Established 1914 th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME … democracy system * Building of a new modern...

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Transcript of Established 1914 th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME … democracy system * Building of a new modern...

Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 20 9th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

* Stability of the State, community peace and tran-quillity, prevalence of law and order

* Strengthening of national solidarity* Building and strengthening of discipline-flourish-

ing democracy system* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the Constitution

Four political objectives* Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural devel-

opment, and all-round development of other sectors of the economy* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical

know-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of

the State and the national peoples

Four economic objectives* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation

and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national char-acter

* Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the

entire nation

Four social objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 10May—President of theRepublic of the Unionof Myanmar U TheinSein, together withHeads of State/Govern-ment from ASEANcountries, attended theopening of the 18thASEAN Summit held atJakarta ConventionCentre (JCC) AssemblyHall in Jakarta, the Re-public of Indonesia, at 9am on 7 May.

Also present at theceremony were SultanHaji Hassanal BolkiahMuizzaddin Waddaulahof Brunei Darussalam,Prime MinisterSamdech Hun Sen ofCambodia, PresidentDr Susilo BambangYudhoyono of Indone-sia, Prime Minister

President U Thein Sein attends opening of 18th ASEAN SummitM r . T h o n g s i n gThammavong of LaoPeople’s DemocraticRepublic, Prime Minis-ter Dato Sri MohammadNajib Bin Tun AbdulRazak of Malaysia,President Mr. BenignoAquino of the Republicof the Philippines,Senior Minister Profes-sor S Jayakumar onbehalf of Prime Minis-ter Mr. Lee Hsien Loongof the Republic of Sin-gapore, Prime MinisterMr. Abhisit Vejjajiva ofThailand, PrimeMinister Mr.NguyenTan Dung of theSocialist Republic of Vi-etnam, Union Ministerfor Foreign Affairs ofthe Republic of theUnion of Myanmar UWunna Maung Lwin,

Union Minister for Na-tional Planning and Eco-nomic Development UTin Naing Thein, thedeputy ministers andsenior departmental of-ficials, ministers ofASEAN countries,high-ranking officials,ASEAN Secretary-General Dr SurinPitsuwan, ASEAN per-manent representativesand guests.

The IndonesianPresident cordiallygreeted the heads ofState/Government. Af-ter that, the ceremonywas opened with theASEAN song sung byan Indonesian culturaltroupe.

Afterward, ASEANalternate Chairman DrSusilo Bambang

Yudhoyono deliveredan opening speech.

The documentaryvideo on the 18thASEAN Summit wasshown.

Then, PresidentU Thein Sein, the headsof State/Government ofASEAN countries haddocumentary photostaken and the ceremonycame to an end.—MNA


PresidentDr SusiloBambangYudhoyonowelcomesPresidentU TheinSein of


of theUnion ofMyanmar

at theopeningof 18thASEANSummit.


PresidentU Thein Sein andHeads of State/Government of

ASEAN countriespose for documen-tary photo at theopening of 18thASEAN Summit.


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireWednesday, 11 May, 2011

Myanmar, Indonesia toboost cooperation

President of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar U Thein Sein paid a StateVisit to theRepublic of Indonesia from 5 to 9 May at theinvitation of Indonesian President Dr. SusiloBambang Yudhoyono and attended the 18th

ASEAN Summit held in Jakarta.During the visit, the Myanmar delegation

led by President U Thein Sein conferred with theIndonesian delegation led by the IndonesianPresident at Istana Merdeka Palace in Jakarta,Indonesia, on 5 May.

In his address, the Indonesian President saidthat Indonesia was in support of Myanmar’sefforts to ensure national unity and perpetuationof sovereignty. He added that the country hopedto increase the bilateral trade volume to 500million US dollars by 2015.

President U Thein Sein said that Myanmarhad been transformed into new system, so it wouldmake reforms more transparently in the economicsystem; and that Myanmar invited Indonesia toinvest in agriculture, mining, industries and oiland gas.

Being ASEAN members, Myanmar andIndonesia have improved bilateral cooperationregularly for over 60 years, thereby strengtheningthe relations between the two neighbours. Now,12 companies from Indonesia are makinginvestments in Myanmar. The two countries areworking closely to boost tourism industries andair flights.

President U Thein Sein in meeting theIndonesian President dealt with matters for furtherenhancing friendly relations and cooperationbetween the two countries, and active participationin international organizations including the UNand regional organizations.

The visit is a hopeful sign that Myanmar willenjoy greater economic development with betteropportunities to bolster friendly relations betweenthe two countries and between the two peoples.

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May— Union Minister forInformation and for Culture U Kyaw Hsan,together with Mandalay Region Minister for SocialAffairs U Than Soe Myint and officials concerned,on 7 May paid attentions to Tilawkaguru Cave,the artwork of Nyaungyan Period, located inSagaing Region, Sagaing fort, Htupayon stoneinscriptions, Thapyaytan Fort in Amarapura,Mandalay Region, Sinkyon Fort in Innwa AncientCity, and Maha Aung Myaybonsan BuddhistTemple.

Conservation of cultural heritage, providingvisitors with detailed facts stressed

Union Minister U Kyaw Hsan instructedthe officials concerned to keep on preservationof ancient pagodas and buildings by delineatingboundaries of their compounds and protect themfrom encroachment, provide visitors with detailedhistorical facts, keep the places clean and tidy,take measures against erosion of AyeyawadyRiver bank near Sinkyon Fort in Innwa AncientCity and conserve the wooden floors of AncientMaha Aung Myaybonsan Buddhist Temple forperpetuation of national cultural heritage.—MNA

Union Minister for Information and for Culture U Kyaw Hsan at Maha Aung MyaybonsanBuddhist Temple. —MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 10May — Union Ministerfor Mines U Thein Htaikcalled for ensuringenvironmental conser-vation and rights of thepublic in gems miningin meeting with KachinState Minister for Mines,patrons and vice-chairmen of Myanmar

Union Mines Minister calls for conservingenvironment in gems mines

YANGON, 10 May —YSL Welding SupplyLtd., Yangon, and Thai-Kobe Welding Co., Ltd,Bangkok, hosted a dinnerin honour of theircustomers at TradersHotel here on 8 May.

YSL WeldingGems EntrepreneursAssociation in PhakantTownship in KachinState on 8 May.

The Union ministervisited gems mines, tasksfor proper drainage ofUN Creek andUnderground Jade (3000tons) Museum in PhakantTownship.—MNA

Supply Ltd and Thai-Kobe Welding Co. Ltdhave conductedseminars on weldingtechnology and weldingcompetitions inMyanmar as part ofefforts to improve theskills of the welders and

YSL Welding Supply Ltd givesdinner to customers

technical officers.Thai-Kobe’s quality

products and safety

Union Minister for Mines U Thein Htaikinspects tasks for proper drainage of Uru


Dinner of YSL Welding Supply Ltd and Thai-Kobe Welding Co., Ltd inprogress.—NLM

records led to itsobtaining the ISO 9001and ISO 14001certifications.

Interested partiesmay contact YSLWelding Supply Ltd.,106, 52nd Street,Pazundaung Township,Yangon, Tel: 202324,700732 and 011-290419,


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 3

ST LOUSIS, 10 May—An Illinois man whoallegedly tried to openan emergency exit doorof a plane in mid-flightwas charged by federalprosecutors on Mondaywith interfering with aflight crew and crimesinvolving aircraft,authorities said onMonday.

The man, Reynel CAlcaide of Burbank,Illinois, 34, could face10 years in jail for eachof the two counts.

In this image captured by citizen journalistAndrew Wai, members of the police and fire

departments detain a man identified as RagehAlmurisi at the airport in San Francisco,

on 8 May, 2011.—INTERNET

Man charged for allegedly trying to openplane door

KABUL, 10 May— Airraids left two Talebancommanders dead inTaleban hotbed HelmandProvince 555 km south ofAfghan Capital Kabul onSunday, said a statementreleased by Helmand’sProvincial administrationon Monday.

“Air strike againstTaleban hideout in NadAli District left twoTaleban commandersMullah Ahsanullah aliasMujahid and MullahHashim dead on Sunday,”the statement said.

Both the eliminatedcommanders were activein anti-governmentactivities includingorganizing roadsidebombings to targetsecurity forces in theProvince, the statementfurther said.—Xinhua

Air strike killstwo Talebancommanders

in Afghanistan

KUNDUZ, 10 May—Gun battle between Talebanmilitants and security forces left a Taleban militant,dead while a mine planted by militants woundedfour policemen in Kunduz Province 250 km northof capital City Kabul on Monday, officials said.

“Security forces killed a Taleban militant, QariAbdul Waheed, and captured another in Dasht-e-Archi District at 01:00 pm local time today” Districtgovernor Shikh Sadudin told Xinhua.

