Cross-Media Study - Kodak

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White paper detailing Kodak's successful implementation of a Cross-Media marketing strategy

Transcript of Cross-Media Study - Kodak

Kodak Graphic Communications2600 Manitou RoadRochester, NY 14653

Internal: US&C Roadshow Cross-Media MarketingRelease date: August 2008 White Paper

How KODAK Uses Cross Media Marketing toPromote and Measure Roadshow Success.

This is a case study for print providers to communicate the value of cross mediamarketing and to demonstrate the additional possible sources of revenue that marketingcampaigns might provide to their bottom line.We will review the benefits associated withprint vehicles alone, and the increased benefits derived from the addition of personallanding pages and a micro site to the campaign mix.We’ll also cover the importance ofproviding campaign metrics to justify the programs and increase the likelihood of futurework for the print provider. Lastly, we will demonstrate how Kodak created a multi-dimen-sional view of its potential customers by better identifying prospects and helping its salesforce prioritize and nurture sales leads more effectively and efficiently.

Kodak was seeking a means to establish a more regular dialogue with its customers andprospects on important business issues, as an extension to its initiatives to generatequalified leads through trade shows, direct mail and telemarketing campaigns.With over15,000 Kodak customers, marketing needed to get in front of more prospects to speakabout the business of printing, educate both prospects and customers on the strategicopportunities for commercial printers to grow their business and how the vision of thenew Kodak could get them there.

Mission:The mission was two- fold: Increase sales and qualified prospects for Kodak’s GraphicCommunications Group and help maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of thesales force.

Strategy:A decision was made to conduct a number of regional seminars throughout the UnitedStates and Canada as a value exchange between Kodak and their customers andprospects. Kodak’s desire was to educate them on the latest technologies, trends andeconomic challenges facing commercial and in-plant printers and in return, be able togauge and support the needs of customers to determine Kodak opportunities. Thestrategy would need to incorporate the same integrated marketing techniques thatKodak promotes to its customer base and to support the sales force in reaching alarger, more qualified base of prospects.

Tactics:The integrated marketing tactics incorporated the following touch points:

PRE EVENT• A roadshow micro site

• Variable print direct mail (with an image ofthe city in which the roadshow was held)and Direct Type motif of the prospect’s name

• Personalized landing page (PLP)

• Electronic PDF version of the invitationto the seminar

• Reminder email to registered attendees

POST EVENT• Post show survey conducted right after the eventthat was tied to drawing for a camera

• Post show e-survey to registrants who did not attend

ADDITIONALLY, specific training for the Kodak sales reps included:

• Understanding the personalized landing pageresponses and how to respond to them

• Telemarketing strategies including voice mail scripts.Underlying these tactics were the metrics that tracked andscored the type and amount of interaction the prospect hadwith the roadshow promotion. In the past, like manycompanies, Kodak only viewed actual attendees as qualifiedprospects, archiving those who did not attend for possiblefuture follow up.

Key Takeaway:By employing this integrated marketing approach, everyinteraction tracked was put into a lead nurturing campaign designed tohelp Marketing and Sales better qualify the interests and needs of aprospect. This is important in supporting the sales force to utilize theirselling time as efficiently as possible.

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Including an offerincreased ourresponse rate.

The Personalized Landing Page (PLP) provided a simplified registrationprocess as well as a link to the micro site where additional information wasprovided on the event and topics relevant to those interested in digital printand workflow.With this multi-dimensional approach, Kodak identified 5interaction touch points:

• Those who hit the PLP, but didn’t register (shows interest)

• Those who hit the PLP, and registered (definite interest)

• Those who attend (definite interest)

• Those who registeredbut did not attend(doesn’t necessarilyconnote lack ofinterest)

• Those who did not at-tend, but completedthe survey they weremailed after the eventhighlighting what theymissed at the seminar(possible interest)

This process helped categorize levels of interest based on the prospect’slevel of interactivity and provided an extra level of intelligence to help thesales person prioritize who to follow up with and importantly, identifyrelevant customer interest areas.

The most important takeaway is that at a very minimum, this group has,by the simple action of going to the PLP, demonstrated a higher level ofinterest than those who have not responded at all. The value of each levelof interactivity is defined below:

Why did prospects hit the PLP but not submit the form orregister for the event?

• They may have had interest but had recently purchased a digital pressor workflow

• Once they read the additional information on the PLP, there wasno further interest

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Outside paneluses personalizedimage to generate

increased response.

Inside paneluses prominent

placement of PURL

• They were busy and could not attendon the date of the seminar

• The location was too far to travel

• Other pressing problems thatdistracted them from completing the registration form.

• Had interest but the message was not compelling enough to register.

Another important aspect of the strategy was to have the sales personget this PLP click information daily and establish a process for them tofollow up and clarify the prospect’s interest. In fact, there were manyprospects that ended up registering and attending once theyreceived a call from the sales rep. After all, the purpose ofthese events is to provide the reps with business reasons tospeak with, engage and interact with customers.

