Deming Graphic, 01-06-1904 · 1 pkjr. Tooth Picks Sure-Catc-h Mouse Traps Hammers. Tack Hammers...

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Transcript of Deming Graphic, 01-06-1904 · 1 pkjr. Tooth Picks Sure-Catc-h Mouse Traps Hammers. Tack Hammers...

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    Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


    Deming Graphic, 01-06-1904N. S. Rose

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    Recommended CitationRose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 01-06-1904." (1904).

  • Lee Shipp oí Uñe RacKet Store Quotes Interesting' Prices In Kis Ad

    üLiÍ j,Li. II liliesVOL. I RnUivd March 18, lwfl, at Demln. N. M., Mr.milclmju mutuir. under act oí muren, of March Í. 187. DEMING, LUNA COUNTY, N. M., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1904. No. 43

    NEW YEAR'SEclipses those of Any One Day

    of Christmas Carnival.



    Broncho Riding Was tho Principal

    Feature. Good Riders Furnished

    an Eihlbltion Well Worththe Money.

    Through the efforts of J. I. Cox. Al-bert Field, Ed Carekadon and PatNunn, New Year'a day was aa well filledwith interesting aporta as any day ofthe Christmas carnival and, perhaps,caused more excitement than any ofthem, unless it was the day of thtjrop-naj- 1

    contest.The main feature was the bronco

    riding, which is always interestingalike to the initiated and the stranger.The herd provided for th's event was achoice one and contained some thatcame as near being tho real thing asare often found nowadays.

    There were some? of the very bestriders among those entered, and ihey


    B 31Baby Shoes and MoccasinsLadies' Shoe fromMen's Shoes fromLadies' Hose fromMen's Sox fromMens' Hats fromLinen Crash Towels, per pairMen's and Roys' Caps fromMen's Gloves, per pair, fromHoys' Gloves, per pair, fromHoys' Shoes, per pair, fromMen's and Hoys' Ties fromMen's Handkerchiefs fromIndies' Handkerchiefs fromPressing Combs, from .Toilet Soaps fromMen's Coin Purses from12-inc- h Feather Dusters .Men's Pocket Htwks fromMen's Suspenders, per pair, fromShoe Laces, per pair, fromMen's Watches from .Floor Ruirs from .Huiriry Whips from5-- ft Step Ladders fromC-- ft Stop Ladders10-- ft Galvanized Clothes Lines

    (55-- ft Galvanized Clothes LinesClothes Pins, per dozen, fromDinner Pails, Tin . . .Tin Coffee Pots fromTin Pans fromTin Tea Kettles .Tin WashpansEnameled Tea KettlesEnameled Wash Pans ,Enameled Sauce PansEnameled Coffee Pots .Enameled Dish PansSteel Fry Pans.'f lain Plates, per set .Fancy Plates, per set .1 Gallon Tin Oil Can23-i- n. Wash Tub .19-i- n. Wash Tub .1 pkp;. Shoe Tacks1 pk;. Carpet Tacks1 pkjr. Tooth PicksSure-Catc- h Mouse TrapsHammers .Tack HammersHutcher Knives .1 set Table GlassesFlour Sifter1 set of Potts Sad Irons1 pkjr. EnvelopesInk Tablets, 5c to 20c; Pencil

    cent discount.Men's Suits, $4.50 to $12.00

    ble to show goods.

    DAY SPORTSfurnished a show worth the money.Just to make it interesting there wereone or two accidents, though nothingof a sarious nature The "wild manfrom Montana" went down for sand tothrow into the bronco's, eyes and as itwas too fur to reach did not come upagain. As he fell he received a kick inthe face and was more or 'ess bruisedby having the horse trample over himfor a short time. Ed Tumi got his footcaught in a rope, the other end ofwhich was fust to a wild horse, andperformed an acrobatic feat which wasnot on the program, binding on hischin, which received a cut about threeinches long by the contact with thehard ground.

    After the bronco busting was ov ra red hot game of ball was played

    the Cow-boy- s and the the Yel-low Kids, which furnished a barrel ofamusement and led every player tomake the greatest effort to reach Mbase as oftn as possible: Thesesports finished; the day wus roundedout by a Basket bull game at the Ope-r- a

    house and the entire undertakingwas a grand succes.

    NOTICE.The Village Clerk announces that all

    business licenses are now due midthose doing business under sume shouldpay them at once.


    15c to 8T)C$1.00 to $2.50

    . $1.25 to $2.50. 10.-- to 25c

    . 5c to 25c. 50c to $1.50

    20 to 65c. 20c to 40c

    . 25c to $2.2540c to 55c

    . $1.00 to $1.755c to 35c

    10c to 25c5c to 15c

    . 10c to 305c to 10c and 3 for 25c

    10c to 20c15c to 25c

    . 5c to 20c15c to 45c

    lc to 5c$1.00 to $5. 00

    40c to $2.00. 15c to $1.75

    95c to $1.25$1.75


    4 to 8c 1... . . .45c10c to 30c4c to 35c

    . 70c and 75c. 10c to 15c

    . 75c to $1.25. 40c to 55c

    40c to 55c45c, 55c, $1.00

    $1.00. 10c to 45c

    40c to 70c. 80c

    . 20c. 90c

    . 70c5c

    . 5c5c

    . 5c. 30c to 90c

    . 15c25c to 45c

    . 50c. 10c to 20c

    $2.00- 5c

    Tablets, 2c to 10c 50 per

    15 per cent discountCall and see my stock. I have bargains for cash; no trou

    LE iSHIPP.


    Representatives from Each Countyto Assist in Collecting World's FairEihibit.The following ladies have been named

    by tho Territorial board of the Louis-iana Purchase exposition managers ofNew Mexico as members of the ladies'auxiliary. The purpose of this organ-ization is to assist in the collection andpreparation of a creditable exhibit fromNew Mexico for the Woman's buildingat the St. Louis World's fair this yeur,and generally' to aid the board in its ef-forts to have this territory properlyrepresented at the exposition. Themember from each county will be indirect charge of the work therein. Thepersonnel of the auxiliary is such tlmtexcellent results may confidently be ex-pected from its labors. The list ofmembers follows:

    President, Mrs. Miguel A. Otero,Santa Fe.

    Bernalillo county -- Mrs. Frank W.Clancy, Allmquerqut.

    Chaves county -- M s. G. T. Veal, Hot-we-

    Colfax county-M- rs. Jan Yanboulton,Raton.

    Dona Ana county- - Mrs. A. M. Bran-niga-Las Cruces.

    Eddy county-Mr- s. J 0. Cameron,Carlsbad.

    Grant county-Mi- ss Belle Kckles, Sil-ver City.

    Lincoln county -- Mrs. G.W. IVitchanl,While Oaks.

    Luna county-M- rs. Walter II. Guincy,Dcming.

    McKinley county-M- rs. Gregoryi'age, Gallup.

    Mora county Miss Cora Wulton,Mora.

    Otero county-M- rs. L. I). Koger,Alumogorlo.

    Quiy county Mrs. Alex Goldenborg,Tucumcari.

    Rio Arriba county-Mi- ss MargaretBurns, Park View.

    Roosevcll county-M- rs. W. O. Old-ham, Portales.

    Santa Fe county -- M'. R. J. Talen,Santa Fe.

    Sandoval county Mrs. G. W. Har-rison, Albuiueriue.

    San Juan county-M- rs. W. (J. Mc-Coy, Aztec.

    San Miguel county Mrs. WilliamCurtis Bailey, Las Vegas.

    Sierra county Mrs. George Miller,Ilillslioro.

    Socorro county Mrs. H. M. Dough-erty, Socorro.

    Taos county Mrs. Antonio Joseph,Ojo Caliente.

    Union county-M- rs. J. C. Martinez,Folsom.

    Wood county Mrs. Florence Morse,Santa Rosa,

    Valencia county - Mrs. Solomon Luna.Is Lunas.

    Badly Hurt.We take the following from the Mc-

    Kinley county Republican:"P.urt Fluhive while working at a

    stationary drill at the machine shi pswus accidentally caught in the ma-chinery lust W'ednesday and severely

    injured. The machinery caught thelapel of his coat and he was choked ivhis urms were severely strained.

    "When the alarm was given and themachinery stopped the injured man was

    found to lie unconscious, lie wus takento the home of his mother, Mrs. M. M.

    Flahive, and a physician called. Aside

    from strangulation, ;the most painfulfeature of the accident wus the seem-ing paralysis of the nerves of his arms,and he seems to have no use of them.

    "He was taken to the hospital in A-lbuquerque where be will receive proper

    treatment. It was a close call for him,and the fact that his clothing wus goodand strong probably saved his life, forthe machinery could not tear the newgoods so readily."

    Mr. Fluhive is a brother to it. If.

    Flahive of this place, who receivedword from Albuquon.ue after the pub-lication of the nhove to the effect thatthe injured mun was recovering as wellus could be expected.

    Mr. Lubeck and Mr. Moore,PORTRAIT AGENTS,

    have been here advertising fine Por-trait work for their respective com-pany and are meeting with success, asthe work is certainly fine.

    Silver City. tMajor Jumes R. Waddill of Dcming


    was in the city last week on legal busi-ness.

    Miss Mary Lucas of this city is visit-ing her sister, Mrs. Otto Arnold, in HIPaso.

    Commencing last Monday evening theSilver City drug stores now close at 8o'clock.

    The Silver City Indoor baseball clubhas been organized and is now havingsome tine winter sport in Newcombhull.

    Percy Wilson, Esq., returned Mondayfrnm Rodeo, on the HI Paso & South-western, where he hud been on legulbusiness.

    The citizens of Central have iieti- -tioned the board of county commission-- !ers for the erection of u jail building inthat town.

    Hermann Lindaiier, son of SigmundLindnuer of Doming wus the guest ofhis uncle, Samuel Lindauer, in this citylast week.

    President '.V. I). Murray and CashierJ. W. Carter of the Silver City Na-- t

    ional bank were in Satita Fe last weekon business.

    The child of Mr. andMrs. Thomas Dennis of Santa Rita,died Wednesday night, ufter a brief illness of pneumonia.

    There is good prospect of Silver Citysecuring a fuel nil smelting plant. Theproject is under way with good chancesof a successful outcome.

    The funeral service of the late Col.('hurles F. Grayson of this city washeld New Year's day in the WalnutAvenue Congregational church, Boston.

    New Year's day wus quietly observedin Silver City, business being entirelys'.wpended. In the evening there was a

    d dance in Newcomb hull.

    Dr. C. M. Light, Prof. E. F. Dun- -lavy and Miss Sarah Ellis, all of thenormal school faculty, attended the ed- -ucutional meetings in Santa Fe lastweek.

    The recently-electe- d officers of SilverCity cha"r, Order of the Eastern Star,were formally installed Monday evening,a social session concluding the eve-- jning's entertainment.

    Mrs. M. M. I'ennell, who has beenhead nurse at tho San Vicente hotel, '

    has resigned her position and will go toAustin, Tex., where she has accepted asimilar iosition with a sanitarium.

