Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface

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  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Design of Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna

    Using MetasurfaceH. L. Zhu, S. W. Cheung, Senior Member, IEEE, X. H. Liu, and T. I. Yuk, Member, IEEE

    AbstractA planar polarization-reconfigurable metasurfaced

    antenna (PRMS) designed using metasurface (MS) is proposed.The PRMS antenna consists of a planar MS placed atop of and indirect contact with a planar slot antenna, both having a circularshape with a diameter of 78 mm (0.9 ), making it compact andlow profile. By rotating the MS around the center with respect tothe slot antenna, the PRMS antenna can be reconfigured to linear

    polarization, left-hand and right-hand circular polarizations. Anequivalent circuit is used to explain the reconfigurability of theantenna. The PRMS antenna is studied and designed to operateat around 3.5 GHz using computer simulation. For verification ofsimulation results, the PRMS antenna is fabricated and measured.

    The antenna performance, in terms of polarization reconfigura-

    bility, axial-ratio bandwidth, impedance bandwidth, realizedboresight gain and radiation pattern, is presented. Results showthat the PRMS antenna in circular polarizations achieves anoperating bandwidth of 3.33.7 GHz (i.e., fractional bandwidth11.4%), a boresight gain of above 5 dBi and high-polarization

    isolation of larger than 15 dB. While the PRMS antenna in linearpolarization achieves a gain of above 7.5 dBi with cross-polariza-tion isolation larger than 50 dB.

    Index TermsMetasurface (MS), metasurfaced antenna, polar-ization reconfiguration, source antenna.


    RECONFIGURABLE antenna generally has frequency,radiation pattern, or polarization tunability [1][4].

    Since the postures of mobile communications devices in use

    are often dynamically changing which creates difficulties

    to have good polarization matching for antennas with only

    single polarization, it is desirable to have antennas to be able

    to work in different polarizations such as linear polarization

    (LP) and circular polarization (CP). Study on antennas with

    polarization-reconfigurable features has been attracting much

    attention [4][20]. In these studies, RF switches such as PIN

    diode switches [5][13], [15][20] and MEMS switches [4],

    [14] were used to electrically switch polarization of the an-

    tennas, thus direct-current (DC) biasing circuits were needed to

    bias the PIN or MEMS switches. These switches and biasingcircuits made the whole antennas bulky and high cost. More-

    over, the antenna operation would depend on the reliability

    of the electronic components used to implement the switches

    Manuscript received October 25, 2013; revised January 23, 2014; acceptedFebruary 27, 2014. Date of publication March 06, 2014; date of current version

    May 29, 2014.Theauthorsare with theDepartmentof Electrical andElectronicEngineering,

    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (e-mail:;;;

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online


    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2014.2310209

    and require DC sources to drive the switches. The electronic

    components and circuits may also have adverse effects on the

    antennas performances. Electrically reconfigurable antennas

    usually have narrow axial-ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) such as

    those in [16][19] which had the fractional ARBWs of less

    than 5%.

    Compared to electrical reconfiguration, mechanical reconfig-

    uration is way less popular. To the best knowledge of the au-

    thors, there has not been any mechanically operated polariza-

    tion reconfigurable antenna proposed. One of the main reasons

    is that mechanically reconfigurable antennas require movable

    parts. If not designed well, the actuator used to produce the me-chanical movements will be very complicated and occupy much

    space, which lead to a bulky and expensive structure. More-

    over, change of size and/or shape during tuning is the common

    problem for most mechanically reconfigurable antennas. For

    these reasons, the polarization reconfigurable antennas studied

    so far were all electrical tuning [4][19], [21].

    MS, a two-dimensional equivalent of metamaterial, is essen-

    tially a surface distribution of electrically small scatterers [22].

