Challenging an oxy-moron: beautiful local government websites

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Challenging an oxy-moron: beautiful local government websites

Politics aren’t beautiful

Focus on user’s needs

Establish content governance

Prepare to fight for it!

Busy isn’t beautiful

Keep it simple

Invest in beautiful imagery

Accessibility is not a barrier for innovation

‘Above the fold’ isn’t beautiful

“We’re not trying to fit the whole

website into it!”

It’s okay to scroll

Chunky is good!

White space is your friend

Ingredients for making beautiful

website experiences

#1 Simple, clean design with

minimal clutter will go a long way

#2 Leverage technology and

design the experience

#3 Designing for everyone, means

designing for everyone

Beautiful* websites actually work


*Beautiful = Usable + Responsive

+ Accessible