Dear Catholic Daughters · Dear Catholic Daughters: A young mother bought a ticket to a concert by...

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June 2012

Dear Catholic Daughters: A young mother bought a ticket to a concert by the great Russian pianist Vladimir Horowitz. She took her six year-old son with her, hoping to encourage him since he had just started taking piano lessons. Their seats were close to the stage. Just before the concert began, she started talking to an old friend who took the seat beside her. She didn’t notice her son had slipped away to do some exploring. A moment later when the lights dimmed and the curtain rose, there in the spotlight onstage was the six-year old sitting at the piano playing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Needless to say, his mother was in shock. But before she could retrieve her son, the great maestro walked onto the stage. “Don’t stop!” he whispered to the boy. “Keep playing!” Leaning over him, Horowitz reached out with his left hand and began to play a bass accompaniment. Reaching around the boy with his right hand, he added a cascading harmony. The audience was mesmerized at the sight of the great performer and the little boy at the piano, applauding thunderously as they finished. Years later, no one would remember the classical pieces Horowitz played that night, but no one would ever forget Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The image of the great pianist encircling the six-year old on the bench is a great image of the Holy Spirit and the Church, a great image of God and us human beings. This is a picture of how the Holy Spirit works with us, in us, and through us to make beautiful music, in spite of a few wrong notes once in the while. Pentecost brings the joyful season of Easter to a magnificent end. Today we celebrate the presence and the power of God filling the disciples in an entirely new way, just as Jesus had promised. Images of wind and fire are used to describe this mysterious event. We wonder what it felt like. The disciples huddled together in that upper room were a lot like that inexperienced six year-old at the piano suddenly in the limelight onstage. Spiritually, they were still like little children. They really had no idea how they were going to spread the good news and advance the Kingdom of God. Even after three years with Jesus, their knowledge of spiritual things was about as limited as the little boy’s knowledge of music. And of course the great Russian maestro resembles the Holy Spirit, powerfully coming upon the apostles, not overwhelming them but gently encircling them with God’s love, whispering encouragement to them, transforming their feeble efforts into something beautiful, something divinely inspired.

There’s a lesson here for all Catholic Daughters of the Americas. We watch the news, we look at the world, and all we see are problems. We see millions of people hungry, sick, and poor. We say, “How could I even put a dent in these problems?” We see an ocean of anger, violence, and hatred in the world. We say, “How could my love ever begin to change this?” We see how self-centered human beings are, how little the rich are willing to do for the poor. We say, “How could I possibly reverse this situation?” This is when we need to recall the image of the little boy and great maestro on stage. The skill of the six year-old at the piano was minimal, but Horowitz built upon it and turned it into something beautiful and unforgettable, even for sophisticated concertgoers. In the same way, the Holy Spirit can take whatever gifts you as a Catholic Daughter have, provided we’re willing to place them at the service of the community, and build upon them. The Holy Spirit can transform what seems small, even insignificant to you, into something powerful and beautiful for God. God knows that human beings are always effective when they choose to work in partnership with him, but never when they insist on working without him, on their own.

The good news this Pentecost is that God the Father and the Son continue

to pour forth the Spirit of their promise on the Church, on the world, on us today. As the Apostles themselves discovered, being a member of the Church means we never, ever walk alone. By ourselves, we’re only one little spark. But together, as united Catholic Daughters, we become a fire!

Sincerely, Father Ed Lamp National Chaplain

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

National Headquarters

10 West 71st Street

New York, NY 10023


fax: 212-724-5923

orders: 888-221-8834



Quarterly Newsletter

June 2012

Dear Officers, Members and Friends,

Often when I tell someone I live in Florida, their first response is, “Don’t you miss the four

seasons?” Well, from what I hear from our Northern members, Florida wasn’t the only place without

much change of season this year. In 2011-2012, we saw record-breaking highs in the winter and

minimal snowfall. In many areas, there wasn’t much to distinguish Spring from Winter, or even from

Summer. While this might be normal for Florida, many of you were undoubtedly surprised by the

unique weather conditions in your part of the country, and had to adapt to these changes in

climate…despite the fact that the difference was really a lack of change.

In the world of Catholic Daughters, this is also a time for change. All local courts recently

elected officers: some new to the job, others, like the seasons, smoothly transitioning from one year to

the next as some officers began a second term. Congratulations to you all! The National Board is

grateful to you for answering the call to accept this leadership role, and we wish you the very best as you

embark on new ideas and projects that will enliven our organization. We also wish to extend our

deepest appreciation to the retiring officers and urge you to continue to be actively involved in your

court, for your knowledge and experience are invaluable.