    With its succinct planar structure and low cost, MS has wide

    applications and one of which is on the design of planar an-

    tennas with improved performances. For example in [23], [24],

    a MS was placed atop of a simple patch/slot antenna to not onlyimprove the gain and return loss bandwidth, but also convert

    polarization from LP to CP. The patch/slot antenna (known as

    the source antenna in such design) together with the MS was

    called a metasurfaced antenna (MS antenna) [23], [24]. In these

    designs, there was an air gap between the MS and the source

    antenna, which substantially increased the volume of the MS


    In this paper, as a significant improvement to the work in [23],

    [24], a novel polarization-reconfigurable metasurfaced (PRMS)

    antenna constructed by placing a MS atop of a slot antenna is

    proposed. To make the PRMS antenna compact and low profile,

    the slot antenna and MS are placed together in direct contact,

    thus eliminating the air gap between them. Results of studies

    show that by rotating the MS around the center and relative

    to the patch antenna, polarization of the PRMS antenna can

    be reconfigured to operate in LP, left-hand circular polarization

    (LHCP) and right-hand circular polarizations (RHCP).Compact

    size, low cost and simple construction are the apparent advan-

    tages of the proposed design. For easy mechanical operation,

    the shapes of the slot antenna and the MS are made circular with

    the same size. For verification of simulated results, the PRMS

    antenna is fabricated and measured using the antenna measure-

    ment equipment, Starlab system. Simulated and measured re-

    sults show good agreements.

    0018-926X 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.

    See for more information.

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 1. Geometries of (a) MS and (b) slot antenna.



    The polarization-reconfigurable metasurfaced (PRMS) an-

    tenna proposed here consists of a slot antenna (as the source

    antenna) and a metasurface (MS). The MS is composed of

    corner-truncated square unit cells as shown in Fig. 1(a) on a

    single-sided substrate. The same unit cell was used to design a

    switchable microstrip antenna in [5] and a 2 2 sequentially

    rotated patch antenna array in [25]. Here it is chosen to design

    the MS because it has a simple structure and can be specified

    using only a few parameters, significantly simplifying the de-

    sign work for the PRMS antenna. The slot antenna is designed

    on a double-sided substrate as shown in Fig. 1(b) and the MS

    are designed to have a circular shape with the same size for

    easy mechanical operation. The MS is similar to the MS used

    in [24] with the edges of the unit cells at the boundary truncatedto make it circular. Of course, if needed, the PRMS antenna

    could also be designed using a rectangular-shaped MS, but this

    would be another design. Here, our design purpose is to use

    a MS with circular shape for easy mechanical operation. As

    will be seen later, polarization reconfigurablity of the antenna

    can be accomplished by rotating the MS around the center

    relative to the slot antenna. The rotation angle is measured

    from the -axis as shown in Fig. 1(a). Studies have shown that

    with and 90 , the PRMS antenna is left-hand cir-

    cular polarization (LHCP) and right-hand circular polarization

    (RHCP), respectively. Since the MS at is a mirror

    image of itself at , the performances of the antennain RHCP and LHCP should be identical. With and

    135 , the PRMS antenna is linear polarization (LP) along the

    -axis, same with that of the source slot antenna. Fig. 2 shows

    polarization of the antenna at , 45 , 90 , and 135 .

    In assembling the PRMS antenna, the non-copper side of the

    MS is placed atop the slot antenna and is in direct contact with

    the feed-line (top side) of it as shown in Fig. 3. This leads to a

    very compact and low profile structure. An SMA connector is

    used to feed to the feed-line through the ground plane and sub-

    strate material of the slot antenna. The PRMS antenna together

    with the SMA connector is studied and designed using the EM

    simulation tool CST on a Rogers substrate RO4350B, having a

    thickness of 1.524 mm and a dielectric constant of .

    The design procedure can be divided into the following steps:

    Fig. 2. Antenna polarization at different rotation angles .

    Fig. 3. Assembly schematic of PRMS antenna.


    1) Design the slot antenna to have a wide operating band at

    around 3.5 GHz.

    2) Add the MS atop the slot antenna (which will change the

    characteristic of the antenna) and then optimize the PRMS

    antenna in terms of S11 using the dimensions of the radi-

    ator and feed line.

    3) Optimize the ARBW using the dimension of the MS.

    The dimensions of thefinal design are listed in Table I which

    is used to fabricate the PRMS antenna shown in Fig. 4 for mea-

    surement using the antenna measurement equipment, Satimo

    Starlab system.


    A. Parametric Study

    As mentioned previously, the truncated-corner unit cell used

    to design our MS can be specified using only a few parameters.

    This can significantly simplify the design work of the PRMS.

