerin inserted in the opening, thie rob­bers aiqwrently having been frigfatoied away at the critical moment of Mowing tM safe.

Postmaster Carir reported sev­eral Visits during the day before of a stranger who purchased a stamp each time, entering on one occasion by the side door. The post office is located in a wing of the R. 9 . Davis building and it is supposed that the intruders were frightened by Mr. Davis' dog.

Charles Walter, of Easton, Pa.; Miss Sylvia Benhoff and Miss Lola Ashton Tebbs, of Baltimore, Md. ;Misses Vera jmd Agnes Har-hiwe, uf Burku; Mr. Clatenee L. Meetze, of Chester, Pa; Mrs. William J. Ruby, of Oriole, Md.; Mr. Frank Browning, of Falb Church, and Messrs. Weatholy Jopling Adamaon Jr, and George Dent Adamson, of Washington.

—^Mr. Edward Tyler, jr., was seriously injured recently in an automobile accident at Norfolk. Reports received by liit fatbei', Mr. Edward Tyler, state that his leg and riba were broken, his head was cut and his foot badly mashed. He waa said to have been struck by a speeding auto­mobile and a police officer follow­ing the machine was injured at the same time. Mr. Harry Ty­ler went to Norfolk to see his brother this week.

Page 2: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,


pXds ¥wd vSSAS JOCItMAL. MANAflflAS, Vttf imiA


Refreshing showers fell duiv! !<>«> 7- HiB Akili^ of ^ u ^ ing Sunday n i i ^ and Monday, ington, has returned to her hooM greatly r a v i n g the drouth that after spending a few days with has existed for sonifr time. Fa^ her sister, Mrs. Etta Lyim. * mers especiaUy welcomed the Mr. Hugh Swart, of Middle-rainfall as many of thetr-siariBg burg, was a guest at the home of and summer crops now und^ Mr. end Mrs. L. B. Pattie Sunday cultivalltm wwi UaJly bx ueed e<,and was aeeompauied homrjMr moisture. | same evening^ his sister, Miss

Mrs. C, E. Clarke and her|Lelia Swart, who siJent a week daughter, Lucile, are visiting rel- witlj Miss Edmonia Pattie. atives and friendflJit New YoritI ^ the ball game at Aldie last litv. They will stop at Hart- Saturday Mr. Willard Pearson ford, N. J., en route, to visit Mrs.' was accidentally struck in the Clarke's niece, Mrs. Grover Dav- side by a ball. It was at first

Miss RlanchePai^e. feared that a rib was broken, but

CSDBCB -•-—" • Lvrmauai -r-MMt LatiMwm Cfcwrth. 1

AT Z. PmM, paAer. , Baadaj School at 10 «,jn.

NokMTfll* LBtbtnui Chnicb—Son-




Under and by virtue of a cer­tain deed of tlrust executed on January 8,1917, of record in the elerk i (rfOee of Prince Williiun County, Virginia, in, deed book t», pafe 482, by Manuel and Car­rie Ksher, the undersigned trus-

thcrein named, having boc»

i.s, nee Miss taiCMnr'GaBMrt, county adfter receiving medicaTaOSiBHeir * ' —a physician happening to be en

the grounds—^he quickly recov­ered and resumed his place in the game. _ Messrs. N. C. Pattie and Luth-er B. Allison, of Alexandria; vi».

Miss Mary Comwell left Sun-'ited their respective homes here

home demonstration agent, vis­ited this neighborhood on Tues-

l ir . C. E. Clarke attended the June term of the circuit court te session at Manassas.

day to visit relatives in Alexaa^ cilia and Baltimore.

Mr. T- J. Daviii, ii trSveling salesman who has represented i|n Alexandria corporation for the past eighteen years., spent Wed-nesday here.

Mrs. Arthur Boatwright and her little son, Linton Sinclair, are visiting relatives in Richmond,

Mr. and Mn. Luthor Alexan­der, of Waahmgton; were week­end guests of Mr. Alexander's mother, Mrs. E.- J. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander also vis­ited their uncle, Mr. C. E. Clarke.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Taytor and daughter, Gertrude May, of Ac-cotink, yisited this neighborhood Sunday.

Miss Elsie Windsor-returned Saturday from a ten days',|VMt to her uncle, Mr. Will Alex£aer,. of Indian Head, Md.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. GaAe and their little daughter, Catb-eryne Maria, spent Sunday at Mr. Ciarke B old homoetoadJ'air | Dwur view.

Mr. J. T. Clarke recently iJbi:-chased a new Ford truck.

Mr. D. C. Alexander recently chickesisl

' recently. Mr. Samuel Ayers, of Wash­

ington, who h«8it)e(B^ fl visiting at the home of his broth-ers,4Messrs. Charles and Daniel Ayers, has recovered sufficiently to return to his home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F; Brower, jr., and their little daughter and Mr.

! Louis Lynn, of Round Hill, q>ent the week-end here with relatives.

Little Miss Eatherihe Pattie is visituig her aunt, lus . C. F. Brower, jr., in Roxmd HilL

Mrs. Etta Lynn lost a valuable Jersey cow and young heifer by lightning on Monday nil^t.

Mr. Howard Haisliip had a horse killed by lightning one day last week.


JB sad bat io/tiag mMiBbrKDe* of oar dear mottwr, Mn. Lewis A. Kar.

I steUor, who paaiad away aiz months ago, Docembor 20,1919.

Mettw. huw tar t w trisd t» . save you.

Prayers and tears were all in v^ia, Happy ansda csnie and.boie yoa

From this woxU of toll and pain. shipped a caiioad of »*».»»«. , ^. __-_j ...., . .. south, receiving a fancy price. ^ ^ ^ f ^ T ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ . ^ f S L

Miss Ocie Bidley. accompaniedl Wb«« th. iwea so gently wa e, by Miss Ruth Bail^, xetoned^ Lies tiie one we kii*« so-deaiil^

look witti trAiUing

Monday to QuanticD, where t h ^ [ ^ ^ « *''^' **w gimw. are employed by the government. CM Heavaa is

Mr. John T. Clarke spent Sun­day with his fathor-tn-law, Mr. W. T. Greene, of T(duca, Stafford county.

Mr. R. B. Rdd with Mr. and Mrs. I^nest Bdd. of Dumfries. __-__i^__

than aoKtids

•Wbu flMy tread

At the ndsty fntar* thait stretdies on


Com, wheal oats, gardoas^uid grass are lookhig fine in this see-1 tion.

The Warr^tcm road is being worked and repaired by Memrs. H. L. Tubbs and Joseph W. Lowe under the supervision of Super-visor T. M. Russell, of Has dis­trict.

Messrs. Kenneth Woc^enden and Alton Holmes have returned to their respective htanes after the close of Manassas high school. Mr. Wotdfoidai is farm­ing and Mr. Holmes will acceiit a position at Mr. W. E. McCoy's garage in Manassas.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mountjoy and family, accompanied by Miss Ethel Tolson, mot(a«d to Wadi-insrtort Sunday to visit Miss Co­rah Lilian Mountjoy, who has a position there.

Miss Mary Murphey is visiting friends and rdatives in Washings ton and will ^ai» h y r l fti * ** A. C. Gordon, of N<dceaville, be­fore returning home.

kaow ivhen HM tSmt eotrd

When tibe yrtSl was rent away— Not kmg and dailc her

To realma of endless 4ay;

The e ^ that shot in a dying boor Was op»ed the nesct in Mks^

The wekome did soond in a faeaveaty world

Ere the farewell was hushed in tUs.

Yet again we hope to meet tneeT" Whan the day ot life is fled.

And in heaven with joy to greet tbee, Whwe no farewell tears are died. • . By Her Panghters.

PxesbyterisB ChsrA. >tifT. DePorest Wade. Paster.,

Sonday Sebool at 9:4S a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. WeAMsday, 8:00 p. m^Prtyer

CATMOITC. All Saintr CatibeUe Chpreh,

Father Wraaaa (HO, paster. at 7:80 a. m., first, third and

ftfth Sundays. Second and foartb Sondays at 10:80 a. m., followed by beaedlettoi rf the Blessed On the fl«t BuaOsyof veeial devotion lb henor «i tta 8a-3sd Heart of Jesos.

K. B. ChoKh, Sonth; B«T. WOUaa Jtavsns, paster.

Manssiss Banday School at 9:4B. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. P n y e r m o e t t e Wednesday at 9M

Pfeadting first and tUtd Sandaya «t Kradley at 8 p. ak

Preaching at Boddiaa ssaoafU sad (earth Sondays at 8 p. m.

Bpwortb Leagoe at 1:00 p. m. Sobjeet, "Christian Breth^wod Amtmg Nations and biees." Leader, Miss Kate BridweD. - ^

Sndley Oarge.-'-

The appQintmanti'of Bar. Hnner Wekh follows • ' ' •

Sudley—First, seoead and fMOth Sa^days, 11 a. m. ^

GcfatesTiU*—First Oniday, 8 p. m. Third Sanday, 11 m m.

Fkiinriew.—Second and foartt days, 8 p. ni. - Weediawn Third flrmj^^jj


« Trinity Bplscopal A. Stoart G&aonrBeeter.

Sefaoelat 10 o'dock a. n . '•rat, aaeoad and foiott

Sonday a t ^ a. n i . ;«««v Sonday at TilO>.m

tJg-requested so to do Iw the benefl-eiaiy therein named, on account of default having been made in the payment'of the debt therein secured Imd described* will < ffer for sale-at public auction to the tighest bidder, on SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920 attweive o'clock, lA., tt fwnt-TSf the Bank in the Town of Occo-quan, aforesaid, county, all that certain tract or parcel of land, ly-, ing and being situate ~near Oeco-

auan, in the aforesaid county on be nort^ side of the Neaosco

road, and adjoining the l*nt^o| Henderson and others and said

faouncb iniiQd deed of trust, and being a portion of the Alice V. ^land land, and contains, more

13 ACRES,, 37 POISES This property has a dwdling,

etc., on it, and is desirali^ prop-


Cansdv Vjf.

S t Ann'a Meoiaiial Onpel. HokaaK •Oa. SsrHee first Sandsqraat^*.mi «Uid Snnday at 11 a. ak ^

BAPTIST Manasaaa Baptist Ctanh, Bar. T

J._D. ~ "

ft80 p. as. ,


Di MSUORIAM In sad but loving resMmbranee of

OBT dear nster, Mrs. Laden H. Haanr-er, fonnerly Miss Loe^ Marsteller, who departed tida Ufa five yean ago, Jane 21,1»1».

She has gone and gone forever. From tke worid of sin ii»d wee,

Bnt her memoiT. will By those irito loved her sa.

A beantifid life ia Mkted, -Onr dear s is t« laid to rest,

5i«f « in tlM «Tm« of .y.

6BiKinjre*s YSfsmasnA

Broad San, seeoad sad foari&SsB-4BJS, 11 a. m..

Hatdiera Memorial, aeeoad Sanday, S:80 p. m.; foorth Sanday, 8 p. m.; afth Sanday. U a. « .