    Miss Cora Phillips and Mr. Jacob L.Jacobson, well-know- n young people ofSilver Gity, were married at the resi-

    lience of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paterson,in this city, on New Year's eve. Rev.

    'J. (!. Harshaw, of the Methodist' church, ofliciated.

    Notwithstanding the expensive im-provements which have been made atthe United States military sanitariumduring the past yeur, the aceommoda-- Ilions lire still inadequate for the num-- !her of patients, and it is expected that


    nddititional room will be provided forby the War department this year.

    The Santa Rita lodge of Workmenhas been consolidated with the SilverCty organization, the latter now num-bering lt2 members. Deputy Supreme

    .Organizer J. R. Burton is in the cityand expects to increase the membership to 1M0 during the next few weeks.

    Dr. A. A. McDonald, physician andsurgeon for the Colorado Fuel & Iron



    Icmipany ut Fierro; died from' blindpoisoning contracted while in the dis-

    charge of his duties at Santa RitaThursday evening, lie was iñ years ofage und is survived by wife and three

    jd iughtcr;,, his home being at Victor,Colo., from which place he came toGrant county last May. The remainswere shipped to his former home for


    t& Swarts Notes. ,tMrs. M. Sherman was visit.;, Ii.

    one day last week.

    C. A. (iofnrtli went to leming onbusiness iast week.

    E. Golorlh is recovering after bciu-quit- esick for week.

    O. T. Mat son was in tbi.s igtUr.hood during the week.

    Albert Sehllll. left l;.t Week firSanta Rita on business.

    S. Galvin and Nestor Gomez went twIteming on business last week.

    Misses Ka'io .1. and ('. M. Swartvisited San Juan last Satuidaj.

    Reyes Rodriguez took trip to S.mJose one day last week on business.

    George O. l'errault and brother, Al-fred, were in San Jose over Sunday.

    Joe Sherman and John Cubic-business visitors here one day hist we.

    Mrs. W. M. Alison was vi.M.or litthe Imme of Mrs. Swart one day las!week.

    Miss C. M. Swarts and brother Mc-Kinley, were down to M. Tories' onbusiness last week.

    Miss Sadie H., James and Ike EndSwarts, who have been quite sick fortwo weeks, are improving.

    Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ilolstein and twodaughters, the Misses Colson, WillieColson, I). Colson, Dick Colson, BobMiller, Tom Mil' am! Mr. and Mis.Bill Miller attended the dance ut thehome of Mrs. Hugh Teel on New Years,and all reported tine time. All whowere present speak in highest terms ofthe music rendered by the bandSan Ixirenzo.

    CooKs' Items.The Othello mine shipped car of

    ore this week.

    A. Wallis was up from El Paso fewdays List week.

    mr. anu nirs. jonn Milcliell Havebeen visiting at Cooks.

    Geo. L. and John E. Gmver werebusiness visitors in Dcming Monday.

    Miss Blanche Orr returned Saturdayto her school work, after spending theholidays at home.

    "SPOTLESS TOWN."The citizens of "Spotless Town" will

    make their bow to the patrons of theDeming Opera House next Friday Jan.8th, when this big extravaganza willreceive its first presentation here.While the author has adhcrrcd closelyto farcical lines he has in this piece in-troduced an abundance of spirited undcutchy music; so much so in fact thatthe piece is said to at times take theair of comic opera. The cast select-ed to Kirtray the various quaint charac-ters is pronounced remarkably strongone.

    Fine furnished rooms for rent. Fivehut lis for accommodation of roomers.North half Beal's outage.

    Mas. Mi i.t. mi.


    Sor. A3

    tfrv.,,;:iuwv twva .

    v r v. a. ' v



    a :





    y ,.








    II- - i mt ti .... .. .



    j i - -


  • THE DEMING GRAPHIC.Ismed every Wednesday Two Dollars Per Annum

    N. S. ROSE. Proprietor.

    REMARKABLE.fHE EDITORIAL page of the last Deming Headlight is certain-

    ly a remarkable journalistic elTort. It is given entirely to thediscussion of the acts of the recent term of District court. Thegrand jury came in for a denunciation similar to the one in thesame paper of one week before, and in addition to this, JudgeParker was arraigned for callincr them back And rivinor thorn nrl- O v x. a Vditional instructions when they neglected to report on mattersDrought belore them.

    The writer then proceeded to make chanmagainst111

    District....Attorney Llewellyn, one of the oldest and mostnigmy respected citizens of this part of the territory, and againstDistrict Attorney R. M. Turner of Silver City, who, though notan old timer in the territory has been signally honored by the peo-pi- e

    of Grant county, who have chosen him to fill various positionsof trust during the years he has lived among them, boldly charg-ing them with using their official positions for personal gain. Thewriter also takes upon himself the responsibility of declaring "un-constitutional" a law which the Chief Justice and three of the As-sociate Justices of the Supreme court of our territory consider ittheir duty to enforce, whether it meets their personal approval ornot.

    Finally one of these editorials, the alleged writer of which,was a member of the grand jury in question, gives publication tooccurrences in the grand jury room, which the law treats as a sa-cred trust which no person has any right to expose, thus makingpuolic property of the inner workings of the court, and destroyingthe secrecy of the jury room. If personal abuse is argument, thearticles alluded to, are powerful arguments.

    A MOST SUGGESTIVE INCIDENT.JHE NEW RORK SUN mentions as a notable feature of the

    exports from the port of New York last week the large num-ber of clocks shipped to every part of the world, though this ex-portation (hiring that week was not exceptional, for the now usualforeign demand for American clocks is large. Toward fifteen hun-dred packages of American clocks were shipped to Europe, Asia.Africa and South America, and especially was the Asian demandlargo. Expositions of our watches and our cuttlery were alsolar,'.', and also glass and plated ware and optical goods. The of-fie.- al

    Canadian report of the importations of these goods and ofmanufactures of gold and silver during the quarter ended withSeptember, shows that, of their total value of $Ü0ÓG:W, more thantwo-third- s, or $453.091, came from the United States. As a con-sequence of the reductions of duty in the Cuban reciprocity treatythe Jewelers' Weekly expects a steady increase in our already largeexporlations of these wares to Cuba. American inventiveness anddexterity have opened up to us a world-wid- e market for a largevariety of goods formerly imported by us rather than sent abroad.The increase in our exportation of miscellaneous manufactures isone or the most suggestive incidents of this period. - - AlbuquerqueJournal.

    J L'ST NOW the Sunday closing question is attracting consider.:tb! attention in all parts of the territory, and Deminjj has no

    monopoly of it. In this connection the Roswell Register has to say"The actions of Judge Pope of this judicial district will be up-held by every law-abidin- g citizen. His determination that thelaw of the land in regard to the observance of the Sabbath shallbe upheld is one that will be generally indorsed."

    dMONG the thing which might well be considered by our peopleat the beginning of the New Year is that of bringing our town

    and county before the people of other places and of making the townmore attractive to the people who come here either for health or tolook lor employment. The move to have a free public reading roomis a good one, and will be appreciated by strangers among us.Another thing which would cost but little and would bring big re-turns is a small park with seats where people could go to rest andget the benefit of ouiObeautiful sunshine. These, and a drinkingfountain at the Union Depot where people passing through couldget a drink of our pure water, would do wonders toward bringings: rangers to our town and keeping them when they do come.

    --- --

    JS USUAL the newspapers are beginning to formulate tablesshow ir.g that this or that candidate must be nominated. In

    a recti t is;ue the Dallas News gave a table showing their table ofslates enduring Roosevelt, which gives him 1 votes out of a to-tal in the convention of Í)Ü8. IS") being the number required to no-minate. The News gives the following opinion in reirard to the


    EASTMAN kodak. y tienry 1'ieyerAll Styles and Sizes from $2.00 Up.

    Films, Dry Plates, Printing Papers, Mounts etc.

    AlsoGuitars Mandolins Danjos

    Violins --fi7 Accordions, etc., etc. 4The Best Line Strings andTrimmings always in Stock.

    W. P. TOSSELL Jeweler. anAm;nw New Mexico.

    c;m Indigestion, dypepli,A. Kinnear Co. DEMING LAUNDRY Mi ,- --.

    vnnAt t of

    Drug'g'istsStationery, PerfumeryAnd Toilet Articles.

    Special Attention Given to

    Prescription Department.

    Lew Q. WahDealer

    General MerchandiseHeadquarters forFresh Fruits. Ve-



    Groceries.Fine stock of stapleand fancy groceries, alrfobest candies etc.

    CHINESE and JAPAN-ESE fancy articles low-est prices.Molmnm, WA.r CM..

    HING a CO. :fProprietors. i--- , frwm .

    Star DairyM. W. Mayñeld, Prop.

    Cattle bought and

    J. I. Clement...Dealer in...


    kinds of Builders' Hardware

    Successor to & (livens.

    Deming - New Mexico


    BuilderDeming New Mexic



    Albuquvrao . . N(W Mtairo

    Deming FeedLiverv --JiauiC Salp

    C. L. BAKER, Mgr.City Expresa delivery. Huya undHORSES, WAGONS,


    native Hay for

    Cattle Bought and Sold.

    Deming .- - Mexico.









    New Sale


    T2U 1st! lltllM 1 "X.. .Our Monthly Publication

    will keep you posted on ourwork a'nd methods. MailedFree to the



    opposition - him, which say the least is encouraging those :.:.-:fi-sl:o I';ivm ho.Mv'st administration: "There is no organized opposi-- i H; ' '

    ti ..i to .Mr. Roosevelt that has suf!l ient courage show its V Hiirtíll'íí MTrTIi really cunts his find expressions against him the! '''WlW-CUKlllAMuT-( .iviiiiti'i vmmerciai trnnine aim in other publications upon ' ;r --! tViiiilvS MU A

    . , sW. ,rn,:.. , ,.ires a .

    . --v..-. .0OV "V







    classes of Laundry work t,uEuv)nd6.vMtor,ototh

    done to Please.

    Fine Shirts, Collars,and Cuffs, a iSspe-cialt- y.


    Out of town Foücited.

    bi.e us a (Jail.McINTOSH a FLETCHER.

    Proprietors.Q.9.Q.9S9 f f 9 f 9. 8 9. C 9. i. ..:.?.


    : .Victoria.J JOHN CAIN, Proprietor.

    New and First Class inevery respect. Electric

    Telephime, Haths

    modern conveniences

    LEE Reasonable Prices ?- ? é é 1. 1-


    K 1. K K


    Í C

    100Choice Lots

    At a BargainFor the ten days the Dem-in- g

    Real Estate and ImprovementCo. will sell one hundred choicelots at prices, after whichprices will be advanced fiftyper cent.

    HatsAnd all classes of headwear ladies can heought from my STOCK

    from now until sprintopening at COST. - -

    I also have a Fino stm-l,- -

    A. V. KKADKDealer in live I ht,ranch. Janos. Chihiialaia. M,.u,i.



    "iiinmr ii i. r.'lirumls


    A Clean Shave and anUp to Date Haircut.

