Are Your Hormones Making it Impossible to Lose Weight?

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Are Your Hormones Making it Impossible to Lose Weight?

Quick Intro

Dr. Childs -

- Residency in Internal Medicine and Radiology- Post-Graduate Training: Institute for Functional Medicine and American

Academy of Anti-aging Medicine

Specializing in:

- Functional Endocrinology (Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Reversal, Weight loss management)

- Metabolic Abnormalities (Metabolic syndrome, Leptin/Insulin Resistance, PCOS etc.)

What you will learn today...- Why you may be causing your body more harm than

good by dieting- Why “Conventional” Weight Loss recommendations are

wrong- What is really causing you to gain weight- What you can do to fix it… starting today

Why doesn’t my doctor know about this stuff?

It takes on average 17 years for Doctors to start implementing the newest research into their clinical practice!

In other words they are 17 years behind...

Let's get started:35,000” view

Some perspective...

Hormones (Includes Thyroid, Sex hormones, Adrenal hormones, Leptin, Insulin, etc.)

Most powerful molecules in biology

Critical to life (Change your DNA)

Control metabolism of every cell

Determine gender differences

Determine energy and mood

Optimal levels are essential for health and quality of life

Has anyone ever lost and kept weight off by dieting?Real statistics:

- 97% of Dieters who try to lose weight fail- 40% of these people not only gain all the weight back but also gain more- 25 days calorie restricted dieting reduces metabolism (and free thyroid

hormone) by up to 50% and this lasts for years [this explains weight gain]

Why do Doctors and Nutritionists keep telling you to lose weight this way when it always fails?

Conventional advice for the last 30 years:- A calorie is a calorie [AKA counting calories]- Eating fat will make you fat- Weight loss is a simple equation: eat less and exercise more [weight = calorie

in - calorie out]- Eat frequent meals = boost metabolism- If you eat bad food just exercise more- Hormones don’t matter for weight loss

Obesity trend with this advice

New approach that leads to long lasting weight loss:

- Hormones are the number 1 reason for weight gain and weight loss resistance

- Quality counts more than quantity (don’t count calories)- Exercising won’t make you lose weight, but it still helps your overall health- Stress (and not enough sleep) makes you fat, relaxing makes you thin- Eat large meals less frequently- Eat high fat meals (healthy high quality fats)- Exercise should be high intensity training + low intensity training throughout

the day- Avoid sugar

Conventional Advice VS New science

Question: Can I achieve long lasting weight loss with these principles?

Answer: Yes, but these 5 hormonal systems MUST be balanced first.

#1 Increased Insulin Levels (AKA Insulin Resistance)

- Insulin = growth hormone (makes fat cells bigger, cancer cells bigger, etc.)- Tells your body to store ALL Calories as fat- Causes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc.- All systems age in response to insulin (Skin, Joints, Organs, etc.)- Leads to Chronic Pain and Inflammation- insulin = Testosterone, Estrogen

****Must be reversed to have long lasting weight loss

#2 Increased Cortisol Levels (AKA Adrenal Problems)

- Cortisol = Stress hormone- Cortisol makes insulin resistance worse and tells your body to store fat in your

belly and in/around your organs- Stress and Lack of sleep = Increase insulin = make you fat- Works in tandem with thyroid hormone to produce normal metabolism

****Stress gives you belly fat, relaxing makes you thin

"Stress and body shape: stress-induced cortisol secretion is consistently greater among women with central fat." Psychosomatic medicine 62.5 (2000): 623-632.

#3 Low Thyroid Hormone (AKA Hypothyroidism)- Epidemic of hypothyroidism that is being under-treated and underdiagnosed

(1 in 7 in the US have hypothyroidism)- Essential for function of other hormones (Cortisol, Sex hormones, etc.)- Controls Metabolism of every cell in your body- Small changes in blood level = HUGE symptoms- Doctors have irrational fear of supplementing- Thyroid system is damaged by yo-yo dieting!

****MUST be part of any weight loss evaluation and Doctor must be knowledgeable

#4 Increased Estrogen Levels (AKA Estrogen Dominance)

- Estrogen causes weight gain in the hips, butt and thigh area

- 3 causes:- Too much Estrogen- Normal Estrogen with Low Progesterone

- Normal Estrogen and Progesterone, too many Xeno-Estrogens

- Balanced by progesterone levels (yin and yang)

- High Estrogen = Weight Gain, PMS, PMDD, Breast Tenderness, PCOS, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, etc.

****Estrogen levels heavily influenced by Insulin and Diet

#5 Low Testosterone Levels (AKA Low “T”)- Not just for Men (Women too!)- Testosterone builds lean muscle mass and causes

you to burn fat- Controls libido and sex drive- Low testosterone = Decreased Mood- Controls energy and “Well Being”- insulin = Testosterone, Estrogen (bad for

Men and Women)

3 Tips You Can Start Using TodayAll three tips based on new scientific literature

#1 The Right Dose of Exercise- 1 hour of low intensity

exercise per day (walking counts) = 80% reduction in death from all causes

- Add 15-20 mins of high intensity interval training per week for greater benefit

#2 The Right Diet- Don’t count your calories,

focus on eating real whole foods without a food label

- If it has more than 3 ingredients DO NOT BUY IT OR EAT IT!

#3 The Right Food Pyramid

- Eat Healthy fats and high quality protein with every meal to balance blood sugar levels

- ½ of your plate should be Vegetables with every meal

- Eat until you are satisfied

Key Takeaways:1. Don’t follow old and outdated

nutritional advice2. Long lasting weight loss is

impossible without Hormonal Balancing

3. You may need hormone replacement and special strategies to balance your hormones

New and Emerging Therapies for Weight Loss- Laser and Thermal Ablation of Adipocytes- Gastrointestinal and Microbial Balancing- Reversing Leptin Resistance with

Medications- Reprogramming your Body Set Point- Detoxification Techniques to remove

Xeno-Estrogens and other Endocrine Disruptors

- Treating and Reversing Thyroid Resistance

What Does a Comprehensive Weight Loss Program Look Like?1. Hormonal Balancing of 5 major systems2. Hormonal Replacement Therapy (Many will need for lasting Weight Loss)3. Prescription Weight Loss Medications4. Personalized Dietary Recommendations5. Prescription Exercise Routine6. Personalized Detoxification Routine7. Mechanical Disruption of Adipocytes via Laser and Thermal Ablation8. Stress Reduction and Balancing Techniques9. Replacement of Nutritional Deficiencies

10. Intermittent Fasting Routine

****Highly variable between individuals

Questions?Email: drchilds@restartmed.comWebsite: