Esfahan Sheikh Lotfallah mosque1

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! Please see also : Built between 1602 and 1619 during the reign of Shah Abbas the Great, the Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque is arguably the most fabulous mosque in Iran

Transcript of Esfahan Sheikh Lotfallah mosque1

Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque is arguably the most fabulous mosque in Iran. Built between 1602 and 1619 during the reign of Shah Abbas the Great, the Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque is dedicated to the ruler's father-in-low, Sheikh Lotfollah, a revered lebanese scholar of Islam who was invited to Esfahan to oversee the king's mosque (now Imam Mosque) and theological school.

Moscheea Sheikh Lotfallah este una dintre cele mai spectaculoase moschei din Iran. Construită în perioada 1602-1619, în timpul domniei Şahului Abbas cel Mare, i-a fost dedicată socrului domnitorului, Şeicul libanez Lotfallah, un învăţat islamic care fusese invitat la Isfahan pentru a superviza planurile moscheii regale (numită în prezent Moscheea Imamului) şi pentru a conduce şcoala teologică.

The pale tones of the cupola change color throughout the day from cream to pink (sunset is usually best)

Sound: Farid Farjad - Bazgashteh

Text and slide2 images: Internet

Pictures and arangement:

Sanda Foişoreanu