There were no casualties on security forces, hecontended. In a related incident, a roadside bomborganized by Taleban militants struck a police van,wounding four police constables in the neighbouringQalai Zal District on the same day Monday, Districtpolice chief Abdul Majid said. “A mine planted byTaleban rebels struck a police vehicle leaving fourpolicemen injured,” Majid told Xinhua.—Xinhua

BAGHDAD, 10 May—An Iraqi police chiefescaped a roadside bomb attack targeting his convoyin central Baghdad on Monday while six people gotwounded, an Interior Ministry source said. Theattack took place around midday when a bombexplosion hit the convoy of Major General Sabahal-Shebli, which was moving near al-Firdous Squarein Sa’doun Street in downtown the capital. Shebliescaped the attack unharmed, but the explosiondamaged a police vehicle and wounded twopolicemen aboard and four bystanders at the scene,the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

Earlier in the day, the police reported the killingof a civilian and the wounding of nine people,including a policeman, in three bomb attacks acrossthe capital in the morning.—Xinhua

Gun battle kills militant, blastwounds four Afghan police

Iraqi police chief escapesbomb attack in Baghdad

Iraqi security forces inspect the scene of aroadside bomb attack targeting a police patrol,

killing and wounding a few civilians, police said,in Baghdad, Iraq, on 9 May, 2011.—INTERNET

A picture taken by amobile phone shows

a destroyed carsitting over rubble in

Hilla, south of theIraqi Capital

Baghdad, on 5May. Al-Qaeda’s

offshoot in Iraq hasclaimed a suicidecar bomb attack

that killed 24policemen and

wounded 72 otherslast week in Hilla,south of Baghdad,

US monitoringgroup SITEIntelligencereported on


According to prose-cutors, Alcaide boardedContinental Airlineflight 546 in Houstonon Sunday, heading forChicago. After the flighttook off he rushed upthe aisle toward the frontof the aircraft where aflight attendant tried tostop him.

He pinned the flightattendant against thewall and repeatedly triedto open the emergencydoor, the complaintadded.

He was reportedlysubdued by passengersand crew members, andthe plane was diverted toSt Louis where it landedat Lambert InternationalAirport at 1:28 pmCentral time. “Policeofficers boarded the planeand found the disruptivepassenger on the floornear the front of the plane,being detained by a flightattendant and twopassengers,” saidLambert spokesman JeffLea.—Reuters

JAKARTA, 10 May—TheIndonesian governmentwas waiting for a decisionfrom Singapore regardingefforts to free the MTGemini ship and its crew,which some of themIndonesians, fromSomalian hijackers, aminister said here onMonday.

Coordinating Ministerfor Political, Legal andSecurity Affairs DjokoSuyanto was quoted by

Indonesia waiting for Singapore’s decisionon hijacked ship’s rescue

Soldiers stand guard

near a vacant lot a day

after forensics pulled

11 victims out of a

mass grave in

Durango on

9 May, 2011.


Antara newswire as sayingthat the Indonesiangovernment continued tocommunicate with theSingapore government forthe release of the ship whichcarried 25 crew members,of whom 13 are Indonesiannationals.

Earlier, the IndonesianDefence ForcesCommander AdmiralAgus Suhartono said thatthe liberation of MT Geminivery much depended on

the Singapore decisionbecause the ship was aS i n g a p o r e - f l a g g e dcommercial ship.

“Therefore, the effortsto release the pirated shipdepend on the decision ofthe Singaporegovernment,” the militarychief said.

S i n g a p o r e - b a s e dGlory Ship Managementwhich owns the MTGemini said the ship waspirated on April 30 while itwas sailing to the port townof Mombassa, Kenya. Itsaid the crew membersincluded 13 Indonesians,five Chinese, four SouthKoreans and threeMyanmarese.—XinhuaISLAMABAD, 10 May—At least three police including

one police woman were killed and seven others wereinjured in a suicide blast that took place early Tuesdaymorning outside a local court in Nowshera, a city innorthwest Pakistan, reported local Urdu TV channelDuniya. According to the report, the blast occurred atabout 08:50 am local time when a woman suicidebomber exploded herself at the main entrance of adistrict court in Nowshera, a city which is about 50 kmeast of Peshawar.

The report quoted police as saying that the suicidebomber was also killed on the spot. Among the eightinjured people, three were police, said the report. Allthe injured people have been shifted to nearby hospital.Police have cordoned off the area. No group hasclaimed the responsibility for the blast yet.—Xinhua

Woman suicide bomber killsthree police, injures eight in

NW Pakistan

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

Electricity towers such asthese in Santiago in 2008

will work with a newhydroelectric powersystem to help meet

Chile’s growing energyneeds. Chile’s $3.2 billionhydroelectric project —

seen as a key to newdevelopment in the South

American nation butquestioned for its

environmental impact —faces a key test this week.


Raging galactic ‘winds’of gas detected

PARIS, 10 May —AEuropean space telescopedetected “winds” ofcosmic gas streamingfrom galaxies that mayhave the power to bringstar formation to a halt,astronomers say.

The winds dis-covered by the EuropeanSpace Agency’s Herschelinfrared space observatoryblow at speeds of morethan 600 miles a second,10,000 faster than windsin a terrestrial hurricane,an ESA release saidMonday.

These “winds,” ormolecular gas outflows,are an important discoverybecause stars form frommolecular gas, and theseoutflows are robbing somegalaxies of the raw materialthey need to make newstars, researchers said. Ifthe outflows are powerfulenough, they could evenhalt star formation

altogether.Galaxies with the most

vigorous outflows arelosing mass at a rate of1,200 times the mass ofour sun every year, theastronomers said. Thesewinds could be generatedby the intense emission oflight and particles fromyoung stars, by shockwaves from the explosionof old stars or they may betriggered by the radi-ationgiven off as matter swirlsaround a black hole at thecentre of a galaxy, theysaid.

“By catching mole-cular outflows in the act,Herschel has finallyyielded long-sought-afterevidence that powerfulprocesses with negativefeedback do take place ingalaxies and dramaticallyaffect their evolution,”Goran Pilbratt, ESA’sHerschel Project scientist,said.—Internet

NASA sets 16 May shuttle launch target

Renewables could meet nearly 80 percent ofworld’s energy needs by mid-century: UN

climate panelUNITED NATIONS, 10 May — Nearly

80 percent of the world’s energy needscould be met by renewable energy bymid- century, and the renewable sourcescan play a key role in fighting globalwarming, a UN spokesman said hereMonday. “Today, the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) releaseda report that concluded that close to 80percent of the world’s energy supplycould be met by renewable energysources by the middle of this century, ifbacked by the right enabling publicpolicies,” Farhan Haq, the UNspokesman, said at a daily press briefing.

“With such policies in place, theworld would cut its greenhouse gasemissions by about one third, compared

Photographer CarstenPeter tests the thermalsuit that volcanologistKen Sims used to getclose to the lava lake.


CAPE CANAVERAL, 10 May—NASA says the launch of space shuttleEndeavour will take place no earlier than next Monday on a mission lasting16 days rather than the original planned 14. If the launch does in fact occuron the 16th, liftoff would be at 8:56 am EDT, a NASA release said Monday.

Kennedy technicians have installed and tested new wiring that bypassesthe suspect electrical wiring connecting the switch box to fuel system heatersthat scrubbed the original launch date. Workers said they expected to closeout Endeavour’s aft compartment where the repairs were done and beginlaunch countdown preparations Monday.—Internet

to business- as-usual projections,” Haqsaid. “It could also help to meet the goalof keeping the rise in the global meantemperature from exceeding two degreesCelsius in the 21st century, a goalrecognized by countries in the CancunAgreements.” The IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) wasestablished by the World MeteorologicalOrganization (WMO) and the UnitedNations Environment Programme(UNEP) in 1988. Its main objective wasto assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to theunderstanding of human induced climatechange, potential impacts of climatechange and options for mitigation andadaptation.—Xinhua

Google to launch online music serviceservice

SAN FRANCISCO,10May—Google Inccould launch a newonline music serviceas early as Tuesday,which will be similarto a service recentlys ta r t ed by Ama-zon .com Inc , TheWall Street Journalsa id , c i t ing peop lefami l i a r wi th thematter.

The Journal saidGoogle is l ikely toannounce the service

The Google logo is seen in Tel Aviv in this on26 January, 2011.


at its annual Google I/O developers confer-ence in San Francisco,adding that the servicewi l l opera te in atesting mode initiallyand not be availableto the public at large.

In April, Amazonunveiled a service thatallows customers tos to re abou t 1 ,000songs on i t s webservers fo r f reeinstead of their ownhard drives and play

them over an Internetconnec t ion d i rec t lyfrom web browsers.

Google could notimmedia te ly bereached by Reute rsfor comment.

The Journal saidGoogle has not soughtlicenses from the fourmajor recorded-musiccompanies and thenew feature is likelyto include a systemthat functions muchl ike a remote harddrive.

Users could listento songs they haveuploaded to the servicein a “s t reaming”mode, but will not beable to download thef i les , the dai lyreported. Earlier in theday, Google-ownedYou-Tube said it willadd more than 3,000main-s t ream moviesfor users to rent fromMonday.


Apple, Conde Nast reach “New Yorker” iPad dealNEW YORK, 10 May—Apple Inc and magazine publisher Conde Nast

reached a deal to offer the New Yorker on the iPad device in the latest sign thatrelationships are improving between the technology company and contentowners. Conde Nast said iPad editions of other magazines will also be availableby subscription through Apple’s In-App Purchase system on the popular AppStore. Titles including Vanity Fair, Glamour, Golf Digest, Allure, Wired, Selfand GQ will be available in coming weeks.

Publishers have eyed fancy digital versions of print publications for tabletcomputers like the iPad but have held back because of what they consideredonerous terms. “Over time, we’ll see subscriptions leading to greater and greaterscale, helping to drive overall industry growth,” said Robert Sauerberg, CondeNast president, in a statement.—Reuters

YouTube founders buy socialmedia analytics firm

BEIJING, 10 May—YouTube’s foundersannounced Monday that they brought a socialmedia analytics firm, which helps businesses keeptrack of what’s being said about them on Facebookand Twitter, media reports said Tuesday.

Chad Hurley and Steve Chen did not disclosefinancial terms of the deal to purchase,which came less than three weeks after the duobought the social bookmarking service Deliciousfrom Yahoo.