This is also a season of change at the National level, as we prepare for a leadership transition as

well. This will take place at the 54th

Biennial National Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, July 15-22,

2012. Judging from the hotel reservation lists, many of you are excitedly preparing to attend. Everyone

is working very hard to make your experience educational and enjoyable. Enclosed in this mailing is a

flyer describing this year’s workshops, which will be held late Tuesday afternoon and early Wednesday

morning. You will have the opportunity to attend three of the six workshops, and we hope you have

made plans to arrive in time to participate in this training as well as take advantage of the many tours

being offered Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

We have received several inquiries about a more detailed agenda. In that regard, here are a few

notes. Keynote speaker Fr. Jim Sichko will present at the first business session on Wednesday

afternoon. The Catholic Woman of the Year will be presented at the Thursday morning session. We

have scheduled a second speaker, Patrick F. Fagan, Director of the Marriage and Religion Research

Institute (MARRI), who will present in the afternoon session on Friday. Emily Guilherme, Maryann

Grabasky and Anne Nelson have worked very hard to prepare the proposed bylaws. Please study these

carefully: this section of the agenda will go very smoothly if everyone is prepared ahead of time.

As in previous conventions, we ask that you wear something red on Friday to show your support of our

troops. It is not mandatory, but we hope many of you will participate in this patriotic gesture. There will

be many other presentations throughout the sessions as well as social opportunities, but these are a few

of the highlights. We hope you are as excited as we are.


Attention – Every Court must read the enclosed letter from your National Regent and complete the

enclosed Form 2848 for our attorneys to have POWER OF ATTORNEY with the IRS for every State

and Local Court. Our attorneys cannot ask the IRS any questions about your Court without this

permission. Many Courts have received letters from the IRS stating that their Tax-Exempt status has

been REVOKED. The IRS will reverse the decision when they receive these documents from us. Thank



All National dues (Oct. 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012) and Liability Coverage (April 2011-April 2012)

invoices have been mailed to every Court Regent. Please be sure to have your Treasurer send the

National Dues payment to the National Office. There is no vote taken by the Court to pay this invoice.

The Financial Secretary should be keeping the detail list showing how many members were added or

deleted from your Court in the past 6 months.

Likewise, the Liability Coverage invoice has been sent to all Courts. If you need to have your parish or

diocese listed as an additional insured, please refer to the directions that were sent. Do not return the

insurance certificate. This should remain with the Court documents.

STATE AND LOCAL COURT FINANCIAL REVIEWS According to the Bylaws, State and Local Courts need to complete a Financial Review and send one

copy to the National Office for filing. These forms must be completed and signed by three (3) members

of the Review Committee.


Please be sure to complete fully the new officer list sent in the March mailing. This list is filed

IMMEDIATELY following your court elections. You should not wait until the Installation is held. If

your court is not changing officers, or you are a recently new court, you must still complete the form and

send it in. We make sure all information is current in our files.

RESOLUTION ABOUT HHS MANDATE At the March 2012 National Board Meeting a Resolution was passed by the Board that we pray one

minute each evening for the safety of our troops, our citizens, peace in the world, and the Bible to

remain the basis for laws governing our land. Please make copies of the enclosed resolution and send it

to all your members.


Please refer to the enclosed flier from our National Chaplain, Rev. Ed Lamp, concerning our first and

most cherished liberty – Freedom of Religion. From June 21 – July 4, 2012, the US bishops are asking

that we join other Christians, Jews, peoples of other faiths, and indeed all who wish to defend our most

cherished freedom.

NATIONAL CONVENTION Are you ready? Making your list of what to pack? Omaha here we come. The National Board and

Nebraska Committees are in the final stages of planning an exciting and memorable 2012 National

Convention. Enclosed is information from National Convention Chairman Shirley Seyfried, Workshop

Descriptions, Raffle Baskets and Membership Contest Wrap Up.

Come join us for fun and fellowship at the Walk/Run for Love Thursday July 19th

at 6:00am. This

Walk/Run is held to help raise money for our National Charities and National Projects. The route will be

about a half mile long starting at the Hilton Hotel. It’s not too late to send us your registration and get

your Walk/Run for Love T-shirt. Bring your sponsor sheet and donations with you when you register in

Omaha. This is a great way to start off your day. If you are not attending the convention, you can still

submit the enclosed sponsor sheet to help our National Projects and Charities.


