Courageous Prevention - · ―Simon Sinek Courageous Prevention . ... Medicine of the...

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Transcript of Courageous Prevention - · ―Simon Sinek Courageous Prevention . ... Medicine of the...

Courageous Prevention

Beverly Kingston, Ph.D.Director and Senior Research Associate

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence Institute of Behavioral Science | University of Colorado


“Start with why"― Simon Sinek

Courageous Prevention

My Why…

“Creating systems and structures to support human


Being Brave & Trusting Yourself

Vision & Passion

with the Best Intentions…

…but was it


Importance of Passionate

Implementation + Evaluation:

A Great Marriage

News headline violence

Many people are hurting

We must address the root causes

Current Reality

For such a time as this…

Great Courage

What is your “Why”?

My Forever Research Questions

• What are the best things we can do in our schools and communities to support healthy development?

• How do we put those things into place?

What do we already know?

…we could reduce violence by 30% using knowledge we already have

Shared Risk & Protective Factors

Jenson & Fraser, 2011; National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2009; Biglan, 2015; Puddy and Wilkins 2011; Wilkins, Tsao, Hertz, Davis, & Klevens, 2014; National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2016

Same Risk & Protective


Multiple Problem

Behaviors & Positive


Nurturing Environments

1. Promote and reinforce prosocial behavior

2. Minimize socially and biologically toxic conditions

3. Monitor and set limits on influences and opportunities to engage in problem behavior

4. Promote mindful psychological flexibility in the pursuit of prosocial values

Biglan & Prinz 2017; Biglan 2015; Biglan, Flay, Embry & Sandler 2012; Kingston et al. forthcoming

Comprehensive & Coordinated Approach

• Developmental/life course

• Ecological

• Public health approach

Fagan and Catalano 2013; Jenson and Fraser 2011; Mercy and Vivolo-Kantor 2016; National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies 2009; Ridgeway 2014

Implementation Science: Formula for Success

Effective Programs x Effective Implementation x Enabling Context =

Positive Outcomes

Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development –

National Implementation Research Network –

Scacia et al., 2015Wandersman et al., 2014

We know a lot about how to prevent and address problem behaviors


…less than 10% of child welfare and education agencies are implementing

evidence-based programs

Henggeler & Schoenwald, 2012 ; Gottfredson & Gottfredson, 2002; U.S. Department of Ed.. 2011

Why the gap between what we know works and what we are

putting into practice?


Comprehensive Projects:

*Check out –

Courageous Actionin Service of our Why

Begins with listening to ourselves…longing and letting go

Taking Courageous Action

Letting Go• What am I ready to let go of?

Longing• What is coming forth? What is

calling me? What do I long for?

With Courageous Action…

things may not always go as planned

My Supports…