David Sloly, HarveyDavid partner & TEDx speaker - how to create stories for content marketing

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Transcript of David Sloly, HarveyDavid partner & TEDx speaker - how to create stories for content marketing

How to Create Stories for content marketing Based on the TEDx talk given by David Sloly

Studies in psychology show

stories deeply influence your

attitudes, beliefs and the

decisions you make.

If stories influence decision-making,

then you must be interested to know

how stories are created?

Stories are journeys formed in

a three-act structure where

the characters, places and

objectives change, but the

structure remains the same.


Act 1: Sets out the problem or challenge

Act 2: Is where the struggle to solve the

challenge takes place.

Act 3: Is the resolve, revealing what you

learnt by going through the experiences

of Act 1 and 2.

To help you find the story ask…

Act 1: •  Who is the story is about? •  What is the problem? •  Why the problem came about? •  When it happened? •  Where did it happen?

Act 2 •  Describe the Struggle? •  What was done to overcome •  the struggle?

Act 3

What did you learn from the experience?

Stories are like rollercoasters, they have

to go ‘up and down’ to be exciting.

What goes up, must come down.

What starts out positive, switches to a

negative. What is on, is suddenly off.

The ‘change of state’

will emotionally engage

your audience.  

Restructure your story in Acts 1 and 2

to give it the rollercoaster treatment.

Creating a compelling story will

make your content more engaging.

Find out how to apply the power of story

to your content so that it is more

engaging, memorable and persuasive.