Enclosed is the National Nominating Committee report, submitted by chairman, Penny Martin. Penny

will present this report on Wednesday, July 18th

, at the first business session. At that time, additional

nominations may be made from the floor as well as nominations for our 2014 National Nominating

Committee. We need to try to fill all positions at this convention. *Please Note* you must be registered

as a delegate by 11:00 am. on Thursday, July 19th

, 2012 in order to vote on Thursday morning.


Catholic Daughters of the Americas National CDA Day will be observed on Sunday, October 21, 2012.

The theme for this year is “With God All Things Are Possible,” as we work to obtain justice and

compassion for the poor, the homeless, the marginalized and the disenfranchised in the world. A

Sample Proclamation, written by Olga Samaniego, National Spiritual Enhancement Chairman, is


NEW COURTS Congratulations may be sent to the following Regents on the Institution of their new Court:

Margaret Hennessey, Regent

Daughters of St. Anthony #2651

6898 W Appaloosa Trail

Coolidge, AZ 85128

Connie Bootz, Regent

Court Immaculate Heart of Mary #2654

501 3rd

Street East

Lemmon, SD 57638

Maria Guzman, Regent

Court Santa Barbara #2655

124 East Papaya Court

Dedado, Guam 96929

Linda White, Regent

Court Mother of Divine Mercy #2656

460 Bayshore Drive

Hot Springs, AR 71901

PRAYERS NEEDED We are saddened to report the death of the 15

th National Regent for the Catholic Daughters,

Grace Rinaldi from California. Cards may be sent to her son, Fred Rinaldi, 1772 Voorhees Ave.,

Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

The State Spiritual Advisor for Massachusetts, Sr. Ann Moynihan, CSJ died quietly in her sleep

according to the Sisters of St. Joseph Community.

For the family of Thomas Grogan, husband of Past National Director Betty Grogan. Tom died

May 4th

. Betty’s address is 1598 Country Walk Drive, Fleming Island, FL 32003.

2014 NATIONAL CONVENTION The time has come to share with you the location of the 2014 National Convention. We are pleased to

announce our acceptance of the invitation from the State Court of Montana. Thank you for the

invitation and we look forward to holding our 2014 convention in beautiful Billings Montana. A

representative of the Billings Montana Convention and Visitors Bureau will attend our 2012 National

Convention in Omaha Nebraska to greet you and provide you with lots of information about the

surrounding area.

As we move into the long, hot days of summer, anticipating the first cool breezes of autumn, let’s

remember how wonderful change can be. At both a local and national level, let’s look for the good that

comes with change and enjoy the sense of potential, of possibilities, that it brings. As your court goes

through a change of leadership I pray you embrace the changes and fully support the new officers in all

that they do.

“With God All Things Are Possible”~Matthew 19:26

In Unity and Charity,

Joanne Tomassi

National Regent

Enclosures: Resolution CDA Sunday Proclamation 2010-2012 Membership Contest Fortnight for Freedom Power of Attorney Forms National Slate of Officers and Directors Convention Packet Operation Morning Star newsletter Morality in Media Newsletter

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

National Headquarters

10 West 71st Street

New York, NY 10023


Fax: 212-724-5923

Orders: 888-221-8834


DATE: June 2012

TO: State and Local Court Regents

FROM: National Regent Joanne Tomassi

RE: IRS Form 2848 and Form 990

Enclosed is IRS Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative. It is imperative that

every court regent (State and Local) complete this form as soon as possible and mail it to our

Executive Director, Peggy O’Brien. Please address the envelope as follows:

Catholic Daughters of the Americas (Form 2848)

10 West 71st Street

New York, NY 10023

Over the course of the last several years the IRS regulations have continually changed. Currently we

have had multiple issues regarding IRS Form 990 and the requirements to file. We are NOT required to

file a form 990 for any of our courts. However many of our local courts have received letters from the

IRS in this regard. Our attorney in New York has been working on this issue and has now been told that

she must have an individual power of attorney from every individual local court.

Instructions for completing form 2848:

There are only TWO sections of this form that you will need to complete.

Page 1, Line 1: In the left hand section, following the name Catholic Daughters of the Americas,

insert the name and address of your local or state court. In the right hand sections insert the court’s tax

ID number and your telephone number. You do not have a Plan number so leave that space blank. If

you do not know your court’s tax ID number (also called your EIN), contact Peggy or Mary in the New

York office (212) 877-3041.

