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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25


    a.  ly[ip]hi  3ms imperfect – root fbn ; “he will look”; the prefix vowel jTæPæ &  characterizes thely[ip]hi  imperfect; the initial root letter  ̂ Wn assimilates to the following root letter (notethe vgeD: in the  tyBe).

     b.  l[æp]nI 3ms perfect – root jdn; “he was thrust out”; the initial  ̂ Wn is characteristic of thel[æp]nI, while the initial root letter  ̂ Wn assimilates to the following root letter (note the vgeD:in the  tl,D; &); this form could also be a l[ePi 3ms perfect or a lqæ 1cp imperfect.

    c.  ly[ip]hi 3fs or 2ms imperfect – root  nyb; “she/you will cause to understand”; this is thetypical form for the ly[ip]hi  of hollow verbs; it could also be lqæ  imperfect (“she/youwill understand”).

    d.  l[ePi 3ms jussive – root ywx; “may he command”; the imperfect form is hW,xæy“,   but thefinal syllable, with the marking of the l[ePi’s doubling, is dropped in the jussive andconverted imperfect.

    e.  ly[ip]hi  3ms converted imperfect – root ykn; “he smote”; hK,y"  is the long form, but thefinal syllable is lost in the converted form; the prefix vowel indicates that the form isly[ip]hi; the initial  ̂ Wn normally assimilates, but in this form, because the final syllable islost, the doubling of the π K; is also lost.

    f.  ly[ip]hi  3ms impf/jussive – root ydy; “he will give thanks”; the verb is historically initialww:, and the initial ww: reappears in the ly[ip]hi as the prefix vowel.

    g.  l[æp]h; 3ms perfect– root bvy; “he was made to sit”; the qr,Wv vowel in the prefix is dueto the original first consonant, ww:. The form could also be a pausal infinitive.

    h.  ly[ip]hi  1cs imperfect – root pwn; “I will raise”; the prefixed πl,a;  characterizes the first perfect imperfect, and the remaining πynI- is characteristic of hollow roots in the ly[ip]hi.This form cannot be lqæ because its root is middle ww:, not middle d/y.

    i.  ly[ip]hi 3mp imperfect – root dw[; “they will testify against”; the form’s W y iy:  pattern ischaracteristic of 3mp imperfect hollow root forms. This form cannot be lqæ because itsroot is middle ww:, not middle d/y.

     j.  l[ePi 3ms perfect – root  nam; “he refused”; the form is parallel to rBeDi, except that theinitial vowel is compensatorily lengthened because the middle radical, a guttural, willnot tolerate a vgeD;.

    k.  l[æp]nI 3fs perfect or fs participle – root rty; “she was/is left over”; the prefix  ̂ Wncharacterizes the l[æp]nI, while the original initial ww: is preserved in the prefix vowel.

    l.  l[æp]nI ms participle or 3ms pausal perfect – root bxn; “he is/was standing”; the initial  ̂ Wnof the root assimilates to the following root letter. The form could also theoretically

     be a l[ePi 3ms pausal perfect

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 2 of 15)

    m.  ly[ip]hi or lqæ converted imperfect – root yl[; “he brought up/he went up”; the jTæPæ thatfollows the d/y is either that of the ly[ip]hi’s prefix or, in the lqæ, due to the followingguttural; the converted imperfect takes the short form in final d/y verbs, but even thelong form in this case (hl, [}y") does not help distinguish between binyanim.


    Gen 17:20

    ˚yt[mç: lqæ  1cs perfect + 2ms suffix – root  [mv; “I heard you”ytkrb: l[ePi  1cs perfect – root  krb; “I blessed”ytyrphw: ly[ip]hi  1cs converted perfect – root yrp; “I will make fruitful”ytybrhw: ly[ip]hi  1cs converted perfect – root ybr; “I will make numerous”dylwy: ly[ip]hi  3ms imperfect – root dly; “he will sire”wyttnw: lqæ  1cs converted perfect + 3ms suffix – root  ntn; “I will give him”

    Gen. 18:29πsyw: ly[ip]hi  3ms converted imperfect – root psy; “he added/did again”rbdl: l[ePi  inf const + -l] preposition – root dml; “to speak”rmayw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root rma; “he said” ̂ waxmy: l[æp] nI  3mp imperfect + paragogic  ̂ Wn  – root axm; “they will be found”hç[a: lqæ  1cs imperfect – root yc[; “I will do”