• For those who attended, a survey was completed followingthe event that included a coupon to win a camera.To win, one had to fill out the survey and submit the coupon.The tracking of the responses were input directly into apre-created form compliant with Kodak’s sales automationsoftware. This made it convenient and quick to push thelevel of prospect interest directly into the hands of thesalesperson.

• For people who registered but did not attend, Kodakconducted a post event follow up using an electronicallydistributed PLP with a survey to share the information anddata presented at the event and further query theprospect’s level of interest. This intelligence was madeavailable for the sales reps to assess in real time the levelof interest and priority of opportunity there might be.For example, a respondent surveyed who answered theyalready had a digital press but did rate workflow automationas important would be contacted by the Pre Press SalesSolution Manager.

• Another benefit of the online registration process was that managementwas able to view registrations on a daily basis and better support salesif registrations were low. This provided another opportunity for the salesreps to follow up with mail recipients and encourage attendance.

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A personalized landingpage (PLP) is mademore effective when

directions and parkinginformation are


Measuring the return on a marketingcampaign and molding it into actionableintelligence for the sales organization isthe difference between simply spendingyour marketing budget versus making atrue “marketing investment”.

• Over the course of the roadshow,these techniques resulted in betterintelligence about prospects, identifieda larger base of prospects and identi-fied where they were in a buying cycle.

The Results:The initial goal of the roadshow was tohave 200 companies, with 400 visitorsin total attending. In fact, attendanceincluded 226 companies and 390visitors.

Another benchmark was being able to measure if there was an increasein closing existing campaigns from those attending the roadshow. Hereagain, Kodak closed many deals within 30 days following the events andaccelerated the closure on several other deals.

Additional benefits:Kodak was able to identify another370 individuals who interacted with thecompany but did not attend the roadshow.Using the intelligence from the PLP’s, non-attending registrants and post show surveys,Kodak identified prospects that interacted insome way (though not technically meeting theprevious criteria of a “qualified lead”).

Out of the 12,000 people receiving the mailing,this group took the time to go to the site, reviewthe seminar topics, and register, even thoughthey might not have actually attended. Thisgroup has clearly distinguished themselvesfrom the initial mailing base of invitees who didnot respond in any way.

While they have not yet been qualified for asales campaign, they are now recognizedseparately and will be targeted with a specificsales and marketing strategy.

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A big part of the value of any roadshow(and marketing campaign) is to continuallyprovide a sales force with relevantinformation and business reasons to speakto decision makers. Therefore, it is incumbent

on the sales force to realize that decision makers

are bombarded with advertising and marketing and

as a result, they are often forced to make choices

about whom they speak to and why. Telemarketing

follow up to the invitations was extremely important

in reinforcing the message.

Electronic PDF of the invitationwas distributed as a reminder

to increase registration.

Economics for the Printer:Every print provider with digital printequipment speaks about being a com-munications provider and creating andenjoying higher value annuity streams ofrevenue. Under normal circumstances,the print provider would have printedand mailed 12,000 invitations toprospects for about $12,000. And under normal circumstances, the printprovider would now have to wait on the sidelines to see if the roadshowwas a success or failure before finding out if the program would continue.In this instance, however, the Kodak print provider proved to be a criticalpartner and project manager in the success of this program. How?

• It provided the custom city landscapes and motif for each city’svariable invitation

• It worked with the data department to establish the right flow of informa-tion gathered from the show in order to integrate Kodak’s sales forceautomation software

• It created and executed PURLs and provided access to the intelligencethey gathered on a daily basis to Kodak’s Sales and Marketing teams toensure success in each city.

The printer was able to price the job based on a value basis vs cost plusquote for a direct mail piece because they clearly understood what wasimportant about these seminars (not just attendees but everyone thatinteracted with the promotion) and how to support Kodak in delivering theintelligence gathered in a simple, usable format. As a result, they had ahand in supporting the initial success and now the continuation of theprogram by providing measurable results and making the shift from amarketing cost to a marketing investment.

Conclusions:There is greater pressure than ever on marketing organizations todemonstrate measurable results from their campaigns. In the face ofextraordinary advertising clutter, conventional marketing tactics consistingmerely of direct mail, email, trade shows or phone calls are havingmarginally declining benefits. Those print providers that can help theirprospects and customers utilize integrated marketing techniques to helpimprove the way they sell and market will be the successful printers andprofit leaders of the industry.

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© Kodak, 2008. Use of the content, marks or logos appearing in this White Paper without permission from the trademark owner, except as permitted by applicable law is prohibited.

One of the values that digital print and PLPsoffer is the ability to inexpensively test,measure and react to response rates.On a number of occasions, Kodak modifiedthe messaging and images to reflect localneeds and the copy that resonated bestwith prospects.