BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Body - Senses Challenge.

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Transcript of BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Body - Senses Challenge.

BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Body - Senses Challenge

Two Major Divisions:

1.Central Nervous System (CNS)

2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Structure Function


1. Cerebrum

2. Cerebellum

3. Brain Stem

*receives and processes messages-to think, remember, and reason

Spinal Cord *cylinder of nerve tissue that connects the brain to all peripheral nerves

Structure Function

Nerves *Sends and relays messages from brain and spinal cord to all appendages (arms and legs)

Girls Turn…

Structure Function

Pituitary Gland Regulates and controls the activities of all other endocrine gland. “Master gland”

Parathyroids Regulates calcium and phosphorus balance.

Adrenal Glands

“fight or flight” hormone- adrenaline, maintains blood volume & blood pressure

Structure Function

Pineal Body Creates the hormone melatonin (skin tone)

Hypothalamus Provides body with homeostasis (body’s status quo-balance)

Thyroid Regulates metabolism, body heat production, and bone growth.

Thymus Processing and maturation of T-cells (special lymphocytes)

Pancreas Regulates glucose levels in the blood (blood sugar)

Testes Release reproductive hormones

Ovaries Release reproductive hormones

Are they

Mental Health

What is Mental Health? Positive Mental health is generally having:

– Positive outlook– Being comfortable with yourself and others– Being able to meet life’s demands – Good coping skills– Being able to handle a variety of situations– Being able to meet their needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Physical needs —safe, secure, food, water, sleep

Emotional needs -belonging, loved, achievement, recognition

Aesthetic- know, explore, understand

Self fulfilling- self actualization

3 Factors that impact your personality

Environment– Surroundings: family,

friends, neighborhood, school etc.

Behavior– Most control – Power of choice

Heredity– Your DNA from


– Impacts personality, temperament, emotional tendencies

Emotions!!!!!Signals that tell your mind

and body how to react Some emotions we all experience are:

– Love -jealousy – Empathy -happiness– Fear -sadness– Anger -sympathy– Guilt -hate****you can feel more than one emotion at a timeThe emotion is not right or wrong but how we respond to

it can be.









What is stress? That is what these kids want to know.

What is Stress?

Stress is the body and mind‘s reaction to everyday demands.

2 Kinds of Stress1. Distress—negative stress

2. Eustress-positive stress

Distress and Eustress are relative to each person (can depend on amount of sleep, physical fitness, diet, previous experience etc.)

Distress or Eustress?

What is a stressor? Stressor—any stimulus that produces

a stress response.– ie: – people (teachers, parents, friends, etc), – objects (cars, spiders, microphones etc.)– Places (stage, home, school etc.)– Events (test, public speaking, game,

contest etc.)

Kinds of Stressors Biological stressors -chemical imbalances in

brain, mental or physical illness or injuries Environmental stressors -poverty, pollution,

noise, natural disasters Cognitive stressors -the way you perceive a

situation or what you expect from it Personal behavior stressors -negative reactions

in body and mind causes by using drugs or not exercising or not eating healthy

Life situations -relative dies, parents divorce, trouble with peer relationships

Look familiar???

Body’s Response to Stressors

Body tries to maintain homeostasis (steady state, balance)

Nervous system and endocrine system produce adrenaline that is secreted.

“Fight or Flight” response in which the body reacts by an increased heart rate, breathing is faster, saliva and mucus dry up, throat muscles contract, perspiration increases,muscles tighten, other body functions such as digestion are suspended.

3 stages of stress 3 stages…

– 1. ALARM-– Body and mind on high alert– Adrenaline is secreted (adrenaline is the

emergency hormone)– 2. Resistance

Body tries to repair its damage from stress and return to normal

Incredible feats of strength happen in this stage

3rd stage of stress response

3. Fatigue– Tired feeling that lowers a person’s activity

level– Types of fatigue

Physical—example—after a hard day, after exercise,

Pathological-overworking the body’s defenses in fighting disease

Psychological-results from constant worry, overwork, depression, etc.

The Effect of Stress on Health

Physically, Mentally, Socially– Strain is the negative effects of stress. Strain

may appear as fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, medical problems, insomnia, depression, anxiety, over eating, drug and alcohol abuse, risk taking, poor relationships.

– After time, the body becomes exhausted and is more susceptible to illness and accidents.

75% of all visits to the primary care physician are due to problems caused by stress

Signs of Stress

Signs of stress Physical signs- headaches, trembling,

upset stomach, migraines, sweating, rash, constipation, diarrhea, pounding heart, trouble sleeping, muscle aches and tightness, back pain, nervous twitches

Emotional signs –frustration, nervousness, boredom, edginess, feeling powerless, being quick to anger, impatience, mood swings, worrying, confusion,

Signs of stress Mental signs— trouble reading or

thinking clearly, constant worry, obsessive thoughts, inability to make decisions, forgetting, etc.

Behavioral signs- not eating or overeating, verbal or physical outburst, fidgeting, drug/alcohol use, overuse of caffeine, smoking, gambling etc.

How to cope with Stress Identify sources of stress Make choices to control the amount of stress

you experience Stay physically fit—exercise, eat healthy etc. Use relaxation techniques

– Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation Learn time management skills

– Plan your work and work your plan Know your personality-your traits and

characteristics—recognize overuse of defense mechanisms.