Hurley and Chen, who sold YouTube to Googlefor 1.65 billion US dollars in 2006, said theyplanned to integrate Tap11 and Delicious withtheir new San Mateo, California-based Internetcompany AVOS. Hurley said the goal is to “createthe world’s best platform for users to save, share,and discover new content.”—Xinhua

French Nao robots areseen at the 2011 IEEE

InternationalConference onRobotics and

Automation (ICRA2011) in Shanghai,

east China, on 9 May,2011.—INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 5

Health Tip: Caregivers, don’tignore your own health

Caring for someone else during a serious illnesscan take a lot out of you. The American Academyof Family Physicians says it’s important to takecare of yourself as you care for someone else. Theacademy offers these suggestions:

* Get regular checkups with your own doctor.* Eat a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet.* Find time for plenty of sleep.* Schedule time for 30 minutes to 60 minutes

of exercise at least four days per week.* Help manage stress with techniques such as

meditation or deep breathing exercises.* Take some time for yourself every once in a


In this photo taken on 3 May, 2011, cafeteria managerCarol Avalos sorts individual milk cartons at the

Belmont Senior High cafeteria in Los Angeles. Withschools under increasing pressure to combat child

obesity by offering healthier food, the national stapleof kids’ cafeteria trays has come under attack over thevery ingredient that helps make it so popular, sugar.


An F-35 Lightning IIJoint Strike Fighter testaircraft banks over theflightline at Eglin Air

Force Base, Florida on23 April , 2009.


Jaguar Land Rover launches $1.6 blnbond issue

MUMBAI, 10 May—Luxury carmaker JaguarLand Rover has launcheda £1.0 billion ($1.6billion) bond sale, thecompany’s Indian parentTata Motors said, as partof a drive to refinancedebt and develop itsoperations.

A successful salewould highlight theprofit-making firm’sability to raise debtwithout relying on thesupport of Tata Motors,India’s leading vehiclemaker. The money isearmarked for refinan-cing existing debt as wellas for “general corporate

Luxury carmaker JaguarLand Rover has launched

a £1.0 billion ($1.6billion) bond sale, the

company’s Indian parentTata Motors said, as part

of a drive to refinancedebt and develop its


purposes,” Jaguar LandRover said in thestatement on Monday.

Tata Motors boughtJaguar and Land Roverfrom US Ford Motor Coin 2008 for $2.3 billion— a purchase thatcoincided with the globalfinancial crisis that hitsales of the luxury cars.The Indian company tooka $3 billion loan tofinance the purchase.

Jaguar Land Roverswung back to profit lastyear following a deepsales downturn duringthe financial slump. Aninvestor roadshow willbe held in Europe and

the United States aheadof the planned three-partbond issue. The threetranches will include asterling bond and a dollarbond issue, both with aseven-year maturity. Thefinal tranche will be a 10-year dollar-denominatedbond.

Last week JaguarLand Rover said it waslooking for a partner inthe fast-growing Chinesecar market. It plans toinvest five billion pounds($8 billion) in developingnew high-performancevehicles over the nextfive years.


First full production F-35delivered

FORT WORTH, 10 May—The US Air Force hasaccepted into its fleet the first of a planned 1,763production-model Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIstealth fighters. Lockheed said the formal acceptancedocuments for the jet were signed Thursday at LockheedF-35 final assembly plant in Fort Worth, Texas.

The aircraft, designated AF-7, was flown to EdwardsAir Force Base in California for its flight testing program.“This first aircraft is the beginning of the modernizationof US Air Force, Marine and Naval Air power and for ourcollation partners around the world,” said Larry Lawson,Lockheed Martin executive vice president and F-35programme general manager. “The F-35 family ofaircraft will bring an incredible increase in capability thatour men and women defending us deserve.

“Today we begin to fulfill the vision of ourgovernment and international customers.” F-35s havecompleted more than 865 flights since flight-testingbegan in late 2006. In addition to AF-7, eight more

production-model F-35shave rolled out and are beingprepared for delivery. Threedistinct variants of the F-35will replace the A-10 and F-16 for the US Air Force, theF/A-18 for the US Navy,the F/A-18 and AV-BHarrier for the US MarineCorps, and a variety offighters for at least nine othercountries.—Internet

Home valuestumble 3percent

SEATTLE, 10 May—Home values in the firstquarter fell 3 percentfrom the fourth quarterof 2010, the largest dropbetween quarters since2008, a home valueindex indicated.

The Zillow HomeValue Index releasedMonday indicated themedian home value fell8.2 percent in a year-over-year comparison to$160,600 in the firstquarter of 2011, theSeattle-based real estateinformation market-place said in a release.

Home values havefallen 29.5 percent sincethey peaked in June2006, the organizationsaid.“Home value de-clines are currently equalto those we experiencedduring the darkest daysof the housing recession.


Spinal fracture surgery reduces death risk by 44 pcLONDON, 10 May—A new study has suggested

that surgery reduces the likelihood of death by upto 44 percent for those suffering spinal fractures,compared with those who are just given bed restand painkillers. Those treated with a pioneeringprocedure, in which balloons are inserted intofractures before the cavity is filled with bonecement, had particularly high survival rates.

Experts said that the study is the first to provethe benefits of surgery in spinal fractures and willlead to better treatment for patients.

“We’ve known for a long time about the benefitsof minimally invasive surgical intervention in the

Call for junk food ad ban totackle childhood obesity

Participates take off at thestart of The Race,’ a one-mile race to benefit two

cancer fighting groups, theSusan G. Komen for theCureNortheast Ohio andThe Gathering Place, at

Legacy Village inLyndhurst, Ohio, on 8 May,


MELBOURNE, 10 May—An obesity lobby group inAustralia has called for a total ban on junk foodadvertising during children’’s peak-hour televisionscheduling. The call comes at a time when the ObesityPolicy Coalition also released research finding 84percent of consumers believe children should beprotected from unhealthy food advertising.

The coalition’’s strategy is the most comprehensiveproduced in Australia to limit big business bombardingchildren with junk-food advertising. It proposesunhealthy food ads on TV be banned on weekdaysfrom 6am to 9am and 4pm to 9pm, and weekends andschool holidays from 6am to noon and 4pm to 9pm.

An OPC senior policy adviser, Jane Martin, saidchildhood obesity rates were of great concern. “Wehave a runaway train, and we need to slow this juggernaut,we need to slow it down and turn it around,” quoted Martin as saying.

“Compared to previous generations, young peopleare likely to suffer a decline in life expectancy becauseof obesity.—Internet

reduction of pain but this is the first time we seemto have robust data showing that it can highlycontribute to saving lives. Treating vertebralfractures by balloon kyphoplasty is cost effectiveand prevents people from lingering in pain. Wenow have even more compelling reasons to makesure that this procedure becomes the standard ofcare for spinal fractures and ensure more patientshave access to it,” the Telegraph quoted MichaelKotrba, Consultant Orthopaedic and TraumaSurgeon at Croydon University Hospital, as saying.

The study showed for the first time that surgeryis a far better option.—Internet

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May — President of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Seinwho was in Jakarta of Indonesia met Prime Minis-ter Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thailand at JakartaConvention Centre (JCC) in Jakarta at 4.30 pm on7 May.

Together with the President, Union Minis-ter for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin,Union Minister for National Planning and Eco-nomic Development U Tin Naing Thein, DeputyMinister for Foreign Affairs Dr Myo Myint, Deputy

Myanmar, Thai to enhance bilateral ties, trade and investment

Minister for Health Dr Win Myint, MyanmarAmbassador to the Republic of Indonesia U NyanLin and senior departmental officials attended themeeting. The Thai Prime Minister was accompa-nied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. KasitPiromya, Deputy Minister of Commerce Mr.Alongkorn Ponlaboot, Thai Ambassador to theRepublic of Indonesia Mr. Thanatip Upatising andhigh-ranking officials.

At the meeting, the President and the ThaiPrime Minister focused on strengthening mutualfriendship and relations and boosting trade andinvestment. — MNA

President U Thein Sein meets PrimeMinister Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thai-

land at Jakarta Convention Centre(JCC) in Jakarta.—MNA

President of the Republic of the Unionof Myanmar U Thein Sein shakes hands

with Prime Minister Mr. AbhisitVejjajiva of the Kingdom of Thailand.


NAY PYI TAW, 10 May — The openingceremony of Proficiency Course No. (1/2011) forofficers of Budget Department of the Ministry ofFinance and Revenue was held at the ministry herethis morning, with an opening address by UnionMinister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Tun.

The five-week course is being attended by51 trainees.—MNA

Proficiency course for officersof Budget Dept opened

Union Minister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Tun addresses opening ceremony of ProficiencyCourse No (1/2011) for officers of Budget Department.—MNA

Union Home AffairsMinister receives British

AmbassadorNAY PYI TAW, 10 May— With the aim of

cementing bilateral friendship between the Repub-lic of the Union of Myanmar and Britain, BritishAmbassador to Myanmar Mr. Andrew RichardHeyn called on Union Minister for Home AffairsLt-Gen Ko Ko at the minister’s office here thisevening.—MNA

Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Ko Ko receives British Ambassador to MyanmarMr. Andrew Richard Heyn.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 7

President U Thein Sein attends ASEAN meetings in Jakarta

NAY PYI TAW,10 May—President ofthe Republic of the Unionof Myanmar U TheinSein attended the meetingbetween Heads of State/Government of ASEANcountries and represen-tatives of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly(AIPA), the informalmeeting betweenASEAN leaders andyouth representatives andthe informal meetingbetween ASEAN leadersand representatives ofCivil Society Orga-nizations held at JakartaConvention Centre (JCC)Merak Room-1 on 7 Mayafternoon.

At 2 pm, President UThein Sein attended themeeting between Headsof State/Government ofASEAN countries andrepresentatives of AIPA.