TTi- *.,

tn the Circuit Court of PiineaWil-Usm Cwnty, Virginia.

LENA MUXEB, Complainant . • vs. . ,


Upon tin writtni application of the complainant stating spedfically the last known place of abode of the de-'fendant and that the defcaidant ia not a resident of the State of Virginia, the court dotb on this. 9t& day of Jnno, 1920, grant tiie following order of pob-lieatim:

-The object of this suit is to obtain a decree giauUng to the complainant an abaelate divorce from tlw defendant, 4» the groands of wiUol desertion and aband«»ment for-a period of more than three years priw t» the inatita-tien of tiiis soiW and for geaeral rdiet.

An aiSdavit Imvtllg bean made and that the (fafandant;

Fricfc Tractors^ T h e T r a c t o r o f N o R c i g r e t r

fujig periods of serrice only proTe owner the wbdom of his ehoice. We kaow not of a s i i i ^ case, where a man ^ h a s once ^ 1 "FriA Tractor^ has changed to anoAer mike. Ask the J iu i wK owBS one. Cntjoor wheat, thrnh your wheat, plow and order yov land for wheat, vf^ a "Fikk Trador/'

^ ? A R M E R S ^ E X C H A N G E BiANASSAS vnwsnnA.

There Att Discrimiiiatii Peorfe IB ereiy ei»u»inity who waitt to pwrchaw tiie beat. ThsM are oar frioida. Thay hava

'lepatatioa^ ..'

S Their Good Judgment pn«pts tIii3uaiftJiL!^M0NDB" is need «f S^ectadstiBidlliyTglssiSi

when than

Oa^ Dale, third Sanday, tnd first Sanday, 8:00 p- st. . . <

Anborn, first Soaday, U a.-a!i, and tfaiid Sanday 8:00 p. ak

CHUBCH OF TKB^BKBTIIBBf B«v. B. E. Bloagb, paatar; Brr. •

M. KBna, aasistaa*. Gannon Branch S^iday Sdwol at

to a. m.

Sarfcy L. lOBar, is not a resideirt of « e o a t s s ( inrginia,-aad tiM aald da> ^fendant vot having entered Ua ap-^(eanBwa, ft ia iwteed that he do ap-

< in the cleric's eOce al[. oar - jgjmt, witMn ten Avt%

fqUfeatisB of this order and do what b' naeeMwry io protect Us Interest tn thiawd^ <faa»n-eaiy «< 4bis oaiter be: forthwith inaer{ea~in the foamal. a n e w a p e r poUiahed in the eoonty oif Prince William, Virginia, snea a WMk for four sooeeasive weeks, fmd a copy posted at the front door of lbs coortltoase of this eoonty, en or j>aft>ra the next saceediiig rule day af• t w thia <»der b entered; that a M^y of'tfata order be awit" by registered •mil, by the Cleric of this ccffit," dresasd to the said wm-reaident to-leadart »t Jecacy City, N«w teaey, the last knowa pest eOca s t r e s s aad piaea^ei abode of the said aon-ceaidairt

Little Miss Virginia Wri^t is now with her parenta, Mr. amth Mrs. G. C. Wright, after q>end-ing the winter with her grand­parents in Stafford, county.

Mr. P. M. Cole and his son, Philip, of Washington, accom­panied by Mr. Reyn<rfda. spent the week-end near Kopp.

Miss Rae Luck waa the goect of Miss Maud Lee Norman on Saturday.

Mr. J. J. Murphey, who is spending the summer at his dd home here, went to Wsehingtea- -Tuesday to^pend a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Charies Randall recently celebrated their aerea-ty-seventh lortiidajrs. Mrs. Ran­dall is one day older titan her husband and two years ago in August they celebrated the SOtii anniversary of their mani i^ .

Mr. Walter Wooifoidea mo­tored to FredtfKksborg on Son-day to wcmA the day with friends.

Safe OB Ua gentle 1 N«*er, dear, can we fergat,

te oarwojgidadlbeartabehealad, Fw God akae loMws flie I

That lain ear I

fnth aching heorta wa were That God's win most be <

la a home of ftwieleee beaoty She ia-newa sUiAig star.

• By Her Sisters, Aona and NeiUa.


1[ As three pof ect a n | ^ consti­tute a complete tiiangle, so have we buflt our business on these three attributes.' The Science of Cooking to make that which you eat palatable, the Courteous Service that makes you feel at home and Absolute CleanlineM in both kitcfaoi and taUe. It has been our constant aim in serving

Preadtiag flrat and third a t l l a . n k . Ckriatiaa Wortws at 8 p. ak

B n d l a y — S u ^ SAooI a* 10 a. aad fwirib 8i

Ua-BL ' - —


&I»aItaa. ! !• liiM auiy tewrtfc a t U

at tm^m.

T9S0 p. » . d B y B . U a . a .

BoddwB-FlrBt aad tUrd I. p. p .

GBO. a TYLKS, a « k . By his dKSKXf, L. LEDMAM.

Aoew—Teete: GEO. G. TtLER, Qerk.

4 By hk deputy, L. L E D M A N .

m ^ E D M O N D S 6 PTI CI AN

•r SPBCTACLBS aad ftBGLASSBS so* Fiflaeafth Stiaat WASHINCmm.J). C Oppoatta Sherehaat Hotel

• • a H M H i « B H i H i « n e n o H H a



YOU wsant nuHre miHc ami cream? Ifao, yoiralipQld feed EUREKA^ DAIRV RATION,

ti^ higlMat in qnaBty and aafcat lo o ie , for best KMihs. Yob may be from Missouri* but w e cftn show you. . As^ your feed defJer about EU||EJCA wad nnd whiit you have \oxng boMi lo<4ring fmr.




L(L .LY i . : .VL f ! . i ; v - i L T - V :

K J. Hotde larlile, Gnaite aad^ill

you within the past two years to .._ Intake jroa realise this, and if pa-^jmrpnse party was "centtsr tronage is the sign of success

givm by Mrs. James J.aey-» dimghters in honor' of their mottoes birthday.

Card of Thaaks. Mrs. H. D. Wenrich and family

wish to express their heartfelt 3 •prr* ati r of the sympathy and k-fn (In (---•? ^f -frrrr -nrtanrf

then we feel we have by the tri­angle boilited weiL If Martha Washington candies fresh weekly.

SANITARY LUNCH ,x Down by I h e Old Depot.

J 9 ! » ^ Aftwyottuai alwsyatafcs

ATONIC L . : K - . ; » I I - ; : V . »!';

Add-Stomach •<».IIHllg>llj>l



Office—Hibbe A Ciddings Buildinpr

. I _ I _ 1 _ I _ 1 _ T _ 1 _ I _ 1 _ T _ ' T _ 1

ETttTthing Good to Eat

My line embraces Sta|de and Fancy ChroeerieB

QneeoswiBe, 1% an3~ BInamelware



Tke Paper wikb tiw Loveij Fmidi WirWi« ftper pm-

That is why it te tlw

D O W E L L ' S P H A R M A C Y 93U ^»««eiK< Jhaa

Tl 1 '^ '-K} \l • *. ., ~ ^,

\.-\\ cc

Page 3: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,

~*WDAY. JUNE 25, 1920 iumfi-t^ „ ,

<a*g*tf ' -t . i in»«.. j-

EstaMMMd Maf,

Ttiff Mafw««it JoHiTinl

D.S.LIWI8. I «t tiMpostoOM ak J

$LM » y«w te Airaaw

Friday, Jane 25, 1920



Qh l<l •!! 11 ml WOI iM {&• flaal gMd of dlU ^ p a « i « ( « i « M , « i » of wfli, D e f c ^ Of diMdA. and l dBte of Hood;

•nutt aothinar mdkt wUk ais^UiM fatt; Ibat aot OM lite abiiB Iw dMtngnd, i )r c u t urnAW* «» ttrTBMr-

Ttet Bct a vonn ia clovco in 'vaia; > !(tei Bot & motb with vidn dadn

la abzivaBrd in a ftaMcM fin. . Or iiBt aaiwarwaaaother'a. gwht^

Tesmyson'8 "La Memoriani" hicAdi the place of honor ia the poetry comer today. The week's favorite ie sent by'Mr. ifoaeph F. Oulick, of Cherrydale, foRnerly of Bianassaa.

"The poem whidii almost any one selects aa his favorite will be determined Uurgely by the state ofimnd in which he is at that partieidar time," according to Mx. Oulick. "That being true, <me hardly-knows which to select tM eotning neawt to bia favorite | for aB states of mind. I-beliere iq. my case, howevor, there are -two tiut contend for first place. They Bre Matthew Arnold's 'Do­ver Beach' and Tennjs^'s In ManoriamJ Of the two 'In Me-Aioiiani,' I beSere, U the fav-cartte."

As "In Memoriam," whkfa or-4faiariiy ooQOidea fifty pages of a l oolc, is too long to print here, Mr. GoUek has seidcted a few staiuas vfakh he regards as wmg the best in tiia poem, t t e se stanzas, pwrts «f eaaios 1,

IN UXMOKUM XHa UtOa aratama hky tttair day, n « r han Hair day and Saaaa to Ui

-XhfV a n j i i toelM UrMs «C Jtlwti-^ And flMa,0 Uad. art nui«i tbaa ttar.

We4»i« hut fata: «• etaaa^ltamn FMr kaowMc* ta of tiU ABd^^atniatfteMM A iaaa ia 4nkami let ft cmr.

i * * i i iifrTjiTii'iiiiit'iiii i"i»j»i

on the Seas —.Cor-tto ant tbaa 8la«a tba OMl War va baraa laal mapdiaot martna. It coat aa |8,000,000,oee to fat tt.

Tka fannar, manufaakurar, laborar avary AmaHaan la

ft-^ "fry ^^lil«/t»»«rftla« It * iMwaMary tQJD04.1tt.

Ofwrated to thwart tlM opboUdlac M oar merrhant BUtrtaa>-3y glTlng tba DoUca of taraUnatlon lor which tha aararal

traatiaa provida. Thia action la dtractad In ^ a conatmctlTa Shipping BU

now bafora Oongraaa; -Whldi declpaa it ta ba tha poUey of tha pnltad BUta»

!to do wbaterer may ba naoaaaary to davaUip uid aa-eoarasa" a mardwDt' martaa.

Thla policy'daaarvaa tha aupport of avary Amarlaan. Lacking thla aupport tlM preaent ^ort to maintain, our

mardiaiit raarloa a»y anflar tb« tate of many UteSectlTa nttanapta of tl»a paat . - _ . _^

•wtd farli oamt af'^^^ an AjDariaan~llar«hairt Marinah*

' Cbmniiltea of Amaricwi SlupbiiUd«n V M CHURCH STIUrr, HSW YOHK CITY

• • • ^ ^ • • • • • • 4 ' # ^ 4 » ^ ^ 4 ^ # l i ^ # # # ^ - # ^ # ^ # ' # # 4 ^ # ^ ^ # ^ # # # '

Hay, wain anJTeeJ

F. B. RHODES, PresideBt. W. R. FREE, yk»-Pr«>ldent. WM. A. SMITH, GasUar.

iBank of NokesyiDe INCOWORATED


td aad Ssringa Aeeomta sdieHeil.

i avproved aeenity. Doi^t W«wfltl«iy«ai

WB J»AT S PERCENT ON SAVINGS DBPOSITB fF(»rth« ) of I feta Ola bank to opsB at 7;


Ir. Frmer. your success d ^ year depeads tbe way yoo treat your stock. Ddh't let the price worry you, but become a ^crank'' and demand

in price may be yery expensive in results. lA us fiD7oor reqim:emenb witb a product of

insure you against an misuccess f idW



Bahold, wa know not anythias; I can lirt traat that good ahall fall At laafr-Jar pff—at laat, to ^ Aaidviwy wintar changato aprtng.

