BearBuy User Reference Guide Module ·...

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University of California, Berkeley |


User Reference Guide – Module 5 Voucher Approver

Version 5.0 4/18/2012

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BearBuy – User Reference Guide

Voucher Approver Module 5

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BearBuy – User Reference Guide

Voucher Approver Module 5

Table of Contents 5.0. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Agenda ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 About Our Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................. 4

5.1. BearBuy Business Process ......................................................................................................................... 5 Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 5 Benefits of BearBuy ................................................................................................................................... 5 New Practices and Procedures .................................................................................................................. 5 Departmental Roles in BearBuy ................................................................................................................ 6

Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Details ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Roles and Key Capabilities ................................................................................................................. 7

High Level Business Process ...................................................................................................................... 8 5.2. Invoice Processing ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 9 5.3. Voucher Approval .................................................................................................................................... 10

Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 10 5.4. Match Exceptions .................................................................................................................................... 11

Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................ 11

5.5. BearBuy Forms requiring Voucher Approval ........................................................................................... 12 List of Forms in BearBuy .......................................................................................................................... 12

5.6. Enabled Suppliers .................................................................................................................................... 13 Hosted Suppliers .............................................................................................................................. 13 Punchout Suppliers .......................................................................................................................... 13

5.7. Sequence of Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 14 Voucher Approver: 70 Minutes ............................................................................................................... 14

Exercise 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Exercise 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Exercise 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Exercise 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Exercise 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 19

5.8. About Training and Support .................................................................................................................... 21 Training Resources .................................................................................................................................. 21 Support .................................................................................................................................................... 21

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Voucher Approver Module 5

5.0. Overview

Agenda 1. Introduction 2. About this Session 3. Concepts & Process Overview 4. Hands-On Time 5. Training Resources 6. Survey 7. Question and Answer

About Our Learning Objectives We have developed specific Learning Objectives to provide you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and Attitudes you will need for successfully using BearBuy which are listed. Please refer to them as we proceed through training. The general Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes that are expected once the learning objectives are accomplished are listed below.

Skills What participants should be able to do by the time the course is completed?

Knowledge What participants should know and understand by the time the course is completed?

Attitudes What the participants’ opinions will be about the subject matter of the course by the time it is completed?

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Voucher Approver Module 5

5.1. BearBuy Business Process

Learning Objectives During this session, you will; Learn about the benefits BearBuy will bring to the Procure-to-Pay process Understand and differentiate the roles and responsibilities Recognize the capabilities and considerations for each role Understand the Invoice Processing and Voucher Approval process Conduct exercises to manage, forward and approve vouchers

Benefits of BearBuy Efficiencies

Shopper role eliminates duplicate entry and rework

One system to accomplish more procurement activities

Ease of Use Catalog content available with UC preferred

pricing Catalog and non-catalog orders in the same


Visibility Online history - all purchasing and payment

information in one place Data export capability Integration with CalAnswers, Berkeley’s

new analytics and reporting portal

Compliance Ability for departments to increase

compliance using workflow

Speed Orders are electronically sent to the

supplier as soon as approval steps are complete

Orders dispatched to vendors in real-time

Cost Savings On contract spend Increased spend visibility will lead to better

supplier pricing

Communication Use of internal notes, comments and

attachments to others processing the purchase.

Use of external notes to communicate with suppliers which are enabled to receive such communication

New Practices and Procedures Self-approval of Requisitions

o Up to $1,000 Auto approval of Invoices

o Up to $1,000 Exceptions to Auto Approvals

o Subawards, Payment Requests, Services and After the Fact orders. Receiving

o Optional for payment. Audit approved.

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Departmental Roles in BearBuy


Function Role Status (New or Existing Role)

Create Cart Shopper New Role

Prepare Requisition/ Cart Requisition Creator Existing Role in BFS, more responsibilities in BearBuy

Purchase Authorization Cart Authorizer New Role*

Additional Authorizer New Role

Chartfield 1 & 2 Authorizer New Role

Purchase Approval Requisition Org Node Approver Existing Role in BFS

Receiving Receiver Existing Role in BFS

Vouchering Voucher Approver Existing Role in BFS

Error Processing PO Change Order Processor Existing Role in BFS, but substantially different function in BearBuy

Match Exception Preparer New Role

Match Exception Approver New Role

* Anyone can be assigned a cart, and this is a ‘function’ not an actual ‘role’.