Page 2, Line 7: Sign and date, print your title (Court Regent or State Regent), and print your

name. You will not use a PIN number. On the last line of this section, print the name of your court after

the words “Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court”.

Make a copy for your files and mail the original to the New York office. Thank you for your help in this

regard. If you have further questions as you fill out the form. Please contact Peggy or Mary in the New

York office (212) 877-3041. If you should receive any mail from the IRS please forward it immediately

to the New York Office. It is best if the attorney handles all correspondence in this regard.

May God bless you for all that your do for CDA.

“With God All Things Are Possible” ~~ Matthew 19:26

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

National Headquarters

10 West 71st Street

New York, NY 10023


Fax: 212-724-5923

Orders: 888-221-8834




National Regent: Anne Nelson ~ MD National Regent-Elect: Shirley Seyfried ~ MN

First Vice National Regent: Marilyn “Helene” Shepard ~ NY Second Vice National Regent: Olga Samaniego ~ TX

National Secretary-Treasurer: Sherry Nilles ~ IA


Emily Guilherme ~ CA Arline Rich ~ CT

Sheila Storey ~ NC

Six (6) Open Positions

Submitted by the 2012 National Nominating Committee: Penny Martin ~ NY - Chairman Nancy Bambenek ~ MN Linda Coletti ~ MA Daphne Bernestine ~ CA Irene Duda ~OR Carolyn Malik ~ TX Della Santos ~ IL

CANDIDATE FOR NATIONAL OFFICE Please review the following information taken from our Bylaws. If you qualify as a candidate, pray over

this matter and come to the National Convention prepared to have your name placed in nomination from

the floor.



A. To be eligible for National office, a candidate shall be a member in good standing, available to

handle all responsibilities the office entails. She must be a current or past National Officer or a

current or past National Director and a Catholic who publically obeys the laws of the church and

in accordance with these can licitly (in accordance with Church Law) receive the Eucharist.

B. To be eligible for National Director, a candidate shall be a member in good standing, available

to handle all responsibilities the office entails. She must be a current or Past National Director, a

current or Past State Regent, and a Catholic who publically obeys the laws of the church and in

accordance with these can licitly (in accordance with Church Law) receive the Eucharist.

C. Not more than two (2) members of the National Board shall be from the same state, with one as

a National Officer and the other as a National Director.


A. National Officers and Directors shall be elected by ballot at each biennial convention of the

National Court. They shall assume office thirty (30) days after the election.

B. The term of office shall be for two (2) years.

1. No National Officer shall serve more than one (1) term in the same office.

2. No National Director shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms nor more than three (3)

terms, six (6) years in a lifetime as a National Director.


Sec. 4

B. Nominees from the floor must submit to the Chair prior to the convening of the first meeting

of Convention, a statement of eligibility, a statement of endorsement signed by a majority of the

State Officers present at the convention, and a written consent to serve signed by the candidate.

E. In the event that a nomination is not forthcoming from the floor for a vacant (open) office, the

position shall be filled by the newly elected National Officers after officially taking office thirty

(30) days after election.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you plan on running for an office on the National Board please be sure to

make your air reservations to return home on July 22th in the mid-afternoon. The immediate past board

members and the newly elected board members will be meeting Sunday morning following the Mass.

This will be a breakfast meeting and should be over by Noon. Be sure to allow sufficient time to be at

the airport after the meeting.


Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

WHEREAS, Under the First Amendment, the government cannot compel an individual to

provide a service that goes against the individual’s conscience, and

WHEREAS, the so-called separation of church and state has been misused and abused to

justify shutting faith completely out of a reasoned and necessary debate about

matters such as mandated contraception, and

WHEREAS, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are Catholic first, but proudly American

as well, and

WHEREAS, the most powerful weapon we have is prayer, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas stand with the United States

Conference of Catholic Bishops in opposing the Health and Human Services

mandate that health care plans must provide free contraception, sterilization and

abortifacients, and

RESOLVED, that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas pause for one minute each evening at

9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, (8:00 p.m. Central, 7:00 p.m. Mountain, and 6:00 p.m.

Pacific), to pray for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, peace

in the world, and the Bible to remain the basis for the laws governing our land,

and that Christianity will grow in the United States and in the world.

Submitted by: Resolutions Committee

Mary Ann Kizer, Chairman

Date: March 23, 2012

Contact: Phone (870) 692-7889


Whereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas have served God and His people

as a sisterhood for one hundred and nine years, and

Whereas, Catholic Daughters unselfishly contribute their time, talent, and treasure

to their Church, to their communities, to their states, and to their country,


Whereas, Catholic Daughters work tirelessly to obtain justice and compassion for

the poor, the homeless, the marginalized, and the disenfranchised of the

world, and

Whereas, the National Board has designated Sunday, October 21, 2012, as Catholic

Daughter Sunday and has chosen the theme, “With God All Things as

Possible;” therefore, be it

Resolved, that I hereby proclaim Sunday, October 21, 2012, as Catholic Daughters of

the Americas Day in


Signed ____________________________________

This _____ day of ______________, 2012

Let your lights shine for Membership!

Each court and each member was asked to let their lights shine for membership during the past

two years. We are approaching the National Convention where the awards will be handed out. Will

your court be one that receives an award? Have you helped your court to become one that is

AWESOME? Are your members ones who are active, welcoming, energetic, spiritually involved,

outreaching in charity, motivated mentors and enthusiastic for the CDA?

As we have Christ as our light so should each member become the light shining for others to see

the good works of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Publicize your events, send invitations to

potential members. Check when the last time a member was received at a Reception of New members or

even one who has taken the pledge as a member at a court meeting. Don’t be afraid of change a member

can bring, embrace it and see your courts grow and continue the good work of the CDA under our motto

of ‘Unity and Charity’.

If you haven’t done IT, gained new members, remember to plan now to be a court that works to

increase its membership and get a head start on the next contest. Become a court that welcomes change,

is diverse in membership and activity, has a vision for the future and doesn’t miss the opportunity to

shine with passion for the good of CDA! Work at it and make it happen in your court! Remember,

although you may be only one, you can get it done. Believe to achieve and let your light shine!

“With God all things are possible!” Matthew 19:26

Letty M. Calvetti, Second Vice National Regent/Membership Chairman


Our First and Most Cherished Liberty When the Bill of Rights was ratified, religious freedom had the distinction of being the First Amendment. Religious liberty is indeed the first liberty. The First Amendment guarantees that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Religious liberty is not just the first freedom for Americans; rather it is the first in the history of democratic freedom, tracing its origins back the first clauses of the Magna Carta of 1215 and beyond.

Religious Liberty Is More Than Freedom of Worship Religious liberty is not only about our ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray the Rosary at home. It is about whether we can make our contribution to the common good of all Americans. Can we do the good works our faith calls us to do, without having to compromise that very same faith? Without religious liberty properly understood, all Americans suffer, deprived of the essential contribution in education, health care, feeding the hungry, civil rights, and social services that religious Americans make every day, both here at home and overseas. If our obligations and duties to God are impeded, or even worse, contradicted by the government, then we can no longer claim to be a land of the free, and a beacon of hope for the world. What we ask is nothing more than that our God-given right to religious liberty be respected. We ask nothing less than that the Constitution and laws of the United States, which recognize that right, be respected. In a speech to the bishops of the United States, Pope Benedict XVI said that this work requires "an engaged, articulate and well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense vis-à-vis the dominant culture."

A Fortnight for Freedom The US bishops have proposed a special “fortnight for freedom,” in cooperation with other Christians, Jews, people of other faiths, and indeed, all who wish to defend our most cherished freedom. They suggest that the fourteen days from June 21- the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More – to July 4, Independence Day, be dedicated to this “fortnight for freedom.” This special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action should emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty. In addition to the bishops, we urge an intensification of your prayers and fasting for a new birth of freedom in our beloved country. We invite you to join us in an urgent prayer for religious liberty.

Almighty God, Father of all nations, For freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1). We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice, and the common good. Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; By your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land. We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness, and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Reverend Ed Lamp, National Chaplain

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

National Headquarters 10 West 71st Street

New York, NY 10023

“Operation Morningstar”

Bishops issue call to defend religious liberty--Urge faithful to pray for nation for two weeks June 21-July 4

The nation’s Catholic bishops are calling on all

Catholics to defend religious liberty, protect the First

Amendment Freedom of Religion, and pray. In “Our

First, Most Cherished Liberty, A Statement on

Religious Liberty,” the bishops speak boldly.

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore chairs the

group. “We have been staunch defenders of religious

liberty in the past. We have a solemn duty to

discharge that duty today,” the bishops said, “…for

religious liberty is under attack...”

