Evaluation question 5

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract /Address your Audience

By Danny Dowling

The production company draws the audience in as it can be seen to crawl across the screen saying “See through Production”. This is then quite hard hitting as it is referring we can see right through you, linking to this thriller convention of being on edge.

There is also a animated picture of an eye, suggesting this company is all knowing and all seeing.

This is then the first sighting of one of the main characters in this film, as we can see he looks quite secretive as he gets on with his work trying to be undisturbed by anything around him.

This is also the first title of the opening sequence, where as we can see its written in red and white writing giving it an suspense feeling as red is often a sign of bad things ahead.

This is then a close up of what this character is writing and this therefore gives us a closer relationship into this guys profile as we now know what he is writing. However it also leaves the character in suspense as we now want to know what this message is and who exactly it is being delivered too. As well as this we can also see the writing

says this message is being sent to his boss and that it is top secret therefore will have great importance for who ever its being delivered to. Leaving the audience at the edge of their seats wanting to know exactly what is on this message.

This is now showing a mid shot of this character now leaving the house with this message leaving us as an audience to think and wonder where he is off to know and creates this excitement we now feel.

The lighting here is very dark now as he leaves the house showing this is an important matter and he will have to take real caution with it.

Here we can now see that he has arrived at his destination and now the audience get this suspense feeling as they are getting excited at who is going to be receiving this important message.

Now we see a close up of the message actually be posted into this house, leaving us as an audience at the edge of our seats as we are now ready to see who's on the other side of this door and why are they receiving the message.

This mid shot is now the audiences first view of what this character looks like and how the power he has as a character as this message has been delivered to him, therefore he must be important.

This over the shoulder shot now makes the audience feel even tenser as now we are viewing this guy who has come out of no where and seems to be looking at this guy with the message.

This establishing shot now leaves the audience in suspense as they see this guy who has the message being watched with great content, leaving the audience now on the edge of their seats as we know this guy in the window wants the message and who knows what he is capable of doing just to get his hands on it.

This long shot now has the audiences hearts beating as now this character who was at the window has someway found his way into this house, and who knows what he is capable of doing.

This over the shoulder shot is now showing this character locking the other character in the room leaving the audience now on the edge of their seats as he is now able to get his hands on the letter and who knows what he will do with it.

This shot now showing the audience of this character leaving the house, leaving the audience in suspense as he now has the message and who knows what he is capable of doing with it.