    L. Codchaux

    Beaty BrothersWINDMILLS :k.., i!:AND CI.Kankd

    Country wurk nvuue




    old the



    ...DKAl.KU IN.


    M V ST K II S IN M',;Anu


    K0D0L d!gi$!a whl you ett.

    KODOI clensM.nd tha


    the tha ru- -



    to to

    toin to in f;


    7 7






    purldei,sweetens itomch.








    If flnfll relieves overworked stomachUl III licrvu -

    .1 - i..ll mrA itntrammfllfMIine nen a iuii, " -action, nourishes tha nervous system and

    feeds the bm

    Vnnfíl ' the wonderful remedy Out l--- - uinuig w t rand wek people sttone by rjvine 10 'heirbodies nil of the nourishment thai U con-

    tained In the food they est.

    B0KU1 only. $1.00 Sire tioldlnr M tlrrM th trilliita, which ntllifjr iOc.

    ttmnt tnlr 17 t. C. CO.. CBIU09.

    Rosch Leupold(onti:a('Toi:sand

    Ajrenls for (Vlrlrateil .JamesSash Lin k.


    Ice, Beer, Sodawater


    LANG GEEProprietor

    DKMiNt; i;i:stai'i;..tNice cii ;in nieids :it all hours.

    Oysters in anvStvIe'

    j French! Restaurant

    C,hh, CI. mi iii,.;,is at all hi.Call and si v i:s.

    Kouk Wine. I "I'U Si:. -- . t,vK LujI'l'i'i'i'ii-tur- .


    O"!!!,!,. ,;,iy (,.;,,service !u tv,.,.

    San Franciscoand New Orleans

    Rat ItnnnilNo. lo SI'NSET via the

    oi new dress goods, no- - ( lm' "v- - s s., ivancisco?tions etc, which I soll !";;s,;,"!:!';.:Í:1!M-!imv- i,tN"wai pi'lCCS that Will suit',,. U:'" ''sd..i-ear- . ohwrvn- -

    MRS. M. E. HINSWORTHY1''1";"'''1-- ".'i r :,'UI flwi f r's





    nt :




    . .


    Menii.his. St I .; ..... ' 'ni: hair car tu N, w (i,

    c :"' . ''.Aíil I' ASS EN- -; ' Vlil .,,1. ,1,,;.,.navil'::,-- 'l"i- A!'(,"aihis.

    VV'esisi;N'-';I-- EXPRESS.



    Jas.. v.:n,;,.:i.''''""'ii-- 'Lir.:-..t..,.- ,


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    A, ,.!,

    '..! I'..V" t" Sai: 'i.ciilid r!a


    SANTA FE.Tine Table.

    Kii'isiacinrv eonm....;


    N. M.


    Or- -

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    II'l'IIIl- -

    v:.ltn.. Deniine- -






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    'I , . . .....,.ngeleH

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    W-- IiOCIIKsTE,. AKvfítX)

  • 'i


    f.Tomo DEMÍNG. CONDADO de LUNA, NUEVO MEXICO, EL 7 de ENERO 1904. No 43



    La compañía Petrolera Mexicana que tienesus pozos n Ebano, a 55 kilómetros de Tampico




    esta no$

    en vista de la gran cantidad aceite le murieron 5G6 personas en menos de una


    están suministrando dichos pozos, ha comenzado de una gran reineria cerca de los La catastofre fue ol teatro quo

    sido construido unas cuantas semanas pasadasDice La Revista Internacional de ciudad En í "fíew I01U0, n e llamaba el tea-Juare- z:

    "La sociedad medica organizada en Me- - tro- - hab,a como m I l mas gran mi- -' mero compon a de i ores y ninw. v todos

    tiva y tenaz en contra del alcoholismo, ha tenido e mPuJarn para la puerta la deya varias interesantes reuniones y cuenta con la f b ' ei rBimaU0 IUtí llle mas deayuda del Gobierno del Estado y la de muchos par-- '

    b,,es' principalmente ' mujeres pi-

    aculares." por cjue buscaba escapo.Cuando rescate llego en la principal entrada los

    Se dice que el tratado de paz arbitrario An-muert- fue hallado, ciaban unos sobre otrosglo-Italian- o, el cual esta casi en la misma basis G pies alto. Y estaban tan l isdel Anglo-France- s, se firmará la siguiente sema- - no poJian tomarse uno por uno para llevarse afue-n- a.

    Este tratado es bueno. Pero en un un lado ra, sin que la carne nose desprendiese del cuerpose forma paz y en otro guerra. Bueno fuera que asi estaban demolidos. La escena fue nuiv trisen todo universo reinara la paz, y justicia para te, al ver a los, padres, v madres, hijas v hijos, iei si las naciones tuvieran en memoria esposas y esposos, buscando cadalas palabras de Benito Juarez: "El respecto alderecho ageno la paz," no hubriera guerra.

    Las indicaciones son que la cuestión de Pana-má traerá varias complicaciones. Desde del setiro

    las tropas aliadas cuando el tumulto de los'"Boxers" cusa de tres artos pasados en la China,Rusia se hizo chiquita y se quedó on Manchuria.A esto ha puesto objeción el gobierno Japonés yliu uuuaiiiua ijuc tri luí 11 utiu vvujja ltni)l ttlliJ,pues aranaes son prt'puraciunoá de guerra queuno y otro gobierno están haciendo. Se aseguraque aunque el Japón tendrá completo éxito en lamar, por tener los mas modernos buques, Rusiasaldrá truinfante en el sangriento conflicto.

    Ya Podemos Volar.El 18 del mes pasado, cerca Kitty Hawk,

    en el estado de la Carolina del Norte, una pruebasatisfactoria con una máquina de volar fué hechapr dos hermanos, Wilbur y Wright, deDayton, estado de Ohio. La máquina voló con se-guridad y dirección por tres millas, de frente áun viento fuerte que soplaba á la despuésmuy suavemente desendió á tierra en un lugardesignado por el navegante. La máquina de volarno tiene globo apendido, pero obtiene su fuerzade montores impulsados por un pequeño ingenio.Se sostiene que su velocidab alcanza a ocho millaspor hora á una altitud de (JO pies sobre laLa máquina ascendió de una plataforma construi-da sobre una loma. La idea del inventor se adhie-re á la forma de un papalote cuadrado como basede su formación. Ia invención ha sido ya patenti-zada y los inventores han sido llamados á Wash-ington para consultar con ingenieros del gobiernoquienes están muy interesados sobre la utlda.del invento. Si asi sigue el negocio, dentro de po-co tiempo, la bicicleta abrirá paso á un par de alasy cada quien, á su placer, bogará por los aires.

    Peligro de Guerra en Europa.Las dos potencias de primera órden en cuan-

    to á poder marítimo, militar y riqueza, los impe-rios de la Husia y del Japón, ásegún los Ultimoscablegramas recibidos, están ya á punto de decla-rarse la guerra. Las dos potencias y otras de lasde Europa que les sirven de ayuda y consejeros,parecen haber ya agotado todos los medios y pla-nes diplomáticos, sin arreglar los puntos de difer-encia. Se ha ya al paso eneondeel imperiodel Japón se ha parado en las negociaciones y leha indicado con mucha firmeza al imperio de Ru-

    sia pie tiene modificar y cedar en sus deman-das ó la guerra será la alternativa. Estr es, elJapón insiste en que el tratado de la evacuaciónde Markjhuria se verifiqne por la Rusia yque retire sus pretensiones á dominación en elrieno de Korea. Las dos potedeias están bien pre-paradas y la guerra será la mas temible de estostiempos, por sus armamentos modernos mary tierra y por la diciplina de las escuadras y tro-pas de los combatientes. Encontrándose los inte-

    reses nacionales de la Inglaterra, de la Francia yde la Alemania y de otras potencias muy opuestasan a loinno nripnte. se teme la uruerra entre


    El Miércoles de la en la ciudadChicago, occurrió los mas grandes incen-dios que se han visto en esa ciudad desde el año182, cuando casi la enterase ardió. EI f TT TI 'AAincendio en ocasión fue grande, pero H Qtf B T3 Sperdida de vidas casi iguala ala de 1872, pues iWw

    de que

    instalación en nuevobia

    se muIoH cuando vez $


    soteados la multitudel

    de de aplasta que

















    quien a suseres mas queridos, y llorando á voz alta en hicalle. El fuego fue ocasionado por la quiebrade un alambre eléctrico. Y poco después la ex-plosion do los tanques de (as.


    En aquella metrópoli hubo también un meen- -dio en la casa "Troy Club," en el cual perecieran

    gado prominente de aquella region la perdidacuasada por la lumbre se calcula en jSj.O'io,

    El hotel Highland de Albuquerque, X. M..fué el Martes destruido por lumrre: Aunque nopoc erón personas, se calcula que la perduda depropiedad ligara a mas que ?'5U,U.)().

    1904 Ano de Elecciones.En el presente arto de 11) )l es por su turno, el

    arto de elecciones generales,Los primeros ea:idida.os que se nominaran

    en el 21 de Junio en la ciudad de Chicago, seránpara I 'resident y v ice rresn lente por el partidorepublicano. En el mismo tiempo, poco despuésse harán las nominaciones demócratas para lamismas posiciones, asi como también habrá oírosnominaciones pan; los encumbrados puestos deotros partidos nacionales de menos importancia.Localmente en este terrkorio. por d mes de Sep-tiembre, como ha sido costumbre, se liaran lasnominaciones de candidatos para delegado al con-greso, mientras mas larde, (ligase en el mes deSeptiembre ú Octubre se nominaran las boletaslocales de condado. Esto sin contar las eleccio-nes municipales de ciudades y plazas. El pre-sente será un arto de política interminable,hasta el desenlace final en el mes de Noviembreen las urnas electorales.

    Tara este arto, de todo á todo el partido re-publicano se encuentra muy bien preparado parala batalla; tanto nacional como localmente, y es-tamos seguros que con la union que existe en dichopartido el triunfo ser nuestro, Handera Ameri-cana.

    La Ley del Domingo.Nomas de unos cuantos dias hace que se

    procuró, en forzar la ley del Domingo en nuestrapintoresca ciudad de Deming, y ya ha producidosu efecto. Tero sinembargo, no debe darnoscuidado, pues siempre sucede cuando una nie-deci-

    se aplica el paciente rehusa tomarla, uy.(pie gestos le hace, y si la toma hasta le producenausea en veces, siembargo le sana. v

    Toda nuestra población esta ha favor de laacción tomada por el Juez Parker coi respecto ála ley del Domingo, exceptuanao cierto escritorde esta plaza el cual ha estado publicando artícu-los y representando á nuestros ciudadanos comosi estuvieran en contra de la ley, cuando el y pue-de ser que uno mas son los únicos que están encontra. Sus artículos publicados en su semana-rio son sin fundamento, pues todo son injurias alHon. Sr. Lewellyn abogado de distrito y al JuezParker, y unas cuantas sátiras al personal de esteperiódico,

    Sinembergo decimos que el pueblo americanoy mexicano conocen la utilidad de tal ley, cono-cen que hay un dia entre siete en que deben des-canz- a.