At the meeting,ASEAN Alternate

Chairman IndonesianPresident Dr SusiloBambang Yudhoyonoextended greetings andexplained matters relatedto transition from AIPAto People-CenteredASEAN and closecooperation betweenASEAN and AIPA.

Next, the AIPArepresentatives discussedcontinued cooperationbetween ASEAN andAIPA, bridging theeconomic developmentgap between the ASEANregion, realization of UNMillenium DevelopmentGoals, food and energysecurity, risk mana-gement, protection ofwomen and children,settlement of disputes ina peaceful way,cooperation in the issueof climate change andpromoting of humanrights in the ASEANregion. Then, the Heads

of Sate/Government ofASEAN cordiallydiscussed their views.

President U TheinSein attended the in-formal meeting betweenASEAN leaders andyouth representatives at3.30 pm.

At the meeting,ASEAN AlternateChairman IndonesianPresident said that theemergence of ASEAN

Community in 2015cannot rely solely ongovernments but it alsodepends on cooperationof the peoples of ASEANcountries. Programmeson education, creativeindustry and culture arebeing carried out for thecommon interest ofASEAN nations. Andthese tasks will facilitatethe emergence of People-centered ASEAN.

resources, job creationsand promoting of healthcare and cooperation inimportant regionalissues.

Next, the represen-tatives discussed mattersrelated to maritimesecurity, risk manage-ment, climate change,cooperation in food andenergy security, ensuringpeople with low-incomegain access to health care,poverty reduction,addressing armedconflicts in a peacefulway, prevention ofsexual ly- t ransmit teddiseases and makingpregnancy safer andreproduction andprevention of violenceagainst women.

Then, the Heads ofState/Government andrepresentatives of CSOscordially discussed theirviews.


A & I Ministry to assist farmers withboosting quality and quantity of crops

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May—UnionMinister for Agriculture and IrrigationU Myint Hlaing called for assistancefor farmers on calculation of domesticand foreign market demand at firstwork coordination meeting ondevelopment of agricultural sector ofthe country, hosted by his ministryhere yesterday.

Deputy Minister U Ohn Thanexplained reform of national-level

Union Minister for Agricultureand Irrigation U Myint Hlaing

speaking at coordinationmeeting.—MNA

agricultural development committeeand its work plans. Deputy Minister UKhin Zaw discussed anti-flood andland reclamation work committee andprioritized works.

The Union minister and deputyministers, departmental headsobserved pre-mechanized farming500-acre model farmland inNyaungbingyi Village, PobbathiriTownship, Nay Pyi Taw District. They

also visited integrated farm andsugarcane plantation in ZeyathiriTownship and Pyinmana Township.


President U Thein Sein at informal meeting between ASEAN leaders and youth representatives .—MNA

President U Thein Sein attends informal meeting between ASEAN leaders and representatives ofCivil Society Organizations.—MNA

Next, the youthrepresentatives said theysupport the establishmentof ASEAN community andthey will try to promote thesectors of leadership,creative industry, ex-change of visits betweenASEAN youths andcultural exchange. Then,the ASEAN leaders andthe ASEAN Secretary-General discussed theirviews. Later, President UThein Sein attended theinformal meeting betweenASEAN leaders andrepresentatives of CivilSociety Organizations.

At the meeting, theIndonesian Presidentdiscussed emergence ofunconventional globalchallenges, cooperationbetween governmentsand social organizationsin acquiring theobjectives of 2015ASEAN Community,development of human

Regional development undertakingsin Sagaing Region inspected

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May— Sagaing Region ChiefMinister U Tha Aye visitedDiesel Locomotive Shed(Ywahtaung) in Sagaing

on 7 May.The Chief Minister

inspected No (3) inter-district gravel road andproduction process at

wood-based factory,Kaung Sein WeavingFactory and ShweMyanmar Foundry inSagaing Industrial Zone.

He also oversaw new 200-bed Sagaing TownshipPeople’s Hospital whichis under construction.

On 8 May, the ChiefMinister looked intorenovation of MahaSikhongyi Pagoda inSagaing and site chosenfor construction of Sasana

Beikmandaw, andobserved nursery ofSunnamani Kaung-hmudaw Pagoda.

In the afternoon, hevisited People’s Hospitalin ChaungU Townshipwhere he presented cashassistance for the twinsisters weighed nine

pounds and ten ounces.Next, the Chief

Minister called for betterhealth care standard inmeeting with health staff,committee members ofadministration board ofthe hospital andtownselders at thehospital.—MNA

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

NAY PYI TAW, 10May — President ofthe Republic of theUnion of Myanmar UThein Sein attended adinner hos ted byPresident of the Re-public of Indonesia Dr.Susi lo BambangYudhoyono and wifeat Assembly Hall ofthe Jakarta Conven-tion Centre (JCC) inJakarta of Indonesia at7 pm on 7 May.

Together withthe Pres ident wereSultan Haji HassanalBolkiah MuizzaddinWaddaulah of BruneiDarussalam, Pr imeMinister Samdech HunSen of Cambodia ,Pr ime Minis ter Mr.Thongsing Tham-

President U Thein Sein attends dinner hostedby Indonesian President and wife

mavong of Lao Peo-ple’s Democrat icRepubl ic , Pr imeMinis ter Dato Sr iMohammad Najib BinTun Abdul Razak ofMalaysia , Pres identMr. Benigno Aquinoof the Republic of thePhi l ippines , SeniorMinister Professor SJayakumar on behalfof Prime Minister Mr.Lee Hsien Loong ofthe Republic of Singa-pore, Prime MinisterMr.Abhisit Vejjajivaof Thai land, Pr imeMinister Mr. NguyenTan Dung of the So-cialist Republic of Vi-etnam, Union Ministerfor Foreign Affairs ofthe Republic of theUnion of Myanmar U

Wunna Maung Lwin,Union Minister for Na-t ional Planning andEconomic Develop-ment U Tin NaingThein , the deputyministers and seniordepartmental officials,

ministers of ASEANcountr ies , h igh-ranking off ic ia ls ,ASEAN Secre tary-Genera l Dr . Sur inPitsuwan, ASEAN per-manent representa-tives and guests.

First, the Indo-nesian President andwife cordially greetedPresident U Thein Seinand Heads of State/Government ofASEAN countries.

Next, the Indo-nes ian Pres ident ,Heads of State/Gov-ernment of ASEANcountr ies and theASEAN Secre tary-

Genera l posed fordocumentary photos.

Then the dinnerfollowed at AssemblyHall where IndonesianPresident Dr. SusiloBambang Yudhoyonoextended greetings.

Afterwards, theIndonesian Presidentand wife hosted dinnerto Heads of Sta te /Government ofASEAN countries andguests.

During thedinner, the Indonesianorchestra entertainedthose present wi thsongs.


Myanmar President

U Thein Sein and


Dr. Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono pose for

documentary photo

before the dinner.


Heads of State/Government of ASEAN countries pose for documentary photo at the dinner hosted by Indonesian President Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and wife.—MNA

Indonesian President Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono delivers an address at the dinner at Assembly Hall of Jakarta ConventionCentre.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 9


NAY PYI TAW, 10 May—The Steering Committeefor Making Arrangements for Hosting the XXVIISEA Games held its first meeting at the MyanmarInternational Convention Centre (MICC) here thisafternoon, with an address by Patron of the SteeringCommittee Vice-President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham.

In his speech, the Vice-President said thatMyanmar will host the XXVII SEA Games in NayPyi Taw in December 2013. The biannual gameshave been held since 1959. So far, Myanmar hashosted them two times: in 1961 and 1969. Due tovarious reasons, Myanmar will host the games for thethird time in 44 years. To host such games is a sourceof national honour.

The functions of the Steering Committee thatalso comprises Union ministers and deputy Unionministers are: (1) to host SEA Games successfully,(2) to raise funds in line with financial rules, (3) tobuild sports grounds and lodging houses on schedule,(4) to win victory in all the games Myanmar willparticipate in, and (5) to hold the opening and closingceremonies on a grand scale in accordance withMyanmar traditions.

Under the Steering Committee are subcommittees— Subcommittee for Building Sports Grounds andGymnasiums chaired by Chairman of Nay Pyi TawCouncil Mayor; Subcommittee for Ensuring Victoryand Training Chaired by the Union Minister for Sports;and Subcommittee for Opening and ClosingCeremonies chaired by the Union Minister for Culture.

All those responsible to try with allseriousness for another milestone in

Myanmar history of hosting SEA GamesSteering Committee for Making Arrangements for Hosting the XXVII SEA Games meets

In addition, other subcommittees such as security,fund raising, health, transport, accommodation,reception, management, awarding and recordingsubcommittees will be formed as necessary.

The building of sports grounds and gyms is inprogress. Zabuthiri Stadium and Zeyathiri Stadium,each of which has 30,000-seating capacity, are beingbuilt, and so are gymnasiums and swimming polls.

He called for sector-wise reports on the buildingof more high-standard gymnasiums and a 5200seating capacity sports village, and other managementbuildings. It is required to camp talented athletes forthe games to bring honour to the motherland .Myanmar has planned to organize 30 sports events.Myanmar stood first with 104 medals in the 1961SEA Games, and with 149 medals in 1969 SEAGames, indicating that Myanmar emerged championevery time it hosted SEA Games.

All those responsible are to try with all serious-ness for another milestone in the Myanmar history ofhosting SEA Games.

SEA Games commemorative logos and mas-cots, posters, Websites, pamphlets, tracksuits, prizetoys, and logos and mascots featuring in souvenirsare to reflect the national character.

Arrangements are to be made in advance forsmoothly organizing sports games, meeting the stand-ards set by the International Sports Federation, andinstalling sports equipment in time.