-8oTOH>«y dfaaiftj Yfft what ai ' Aa ia|itnt crying in tiM B | ^ An i i d u t eiytag for tha H | ^ : And Tdlk BO langoaga lirt a'«r.

H M wiah ttiat of Oa UvfaigjriMda He Ufa mv iafl b i y * 4 » • « « ? « • J)«iVaa It nat froB «4iat w« haf% n a Ukaat God wMda tba aoolt

A n God'aJtdnatoraAoB at atarifa, . Iliat natna laoda andi aril ^NMBtt So ancafsi of tha typa dia I 8o carahaa of iha afaM» lifa.

1 ^ 1 , eonaidexing averywliara Har aeerat maaaifaig in Iw—* And te£nc thnt of fifty I S w a f t « bcingi l^JBa taj

I f^to'where I firmly tro^ And fidliac wMi my w a i | ^ of' nannthsTrykrigwtaitay^aiw.


COMPTON & CO. to LipeeMib J^t*"^



I aiiatch

And gatitar dart and duUr, and caQ To wimt I faai ia Load of aO, And faiotty tnat tim hkna* have.

Far^uad hi faith, bat pnva In At hwt he best Wa moaie oat

itatihhihaBirt liaWftheavw

Ttet God wWeh e««r irtea aodJ O M God, «aa hiw, « M ataaM*, Aad OM far aff dMnaefwi, T^wMahlha whole u w l h m i

Nonci AD periens indebted to the es­

tate of the late H. D. Wenrich ax« reqOested to make pronvt settlement, and aQ p»8<«a hold­ing claims against the estate are asked to present the 8»me, pniiv eriy certified, to the ondersigned for payment. 6-2 Mrs. Adah C. Wenrkfe.

GleanersiDid Dyers Pared Port Service

By way of .sag gestioB ^

1 hrl

I appeod a partial b t ' w h i ^ ^ ^ ^ >•• Fiffht

U l OS loMW


Try oar brin« roeolta.







iiational Bank of Manassas 1MB BANK OF PSBaOlfAL SEBVICI


The Hoffman Company, Inc. X X K R T CLEAWCm AMD DYERS

Oitt, 735 13i SL. H W. WashinftoD, D. C. J^ J ^ ^ A . .A. .A. A. ^ A.


Page 4: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,


BWff iJOeM, FiBS'??s^s^!irs —^Mrs. p. p. QuMimsn it re­

covering from an attack of the mumps.

—Mr. WilMam HIH Brcani, jr^ ha^ accepted a position at the IKJst office.

-^The fftgular inwting of. the

I: - i v m e S B ^ m^ NMd^Y

luwn council will be held at the tuwn hall Monday night. \

—Mr. John A. Cannon, a weU known former reeideot, contin-ueH critically ill at Ug home in Kt.-.si.igton, Md. > -

—The Bethlehem Good House-koepers' Club wiU be entertained ; :-orro-.v afternoon at 3 o'clock !j.\ Mrs. Thomas Ervto Haines, in iA'e avenue.

—Children's day services, schedulea for last Sunday, will be held next Sunday eveidng at o u'clock at theJJnited BreUtren Church at BuckluU.

—Mr. Henry Akers, formerly of this county and now of Wash-itiglon, and Mrs. Hattie Weddin (Collins were married in Wash-iriKton on June 16 by Eev. J. C. Hall.

—Dr. L. F. HouiAl was sum­moned to Hamilton, Loudoun county, yesterday by the death of his brother, Mr. Arthur & Hough, who died cm Wednesday after a lingering illness. Mr, Hough was fifty-six years old and is survived by his wife and three children. ^ - :

—Mrs. J. B. T. Thornton will entertain her youngjiephews and nieces of the Davies families t<> morrow afternoon at her home in Grant avenue in honor of the third birthday of Miss Idildred Thornton Davies-. and Master John Jenkyn Navies, jr., of Cul-peper. The honor guests will ar­rive tomorrow, accompsided^by


FBIDAy, JUNE 25, i'JlO

PtofbnMi Bl BrUe'B Near Nok irilfe fey

Ber^F. J. Byer.

A pretty wedding ceremony took place Tuesday evening at 8 o'dnck at t,hR home of Mr. and „„•,„;, „|...,„ M«. G. W. Shaffer, of Nokein?*****^^ vine, when their daughter. Hiss

v^en tbmy wiU be atlwmie «ftcr Juji_6^

TPhe bride and groom are alumci of Bridgewator College, the bride being-a grad«iat» 4a muuc aad the teideiproom- hav­ing received his baccalaureate degree In 1919. They were the lecixueats of many btwatiful and usenil gifts, consisting ol silvar* ware, linen, cut glass, and haod-

Pearl Zena Shaifer, became the GRADUATES WITH HONOR bride of Rev. W. P, Nolley, of j Ghnstiansburg. Rev. Franklin Mr. O'Callaghaa Finishes Four J. Byer,_ president of Hebron^ Seminary, performed the cere-

Years at University of Ga. Minassas friendfr-i

mony and the nuptial vows were "ert D. O'Callaghaa, of Atlanta, Ga., will be gratifted tu heai Uisl

1 _ I . I - I -



pledged under a boautiful arch of roses and daisies.

. Immediately preceding the ceremony "The Midody of Love" was rendered very softly by Miss Esta Beahm, of Nokesville, and Prof. J. N. Kageyfii Higrtshome, Okia., formerly professor Jof art at Bridgewater CoUege,lMing "O Promise H^" Meit BlBsohn's Wedding IIJMth wl l jised as a recessional. '

Little Ray Swank and Mae Shirkey first entered jthe room, bearing the marriage license. The bride's attendants were Miss Esther Leidig, of Middletown, as maid of honor, and Misses Het-tye Myers and EHzabe^ Nolley, bridesmaids, all the attendants being fonner classmates of the bride at Bridgewater College. The groom was attended by Mr. Paul N. Garber, his former roommate: at college, as best man, and Rev. J. Paul Glick, of Bridgewater, another college friend^ ~ The bride was beautifully' at­tired in a gown of white satin and carried white lilies. Her veil was caught with sprays of lilies of the valley. The maid of honcnr • wcve a gown- ot ehe&c white and—eamed-^nk-euna-

their T nthpr, Mrs. John Jenkjm ioQ - _The bridesmaJds wore Davies, and their baby brother, ""'" ~'~ ' ' Andrew Bbwersett.

—Messrs. B. C. Cornwell, W. G. Covington and C. E. Fisher, of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Southf have been ap­pointed members of a building committee which is to m&ke plans for the-erection of a new $30,000 church on the church tot at the intersection Of Main and Church streets diagtmally across from the Presbjrt^ian Church. Other conmiittees are being i ^ pointed and organization wiH bie effected" immecUate^ " ~~

—While -Conductor" Walters and Mr. R. L. Garth, of Alexan­dria, emi^oyed on the pusher in the Manassas yards, were pick­ing cherries yesterday morning at the home of Mr. J. W. Smith in Battle street, a I^ge limb the tree broke, throwing Mr. Garth to the porch roof and then to the ground. He was picked up in an unconscious condition by Mr. Smith and members of his family,- whcr were picking cherries at a tree nearl^, and sent to Alexandria on a train passing Manassas about no<m. Unless internal injuries develop Mr. Garth is expected to recover.

—The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met Satuigday afternoon at Roblay Cott|^{e, the home of Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge. Mrs. Hodge was leader as weU as hostess and the topic of the afternoon was "The Philippines," about which Mrs. Hodge read a very instruc tive paper. Mrs. Hodge also read from Exodus Sl:l-ll*a de-.<cription of the wonderful han­diwork in gold, brass-and silver >f the people of BiUe times;

who.se gift seems to have beoi handed down to the Fll i^os. Iv •"reshments were served by ' he hostess, who was assisted by ht r ~<ister, Mrs. BaOaatyse Pat-•'•rson.

—In the absence of Mr. H. W. >anders, secretary of the Prince 'ViUiam Fair Association, fair atalogues are being distributed

i y President B. Lynn Roberts<m. .Many complimehts have been irought forth by fliehandsome .'ippearance of the catalogue,' n hich was issued for the fair as-. ociatioiKby the Manauas'Jour­nal PubHsfaittg Compi^*. Now I." the time to give your attentiott' to the catalogue and inemium list. Every family in Prince William aifd ndi^boring coun-'ies is invited to be represented ; n the exhilHts. The fair will be held on the horae show grounds near Msnnwsae on Wednesday, Thursdajc- and Friday, August 18.19 and 20.


pale pink crepe He chine witb-pink carnations. Little 'Hae Sliirkey wore-piidE voile and sat­in. The tnridegroom and his at­tendants wore oHlventicHial black.

After the ceremony the bridal party was ushered into the din-ingroom, where lunUieoh vKgs served. The taUe^was decorm-ed with streansers of daisies ex­tending-frtnn tlK chandelier to

freshmients were served on ^ e lawn fn the mnny guests. The following momjng -MPT NoUey left fnr ([ihrjiffHw'*"' ,

Mr. '0'CaUag^» was graduated from the Uuiversity of Georgia last week, with the highest hon­ors with the senior class of 1920, over 100 members of which rtf ceived degrea. '

The Athens Daily Herald, his home-town newspap^, has this to say of Mr. O'CaUaghan:

"Mr. O'CaUaghan was one of the honor graduates irom the high school in 1916. He has beoi a leader in the life of the univer­sity since entering and is recog­nized as one of the leaders of the class of 1920. Mr. O'CaUaghan received the degree of A. B. He was one of the orators of' his class atthe graduating exercises, speaking on 'Americanism.'