    Y llegara el dia cuando no solo en tresdistritos sino en todo el territorio se observara,pues la ley es ley, y sino que se quite, pues mejores que no haya ley, si la hemos de pisotear.

    i p.iüia v ! .innnn envuelva á muchos otros no- - Venceremos al hn, á pesar del contrario




    P Hemos Recibido ?Un gran surtido de tipos del

    nuevo estilo y x

    llCUlIlOO otUJv$loüa clase de obras, encabezados de $carta retornos de sobres Ü;


    S PQue hacemos de di--

    l jz? versos colores. j&O en cualquier color queal odenar pidan, y hace- - 5

    s Ji mos el trabajo mas aprisa ?Vuc 11 cualquier otra :

    'i oficina en este lugar ijuuscriBanse al 1

    DEMING$2.00 Al Ano.

    LOCALES.Hev. Dionicio Costales, de

    Deming partió para Dwyer elLunes donde visitará por algunos jineteandoUias en ikgoeios gos pelota otraa su misión.

    El Sr. Epifanio Estrada está po-niendo nuevo suelo en su residen-cia al sudoeste de Deming, De-seamos mas al Sr.Estrada.






    estaban resultos

    atenden- -del pueblo

    Ignacio Homero entretenimiento plació, se puc-d-tado bastante decir á todos.ii . . .semanas paludas. Muy aplaudidos fueronseamos que pronto recobre su si-lu- d.

    Pablo Hibera está me-jorando su tienda, pues ha pues-to un mostrador nuevo y acre-centado el surtido t-- su tiendaNos gusta ver á nuestros amigesprosperar.

    J. J. Jacobson, del Mim-bres estuvo en nuestra plaza elLunes y Martes con negocios



    Luciano Neto su familiaestuvieron en El visi-

    tando á suen el

    Salas su re--,sidencia del de Mimbres á es- -

    y es

    peridad al Señor Salas

    .... itquienes lados mas que el chicle y la io que son la iusus charamusca. y electricidad.




    El Viernes de la semanael comienzo del ano nueo

    fue por !:en broncos, eon im

    de y illas divisiones que se prepararon paiaese dia. A pesar de louoso que fue el dia los Laqueas

    á jinetea-- , airoó no aire pues para ellos t--smismo. Siembargo,

    cia fue grande, elEl Sr. ha es- -

    enfermo durante ....las dos De-- 1 los

    El Sr.

    rio de


    á unos de ellos lo tiró subronco y le dio en lacara, á otro lo cojió la soga mien-tras procuraba lazar el suyo, y lerompió la quijada.

    Atención!Se nos pedido que llame-

    mos atención de la de(pie alguien ha estado destruyen-do algunos monumentos en el ci --menterio Este de la ciudad.Esta clase de trabajo no de

    Cristobal Torres en hacerse y tamnoco debe tolerar- -nuestra el Juevez, con un se, por la razón de que las perso-carg- a

    de manzana, retornó el Sa-- 1 ñas no esos monumentosha lo para hogar en el rio para (píese quiebren: ademas.Mimbres.

    v quie-nes Paso

    parientes volvieronhogar rio de Mimbres.

    ha cambiadorio

    ta plaza, ahora ciudadano;



    celebrado nuestra



    una talada






    hay una ley para tales cosaslos culpantes serán castigados

    si se hallan.

    Ano Nuevo.Deseamos lodos nuestros

    suscriptores un artonuevo. Ahora es el tiempo

    de Deming. Le deseamos pros-- iJW UIWO W.TjfV (Hl',

    esia )01.amos de la gente mexi-cana mucho patrocinio, por otra

    Epifanio Estrada quien estuvo parte nosotros haremos todo lo

    visitando parientes durante la I,osible l'ara im,i'"11' nmtr:isemana de Navidad retorno para ina tM1 t:lano1 ' (lar UK'vassu trabajo en Cambray. (luo st'an (it al í)m'1,lu- -

    Hasta ahora estamos conformesEl que no crea en misterios que con lo poco que hemos recibido

    ia ivwjim j w r : " . i ideres Europeos, tomaran a según elástico mas maleable que expnque

    intereses. j

    '. M M M M M


    i ; .;














    11 11" IU J'l I l 4


    a- -


    calor sir.embárgo esperamos mas pro-greso en lo futuro,


    Ethnological Exhibit in GoodShapeCement and Stuccofor New Mexico Building

    Free.The Rock Island Cement and Plaster Com-

    pany, which has its works at Ancho, in Linrolncounty, the place beinj; a station on the El Paso& Northeastern Railway, about 35 miles s;uthof Torrance, has offered the New Mexico boardof St. Louis Exposition managers to furnish freeof all charge f. o. b. Ancho, the cement and stuc-co ncecesary for the New Mexico building at theSt. Louis Exposition; the company also desiresto make an exhaustive exhibit of the cementsand st uccos manufactured bv it H,m Ahtk...Soligman, one of the commissioners, has receivedinformation to this etrect and will lay the mat-ter before the board at its next meeting.

    Owing to the efforts os Percy J. Hagermanof Roswell. one of the members of the New-Mexic- o

    Kurd of exposition managers, 50 barrelsof line Pecos Valley apples of last year's crophave bi-e- sent to St. Louis where they will beKepi in coia storage until nex t year, It is under-stoo- d

    that other fruits will be gathered and sentfrom New Mexico to St. Ljuh during the yearliHH as they ripen and become ready for







    ticketsdown that


    Hon. Arthur Seligman. of the'y handle o

    lo,rd. h issi.ccv arranging a fairh heretofore it

    exhibit. secured the ethno- - Kut withlogical subjects 'Now Mexico Societv. the Harvev the

    of th? &,ntaHotel IT i ' V'of the Samuel rm , tf the tickets thate wIu'ii it theJuan. Arriba count v agentcollodions very valuable, quite in ,. ,vcr . road,subjects The

    u a form" ,i auEldodt arrant) nn "V.

    catalogued Professor A. F. Randelier. Themineral exhibit under direction of ProfessorFayette A. .lonegrowing apace

    is getting wdl and isa number of valuabln

    specimens have been i..rfexhibit packed and , 0 Santa taken

    Death A. D. Carscallen.A. E. I). Carscallen. time business

    manager of paper, died of 1o'clock morning at Phoenix. Arizona.

    Carscallen a businessm íhilíív if' i'm : i., n" ioeau.N an of Ü0 orsocial made manv friends gutN '" 10 J- - S- - owner.Here, to all whom announcement ofuntimely end will unfeigned sorrow.

    u nen a of his natural ability, educa-tion, ami energy, called

    acvunt in of life the world suf-fers a real loss. Journal.

    SANTA FE ROUTEhave on 7, S. 9 10,

    tickets Deming toOre., at one for the

    round i at d .'l!S. .".), i.eeording tor'i.ite. ucco'.nu of National Stoekassocia;i ui anievd me.-tin-

    .i.s.voeia'.i. Final limit for;l. l: . Stop pr'vi-lege- s

    other information canby on or addressing W. (J.KueilKSli K,

    Ct'ItED AFTER SUFFEBI.NC 10 YEAPS.H. !. Hare, ..liam.i t'ytle vt , fgCo. Middleiown. ().. suffered for ten

    psia. lie spent bun-(iid- sof dollars nieiiieine :.nil

    ilietors wui.oi.t receiving permanentbenelit. lie night wlnlefeeling exceptionally Iwwto tlirow the paperI s.i.v an in il paperthe merits of KimíoI Dyspepsia Ic. neluded to try it and I had no

    in it I better Ike seeonddose. After using bottles I amsironer 1for years, and I recommend! i.ep.-d- 1. my friends and ac-- .

    i . sulfering..ubi..." by.l. P. P ron Son

    rOCKET the no trouiile toin ta!", pleasant

    ni' in are DeWltt's LittleK.irly Risers. A vi d of lit t It- - pdlsin t!i '. vest-pocke- t is a certain guaran-tee against head. e l, e, biliousness, tor-pid and ail of the ills resulting

    constipa' in.i. They to. liestrengthen tlie by .1. P.


    O NT. MilITK.Ulli? .Minute l J lUlegives inone minule, because it the micro-be which tidkles the membrane'.aij'-iii- g the con di, at the

    clears the draws out theima'ion and ii ds and soothes the

    affected p irts. I i Minute Cough Cu-re strengthens lie lung.., wards offpneumonia and is a harmlessfailing cure in . 'I ciirable ofCoughs, Croup. MinuteCough is nt to take, barm-- ,lex. al:! . for young

    by J. I'. Dyron .ictjimlnt-


    The Santa Fo Vill Destroy Mil-lions of Old Tickets

    January 1904.annunc th. on January 1, 1904, theSanta re road will adopt an entirely new formof coupon tickets and millions of

    in useover will in. checkedand destroyed. The work of issuing thetickets will be done under the supervisionpassenger denartment. tb.0up the will be handled in the office ofme iiCKeiauuicor.

    The work at this ,,.;nsitatethe employment ofAooui (inierent lorms of the ticketstope on saleatthp rliflW.mi- - f:the company's lines and something like 1,800forms of the to checked upIt is thought that it will about a month toaccomplish this part of the

    It is stated local officials of the road thatthe difference in number of forms be-tween the and tickets is the principalreason the change. In the last issue of cou-Io- n

    tickets, 1.800 forms were handled but in theissue of this amount has beencut to about 9(H). Thus it will seem as.the result of the admit ion of thn 1..., - V..V. 14V HLIVt t UV

    Santa Fe the company's ticket agents willtreasurer lu,red,to 900 different forms

    eded in for very TT t,ets was necessaryethnological He has fam,liar,3 themselves twice

    and archaeological owned by the .nunUl,er'Historical T'1?1?. .a" explanation of ticket

    hrti-.- at the Alvarado at Albuquerque Fo tneandpavt collection owned bv Fl- - lHxhvm mak'dodtatSan is necessary

    are numerous I,aSík!n!ír tl) anotherand will make an excellent showing l0U'tü.fl'K a'n ll;is kept different

    owned su,t'K' mi 'wrwlter, theone by Mr. was ticketby



    of one

    this consumption atyosterd-i-

    Air. was nnn nf m..i,

    thooí the

    manMs unconquerable to

    his the morningAlbuquerque

    .Ian. trip

    I'.i.'i ind.."i."


    .Ian. overand bad


    years withtor wi'-- h

    bad aboutdown evening when


    whilefaith fell after

    and than have been

    Cureanees from stomaeh


    VESTway. car-

    ry, easy and neverfail,

    ibes- -

    liverfrom and

    liv-- r. Sold Itv-ro- ii


    and samepol 'gm,

    and nevereases

    Cold OneCure

    and good and old.Sold





    nowthe be calledup,

    newof the

    nnrlold ones


    newyuu new are


    old are be


    old newfor

    the new


    col-- 1

    Rio for

    will have the names of all of nL- -printed upon it, so that the agent will onivto punch the road that is required.

