Education Programs at a Glance

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Education Programs at a Glance

E d u c a t i o n P r o g r a m s at Lehman College Art Gallery

2014 - 2015at a glance

Education Programs

The education programs at Lehman College Art Gallery present authentic opportunities for students to merge the visual arts with project-based learning to enhance their observational abilities, critical thinking, problem solving and literacy development. Art making is used to deepen understanding and engage multiple intelligences, as well as foster a secure environment for both self-directed learning and group work. All of our art activities are scaffolded to develop and strengthen studio art making, social skills and academics.

Hannah Brenner-LeonardEducation Curator 718-960-8732

Our programs are made possible with generous support from: The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; New York City Council through the Honorable Andrew Cohen, and the Bronx Delegation; New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; New York Council for the Humanities; Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation; Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation;

IBM; Edith and Herbert Lehman Foundation; The Keith Haring Foundation Inc. and The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation.

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