    Gen. 24:48dqaw: lqæ  1cs converted imperfect – root ddq; “I bowed down”hwjtçaw: l[ep] Tæv]hi  (this is the only attested root in this  ̂ y: n“Bi  in BH; however, in other Semiticlanguages, the equivalent of this stem, called the ⁄t in cross-Semitic classification of 

    verbal stems, is readily attested) 1cs converted imperfect – root ywj; “I worshipped”˚rbaw: l[ePi  1cs converted imperfect – root  krb; “I blessed”ynjnh: ly[ip]hi  3ms perfect +1cs suffix – root yjn; “he led me” tjql: lqæ  inf const – root jql; “to take”

    Gen. 29:13yhyw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root yyh; “it was” [mçk: lqæ  infinitive const + - K] preposition – root  [mv; “when he heard”

    ≈ryw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root xwr; “he ran”wtarql: lqæ  infinitive const + -l] preposition + 3ms suff – root arq; “to meet him”qbjyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root qbj; “he embraced”qçnyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root qvn; “he kissed”whaybyw: ly[ip]hi  3ms conv imperfect +3ms suffix – root awb; “he brought him”rpsyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root rps; “he recounted”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 3 of 15)

    Gen. 34:30rmayw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root rma; “he said” µtrk[: lqæ  2mp perfect – root rk[; “you troubled”ynçyabhl: ly[ip]hi  inf const +1cs suffix – root vab; “to make me odious”bçyb: lqæ  ms act participle + -B] preposition – root bvy; “among the inhabitant”wpsanw: l[æp] nI  3cp converted perfect – root psa; “they will gather”ynwkhw: ly[ip]hi  3cp conv perfect +1cs suffix – root hkn; “they will kill me”

    ytdmçnw: l[æp] nI  1cs converted perfect – root dmv; “I will be destroyed”

    Gen. 37:32wjlçyw: l[ePi  3mp converted imperfect – root jlv; “they sent”waybyw: ly[ip]hi  3mp conv imperfect – root awb; “they brought”wrmayw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root rma; “they said”wnaxm: lqæ  1cp perfect – root axm; “we found”rkh: ly[ip]hi  ms impv – root rkn; “recognize!”

    Gen. 37:35wmqyw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root mwq; “they arose”wmjnl: l[ePi  inf const + -l] preposition – root mjn; “to comfort him” ̂ amyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root  nam; “he refused” µjnthl: l[ePæ t]hi  inf const + -l] preposition – root mjn; “to be comforted”rmayw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root rma; “he said”dra: lqæ  1cs imperfect – root dry; “I will go down”˚byw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root ykb; “he wept”

    Gen. 38:13-15dgyw: l[æp]h;  3ms conv imperfect – root dgn; “it was made known”rmal: lqæ  inf const + -l] preposition – root rma; “saying”hl[: lqæ  act part – root yl[; “he is going up”zgl: lqæ  inf const + -l] preposition – root zzg; “to shear”rstw: lqæ  3fs converted imperfect – root rws; “she turned aside, took off”sktw: l[ePi  3fs converted imperfect – root ysk; “she covered”πl[ttw: l[ePæ t]hi  3fs converted imperfect – root pl[; “she wrapped herself”

    bçtw: lqæ  3fs converted imperfect – root bvy; “she sat down”htar: lqæ  3fs perfect – root yar; “she saw”ldg: lqæ  3ms perfect – root ldg; “he grew up”hntn: l[æp] nI  3fs perfect – root  ntn; “she was given”haryw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect + 3fs suffix – root yar; “he saw her”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 4 of 15)

    hbçjyw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect + 3fs suffix – root bvj; “he considered her”htsk: l[ePi  3fs perfect – root ysk; “she had covered”

    Gen. 42:7aryw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root yar; “he saw”

     µrkyw: ly[ip]hi  3mp conv imperfect + 3mp suffix – root rkn; “he recognized them”rkntyw: l[ePæ t]hi  3ms converted imperfect – root rkn; “he acted like a foreigner”rbdyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root rbd; “he spoke”rmayw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root rma; “he said” µtab: lqæ  2mp perfect – root awb; “you came”wrmayw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root rma; “they said”rbçl: lqæ  inf construct – root rbv; “to buy grain”

