Eventya Pitch - July 2015

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Eventya Pitch - July 2015

90% of the events, places & services you access

are less than 20 km away

The problem

Unstructured and disconnected

information regarding services

and opportunities for people living in medium

size cities or communities

(less than 1,000,000 inhabitants *)

Global social platforms are difficult

to be used for discovering local services

and attractions for local people or tourists

SME Community businesses, which are always

interested in the local market, don’t have

the opportunity to use professional mobile&web

services that are dedicated and targeting their area

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Large cities are deployed and structured based on their


The Solution2 of 10

An Information System that can be installed and adapted

for each community’s needs and areas of interests.

Content created

and maintained

by local people

Trully localized

mobile & web apps


Location based


The Target3 of 10

Users[a] Local people (18 - 50 years old) searching & receiving streams of news based on their preferences, from the services located in their community

[b] Visitors/Tourists/Business Travellers in the


80%of one Eventya City

App’s users

20%of one Eventya City

App’s users

CustomersLocal businesses and services. Some of them are looking to differenciate from others and willing to pay a Premium Subscription to highlight their services, products or offers.

The Marketestimation made for 40 cities in 4 countries in Europe

(Netherlands, Romania, France, Belgium)

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Premium SubscriptionsFor local businesses and services

300 €/year x 200 customers/city x 40 cities = 2,400,000 €/year

Paid advertising (eAds - Eventya Ads)

Big local business and nation wide services targeting our users

3000 €/year x 100 customers/country x 4 countries = 1,200,000 €/year

Where we are now5 of 10

Netherlands (since 2012)1 app, 1 city (+25,000 users)Breda City App - Stappen&Shoppen brand is using Eventya’s software infrastructure to run its business.

Romania (started in 2013)

4 apps in 4 cities (+50,000 users)5 cities are prepared to be launched in Q3 and Q4 of 2015

Malta (started in 2015)

Gozo Island App (beta version)

75% return rateof our users in NL

81% return rateof our users in RO


Average Monthly Expenses: 10,000 € / month(we’re currently assigned on the project at 30% of our capacity, dueto our internal funding limitation)

The entire team (15 people) assigned 100% on the product will increase the expenses at: 25 - 30,000 € /month

Average Monthly Income: 2,500 € / month

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Eventya Headquarter

Product ManagementDevelopmentMarketingSales operations

Expanding our operations in France

Business DevelopmentMarketingSales operations

Investment required

300,000 €for the next 10-12 months

Investment required

400,000 €for the next 16-18 months

Investment7 of 10

FoundersIonuț Munteanu36 years old, software engineer and serial entrepreneurCEO and former developer at Eventya

Andrei Luca26 years old, software engineerArchitect and Tech Team Leader at Eventya

Oana Munteanu35 years oldProject Manager and Design Leader at Eventya

The Team

DevelopersGeorge BalașcăSenior Developer

Ioan Rodeanu Lidia PăduraruSenior iOS Developer Senior Developer

Vlad Păduraru Vitalii NagaraAndroid Developer Senior Developer

Cosmin Comșa Adrian MateiFront-end Developer Front-end Developer

InvestorsPopa Daniel (Romania)Julien Suquet (France)

Business AdvisorsPhilip Choban (US)

Marketing and PRAmalia DerscariuSorana VlădiaGeorgeta Stoica

Datacenter and Cloud ManagementMarian Stanciu

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Short historyMarch 2013Development of the cloud platform and apps started

June 2013The first Info Kiosk (based on iPad tablets and the first Eventya iOS App) network launched in Sibiu, Transilvania (Romania) as a public information system.

August 2013Eventya is accepted at the Lisbon Challenge Startup accelerator and the founders moved to Portugal for the next 3 months

November 2013Sibiu City App is launched based on contract with the City Hall of Sibiu (former European Cultural Capital)

December 2013Breda City App, an existing but limited app, chose Eventya as software infrastructure for its business (content manager + iOS/Android native apps).

May 2014The second city in Romania, Cluj-Napoca is launched under the Cluj City App. It was the first city with more than 800,000 inhabitants.

December 2014Timișoara City App (Romania) is launchedwith more than 2,000 new users registeringper month.

January 2015Gozo Island App (Malta) beta launched.

June 2015Eventya 2.0 released. A set of technicalfeatures that enhances our speed of growthin other cities

Brand consistancy and marketing consolidation activities

July 2015Three new cities are prepared to be launchedat the end of July.

Looking to expand in US, France and newcities in Netherlands and Romania.

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Try our end-userapps

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Sibiu Breda Gozo

Romania Netherlands Malta

More about Eventyahttp://about.eventya.eu

ContactIonuț Munteanu, CEO


Thank you.