Role Description

Shopper Enters purchase requests into BearBuy via a Shopping Cart. The Cart becomes the Requisition. Staff, faculty, grad students, and undergraduate employees can all be Shoppers.

Requisition Creator Can shop for a department. Receives assigned / submitted Carts from Shoppers. Knows the department’s procurement processes. Can edit the Cart before submitting it into Requisition workflow. Enters the appropriate Chartfield and other essential information. Confirms all Requisition information is accurate, complete and complies with policy and funding requirements.

Cart Authorizer A Shopper can route a Cart to multiple Shoppers for review. When a Shopping Cart is routed to another Shopper (e.g., a program manager) for authorization or review before creation of the requisition, this Shopper is referred to as the Cart Authorizer. Anyone can be assigned a cart, and this is a ‘function’ not an actual ‘role’.

Additional Authorizer Requisitions can be routed to Additional Authorizers (up to 2) on an ad hoc basis, based on department's needs. Additional Authorizers are often Principal Investigators.

Chartfield 1 & 2 Authorizer

Requisitions can be routed to Authorizers assigned to Chartfield 1 (used by Capital Projects, Facilities Services) & 2 (used mostly by Research units) BFS chart string attributes. Unlike the Additional Authorizer, workflow will systematically route to Chartfield 1 & 2 Authorizers if the unit assigns these authorizers in BFS.

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Voucher Approver Module 5

Role Description

Requisition Approver Confirms all Requisition (order) information is accurate, complete and complies with the policy and funding requirements. Approves Requisitions.

Receiver Acknowledges receipt of goods and services in BearBuy and attaches packing slips or other relevant documents. This record will be tied to the PO & invoice.

Voucher Approver Approves vouchers to release payment to the vendor. Approves the clearing of match exceptions, once errors have been resolved by Match Exception Preparer.

Change Order Preparer Processes changes to Purchase Orders.

Match Exception Preparer

Researches and processes the clearing of exceptions when the Invoice and Purchase Order do not match. When appropriate, works with the vendor to correct erroneous invoices.

Works with individuals in their unit to document the root cause and resolution of an exception, including adding any relevant comments and attaching documentation to confirm the goods or services were needed.

Users with this role are included in the Voucher approval process when an invoice exceeds the matching tolerances set in BearBuy.

Roles and Key Capabilities

This table provides a summary of the roles and corresponding capabilities of each role. This is not a

comprehensive list of permissions, but suffices to explain what each role can generally accomplish. =

permitted. = not permitted.

Role Create/

Edit Cart Assign/ Submit

Appv/ Reject/ Return Req

Edit Req

Change Dist. Method

Change Order

Resolve Match Exp.

Appv/ Reject/ Comment Voucher


Cart Authorizer

Req Creator

Req Approver


Change Order Preparer

Match Exception Preparer

Voucher Approver

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Voucher Approver Module 5

High Level Business Process

The High-Level Business process shows each of the major steps that are performed in the end-to-end process from shopping through review, authorization, approval, ordering, receiving, invoice processing, exception management and voucher approval.

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Voucher Approver Module 5

5.2. Invoice Processing


Vendor (Supplier): Provide invoices for all goods and services. Some Suppliers, typically enabled vendors with catalogs, will send electronic invoices to

BearBuy. Disbursements:

Scans invoice and enters voucher in BearBuy. ImageNow system will have the image reference for paper invoices. There will not be an image reference for electronic invoices. Electronic invoice information

from the supplier is presented as the Invoice/Voucher in BearBuy.

Disbursements will enter vouchers for BearBuy POs. Vouchers will pull in all available PO Line items.

After the Voucher is entered and saved, ImageNow will automatically link to the Voucher in BearBuy.

Non-PO payments must be entered using the Payment Request Form in BearBuy.



Step 8: Vendor Fulfills


Fulfills order and issues


Step 10: Invoice


Scans invoice and enters

voucher or electronic

invoice receipt

Step 7: Dispatch

PO created and

transmitted to Vendor;

funds encumbered;

BFS updated.