"He is a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Sphinx, secre­tary students' coundl, students* toan fund, president Thaliaas, 1919; associate., editor. Pandora, associate editor The_ Georgian, president of Phi Kappit, 'sopho­more declaimer and debater, champion debater^nniversarian, captain Company D, 1919; major Third Battalion, member Pan Hellenic Council, Freshman Clubi Cotillion Club, S«ute Club, Jun­ior Cjtbinet, Senior Round Trt)le, Gridinm Chib and Phi Beta

Mr. O'CaUaghan is the only son of |Ir. and Mrs. M. P. O'Cal-laghan, of Athens, Ga., who with their son and diuifl^ter. Miss Louise ~<y.CaUaghan, usuaUy spotd the, pipamesr months at their countoy home n^ur Manas­sas. Mr8/'0'Cal|aMi^ wiU be l«meiBbered .as' IGss' Vkmaee LinwtttHigL ' •

Tie family is eiQtected here the comers of tiie ttiAei—R»-+tod^ or t<HB0rinw, travding by

automobile from Atiiens. Young <yCallahan sxpeets.to visit

ing Harvard m the falL '

~ ^~^~ Monday, June28^T^ Alice Brady in "Sinnw *



Tuesday, June 9 • ' Eiame Hammersleni m ''Greater Than


ADMISSION, llc-lTc. _

Tkuraday, July 1 Bryant Washburn in ''Six Best CeDars" ACOBSNGTALEOFPQn^NGOMtKS. LBTTHELANDGO

DRT^^JOmiSSlON, lle-17c

Friday, July 2 ^Mlgbg MacLe^ and Doris

^'WStVYoor Husband Doingr BETTrai THAN-^H HOURS' UBAYB."

AMmSION, lle-17c

SCHOOL BOARD MEBnXG Th* C^UiMSTiik Distriet School

Board will aaet st HajBtaricat ichool nouse on Satarday, July S, at 2 p. n . <:> appoint t—ffatf• itr tha aaaaki* «t .^20-21. AQ pmtroaM a n ivrtUi to attaod. 6-3 W. L. SANDERS, Omk.

Saturday^ July 3 . Ruth Roland in ^Adventures of Ruth** EPISODE No. », *THS CELLAR GANGSTERS.'* A SPECIAL HAROLD LLOTD GCMfEDT, ««0|IPIN6 INTO BROADWAY." NEWS AND PATHE REVIEW. llATINEB^ 1P..1L, «e-lle. NIGHT, 8 P. IL, Ue>17c

Monday, July 5 Nfabel Normand in a Onning

- - "JINX** -

The Market is Strong—Protect —Yourself. See Vs for Your ~~Summer and Fall Require­

ments. We can assure you of getting GOOD FEED at the RIGHT PRICE





SUGRENE DAIRY r-iipj^ 15^ t a ^ | t e p ^ 5 PERC^N^ f Air


>-- -.- ; ~«-.

R. LTNN RpRERTSON, Pn)#ri«t<tt




^ ^ * _ f

~ 1 -^1


mm^^mj^^iim «N

^ d uppb

on hani

L ? ' - -^ 1 - I

I _ 1 - 1 !

lU tr. (

nhmtai be dnosul fastaiHIy. to pravcat INFECTION urf ftfeod poisDiriBg. It may save a Ufc to have, in yov hsHM a si^Hr of o « *>irBt aid mutmHUm." Coaif got IIMM TODAt,

Whcueta yoa waat any Drags, rcieaibM' that o«A an f « c aad faO streagtk. Oar drag stwe tkii«B are tW veer best aad— WE ARE CAREFUL DRUGGISTSw ^ ^

• I - 1 - 1 I _ I ~ I

• t — I t _ 1 - . -• I ^ I - t


'^""TTOimST DRUG STORE 1SAT IT WITH FLOWEa»." AgcMj te Gado Roi Co.

GEORGE & OOCn; Piiprietor

*Wo FB i Virgiaia

. - . L - . L

I - 1 - 1 -

i _ I _ I

I - 1 - < :

"LILV. \


A CIRCUS PICTURE Is Your Subscription to The JOURNAL Paid in Advance ?

Page 5: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,


Mr? Joto R. &trrott made.


tented' „ Mr. A. C. DoyIe,.of H M M T -kst, spent several dliys fai lIuM-stathitwedc. .

i^- 6. Meade, of

2«fNrf<^er»^ %,elil b CbU lyPM *lUt ha Mints, MfsiinT J1' rie and Annie Jaeluoiu ' ^ ^

Mrs. lauxy Igmpufhs, oftidi^

Maqpin Laat week,


Hiss "Elizabeth

ftor last wedc . Urn. lillle Sutton and Mis* Ce­

leste Sutton vere recent Waah-inffton visitors

Mrsc'JfarBton, of Woodstock, has beeir the guest -ef-jlifr. and Mrs. W. A. Clem.

Hrs. George B. McDonald has returned from al^ortnig^'s stay in Washington

Mrs. Charies Walter, of Eaa-ton, Pa., is the guest of her sla­ter, Mrs. John R^Hornbaker.

Mr. Charies C. Wood, of Wash­ington, was tile- week-end guest of Mr* and Mrs. ]>.^. Arrlngton.

Mrs. G. B. Bre«iaham, of Wai^iington, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs ^ C. E. Ni

Mia* Caroline. Jackaotr ia Mrs. Mary Meredith Moneure

and h» little daught^. visiting 1

,. . ^ Meefeee, retureed .^ I S ^ i u a n a in-Staffing county


last week.


Master James Jenkyn Davies, who has been visiting in Wash­ington win return, tomorrow, acdi^T^^, "• "-' vuray w*, companied by his.grandpaitets, "ilw. va., P.O., Bristow. Mr. and -Mra. Henderson F.' Tompkins.

JTOi, A hargain

Just received good supply gal­vanised poultry netthig in one

who K « w . S . T ~ t r ^ ^ ^ 4 S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " * » * - » ^ ^

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lawrence and little Miss Roberta Lawrence motored to Fort Myers Heights to spend Sunday with Mrs. Law­rence's brother-«nd sister-bi-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Pote.

Miss Jane S. Herrell returned to Manassas Monday evening af­ter an extended visit to me nrotner-m-law . and -' sister, Drr and Mrs. W. A, Newmui In WU-mington, N. C,, and Houston, Halif^ county.



"Mr. George W. Hfacaon is qpfndkig a few<lays at-Colpeper yriih Us n i ^ Ur». W« P. Ruda-BlIL

p Mr-.^fiSivai Leaehmia,' t/t

Pennfstrrove, N. J., has been vis-ittng his fat|»«r» Mr. J.^, Loach-

,Mrs. J. Nt Badger, who has Men tn' Middkburg for' smne tahe, spent a-few days here'this l ^ k : " - ' - q i-' ;:>'• • » • •"---

\^Mr8. Isaac L. Shacklett, id 1ikBhingtQBtr.4waB ^h^ giUMt ot iflr sister, Mnf. No^ Lynn, iast

•' Miss Laura' AHensworth, of H^uhinjKtoii, ha$ been A guest lit t%i hmoe of Mr.'Jes^k S. M6 Diinald." •

'SMiss'NoIie Nelson has retum-e4t»from Washington, where she

' A^hejrtrilBt <^iit<)4BMei

^a«r^ W. P. Ri p|pnr, viSCecT laai finne Off 'Mr. and Mra. iftLgton.

Miss Mary Nancy Green and IpasvGibson, of Paris, Fiawiuier coaiitj^are gueata of Miaa. Qtth-^xioaeWeir. '^

, D r . Mark p . BnMnrn has re-tibned ^ m an extendi^ viait to z^tives at hiajf«tadr hoUe in OintpB> S. Dak. , Miss Mary Brwaugh Lawler,

iiMther, Mx». E^nily 1". Lawlw, hi I irtaDier avoiue..

Chandler, of Buck-•jtejtpwid agygtk.

Mrs. Charles a Wen-nch and theh- little son, Charles Daniel Weber Wenrich, have re-tunfiM to Washington after a virit to Mr. Wenrich's mother, B ^ , H. D, Wenrich. .

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Laws Oli­ver, of. Cape Girardeau, Mo., with their two little tons, Jacfc Leach-

ttian and Allen Laws, jr., are the guests of Mrs. Oliver's father, Mr. John Pehfieton Leadiman.

Mr. and Mrfu Virge Sullivan, accompanied by Mrs. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. George V^Poaey^ tnotored to Blanasraa Sfloday to spend the day virith Mra. Sulli-vanla brother-in-law and sister, Mr.andMra.'E.M. Comwen. -

Mr. Gustavus A. Hutchifioh, wiai his little eon, James West-wood, and his brother-in-law,-Dr. Henry* aDaway, of 'Maryvffle, Team., lias been ri^Kinfr HHb Hbb home of his pariapte, Re«r and Mrs. Westwood HuttfaiMh. '

.-Rev.'and Mrs. DeForest Wade returned Wednesday from a mo-tdr txip,4» thA^ V B B ^ - Ifafc-* Loche Bushong imd Miss fVan-ces Bushongr who acconjtpanied them to the valley, ure spending the week with ibs. Budirag's relatives in ASddletown.

Mfas jQUyg Hoiybaker left yes-io v»«t- relatives 'in

For Sal* or Exchange for good family cow, fresh or giving milk — A good looking range about new^ Can be seen in juse at my place. E, W, ComweU, Brepts-


Our car of cow peas are here, l»cke right; give us your order. Also binder twine; come to see us for Millet -and Sorghum. J. H. Burke & Co, 2-tf


Wanted :=ta&ftriatapt opery»r at tdepESSe~bffice. George L. Roaenberger, Manaasaa. 6-4

For Sidfr—Regiatered Holstein yearling bullj ||-«H hy <>«,««», »Ba,000buli,Ki^Segl8 Pontiae. Price, $160. Also a registered bull calf, $76. Four young sows, $30 each. Some thoroui^bred pigs, 6 weeks old, choice at $6 each, $9.60 per Mur. - Good four-horse wagon, nejr, worth $135, on the market; caah, $100. See Manager, Msnassas Industrial School. 62-?


^ tiTttinoanceTbour Friends and ftrtronr that the

^D.Wiwi. rich, establiahed id Mfnnnnas 88 ^

Sears ago, will be continued as' efore. The management will

devolve upon hia son, Mr. W. N. Wenrich, who has been continu-ously aaeooiatcd with Mr. Wen^

To Serve the


Fight the flies. Plenty of screen doors, windows, and wire. Also ily swatters and Tani^oot. W. C.Wagener. 6-1

Oveilaud Touilhg (Jar, axcel-ent condition, run only 8,000 miles^ bargaiA. 0. E. Newman.

. Carbola the disinfectant that drys white. Try i t Prince Wi-Jiam Pharmacy. 47-tf

A few good refr^rators left Cim get no mor^ this season. Last yeai'a prices. W. €. Wag-ener. '6-1

F(w Rent—Small farm,'hig^ state of-^cultivation, 'giowizi^ .croi», good orchard, splendid op- ^ ^ ^ portmuty for industrious mm JJodge with, amall ffimily. See Prind- -pair Mmassaa l^duatc^ S ^ e ^ -

'^Ira. R J.

. R e. ItAtsbinsii Jteaves to- ii^<^ V*??^J^*«* " " . ^ i ^ ' if & ? ^ r a r S » S df Jfr radMwi-inffiam R G^

t-^ •


aiSweeks ki FrederickwurgJU*^ iHimd and Norfolk.

~ ".My. Percival Lesis hasreturur

sfoaaw with hia parenta,- Mr. and Mrs^Ashby Lewis.

moikxMir Juljl with huT son, Mr. C. M. Bo-

J«!»lld^ < Savage, Md, - lieut. Lynuui I^tterson,. of

Waidiington, viaited his mother and aunt, Mrt. Banantyne Pat toBoo ted Mta.-B. T. H. Hodge, <Hi:Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Speidai and Ifiss Virginia Nelson l pei-tet attended dm unveiling of the Mioaigr monnao^t at Warrentcm on Satorday.