    Computer simulation has shown that there are only three pa-

    rameters in the unit cell of Fig. 1(a) having significantly effects

    on the antenna performance. They are the width of the unit

    cell, the side of the triangle, and the spacing between the

    unit cells. Thus parametric studies of these parameters on the

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 4. (a) Top view of prototyped slot antenna, (b) bottom view of prototyped

    slot antenna, and (c) prototyped metasurface.

    axial ratio (AR) are carried out on the proposed PRMS antenna

    with LHCP. The results are shown in Fig. 5 where the green

    lines show the AR of the proposed PRMS antenna using the

    parameters of Table I. It can be seen that the proposed PRMS

    antenna has a AR bandwidth (ARBW) for dB from 3.3

    to 3.7 GHz, two dips of 0.9 and 0.5 dB at 3.4 and 3.65 GHz,

    respectively, and a peak of 1.7 dB at 3.53 GHz between the two

    dips.As decreases from 20 mm to 18.5 mm, Fig. 5(a) shows

    that the high- and low-frequency dips shift up from 3.18 and

    3.56 GHz to 3.4 and 3.65 GHz, respectively, with the frequency

    spacing between the two dips reduced from 380 to 250 MHz.

    The peak between two dips shifts from 3.4 to 3.53 GHz with

    amplitude dropped from 4.7 to 1.7 dB, respectively, resulting

    in a large ARBW of 400 MHz. When decreases further to

    17 mm, the two dips merge together with a minimum AR of

    0.7 dB at 3.68 GHz. The antenna has an AR frequency band (for

    dB) from 3.5 to 3.82 GHz, with the ARBW reduced

    to 320 MHz. Thus, the parameter can be used to adjust the

    frequency band of AR. Fig. 5(b) shows the AR with differentvalues of . It can be seen that as increases from 4.6 mm to

    5, 5.3, and 5.6 mm, the AR at the frequency of 3.5 GHz drops

    continuously. The two dips of AR move towards each other and

    thus the ARBW reduces. When continues to increase to 6 mm,

    the two dips merge together with a minimum AR of 1.2 dB at

    around 3.5 GHz. Note that as changes, the frequency band for

    dB is not changed much, with the center frequency

    remained at about 3.5 GHz, unlike the case of changing in

    Fig. 5(a). Thus the parameter can be used to slightly tradeoff

    the value of AR against ARBW. TheAR with different values of

    is shown in Fig.5(c).It can be seenthat has the similar effects

    to , but in an opposite way. When increases from 0.5 mm to

    0.75, 1 and 1.5 mm, the two dips in AR move towards each other

    and the peak between them drops. The ARBW decreases with

    Fig. 5. Simulated AR with different (a) , (b) , and (c) .

    the AR within the AR frequency band reduced. Thus, can also

    be used to slightly tradeoff the value of AR against ARBW.

    Since the MS at and 90 for RHCP and LHCP,

    respectively, of the MS are the mirror images of each other, the

    results of parametric study on AR for RHCP should be the same

    as those of LHCP.

    B. Equivalent Circuit of MS

    Here we use an equivalent circuit to explain how theproposed

    PRMS antenna can have different polarizations when the MS

    is rotated. In Fig. 1(a), the slot antenna is linear polarization

    along the -axis. To start this, the MS in Fig. 1(a) is redrawn in

    Fig. 6(a) where the pattern enclosed by the blue square can be

    regarded as a new unit cell on the same MS. For convenience in

    description, the new unit cell is enlarged and shown in Fig. 6(b).

    When the MS is placed atop the slot antenna which is linear

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 6. (a) MS, (b) new unit cell with diagonal corner truncated, and (c) new

    unit cell without truncation.

    polarization along the -axis, an -field will be developed along

    the -axis as shown in Fig. 6(b). The -field can be resolved

    into two orthogonal components and as shown in the

    same figure. If the diagonal corners of the unit cell were not

    truncated as shown in Fig. 6(c), due to the symmetrical structure,

    the orthogonal components and would see the MS as

    an identical RLC circuit shown in Fig. 6(c) with an impedance

    given by


    where and are the inductance and resistance, respectively,

    of each patch, is the capacitance created by the gaps between

    two adjacent and opposite patches. However, if the diagonal cor-

    ners are truncated as in our proposed MS shown in Fig. 6(b),

    and will see two different impedances and , respec-

    tively, which can be written as



    Truncating the corners widens the gaps between the adjacent

    and opposite patches and hence increases the value of in

    (2), making less capacitive than . Thus, we can use the di-

    mensions of the truncated corners (which is determined by the

    parameter in Table I) to vary the phase difference between

    and . If the MS is designed such that and

    , then and .