    Gen. 42:25

    wxyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root ywx; “he commanded”walmyw: l[ePi  3mp converted imperfect – root alm; “they filled”byçhlw: ly[ip]hi  inf construct + -l] preposition + ww: – root bwv; “he returned” ttlw: lqæ  inf construct + -l] preposition + ww: – root  ntn; “to give”ç[yw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root yc[; “he did”

    Gen. 43:9wnbr[a: lqæ  1cs imperfect + 3ms suffix – root br[; “I will be the exchange for him”wnçqbt: l[ePi  2ms imperfect + 3ms suffix – root vqb; “you may seek him”

    wytaybh: ly[ip]hi  1cs perfect + 3ms suffix – root awb; “I brought him”wytgxhw: ly[ip]hi  1cs perfect + 3ms suffix – root gxn; “I set him”ytafjw: lqæ  1cs converted perfect – root afj; “I will sin/be guilty”

    Gen. 43:18waryyw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root ary; “they feared”wabwh: l[æp]h;  3mp perfect – root awb; “they were brought”wrmayw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root rma; “they said”bçh: lqæ  ms active participle (defined) – root bwv; “the one who returns”

     µyabwm: l[æp]h;  mp participle – root awb; “the ones brought”llgthl: l[ePo t]hi  infinitive const + -l] preposition – root llg; “to assail”lpnthlw: l[ePæ t]hi  infinitive const + -l] preposition – root lpn; “to throw oneself” tjqlw: lqæ  infinitive const + -l] preposition – root jql; “to take”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 5 of 15)

    Gen. 44:11-13wrhmyw: l[ePi  3mp converted imperfect – root rhm; “they hurried”wdrwyw: ly[ip]hi  3mp converted imperfect – root dry; “they lowered/brought down”wjtpyw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root jtp “they opened”çpjyw: l[ePi  3ms converted imperfect – root cpj; “he searched”ljh: ly[ip]hi  3ms perfect – root llj; “he began”hlk: l[ePi  3ms perfect – root ylk; “he completed”

    axmyw: l[æp]ni  3ms converted imperfect – root axm; “it was found”w[rqyw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root  [rq “they tore”sm[yw: lqæ  3ms converted imperfect – root sm[ “he loaded”wbçyw: lqæ  3mp converted imperfect – root bwv “they returned”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 6 of 15)

    3. ˆy: n“Bi Root Tense Person Gender Num Other Translation

    ly[ip]hi lxn  perf 2 m s “you saved”l[æp]nI rty/w conv impf 1 c s “I was left alone”l[ePi llh impv m p loss of vgED: “praise him!”

    under  [n: aw: v]l[æp]nI abn  perf 3 c p “they prophesied”

    l[æp]nI abj  perf 3 m s “he hid” participle m s “he is hiding”

    ly[ip]hi yqv conv impf 3 m s “he gave drink”l[ePi mjr  perf 3 m s “he was merciful”l[ePi rhm  participle m s “is hurrying”ly[ip]hi llj impf 3 m s “he will begin”ly[ip]hi nza impv m p “listen!”ly[ip]hi dgn conv impf 3 m s “he told”ly[ip]hi yfn impf 3 m s “he will incline”l[ePi trv  perf 3 c p “they served”ly[ip]hi [wr impf 3 m s “he will shout”

     jussive 3 m s “may he shout”l[ePi krb inf const “to bless”

    impv m s “bless!”l[ePi ywq  perf 1 c s “I waited”l[ePæ t]hi ywa  perf 3 m s “he desired”l[æp]nI  bxn  perf 3 c p “they stood”

    ly[ip]hi rkn  participle m s +2fs suff “recognizing you”l[æp]nI nma  participle m s “trustworthy”l[ePi  rsy  perf 2 m s “you disciplined”l[ePi trv  perf 3 c p “they served”ly[ip]hi lxn impv m s “take away!”

    inf const “to take away”ly[ip]hi [vy  juss 3 m s “may he deliver”ly[ip]hi jky impf 3 m s “he will rebuke”ly[ip]hi yqv conv impf 2 m s “you gave drink”

