· faith...

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eekly X

LXVI No. 5, March 12, 2014

faith friendship









So often we will hear people

call followers of God

“believers.” To be a believer

is more than giving mental

assent to statements about

who God is. Believer has a

much richer and deeper

meaning than that.

Believe is the combination of

words which mean “to be”

and “to live.” In German it

comes from the same word

as “love” so it can be under-

stood as “beloved.” To be-

lieve is to be beloved. In-

stead of simply agreeing

with certain statements

about God, to believe is to

experience God’s love and

to live as one who is loved.

And when we know that we

are loved by God, it begs a

response from us to love

God back. This is so rich!

The Bible says, “even the

demons believe and shut-

ter.” Leonard Sweet, a

United Methodist teacher/

pastor says, “If believing is

only holding fast to certain

rules or statements of faith,

then we are worse off than

the demons. As he says, “at

least they shutter!”

We are called to believe.

We are called to know and

experience God’s love made

known to us in Jesus. To

understand believing in this way

changes everything. It means

we won’t talk of peace we will

pursue it and do our best to

bring it everywhere we are. We

won’t only speak of joy we will

do our best to release it. We will

no longer throw the word love

around, we will spread that love

in genuine ways of caring, lis-

tening, serving and demon-

strating our faith because all of

that is what it means to

“believe.” Active trust, living

faith, being loved. Beautiful.


Believer, discover who you are

in Jesus. Live like it matters,

because it does.

As we continue in the season

of LENT let us walk closely to

Jesus. Experience forgiveness

then share it with someone

else who needs to be forgiven.

Live loved lives. Because God

loves you—love others. Be a

conduit of JOY. Take it with

you and then leave a little be-

hind everywhere you go!

This believing thing—being be-

loved—really could change the


See you at the believing place!


p.s. ~please join me in starting

to pray for Easter@the


Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ


sT United M

ethodist Church of Sedalia


Ever thought about how much of our life is spent on the road to somewhere? We get stuck in traffic. We get lost. It takes longer to get there than we think. This Lenten season we will journey with Jesus. We will look through the eyes of people who met Jesus on the road of life. Join us and invite a friend!

EEASTERASTER@ T@ THEHE MMATHEWSONATHEWSON Come help us with our Easter service! We will be having a short meeting to talk about logistics. We will need ushers, greeters, set-up team, take down team, prayer team and more. Let’s talk on Sun-day, March 23rd at 2 p.m. Childcare provided.


W.onderful O.n W.ednesdays meets every Wednesday through April 9th at the Celebra-tion Center from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Our kids will explore and indulge in the significant “Story of Crea-tion”, and our adults have several classes to choose from centered around the theme “Building Blocks—Constructing Lives of Faith.”

There is still time to register for the 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament in Smithton on March 22 to benefit Imagine No Malaria. If you are look-ing for an opportunity to help our church’s efforts to support this cause, volunteers are needed to referee, keep score, work in the con-cession stand, etc. Sign up on this weekend’s blue card (bulletin insert). Call the church office (827-2993) or 343-5826 or email for more info.

CCHANGEHANGE AA L LIFEIFE TTOUROUR——CCONCERTONCERT Tickets are available from the church office for the Change a Life Tour Concert. Audio Adrenaline, Kutless, Finding Favour, & Shine Bright Baby will be performing at the Mathewson (Missouri State Fair-grounds) on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 7 p.m. Advance Tickets are $20. Tickets at the door are $25. VIP Tickets are $45. Please make checks payable to “Sedalia Christian Concerts.”

WWORSHIPORSHIP G GROUPROUP If you are interested in joining our new Large Singing Worship Group, (not a praise team), the first prac-tice will be Saturday, March 29, from 4-5 p.m. at the Celebration Center. This will be an organizational meet-ing to introduce you to some of the songs we’ll be singing and to deter-mine a best day and time for prac-tices. We’ll practice every other week. For more info. Call Becky Ar-bisi at 660-287-0081. Childcare pro-vided for up thru 5 year olds.


Older Adult Ministry Women’s Bible Study No Malaria—Fundraiser

Masterpiece invites you to a pres-entation of Hayden’s Creation by the Village Presbyterian Church at The Kaufman Center in Kansas City , April 6 at 7 p.m. We will leave at 4 p.m. Tickets are free on Sunday. Reserve yours today. Call Nick at 827-2993.


Mar. 16—1st UMC Downtown Mar. 23—Pleasant Hill UMC

Mar. 30—Eldorado UMC Apr. 6—LaMonte UMC Apr. 13—Epworth UMC

Please join us for an inspiring eve-ning of worship, great music, and

Christian fellowship.

HHEARTEART FORFOR H HAITIAITI SSILENTILENT A AUCTIONUCTION Come to the annual Hearts for Haiti Silent Art Auction at the Celebration Center on Friday, April 4 at 6 pm to view and bid on inspi-rational art work created by area students and professional art-ists!! We also have artwork from Haitian artists and children, includ-ing the girls at Strong Tower!! It’s a night you won’t want to miss!