    The new coupon tickets that have justadopted

    Vby the Santa Fe were oneii'mlk--mineral seeure.l fl

    the i, rea Iv for sbinm.., inc. lnit Fe has






    0010 01 li. u nas oeen changed so that muchoí the old ticket remains.

    December 1".) the Highland Hotel of Al-buquerque, one of finest in the territory,destroyed fire with nil

    lVth:m iisiml .111.ami me i.eiongingsqualities. He moreThe Mr- -in Albuoucmao (lurinu- - v,,,. ,. Haynolds,Ling


    Will s.del'.'o!,





    says, "On- -










    the tickets





    the wasby together


    was about 10.000. with :lli ilKl I l"l II.. I rf 1.1000. and that of the guests is estimated at aboutiM.0OO. Xo other pro)erty was injured thoughthe Gas works had a call and weresaved by strenuous efforts on the part of thefire department.

    L:il Tin of Tralni on All RUroadi.K. I1. . s vi- . i -- i"Mi,niit ,,i s . ,., ,.

    n'v" '" ... f. it t. ..(, .,Ai'r.ici at t. ... m ,.., ttilh .v f,,rth.. north m:. ,.!wt. c. i Ac-- i

    Sam vFi: Tl.r..i.Kh .s.-mr- r i.n.l n,il'a.-- l hit;,,, , . ,. ..V1V .,.,,, m

    ,"M'"1' V;.-- , ,,. ,., arriu,s"' W. I. HoeiiMTMi. Air.-nt-

    fA.ine Thr,llf t,U!.M.,,.r ,,'"ni i,v !,,., Caüf,,,-,,,,- ,, H1l":l I !.M ,1)r.T Ir.u. s fr ,l. :..,--, ,j". . t,l I..,,.,.., f,.r ,,. ,. , ,'"""in I I.MV.-- f..rtl,.. w..M , !,. "I'

    Ml...,.....r.ilv.., f.,ril,..Wl.M , ,Urn. I no.l Friday al '.1 :,,,. m.

    ('. II n.isw.iKTii. Air. ni.

    Buy Your Fruit Trees Now.The Ottawa Star Nursery, of

    Kas.. now has several representativest. king orders for trees in Southwest-ern New Mc.Mo,,. They lave s,enough that th,-- - v.;i! snip to K hisoTexas, near load about March 1st andlocal from there to vario..!., des' nation.-

    This insures Ireland ,'.five In much belter condition thanwhen localled long distances.

    The Ottawa Star Nur.ei v was es- -'tabli-he- d in ls'Tit. they now have1.011 aeiesof .Nursery a; Ottawa, Kas.,and over JMMi ac es of orchanls atKord Colo., giving them g.Kid ex..'-rietic- e

    in varietés in the west.Any one wishing cinidowm ni ...

    salesman will do well to write them ,s 'they are the grower., of Nursery stockwest of the Missouri river, and are'

    io lurmsli trees in car lotswholesale or retail.


    ests t ' .




    A. H. Thompson

    Live Stocli




    iw- stock inter-dil-on me



    close only,i;ni.





    Can be Cured withDr. Miles' Anti-Pai- n

    Fills.If your nrrv.' r ("t..ort In .lillirh- -

    nn. mitli us llcml.u-hi'S- .li.-i- k.icii... nn. .in, .t. sai. y, .; i -- iaiI'alliSi. SI"'iii'S.n. ss. il.v. Ih.-'- j.,iie-nn.- l

    Jaiialtnii can Im. ihi.-'.i- ended withn It. .M.l.s- - Aiiil-l'nl- n .11.

    Ir. .Mies' Aiitl-I'al- 1' is aro nLna-nn- llittle pink'ts. wl.icli ii..t a. l

    on II. e bowels, in .r .In li.ey I. me wi auenlii:; or haliit f irm- -lll;.- - . ff. i t 1. 11 Hi. s. in

    Tln-- are the r.- - ult of H e l.,i. t se!, n- -title Kltivle.tK i the Hlll je. t of I ' l.rlnif n K. f safely ninl qui. KU- tothe irreal. 'St M.ff.-icr-

    Y.HI Kh.iiild nlways keep n box nf Pr,Mil. s' Aiill-l'alt- i I'ills in th,. turn .... sine.,y.ui never km.w when p.. In muy :it...'Uy "i. ii ti .J It Is wr.mii to s'iiTer when jourpuffei'liiif run he so quickly I.

    It. Mlh-s- Antl-ral- l'ills ibi no'.ni. . til. nal, iii.iri.lilne, nr

    siniü.ir and an- - h- - dru,:;i.--lindel- a uii.irai.iei to r.ll.vo you. nr

    v your ninte y hnrk.

    llll'i. Ml....' f..,..v!, ti" pill Infallihly eH li. lu 'a.'..' rii.ii, nine i !OS.I Al, m'end I her l'ills w'.cn ii.c ,I r.eivld. ly nllll.-t-- Willi

    I nf l!,. hei, and lllul lis efllClell Ilelil - ,. all thatlilni.'d f..r I! (Ki C'iii..;lh, 21!) Oakland St.. San AntoiU.),ter.FREE Writ lis for Tren 'I'.-or Dr. Milci' Anti.Pl.ll II, t e New S. i. nlilie ltenie.lvlyr lain. .Ni. Symptotti lllank. (mr- pen, t Will vmir I n il

    what n. I how lo ri'ílit It.jive lilt. MII.KS MKI'ICVI. t'O..LAUOIlATOItlKS.

    Location blanks all other lecalforms printed n"d for sale by thePi:.minii GltAl'lllC.

    WHERE DOES HE PUT IT ALL1 I 1 ui iifiini young man nay, as hi him

    a friend were looking Hi. a car load oflumber we wore unloading. did not.ui !.;. -- i 1 .1. I'm loaos vwiicii uit'i

    railroad was holding for us because we jwere ho oiikv. Mnm men one, unloaded.


    Unit 4hm tjivtfiitt1r nwi )... 1 m MMv iiiiijij tu . ui ti u i ivn I'myou ever think how far we brin" ourlumber? New Mexico in just begin- -ninir to ho known nu n 1io.d,.i ctnt,. ,,!l

    I ill we buy

    SPRUCE AND WHITE PINEFrom the Pacific coast. Then we buv

    YELLOW PINEfrom Arkansas.other states. In fact we carry lumbercut from all sections of ho country and

    COALwhich we are obliged to go down undeiImo siaics ior. i mile in and we wtell you more about

    W. R. Merrill.Deming ......... w.

    Corel When Doctors Fai!.Mrs. Frank fh.u-.s..;,- , Pattersnn.La '

    wrues Jui.eSth. li'dl; ,;(1 mal..,,.,.,in a very bad form, was under

    trcauiieiit of doctors, but as soon a Itopivd taking i heir mrdieiee the fevervo;i return. I Um1 a sample bottle!

    oi lb'i liine. found it helped me. Then Pbought two bottles, wiii.'h eomnl.tlv'cured me. feel grateful to volt for .furnishing such a s;ioi ,r, inedicme.andcan honestly r.vcommend it tothose s'ii'- -Per.nir from i:i ii .. i. .- ... . . ............ ,v --,uniVture hem. I ."ule lu.til.. mI'. I'.yron and S'üi '

    Good for ChildrenThe ple'.san! to tf.k.. ;;nd h:'rmles

    One .il'Ute C,i:..;ll Cure gives il;i!K;i-relie- fin all -, .; of Coughs. Colds

    Croup and t.a Ciipp,. because it ini'ii- -t pass immediat. !v into the sloniae'i'.ml t ikes etrect lit at the Seat of thetrouble. It draws inn i.,. i;u!:m,lr.;.turn, heals ard mo!'-- and cures per-manently l.y eiial.;:r.-- tile unt-- ; to ,'n.tnblite pure lii.-e.iv- ai lü'(..,,,.;.

    owgeti In the .oil and 'issueDr. iir f ),.'!,, T,.x,," .,'.:scribes daily and says there is no bet-- 't er rough remedy made. Sold bv J p

    oon ,on.

    For Those WIio Live rn Farms.üergii. Pana. Id., have'usen '.aliaru s .S.-.- I.inin.em- -

    it ion,;,- friends, as c.'u-- ,lulent lucre is no better made It s !' for bums." T;sf, tt;tl


    larms nre especially liable to ,ianv ac-cidental cuts. burn.-- , and bruises H-v-In al rapidly w Hallard's Snow n.tueni applied. It should alw-ivs- ' I,,.'kept 111 the house for eases of ,."., ,,,..Vjj---- "Oc. and í I.imi nt J. . nsn,n&

    World Wide Heputatlon.White's Cream V. rmiiuge hv.s aehi.--

    ed a world wide ionreputa; as being thebest ol all worm destroyers, ard fo,. ,tonic inlluen.-eo- weak and tmihrinchililren, as ii the aciditV


    .orsorenes ; of the iIM,iri,Vl;,tlie digestion and ion ef f..,jstrengthens i.,.i- - ñervo,,, system :i.l.lestoresthem lolhe health, ip,r ami 'elasticity ,,t spirit natural to cbddren.-c at J. 1. ,i Son.

    WHAT'S I.N A

    r.veryilnng is in tb.NAME.

    conns to Witch Hazel Salve 'V.ltt &Ce. aeng..i discoveredy i how to ninl... ., . . i..- ei evnii: Miles' Antl- - U ilch Ilazt I that is

    Tain Tills Hln.M, li mifferiier 1,1 I.I I:.. - :.


    ofars airo

    i.y Dr.i,n,l l,.n ,il,.

    en Ut, 2S en, Neve,- , y,. ihg l' ZtZ W?''U''I Ilued Ii, ...t ..... '....I .1. .. ,ii,i n ,' ' I'.sl .11111 lit, in .I... it ii" . .n ti..iiM,, .,. ,,,, ..i... ,,,': , '.; 'm-.- ie t s y; ....e;i, f

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    . ill.- - for ',,..

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    ' !''l. Inslms give, se..W....H.U.- - v.cin .ess rdiint..!-!.- . i

    i .s the genuine1 . I.yron it Son.

    To the public:- -


    Nild bv ..

    Deming, N. M.Nov., 1 1903

    We wish to announce that ,..hav bought a lot of n,,, milk cow s and

    '"i" miiK ami eicani j.,quantity.

    Yours truly.

    Sunset Dairy,


    N S. I) A- M.. melf in


    LO. O. 0.1,1 hH.


    !.i!i-- iMil!

    i.' t inn.

    .1Hi1.1l S. M

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    mid third Tuesdays

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    O. K S.t

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    ". 1 T"et MfiK8aih Copivhights Ac.





    hall, Ave.





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    liloet sI. 'i. rill"f I'.