    3 f s “she gave drink”ly[ip]hi bxn impv f s “erect!”ly[ip]hi mrj inf abs “certainly destroy”

    impv m s “destroy!”ly[ip]hi gcn conv impf 3 m s +3mp suff “he overtook them”l[ePi ljy  perf 1 c p “we waited”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 8 of 15)

    baçl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root bavbaçtw: lqæ 3fs converted imperfect – root bavhatçm: l[ePæ t]hi ms participle – root yavçyrjm: ly[ip]hi  ms participle – root vrj t[dl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root  [dyjylxhh: ly[ip]hi  3ms perfect + interrogative ahe – root jlxyhyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root yyh

     twtçl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root ytvjqyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root jqlydygh: ly[ip]hi  fs imperative – root dgn ̂ yll: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root  nylhdk: fs noun + 3fs suffix; abs form dKæ˚dkm: fs noun +  ̂ mi preposition + 2fs suffix; abs form dKæynda: ms noun + 1cs suffix; abs form  ̂ /da;hdy: fs noun + 3fs suffix; abs form dy:

    ˚ylmgl: mp noun + -l] preposition + 2ms suffix; abs form  µylim;G“wylmg: mp noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  µylim;G“wkrd: ms or fs noun + 3ms suffix; abs form Ër,D, &hydy: f dual noun + 3fs suffix; abs form  µyIdæ &y:wlqçm: ms noun + 3ms suffix; abs form lq;v]mi µlqçm: ms noun + 3mp suffix; abs form lq;v]mi˚yba: ms noun + 2fs suffix; abs form ba;

     b. 16 Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older one was Leah, and the name

    of the younger was Rachel.

    17 Leah had weak eyes; Rachel was shapely and beautiful.18 Jacob loved Rachel; so he answered, “I will serve you seven years for your 

    younger daughter Rachel.”

    19 Laban said, “Better that I give her to you than that I should give her to an

    outsider. Stay with me.”

    20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days

     because of his love for her.21 Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife, for my time is fulfilled, that I may

    cohabit with her.”

    22 And Laban gathered all the people of the place and made a feast.23 When evening came, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to him; and hecohabited with her.— 

    24 Laban had given his maidservant Zilpah to his daughter Leah as her maid.— 25 When morning came, there was Leah! So he said to Laban, “What is this you h

    ave done to me? I was in your service for Rachel! Why did you deceive me?”

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 9 of 15)

    26 Laban said, “It is not the practice in our place to marry off the younger before the

    older.27 Wait until the bridal week of this one is over and we will give you that one too,

     provided you serve me another seven years.”28 Jacob did so; he waited out the bridal week of the one, and then he gave him his

    daughter Rachel as wife.htyh: lqæ 3fs perfect – root yyh

    bhayw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root bharmayw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root rma˚db[a: lqæ cs cohortative + 2ms suffix – root db[ytt: lqæ infinitive const + 1cs suffix – root  ntnyttm: lqæ infinitive const +  ̂ mi preposition (comparative) + 1cs suffix – root  ntnhbç: lqæ ms elongated imperative – root bvydb[yw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root db[wyhyw: lqæ 3mp converted imperfect – root yyhwtbhab: lqæ infinitive const + -B] preposition + 3ms suffix – root bhahbh: lqæ ms elongated imperative – root bhywalm: lqæ 3mp converted imperfect – root almhawbaw: lqæ cs cohortative + ww: – root awbπsayw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root psaç[yw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root yc[yhyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root yyhjqyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root jqlabeyw: ly[ip]hi 3ms converted imperfect – root awb

    aboyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root db ̂ tyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root  ntn tyç[: lqæ 2ms perfect – root yc[ytdb[: lqæ 1cs perfect – root db[yntymr: l[ePi 3ms perfect + 1cs suffix – root ymrhç[y: l[æp]ni 3ms imperfect – root yc[ ttl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root  ntnalm: l[ePi ms imperative– root almhntnw: lqæ cp cohortative + ww: – root  ntn

    db[t: lqæ 2ms imperfect – root db[almyw: l[ePi 3ms converted imperfect – root alm ̊tb: fs noun + 2ms suffix; abs form  tBæ

    wyny[b: f dual noun + -B] preposition + 3ms suffix; abs form  µyI n" &y[eytça: fs noun + 1cs suffix; abs form hV;aiymy: mp noun + 1cs suffix (pausal); abs form  µymiy:

