Base your answers to questions 1 and 2 on the map below, which … · 2016-10-05 · Base your...

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Transcript of Base your answers to questions 1 and 2 on the map below, which … · 2016-10-05 · Base your...

Base your answers to questions 1 and 2 on the map below, which shows elevations in feet at variouspoints. The southern part of the map has contour lines representing elevations at 20-foot intervals.Lines AB and CD are reference lines on the map.

1. Calculate the gradient along line CD and label your answer with the correct units.2. Explain how the contour lines indicate the direction of flow of Otter Creek.

Base your answers to questions 3 through 5 on the topographic map below and on your knowledge of Earth Science. Points A, B, C, and D representlocations on the surface of Earth. Elevations are measured in feet.

A) 25 feet per mile B) 50 feet per mileC) 75 feet per mile D) 100 feet per mile

3. What is the approximate gradient from point A to point B on the map?

A) B)

C) D)

4. Which cross section represents an accurate profile of the landscape between points C and D?

A) 228 feet B) 242 feet C) 255 feet D) 268 feet

5. What is a possible elevation for the surface of Darry Lin Lake?

A) 40 m/km B) 80 m/kmC) 100 m/km D) 120 m/km

6. The topographic map below shows a hill. Points X and Y represent locations on the hill's surface.Elevations are shown in meters.

What is the gradient between points X and Y?

Base your answers to questions 7 through 9 on the topographic map below. Points A, X, and Y arereference points on the map.

A) 575 meters B) 600 meters C) 655 meters D) 710 meters

7. What is a possible elevation of point A?

A) southwest B) southeast C) northwest D) northeast

8. In which general direction does Flint Creek flow?

A) 50 m/km B) 100 m/km C) 150 m/km D) 300 m/km

9. What is the approximate gradient along the straight dashed line between points X and Y?

10. Base your answer to the following question on the maps below. Points A, B, C, X, and Y are locationson the topographic map. The small map identifies the New York State region shown in thetopographic map.

A) 100 ft/mi B) 250 ft/mi C) 500 ft/mi D) 1,000 ft/mi

What is the approximate gradient between point X and point Y?

11. Base your answer to the following question on the two topographic maps below. A grid system ofnumbers and letters appears along the edge of each map to help locate features. Both maps showelevations in fee above sea level.

A) 0.3 mi B) 0.6 mi C) 1.2 mi D) 1.5 mi

On map B, what is the approximate straight-line distance from the center of the X within grid areaB-11 to the center of the X within grid area H-ll?

Answer KeyTopographic Maps- Gradient

1. 23-27 feet/mile2. — Contour lines

bend upstreamforming a V-shape.— Streams flowfromhigher-elevationisolines tolower-elevationisolines. — Isolinesbend uphill whenthey cross streams.

3. A4. A5. B6. A7. C8. D9. C10. D11. B