The bishops ask for special prayer, to focus “all the

energies the Catholic community can muster” for

religious liberty. Calling the two-week period from

June 21 to July 4 “A Fortnight for Freedom,” the

bishops ask for prayer from the feasts of St. Thomas

More and St. John Fisher to July 4. Dioceses and

parishes are encouraged to hold special events to

constitute a great national campaign of teaching and

witness for religious liberty.

In their April 12 document, “Our First, Most

Cherished Liberty,” the bishops outline the threats to

religious liberty as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

• The Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate

forces all employers, including religious

organizations, to provide and pay for coverage of

employees’ contraception, sterilization, and abortion-

inducing drugs even when they have moral objections

to them. HHS is also defining which religious

institutions are “religious enough” to merit protection

of their religious liberty.

• Catholic foster care and adoption services are being

driven out of business in Boston, San Francisco, the

District of Columbia and Illinois. Because those

charities refuse to place children with same-sex

couples or unmarried opposite-sex couples who

cohabit, the government is revoking their licenses,

ending their government contracts, or both.

• Discrimination against Catholic humanitarian

services. Despite years of excellent performance by

the USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services in

administering contract services for victims of human

trafficking, the federal government changed its

contract specifications to require USCCB to provide

or refer for contraceptive and abortion services in

violation of Catholic teaching. Religious institutions

should not be disqualified from a government

contract based on religious belief, and they do not

lose their religious identity or liberty upon entering

such contracts.

“What is at stake,” they said, “is whether America

will continue to have a free, creative, and robust civil

society—or whether the state alone will determine

who gets to contribute to the common good, and how

they get to do it. Religious believers are part of

American civil society, which includes neighbors

helping each other, community associations, fraternal

service clubs, sports leagues, and youth groups. All

these Americans make their contribution to our

common life, and they do not need the permission of

the government to do so. Restrictions on religious

liberty are an attack on civil society and the

American genius for voluntary associations.”

“It [religious liberty] is the first freedom because if

we are not free in our conscience and our practice of

religion, all other freedoms are fragile,” the bishops

wrote. “If citizens are not free in their own

consciences, how can they be free in relation to

others, or to the state? If our obligations and duties to

God are impeded, or even worse, contradicted by the

government, then we can no longer claim to be a land

of the free, and a beacon of hope for the world.”

The bishops object to limiting religious freedom to

the church. “Religious liberty is not only about our

ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray the Rosary at

home. It is about whether we can make our

contribution to the common good of all Americans,”

they said. “Can we do the good works our faith calls

us to do, without having to compromise that very

same faith? …This is not a Catholic issue. This is

not a Jewish issue. …It is an American issue.”



Volume VI, No. 8 June 2012

“What we ask is nothing more than that our God-

given right to religious liberty be respected. We ask

nothing less than that the Constitution and laws of the

United States, which recognize that right, be

respected.” They specifically addressed several

groups: the laity, those in public office, heads of

Catholic charitable agencies, priests, experts in

communication, and urged each to employ the gifts

and talents of its members for religious liberty.

The document can be found at:


Approved: Joanne Tomassi, National Regent

HHS Mandate--6 Things Everyone Needs to Know

from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

1. The mandate does not exempt Catholic

charities, schools, universities, or hospitals. These

institutions are vital to the mission of the Church, but

HHS does not deem them "religious employers"

worthy of conscience protection, because they do not

"serve primarily persons who share the[ir] religious

tenets." HHS denies these organizations religious

liberty precisely because their purpose is to serve the

common good of society.

2. The mandate forces these institutions and

others, against their conscience, to pay for things

they consider immoral. Under the mandate, the

government forces religious insurers to write policies

that violate their beliefs; forces religious employers

and schools to sponsor and subsidize coverage that

violates their beliefs; and forces religious employees

and students to purchase coverage that violates their


3. The mandate forces coverage of sterilization

and abortion-inducing drugs and devices as well

as contraception. Though commonly called the

"contraceptive mandate," HHS's mandate also forces

employers to sponsor and subsidize coverage of

sterilization. And by including all drugs approved by

the FDA for use as contraceptives, the HHS mandate

includes drugs that can induce abortion, such as

"Ella," a close cousin of the abortion pill RU-486.

4. Catholics of all political persuasions are unified

in their opposition to the mandate. Catholics who

have long supported this Administration and its

healthcare policies have criticized HHS’s decision.

