Education technology group assignment

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Education technology group assignment


2. WHAT IS A HABITAT? A habitat is a place where a particular animal or plantlives 3. TYPES OF HABITATSThere are two main types of habitats: LAND WATER 4. LAND HABITATS Some animals cannot live in water therefore they prefer land habitats. CAN YOU THINK OF ANY LAND HABITATS? 5. DIFFERENT LAND HABITATSSome land habitats are: Forests Grasslands Deserts Woodlands 6. WATER HABITATSThere are some living things that cannot survive on dry land. So they prefer living in water .CAN YOU THINK OF ANY WATER HABITATS? 7. DIFFERENT WATER HABITAS Seas Rivers Lakes Swamps 8. Did you know.. Did you know that some creatures live in both land and water habitats? 9. Man-made habitatsDeserts, forests, rivers and seas are some examples ofnatural habitats. However, there a some habitats thatwere created by human beings. We call them man madehabitatsThese man made are created to seem as natural aspossible to the animals place in them. 10. Some man made habitats are: Zoos Aquariums The bird sanctuary Fresh water ponds 11. ActivityLet us create a habitat 12. Creating a Man-made Habitat 13. Here is a blog with more abouthabitats HABITATS