Aoyagi Lab Colloquium - 2015-06-01

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Aoyagi Lab Colloquium - 2015-06-01

Aoyagi LabColloquium

Activity Data Renderer

2015-06-01 ~ Michele Bianchi

1.The project

Quick review of the project

ProjectUse Unreal Engine 4 to render human activity


Unreal Engine 4

Last version of a very famous engine in the Industry.

Skeletal mesh control using C++ and Blueprint.

The engine is Open Source (github), so all the project can be Open Source

InputLive stream of joint angles.

Input and output of the program

OutputActivity animation applied to a body skeleton.Using dynamic meshes we can render in real time the body coverage for each sensor node.

How does UE4 with skeletal mesh work?

Integrating a skeleton definition, a skeletal mesh and an animation blueprint it is possible to control each “bone” of the skeleton

What has been done

Managed to control a skeleton joint using a C++ function to compute the angle with respect to how much time passed and apply it using Blueprint

C++Computing data every frame and updating public variable

BlueprintGetting data from the

C++ implementation

Current problem

Implemented a network socket using Unreal Engine 4 low-level platform independent interfaces as BluePrint-callable library.

However none of the functions are visible in the editor, maybe due to a library private variable.

2.Future work

Next steps for the project

Proposed structure for Server-based communications

Future work

Make Network Library work

Create PC server

Render body occlusion

Define a file structure for future uses

Thanks!Any questions?

@Jazzinghen /

Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes.

This means that you can:● Resize them without losing

quality.● Change fill color and opacity.● Change line color, width and


Isn’t that nice? :)