5. Many other religious and secular people and

groups have spoken out strongly against the

mandate. Many recognize this assault on the broader

principle of religious liberty, even if they disagree

with the Church on the underlying moral question.

6. The federal mandate is much stricter than

existing state mandates. HHS chose the narrowest

state-level religious exemption as the model for its

own. That exemption was drafted by the ACLU and

exists in only three states (New York, California,

Oregon). Even without a religious exemption,

religious employers can already avoid the

contraceptive mandates in 28 states by self-insuring

their prescription drug coverage, dropping that

coverage altogether, or opting for regulation under a

federal law (ERISA) that pre-empts state law. The

HHS mandate closes off all these avenues of relief.

Prayer for Religious Liberty

St. Thomas More, Patron of Religious Freedom

Pray for Us

O God our Creator, from your

provident hand we have received

our right to life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness. You have

called us as your people and

given us the right and the duty to

worship you, the only true God,

and your Son, Jesus Christ.

Through the power and working of your Holy

Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst

of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth

of the Gospel to every corner of society.

We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift

of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind

and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they

are threatened; give us courage in making our

voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church

and the freedom of conscience of all people of


Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and

united voice to all your sons and daughters

gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the

history of our nation, so that, with every trial

withstood and every danger overcome—for the

sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all

who come after us—this great land will always be

“one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty

and justice for all.” We ask this through Christ our

Lord. Amen. Copyright © 2012, United States Conference of Catholic

Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

2012 CDA National Convention, Shirley Seyfried, National Chair Come to the 54th Biennial National CDA Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, July 18-22, 2012!

The Catholic Daughters of the State of Nebraska have been working hard for almost two years to plan every

detail of the Catholic Daughters National Convention. There are fun tours and educational workshops planned

before the convention actually begins. The theme of the convention and of National CDA these past two years,

“With God all things are possible” is very appropriate as we think about all the charitable work done in Catholic

Daughters. We are all hoping that you will come to the convention to share the excitement of renewing old

friendships and making many new ones. We hope you will find time to discuss the programs which are most

successful for other courts so that you may get some ideas for new projects for your court. The National

Convention will be a time of celebrating Eucharist together, doing the business of the Catholic Daughters, and

electing new Officers and Directors to lead the Catholic Daughters for the next two years. Proposed changes in

bylaws and new resolutions affecting the Good of the Order will be discussed and voted upon and your input is

vital. May your deliberations and decisions be made in the spirit of unity and charity. Come and share the

excitement and enthusiasm of the hundreds of Catholic Daughters who will attend. Meet the women from

whom you have been receiving mailings and who have been writing the articles in Share Magazine. Renew your

commitment to Catholic Daughters and go back to your courts with the spirit and enthusiasm to rededicate

yourselves to the work of this wonderful organization. May God Bless all who attend during these four days

and with safe travel coming and going. If you are unable to attend the convention, please pray for the success

of the convention and look for pictures and updates on the Web site each day of the convention.

Workshops to

Enlighten and Inform

The Spirituality of Service

Reverend Ed Lamp and Olga Samaniego

How do I do…? Where can I find…? These are just two of the many questions often asked by local

chairmen for Spiritual Enhancement. Open your mind and heart to a new experience of God through

service. Explore ways for members to find God through the work they do for God’s people. Come and

pray and learn with us; we will share samples of prayer services that can be integrated into the life of

your court and enrich its spirituality.

What's In Your Local Court?

Sherry Nilles, Arline Rich, Maryann Grabasky

Do you have Apples, Grapes, Starbursts and M-Azing Daughters to follow in your


Come and See

“Walk the Walk & Talk the Talk of A Leader”

Helene Shepard

Have you ever encountered someone who impressed you as being capable and

competent the first time you met? Someone you felt could take charge and get things

done? Learn how you can become that person! You will be given valuable insights on how to “strut your stuff”

and motivate others. All participants will take home a “Hands on packet of Useful Exercises” which can be used

in your state and local courts.

Become the leader you are called to be by attending this workshop….

“Dig in for Membership”

Come and Grow in the CDA Garden!

Letty M. Calvetti and Mary Ann Kizer

Join us at the “Dig in for Membership” Workshop during the 2012 National CDA Convention. Learn how to

plant, nurture and grow the seeds for membership. As He is the Vine and we are the branches, we invite you to

come share, laugh, and learn how to spread your love for CDA.