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 10 of 15)

    wtb: fs noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  tBæwtjpç: fs noun + 3ms suffix; abs form hj;p]viwnmwqmb: ms noun + -B] preposition + 1cs suffix; abs form  µ/qm;c. 13 If you hear it said, of one of the towns that the LORD your God is giving you to

    dwell in,

    14 that some scoundrels from among you have gone and subverted the inhabitants of 

    their town, saying, “Come let us worship other gods”—whom you have not

    experienced — 15 you shall investigate and inquire and interrogate thoroughly. If it is true, the fact is

    established — that abhorrent thing was perpetrated in your midst — 

    16 put the inhabitants of that town to the sword and put its cattle to the sword. Doom

    it and all that is in it to destruction:

    17 gather all its spoil into the open square, and burn the town and all its spoil as a

    holocaust to the LORD your God. And it shall remain an everlasting ruin, never to be


    18 Let nothing that has been doomed stick to your hand, in order that the LORD may

    turn from His blazing anger and show you compassion, and in His compassionincrease you as He promised your fathers on oath — 

    19 for you will be heeding the LORD your God, obeying all His commandments that

    I enjoin upon you this day, doing what is right in the sight of the LORD your God. [mçt: lqæ 2ms imperfect – root  [mv ̂ tn: lqæ 3ms perfect – root  ntn tbçl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root bvyrmal: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root rmawaxy: lqæ 3mp perfect – root axy

    wjydyw: ly[ip]hi 3mp converted imperfect – root jdnybçy: lqæ mp active participle (construct) – root bvyhkln: lqæ cp cohortative – root  klhhdb[nw: lqæ cp cohortative + ww: – root db[ µt[dy: lqæ 2mp perfect – root  [dy tçrdw: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root vrd trqjw: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root rqj tlaçw: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root lavbfyh: lqæ infinitive absolute – root bfy ̂ wkn: l[æp] nI ms participle – root  nwkhtç[n: l[æp] nI 3fs perfect – root yc[hkt hkh: ly[ip]hi inf abs + 2ms imperfect – root ykn µrjh: ly[ip]hi ms imperative – root mrj≈bqt: lqæ 2ms imperfect – root xbq

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 11 of 15)

     tprçw: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root prchtyhw: lqæ 3fs converted perfect – root yyhhnbt: lqæ 2ms imperfect – root ynbqbdy: lqæ 3ms imperfect – root qbdbwçy: lqæ 3ms imperfect – root bwv ̂ tnw: lqæ 3ms converted perfect – root  ntn˚mjrw: l[ePi 3ms converted perfect – root mjr˚brhw: ly[ip]hi 3ms converted perfect + 2ms suffix – root ybr [bçn: l[æp] ni 3ms perfect – root  [bvrmçl: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root rmv˚wxm: l[ePi ms participle + 2ms suffix – root ywx twç[l: lqæ infinitive const + -l] preposition – root yc[˚yr[: fp noun + 2ms suffix; abs form  µyri [;˚yhla: mp noun + 2ms suffix; abs form  µyhiløa‘˚brqm: ms noun +  ̂ mi preposition + 2ms suffix; abs form br,q, & µry[: fs noun + 3mp suffix; abs form ry[i

    ˚brqb: ms noun + -B] preposition + 2ms suffix; abs form br,q, &htmhb: fs noun + 3fs suffix; abs form hm;heB]hllç: ms noun + 3fs suffix; abs form ll;v;hbjr: ms noun + 3fs suffix; abs form b/jr]˚dyb: fs noun + -B] preposition + 2ms suffix; abs form dy:wpa: ms noun + 3ms suffix; abs form πaæ˚ytbal: mp noun + -l] preposition + 2ms suffix; abs form  t/ba;wytwxm: fp noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  t/x]mid. 19 Thus said the LORD to me: Go and stand in the People’s Gate, by which the kings

    of Judah enter and by which they go forth, and in all the gates of Jerusalem,20 and say to them: Hear the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and all Judah, andall the inhabitants of Jerusalem who enter by these gates!

    21 Thus said the LORD: Guard yourselves for your own sake against carrying burdens on the sabbath day, and bringing them through the gates of Jerusalem.

    22 Nor shall you carry out burdens from your houses on the sabbath day, or do anywork, but you shall hallow the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

    23 (But they would not listen or turn their ear; they stiffened their necks and wouldnot pay heed or accept discipline.)

