Brave new world powerpoint 2

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Brave new world powerpoint 2

Shayla Morrison Brave New World



Brave New World by Aldous Huxley presents a controlling, over-processed, anti-social world which creates a faulty version of perfection when trying to obtain it.


In brave new world every thought and opinion tries to be controlled from birth.Children's minds are whorped into predetermined opinions before they even get to experience the world.People are brainwashed into thinking their lives only have one meaning, a predetermined meaning.


A society without control would crumble but a society with to much control will to.

“All conditioning aims at that making people like their inescapable destinies”. Brave New World (16)

Heidi Montag-Pratt


The community described in Brave new World over processes every situation so that no one truly has to make a decision.

“ Moral education which ought never in any circumstances be rational”. Brave new World.

Over-Processed Children are not taught anything about being morally just.

All they are taught is how to do their jobs, and they are only taught a little.

“Ninety six identical twins working ninety six identical machines”. Brave New World(7)


In his novel Aldous Huxley presents anti-social characteristics to a community that is encouraged to be social.

‘It’s such horribly bad form to go on and on like this with one man”. Fanny Brave New World (41)

Anti-SocialCharacters in Brave New World never to anything but date. When left alone individuals have social conversations, nothing emotional or deep. So really there not getting to know anyone at all. Making them less social.

“How can you talk like that, about not wanting to be part of a social body?” Lenina Crowne Brave New World.

In Brave New World it’s unheard of to be in love, to keep to one’s self , or go against the ‘norm’. The characters don’t really know each other and are blindly told what to do. A real society could never survive like that.