Step 11: Auto-matches

Invoice to PO for amt and

qty; Match Exceptions

sent to Department

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Voucher Approver Module 5

5.3. Voucher Approval


The current BFS Voucher Approver Role is replicated in BearBuy – this is a one-to-one relationship, and the worklist concept for voucher approvals is unchanged.

Matched Vouchers less than $1,000 will be auto-approved, except for Payment Requests, Sub-awards, and After-the-Fact and Services-related transactions.

Voucher Approval provides an electronic record of “okay to pay.” From the Voucher, there is ‘one click’ access to the PO, receipts and comments /attachments.

AP / Disbursements

Voucher Approver

PO Match


Step 13: Voucher


Necessary for Invoices

over $1,000

Yes –



Step 11: Auto-


Invoice to PO for amt

and qty; Match

Exceptions sent to


Step 14: Voucher


Expense to BFS and

Release Payment to


Yes –



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5.4. Match Exceptions


• Match exceptions are generated based on the following tolerances: – Invoice is matched to PO based on line-item Quantity and Amount.

Goods Tolerances Service / Amount-only Tolerances

• Invoice line Unit Price exceeds PO Unit Price: the lower of 10% of Total or $500.

• Invoice line Quantity exceeds PO Quantity: 10% of Total.

• Invoice line Unit Price exceeds PO Unit Price: the lower of 10% of Total or $500.

• Quantity is not taken into consideration for Invoice / PO matching.


• The Match Exception Preparer will research and process the clearing of exceptions when the Invoice and Purchase Order do not match.

– Research may include reviewing receipts, PO and Requisition Comments/Notes, supplier feedback and the Invoice.

– Performing a Purchase Order revision (aka Change Order) will not resolve exceptions. – When appropriate, the Match Exception Preparer will work with the vendor to

correct/address erroneous invoices.

• Match Exception Approver – Once the Match Exception Preparer completes their activities, the voucher is routed to the

Voucher Approver to perform approval of the match exception. – Approves the clearing of match exceptions when it is okay to pay the invoice. Does not

make changes to the PO.

Central(AP /


Match Exception

Preparation and Approval

Research Comment Evidence Approve

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5.5. BearBuy Forms requiring Voucher Approval

List of Forms in BearBuy The list of forms in BearBuy is included here to ensure that Voucher Approvers are aware that certain Forms require additional Org Node approval. When a Form requires Org Node approval, the approval will be required for the Requisition and the Voucher.

Form Name Proper Usage Requires Org

Node Approval? Practices and /

or Policy Apply?

After the Fact To pay for goods/services for which a purchase order has not previously been completed.

Yes Yes – see form

Non-Catalog To request goods not found in a BearBuy catalog from contracted and other suppliers.

No Will depend on type of purchase

Temporary Staffing Request

To request temporary staffing from our strategically sourced contracts, for the following categories: Admin/Clerical, Food Services, IT Services, Light Industrial, or Trade.

No Yes – see form

Vehicle Charter Request

To purchase vehicle charter services with strategically sourced suppliers.

No Yes – see form

Off Campus Events To reserve off-campus rental space for your department's event when meals or guest rooms are included.

No Yes – see form

Moving and Relocation

To request moves for new campus hires. The relocation move can involve the move of the new hire’s household, office, and/or laboratory.

Yes Yes – see form

Amount-only To request 'amount-only' purchases for services and tangible goods that need to appear on the same PO.

Yes Yes – see form

Service Order To request ‘amount only’ purchase requests for services.

Yes Will depend on type of purchase

Independent Contractor and Consultant Services

To request personal/ professional/ independent contractor or consulting services.

Yes Yes – see form

Sole Source To create a purchase order where the dollar amount exceeds $10,000 when using non-federal funds or $5,000 when using federal funds, and competitive bidding is unavailable.

No Yes – see form

Payment Request To use for activities not requiring a Purchase Order are processed as a Payment Request. Each activity has different documentation requirements which must be attached.

Yes Yes – see form

Subaward There are two types of Subaward form, one for UC and one for Non UC. These are used for all subawards.

