Brandon Figueroa's Simon sinek slideshow


Transcript of Brandon Figueroa's Simon sinek slideshow

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a Brandon Figueroa Presentation


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Best known as an author

His first Ted Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” is 7th most viewed on

In 2009 Sinek wrote a book on the same topic titled “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”

Sinek is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and has also wrote for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others.

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SINEK’S THESISSinek believed that in order to be a leader, There is a certain way leaders think and he breaks that down with something called “The Golden Circle”. (See image)

Most people know WHAT they do, HOW they do it but don’t put much thought into WHY. Sinek says a leader thinks opposite. They show you WHY they do it so you can believe what they believe. A quote from Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk: “They don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. Referring to the Wright Brothers & Apple Company.

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Sinek opened his Ted Talk by talking about how some leaders can always stay ahead and that’s why they lead in their field. He first mentions Apple and how over the years they keep pushing the limits on creating technology. Talikng about a company as well known as Apple is a great way to keep your audience interested because Apple products are used all over the world. Many people can relate especially when there is most likely an iPhone or iPod in there pocket.

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Sinek was able to maintain engagement by drawing The Golden Circle on an easel. Showing the visual of The Golden Circle was a great way to keep an audience engaged because visuals are easier to understand then just an explanation. When you provide both, the message you are trying to give comes out a lot clearer. He also mentioned some history like Dr. King and the Wright Brothers. Associating history with your speech is great use of examples.

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Ted Commandments Followed Best:

Make the complex plain

Don't flaunt your ego

No selling from the stage

Don't read your talk

End your talk on time

Rehearse your talk

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Not once did I see Sinek read from a paper or jumble up his words. I thought he did a great job with his presentation. It looked well rehearsed. I like how he put stories about the Wright Brothers and Dr. King in his speech. He also never flaunted his ego around. Sinek had a point to make and he made it by sticking to the topic and not going off topic to sell any type of pitch. I'm not sure if there was any time limit but Sinek didn't’t look like he was in a rush to finish his speech. I enjoyed his Ted Talk.

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I would rate Simon Sinek’s dynamism between a 4 and a 5 because he did have a positive attitude throughout the talk. He was absolutely sure about everything he said and that makes you believe it more.

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The only reason I didn’t give him a full 5 on dynamism was because even though he had a positive attitude, his energy was always in the same dull tone. More energy during certain parts of the speech would've gave it more life. Other then that it was great.

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Garr Reynolds talks about outlining your content and I believe that Sinek did that spot on. He knew his topic so even if he told a story, he bounced right back to show the relation. Sinek also kept it simple by drawing and further explaining The Golden Circle.

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A few things I learned based on watching Simon Sinek’s Talk:

Have a good opening- Incorporate any type of story whether fictional or non-fictional.

Drawings or any other visuals are eye catching and will show interest.

State facts and have examples or proof to back it up.

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Rehearse and know what you are talking about

Stick to topic

Positive attitude and energy in your speech

Humor is another way to keep an audience engaged

Know when to stop

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Simon Sinek’s: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Good Stories and facts

Kept audience interested

Provided thorough explanations

Stayed on Topic

Serious yet informational

Good use of visuals

Sir Ken Robinson: School Kills Creativity

Good Stories and facts

Kept audience interested

Provided thorough explanations

Stayed on Topic

Good use of comedy, jokes and Humor

A lot of energy

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Simon Sinek’s: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Good Stories and facts

Kept audience interested

Provided thorough explanations

Stayed on Topic

Serious yet informational

Good use of visuals


Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms

Good amount of facts

Kept audience interested

Provided thorough explanations

Stayed on Topic

Creative presentation

Good use of animation

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I thought I knew a lot about public presentations but after watching these Ted talks, my eyes have been opened. The best tip I can give is to know your material. I know that you’ve probably heard that over and over before but its true. You cant focus on delivery, attitude and all those other parts until you have your material down packed. Another tip is to show people your personal side and I don’t mean open up your life to them but to talk to them as if they were your closest friend. Making an audience feel comfortable is a great way to keep there attention.

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