CONESTOGACONESTOGA€¦ · HIDING IN THE LIGHT by Rifqa Bary Why she risked everything to leave...

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Transcript of CONESTOGACONESTOGA€¦ · HIDING IN THE LIGHT by Rifqa Bary Why she risked everything to leave...

August 2017Vol. XXVIII

No. 8ConnectionsCONESTOGAConnectionsCONESTOGA

40 Hours of Wilderness Wanderings

Conestoga’s Bible School this summer began on a rainy Friday morning but cleared up during the day. It was too wet to sleep in tents that night, so they instead used the lean-to’s. That was an experience not many had ever had before.We broke into two “tribes”: the girls were “IsaJudah” (a mix of Issachar & Judah) and the boys were “MANasseh”. We hiked (well, some of us rode camels); we learned a lot about the Israelites; we made tambourines to remind us of the Lord leading us in a Pillar of cloud/fire; we celebrated after crossing the Red Sea; and we played lots of games. We also learned how to make a fire and on Saturday morning, even collected manna for breakfast!! ~ Susan Johnson

2 • Conestoga Connections

Conestoga Mennonite ChurCh2779 Main street, Morgantown, Pa 19543

610-286-9124 •

Monthly newsletter for Conestoga Mennonite Church, published since 1988. Deadline for articles and photos is the 20th of the preceding month of publication.

Editor: Lois Ann Mast Assistant Editor: Elizabeth PetersheimContributing Editors: Anna Martin and Jill Waters

More 40 Hours of Wilderness Wanderings

Conestoga Connections • 3

sewing Circle met on July 5, 2017. There were 15 ladies present. Donated items included 66 kit bags and 5 comfort tops. Completed were 8 comforts. Two relief kits and 5 hygiene kits were purchased. For devotions, we sang “Come Thou Fount” led by Ferne Kraybill. The theme was birthdays and Ferne reminded us that Lev. 25:10 is inscribed on the Liberty Bell. She then read Ps. 92:12-15. The emphasis being: planted—grow—flourish. To illustrate this, she told us the “parable” of her evening primrose bush. She concluded with a challenge for us to bloom where we are planted. The special offering was $50 to be used for school kits. We sang “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” before adjourning. ~ Betty Cannell, Secretary

Interested in participating in a book club?

Contact Liz Petersheim to get group updates. We meet about every other month to discuss the current book and pick the next one. Attendance is optional!




Why she risked everything to leave Islam and follow Jesus.

Hunters.....Dust Bunny, that is!!

Save the date of Sunday noon, September 10, when we will have a house

warming tour after a light lunch.

Admission ticket includes a home

canned item. Details and asign-up sheet

will be available


Congratulationson your engagement

Bryce & Madison!

4 • Conestoga Connections

Conestoga has a great mentor program for every Conestoga teen who chooses two adults to serve as their mentor for encouragement, prayer, and support. Recently, some of these persons got together for an evening at Pastor Bob and Cindy’s home. Thank you, Rachel, for organizing this mentor program.

July 23 Outdoor Worship Serviceand Picnic

6 • Conestoga Connections

Right: Preston Meadors received the opportunity to act as Michael “Guerty” in Guertin’s Camp Drama this year at Tel Hai Camp! Great job, Preston!!!


Conestoga Mennonite Church is one of a number

of churches in Berks County, Pennsylvania, so when we

were asked recently whether we wished

to contribute something about our congregation

for their upcoming 70th Anniversary History Book,

we said yes. Here it ison the left.



Joyfully Living Christ’s Story to Benefit Others



Joyfully Living Christ’s Story to Benefit Others

Conestoga Mennonite Church

Our monthly Food Pantry distribution (above) feeds about 140 families. Monthly fellowship meals after morning worship (below).

Ladies enjoy quilting for the needy (above). Jr. Youth working at MCC Relief Sale (below).

Worship on Sunday mornings is special (above).One of Pastor Bob’s illustrative sermons (below).

Youth and children are important in God’s Kingdom and at Conestoga.

We WELCOMEyou to visit

Conestoga Mennonite!

Sunday Mornings: Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. with classes for all ages. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. with singing, fellowship, and an inspriational sermon.

Small Group Bible Studies are available that meet on a regular basis.

30-Minute Connect with Coffee and Pastry is provided before Sunday School the first Sunday of each month.

Teddy Bear Club (mothers with young child-ren) meets the second Thursday each month.

Sr. Connections (ages 60+) meets at noon the second Thursday of each month.

Neighbors Caring & Sharing meets weekly during the school year each Tuesday morning.

Sewing Circle meets the first Wednesday of each month to quilt for relief and the needy.

Meals From the Heart are meals prepared monthly for those who need assistance.

Conestoga’s Softball Team enjoys playing with other teams during the summer.

Conestoga’s Bible Quiz Youth Team quizzes other quiz teams each winter.

Deaf Interpretation is offered most Sunday mornings during our worship time.

Still Waters Ministries is a no-fee community counseling clinic. Call 610-286-9555 to make an appointment.

Conestoga Connections • 7

Senior Connections*

Thursday, August 1012:00 noon in the church

fellowship hall

*Sr. Connections is for persons age 60+.

Seniors enjoyed lunch followed by an inspiring presentation by Eleanor Isaacson encouraging us to be the best we can be at any age—especially as we become seniors! She is an amazing speaker and just recently wrote a new book titled Dancing from Darkness: A WW II Survivor’s Journey to Light, Life, and Redemption.

“Services Available at theLancaster Office of Aging”

Come and learn all the benefits available just for the asking and participating! Handouts

with more information will be distributed.

Above: The beautiful Florida flowers attracted Hannah and Kaylee on a walk! They too enjoyed attending the Mennonite Church

USA Children’s Convention while their grandparents, Lemar and Lois Ann Mast,

attended the Adult Convention. Left: At the airport while waiting for our luggage on the way home, Mark lovingly put his arm on his

sister—he missed her the week she was gone!

Transformationof three

Conestoga youth at one of the MC USA Convention

exhibit booths!

Janet Peachey (left) and Michelle Glick, owner and attendee at the last Neighbors event for the season with Sandra Erb (right).

Barnstormers Ball Game

Thank You Becca Beam and your Team for cleaning the Nursery Toys!

Right: The annual July 4 Young Adult Volleyball Tournament was another fun event in 2017 and guess who won? The Petersheims, left to right: Shane, Brendon, Blair, and Bryce! Congrats!!!

Every Sunday after the morning worship service, you will find children and adults out on our church playground enjoying the playground! Thank you again for everyone who helped to make this possible!