Yes Yes – see form

Table 1 - Forms requiring Voucher Org Node Approval

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5.6. Enabled Suppliers

Hosted Suppliers

The indicator means that the supplier is configured to receive PO electronically from BearBuy, and/or send invoiced electronically.

Supplier Name Elec. POs Elec. Invoice

Supplier Name Elec. POs Elec. Invoice

Agilent Technologies New England Biolabs

Applied Biosystems Office Max Contract

BD Biosciences PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences

BioExpress Promega Corporation

Bio-Rad Laboratories Qiagen

Cell Signaling Technology

Rainin Instrument

Discount Lab Supplies Roche Diagnostics

Fisher Scientific Sigma-Aldrich

Graybar Electric Company

Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products

Invitrogen (Lifetech) USA Scientific

Millipore Corp VWR International

Neta Scientific, Inc. Table 2 - Hosted Suppliers

Punchout Suppliers

The indicator means that the supplier is configured to receive PO electronically from BearBuy, and/or send invoiced electronically.

Supplier Name Elec. POs Elec. Invoice

Supplier Name Elec. POs Elec. Invoice

Apple Computer Lenovo CDWG MSC Industrial Supply Complete Book One Workplace

Dell Praxair Fastenal SHI Grainger, Inc. Waxie Table 3 - Punchout Suppliers

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5.7. Sequence of Exercises

Voucher Approver: 70 Minutes Exercise 1: Find a voucher in the worklist and assign a voucher to yourself. Exercise 2: Review a voucher from your My Approvals worklist and approve/complete it. Exercise 3: Find a match exception voucher from the worklist, assign it to yourself. Exercise 4: Review a match exception voucher, and forward it to disbursements. Exercise 5: Use introductory features of Document Search

Exercise 1

This exercise demonstrates the steps to assign a voucher to yourself, and then review the Complete the following exercise as a Voucher Approver.

Exercise 1 Step Notes

1. Login to BearBuy as the training approver username ‘trainapprover#’.

Use the Approver username provided to you.

1. Click on the Worklist tab, and then click the Voucher Tab.

2. Browse to the ‘Org Node: PHYSI (Physics)’ shared folder in the worklist.

3. Find the unassigned voucher associated to your login number for Supplier Invoice Number similar to ‘RegAppv Ex1 - TrainAppv#.”

The # is the same as your TrainAppv# used for logging in to the system. This is only for training to ensure everyone has a unique voucher for this exercise.

4. Click on the Voucher number to view.

5. Under ‘Available Actions’, select ‘Assign to myself’ and click GO.

Table 4 – Exercise 1

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Exercise 2

This exercise demonstrates the steps to review and approve a matched voucher. Complete the following exercise as a Voucher Approver.

Exercise 2 Step Notes

1. Click on the Worklist tab, and then click the Voucher tab.

2. Browse to the ‘My Voucher Approvals’ and locate the voucher you just assigned to yourself in Exercise 1.

3. Click on the Voucher Number to view. There should only be one in you’re my approvals worklist.

4. Review the following: Voucher tab:

a. Summary b. Payment Information & Invoice

Image link. c. Accounting Codes

Approvals tab:

d. Notice the Invoice entry, and current approval step.


e. Notice the green arrows for the matched line items.

Summary shows the

source of who entered it. Access to the scanned

copy of original invoice. Confirmation of Account

Code (a.k.a. Chartstrings).

See who the voucher came from and who it is going to with what steps.

Confirming that it is a matched voucher.

5. Scroll down to ‘Line Item Details’, and click the PO Number. From the PO you can browse other Receipts and Invoices by clicking the corresponding tab.

The PO Name begins “with BB0000…”

6. Under ‘Available Actions’, select Approve/Complete Step, and click ‘Go’.

Table 5 – Exercise 2

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Exercise 3

Complete the following exercise as a Voucher Approver using the worklist to retrieve a Voucher with Match Exceptions.

Exercise 3 Step Notes

1. Click on the Worklist tab, and then click Voucher Tab.

2. Open a voucher located under the ‘Org Node Match Exception Approver: PHYSI (Physics)’ shared folder.

3. Find the unassigned voucher associated to your login number for Supplier Invoice Number similar to ‘MatchExcep Ex1 - TrainAppv#.’