    will lead by 90 and the resultant -field throughthe MS

    will be LHCP and rotating in the clockwise direction as indi-

    cated by the yellow arrowed arc in Fig. 6(b). To reconfigure the

    antenna to RHCP, we can simply rotate the MS by , so

    that the value of in (3) becomes larger and will lead

    by 90 instead. When the rotation angle is or 135 ,

    the unit cell is symmetrical along the and axes as shown in

    Fig. 7. Thus, both and see an identical impedance and

    so have the same amplitude and phase after going through the

    MS. The PRMS antenna remains LP.


    A. Reflection Coef ficient S11

    The final design of proposed PRMS antenna has been studied

    using computer simulation and measurement. The simulated

    Fig. 7. E-field for (a) and (b) .

    and measured S11 of the antenna with different rotation angles

    are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the simulated and

    measured results agree well. Since the MS at and 90

    are the mirror images of each other, the simulated S11 for LHCP

    and RHCP are identical as shown in Fig. 8(a) and (c), respec-

    tively. The simulated frequency band (for dB) are

    more than from 34 GHz. The measured S11 at these two rota-

    tion angles are not exactly the same because of the fabrication

    and measurement tolerances. At for LP, Fig. 8(b)

    shows that the frequency band shifts down slightly and is from3 to 3.76 GHz for simulation and 3.74 GHz for measurement.

    However, at , Fig. 8(d) shows that the S11 frequency

    band shifts up slightly, from 3.28 to 4 GHz for simulation and

    from 3.3 to 4.2 GHz for measurement.

    B. Axial Ratio (AR)

    The simulated and measured ARs in the boresight (along

    axis as shown in Fig. 1) of the PRMS antennas are shown in

    Fig. 9, where it can be seen that the simulated and measured re-

    sults agree well. Again, because of mirror images of each other,

    the simulated ARs with and 90 are identical but

    with orthogonal polarizations as shown in Figs. 9(a) and (c), re-spectively. The simulated and measured ARs are less than 3 dB

    from 3.33.7 GHz for both LHCP and RHCP, with an ARBW

    of 400 MHz (or a fractional bandwidth of 11.4%). The ARBW

    is narrower than the impedance bandwidth dB in

    CP showed in Fig. 8(a) and (c), and thus becomes the operating

    bandwidth of the antenna. With and 135 when the

    antenna is operated in LP, Fig. 9(b) and (d) show that the simu-

    lated ARs are larger than 40 dB from 3 to 4 GHz, indicating very

    high linear polarization purity. Since the antenna measurement

    equipment, the Satimo Starlab System, can measure the AR of

    CP antennas only up to 20 dB, the measured result is therefore

    a horizontal straight line at 20 dB in Fig. 9(b) and (d).

    C. Ef ficiency and Realized Gain

    The efficiencies of the PRMS antenna with different are

    shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the simulated and measured

    results agree well. The simulated and measured efficiencies of

    the antenna at all rotation angles tested are above 80% across

    the operating bandwidth (3.33.7 GHz).

    The simulated and measured realized boresight gains of the

    PRMS antenna are shown in Fig. 11. Again, good agreements

    between simulated and measured results in the co-polarization

    and cross-polarization can be seen.

    Fig. 11(a) and (c) shows that the realized boresight gains

    of the antenna in LHCP and RHCP in the operating band-

    width of 3.33.7 GHz are above 5 dBi, with cross-polarization

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 8. Simulated and measured S11 for (a) , (b) , (c)

    , and (d) .

    of less than 10 dBi. This suggests high cross-polarization

    isolation (XPI) of larger than 15 dB, i.e., good polarization

    Fig. 9. Simulated and measured ARs for different rotation angles.

    purity. Fig. 11(b) and (d) show that when the MS is rotated to

    and 135 , (i.e., the PRMS antenna is LP), the realized

    boresight gains are higher than 7.5 and 6 dBi, respectively,

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 10. Simulated and measured efficiencies for different rotation angles.

    at the operating bandwidth for both simulated and measured

    results. Since XPI for LP are less than 50 dB, it is too small

    to be shown in the same figures

    Fig. 11. Simulated and measured realized gain for different .