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  • News and Comment Gathered From Other PensA3 far as the returns have been received the

    governor of Tennessee is ahead in the matter ofChristmas pardons. Twenty-seve- n persons whowere rendering the State some service were giventheir liberty as a Christmas present, amongthem six colored gentlemen to whom the courtshad given teams ranging from 15 to 99 years, forthe usual offense. Albuquerque Journal.

    As soon as they had finished their Christmasdinner at Mesa, Ariz., the people began to collectto see the local cowpunchers rope steers, says anexchange. Some very clever exhibitions of quickwork were seen. Several came under the 50second mark. Arthur Woolf won first money bytying his steer in 38i seconds. A very laughableevent was the mule race. Five mules were en-tered but not one of them desired to go its limitof speed. Large applications of lariat were puton them, and finally the three hindermost mulescame to the front. The race would have been ad ad heat between the first two mules, but therider of one leaned forward and shoved his mule'sears ahead, and so won by an ear.

    Some weeks ago, says a well-kno- journal,Sir Hector Macdonald, a gallant soldier, commit-ted suicide as the result of some stories printedabout him in the newspapers. He was, next toLord Roberts, the English military idol. No ad-vantages of wealth were his; he rose to high posi-tion by his own efforts. His name of "FightingMac" was a term of endearment and a popularhonor. His whole life was given to his country,and his services were great. Commissionerswere appointed to investigate .he charges againsthim. They reported as follows: "We find thelate Sir Hector Macdonald had been cruelly assas-sinated by vile and slandering tongues." Wehope all our readers appreciate to its full extentthe meanness and wickedness of slander.

    In the opinion of Vice-Preside- nt Morton ofthe Santa Fe system, the present large traffic onthat line will continue next year. He states thatthe Santa Fe net earnings in 1903 were over twoand a half times as large as they were in 1897.He says: "Our present average passenger earn-ings per mile of road are greater at present thanthose of the St. Paul. There has been within thepast few months a m irked improvement in Kan-sas, Oklahoma, Colorado and California; every-where, in fact, both in passenger and freighttraffic. I attribute this very largely to the grow-ing recognition of the advantages of these differ-ent sections for agricultural development and alsothat several years of prosperity have made peoplebetter able to travel. From 1897 to 1903 the ton-nage of the Santa Fe has increased 128 per cent. ,its passenger traffi: 152 per cent., its gross earn-ings 103 per cent, and its net earnings 200 per


    A reward of FIVE THOUSANDDOLLARS will be paid by the A. T &S. F. Hy., Co., for evidence suflU'ientto convict parties who pulled spikes andremoved rail iointn at llridfre 447 be-tween MANZANOLA & FOWLKR.Which resulted in wreck of No. 0.about 1 A, M., Oct. 30th.

    H. U. Murine. Gen'l. Mgr.


    To WHOM IT MAY I'ONI'KRNtNntire ia hereby irivcn (hat the undcraiirned.

    ' Huy Fon-- , wa on the ÜUIh day uf Dccomlicr. A.I). I'M. iluly appointed Adminiatrntor of the Ea-ta-te

    of Sam Folia-- , deceased. All pei-an- Iuvíhkcluima uiruinnl aaid eatale are required to preaentthe name duly verified within one year from thedale nf aaid upiiointment, the time allowed hy lawfor the pteaentalion of eurh claim, and if not oprewnted and tiled ituch claim will Ik- - haired hyvirtue uf Ihe elatule in tuch caava made and pro-vided.

    All perwma Indebted to raid enlate are requeu-ed to aeltle with tho undeiaiirnt-d-


    HAY ! O ISO,Adminialratnr of the Eatale of Sam Fon?,

    A. A. TKMKE,Attorney for Adminiatrator.


    In the Platrlct Court of the Third Judicial Pie-tri-

    of the Territory of New Mexico, within and

    for the County of Grant.

    John S. Manfull, PUintilT.VH.

    The IVmini and Water Company. Anna 8.Wallia. Pócima KendrirV, New Mexico RealKntHto, Huildiiia; and Ixatn Aaanrialinn. HellMcltae. John K. (ioodfcllow and Mary Good-fello-

    hi wife, whoae firat name la unknownand I here called "Mary;" Emerwin M.llotchkla and Mary Hotchkiaa hia wife,whoee II rut name ia unknown and ia herecalled "Mary;" O. C. Kalrhurat and MaryFairhurat hi wife, whone flint name ia un-known and i hete called "Mary;" Emma A.Kendrick aa trustee for Mini Kendrit k. KaleKendrick. and Jie K. Kendrick; (iillwrt A.Fcwter and Clara Koeter hi wife; Henry F.I.aMaterand Mary hia wife, whoaeUnit name unknown and ia here called"Mury;" Prank l'helpa, F.. M. Miller and Na-thaniel C. Koater. Defendant.

    Where, by a certain Judgment and decree ofIhe above-entille- d court, made on the Ütth day ofJuly, A. 1). IWS. in the ahove entitled rauac it wmamona: other thinit eonaidcred and adjudged thatthe defendant, the Deming Land and Water Com-pany ia indented to the plaintilT, John 8. Manfull,in the aum of $.11.11. that licinic the um ilue theplaintilf at the dale of ale, and to the defendant.

    cent., while the capitalization of the company hasincreased less than 15 per cent. This brief state-ment emphasizes the story more than I can."

    v An exceedingly attractive and widely po-pular westerner is the young and fine lookingchief executive of New Mexico, Gov. M. A.Otero, who is at the New Willard, with his wifeand little son, says the Washington Post."I am just taking a few days' rest and havecome east to spend the holidays," said the Gov-ernor. "It is a pleasure to say that our territoryis in excellent financial situation and that all ourinterests are flourishing, especially as to our minescattle, and sheep. We have coal and iron insuch abundance as to rival Pennsylvania, andour wealth in copper can scarcely be overstated.It would perhaps surprise many of the Postreaders to know that New Mexico ha3 turquoisemines, from which come a big output of thehandsomest gems in the market; one big NewYork house gets its whole supply there. Theterritory has a very small debt, and pays cashfor all it buys. There is money to meet everyaporopriation; and no warrant has been servedfor years. The great activity in railway build-ing in our borders is a sure indication of thewealth and progress that will ultimately liftNew Mexico into a very enviable place."

    A Washington special gives this as the lat-est statehood gossip: Territorial delegates incongress and other persons interested in state-hood for the territories that are asking admissionto the Union, are losing no time even at the holi-day recess, to push matters pertaining to thesubject which is of such great importance tothem. Delegates Wilson and Rodey of NewMexico and Arizona have remained here and areattending to matters in the different departmentsfor their constituents. Mr. Rodey said today:"Along about January 10 to 20 there will besomething doing in the statehood question, inmy opinion. I believe there is a disposition onthe part of members of this congress to enactlegislation which will forever eliminate the ques-tion of statehood for the territories from furtherconsideration. Either we will be admitted, or aportion of the territories will be taken in ándprovision made for the others to enter statehoodwhen the proper period and conditions as torequirements have been met. There is a disposi-tion, I have observed, to eliminate the wholesubject. It would, of course, be very desirableto us to have the subject ended with our ad-mission, and I think I have said before that thebills will pass both houses this session."

    This is leap year, and the ladies have a rightto speak for themselves. It is a privelege theyrarely enjoy, says an exchange. Is it?

    Nathaniel C. Fouler. In the aum of UI.W2. thatthat being the niiin duo him at (lute of aide, byreaon of the fuilnre of the Niid defendant, theDeming I .and and Water Company, to puy certain

    intcreal coupon owned by said plain-tilf ami defendant respectively nttuched to and de-tached from certain bond iaaucd hy the defend-ant, the DemiiiK I .and and Water Company, andaecured by ilacerlnin mortgage or deed of truatexceiiled on Ihe t h day of Augut. IKC toThoma F. Hum a truaicc. and conveying lo himthe hereinafter ilcacrilied real enlate anil peraonalproixTly; and whcrcii. it wan further ordered anddecreed therein that a prior lien cxikIh in favor ofthe defendant, Frank l'helpa, again! the person-al property levied Un under an executionagain! the Deming I jod and Water Company, inthe um of IHX4.7& wilh intermit thereon fromMarch 2. IK), at the rate of ix per centum mtannum, and Ihe um of t:2!i co!a iherein taxed,amounting in Ihe aggregate to the um of fieAl.tMat date of ante, and Unit aaid pcnmnnl property olevied uMin hall tie aold acparotcly for Ihe

    aaid hen of the aid Frank l'helpa andauhject thereto, the aurplu, if any, to Ik appliedto the payment of the coUmn indchtwineK abovementioned; and, w he rea, the undersigned wa hyaaid decree apiioinled a NHial commiaaioncr ofaaid court to sell the mortgaged real estate, prein-- i

    and proH'rly hereinafter ileacriliod lo antiafyaaid inilelilnlmni arising uisin aaid iitipuul inter-est couMin belongiiiK to aaid plaintilT and aaidNathaniel (', Koater, and alan each like due andunpaid coupon now outstanding and which snailhereafter lie hy the court herein found to bo theproieriy of any other penwinnr peraon, and alsoIhe lien existing in favor of the defendant, iFrankl'helpa. as aforesaid, and the rusta and charge ofaaid auil and of aaid sale.

    Now. therefore. Ibis ia In give notice that, un-der and in pursuance uf said decree, I, the under-aigne- d

    apecial commissioner, will on Satunlay, the2,'lrd day of January. A. 1). l!H. al the hour often o'clock in the forenoon of said day, offer forsale and aell, in front of the Hanking building ofIhe Itank of Deming, in the village of Deming, inthe County of l.una, and Territory of New Mex-ico, at public auction, to the higheal and beat bid-der for cash in hand, the following doscritieij realestate, premise and Mrnnal properly, situate inthe county of Luna in the Territory of New Mex-ico, t:

    The N. 8. W. M and S. W. -1. S. W. inSec. t. Tp. 24 8., K. ! W.; also the W. N. E.

    Sec. , and the N. See. Ill, T. 24 S H. B Wiwving and excepting therefrom the W. N. W.