Miaa Dorothy Knevels, a( Kal-•mazod, Midt, lis spetading sev-

-enl^ weeks at Ben Lomond Farm witii her pareata, Mr. and Mra. H.^Knevda.

Mrs. Robert E. Herrell andiit-^ Miss JacqueUne HerreO, of Waahington^ are appnding tgy-•nd weeks at the hone of Mra. fcoKsE. HerreO.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Trimmer re-«Btly had as their gueeta Mr. ^MBUAO^S aunts, Mn. a H.

CMEBsburg,. Eana. With her aiater,' Miss Mabel Hornbaker, who has been in Gre^bujrg for the paat tf^ iikmths, she will visit rda^res in Colorado and » t h ^ pirtv of tlifirwest,

M a. John Ritchie,nBf Mppit

Maxwdl roadster in excellent condition, has , heen careful^ used, run about 12,0Q0 milea, needa two hew'.tires. Terms to right party. See Dr. S. S. Simp, son. - ^ 1?'

For Salerr-Ford toupng car, lOI'T model, jiftf dv^rhau^ and newly j^ainted. B. N. Haii^p, Manassaa-Produce Co. .6-^

For l dOi— Tomato _and bage planta. good varieties.

ci garden seeds inlralk fsr


i3hiF package^ eakmrfletst; J. H. Bhrke &Co. 50-tf

For Sale—Seveo-rooiD dwell­ing bouae (to be moved from lot). W. K McCoy, Manassas

Single comb Rhode Island Red egga for sale, $1.60 setting of 16 eggs. Reduced price in 60 and ion lota. J> Ht Steele, Manas-saa, Va. 46itf.

For Sale—Johnston binder. N. A. Whwlffr. Arim'r, Wellington, Va. 6-4

Thirty young sheep for sale, none over 6 yrs, good stock used} $10 each. S. Delp, Chantilly Fann. " 6-2*

For Sale—Ford touring car just overhauled, newly painted, at the New Prince William Ga­rage. Altkert Lawrence. 5-tf

For Rent — Two furnished rooms for hght housekeeping. Apply JoumaL -5?

A f r ^ cow fw salei'good for «ther familytff dairy, J. H.


^Central • Bfutual ~T^ph<Hie Stock for salei. Appfly Box 86, Manassas, Va. 49-?

Wanted—50,000 ~ white oal cross ties.- .See lis and get prices:. M, Lynch & Co. 23rtf

. Try a bin of MaraeOe Face Powder, 80 cents. I f s fine. Prince William Pharmacy, ^ t f

rich,>and the ftnn will be known as H. D. Wenrich Co., Inc.

We shall continue to offer for your selection a choice line of Jewelry, Watches, Cloeka, Silver­ware, Cut Glasa, Musical Inatm-meats, VIctroba and Recorda, Optical Neecsaitlcs and SporUng Goods. -

Fine Watch and Clock Rqiairlng a Specialty.

Please accept our thanks for your generous patronage of the past, which we hope to continue to merit in the futuip. Let us know your wants and we shall be ylad to ^rve you. - -V

H.D. WENRICH CO, INC. Vlrgfaiia

Gea. Baker Undertaker


Prompt attcntiMi gtrna «jl ordan. PricM u low u good «wviM and aw-Urial .wiU juattfy. HetaHc CurM hi Stock.

kidaar L. BoodM, M. fL' rTcsUeat Tiee-PrM. G««w K. Waradd, CaaUtt.

First National B^nk ALEXANDRIA. VA.


Ctepttal . . . . . , |1M,6MM Swrplaa and ProOta , . |20a,»NJt

ProMpt attMrtftm (irca to all heit-ncaa, iacliudins eoilectkna tImmchMrt tke Uaitc4 Btotoa aad Banp^

IFar UM Maajr M»l«aiali ar (aniih.Jtl^ •yriaa aad nwrnwur.


f Onr apa«io«ia grooMi loar fcaaptaa dcpartaeat offcra tlw aad Haat rcccat derkea ia tMmuf •toaaila. Uoadry aqnipaMat. Iia«8»> ri—ntaa derkea, rcfriceraton, tU.


I1%« largcat atoek ia Ue S<Mtk, iaeladiag UM *Mat elecaat proda»-tioaa aa well M tke Icaa ITIUMIH

Tew laapcctioB iaHted.

DDDMlARimCO: 1216 F St. and 1214-18 G S t ,

1 ^ waaHiNQTON. p . c . >

F N T>ABKm aviL ENGnafoBK AND 8ipnrKT(«

iUMASSAS^TA. iLX a BaOdfaw. „ JO.

Clmtim, is visiting her Mrs. H. S. Lam, of Wellington^ and l&s. J. B. Harpme, of Nokes-yille^ and, other relatives in this seeftwu. She wa^ accompanfe3£^ by her . fath^, Mr. George, Adams, who -is spending, some time with Mrs. l^ia.

* • - " ^ . - • • • • ' '

Mc^ aad Mrs. Lee Coc&rdI Lloyd, of Sindairville, N. Y., who bi^e been Jive guests of Mrs. Ll^d's bMther-JnJaw and dlsto'.

j,^ WhtttiSton'l^lilr^LrHsi J^^- ll ^Si "^^^STf2S f /5.«„..rf Washington. M^Ld^^SlvSk £ i S ^ Sf


^ M ^ Herman Bonney and her otOe son. Herman, <rf Clarendoa, a n the gueeta of Mra.'Boaiiw'a

Bta, Dr. and Mm. a a Step-te Battle atroet

IBaa Annie E. Hflrgia, of Ae-comae county, spent aevwal days Witk Mr. and Mra. H. Y. Meetae, «B route to Weat Virginia, whtn *he will visit relatives.

Mr. William Gordon, of Con-iMctieut and Miaa Maude BaU. who is employed in Washington, "Pent Sunday here with IGsa Hall's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. S. T, Hall.

of Arlington, motored to Manas­sas on Wednesday, spending' the day here. They • were accom-pwoied by their two-little chil­dren, Mary Josephine neth Brawner, ahd~by Bfrs. Grif-fil^'and Mrs. Lloyd's parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Qiaries E. Braws iMT. Mr. .and Mra. Brawner qient the winter with Mr. and Mra. GrMBth and will return to New Y<»k wi& MrTabd Mrs. Uoyd.


Prof. Rumsey B. Maraton, of Woodstock, i»incipal last year of the high school at S8tersyille,W. Va., haa beoi selected.as super­intendent of the SistersviUe schools, according to tiie Sisters­viUe Daily Review. "Mr, Mar-atoB ia wdl qualified tor the po-aition," Bays the Daily-Review, '^e has just comi^eted a suc-tH-mfni tprm as head-»f the luiilr school and is already well ae-

W&odstock, waa a studoit of the Manassaa public schuuls wheir hia parrata lived here about toi yearaagOb— Hia preliminary edu-ca^n was obtained hi tiie Wood­stock High School and he holds a d^ree of A. B. from Randolph-Maeon,- He haa )dao takoi sum­mer work at Columbia Univer­sity and the University of Dub­lin. He saw service In the world war as a member of ihe 318th regiment. 80Ui division, serving sixteen months overseas. His motherTiaa been the guest, of Mrs. W. A. Cl«n, of Manasaas, this week.

Hopwooiys P O P U L A R PRICE


Stfa »i lL Street IIW^^ Washiigtoii, D. C


R e c t o r ^ Co HAYMARKET. VA.

UNDERTAKERS froMipt and SaUafaetwy Ota rfci

Hearae Fanddied for A^ ^ Reasonable Distaaee.

a Fair Start ' lin. Wilsam is asHsHag attkedaih rites perfitrnud h^r* th0 ahar if her graiidUom, Masttr Join EJmgrJ PUUtf. Jr.

4»y. do you?" -^This isn't a cathartic, mothtf. Zt'a

Nujol. I t was the aDiy;tliing X could use whfle th^^baby was nnnmg. I was terribly coostmated, y«n kn9w, jnai after

. he was bMn.**> . ^ ——^ "Well, thaVs to W expected. I goesa.

wen; bom, dear. **Ciir BM>ther, I Uraa in aw/u/shape. J

tried eveiything. And everything failed. _Alf the laxaUves and cathartics I was

tddng began to.affect baby. He had colic and k ^ weight. My mUk really seoned to poison him. Then the .doctor oidief e<f theNujbltreatment.- You know tike body doen't absorb Nuiol at afi, and consegnently Nu}<J dbesn^ affect the WSk. Irwa an ideal tre«taMBt for my oonditioa."

' D o a i t a c t ^ p k U y l ^ —

oa d<«'t give thai "No—it dq>ends on the indiyidBal^ It catlipitM!H'v<.'ry . teofcmeaeveialJajis.lnit3lll6&thairv»

been as r^ular as clockwcHk.' "How do you fed after taking it?** "Nothing but good effects. You see.

motherj Ninol w<»ks oa an entirely new prina'ple. instead of forcing <» irritat-n ^ the system', it simj^y softens the food waste. This helps all those tiny musdes

. in Uie w^lis of theintestines, ^pnti%cting and expanding in their normal way, to squeeae the food waste along, so that H passes naturally out of the system."

"Do you give it to the baby regulariy now?"

"Yes, mdeed. He's abvadv started. The doctor says that every bu>y is bom with a natural kink in his bowels—it has to straighten out

'prevents any obstructicm there. It rather hdpa nature to h e ^ herself. Thissatnple of the youngest generatiota is going to grow up with the cuiviction that Nujol i^sde is just as important as his morn­ing bath outside—which it is. It's abso-luteiy hMtaleas and* See, lao^er, how iMtafcea.it'*


• Bhowing iktr cnlial is md distinctive features worn bgr the partieotar dreaaaa. Buytag footwear by maJQ ia Made eaay and aatiafartory.



WaHhlUgton. D. g




TTifai fa nid br .a dnnirt* la I MIT, btmttm Niqol Tndc Muk. ^ Write N jot Laboratorin, Staadud OU Co. (New

•thktr r«a of » ^ ='* ~

T V Modem Method of Treating OK Old CompUiiU


C Building

^mMMiMm!^^^^^ }smmmnM^mmmsk


To the Citizens of L Prlneeiniifaw Cevnty:

Having taken avtr the Davis leau and Fad Co., I wffl continue to famish the town and comty, when possible, with ice as need­ed, aba iod ^hen avaihUe. I soUdt year patronage aad wfll endeavor ta give yoa scrrtce. Coasc down aad h>ok eivcr tka Muit. YOB are wdcoaie. I als6~ ^ t j o t k i ^ these wlMaThat* BMC for thdr hearty wckmae.

n * prescat prieea wffl coatiana M a c e o a t «r tka idgh east aff epnatioa* WHh y o v eo-opomtioa, Icxpeet to baild «p a basiaess that wiS ha VwHIcial to tfce c o — H y .