He spoke of the need for training enough number

of young interpreters for the sports teams fromcontestant countries, and training referees and juriesat home and abroad for getting ISO certificates.

In conclusion, he urged those responsible forsuccessfully holding the XXVII SEA Games toexercise the President’s guidelines such astransparency, undertaking, working in accordancewith the law, and putting public desire at the forefrontas fundamental principles, and instructions given bythe Steering Committee: to host XXVII SEA Gameson a grand scale, to set another milestone in theMyanmar’s sports history, and to show athletes andguests from various countries that Myanmar peopleare by nature very polite, hospitable and kind-hearted.

Chairman of the Steering Committee Union Min-ister for Sports and for Hotels and Tourism U TintHsan reported on participation and medals won byMyanmar in previous SEA Games, the 30 sportsevents and gold medals for XXVII SEA Games,requirements of sports grounds and gyms to be built,sports grounds and gyms under construction, pro-posed sports events, more sports grounds and gymsand management buildings to be constructed, hallsthat needs renovation, daily programmes in the MICC,formation of the Steering Committee andsubcommittees, samples of logos and mascots,nomination for interpreters and referees and juries,requirements of sports equipment, daily schedulesand scrutinization for main sponsors and co-sponsors.

(See page 10)

18th ASEAN Summit Plenary Session at Cendrawasih Hall of Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC) in progress.(News on page 16)—MNA

Patron of the Steering Committee for Making Arrangements for Hosting the XXVII SEA GamesVice-President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham addresses coordination meeting of the committee.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

True patriotism

* It is very important for every-

one of the nation regardless of

the place he lives to have strong

Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the true

patriotism all the nationalities

will have to safeguard.

(from page 9)Vice-Chairman of the Steering Committee

Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council U Thein Nyuntreported on conditions of the buildings being builtby Nay Pyi Taw Special Projects Group and targetsof completion of the buildings by December 2012,the building of high-standard football grounds andswimming pool, volleyball court, bowling alley,billiard hall, tennis court, basketball gym, archeryground and sports villages in the sport complex,arrangements for completion of the projects onschedule, and hotels being built in Nay Pyi Taw.

Chairman of the Subcommittee for Openingand Closing Ceremonies Union Minister forInformation and for Culture U Kyaw Hsan reported

All those responsible to trywith all seriousness …

on arrangements for receiving SEA Games Flag inIndonesia at the Closing Ceremony of the XXVISEA Games in Indonesia in 2011 in accordancewith the three objectives: to bring honour to thenation through entertainment programmes, not tolag behind other countries, and to show position tohost SEA Games, 16 proposed schedules for theOpening Ceremony and 17 proposed schedulesfor the Closing Ceremony, sending a delegation tostudy the arrangements for SEA Games inIndonesia, and selection of logos and mascots.Other attendees held sector-wise discussions forsuccessfully hosting of the XXVII SEA Games.

The Vice-President assessed the reports,calling on respective sports federations and relateddepartments to make renovations to show thecharacters of the whole Myanmar society such asunity, systematization, team spirit, politeness andhonesty.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 10May — The Coordination

Factories need to be cleanand green

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May — Union Minister forDefence Maj-Gen Hla Min received BritishAmbassador to Myanmar Mr. Andrew RichardHeyn at his office here this afternoon.


Union Defence MinisterMaj-Gen Hla Min receives

British Ambassador

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May — UnionMinister for Border Affairs Maj-GenThein Htay received United NationsWorld Food Programme ResidentCoordinator and Representative Mr.Carlos Alberto Veloso at the ministry

Union Border Affairs Minister receivesWFP Resident Coordinator

here this afternoon.They frankly discussed matters

related to improving food productionin border areas to gear up thedevelopment of the areas.


Union Minister U Soe Thein delivers address at Coordination Meeting No. (1/2011). —MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 10May—Chief Minister ofKachin State U La JohnNgan Hsai inspected landpreparation for monsoon

Kachin State Chief Ministerinspects development

of Tanai regionNAY PYI TAW, 10 May—

Myanmar Food Stuff Exhibition,organized by Myanmar Argo-basedFood Exporters Association, will beheld at Tatmadaw Convention Hallfrom 3 to 5 June in Yangon. A total of

Myanmar Food Stuff Exhibition on 3-5 June

Meeting No. (1/2011) ofIndustrial DevelopmentCommittee was held at theauditorium of the Ministryof Industry-2 here thismorning.

Union Minister forIndustry-2 U Soe Theincalled for the developmentof government- andprivate-owned enterprises,running in full capacity offactories and workshopsin industrial zones andencouraging small andmedium enterprises.

The Union ministeralso highlighted the

implementation of lightindustry, heavy industry,import substitutionindustry, export orientedindustry, labour intensiveindustry and capitalintensive industry.

To make thefactories to become cleanand green tech ones, tofocus on energyconservation, energysaving, renewable energyand environmentalconservation and toimplement integratedindustries are needed, theminister said.—MNA

paddy in Phakant regionon 5 May. He alsoinspected construction ofWahrazwat bridge, tapiocaplantation and tapioca

starch powder factory ofYuzana company.

In the evening, theChief Minister proceededto Tanai. There, he lookedinto road work and No.2Basic Education MiddleSchool. On 6 May, theChief Minister met withdepartments, townseldersand social organizations

at Hukaung hall in Tanai.MNA

150 booths will be on show at theexhibition. The aims of the exhibitionare to develop domestic food stuffindustry and to sell more foodstuff todomestic and foreign markets.


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Chinese twins born in single body withtwo heads

BEIJING, 10 May—A hospital in southwestern China says conjoined twinbaby girls with a single body and two heads have been born at its facility.

A staffer surnamed Wang at Suining City Central Hospital in Sichuanprovince says the girls were born Thursday.

Wang said Tuesday that the parents, who are farmers, did not want tohave the babies at first, fearing they could not afford to keep them alive. Shesaid they transferred the twins to a hospital in the nearby metropolis ofChongqing to be examined by experts. According to the local HuaxiMetropolis Daily, the twins weighed 9 pounds (4 kilogrammes) and measured20 inches (51 centimetres). They have two spines, two esophaguses andshare other organs. Doctors were quoted as saying it would be nearlyimpossible to separate them.—Internet

In this photo taken on9 May, 2011, medical

workers attend toconjoined twin babies

with a single bodyand two heads born

on 5 May in ahospital in Suining

City in southwesternChina’s Sichuan


Two dead in crash of two private planesin US state of New York

MIDDLETOWN, 10May—Two people werekilled and a third injuredon Monday in anapparent mid-aircollision of two single-engine aircraft inOrange County, nearMiddletown in the USstate of New York,authorities said.

New York StatePolice in Middletowntold Xinhua the aircraftwere found inWaywayanda, nearMiddletown, about 100kilometres north of NewYork City shortly before3 pm EDT. The firstaircraft reported downwas found near theintersection of county

routes 12 and 37, whilethe second went downin a nearby heavilywooded area. TheNational Transportationand Safety Boarddispatched a team toinvestigate, a spokes-man in Washington toldXinhua.

“Preliminary indi-cations are it was a mid-air collision,” ArleneSalac, a spokeswomanfor the Federal AviationAdministration atKennedy InternationalAirport in New YorkCity, told Xinhua.

Wreckage of the firstaircraft, a single-enginePiper PA28 registered

to Edward Crump ofBoonton, New Jersey,was found at 1443County Route 12,Waywayanda.

The second aircraft,a Piper PA24 registeredto Gary L Delia ofSussex, New Jersey,was found in nearbywoods. There werereports that it hadcaught fire. Salac, whosaid identities of thevictims had not beenreleased, added that astate police helicopterresponding to reports ofthe first plane downspotted wreckage of thesecond in the woods.




WELLINGTON, 10May— A large aftershockrocked the quake-strickenNew Zealand City ofChristchurch earlyTuesday.

The 5.3 magnitudequake hit at 3.04 am localtime (15:04 GMTMonday) and wascentered in Rolleston, 20km west of Christchurch,at a depth of just over 14km.

Residents describedthe quake as “violent” and“brutal”, TVNZ reported.

G e o l o g i c a lmonitoring networkGeoNet said the quakewas the eighth biggestsince the 4 Sept, 2010earthquake and the fourthbiggest since the 22 Febtremor that killed at least181 people.

Seismologists said thesize of the quake meantsome homes might havereceived minor damage,TVNZ reported. Policesaid they had no reportsof injuries or damage.

It was the 25th

earthquake measuring 5or more on the Richterscale in Christchurch overthe past six months.


Restoration work is in progress after a passenger train from Mumbai toPratapgarh, 12173Dn Udyog Nagari express derailed from the track atSorai station near Vidisha, in the Indian central state Madhya Pradesh,on 9 May, 2011. At least 30 people were injured when a train derailed

here on Monday, officials said. —XINHUA

Strong tremor jolted southern PhilippinesCOTABATO, 10 May

— A 5.8 magnitudeearthquake jolted Min-danao island in sou-thern Philippines earlyTuesday, the US Geol-ogical Survey said.

The quake hit at 3:13am local time (19:13GMT Monday) with theepicenter located 160kilometres eastsoutheast of GeneralSantos City at the depthof 35 kilometres.

Officials are stilldetermining if there weredamages brought aboutby the quake.

The Philippines sitsin the so-called PacificRing of Fire, an areawhere continental platescollide producing fre-

Tropical storm Aere kills15 in Philippines

MANILA, 10 May— Fifteen people were killedand nearly 70,000 people were forced from theirhomes as tropical storm Aere pummelled thePhilippines, the government said Tuesday.

The death toll from Aere, which hit on Sunday,was raised from nine, with six more people reportedkilled in floods, landslides and road accidents, theNational Disaster Risk Reduction and ManagementCentre said.