    D. Radiation Pattern

    The simulated and measured radiation patterns of the PRMS

    antenna at 3.5 GHz for different are shown in Fig. 12. For

  • 7/24/2019 Design of Polarization Recon figurable Antenna Using Metasurface



    Fig. 12. Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 3.5 GHz for different

    . (a) -plane; (b) yz-plane; (c) -plane;(d) yz-plane; (e) -plane; (f) -plane; (g)

    xz-plane; (h) -plane.

    comparison, the radiation patterns of the slot antenna alone are

    also shown in the same figures. It can be see that the antenna has

    unidirectional radiation patterns, instead of bidirectional radia-

    tion pattern typically for single slot antenna. This phenomenon

    was already found in [24]. For the co-polarization patterns in

    CP in Fig. 12(a), (b), (e), and (f), the front-to-back ratios (FBRs)

    are all large than 12 dB. For the radiation patterns in LP shown

    in Fig. 12(c), (d), (g) and (h), the FBRs are larger than 15 dB,

    where the cross-polarizations are too small to be shown and so

    omitted. The results in Fig. 12 show that the MS receives the LP

    signal from the source slot antenna and reradiates the signal in

    CP ( or 90 ) or LP ( or 135 ) to the other side

    in the opposite direction (along axis as shown in Fig. 1).


    A PRMS antenna designed using a slot antenna and a MS has

    been presented. The polarization of the antenna can be mechan-

    ically reconfigured to LHCP, RHCP and LP by rotating the MS

    around the center with respect to the slot. The polarization-re-

    configurable property has been analyzed and explained using an

    equivalent circuit. The simulated and measured performances in

    terms of polarization reconfigurability, efficiency, gain and radi-

    ation pattern, have been presented. Results have shown that the

    polarization reconfiguration can be achieved at around 3.5 GHz

    with a fractional operating bandwidth 11.4%.


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    H. L. Zhureceived the B.Eng. degree in information

    engineering, and the Masters degree in electromag-

    netic field and microwave engineering from Beijing

    Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2009

    and 2011, respectively. He is currently working

    toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic

    engineering at the University of Hong Kong, Hong

    Kong, China.

    His research interests include antenna design and

    study of metasurface.

    S. W. Cheung (M89SM02) received the with First Class Honours in Electrical and

    Electronic Engineering from Middlesex University,

    London, U.K. in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree fromLoughborough University of Technology, Lough-

    borough, U.K., in 1986.From 1982 to 1986, he was a Research Assistant

    in the Department of Electronic and Electrical En-gineering, Loughborough University of Technology,

    where he collaborated with the Rutherford AppletonLaboratory and many U.K. universities to work a

    project fo r new generations of satellite systems. He is an Associate Professor at

    the University of Hong Kong and in charge of the Microwave, RF Frequencyand Telecom Laboratories. His current research interests include antenna

    designs, 2G, 3G, and 4G mobile communications systems, MIMO systems,and satellite communications systems.

    Dr. Cheung has been serving the IEEE in Hong Kong for the past twentyyears. In 2009 and 2010, he was the Chairman of the IEEE Hong Kong Joint

    Chapter on Circuits and Systems and Communications. He was the Honorary

    Treasurer and currently the Chair-Elect of the IEEE Hong Kong.

    X. H. Liu received B.Eng. degree in photoelectricinformation engineering from Shenzhen University,

    Shenzhen, China, in 2008 and the M.Sc. degreein electrical and electronic engineering (communi-

    cations engineering stream) from The Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, in 2013. His

    research interests include antenna design and the

    study of metasurface

    T. I. Yukreceived the B.S. degree from Iowa State

    University, Ames, IA, USA, in 1978 and the M.S.and

    Ph.D. degrees from Arizona State University, Tempe,

    AZ, USA, in 1980 and 1986, respectively.

    Since 1986, he has been teaching at the Universityof Hong Kong. His current research interests include:

    wireless communications, and antenna designs.