    N. W. of said See. II); also the tract andparcela dcacriliod by metes and Isiunda a follow,

    t: Heginning at a point on the cast lino ofSection 9. Tp. 24 8.. It. W Ukft feet smith of thenortheast Corner of aaid ncctinn 'J. and runningthence south, !A feel to the southeast corner ofthe northeast quarter of said aection ft; thencewest, l:ut feet, to the southwest corner of theaoulheast quarter of the nor t liens I quarter of saidaection; thence north, HM feet; thence east, 1320feet, lo the point of beginning. th southwest comer of the southwest quarterof awilon 3, in Tp. 24 8., R. W., and runningI hence north. fret; thence east, 1420 feet;thence north, IXSt feet; Ihence eaat, 12211 feet, tothe northeast corner of said nuthwet quarter ofaaid aection .1; thence south, 2H40 feet, to theaoulhuaat corner of said south 'vest quarter ofaaid section S; thence west, cm the south line ofof said southwest quarter i f said section 3, 2I14U

    feel, lo the southwest corner thereof, the place ofbeginning. Also the 8. N. W. and N WN. W. and S. N F N. W. of

    section :i. in Tp. 24 8.. R. !i W saving and except-lin- gtherefrom Hlocka II!, 1R, IF, IV. IU. IW II'

    and the west of It;, of tho Tjind' niniWater Company' Addition to the Di.ming Town-sil- e.

    in innling to the plat Ihereof lllol in the of-li-of Ihe I'mbale Court and eXHilluio Recorder

    of Crant County, New Mexico, on the 1.1th day ofJanuary, Also the 8. N. W. and NK. N. W. and E. N. W. N W .j'of Sec. 2, in Tp. 24 S.. of It ) W. Also ihe N W '

    8. E. and 8. S. E. and N. W. N'E. 8. E. and 8, N. E. 8. E. I 4 insec : of Tp. 2:t S R. 9 W saving and exceptingtherefrom lllm-k- s DC, DM, DR, l).N Do DP FCEH. EH, DE, DF. IH, Dll, DI, DJ, DK. DL Is'I'T. DU. DV and Ihe east of ER. of the

    Und and Water Company' addition tothe Di'ining Townsile, aforesaiil. A o that cer--!lain Iract or parcel of land, bounded as follows;Heginning at a point on Ihe west line of2, Township 2:1 S R. 9 W tut) fw north of thesouthwest corner of said section, and tunningthence north, on said west section line. 2140 feel,to the northwet corner of Ihe southwest quarterof said section; thence east, aim feet, to the north-east corner, of the southwest quarter of said aec-tion; thence soulh. I TO! feel; thence west. 140feel: thence south, 34H feel, and thonce west,MM feet, to the point of heginning. on said westsection line uf auid section 2H, saving and except-ing therefrom that certain tract or parcel of land,dcscritied by nieles und bounds as follows: Begin-ning at ihe southwest corner of suid section 2X,and running thence, north, along Ihe west line ofsuid aection. 6tX) feel; theme east, on a line par-allel wilh the south line of said section. All leefthence norlh. on a line oarallel wilh .,,,.1 i- .-of said i lion, l:W feet, toa new point ofinoa. running menee norm, on a line parallel withthe west line of aaid section 2H,n?.l -- lo feet; thenceeast on a line parallel wilh Ihe south line of saidsection, lit feel; thence south, on a line parallelwith the west line of said section i "i tnfeet; thence west, on a line parallel with the southline of said aection, 444.2 feet; Ihence anuth. on aline parallel wilh the wel line of aaid section. 5,1feel, and thence weal. 78. feet, to the last andnew point of lieginning. Also the N. E. andthe 8. E. of sec. 20, and the W. 8. Eand the 8. E. 8. E. and the 8. N E

    8. E., and Ihe N. W. N. E. 4 of Sec82, all inTp. 2.18., R. 9 W.; Also the E. S K

    of Sec. .1. Tp. 24, 8.. R. 9 W.All designations of landa hy legal subdivision

    heroin are siil according to the New Mexicoi'rinripal Muse and Meridian.Also the following descrilied personal pniierty,

    uisin which exists the lien of Frank I'help. afore-said, Two piece of riveted Iron pipe; one

    boiler; one Worthlnglon Isiiler-fec-dpump; one feed-wat- heater; one

    INiwer stationary engine; one Judnn gov-ernor: one upright boiler; 75 waler tubea:one cast iron upright-boile- r liase; one cast ironIsiiler-fnin- 2 Iron pulley, for iron rope; two

    gate valves; one one lot oflee and one piece wroughtiron pipe; 6 aocket wrench, and 3 fire nhnra.

    H. M. TURNER8cial Commissioner.

    JAMES 8. FIELDER. Deming, N. M..Attorney for PlaintilT.

    OSCAR A. AI'I'EL. Silver City. New MAttorney for Nathaniel C. Foster, Defendant

    RICHELIEU Coffee


    ClarK CoWholesale and Retail

    GROCERS!II y and Grain


    Doming Mercantile Co.Groceries and Hardware,Hay, Grain and Flour


    Fancy groceries a specialty. Agent for the famousChase and Sandborn's Teas and CofTees -: -: -:

    Deming - - New Mexico.

    F. M. Wingo, Pres. Frank Thirmond, V. I. J. J. IH.nnktt Cash.



    Mexican money bought and sold. Exchange issued on all pro-minent points. All accounts of individuals or firms wheth-

    er large or small will receive our best attention everycourtesy extended and accomodations granted con-

    sistent with prudent business methods.


    A. J, Clark. Frank Tiu'kmom) Voi.nky Iíkith'íW. H. Greer, C. L. Baker A. W. Pih.i.akh

    T. M. WlNCO J. J. IlKNNKTT.




    bJv r M 1 t11 a lo... kiicw aim ai iüwcm y C q j. q y U)0trices.

    Free Delivery parts of the city

    Corner Sliver Ave. Deming; N. M.

    r. '1 .r"mm



    It's 10 to 1 you douf mulariii.



    Don't Do It. It'a Dar.rous.



    We'll uilniit will nularhi, but leavesalmost deadly after elleits.

    purely veuetablo niul nbs'ilutely piaranteedmalaria, Riel: luclu-- liilioiisneHS,

    and all stuuuch, kidney liver



    IT TO-DA-

    Cent Bottlo.


    The Most forYour Money.

    That is what you want.That is what you get

    you take Rock Island.

    It is the shortest alllines from Southern Arizonato Kansas City and Chi-

    cago, only line thattakes you through with-

    out change of cars.Ailt neareit Southern Pacific

    ticket office full information,


    General Agent,











    Finest of

    N. A. Bolich..

    MANI lil.ltOK TIIK

    N. A.uu W T


    if you

    Write for measureblank irire list


    it euro it

    Idto euro


    50 a.

    P a



    H. F.

    El Tex. J



    NF.W mi;.

    1 IImmm in



    Iroquois Tltettar Dtitroyt4 andNearly 6C0 Llrti Loit

    Last Wednesday afternoon, during amatinee performance at the Iroquoistheater in Chicago, a new piny houseand believed by the authorities and thepublic to be fireproof, a fire broke, outbehind the foot-light- A protrudingreflector prevented the action of theasbestos curtain, which when drop-pe-d

    reached on one end but within 20feet of che floor of the stage. Thepowerful current of air thus producedcaused a frightful blaze. A panic en-sued and at last accounts 587 personswere burned, sufiocaWd or trampledto death. It was the worst since thehistoric blaze which swept the city inthe early 70's.

    As a result the city authorities havepeen diligently looking into the fire or-dinances and have discovered thatevery theater in Chicago has beenviolating one or more sections. OnSaturday, by direction of the mayorand building commissioner every housewas dark and will so rwnain until iheowners or lessees complywith the regulations.

    The in inagers of the Iroquois, manyof thestagehan.Uunl ollidals of thecity, connected with the public build-mg- s

    department have been placed un-der arrest, and a number of the actorsparticipating in the production of "Mr.Bluebeard" an extravaganza occupyingthe boards at the tinn of the catas-troph- e

    have been detained in the cityto appear as witnesses when the mat.

    attendance.note balance




    clerk ordered

    county and

    bills tiled




    Local and

    You need 'phone your home.

    For fine printing call phone 105.

    See those ices, Lee Shipp's Ad.

    John Cain went lastFriday, business.

    Foster from ranchtransacting Monday.

    Cox left Sunday ImsCruces Insurance business.

    Miss Julia Watklns left last Saturdayvisir Texas.

    miss the Racket.Store this issue the Graphic.

    Note changes advertising co-lumns. make money you.

    For pleasure and profit bestthing 'phone. Ask about

    May. Jas. Waddill visitorSilver last Thursday legal busi-ness.

    For choice beefjwund, Henry Meyer's

    meat market.

    Miss May Rrowninir returned toschool work latterpart last

    Rknt.-T- wo good office roomsSpruce For Mrs.


    For Rent. Commercial brought before courts A J(mk1 "I"'""' right person

    For particulars see Thompson.

    ....0HTÜ' Misses Maggie and Kate Gorman who

    Hoard r vi lage had spent holiiKvs with their ablertheir regular monthly meeting Monday M. Mayf.el.l returned home Satu1 he av.

    clerk reported that the forll i ti., Cii,. 11, ,ii i ... ,



    the adof




    per go


    Foron St.M.

    -- Theter the city for the


    the the MrW.

    Neagle Jose, hasand iIi;. i t. ...... .... . ... our several days on business.The lot has been bought and .ni.1 for K progressing nicely theand the tine City building ,,,.,(,,1 dur: can,l ating the past year, and all )iaid up. üeorge and John Groverwhich is mirely a giM hI showing ('"ks were business visitors ourfor the town. The .j u e s t i o n t0WM Monday, md the former made a

    buy in;', a lire engine was taken I'li'asant call nt thíí oílii-o- .

    " .'d .,s to fre.ght etc.. at honw. r,.turnl Sundav to I'asotode. m se U,e,l f ,, the cataloguejrn wtin..e his sch,l work.reí, Company. and!('lty ( on;,ercialfoliege.It is probable that the town will soon.nave u tirst class 1'iiginc as ad.nt i.m..l N0 m't', P.vmK cold weatherprotection ls by lire.

    ordinance No. ,S, regañí torunning at large the streets

    was con.,i,',-n- ti e









    M. Hillsboroon

    E. J. inbusiness

    J. I. eveningon

    an in




    R. ntCity on

    quarters of ticto He to





    T. A. of intl...


    I,, K. ofin


    te, m.s onof in




    UK-- In. for epiarters ofbeef when it can be boughtmarket of Meyer at from C.c to'.le.

    to draw up an dmcnt with a view The line new prescription ease, showto making it t; ore effective. These ('ilSL's' "d other furniture, which re-an- d

    a few inii or matters disposed of. cently m rived at the store of J. J.the board aij.i,u'u-- l to next re- - H.vron & Son. are all in place now andguiar me-:ii:- niK,t. store is one of the matest and most

    Ccmmissicners the Hoard


    convenient in our

    V. R. threeThe regular dren, who have heen soioiirniiiL' in ('- -

    of (mnv i'ominis-'oner- s was called to lifornia several leturnedchairman, Monday after-- 1 Tuesday. Mrs. Merrill is much iniprov-nooi- i.

    all l eing present, ed in by stay in IoerThe busine-(- of the term was taken up altitude of the coast state,nt After the regular routine .. , .,...,,r. the ths. thing ' .. "' "T'osenung me Mm...ei the abating of taxes in seve- -

    eaS'.'S and erroneous is- -

    si snien!j.r ,iim

    after which resignationoi'iiials who have removei

    from were taken ac-

    cepted. The then proceeded toeamining the against thecounty during the past quarter. This

    ta:i few matters minor inipor-wcr- e

    taken and disposed of,

    and the board adjourned after a sessionof less two days.


    r i r





    for extended

    Don't big

    It will

    is a Jeffers



    Mesilla Parkweek.

    particulars see


    "uu-ncr- per

    at theHenry






    Merrill and chil- -

    niontbs. homethe

    members health her consi.ler.