HHAMAM & B & BEANEAN D DINNERINNER Meals on Wheels Annual Ham & Bean Dinner will be on Saturday, March 15 from 11 to 3 p.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church. Cost is $5 for adults and $2 for kids 6-12 and includes Ham & Beans or Vegetable Soup, Cornbread, Dessert & Drink. Children 6 years & under are free.

If you are dealing with a conflict right now in your lives, let one of our trained Stephen Ministers help provide emotional and spiri-tual care. Call Don Brandes, 827-6455, or the church office, 827-2993. Meals for Moms is a ministry at First UMC to help with meals the first few weeks once mom and the baby come home from the hospi-tal. Please contact Jennifer Cordia at 826-1574 with contact informa-tion or questions. Through March 16th, we are en-couraging our kids to bring money to “feed the fish” during the Sun-day School hour to purchase books for the girls at Strong Tower Orphanage. Go to to find out information about available summer camps. Register online by April 30th and receive a $25 early bird discount. Contact the church office (827-2993) to re-ceive a Camp Scholarship Voucher offered to all members of the church who are attending camps.

YEstoday today today today Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Hours:Hours:Hours:Hours: Sat. 4-7 pm Sun. 8-11am

All ladies are welcome to attend a 9-week Beth Moore Bible Study entitled, “The Inheritance” on Tuesday mornings beginning April 8th from 9:30—10:30 a.m. at the Celebration Center (Gathering place). Cost for books is $5. Childcare will be provided. Call Patty Abney at 281-4098 to sign up or if you have questions.

Mar. 2 Taylor Coslet, Tina Carpenter, Bonnie Finch, Randy Hill, Kelly McFatrich, Char-lie Neth, Harper Triplett Mar. 3 Kenneth Hensley, Doug Cox, Jeff Davis, Carol Schles-selman, Sheri Stevenson, Dan Albert, Wyatt Wirt Mar. 4 David Acker, Caitlyn Strohm, Ashley Pollard, Kayla Kumpf Mar. 5 Dennis Cloud, Gwen Hinken, Jack Sturges Mar. 6 Annette Christian, Becky McGinnis, Lynda Ditzfeld, Reagan Hockett, Jenna Rapp Mar. 7 James Mullins, Debbie Lamb, Tim Kovalenko, Alyce Miller, Shelby Dotson Mar. 8 Joe Faifax, Rhonda Faris, Buddy Dill, Blake New, John Rooks, Charles Woods Mar. 9 Susan Gardner, Darren Millard, Dale Maggard, Danny Esser Mar. 10 Jan Hart, McKenna Carpenter, David Williams, Gabriel Hinshaw, Ann Woolery, Jonathan Ander-son, Jordyn McMullen, Jake Ballenger Mar. 11 Monica Cloud, Shane Napier, Amy Doak, Shane Nelson, Christopher Iuchs, Jim Walk, Jacquie Pflughaupt, Angela Pollitt, Jeanette Hofheins Mar. 12 Stacey Shaw, Jordon Wyatte, Corey Duncan, Scott Rambo, Mackenzie Moellman, Michelle Triplett, Jane Barker Mar. 13 Neala Van Baale, Tessa Hontz, Stan Anderson, Cindy Cline-Peck, Melissa Simpson, Devon Gilmore Mar. 14 Peggy Williams, Matt Turner, Sam Ditzfeld, Nicholas Hofmeister, Abby Jo Crooks, Noelle Sunnarborg Mar. 15 Tammy Martin, Natasha King, Jameson O’Connell, Trey Morris Mar. 16 Jacob Arnett, Connie Spalding, Gregory Hansen, Bill Michael, Cath-erine Arnold, Brendan Hofheins, Nancy Cromley Mar. 17 Don Thiele, Dr. David Howe, Zoey Irelan, Scott Marchbanks, Josh Twenter Mar. 18 Rachel Huffman, Bill Fowler, Rex Walters, Clint Davis, Dena Morris, Ralph Moriarty Mar. 19 Mario Brennan, Hillary King, Damen Lane, Eugene Leiss Mar. 20 Kevin Kyle, Jennifer O’Connell, D. J. Parent, Christie Morrow, Jennifer Schulz Mar. 21 Buddy Eichler, III, Clarence Luchini, Madalyn Monroe, Benjamin Scotten, Cindy Snow, Brooklyn Sessions, Brynlee Peck Mar. 22 Isabelle Rothen, David Baker, Steve Lazenby, George McConnell, Cooper Arnett, Bruce Wood Mar. 23 Haley Brosch, Kevin Simpson, Lorie Holt, Becky Lynn, Linda Marchbanks, Jared Wheeler, Beverly Welch, Brenda Utt, Khloe Shelledy, Brigette Schilb Mar. 24 Chuck Yarbrough, Phil King, Matthew Lindgren, Elizabeth Riesberg, Ziek Barth-Fagan Mar. 25 Angela Bert, Amy Furrey, Allen Fowler, Faythe Grinstead, Haley Grinstead, Davijean Lyles, Maria Schlomer, Clayton Morris, Leonard Hall, Kardell Sims, Jr. Mar. 26 Marie Holt, Victor Gardner, Christy Goldsmith, JoAnn Altis, Kelsey Harding, Jack Tuller, Alex Beyer, Renee Pripusich, Zita Shackles Mar. 27 Pam McKinney, Bill Gleason, Kale McCollester, Elijah Henness Mar. 28 Dennis Henderson, Karen Zullig, Paula Mosier, Tyler Pripusich, Edgar Smith, Brittney Simmons Mar. 29 Cole Kroeger, Aaron Mewes, Patricia Hunt, Larry Rigdon