However, after two days of heavy rains acrossthe main island of Luzon, the storm had weakenedand was exiting the northern Philippines on Tuesdaymorning, according to the national weather bureau.

“(The storm) is moving away from the countryin a north, northeast direction,” the bureau said,adding it was expected to move close to Japan’ssouthwest coast by Thursday. It said Aere’smaximum sustained winds had fallen to 65kilometres (40.3 miles) an hour, from 85 kilometres(52.7 miles) an hour on Sunday. The disasteragency said that nearly 70,000 people had beenforced to leave their storm-hit homes on Luzon,and the initial estimate of damages to the farmingsector was more than $2.7 million.—Internet

People watch as waves slam into a seawall at theManila coastal community of Navotas. Fifteen

people were killed and nearly 70,000 wereforced from their homes as tropical storm Aerepummelled the Philippines, the government said


Trash floats in a flooded street on 9 May, 2011,in Memphis, Tenn. The flooded MississippiRiver could crest as early as Monday night.


quent earthquakes andvolcanic activities.

The worst earth-quake in the countryhappened on 16 August,1976 after a tsunami

caused by a quake killedbetween 5,000 and8,000 people in the MoroGulf Region in southernPhilippines.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011


Consignees of cargo carried on MV WEST SCENTVOY NO (11008S) are hereby notified that the vesselwill be arriving on 11.5.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S T S LINES LIMITEDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV GENIUSSTAR VII VOY NO (6) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 11.5.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W-2 where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTARUKUN VOY NO (583) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 11.5.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV BUNGA MAS 12 VOY NO (147) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 11.5.2011 and cargo willbe discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subjectto the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final dischargeof cargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Photo taken on 8 May, 2011 shows the scenery ofWest Lake in Hangzhou, capital of east China’sZhejiang Province. United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’sWorld Heritage Committee planed to consider theinscription of 40 more natural and cultural proper-ties into the World Heritage List, including two from

China, namely West Lake Cultural Landscape inHangzhou,WUdalianchi National Park in northeast

China’s Heilongjiang Province.— XINHUA

Photo taken on 9 May, 2011, shows agold buckle with dragon and tiger

designs unearthed in an ancient nobletomb in Guangnan County, southwest

China’s Yunnan Province. The Yunnanprovincial archaeological institute andthe Guangnan government on Monday

jointly announced that the tombsdiscovered in Heizhiguo Township of

Guangnan County are cand even royaltombs of the ancient Gouding kingdomunder the rule of the Han Dynasty (202


Victory Day military parade held on Red Square

Russian military band perform at RedSquare during the Victory Day military

parade in Moscow on 9 May, 2011.XINHUA

US first full face transplant patient makesfirst public appearance

Computerreliance may

lower children’sdevelopment and

creativityCANBERRA, 10 May —

Technology may have aharmful effect on chil-dren’s development andcreativity, Australia’s re-port found on Tuesday.

The Pilot Pen Aus-tralia Creativity Reportfound that children couldbe depending too muchon technology such ascomputers. Written bypsychologist KimberleyO’Brien, the report sug-gested that students arebecoming scared of hand-written tasks as there isno spelling or grammarcheck tool to pick up theirmistakes as they goalong.

“Children who de-velop this kind of de-pendency on computersoftware are less likely towrite using a pen and pa-per given that they willfeel a vulnerability to fail-ure,” the report said.

XinhuaPiece of Titanicup for auction

DALLAS, 10 May—Apiece of the hull of thesunken liner Titanic willgo up for auction in Dal-las, with some of the pro-ceeds earmarked for acharity, auction officialssaid. Portions of the shipitself, which is strictly pro-tected, are virtually non-existent in the privatemarket but the 4-by-7 inchpiece of the hull beingauctioned was part of the“crackage” of the greatliner, which separatedfrom the vessel as it brokein two and was recoveredsome distance from thewreck, a release from Her-itage Auctions said onMonday.—Internet

BEIJING, 10 May—America’s first fullface transplant recipient, Dallas Wiens,made his first public appearance at theBrigham and Women’s Hospital in Bos-ton, according to media reports on Tues-day. Sporting a goatee and dark sun-glasses, Wiens, the 25-year-old FortWorth, Texas, man, said on Monday hisnew face feels natural just weeks after a15-hour procedure that gave him a nose,lips, skin, muscle and nerves.

Wiens said he was able to smell againand breathe through his nose normally,adding his 4-year-old daughter told himwhen she saw him after the operation:“Daddy, you’re so handsome.” Wienslost all of his features and eyesight in No-vember 2008 after hitting a power linewhile painting a church and underwent

the transplant in March, 2011. The op-eration was paid for by the US Depart-ment of Defence which gave the hospi-tal a 3.4 million dollar research grant forfive transplants.

Surgeons said the transplant was notable to restore his sight, and some nerveswere so badly damaged from his injurythat he will probably have only partialsensation on his left cheek and the leftside of his forehead. —Xinhua

MOSCOW, 10 May—A militaryparade marking the 66th anniversaryof the Soviet victory over Nazi in theGreat Patriotic War was held on Mos-cow’s Red Square on Monday.About 20,000 soldiers and cadetswere matching through the squareas Russian President DmitryMedvedev, Prime Minister VladimirPutin, foreign guests and hundredsof war veterans watched from a po-dium in front of Lenin’s mausoleum.

According to local media, 200 offic-ers from Russia’s Space Force partici-pated into the V-Day parade for the firsttime. Over 100 pieces of military hard-ware, including Topol-M ballistic mis-sile launchers, S-400 Triumph air defencemissiles and Iskander-M missilelaunchers, were also displayed in themarch pass. A group of Mi-8 multirolehelicopters flew over the Red Squareduring the parade, carrying Russian stateand military flags.— Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 13

News Album

A chef makes dessertduring a food festivalin Brussels, Belgium,on 8 May, 2011. The

3rd Brussels foodfestival was held herefrom 6 to 8 May with

the participation ofwell-known chefs from

all over the world.

Convict disguised as womanrecaptured in Egypt

An escaped Egyptianprisoner was recapturedas he fled a policeambush disguised as awoman in the Suez canalcity of Ismailia, securitysources said on Saturday.

Adel MohammedDasouqi, 35, escapedfrom Cairo’s Abu Zaabalprison earlier this yearwhile serving a three-yearsentence for robbery andextortion.

He was accused ofusing fierce dogs to force

shopkeepers and otherpeople to pay himprotection money.

Dasouqi was injuredwhen he tried to escapeby jumping from the thirdfloor of a building aspolice closed in onThursday, the securitysources said.

They said he wasdressed in a woman’soutfit, including a burqathat covers the face.

“He suffered brokenarms and legs. He is now

being held at a militaryprison,” one source said.

It was the secondtime that security forceshave recaptured himsince he broke out of AbuZaabal during the chaosthat accompanied theuprising that oustedPresident Hosni Mubarakon 11 February. He wascaptured about a monthago but managed toescape from an Ismailiaprison hospital where hewas being held.

Too short’ NYC woman seeks 12m dollars forfiring her from job

A 4-foot-8 Bronxwoman has sued a cityjob counselor for firingher from her gig as aParks Department janitorin Queens because hethought she was too shortto do the job.

In a lawsuit filed lastweek against the city andcounselor Louis Marchi,Sandra Petersen hasclaimed the counselorgot her booted fromParks, and she is nowseeking 12 milliondollars in damages foralleged discrimination.

Petersen, 51, said shenever had a problem atwork until she askedMarchi about switchingher assignment.

“I could do the job.The managers really likedme and know I workedhard,” she told The NewYork Post.

Peterson landed thesix-month, subsidizedcity job in June, a positionthat was later extendedby several months.

But she hoped towork as a home healthaide, and wanted todiscuss the change withMarchi.

“He said: ‘’You’’retoo short. Are you sureyou’’re working forParks?’’ Petersen recalledfrom their first meeting.

“I lost sleep. I lostappetite. I was crying. Iwas going out of my mind.I felt humiliated,” shesaid.

UK border agency rediscovers Einstein’simmigration papers after 80 years

Border chiefs at London’s Heathrow Airport have been leftstunned by the discovery of immigration papers belonging toGerman-born scientist Albert Einstein that go back to the time heescaped dramatically from Nazi Germany almost 80 years ago.

The landing card marks the legendary scientist’’s arrival inthe United Kingdom. Einstein was Jewish and escaped toEngland with a bounty on his head as an enemy of AdolfHitler’’s regime, the Daily Mail reports.

According to the smudged document, the ‘’father of modernphysics’’ arrived at Dover on 26 May,1933 from Ostende,Belgium. He describes his occupation as a professor and beingof Swiss nationality. On the reverse, Einstein states to immigrationofficers that he is bound for Oxford.

The major historical find will now go on display at Liverpool’’sMerseyside Maritime Museum after curators snapped it up.

Whitney Houston voluntarilyenters rehab

NEW YORK, 10 May—Whitney Houston is backin rehab.

A representative forthe superstar singerconfirmed Monday thatHouston is undergoingtreatment. Kristen Fostersays Houston is in anout-patient programmefor drug and alcoholtreatment. She says it is avoluntary measure andpart of Houston’s “long-standing” recoveryprocess.

The 47-year-old, oneof the most successfulsingers in pop musichistory, has battledproblems with drugaddiction for years. Butin 2009, as she releaseda comeback album, shedeclared herself healthyand clean. However, her2010 tour overseas wastroubled: Houstoncanceled some dates dueto illness and receivednegative reviews fromfans who were disappo-inted in the quality of her

Singer WhitneyHouston.