Come To The Aid of Your Country

Margaret Sitte

This workshop focuses on the most pressing issues facing our nation. Learn ways

to promote a culture of life, defend marriage, and protect religious freedom. We’ll

discuss effective strategies to communicate issues during the upcoming election

cycle. Then, we’ll review what Catholic Daughters can and can’t do as an organization at the federal,

state and local levels. Finally, we’ll share the best ideas from across the country and go forth energized

in this election year!

"A Little Bit of This And A Little Bit of That

And a Whole Lot of Fun"

Emily Guilherme and Cecina Koeijmans

Come and join us for some fun on how to make your Convention unforgettable. Learn Parliamentarian Procedures and other Tips to make the most of this wonderful experience.



Walk/Run for (the Circle of) Love Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge Thursday July 19th at 6:00 am

Come Join Us in walking or running for your Project Please join us in our quest to Walk for (the Circle of) Love, a CDA National Convention Event, to be held on Thursday, July 19th at the Bob Kerrey Bridge. There is a $20.00 registration fee which includes a Circle of Love T-Shirt! The deadline for the T-Shirts will be May 15th. In addition to the $20.00 registration you can raise money by getting sponsors as an individual or as a court/team and walk or run together. Monies raised will be for your projects of choice. You can choose from the National Projects:

The Disaster Relief Fund Habitat for Humanity

Holy Cross Smile Train

SOAR National Charities

You decide which charities you would like your donation to benefit. Whether you like to walk, run, or just cheer on your CDA sisters please consider participating in the event. It is one way to show your support of the Circle of Love and CDA’s National Projects. Please complete the attached form and send it along with your $20.00 registration Fee to:

Debbie Makovicka 1515 Road 14

York, NE 68467 #402-362-3160

Make Checks payable to Catholic Daughters of the Americas (return bottom section only)

Name: _______________________________ Court Name: __________________________

Phone#: ( ) _________________________ Court #:______________________________

Circle T-Shirt Size: Small Medium Large XL XXL XXXL

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Walk/Run for Love

Sponsor Sheet

Name: _______________________________Phone: __________________________Court#___________State:_________

Sponsor Name Address Phone $ Charity of Choice (see list below)

Please bring this form and donation to the Walk/Run Registration Table. If you are not attending the convention, please send this form and donation to your representative.


Biannual National Convention Omaha, NE

July 19th

, 201

National Projects Disaster Fund Habitat for Humanity Holy Cross Family Ministries (F. Peyton’s Family Rosary) Smile Train SOAR! (Support our Ageing Religious)

National Charities Laboure Society North American College Morality in Media Catholic Relief Services Covenant House Apostleship of the Sea Tutwiler Clinic Mother Teresa

1. “Cordially Yours" (Joanne Tomassi)

2. “Lights Camera Action" (Anne Nelson, Letty Calvetti, Rev. Ed Lamp)

3. "$$$ CDA GOE$ GREEN $$$" (Helene Shepard and Shirley Seyfried)

4. "Coffee, Tea and Me" (Maryann Grabasky and Mary Ann Kizer)

5. "Retreat To Go" (Olga Samaniego and Janet Martineau)

6. “When Irish Eyes are Smiling" (Peggy O’Brien and Mary Impellizeri)

7. “Proud to be CDA" (NY Office)

8. "Made in Connecticut" (CT)

9. "Hand Crocheted Bedspread" (IL)

10. "Made in Nebraska" (NE)

11. "New Mexico Goodies" (NM)

12. "Glass Decoupage Plate" (OH)

13. "South Dakota Products" (SD)

14. "A Gift Card for You" (VA)

15. "Who Moved My Cheese!" (WI)

16. "Pamper Yourself" (Ct. 1604-TX)

17. "Money does grow on Trees" (NJ)

18. "Vera Bradley and more" (MD)

19. "Live Free…..With an All Natural Sampling of NH'S BEST" (NH)

20. "Comfort" (ID)

21. "Kitchen Cash" (CA)

22. "7th Inning $tretch" (NY)

23. "For My Valentine" (FL)

24. "Handmade Stained Glass Cross"(IA)

25. “Made in Oregon” (OR)

26. “Café Du Monde – A Taste of New Orleans” (LA)

27. “Spend it, wear it, take it home” (NC)

28. “A Lotta Bull and the Fringes" (Sherry Nilles, Arline Rich, Delma

Araiza, Emily Guilherme)


DOOR PRIZE: $100 gift card to Wal-Mart (TX)