Brain development of aborted babies.

Post on 01-Dec-2015

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A brief overview of the rapid development of the human brain.

Transcript of Brain development of aborted babies.

Brain development of aborted babies.

After the moment of conception a biological miracle occurs.

In this video Dr. Nick Spitzer outlines the neuronal development of unborn babies:

By the 18th day the neural tube has formed. After this stage, the baby’s brain develops at a phenomenal

rate. 250,000 new neurons are formed every minute! And by the 5th week all five basic regions of the

brain have formed. Most of us have no idea how rapidly life develops because we’re not scientists. For

example, a queen bee takes only 16 days to fully develop! i

After that she is walking around the beehive.

For decades the abortion industry has painted its victims as sub-human, undifferentiated blobs of cells.

And this lie was spread so that pastors, politicians, and the public could more easily digest abortion as a

form of birth control. And their propaganda was a great success: in the United States 46% of all

abortions are the result of couples that engaged in unprotected sex (no birth control was used). This has

resulted in the death of 552,000 babies annually that were dismembered because of sexual

irresponsibility – and half of these couples had done it once before.

The other 54%ii of couples getting abortions (648,000) were using birth control that failed, shattering the

myth of “safe sex”. And half of them were also repeating the same mistake twice. iii

Abortionists attempt to disguise the fetal development of their victims by telling us most abortions take

place at “less than 9 weeks”. Meanwhile, the public has no idea what that entails. The truth is that

nearly every abortion that occurs in America is performed on a baby that has a beating heart and a

developing brain by the 3rd or 4th week!iv

And yet U.S. politicians debate whether abortion after the 5th month is moral? Who among us could

crush a baby in our hands that we knew had a beating heart and a developing brain by the 4th week? I

suspect very few men and women of conscience could be that heartless.

And so they’ve chosen surrogates who for the right price will do their dirty work.

And it happens 3,287 times a day in the United States at the hands of licensed physicians, an ignoble

profession that sold its soul to become paid executioners. And yet the world is silent to this human

rights tragedy, except in those countries fighting to have the injustice of abortion made legal in their


And those politicians view themselves as “heroes” rather than traitors.

Perhaps abortionist politicians should imagine themselves holding an unborn baby in their hands with a

beating heart and rapidly developing brain, and then ask themselves this question, “If I’m unable to

murder this child… why should I create legislation that will allow someone else to do it for me?”


Steven Lopez

Spiritus Films

Cell: 832.882.3825

i Source:

ii Source:

iii Source:

iv Source: