Digital Communication and User Acquisition

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Digital Communication and User Acquisition

Digital Communication & User Acquisition

NUMA Rise Season #1 March 12th 2015


1 – Requirements

2 – CM?

3 – Online targeting

4 – Push messages

6 - Measure

5 – Content

7 - Tools

0 – Today’s communication

Old model Television & available brain time

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

New model Web & available attention time

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

World Web War

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

1 –It’s always more complicated without…

#1 A powerful brand

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#2 A clear value proposition

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 A good product (tracking, retention)

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#4 Awesome design

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#5 Good targeting

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#6 Radical messages

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Plus: gotta attack at the right time…

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

…and keep in mind the Growth Hacking Funnel (Mattan Griffel)

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

2 – « Community Management » clichés

and implications

Lone nut, 1000 1st fan, why how what etc. etc.

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

You: why? values? story?

#SenseCom @MeguellatiSoso

“  Alex Hillman

The word « manager » suggests a hierarchy and a control which is unnatural in communities.

Creating a community? Really? « Community » does not apply to everything

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Creating a community? « Community » is about sharing a cause

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

One to many VS many to many

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Engagement doesn’t lies in « likes » and « followers » but in genuine conversations

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

“  Malo Richard, Co-founder EuropeTomorrow

Communities gather online but stengthen with real life meetings

3 – The first step: online targeting

How do your targets use « the internet »?

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

interests, hashtags, online conversations, media attention

It can be… Facebook Groups

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

It can be… LinkedIn Groups

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

It can be… hashtags

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

It can be… media & blogs

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

And much more… Create « mock » Facebook Ads audiences

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Then analyze what they say, how they connect, interact

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

4 – How to push messages?

#1 Twitter The most efficient way

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#2 Mailing

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

The LinkedIn « Growth Hack »

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 Facebook No pay no reach

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 Facebook Groups: the only way to notify

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#4 Press

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#5 Press Kit

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

5 – Content

#1 Be radical

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#2 Humour and news

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 Blogging: show your expertise

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 Blogging: show your expertise

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

6 – Measure

Be ROI-oriented

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

After all that you may afford to pay for…

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Google Adwords & Facebook Ads

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

7 – Tools

#1 Mention

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#2 Feedly

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#3 Tweetdeck

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#4 Buffer

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#5 Canva

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

#6 Vine

#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso


#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso


#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

To conclude, the best way to test your doing great: successful crowdfunding campaign


#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso


#NumaRise @MeguellatiSoso

Thank you!