^ • - •



Laurance W. Walton, ManagOL^

» • » • »»>»<i i> >> >!>»•> • » » > > » «» LerfMt eirculatioa ia Priaee Willi a a

|- 1 O—!.> •—Books ope« to •dvt>rti(i«.r».


Page 6: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,



HorvicM School -„_, with vpadtH . morning at the PresbyterUuj Church. A large cfuifTention enjoyed the program and the program rendered by tiie chil­dren was pronounced highly rrpHitahle. Thft Aarch waa beau­tifully decoratod with runninit pine and ferns.

The program was as follows: Welcome ^ n g by primary data, prayer by Mr. A. L. ESnunons, re­citation, Children's Day Wel­come, by Audra Donovan; Song, Scattering Precious Seed, by the school; recitation, AAVee Boy, by Frankie Egan; recitation, A Wee (iirl, by Clara Holsinger; song, Jesus Bids Us Shine, by inlant class; recitation. The Faay in the Rose, by Alma Bell; song. Harvest Time Is Here, hf the school; recitation, There's No One Like Jesus, by Aline Keys; song, Brighten the Pathway, by four girls; dialogue by Misses Holsinger and Bresden, song. Brighten the Comer, by the sen­ior class; recitation by Margaret Brown; recitation by Bennie Breeden, collection taken by Maggie Breeden Hud^^la Hol-singer, address by Rev. J. R. Cooke, song, Rewers Are Needed by the school and prayer by Rev. Mr. Cooke.

Children's day exercises at Hatcher's Memorial Baptist Church will take, place Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.

Miss Ollie HoUinger has joined the throng of COTunuters who make a daUy trip to Wairiiington.

Mr. Rucker Cooksey hM re­turned to Indian Head, Md^ af­ter spending his vacation with his father, Mr. T. H. Cooksey

Mr. and Mxa. Hertiffer and children, of Hemdon, have re­turned to their home after a visit to Mn and Mr» Mm Donovan.

Mr. A. L. Uoh»nfertn the mail on route three Bristow, Mr. Copoi having re­signed.

Miss Trade Si»tzer left Satur­day for Fredericksburg, whwe she will attend the summer nor­mal.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keys, who wen marti^ b Wadiingtoh last wtjdt. have returned to RJMitAville and moved into tteir ndrRrhome. l ^ K e y i l s buUmng

the i4>pearancc of the house. Mrs. J. D. Springer spent a few

days in Wash&gton last week. ifrv. W. E. Vamer and son

have returned from a visit to the xaUeXi

Clifton friends attending the wedding of Miss Sara Crewe and Mr. George BaH Harris in Wi " lft(rton !a« TftorrtWTTWc:

Mi8S^5ina<m, or~Bower8yiU«, Ga., is the guest o< Mrs. J. D. %>ringer.


and ibt. Jt. B.~Bucddey, Ifisse^' .asid ftwaees^ Buckley,

Mrs. M. E. Quigg, Misses Mary and Ruth Quigg, Messrs. Joshua Buckley and Lewu Quigg. Miss Miriam Buckley and Miss Violet Ford also attended the wedding.

JST.—The bride and maid of honor

All parties mde|>tecl to E R. Conner will please

come forward aodLsetUe. Parti^hav-

Rev. T. H. MacLeod preached Sunday moming-in- the Presby­terian Church, completing his sermons on Christian Childhood. The Christian religion is the only one having a place for the child, he said^ or recognizing the im­portance of tho child.

Rev. Edward Tabor preached at the Baptist Church Sunday evening. The Baptist Sunday sehoci" win obBWfVB chllihmi's day next Sundur evening.

Miss Isabel Kelley spent Mon­day with Mrs. R. R. Buckley en route to Philadelphia from Ma-

hoth looked very sweet and pret­ty. The bride wore white geor-|p»tte and carried white roses and the maid of honor wore pink or­gandie and carried sweet peas.

Messrs. Paul Quigg and Clar­ence Robey have received ap-pointmente in the Census Bu^ reau, both reporting for work last Friday. Clarence worked Friday and Saturday and then resigned the position, ~ Munday, the longest day of the year, gave us-a very hard rain, both hi the afternoon and at night. The ground was thor-nayhly aAt.iir>t»< with mQisture^

ing claims against th^ inu sent them for payment



Lira U U FBATUBIS BB8T0RBD CMhali «f an Ktai*. Pwi<lii< A«r B«a-




E. R. CONNER. Try our

waM togtA tmahB. tocals, if yo«

The Joomai, %lMm year.

1th myi imiwby »yJeap8 making vegetation grow

and bounds. Mr. Harry Fristoe, younjest

*«.«. 'M«_ »on 0* Dr. Fristoe, of Clifton, is V -*. v !^^^-repor ted to be ill of typh<rid fever

nassas, where she had TJWBrttTiT.TlJ--««v--„il«^ spending some days gettistg her hous^old goods and seeing her friends.

Mr. Smith, of South Dakota, now employed in Washington, spdit Sunday at the home of Mr. WiUiam H. Richards as the guest of Mr. Bidiards, jr.

Mr. Irrin. Quigg spent Sunday at his home here.

Mrs. J. J. Brooke, of Norris-town, Pa. who is visiting her& was quite sick Saturdij mod Sunday at the home «f Mr. and MntW.S. lUdbards.

Mr. A. H. HuwA>erger, who has been quite ilLis recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. QiarieB Biaden and children visited Ifrs. Blad­en's nufther, Mrs. & L. (>0M, <n

, Widter Renn wfll aceom-

Miss \^olet Keys recently vis­ited her untte, Mr. WadEB, at Fairfax.

Miss Rose, of Sti^rtton, is spending tiie aummer wiili her sister, Mrs. Louis JamisMi.

at his home in Maryland Misses Annie Elgin and Chris­

tine Ferguson left Monday to at­tend tiie first summer t^rm ot the Harrisonburg nomud.


Mr. and Mi^ C. W. Garrison have moved into tbdr new home.

Mr. Raaddi^ S. Brawns and his bride-^formeriy Miss Edith Merchant, of Manassas—have returned to DumfrMS from their wedding trip and are with Mr. Brawner's parenta for a while before going to housekeqting.

31ie stork visited the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. C. caine <m Wed-nesdi^, June 16, and left a fine baby boy, David Cohan Cline, jr.

JUB. W. W, DuyaU, of Newport News, kt spoiding a few weeks

h^ie to South Candfai fiff a visit.

Ivakota is making ready for

^.y!)aw^^ox)^Co -—BUSJtlCORNER" PEWHA <M? AT8TH.ST. •potdS/LL WA8HINQTON, D. C. OmtMt.t.

Wheelbarrows-Coaster Wagons QHtEsaAR

her moihee and hroQiar ^with her rister, Mrs. D. C. C^b^ X Mrs. W. W. Kincheloe v&itBd

friends h» Dumfrtes Mondi^. Ifiis » d a Efl!]^ is qModfng

canning on a large scale, having. Mome time with friends hi Wiwi r rcecivod a <ar load of tin cans

Begianing Mondi^t JmM 2S, both stores here win dose ftt 7 pi, m. every day ex»e|>t Saturday f<H- the summer. ''

Mr. and Mrs Dan Davis are the i«oud parents of a son.

F. W'»HJ".^(«WW

ington. Miss Myrtle Banaf visttad

Mrs. E. Reid on Mcmday. Mr. and Mrs. J> L. Cato, of Po-

toteae, Alexandria eeim^rvi^t-ed l&s. Cato's slater, Vn. O- C. Cline, on Sunday.


—A wide awake hoy,, whether he Uvea la city, town, or conflry w 9 rsjoke to Jmn one of theee' usuf al carriers. —the whedbKRow can. In fict, be used by idad" as weO as by the bo^ Umaelf for prae-ficalw«4. A eosMftt eq^res|i wagm evwy b(qr win find vefy handy foe i|oiBf asav «< the he—eheM emuid^ and a» <ia$>yaMe Kftnilwiinw for Ma lfi»r^^ , V Z ^ « a n tMt«rii« two stylii of wMBbtS^w%«M two atyUs«f «ew«er» aa feUewa:

GARDEN WHEELBARROWS, ro9my, ' light, strong, and durable; made of the

best selected hardwood, nnooth finish; has 644a.ahaS8, 2aiiB. fist qnke steel riA wiieels^ Wheel runs inlnm heap-tn«i: strongly braced; aides are adjoita^ Ue; barrow iNli^4W ib£

I' riee-. $8.45 —^Same as above, except weight k 64 n>a,4ald 64 iiMhas Iqi^ -<X)AfirFER EXPRESS WAGOltNo.S, with removid^ expreu box, whidi can be taken off ae re^aced in ooie'mhiuto; perfect steering met^anism, -white ash

' l)Q«rdrlatt(»B 86 in. kmg, and






wide-ri^^sS^'in. rock ma^^ „ie0, with taptxeS^iam thimble skefais; 11 in. i^eeis, wttii %.in. rock maple Bpskea; V&x% in. rock elm rims, bent In

"" wdded and ieable iron strong iron

one iron hubs dirunk' sted tiresi ; hmmds; rock Bum)le fifOi wfiad^ ireo rear anxlbs.

on front a ^ l^f _Sale Price

—Same as above, but stnmgtf, and m<»e heavily |Hillt wagwir ^Mfr:

Brii«i I iUa aivertiassacBt WIMMI

KANNn»-40UirrH FLOOR w «(thi




L R Conner & Omipany CASH STORE

m s iriuyEvsAi. CAS

Tiie Pofd Modd T One Too Tnifdc is in reality a aecMrity to tiie «nde awake tetaavT>cer, not only fertile eooiKxnkwfaitJon of'ttKddivcrypR^]lem,bntfcr _ the bringing of CQOtteitam dK ckJda or sCaSeai 161^ pbtee of boaioeas, and fcr ~ tiavtiiing the ooutttry and taiuging in produce. For yoBs tis Ftocd One TOQ TrocV widi its splendid trw*vp^_*'-^'^ woRn<lrive, powcifUl Ponl Idbdd T lloter, iftxoog Vaoadinm sted frame, hat been serring in evoy line of bosktcM^ activity, and'we have yet to bear tiie first complsint- aa to rear azle ttxjoble or' motor troofaie. It has tlie kmcst punhaaQ prioe oa the market, and the cost

In fact, tlie Ford One Toa I without deley.

fbr operation and rr'n*"** '*"*g is tictcdii^fcr i Trade hasbeoome a buaineaa neoeaaity. W * w 9 | syoQ latmipt t

:wiai I yon:

W.E.IPOY S'V-i*»l

.ri^efrc-if SEBli

""•"J J L



ifSisn; 'kisiii^iiiamit'i

Page 7: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,


FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1921 JOntlttL. MAIfAaSAa TBei l fU PAGE SEVEN

HATMABSBt Mnu Levi Ctougti ^«Wt Frtdy

"TV^ Barnl P«t," r«., ten Mr. and Mrs. 0.}L



ijoently givm tt th« vaxiA hfll for the bmefit of the Maaonio Or-(ler,.«u a succees in every par­ticular. The Arat faaturea were three yiolin aokM by Prof. Wiaej aod Mrs. Carvel Hidl, which were finely rendered and warmly en­cored. The next number waa a' reading by Mr. Rolfe Robertson, I which waa loudly ^plauded. I

Prof.' Wise- gave demonstra-' tions in .made extcaeting. a.pco-1 fusion of j"Me8 from a lamEi shade, bringing a live pigecm out of a box hardly large- enough to Bee and performed other feata of, oriental legerdemain,all of which were pronounced a huge succesa,

Prof. Wiae took the litfe par

lg:~ W.~Hr3utBrT|walr Uw —Mr? week-end in Waahingfam.