“Thor” hits Chinese cinemas

A poster of the film“Thor.”—INTERNET

voice and performance.Earlier this year, she gavean uneven performancein tribute to cousin DionneWarwick at music mogulClive Davis’ annual pre-Grammy gala.

It’s unclear howlong Houston will be inrehab or where she’sbeing treated; Foster hadno further comment.However, Houston hasbeen visible recently:Last week, she sang onstage with Chaka Khanduring Prince’s concertin Los Angeles.


BEIJING, 10 May—Hollywood epic fantasyfilm “Thor” based on thelegend of a superherolanded in Chinese theaterson 2D and 3D screens onSunday, sohu.comreports.

“Thor” by directorKenneth Branagh, isadapted from the MarvelComics series about thelegendary Norse warrior“Thor” and god ofthunder. Strong box office

draw Natalie Portman,Anthony Hopkins andChris Hemsworth head-line the big-budget movie.

The Marvel film is adeparture for Branagh,whose previous directingcredits include an adapta-tion of Shakespeare’sHamlet and As You LikeIt.

Friday’s opening inNorth America will alsomark the official start of asimmering box office

summer season that willamass smash hit franchise“Kung Fu Panda 2,”“Pirates of the Caribbean4” and “Transformers 3.”

Reportedly, Chinesetheaters expect to grossbox office takings withthe imported 2D original.The enthusiasm of manymoviegoers had beendented because the 3Dversion will be dubbedinto Chinese.


‘‘Love for Life” to hit big screen Leading actors AaronKwok(R) and Zhang Ziyipose for photography on

a Press conference topromote their new movie

“Love for Life” bydirector Gu Changwei,

Sunday in Shanghai, on 8May. —XINHUA

BEIJING, 10 May—GuChangwei’s latest film,“Love for Life” held anews conference inShanghai on Sunday.Actors Zhang Ziyi,Aaron Kwok and JiangWenli were present alongwith the director.

Female lead, ZhangZiyi, shared how sheplayed the role with herheart and soul during aninterview.

Talking about a nudescene, she said, “I cando anything for the

movie.”Zhang portrays a

village girl, who isinfected with the HIVvirus. She told the media,“I was deeply devotedto my role. It took mealmost one year to calmdown.”

In the movie, Zhangworked with several HIVsufferers for the first time.“He cried much after theshooting. I know thetears are for thediscrimination andmisunderstandings he

must deal with from thesociety. I feel very sorryfor him.”

At the end of thefilm, Zhang soakedherself in cold water,while she was naked tobring down the fever ofher husband. She saidshe felt no hesitationbeing naked, saying, “Iwill do the same thingfor my husband too. It’snot about sex. I can doanything for the movie.”

The film will hit thebig screens on 10 May.


Fireworksexplode inthe sky tocelebrate

thelaunchingof green

illuminateequipmentat Galileo

Observatoryin Buenos

Aires,Argentina,on 7 May,


10-5-2011 NL.pmd 5/11/2011, 6:48 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

Ferguson backs United to test BarcelonaRodriguez treble boosts Liverpool’s Euro charge

Sagna calls for Arsenal‘killer’ instinct

Real reach agreement to signSahin from Dortmund

Klitschko wants 50th career knockout against Haye

Simon piles more clay miseryon Roddick in Rome

Cycling rocked by Belgiancyclist’s death in Giro

Sir Alex Ferguson

Liverpool's Maxi Rodriguez (L)celebrates after scoring the fourthgoal of the match against Fulhamduring their premiership match at

home to Fulham at Craven Cottagefootball stadium, London.—INTERNET

LONDON, 10 May—Liverpool boostedtheir late challenge for a top four finishin the Premier League as MaxiRodriguez's hat-trick fired the Reds to a

5-2 victory against Fulham on Monday.Kenny Dalglish's side romped into athree-goal lead within the first 16 min-utes at Craven Cottage, with Rodriguezscoring twice before Fulham goalkeeperMark Schwarzer allowed Dirk Kuyt'sweak shot to squirm into the net.

Moussa Dembele got one back forFulham but Rodriguez struck again forhis second hat-trick in three games andLuis Suarez bagged the fifth goal tocomplete the demolition.

Steve Sidwell's late strike meant littleto Fulham and Liverpool's five-star dis-play lifted them above Tottenham infifth place and within four points offourth placed Manchester City in therace for the final Champions Leaguespot.—Internet

MANCHESTER, 10 May— Sir Alex Ferguson hasinsisted Barcelona will nothave it all their own waywhen they meet his Man-chester United side innext month's ChampionsLeague final at Wembley.While both teams are onthe brink of winning theirrespective domestic titlesit is Barcelona, who de-feated United in the 2009final, that are widely re-garded as the pre-eminentclub currently playing inEurope.

The Catalans boast thelikes of Xavi and Andres

Iniesta, two key playersin Spain's World Cup-winning side last year,while Lionel Messi isalready being hailed asone of football's all-timegreats. "Everyone has ac-knowledged how great ateam Barcelona are butManchester United are inthis final," Ferguson toldUS-based satellite radiostation Sirius XM. "Eve-ryone has said this is nota good Manchester


Dortmund's Turkishmidfielder Nuri Sahin

MADRID, 10 May—RealMadrid have reached anagreement to sign Ger-man-born Turkish inter-national Nuri Sahin fromBorussia Dortmund for sixseasons, the Spanish clubsaid on Monday. TheSpanish giants said the 22-year-old midfielder "has aknack for distributing theball as well as recoveringit."With a powerful leftfoot and an eye for ballplacement, he is also amaster at free-kicks," theclub added on its website.

Real gave no financialdetails but German mediaput the value of the trans-fer at around 10 millioneuros ($14 million). Sahin,

who was under contractwith the German side un-til 2013, made his leaguedebut with Dortmund in2005 when he becamethe youngest player toplay and score in theBundesliga at the age of16. He scored six goalsthis season to help Dort-mund win its firstBundesliga title since the2001/02 campaign.


Andy Roddick of the USserves against GillesSimon of France duringtheir match at the APTRome Open tennis tour

nament at the ForoItalico in Rome.


Chievo deal almost fatal blowto Juventus CL hopes

ROME, 10 May—Juventus hopes of qualifying fornext season's Champions League were virtually erasedon Monday after Chievo fought back from 2-0 down toforce a 2-2 draw with the Turin side. The draw - whichsaw the Juventus players booed off the pitch by theirhome fans - leaves the 'Old Lady' five points adrift ofUdinese, who occupy the fourth and final ChampionsLeague spot with just two matches remaining.

Juventus coach Luigi Delneri said his side hadsuffered a momentary blackout when they concededthe two goals in just over a minute. "We have paid a highprice for a minute's madness, there was a blackout," saidDelneri. —Internet

NASCAR walking fine line inpolicing its policy

Heavyweight boxers, WBA championDavid Haye of Britain (R) and IBF

and WBO titleholder VladimirKlitschko of Ukraine (L).— INTERNET

In this 10 May, 2010 filephoto, Belgium's WouterWeylandt receives thekiss of the race hostessesafter winning the thirdstage of the Giro d'Italia,Tour of Italy cyclingrace, from Amsterdamto Middelburg, the Neth erlands.—INTERNET

HAMBURG, 10 May—World heavy-weight champion Vladimir Klitschko isconfident he can unleash his 50th careerknockout punch against WBA cham-pion Briton David Haye in July. "I really

want that 50th knockout. It is like a goldennumber," Klitschko, who holds the WBO,IBF and IBO belts, said on Monday.

"I really respect him. He is a greatboxer with an impressive record but I willbe well prepared. David Haye is going tobe my 50th knockout," the Ukrainianadded after refusing to shake hands withHaye during the joint press conference.

Klitschko and his brother Vitaly, whoholds the WBC belt, twice had fights withHaye called off in the past two years afterthey failed to agree on the details for themuch-awaited unification fight. Haye hasa career record of 25-1 with 23 knockoutswith Vladimir Klitschko at 55-3 and 49knockouts.— Internet

Bacary Sagna

LONDON, 10 May—Bacary Sagna hasaccused his Arsenal team-mates of being "too nice"and urged them totoughen up in pursuit ofsilverware. The Gunnersare set for a sixthsuccessive season with-out a trophy after a 3-1defeat away to Stoke onSunday ended theiralready fading Premier

League title hopes.Arsenal's weakness at

defending setpieces wasexposed again when anunmarked KenwyneJones bundled in Stoke'sopening goal and Sagnasaid such errors wouldhave to be eliminated ifthe north London club ,who beat champions-electManchester United 1-0last time out, were to winthe title next season.

"We are too nice. Wehave to fight a bit more.We have to push them asmuch as they push us andbe a bit more killer," full-back Sagna told ArsenalTV Online.— Internet

ROME, 10 May—France's Gilles Simon piledmore clay court misery onAmerican Andy Roddickto advance to the secondround of the Rome Inter-national ATP-WTAtournament here on Mon-

day. The player from Nicecame away 6-3, 6-3 win-ner against the number 12seed and next meets eitherArgentine Ignacio Chelaor American John Isnerfor a place in the nextround.

"I played a good matchin difficult windy condi-tions," said Simon. "Evenif Andy is more at ease onthis fast surface, 6-3, 6-3against him, for me, it's avery good result. I've beenplaying good tennis forsome weeks." ForRoddick it was a secondfirst round clay-court exitin as many weeks afterfalling a week ago at theMadrid Open.—Internet

United team, that we arenot this or that.—Internet

CHARLOTTE, 10 May—The boys, it seems, arestill having at it, andNASCAR, to no sur-prise, still has no definedline on its year-oldpolicy of letting driverssettle their own scores.That's the conundrumNASCAR leaders facedMonday as they huddledto review a pair of week-end altercations atDarlington Raceway thatraised attention to the rat-ings-challenged series,but tested the limits ofjust how far feuds shouldbe permitted to play out.