Defense Mechanisms Denial-refusal to accept realty Escape-running away or avoiding a problem Rationalization-an attempt to justify one’s

action with an excuse rather than admitting one’s failure or mistake

Projection- an attempt to protect one’s self esteem by blaming unpleasant feelings or inappropriate actions on others

Repression-blocking out thoughts about unpleasant things (forgetting on purpose)

*Identification- acting like of modeling one’s behavior after a person one likes*Displacement-expressing feelings toward someone or something not associated with the source of the feelings*Regression-relating to an earlier time that seems less threatening and requires less responsibility*Compensation-an attempt to make up for something one did not have*Sublimation-transforming unacceptable behaviors into acceptable one

Coping with

Reflection paper In a 3 paragraph paper, identify the

defense mechanisms that you utilize in your life. Give examples of how you use them in your life and describe the ways that you use them that are healthy as well as unhealthy.

Watch the following video clip and think about how this person copes!!!!

Defense Mechanisms Assessment

On the back of your handout, write an example of the defense mechanism that is highlighted.

When instructed, find the others in the class with the same defense mechanism and share your examples

Mental Disorders

FOCUS--- list as many mental disorders as you can think of (like depression, bi polar, etc)

Mental Disorders

What is mental illness? An illness of the mind that can affect

the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person.

Mental disorders prevent people from leading a happy, healthful, and productive lives.

Is this dog mentally ill?

ABNORMAL BEHAVIORThree ways to distinguish normal from abnormal:

1. deviance2. adjustment

3. psychological health

Abnormal Behavior

Deviation-Abnormal behavior is any

deviance for the average or from the majority.

Examples: taking 10 shower in a day, laughing at the funeral

of a loved one

Adjustment-Abnormal behavior is determining how normal people get along in the world (physically, emotionally, and socially). An abnormal person cannot adjust in various situations.

Psychological Health -Most psychologist believe that a person in good psychological health is one who is functioning ideally or who is at least striving toward ideal functioning. A person not in this category is considered “mentally ill”.

Causes of Mental Disorders

ORGANIC– Caused by physical

illness or injury to brain

FUNCTIONAL– Occur as a result of

psychological causes in which no clear brain damage is involved.

4 Categories of Disorders Anxiety Disorders - real,

imagined, or persistent fears prevent someone from living a normal life. ie: phobia, OCD, panic disorders, post traumatic stress disorder.

Somatoform Disorders-

Persons complain of disease symptoms but no physical symptoms can be found. ie: Hypochondria- fear of presumed diseases that do not exist. Hypochondriacs feel aches and pains and worry about contracting serious diseases

4 Categories of Disorders Affective Disorders –

illness with an organic cause that relates to emotions, and may involve mood swings

or mood extremes that interfere with normal activities

ie: clinical depression, bipolar disorders

(manic depression)

Personality DisordersInclude a variety of

psychological conditions that affect a persons ability to get

along with othersie: antisocial

personality, passive aggressive personality,


Affective Disorders

Depression: Extreme sadness and

hopelessness that lasts for more than a

few weeks

Affective Disorders

Bipolar Disorder: Also called Manic.

Extreme mood swings between happy and sad

Anxiety Disorders

Phobias: going to extreme measures to avoid something

Anxiety Disorders

OCD: Trapped in a pattern of repeated behaviors (washing


Anxiety Disorders

PTSS: Veterans, nightmares, extreme

reactions to pictures or events

Anxiety Disorders

Panic Disorder: Panic attacks, trembling, increase heart rate,

short of breath, dizziness

Somatoform Disorders

Hypochondria: Preoccupation with

body and fear of illnesses that are not


Personality Disorders

Anti-social Disorder: Constant conflict with society, cruel


Personality DisordersPassive Aggressive: Uncooperative,

control issues, indirectly shows dissatisfaction

“Forgetting” to do something on purpose Making a habit of putting off or being late

Failing to do one’s share of the work or doing sub-standard work on purpose

Criticizing authority figures, not openly, but in subtle ways

Personality Disorders

Schizophrenia: Split mind, “A

Beautiful Mind” (the movie)

Suicide Risk factors Warning signs Prevention Coping with loss

Suicide Prevention Risk Factors for suicide

– Substance abuse– Violence/abuse (emotional, sexual,

physical)– Depression– Isolation– Anger– Prior suicide attempts– Family history of mental illness

Warning Signs Depression Lack of energy/no

zest for life Withdrawal from

family, school, activities etc

Drop in grades Giving away


Increased risk taking

Personality changes

A sudden upbeat mood

Drugs and alcohol usage

Violent actions

Preventing Suicide Show that you care Get them professional help Take all talk of suicide seriously Show empathy Cluster suicides

– Pact of people agree to kill themselves – Do not keep it secret! Get help.

Coping with loss Stages of grief

1. denial-can’t believe it happened2. Anger-why me? 3. Emotional release 4. Bargaining-person agrees to change in

exchange for getting person back5. Depression-withdrawal, quiet sadness6. Remorse7. Acceptance 8. Hope

Suicide Story (true story)

Does this person remind you of anyone here?

What would you do differently to handle this situation?

Would you do an intervention in this case?

What did you learn that you could apply in your life?

Positive Self-


Good Decision-Making

Goal Setting

and Action Planning

Recognize and Cope

*Recognize who you are (personality, defense mechanisms, stressors, ways to cope with stress)

*Cope with your stressors (therapy, relaxation techniques, etc.)

Kinds of




NeurologistSpecializes in

organic Disorders of the

Brain and nervous system

Clinical psychologist

Treatmentw/o meds

CounselorsSchool, religious,


PsychiatricSocial workerDFS, mental

Hospitals,Clinics etc