CODiES sent to judges

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of CODiES sent to judges

We provide the technology and services that empower Professional Education programs and Publishers to offer more engaging, scalable, and profitable e-learning offerings.


We’ve put this quick executive summary together as a visual tour for CODiES award consideration This presentation is animated- you can navigate thru each step or let it auto-play

Thank you for your time and consideration.

A learning platform by digital ignite

We didn’t want to create another LMS We designed a learner-centric portal To serve specific needs Where education is essential to the client business operations

We serve professional associations and education publishers They are not training employees They seek to deliver critical professional education to “external audiences”

Our clients audiences are _________: Global so we need scalability and reach Made up of busy professionals- so access needs to be simple, intuitive Working in fields with constant demand for up-to-date professional knowledge -so need to support key features for: certification, exam prep, continuing education

Crowd Wisdom™ typically serves as the “Central Education hub” for a profession to help manage all educational resources while providing a knowledge exchange for learners to interact and share information.

Crowd Wisdom™ was designed to go beyond the standard LMS:

Personalize the learning experience

Make it easy and intuitive to find AND share knowledge

Provide an “aesthetically” engaging, intuitive experience

Be the “Education Hub”- centralizing all education formats

Manage the lifecycle of professional development

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Each Crowd Wisdom portal is unique to the client

All user interface elements can be branded and customized

Widgets offer various functions to the learner

Clients select the widgets and where to place them

Tabs organize major parts of the portal

The Dashboard is where the learner “starts” their work

Features are role-based: different groups can see different functionality, pricing, messaging.

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Crowd Wisdom™ dashboard

A personalized entry point for learners

The learner is welcomed with relevant educational content and recommendations.

Our goals: Learner finds content fast- and can easily search on-demandLike help a learner focus among many content items

Recommended items (like Amazon and Netflix) based on professional interests and background

Track and display the most viewed, most launched, and highest rated content.

Show recent and active discussion and peer social activity for quick access into Community features

Various “widgets” are available to configure.

We can also create custom widgets, embed external widgets (e.g., twitter, chat, Google maps), and allow portability of our widgets to embed on a web site.

Key point: Client decide what widgets and functionality appear- and to what roles (e.g., Members get different widgets/pricing)

Get fancier: display “Popular items for people like me” – peers in similar job role or profession

Recommendation algorithm can be adjusted to recommend items based on weights for previous history, profile, and or format/topic preferences.

“Featured” Widgets can promote specific educational products

Capture feedback through a Poll and Survey engine

Sample site: Institute of Management Accountants70k users, population all over the world, with key activity from China, India, and Middle East/N. Africa

Display messages specific to each group within the audience

Our clients are truly promoting their education programs to attract learners and to retain their loyalty.

Key features they benefit from:

Branding via full support for CSS/HTML Platform independence to deliver on mobile/tabletAccessibility to support disabled learnersCommerce and Marketing features to “sell”Polling to capture audience feedback/requests

Organize and “tag” content based on client’s taxonomy

Analytics track views, launches, and clicks to help inform future course plans

List learning items and offer different pricing and subscription options for various audiences

Organize all learning items using client’s taxonomy/classification to help learners “drill down” and filter for the items they seek

Any item can be managed and organized, from live events and books to e-learning courses and webinar recordings.

Catalog and display learning items in a clear, intuitive way that simplifies search and browse.

Like or Netflix, we seek to “Aggregate” all content opportunities for the busy professional

Clients can vet and catalog all types of learning

We integrate to all external publishers or services (WebEx, Adobe Connect) for them

Key result: The learner finds a one-stop “hub” for their education needs.

Sample site: American Society of Radiological Technologists

135k users, Global learning portal for technologists who run CT scans, Mammography/X-ray and similar machines.

Quick Access to My Enrolled items

Jump to Quick Links that short cut access to key features

Learn about key promotions and events

Sample site: Institute of Management Accountants70k users, population all over the world, with key activity from China, India, and Middle East/N. Africa

2 Clicks or less

The Learner Dashboard simplifies access and gives a overall view to what’s available for the learner

Key feature: Support for formal AND informal learning

The Crowd Wisdom™ design is intended to support community and informal knowledge exchange through portal level and course level social features.

Discussion boardsFile and Link sharing

Search and connect with Peers by using filters to search profile fields

Question and Answer

Open search to find items within community

Social features: to empower the “wisdom of the crowds” Clients can enable discussion, file-sharing, and networking communities

Features can be enabled at the portal level AND at the course level

Controls allow settings for threaded, moderation, comments-only, view-only

Social areas become a “Search-able” knowledge base of communications

Crowd Wisdom™ Community and Social features

Supports specialized groups and private discussion

Widgets can be configured to aggregate top discussions, most recent, and active items.

File Sharing allows administrators and learners to post and share files

Embedded chat For live chat sessions and subsequent archival for enduring material

(Supported with embedding 3rd party tool “CoverItLive”)

A Wiki platform To create Bodies of Knowledge or search-able information repositories.