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Feb. 15-16, 2014 Sunday School 138 Worship 895 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 13316.43 Building 1518.50 Special 933.53

Feb. 22-23, 2014 Sunday School 110

Worship 893 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 10094.72 Building 1402.00 Special 2116.00

Mar. 2-3, 2014 (Ice Storm) Sunday School 22

Worship 384 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 8565.00 Building 901.00 Special 321.42

Mar. 8-9, 2014 Sunday School 124

Worship 860 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 14227.86 Building 1564.00 Special 992.54

Our Family Our Prayers for: Betty Rose Thompson, Norma Tullis, Steve Emory, Louise Lentz, Rosalee Burgess, Darlene & Virgil Burgess, Sue Coleman, Frances Goldsmith, Jacob Gerken, Clifford Smith, Charles & Jennie Cheffey, Brit-tany Blake, Norma Jean Knowles, Kathy Gardner, Reggie Waldo (Stacey Shaw’s Uncle) Clayton Fidler (Soldier in Afghanistan), Strong Tower Haiti Orphanage, and Our Mili-tary Families

Our hearts go out in Christian love and sympathy to . . . ~Karen Cairer and family in the death of her father, Bill Hampy, on Saturday, February 15th in Cole Camp, MO, and ~family and friends of Bill Ray due to his death on Mar. 8th, 2014.

WWEE C CELEBRATEELEBRATE THETHE D DAYAY YOUYOU W WEREERE B BORNORN If your birthday is not listed, please let us know so it can be added!

Kathy Morris

2432 Stacey Lane Sedalia, MO 65301 660-281-4744

Rebekah Lynn

10619 Red Ribbon Road Versailles, MO 65084


Congratulations to . . . ~Dr. Dana Gillig. Dana recently received the Missouri Veterinary Medical Asso-ciation’s Veterinarian of the year Award; ~Jordan O’Connell upon her baptism on February 16th. Jordan is the infant daughter of Jennifer & Johnpaul O’Connell, and the granddaughter of Ruth Ann & James Mullins; ~Carol Goodwin & Philip Monsees who were married on February 14th, 2014; ~Kristen Parker Severa & Alexander Chantry who were married on February 15th, 2014; and to ~Skylar Sweet, infant daughter of Samantha & James Sweet and granddaughter of Mona Sweet, due to her baptism on Feb. 28, 2014.


Mark your calendars! The next S.O.S. (Support our Soldiers) Packing Party will be Saturday, May 3 at 9 a.m. at the Celebration Center (Theatre).

Downtown, 4th & Osage

//Worship Sunday 10:50am

Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St

// Worship Saturday 5:30pm // Sunday 8:35

9:45am & 12:30 pm

Listen on the Radio at 1490AM Sundays 10:30am

or on Website at

First United Methodist Church

Office: 1701 West 32nd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301

Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID SEDALIA, MO 65301

Permit #208

FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia


WWOMENOMEN ATAT THETHE W WELLELL AANNNNUUAALL D DINNERINNER W@W is sponsoring their annual Dinner on Friday, March 21st at 6:30 p.m. at First UMC. Cost is $22 per person which includes free entry to Saturday, March 22nd Seminar from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. (Additional seminar tickets are available for $5 each) Christian author and speaker, Janet Thompson will be present-ing the program “Forever Friends” which is focusing on Woman to Woman Mentoring. Tickets are on sale now before & after services. For information call Karen at 596-3276 or Lancy at 287-3496.

OOLDERLDER A ADULTDULT TRIPTRIP TOTO B BRANSONRANSON Masterpiece (Older Adult Ministry) will be taking an exciting day

trip to Branson on April 10th. We will begin our day meeting at the Celebration Center at 7:45 and departing at 8:00. Upon arrival we

will have lunch at Charlie’s Steak, Ribs & Ale; followed by a wonder-ful tour of the Stone Hill Winery, and then we will boogie to the "#1

Hits of the 60's" Show. We will wrap up our adventure with a private Historic Character Dinner in the Fountain Room overlooking Lake

Taneycomo. Snacks will be provided during travel. Cost is $149 per person and you can sign up with Becky in the office. This includes all meals and activities. Please contact Gina Johnson if you have

any questions at 660-827-2993 or 757-775-0074 cell; email Space is limited to 84, so please RSVP March 30.