The first, between JuanPablo Montoya and RyanNewman, happened be-hind closed doors withonly NASCAR's top offi-cials present to witness aFriday meeting that "did

not go as well as we hadhoped." Rumor has it thatNewman punchedMontoya in the meeting,a claim neither driverwould confirm or deny.


reach, Belgian cyclistWouter Weylandt lost con-trol of his bike for just asplit second. In a sportwhere the smallest mis-take can have catastrophicconsequences, it provedlethal.

Weylandt tumbled tohis death Monday in adownhill crash during thethird stage of the Girod'Italia, with the riders go-ing 40 mph to 50 mph atthe time. It was the firstfatality at the Italian race in25 years and the first at oneof the sport's showcasetours in 16 years.—Internet

MILAN, 10 May—Hur-tling down an Italian moun-tain pass at a speed thatonly a car would normally

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Tuesday, 10th May, 2011

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOversea Transmission - (11-5-11 09:30 am ~

12-5-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Thahtay Chaung Hydropower* News* Those Who Never Give Up (Episode-5)

Shwe Min Thar Foundation* News* Myanmar-China Border Trade Fair 2011* Inlay Traditional Cotton Clothes* News* Glimpse at the Architecture

(The Dhammayangyi)* One Day Trip to Sanka Village

Oversea Transmission* Opening* News* Thahtay Chaung Hydropower* News* Those Who Never Give Up (Episode-5)

Shwe Min Thar Foundation* News* Myanmar-China Border Trade Fair 2011* Inlay Traditional Cotton Clothes* News* Glimpse at the Architecture

(The Dhammayangyi)* One Day Trip to Sanka Village* News* Lannakha Waterfall* Music Gallery* News* Mother of Pearl Arts and Handicrafts* Myanmar Physically Handicapped

Association* News* AGE Transformer Industry* News* Travelogue “Visitation to

Mawlamyine”(Part-I)* Myanmar Movie “New Bosom”


Programme Schedule(11-5-2011) (Wednesday)


11 May

View on today123456789012123456789012

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly

Region MissionarySayadaw

7:15 am 2. Dhamma Puja


7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song7:50 am 6. Health Programme8:00 am 7. Cultural Dances8:10 am 8. Myanmar Traditional

Cultural performingArts Competitions

8:20 am 9. Teleplay (Health)8:30 am10. Song Of National

Races8:40 am11. International News8:45 am12. Musical Programme

3:30 pm 1. Myanmar National

League MNL GrandRoyal Cup 2011(Delay) (Nay Pyi TawFC & RakhapuraUnited FC)

5:00 pm 2. Musical Programme5:10 pm 3. University Of Distance

Education(TV Lectures)

-SecondYear (Philosophy)

5:25 pm 4. Songs For

Upholding NationalSpirit

5:30 pm 5. Classical Songs5:40 pm 6. International

Science News

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershowers have beenisolated in Upper Sagaing Region and Chin State, scattered inMandalay, Magway and Bago Regions, Shan and RakhineStates, fairly widespread in Lower Sagaing Region and KayahState and widespread in the remaining Regions and States withRegionally heavy falls in Kayin and Mon States and isolatedheavy falls in Bago Region. Day temperatures were (4°C)above May average trmperatures in Upper Sagaing Region,(3°C) to (4°C) below May average temperatures in Mandalay,Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions, (5°C) to (6°C) below Mayaverage temperatures in Bago and Taninthayi Regions, MonState, (9°C) below May average temperatures in Kayin Stateand about May average temperatures in the remainingRegions and States. The significant day temperature wasChauk (41°C). The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recordedwere Ye (4.65) inches, Kawkareik (4.25) inches, Paung (4.13)inches, Hpa-an (3.27) inches, Zaungtu (3.11) inches, Loilin(2.76) inches, Myawady and Longlon (2.68) inches each andChaungson (2.36) inches.

Nay Pyi TawMaximum temperature on 9-5-2011 was 99°F. Minimum

temperature on 10-5-2011 was 78°F. Relative humidity at(09:30) hours MST on 10-5-2011 was (79%). Rainfall on10-5-2011 was (Nil).

Nay Pyi Taw (Airport)Maximum temperature on 9-5-2011 was 93°F. Minimum

temperature on 10-5-2011 was 75°F. Relative humidity at(09:30) hours MST on 10-5-2011 was (61%). Rainfall on10-5-2011 was (Nil) .

Rainfall on 10-5-2011 was (Nil) at Nay Pyi Taw, (0.39)inch at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (Tr) at Mandalay. Totalrainfall since 1-1-2011 was (10.79) inches at Nay Pyi Taw,(15.00) inches at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (8.38) inches atMandalay. Maximum wind speed at Nay Pyi Taw was (5) mphfrom Southeast at (01:00) hours MST on 10-5-2011.

Bay Inference: Weather is cloudy in the Andaman Seaand Southeast Bay and partly cloudy elsewhere in the Bay ofBengal.

Forecast valid until evening of the 11th May2011: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Sagaing,Mandalay and Magway Regions, Chin and Rakhine States,fairly widespread in Kachin, Shan and Kayah States andwidespread in the remaining Regions and States withlikelihood of isolated heavyfalls in Bago, Yangon,Taninthayi Regions, Kayin and Mon States. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

State of the Sea: Squalls with moderate to rough seas arelikely at times Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach(35) to (40) mph. Seas will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmarwater.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Southwest mosoonis likely to set in to the Southern Myanmar Areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for11th May 2011: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcerainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for11th May 2011: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degreeof cerainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for11th May 2011: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcerainty is (80%).


5:50 pm 7. ‘‘ASEAN’’

Programme6:00 pm 8. Evening News6:15 pm 9. Weather Report6:20 pm10. Traditional Boxing6:30 pm11. Shwe Yin Chone

Than7:15 pm12. Musical Programme7:35 pm13. Centanry Of Alinga

Kyawzwar MyomaNyein (Composer)

8:00 pm14. News15. International News16. Weather Report17. Korea NG Award18. TV Drama Series19. Myanmar Video

Sony to restore PlayStationNetwork by end of May

TOKYO, 10 May—Sony said Tuesday it aims tofully restore its PlayStation Network, shut downafter a massive security breach affecting over 100million online accounts, by the end of May. Sonyalso confirmed that personal data from 24.6 millionuser accounts was stolen in the hacker attack lastmonth. Personal data, including credit card numbers,might have been stolen from another 77 millionPlayStation accounts, said Sony ComputerEntertainment Inc. spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka.

He said Sony has not received any reports ofillegal uses of stolen information, and the company iscontinuing its probe into the hacker attack. He declinedto give details on the investigation. Sony shut downthe PlayStation network, a system that links gamersworldwide in live play, on 20 April after discoveringthe security breach. The network also allows users toupgrade and download games and other content.

did not notify consumersof the breach until 26April even though itbegan investigatingunusual activity on thenetwork since 19 April.

Last month, USlawyers filed a lawsuitagainst Sony on behalf oflead plaintiff KristopherJohns for negligentprotection of personaldata and failure to informplayers in a timelyfashion that their creditcard information mayhave been stolen.

The lawsuit seeksclass-action status.Fukuoka declined tocomment on thelawsuit.—Internet

In this 27 Jan, 2011photo, Sony Computer

EntertainmentPresident and CEOKazuo Hirai speakshow to use its new

PlayStation Portable‘NGP’ at PlayStation

Meeting 2011 inTokyo.

Sony was underheavy criticism over itshandling of the networkintrusion. The company

10-5-2011 NL.pmd 5/11/2011, 6:48 AM15

Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

9th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME Wednesday, 11 May, 2011

President U Thein Sein attends 18th ASEANSummit Plenary Session in Jakarta

NAY PYI TAW, 10 May—President of the Republic of theUnion of Myanmar U Thein Seinattended the 18th ASEAN SummitPlenary Session of Heads of State/Government of ASEAN countriesheld at Jakarta Convention Centre

(JCC) Cendrawasih Hall in Jakarta,the Republic of Indonesia on 7 May.

Also present at the session wereSultan Haji Hassanal BolkiahMuizzaddin Waddaulah of BruneiDarussalam, Cambodian PrimeMinister Samdech Hun Sen,

Aquino, Senior Minister Prof. S.Jayakumar on behalf ofSingaporean Prime MinisterMr. Lee Hsien Loong, Thai PrimeMinister Mr.Abhisit Vejjajiva,Vietnamese Prime Minister Mr.Nguyen Tan Dung, ASEANSecretary-General Dr. SurinPitsuwan, and high-ranking officialsof ASEAN member countries.

The Indonesian President,Alternate Chairman of ASEAN, firstextended greetings.

Heads of State/Government ofASEAN countries held a discussionon extension of research centres forfood security and energy securitysectors, coordination in fooddelivery, promoting of cooperationwith ASEAN+3 countries,consuming of renewable energy inaddition to petroleum and naturalgas for energy security,implementation of ASEAN powergrids for electricity security, holdingof ASEAN Fair to be held in Bali in2011, and promoting of Small andMedium Enterprises.

After the session, lunch wasserved.—MNA

Indonesian President Dr.SusiloBambang Yudhoyono, Lao PDRPrime Minister Mr.ThongsingThammavong, Malaysian PrimeMinister Dato’ Sri MohammadNajib Bin Tun Abdul Razak,Philippines President Mr. Benigno

President U Thein Sein attends 18th ASEAN Summit Plenary Session at Cendrawasih Hall of JakartaConvention Centre (JCC).—MNA

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