Ifra. R. 0. Rambo, of Alexan­dria, is viaiting her parcnta, Mr. and Mrs. a^«-G«rri8on. Mra. Rambd will be remembered as

ton, a former merchant of'Thor-ou^ itltfe, waa here en Friday.

BCra. Madie Shetton, of Wash­ington, is spending some time at "La Grange."

ite anumber of the younger (MttgBnnB atteodas

iOie Jtioff es in HaymazJut I^ciday

Mr. Ned Crewe, of Waahhtg-ton, is spendiniE this week at "Poster Han."

Mr. L C. Jacobs served as a jo-ror in Manassas last week.


Saunders' Meat Market THE SANITARY WAY


^^bbring. Siding CeiUag, Lath. '" iQieofSia Pise Ftao^ig, Etc.

ShingJea, A^r^oia' and

^ - Btaigr Matwdal, E ^ Jnride-Einialv


JBfXJUJCWENG M A T B R I i V L I^^GMiiesit , Ivory Plaster, BaayecBoaxd, fto-bw-oid Roof-faia,6IateSnrftwedAsidMJtShtetf<e.Etc.

^|st^&SM>RrA,^ RO IN I A. «



- » FERTILIZER " b the FarmersMIoiQii Store

it is open to- do buaineM with aD who ocNne, on thehaib or

A Reasonable Profit tARM MACHPfKtY, BINDHBr ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J «


Store in the Sprinkel M d m g North Main Street Manassas, Ya.

in the play and was ably assisted by Messrs. Rolfe Robertson,: Simpson Buckley, Mrs. Disosway i and Miss Hall. A feature of the I entertainment to which special j mention should bo nceordcd was; a poster advertisement of the play done in colors by Mr. Gus-' tavT. Peters. ^

Another pi"iyr "Ahrai" ^-^^i

TO ODR CUSTOMERS AND Fl kinmn illi^lli

Jfawobroker," is to be given here later.

Services will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church at the usual time on Sunday.. The Bap­tists will hold service at 4 p. m. with Sunday School and prayer meeting at the usual hours.

Mr. J. R. Lintner and his S<HI, Harris, ^ €h'eenwich, former residents of Haymarket, were in town Wednesday.

Mrs. Drowne and childrem, have been living here for several years, are moving this week to thdr new home in Warren. R. I

County Clerk George G. Tyler, who has been ill for several ^Bontius at his home, "The High>> lands," has so far recovered that he is able to enjoy a daily ride. It wUl be some thne, however, be­fore he is able to return, to his* of­fice at Manassas.

Mr..Winter Dunbar and fami­ly, forTnarresidents of thistown, visited Mends here Sunday, re­turning to thdr home at Qoan-tico in the evening.

Miss Nanale OBborn, Of War-reaton, formerly a teacher in the Haymarket JBigh School, waa a; gwist at the home of Mr. & R. BMght (m Sunday.

lb. and lbs . Warren Rossell Lloyd, who have been on th< wfuHing trip fp" th^ r*"** *™' wodka, have taken apartments: with Mr. and Mrs, Ricl^ud Welch, where they will remain for the {»esent. Mrs. Uoy' mother of the iHidegrqom, who visited them tot a few days^has rgtnmed to her home market.

Dr. G. W. Young gave^ lecture on prohibition last Thursday eve-ning at tUe Baptist Church, "Die Tpp.tjn>» waa •fw%(» htit A finn«eti«wi

Oh and after July 1, 1920, we will con- ^ duct our business on a strictly cash basis Many of our competitors and brother merchants have resorted to this plant owing to the fact that keying books and making collections are very slow and expensive. We expect to cut down on our profit, and instead of keeping books we are going to give it to the buyer, which puts moneyjui your pocket and is less .trouble for us. AU machinery will be sold on the basb of the customer giving a trade acceptance due at settlmg time wiuout in­terest. We are sure it will not be as much trouUe to the buyer as keeping a book account Give us a caU when you need anything in the machinery line. Our motto is I^IX WOGilT and H ^ MEASURE. Our aim is to please you^ pieiue you tdl hers, if not^ti^iis. ~~~

was tak^ at the dose for the boiefit of the cause.

Measles, which has been visit­ing o]ir nllage for the past few weeks, seems to have d^d 6at> and whooping coB^, very prev­alent for a time, is on the wane.

~K§v. and Mrs. Thomas Moore Browne, who have beai on their wedding journey for a fortnight, have returned to Haymarket and ta&esi up Uieir home forthe pres­ent at Waverley, the former

ited Rev. Mr. Browne's former baaie in Pittsbundl^nd rdatives in LouisvHle, Ky.

Mr. Robert A. Meade is mak­ing jAaxut to opoi a feed store in the Beale buUding near the de­pot, formerly oecoided by tiie general store of Hnttah & Gkufc-Bon.

The farm of Dr.i^rirCaflai^ known as "Bkmdel,'' at the june-ti<Hi of the Antioch road and Thoroughfare pike, a mile west of Haynuu^et, has foeoi sdd by Messrs. Rust ft Gilliss to Mr. H. S. Herrell, who haa been manag­ing for srane time the "Snow Hill" estate at Woolsey. "Blon-del" is jast aax»s the road frcHn the farat-nc9B^ atdd by Boat 4 Cmiisa to Mr.'nKMuaa.


Minn Sallto V. Mownt fdl while attempting to c<Hne down staua Wedn^day evening and soatain-ed painful injoriea. Sie was taken to Sibley Hoapital in WasUngton on Friday eveninff' Late reports aagr aha is debic

' K-. and Mr*. J. W. Donbar with their two sons, Douglaa and Wade, and Mr. Wade, motored from Quantieo OB Sunday and were guests «i Mr. and Mtf. C L. GaJrison.

Misa Annie Griffith, who has been attending school in Manas­sas, has returned to. her home here.

was a Mar • - '--.-ifcy

Correct Design R n Ohrcs CoodariT* BridoMC or QiMKly

-9HB REMARKABIA OVEKLAND ATICTORY in tbe 355-ixdle Loa Angeles-Yoaemite Economy Run reg. fatery another triuaq>h fior scientific light wdglit and the CHy~iQtn8 Tri^x-Springs. The irfiming Overland •todc touring oarreglfltered an averace of 35.1 jy^lea p « pBop tiirou^tout the entire mountrinooatripi. Thiai% of oourae, better tfian an^enge OvcriandnAfl^e, bat it It gratifylDC to drive a car whoas firrfgi Inaarei thm

m of every drop of fiiel. / — -


- i - j f c -

Page 8: ffUm ADMINS MSSIMCHMAN Wm^PBOBATH) …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...four bridesmaids, Miss. Uliiin Lewis Leachman, uster of- 4fte Mason in good standing,



sunnoi BykiiD SUPEBVISOitS IN ^ (BflU V, HwBdoB, Baportac)

Tterclub of F^ymiwi sdioet waa called"te order June 17 at, 2:S0 o'doek by the president,: _ ^ere being four membera prM* Poatpene Actfon <m Apprbprla-ent and three abaent. Our te»ca-. _ti^ « a .« .^ »« A « . « * .

MlM Ulli»n V. Gilbert, gave «« • to 9ilwy or UNBUJ to 9tlUT of Fara DeiMnaUiitMr.

er, u8 a leMon in embroiderios old English lettet^ on oar hand and

. f * J i ? ^ J £ ? ^ »^ ^ S H S «>» eW itft mgnthly m w t l ^ at our next P~J«ct to m a l ^ jj courthouse here on f uesday, aprons at our n « t _ i i M e ^ . _ W . chairman J. L. Daw8on,of Wood-

bridge,, presiding. The other members in _ attendance were Supervisors McDuff Gjseen, of

have on the roll one new mem­ber, Christine Hemdon. i

Alt members are' urged to be present at the iiext meeting and others interested in the yrork are invited to attend.'


Aden, representing. BrentsviUe district; A. S. Robertson, of Wei-lington, Manassas district; O. C. Hutchison, 0 f Haymarket, G^esville district, and T. M. Buisell, of Canova, Cnles dis.

Westminster Presbyteri an ^ ^ ^^^ ^„, absent member be-Church m R«hmonJ. I S r t S S «"« Supervisor William Crow, of ^''^wJ* "7*"^ ^ J ^ « r . ? 5 S Joplin, representing Dumfries on Wednesday mormng at eleven ^^f-sA ^ ^ o'clock when Miss Mary Eliza- ^ suinmary- of the day's busi-beth Barbee, eld|Mt_daughter of ^ ^ S i 7 - ^ Mr. and M^. Henry W. ^^rtee, Q^^^ ^^^ gj^^^^ ^ 1200.20

Z. B. Bell,

Jno. W. Goagh, tma*. A. Cmmmatt, J. T. Spittk, Mm*. U. A. S«Uiiu, wnw. J. C. Key*, Mm*.. 0. W. ^^&rick. kbor

P«IM »l.0« Satk Keyi, work on itady 84JM> O. W. Hodriek, tt^ht t^ co«L... 28.84 -W. A. Smoot A Co., Inc., 80 ton*

iwi - ^ — — mjm

became the bride of Mr. Robert tne^marri^e,^^^^^,.^^ ^ j Arifistead against County Tiwasurer,

^ S ^ rJl'i^^itt^'^v' amount paid by J. L. Dawson on ceremony being P«rf^"°?? ^l I ^^ount ^ bUT due Barrett Co., Rev. J. Y. Fair, pastor of the' ^ ^ be credited to county church. • f _J

The bride w«M gowned lira be- R^g lution to apiSropriate $60 ''Tv!"»?f"f'^*'SS^^^JJipH^Per month for salary of farm

sweet peas. Miss Maf^ret Bar-bee, sister of the bride, as maid of honor was costumed in Nile

ending July 1,1921, laid over to : next meeting.

Resignation of J. S. Evans as . supervisor of roads for Manassas I district accepted.

The following were certified as persons efigible for appomtment as game warden ior x»>unty: Hunter C. Allen, Nokesville; W.

V. .^«'- ^^Ai^^ ^..li^i. ntiiUa- D- Green, Manassas; L. B. Oert-^if"*^f I T ! S * „ ? 5 S S M ? ^ ly. Cherry ffill; E. S. BroCkettC the skilful touch of ^ Mary j / ^ e w v i ^ ; T.J. Fatton. Cathar-Lewis, mtimate fnend of the p^ . T / ^ a m e s , Gainesville; E. bride. During the beautiful and; f"* • H ^ ? ^ * ^ Rriatow^ JaAi«i itfapresaive service the organist L- Herrihg. Bn^tow, James in subdued tones rendered "0

green organdie and carried a bouquet at sweet peas and mai­denhair ferns.

