Best Buy Mobile Marketing Case Study

Post on 29-Jan-2015

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Best Buy Mobile Marketing Case Study

Transcript of Best Buy Mobile Marketing Case Study

Best Buy Mobile Marketing Case Study

Your mobile strategy 

Brands are using the mobile channel to connect with and influence consumers purchase decisions.

Your mobile strategy 

Brands are aware of the fact that the mobile internet is exploding - and want to benefit from it. They realize that mobile is a new space and that there are no proven best practices.

Best Buy mobile web site helps customers to

Your mobile strategy 

(A) Research product details and reviews(B) Find the products(C) Buy the products (D) Find nearby stores and browse deals

Product research

Your mobile strategy 

• When it comes to electronics Best Buy understand's that customers want to thoroughly research and compare products before making the buying decision. • They want to read reviews and ratings.


Find the products

Your mobile strategy 

• Customers can browse all of from their mobile device. • The products are neatly categorized and customers can drill down to their product of choice.


Buy the products

Your mobile strategy 

• The mobile website is eCommerce enabled and customers can securely make a purchase using their phone.• Customers are getting comfortable with mobile transactions and mobile commerce is growing.


Storefinder and deals

Your mobile strategy 

Customers can find nearby stores and subscribe to weekly deals.


Brands are using mobile as an integrated part of a larger strategy. Customers expect multiple touch points (online = mobile + desktop, phone, store) today and a seamless experience.

Your mobile strategy 

Moreover they expect to be empowered with product/service information before and after the sales process. Customers want choice and convenience - mobile offers both.

KMart, Whole Foods, Target, etc - almost all brands today have a mobile strategy.

Contact Us

Your mobile strategy 

Ur mobile is not associated with Best Buy. This PPT is for information only.