Automatic 4D (3D+time) Segmentation of Cardiac MRI

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Automatic 4D (3D+time) Segmentation of Cardiac MRI

Automatic 4D (3D+time) Segmentation of Cardiac MRI

CPCC & KLABUC IrvineAugust 2014


● Introduction● Current Work● Future work

Introduction● LV and Myocardium


Challenges in CMR Segmentation● Poor contrast between myocardium and surrounding● Diverse brightness in the LV cavity due to blood flow● Presence of papillary muscles ● Segmentation complexity of apical

and basal slice images ● Inherent noise caused by motion

artifacts, heart dynamics● Shape and intensity variability of the LV

3D Automatic Segmentation

● Developed Algorithm

Phase 0: Automatic Localization● Input: Raw Image Output: Chamber Location

Automatic Chamber Detection

Phase I: 3D Segmentation of LV

3D Segmentation

Phase II: Intra-Chamber Inclusion

Intra-Chamber Inclusion

Phase III: Myocardial Segmentation

3D Segmentation

Future Work: 4D (3D+time) Segmentation

Moving Heart