Evaluation question 5

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your


ResearchDuring my research i focused on magazines which were targeted around the teenage group to get an idea of what teen were into.

I found that things such as pictures and language has an affect on the type of people who buy a magazine. Such as using a teenagers as my models plus using slang in my articles to relate to my audience of teenager - young adults allows for better link between reader and magazine.


During my survey I focussed on surveying people aged 12 - 20 , this allowed me to see what their needs where for a music magazine. By implementing there ideas of a of my target audience has allowed my target audience to have a say on what they want.

This allows me to understand their needs and relate to the them too.


One of the way i have tried to grab by audiences by having a lower costing magazine at £3.00 which is much cheaper than other magazine allowing it to be more easy to buy for teenager and young adults who may not have lots of money.


I used several different fonts for my magazine each have unique and different qualities about them. Also the use of bright and bold colours (red, blue, white) help everything seem easy to read but also makes the magazine look more atractive.