The Supplier Invoice No. should be similar to: “MatchAppv Ex1-TrainAppv#” The # is the same as your TrainApprover# user. This is only for training to ensure everyone has a unique voucher for this exercise.

4. Click the ‘Voucher No.’ The Voucher will open.

5. Under ‘Available Actions’, select ‘Assign to Myself ’ and click GO.

The Voucher will display- continue with Exercise 4.

Table 6 - Exercise 3

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Exercise 4

Use the forward voucher process to have Disbursements re-work the voucher for various reasons such as misapplied lines, if the invoice was a duplicate and should be deleted, or for other issues.

If you are forwarding a voucher, add comments and evidence to support why the voucher is being forwarded back to Disbursements. Using the voucher you assigned to yourself in Exercise 3, complete the following exercise as a Voucher Approver adding a comment and forwarding a Voucher to Disbursements.

Exercise 4 Step Notes

1. The Voucher is already open from the previous exercise; click on the Matching tab.

Scroll down to the unmatched lines – these are highlighted in yellow.

Continue using the Voucher accessed in Exercise 3.

2. Your research has determined that this is a duplicate invoice and should not be paid.

Click the Comment Tab to add a comment to all interested parties to this transaction; enter: “Researched and determined this is a duplicate invoice and will request Disbursements to delete.”

Using checkboxes, the comment can be shared with everyone who has involvement with this order. You can add other interested individuals such as the P.I., and attach any documentation from your research.

3. Click Save.

4. Click the Approvals tab to determine who created the voucher.

Best Practice is to return the voucher to the person who created it. The forward message can refer to comments you previously added.

5. From the Available Actions list select Forward.

6. Click the Go button.

7. Select the person in Disbursements who should receive the forwarded voucher.

In this exercise, it is Ike in disbursements.

This is the person in the Vouchered By field in the Voucher > General section, or the first person in the Voucher Approval flow displayed in the Voucher > Approvals tab.

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Exercise 4 Step Notes

8. In the pop-up note, enter a Forward reason note. Click the Forward button.

In the Forward note box enter a comment similar to: “Researched and determined this is a duplicate invoice; see comment tab for details; please delete this voucher”.

Table 7 - Exercise 4

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Exercise 5

View Vouchers with un-resolved, in-process Match Exceptions for my Org Node.

Exercise 5 Step Notes

1. Go to the navigation bar and click ‘Document Search’.

Use the Approver username provided to you.

2. ‘Document Search’ is shown.

3. In the ‘Search’ ‘All Documents’ drop down select ‘Voucher (Invoices)’ from the drop down list.

4. Click the ‘Advanced Search’ link. The search filters for Advanced Search are shown.

5. To filter by the ‘Org Node’, scroll down to Custom Fields. In ‘Org Node’, specify ‘Is Exactly’, and then select the ‘Org Node’ PHYSI and EERSO values. You can select from your profile values as well. Click ‘Add another Org Node’ to add additional Org Nodes.

6. Click the ‘Go’ button to search. The search results are displayed.

7. Under ‘Refine Search Results’, browse to ‘By Workflow Step’.

8. Click on the icon.

9. In the pop-up window, click on the checkbox next to Match Exception Preparer, and Org Node Match Approval. Click Apply.

The number in parentheses is the number of vouchers in the Match Exception Workflow step.

10. Now we will save the results as report we can run in the future. Click Save Search, and then enter ‘Workflow Approval Matches’ as the name.

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Exercise 5 Step Notes

11. Enter the Document Search Nickname, and select the Destination Folder > Personal > My Saved Searches. Click ‘Save’.

12. In the ‘Navigation Bar’ click ‘Document Search’. Notice that the ‘Saved Search’.

Table 8 – Exercise 5

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5.8. About Training and Support

Training Resources The BearBuy Training site is the source for the most up to date materials for your role. More Training Resources are available for you at BearBuy Training. (learn more)

User Productivity Kits – review the UPK for your Role (learn more)

Job Aids/Quick Reference Guides (learn more)

Recorded Presentation (learn more)

Instructor-led Training (learn more)

Support Contact BearBuy User Support contact information:

(510) 642-8500, extension #5, and then option #1.

Mon-Fri 8 AM to 5 PM

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