Promptly at the appointed hour the wedding party entered the church to the strains of Lo-

Speake, Manassas; C. T.Suthard, Perfect Love." Mr. ^ „ ^ ' g n s t o w , and Clarg«e Hemdon. Gary^rother at th« hndegreom, Q^der for bounty to be paid for was best man. t.«^«f„ii»^'f»vor of BrentsriDe road f<md

The church .^^^^t*^«J^t on special road fond, in full pay-decorated with flowers and pot-; ^ ^ ^ ^ r o U e r ^ ted plantB, the chancel bdng gni^jjier oTOed 1 ^ ^ tnuisformedmto a parfecst bow- ^'Q,^^ j^r county to be paid for er of floral fragrance. 'scalps of certain hawks owls and A-^""'''^^f?Stf^;2f.«^ e«*w Edited -by reddenta oth3»aiiteiaiPtesKai^t»;TfiE, w / ^ ^ ^ I ^ « J ? « ^ i ^ M S S county as follows:. ^50 cenU for Irft for an extensive w e d d ^ j 'y^ shinned hawk, 50 tour. Upon their return tJiey X JL fcHTeach cooners hawk 50 will be at home to their friends 2 S £ S S S SSkhbSSd owL at the home «f Mr. B. W. Paine, t f S n u l ^ e S T c i w S d « near Bon Air, for. tb» sonuner i^ ^ ^ S ^^J»^ <=«>''' «»«. f^ mont^

• f o r dr f f t IWaifia PlPnawi fnth. ^TUTK-JJ- »,«» +Wfl w>..ini«. r»* ' scntingclaiia.foa' bounty tamakfe The bnde was the ^recipient of ^ ^ a ^ as to time and ptace of

many h«iJome and «Bef^ g ^ ; SSS^bTunty tobe'S'S to ents, mduding a shower oa imen' ™ I T 5 ' ^^"Unl ^2\2ZTf «X 1,1,,,'..,„.. JZivTz. \t,^ _* +1, i,«»«o Pcreon wno taus the same; no that was given her at the home ^unty paid for crows killed in of Miss Louuje Metzger, one of g ^ V ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ' ^ ^ her most mtimate friends, a few g S S S ' . F^b™«?'a?d^SSA:

T ^ f r j l w I^fi.T K^'t^' . „Z^ Ayegr JrL.l)awsbn,^S:^~Rob-The fatter of ti^e bnde is a na- ^ ,p ^ Ruggefl; noes. Mo­

tive of Prmce William county, n. lS^r, . !^-T,?np Utllihi^^ where he has numerous relatives °"*f ^'*«" «°* ^- ^- H«tc»>i«>n, and a host of friends.

Duff Green and 0, Clerk of board to nottfy Oceo-

quan district ovarseer of ixxir to FOR SALE^McCormick bind-' diacontmue all further a&owaace

er in good condition, new canvas. ^ »'<«',*>* Tf '«^*«*»-Also 8-16 Avery tractor cheaper J^ diem of land assessorsset C. C. Lyaa^Bristow, Va - A^o.** f7. mduding altowance pom

L. Ledman direeted-to employ labor and purchase matorial to make necessary changes m hasr of court room. " ^ -

L. Ledman appointed 4o-pup chase coal for eourtkouae and jaO for oHning winter.

Tie foDowtog accounts were i^qiroved and certified to the

We have aiOTCd ear atiwc and Imich rooat to the roMn foraserty used as a haxbci ahoy. TUaiaa cool, eoatfertidUe ^ace aad we will do oar-beat to phaae y—. Come and BELL'S BAKERF AMD QIOICK



Runs the er. A real hetp

, Tqrni the for the hoosewife.

WtHBfSK Oecoqaaa, Va.


Hany P. Davis, Bsht Ut C H. aad jail ~ __.._., x-

W. F. lIwi^aBt, lanaey, Bcraaid Hanris '——i_^

S. M. Hctffip,x»UM-^—..: Igeliaid Alexander, witaaaa, for

ManassaiJraDslerGo. W. 8. ATHKT, Pni

Bacgaca, PwulUva ai at macehawiiaa or otiMr pfoiBptty ttasafarrod or o a a m a .

Albert FiddB, same.—^ .,:.:::: J. D. WQliaaM, lunacy, Bernard

Harris . _. J.TT'Mefedith, lunacy, Harriaea

Jackson — . — ? W. B. Kerlin, resisto«r C. E. N a s h * Co., braon aad

bmsh , c>erfc% ofllee. T. M. KoaaeQ, poor eWai „ D. ^ JTirrhelot, sMoe „ W. R. Free, ir . A Co., J. L. Boalioac same-. W. R.Geaaoa 3. L. Danaua,




DoMfrlae Matrirt Bead JEjad.

Wm. Polen, work on Voad... Howell Mclnteer, same. Ciatr Williams, ^esse BatM, same.. Irving Arrington, cylinder oiL.. E. c. anii«r, work mi nad... W. W. Liming, same 6 . H. Matherson, same-W. O. Abrf, same.. .- „.. Henry Jones, same. ..„ John Anderson, samec Henry Anderson, same...

GaiaesTiUe District Bead Fand. t

A. J. Smith, worlc on road...... E. H. McCain, same.... Charlie WelUngtmi. B o b t Watson, same. :..^..^JL^... W. H. Jeffries, same _.__ James Hnndhy, Wmie'Willis, same. Palmer Satitfa, sanfe.„.. Pidmer ftnith, fretght on ceai... 28J84 P. B. Beach, 82S ft. lumber :. 2&88 W. A. Smoot ft Co., IBC, SO tMis

eeal . - j J ^ . - j . . ; ^WOJOO Solfe Robertson, work <m'read.. J. G. Himt, same.—.^ -—..-—

Disttfat Bead F n d .

H. N. Fraidclia, work en t«ad_l- 7 JO O. B: Shoonaker, aame... ...:.. IfijOO J. fl. Evaaa^ same .:,.,i '1840 W. H. Bvmas, aune. _ . KM Bnnhi A Hoaff, Inmbar. 112S A, J. HorkmaWj woric on raad_>_ 7JS0

ViM. 8&60 4 - 8 . Bobertaen, eapHi paid oat

tor woric on Toad ',,.,..,. .-IBJO


Palmer. Smith, part of salsiy .-SJM H. h. ToMiSj sase. , _ _ _ _ 81X4 l f. M. RoneQ, expresa, repairs,

4 c ^.^ ^.._ 41S* J. i HBvans, jMrt of salary.-: ._ SIM O. W. Hedrick, work on Bonkar

Hill _.: tS»M Jim Bl«ckwell,jw«k on engine— lAM O. W. He^kk, bber'and freig^

OH cngfaie . . '...—_;.. 80.40 B. C Lewis, repairs to engine.-... 14.25 J. L. Dawson. 800 f t oaed htm-

i w r . _ : : _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ «JOO Brown A ooff, fannbcK... ~ . 6.20, 'A. S. Robertson, hanUnff Inmber,^

Ac ._____^__... : r-HJas E. a Lam, part salwy„. _..!.' 18.00 Brown A Hooff, lumbers ; 81.11

Adjourned to M(»iday,#d^ 2 ^


f',yif,;g4rt 1»->e M « * iM^ffnit^t f^-**^

The man who wants really high class clothing m i 1 _a^^o^r~^^We^^^]^^^S3^

^ 8 ^ ALL OUR


—Mrrand-Mrs. S. R; CJarte were week-«id gueata ,of friends Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. Buford M. Brid-weB, of FUb <3iuRE,wenrKa<EBtB

county treaantpr for paymmt r—fgf Mim. 0. E. Kajc?, of Poplar Ceaaty

Bobt. Jarmans, white waaUag «tj«« .-tin on

HilT on Monday. Mr. Add^o«LL.B<md, of Wash­

ington, is i w u l f T ^ t i v e e here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell, "Stanley BeO, Mr. and Mrs. R. K GoBsom, Miss Pauline Gossom, Mr. J. P. Smith, Miss Neal hur­ley and Messrs. G. W. and W. H. Shiriey were among those who attended the unveiling at the Mosby monamoit at Warraiton on Saturday.

Misses Ellen Utterbaek and 6jOO|MacrLouise Rector are attend­

ing the summer session of the normal school at Fredericksburg, which op«ied on Monday.'

Services will be conducted at Antiocfa on Sunday at 4 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. Edward Tabor.

IM .6.001 86.00 SSJOO



DIAGN0STICtMI1?i^ jtiiiiahl is Q n a i c Daeeees

Acute diieates get wea of thmai tvo or runmkxiroaicfann. There it always a caiae M J you caa not get well nadl the C3uie u reaooved Caose and elect it the great law of natwe. You know the elect —hnd the caiue. Send me your name lad addre« and let roc itudy your catc.

€gMultauou Free

A. S. Bobertaoa, McDuff Green, O. C. Hateblaaa, T. M.

8JOO 6.00 7J0 IM 6.70 2.75 Brown A Heatf, Haw a t J a i l -

U i B L WUhatsea, jaaitar. C H i ^ « O J ) « ^ J. M. Raid, poor claim. _ 28.00

•2.48 Jfl_

Sall ivaa, regMrar.. . J. J. Carter, awiatMMawe

heaae — J. T^TTti liiiian. T r , rhtfi

Barrett Co. —c -287.86 J. L. Dawaon. sett l ing Barre t t -

claim •.... _ ~ - •..80 Msnassas Den]ocrat4>rinting f(K-

commonwealth't attorney and -SJ i

ADHmiSTBATOrS NOTICB AH ptraoBB iadabted » dM lata Wm.

M. Wa>eeler are reqaeated to forthwith pay each dfHi «6 ^ aad an peraona haviag acBinst tta aaM Wbadv axa te jrisint sack elatea, wBl proatf, to Ike aaders^ned.




AB gJfeKratioBs in xJothing made at cosL You "who have been thinking af buying clothing and shoes of this cMss wfll.iind this your jrar^ omKHrtunitye_

The C<rfee Distrfet School Board wffl meet a t Hayfleld aciteol hoaae Satai^ day, July 10, to appoint teaehsra aad Teceire liMa for i toulshlng weed fer the term 1920.^1. Byy^rder e f the school board. ^ 5-4 THOS. J. WOOKFENDENT, Clerk.

The JournaV-f1->^ a

Bear in mind please, it includes only the Hart, Schaffaer & Marx Clothing and WsJk-Over Shoes* 1 he <^heap^ j^ades ur not included in sale.. ——-- —'._ _.- - -- ..-_:_- - —

Get a hustle on if you want~Eoget in at the "kilKng.*

Other **Sale Prices** previously announced good as long as the stock lasts.

HYNSON'S The Quality Shop M an v; rrr !Zinia

i:0i^ 'j'^.^v^lffw^ift^*^^!!?^ -:-:?;^4S*:^^^:^S! ^mt