    24 If you obey Me — declares the LORD — and do not bring in burdens through thegates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day and do no work on it,

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 12 of 15)

    25 then through the gates of this city shall enter kings who sit upon the throne of 

    David, with their officers — riding on chariots and horses, they and their officers — and the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And this city shall be

    inhabited for all time.26 And people shall come from the towns of Judah and from the environs of 

    Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the Shephelah, and from the hillcountry, and from the Negeb, bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices, meal offerings

    and frankincense, and bringing offerings of thanksgiving to the House of the LORD.27 But if you do not obey My command to hallow the sabbath day and to carry in no

     burdens through the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day, then I will set fire to itsgates; it shall consume the fortresses of Jerusalem and it shall not be extinguished.

    rma: lqæ 3ms perfect – root rma˚lh: lqæ inf abs – root  klh tdm[w: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root dm[waby: lqæ 3mp imperfect – root awbwaxy: lqæ 3mp imperfect – root axy

     trmaw: lqæ 2ms converted perfect – root rmaw[mç: lqæ mp imperative – root  [mvybçy: lqæ mp active participle (construct) – root bvy µyabh: lqæ mp active participle (defined) – root awbwrmçh: l[æp] ni mp imperative – root rmvwaçt law: lqæ  prohibitive construction – 2ms impf – root acn µtabhw: ly[i p]hi 2mp converted perfect – root awbwayxwt: ly[ip]hi 2mp imperfect – root axywç[t: lqæ 2mp imperfect – root yc[ µtçdqw: l[ePi 2mp converted perfect – root vdqytywx: l[ePi 2mp converted perfect – root vdqw[mç: lqæ 3cp perfect – root  [mvwfh: ly[ip]hi 3cp perfect – root yknwçqyw: ly[ip]hi 3mp converted imperfect – root yvq [mwç: lqæ ms active participle – root  [mv?[wmç¿: lqæ infinitive construct – root  [mv tjq: lqæ infinitive construct – root jql

    hyhw: lqæ 3ms converted perfect – root yyh ̂ w[mçt [mç: lqæ infinitive abs + 2mp imperfect + paragogic  ̂ Wn – root  [mvaybh: ly[ip]hi infinitive construct – root awbçdqlw: l[ePi infinitive construct + -l] preposition – root vdq twç[: lqæ infinitive construct – root jqlwabw: lqæ 3mp converted perfect – root awb

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 13 of 15)

     µybkr: lqæ mp active participle – root bkrybçyw: lqæ mp active participle + ww: – root bvyhbçyw: lqæ 3fs converted perfect – root bvy µyabm: ly[ip]hi mp participle – root awbyabmw: ly[i p]hi mp participle (construct) + ww: – root awbw[mçt: lqæ 2mp imperfect – root  [mv taç: lqæ infinitive construct – root acn

    abw: lqæ infinitive construct + ww: – root awbytxhw: ly[ip]hi 1cs converted perfect – root  txyhlkaw: lqæ 3fs converted perfect – root lkahbkt: l[e Pi 3fs imperfect – root ybk µkytwçpnb: fp noun + -B] preposition + 2mp suffix; abs form  t/vp] n" µkytbm: mp noun +  ̂ mi preposition + 2mp suffix; abs form  µyTiB; µkytwba: mp noun + 2mp suffix; abs form  t/ba; µnza: fs noun + 3mp suffix; abs form  ̂ z,ao &

     µpr[: ms noun + 3mp suffix; abs form πr, [o & µhyrçw: mp noun + ww: + 3mp suffix; abs form  µyric;hyr[çb: mp noun + -B] preposition + 3fs suffix; abs form  µyri [;v]e. 1 There was a man in the land of Uz named Job. That man was blameless and upright;

    he feared God and shunned evil.

    2 Seven sons and three daughters were born to him;

    3 his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred

    yoke of oxen and five hundred she-asses, and a very large household. That man was

    wealthier than anyone in the East.