Support for Hybrid CoursesAdd “classroom” –like tools to any learning item to add “blended” techniques and moderator-directed education

Customizable Text blocks for any HTML content

Digital Ignite JetPack

> Add Social Features to any learning item

Crowd Wisdom™ clients can upload video or any learning format (Document, e-learning course) and launch it within our JetPack.

JetPack provides a “wrapper” that can feature: discussion, polling, and open content boxes for custom content. It’s inspired by features.

Interactive transcript allows learner to click on text in transcript to jump to the respective part in the video.

Comments and discussion can be enabled to allow learner-to-learner interaction Polling can be


Video or other learning items can be “wrapped” by JetPack features

Key feature: personalization

Because our target clients typically offer a large library of educational material, personalization and targeting content are key requirements.

Personalized Dashboard

The learner is presented with Recommendations and Messaging specific to them based on: 1) their profile, 2) preferences, 3) past activity 4) client-selected choices on what to display

Widgets can push personalized information such as:MessagesRecommendations

Recognize Affiliations

Learner’s roles in groups, chapters, or business units can be used to tailor specific widgets

Enable Personalized FilterSearch content based on personal preferences

Automatic association of Similar titles and items that were “also viewed”

Crowd Wisdom™ supports ratings and tracks views, launches, and completions to help promote popular and active “content” like descriptions, ratings and similar-product associations for any learning item

Crowd Wisdom™ supports unlimited tagging and descriptions of content. Tagging helps the “related item” suggestions and “recommendation” features of the system.

Key features: Rich Data and support for High-Stakes testing

Help the learner practice and self-assess knowledge- capturing performance data

Help the organization with rich analytics on learner scores

Tests can feature:Pooling, question/distractor randomization, Multi-section tests for domain level assessmentExhibits, notepad, and remediationBranding, multiple question typesSecurity controls to prevent copy/print

Summary data on test performance (average, max/min, mean, standard deviation)

Aggregate Question statistics on answer distribution

Himalaya Testing Engine™ test and quiz platform

Settings and Features: controls to emulate high stakes, proctored testing (question pooling, randomization of order, navigation, authoring)

Data on Results: data on learner performance and aggregate test results

Detail on each learner’s response per attempt, per question

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Large image support as “figure thumbnails” can save screen real estate for question and distractors.

Hot Spot questionsTo support visual questions asking learner to identify items in image.

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Tailor the certificate design and layout.

Certificate engine dynamically inserts learner-specific information such as issue date, credits earned, and client-specific data fields (pictured here like sub-specialty and modality)

Certificate EngineAutomatically delivers certificates of performance based on completion rules:

Associate certificates to any learning item

Client-controlled branding and layout

Insert dynamic info on learner and learning item (title, date, unique ID (authenticity stamp), custom data fields)

Issue date, certificate, and learner info is stored permanently for reference

Unique ID for each certificate to validate its authenticity

Support for multiple types of CE units and role-based logic (e.g., doctors get different amount than nurses

Consensus engine: Survey and Poll platform

Associate a survey to any item

Track and store all responses

Delivery formats include survey or poll

Polls can be placed within portal and track general responses and display via Bar/Pie/text.

Crowd Wisdom™ Data and Analytics tracking

A full suite of Business Intelligence reports covers all key activity in the system.

Key web services are available to report data back to client systems

And seamless integration with our client’s Google Analytics™ account for detailed insights into activity.

Over 50 reports covering key activity and administration

Integrate your Google Analytics™ account

Key feature: Flexibility to “Extend” and “customize”

Clients seek to build new features or embed functionality from other sites.

New features can be added at the client level (not shared by others).

Events charted on Google Map

We seek to maintain an openness to the web

Widget approach allows for “openness” to embedding external functionality and services

American Optometrist Association wanted their state chapters to submit their educational events to display on the “central hub”

CE Finder was created to allow submission and posting of education events, all in one place so learners can easily find events.

It’s crowd-sourced education – which the client can choose to approve for display

Easy search to simplify finding educational events anywhere in the country.

Widgets to serve ADs promoting other educational opportunities.

Hovering over any event will pop up a detailed description and the option to save to calendar

Customizable and Extendable

Each client has their own configuration- allowing client-specific features

McGraw-Hill Professional Product “Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands”: we took an antiquated database of cultural etiquette for business travellers and migrated to Crowd Wisdom™

Wiki: using Crowd Wisdom’s built-in wiki/knowledge base, all content was converted into XML and migrated to our platform.

It’s now an editable-wiki– allowing McGraw-Hill to easily maintain this digital product for its customers.

All other features of Crowd Wisdom have been disabled- leaving only the wiki function.

Selecting a country will display a Wiki entry

Users can type to search for a country or click “View All”

Each country wiki entry is further organized into categories and topics

Users can click to learn about government, current affairs, and practice some sample phrases

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Thank you for your time

Crowd Wisdom™

Engage learners with a relevant, personalized experience

Serve as a hub for professional education

Build loyalty through the lifecycle of career needs

Make the learning experience intuitive and aesthetically appealing