    Keporter, is making a tour of theSouthwest in the interests of that ;a-pe- r,

    and spent the day yesterday in ourtown. While here, he gave theCltAl'llli- - a pleasant fraternal call.

    V. W. Moore, representing the UnionArt Co., of Chicago spent severaldays in our town, in the int-

    erests of his company, and left for His-Lo- othis morning. Seeing the superior

    quality of printing done by thetiHArmc, he ordered a large supply ofcards, receipt books etc.. while in town.

    in uoüu t.uu.n. The Lone Mar Materimnly Superin.en lent V. V. Duff in- - (,wn Tt.xaital Yoak,m js bathat during the past six weeks ,loimsM. dr. goods firm of which Mr. J. M Hal- -

    made bcial visits to all the .lie has o , ., ,,h r the .Mn. a er on one of.hilo s in Luna count v and that n a .his trips Kast to buv gom s sa d to afound hem in condition.i,es he go fn,,"l who was in the pa ace car

    ilIH, the scholars making satisfactory .. u(, their studies11,,,,,1VSS Risers upon retiring and you will be "PI speaking of the .na cal jn t,u,the various districts lie said: Klions n ., 7I' the "darkor hiown taste, headache

    "Tin-r- is not a district in the county and that logy feeling DeW tt's Littleof , o bold .that has plenty money ,,lr, R,,,11 term and th-- re .s plenty to furnish Su,(, yJ ,. j( &

    ' to

    all needed supplies.It is very pleasing to see the schools Kodo, Cure

    ,,f the county in such a flourishing . on-- , n; ,las,tof'fo()(1 ,lliion nd our cti.ens have every rea- - , t thni, t,u Htomju.h Jf,,m to at he oun ant and ,,'r- -

    winch this indicates. J, I ul gestiónmilIU,nl prospority Sl0Inach Tl.oul l(,Saw New Year In. '''""tngth. KcioiDys- -rebuilds wornout tinsues

    A very creable union iw'ption and purif,(.ai strengthens and sweetens thewatch-nigh- t service was held at the atmuch. Gov. C. W. Atkinson of VMethodist church last Thursday night. V'a. says: "I have us.-- d a numberof bot-n- d

    was att.nde.l by many members ot t,,a of KM Dyspepsia Cure and havethe various denominations represented foum R to V),ry ,.(rl.l.,ivfit íln! the town. deed, a powerful remedy for stomach

    The eariv part of (he evening was oc- - a,m,'nl';-- I recommend it to my. Sold l.y J. I'. lirvon & Son...,..,,1 111 IH.ll 111... iti.oii'.i.Mnil -11 I'lvU ......


    minings, nun




    ! 1.. ...wdititr if lu nit) vr LOCHlUm iHiinkrtand Il líilhír LfTflvhile t

    J. 8u rrr. iwl ; "IZZ. T17r.Ai- -. S 'Coruktt, Vic Pnt

    The Bank of DemingTransacts a general banking business

    Foreign exchange and Mexican money bought and sold

    Money to loan on security at current rates of interest

    - j


    Deming Book Club.Deming is soon to have another or-

    ganization to be known as the I lemingHook club, with its home in the new l-ibrary room in lie City hall.

    The association will consist of Phimemhers. They will have the readingof a choice library of about loo books,consisting in the main of referencebooks, historical works, the poets, and i""-'-

    sianiiaru anil modern iiclion.The library will be open to members

    on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and willbe in charge of Mrs John Hartón,,

    SANTA FE ROUTEChristmas and New Years' Holi-

    day Rates. One fare for round trip toall points within il'i miles of starting 'point.

    Tickets on sale Dec. 21, 'Jó and ,1 OfficeI I.... I c I :l l ... ,.inn 4. ll II ,1,111. I, ... .

    Continuous passage direction. amol ( ifot'ory and Mrs.stop-over- s allowed under any condi- -lions. No extension on limit" incase.


    For full Dart ieillnrs on or inl,li-,.- jW. G. IIOCIIESTEU, Agent.

    :oo'x'xrO:::'::M:..; Directory...

    Ww:m-oxh:..xh::mXh:m::- .

    DiHtrirt .lililí.I iKt ri-- t (T.-r-

    Dixirii-- Allnrneyt'oiirt Stonoirruplu-r- .

    COUNT V.

    E. XV. I'urk- -r.Ihh I'

    XX'. II II. I.l,

    II. II Moll

    I'linirniiin iNuml of CoCom't. XV. (' WnllwS.8. XV. M T.ol. r

    I'n.Uiie Ju.liw .... E. II. Mail'roln.ti Clerk 11 V VI. .L ...SHtiII' XV. Ñ. E..Ht.--

    nntl ( o,.,., r II i; ,mi, iw--r; J. ii ll...-,.- .

    ( oiini) .Sutil, of I'lil.lir liwtni.-iio- f. f. Ma'Vll.l.AliK OE DEMINii.

    VllllllCV 1 HlstorFii lil, Cliuinniiii: .1 XV, ll:nini(.'iin A .1

    Cimk; T. II. Curr nn.l I.. II ilo.wi,.1 ii.ii of ili IViir,. i A !, , m;L.i,,MrM fuel. 1'nr.T.1 """lal.lf C i i .i,., H.a

    Dinlrirl oourt ninv.-nt'- M ;,. h ,.,, ,.un.l litfcrnilMT.

    ; Church Directory t- I'reiu'hinx wrvi.-.- ,.v.-- S ...i ,jat 11 ii. in. anil S p. m.. Sioi.h mm Junior l'iiirm' ul 3 p. ni.. E...nliat J p. in.. Prnyor ; X'nli,,..iiy ii.Ht K o'clock. AHTlim Maii.ihin. PasiorPriviliyliriun 1'ivii.liinir ut 11 n in. i., 7.:,.Sal.l'iith Srliml In n. m. Junior CLrniim. Ei I.v..r ut 3 , m. I'rayi.r . W.-l- i!.i!' ni. ; MILNE la 1..1

    ST. Li kk's (,...! ,s,--Sunilay at 10 a. tn., Holy ennwnuiiioii un.l rr.-- li.lug vory thinl Suii.lay in ru.-- m ailh.

    Llv. H. XV. lii-- En..,,,--Ihi.kkia Mctiidisa Ei'isi oi'Ai. E.i. iioia D.mih.'

    irul d.miiruro u l.m dim S.oftvee Invitm-in- a l luii pTiiinu vviiir y uyinli.rcon el Iruliaju ilel

    DWYKR CHURCH DIRKCTORY.Siiiiilny achnul at 10 a. m.. 111 11 u.

    111. anil 3 p. m. Di.mii'Pastor


    In tiik I'noiiATt: f ok Luna CountyTmuiT'iiiY ok Nkw Mkxi. o.

    In of t. Kiitute of tl.nric S. Lifion.To XX'iivm It May Concurs :

    Notice ill li.T.-l.- itiv.-- Unit Eri.lay. Hl. ul t .iVU k p, m. of wii.l ,L,v ut 1,.,court r.'iiiof mii.K ourt, in the X il.llrcof D,.,inounlyof l.unn. i.f N.-- Mexico hi,,Unn in. an inc time nuil pluci f..r the ex.nminiiiion un.l allowance nf the linnl ofUpton E Mi Daniel, ailminiittrutnr of hiii.i ivuiiiu

    of Ihf roiiilue of iiiiand the birth of 'thV iiv were mailed forms are printed ami for sale by the




    tncreto.U V U..L L...

    1. ..... .... r. r..-I'rnbaic Clerk.

    VT. n. umnMi ' m

    Zv .istiti


    0i X 1 A.


    DEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR.I. ami omrt: at 'm i is. N. M

    til. I:1'..

    i Sot in' h ii.-- il:r.ililcl nituT ..f Ium h. niiikclin-i- l ir.-- in :iuiM""'t "f hi- - iiii.l llmt hui.Iim.f will Ih- nucí. I'n.l.:iii I'lrik of I.iiikiriillllly. N. M.. Ill N. M on .Inn. Jl.or I'al S. kirk. II, I E. No for tin- - NW .(SW N I i NE SW:t, T. :cis. R. i:. W.

    Ill M1III1I.4 llio folloUl.iif uil.ii'u..,. lo linnii hiurontiiiiioi r'sitl-nr- wxn tnl rulnvuiioit of Mini

    viz.:Ell- inn. of . N M llonrv

    tin. of N. M : .loim M Crau-ni- . of Ha. hila. N. ,M.; Win. II. Kirk, of llm-lni- N. M

    Nh (iAl.l.t.M,

    DENTISTDr. W. S. Shelev


    Mrs. Kendalls. Hctwceiiu.ill. iiooti i;ni,

    each No IVa





    Millinery store.? jp PHONE 71 &

    5am Fong' Co.


    Confectionery, Cigars. Tol acco. Can-dies. Crockery ware, Handkerchiefs andNeeki ies. Fruits in season.

    ' ' ' 'é é : é






    J.P.Byron Q Son

    Drugs,Stationery,School Books,

    Ami a ría. Hi. r

    Lowney's P

    j& Candies.

    t ? f Í . v ? fi f 9. i 9. 9Professional Cards ;

    ó o ? i ? í 3 4 é t é í í é 6



    Doming, New Mexico

    DR. W. E. SI'ENCE.


    First class dental work of all kind doneat reasonable prices

    Otlice phone 1 -: Hes. phone KMIOiliri' iih Dr. So N. M.


    Ollice on Spruce Street.Deming -: Nexv Mexico.


    Eyi H Imiiil ami kIuhmh liiiiil. ( uli.f att In Tokm-1'- lrv nloiv. on tin wmlli


    A. A. TKMKE..TToltSEY--AT-LAX-

    Ollice with Judge F.dw. Peniinir.gtoii.City Hall. :: -- :: Deming, N. M.


    Dkuinu Mkxh


    Ollice in Malioiu-- block.

    Spruce St. ..... Deming N.FRANK I'UISER.

    minim; expertMiiii-- i

    Dl MIN-- un.l Tion.r.'iVivinvi


    R. V. McKEVESliai'gains in Real Fstate,Conveyancer. Notary Public

    'niing NVw j,.xi,.


    Allison iii.ii. k


    From Top BottomCall

    W. J. GRAHAMAlso windmills repaired

    All WorK Guaranteedput ii)th,.. Star Leader Wind-mil- l.

    The Lest earth.

    PHONE 103. 0


    E. D. B0WDEN. Proprietor.

    Luna CountylNow openTelephone FIRST-CLAS- S


    Nrw o


    Nkw ..

    Dt mis.








    University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository1-6-1904

    Deming Graphic, 01-06-1904N. S. RoseRecommended Citation