    4 It was the custom of his sons to hold feasts, each on his set day in his own home.They would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

    5 When a round of feast days was over, Job would send word to them to sanctify

    themselves, and, rising early in the morning, he would make burnt offerings, one for 

    each of them; for Job thought, “Perhaps my children have sinned and blasphemed

    God in their thoughts.” This is what Job always used to do.hyh: lqæ 3ms perfect – root yyhhyhw: lqæ 3ms converted perfect – root yyhrsw: lqæ ms participle + ww: – root rws

    wdlwyw: l[æ p] ni 3mp converted imperfect – root dlyyhyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root yyhwklhw: lqæ 3cp converted perfect – root  klhwç[w: lqæ 3cp converted perfect – root yc[wjlçw: lqæ 3cp converted perfect – root jlvwarqw: lqæ 3cp converted perfect – root arq

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 14 of 15)

    lkal: lqæ infinitive construct + -l] preposition – root lka twtçlw: lqæ infinitive construct + -l] preposition + ww: – root ytvwpyqh: ly[i p]hi 3cp perfect – root pqnjlçyw: lqæ 3ms converted imperfect – root jlv µçdqyw: l[ePi 3ms converted imperfect + 3ms suffix – root vdq µykçhw: ly[ip]hi 3ms converted perfect – root mkvhl[hw: ly[ip]hi 3ms converted perfect – root yl[rma: lqæ  3ms perfect – root rmawafj: lqæ 3cp perfect – root afjwkrbw: l[e Pi 3cp converted perfect – root  krbhç[y: lqæ  3ms imperfect – root yc[wmç: ms noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  µvewhnqm: ms noun + 3ms suffix; abs form hn,q]miwynb: mp noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  µynIB;wmwy: ms noun + 3ms suffix; abs form  µ/y µhytyja: fp noun + 3mp suffix; abs form  t/ja;

    ?µhytwyja¿: fp noun + 3mp suffix; abs form  t/ja; µlk: ms noun + 3mp suffix; abs form lKoynb: mp noun + 1cs suffix; abs form  µynIB; µbblb: ms noun + -B] preposition + 3mp suffix; abs form bb;lef. 1 My son, do not forget my teaching, But let your mind retain my commandments;

    2 For they will bestow on you length of days, Years of life and well-being.

    3 Let fidelity and steadfastness not leave you; Bind them about your throat, Write

    them on the tablet of your mind,

    4 And you will find favor and approbation In the eyes of God and man.

    jkçt la: lqæ  prohibitive construction – 2ms imperfect (pausal) – root jkvrxy: lqæ  3ms imperfect – root rxnwpyswy: ly[ip]hi  3mp imperfect – root psy˚bz[y la: lqæ  prohibitive construction – 3mp imperfect – root bz[ µrçq: lqæ  ms imperative + 3mp suffix – root rvq µbtk: lqæ  ms imperative + 3mp suffix – root btkaxmw: lqæ  ms imperative – root axmynb: ms noun + 1cs suffix; abs form  ̂ Beytrwt: fs noun + 1cs suffix; abs form hr;/T

    ytwxmw: fp noun + 1cs suffix; abs form  t/x]mi˚bl: ms noun + 2ms suffix (pausal); abs form ble˚ytwrgrg:  fp noun + 2ms suffix; abs form  t/rG“r]G"

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter_25.pdf


    Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew

    Answer Key by Jeffrey Stackert and Mark Z. Brettler 

    Yale University Press, 2002

    Exercises for Chapter 25 (page 15 of 15)

    g. 7 Two things I ask of you; do not deny them to me before I die:8 Keep lies and false words far from me; Give me neither poverty nor riches, But

     provide me with my daily bread,9 Lest, being sated, I renounce, saying, “Who is the LORD?” Or, being

    impoverished, I take to theft And profane the name of my God.ytlaç: lqæ  1cs perfect – root lav [nmt la: lqæ  prohibitive construction – 2ms imperfect – root  [nm twma: lqæ  1cs imperfect – root  twm

    qjrh: ly[ip]hi  ms imperative – root qjr ̂ tt la: lqæ  prohibitive construction – 2ms imperfect – root  ntnynpyrfh: ly[ip]hi  ms imperative + 1cs suffix – root prf [bça: lqæ  1cs imperfect – root  [bcytçjkw: l[ePi  1cs converted perfect – root vjkytrmaw: lqæ  1cs converted perfect – root rmaçrwa: l[æp]nI 1cs imperfect – root vryytbngw: lqæ  1cs converted perfect – root bngytçptw: lqæ  1cs converted perfect – root cptyqj: ms noun + 1cs suffix; abs form qjoyhla:  mp noun + 1cs suffix; abs form  µyhiløa‘