Beyond Facebook Part 2 - Optimization Summit

Post on 09-May-2015

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Part 2 of the Beyond Facebook - Marketing on Other Social Networks session. In this presentation we cover other sites like MySpace, Ning, SlideShare, Tumbr, Posterous, Google, Postling, and more.

Transcript of Beyond Facebook Part 2 - Optimization Summit

BEYOND FACEBOOK: MARKETING ON OTHER SOCIAL NETWORKSSession Leaders: Mark Juleen, Charity Hisle, & Brent Williams

Welcome to Part 2

Not going to be as in depth, but we’re going to cover a lot more

Please note as I go through my presentation anything you’d like us to dedicate more time to?

Other New Media Sites/Tools


Social Networks Videos Photos Blogging/Micro-Hybrid Blogging (Whatever

that means) Underrated Reviews/Ratings Geolocation Wrap up with Integration & Measurement

With any additional social network you use for yourself or your business, you need to have a purpose and strategy.

Just having a page that does nothing isn’t really helping your cause.

I recommend starting with a personal page and understanding any social network yourself before applying it to your business.

If in doubt or it doesn’t feel right, do the opposite of Nike.

Social Networks


What? I thought this was “Beyond Facebook.” Yes, it is, but here’s what you should be sure to think

about as it relates to other networks you get into.


I think this is important. Facebook gets so much traffic it would be a shame to put effort into another social site and not have it syndicate to Facebook easily.

The easier it is to integrate with Facebook the better.


We’re not going to waste time on Bebo or Friendster or sites popular in other countries, but we’ll get into Myspace and Ning for your business.

MySpace Inspiration - Musicians

MySpace Inspiration - Comedians

MySpace Inspiration - Movies

Why MySpace

At this point MySpace is more about the discovery of something new.

It’s about finding entertainment. If you build out a page for yourself I recommend thinking

about how it ties to entertainment and your business. At least that’s how I would take advantage of it today. It’s all how you put it together, and it may be better to pay for

a web designer to build it out for your needs. One cool thing about MySpace is that you can really

customize the pages. It can be a place to connect with other local businesses, radio

stations, etc. as well. You don’t have to just think about connecting with your



Smaller Indiana

Straight No Chaser

How will you play the video game? Facebook MySpace Others

Are you creating a legacy in images?

The Blog is your hub

I don’t care what platform you use, but you need to have a blog.

Hopefully you had a chance to attend the Wordpress sessions.

If not, it’s easy to hire someone to build you blogs, and just learn the basics to posting content

There are other solutions out there as well like Blogger, Typepad, etc.

Also, there are some really simple platforms in Tumblr and Posterous



One of the most underrated social media platforms

Here’s a couple ideas for you Create a unique

slideshow brochure for your company, locations, brands, etc.

Share a presentation like this one highlighting your expertise in your field.

Build a presentation that highlights your staff and where they can be found online.

Reviews & Ratings – Get Social “Congress shall make no law respecting

an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Online Reviews Strategy

I’m working on a more lengthy strategy presentation for the upcoming Apartment Internet Marketing Conf., but here’s a summary. Embrace online reviews Use them to push improvements Begin surveying internally Respond to positive or negative reviews Claim your Yelp! page(s) Encourage people to give reviews by having links

on your websites, etc. More to come in my presentation next month.

Where you at?

This is going to get crazy! Trust me.

If you thought online reviews were tough to manage, bring on Geolocation check-ins.

Services include: Foursquare Gowalla Yelp! CauseWorld There are plenty more

Strategy for GeoSocial Platforms Make sure your business

locations are listed Write in some tips (and

maybe a special coupon) Play the game yourself and

check into your locations. Just be ready to implement

a strategy as soon as facebook and/or Google make their move with the GeoSocial idea.

OK, let’s talk integration and measurement

Google’s Share of Search

2006comScore Core Search Report*February 2010 vs. January 2010Total U.S. – Home/Work/University LocationsSource: comScore qSearch

Core Search Entity

Share of Searches (%)

Jan-10 Feb-10 Point Change Feb-10 vs. Jan-10

Total Core Search

100.0% 100.0% N/A

Google Sites 65.4% 65.5% 0.1

Yahoo! Sites 17.0% 16.8% -0.2

Microsoft Sites 11.3% 11.5% 0.2

Ask Network 3.8% 3.7% -0.1

AOL LLC Network

2.5% 2.5% 0.0

So what?

This is marketing mar·ket·ing noun - : an aggregate of functions

involved in moving goods from producer to consumer

Marketing is about being found and the how, when, where, and why that goes along with that.

The question is, when someone is searching online for something, what do they find?

Better yet, what do they find when they find you? And, as search becomes more social, how are you

taking advantage of that. That’s right, I said “Search” is social.

What’s on page 1 of Google?

OK, so what to do about it

Step 1 – Get social on Google Create a Google profile for your business

using a general account like

This way it can be turned over to someone in the event you get hit by a bus.

Step 2 – Claim all your business listings I’ll show you one, but someone will have

to put in the hours here. Step 3 – Claim your business listings

on Bing and Yahoo! as well.

It’s about the SEO

Without some of the basics like grabbing your listings, tagging photos, tagging posts, and adding in websites you’re just not helping yourself.

Every little thing counts. Just when you think you have it under control it changes, so it’s definitely best to have the basics down.

Hubspot has a really great tool to help you with your SEO. They have a deeper program as well that can help you with analytics and recommendations.

There are plenty of other companies out there that can be very helpful with SEO, but don’t just go with the first guy that sends you an email offering to “Review your website.”

Syndication and Integration Tools RSS feeds (Real Simple Syndication) feeds can be

used for a number of things. Once you have a feed from a website or blog, you can

pretty much push out to any platform. Many sites or tools already have functionality or

widgets built in. You just need to copy and paste the feed.

Example: Crazy Nerd Example: “The niche DJ is about to explode!” – Gary Vaynerchuk It doesn’t have to be all your original ideas for


Where? How?

Subscribe to blogs using Google Reader or even in Outlook

Social Bookmarking Digg Reddit Socialmarker



Getting involved with blogs you like can help with your SEO as well. It’s about being social anyway right.

You can’t expect people to engage with your online work if you don’t with theirs.

Comment everywhere you can with your industry peers, local businesses, resident’s blogs, etc.

Disqus is a commenting format used on the best blogs. A great tool that tracks all your comments on blogs that have Disqus installed on them.


Syndicating Your Content

Some good options Google Buzz Tweetdeck, Seesmic And you’ll get some

unexpected love from Bot websites as well that just syndicate your content based on keywords mainly.

Tracking & Measurement

It all comes back to Google Analytics Feedburner Trackur Google Alerts Social Mention TweetBeep NutshellMail

Let’s Do Some Stuff

First, is there anything in particular you want to make sure we cover more?

If we have time left, we’ll also discuss further measuring and integration.

Where to find us

Mark Juleen @mbj

Brent Williams @brentwilliams2 @mfinsiders

Charity Hisle @charityhisle