A Technical SEO Journey: Insights from Logs, hreflang & Mobile Analysis #SMXlondon

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of A Technical SEO Journey: Insights from Logs, hreflang & Mobile Analysis #SMXlondon

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

A TECHNICAL SEO JOURNEY Insights from Logs, Hreflang & Mobile Analysis

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti










#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

A technical SEO journey can easily become an adventure…

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Identifying incorrect search crawling behavior with log analysis

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Although you might simulate search bots, there’s nothing like verifying how they actually crawl your site

Screaming Frog Log Analyzer

OnCrawl SEO Log Analyzer

Botify Log Analyzer

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Are there any gaps from your own crawls simulations vs. the logs?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

What’s the crawling difference between the main search engines bots?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

… And the desktop vs. mobile ones?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Which pages are not meant to be crawled but are being served? Let’s search for 3xx, 4xx & 5xx HTTP statuses

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Are there any inconsistent HTTP statuses?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Let’s clarify that darkness!

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

You will likely discover behavior like this one! Differentiated bot treatment based on the IP location

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Which of your site pages & areas are being crawled the most?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

What’s the crawl frequency of your actively visited pages?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Which important pages are not being crawled at all?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Are the search bots spending a lot of time crawling resources that they shouldn’t or are not important?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Are the search bots spending a lot of time crawling resources that they shouldn’t or are not important?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

The result? A much more efficient crawling… and taking those pesky GSC errors down

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

That was fun! Let’s go for another adventure

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Improving poor mobile search results with a mobile audit

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Mobile optimization is now critical… and should be a priority in your SEO audits

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Making sure your mobile Web presence follows Google’s configuration best practices is a good starting point…

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Let’s prioritize those that are not only critical towards Google but also to the mobile user conversion

Issues with viewport tag

Issues with Mobile Usability

more common with sites without mobile version or responsive design

Issues with site speed more

common with sites without mobile

version or responsive


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Identify your pages with highest mobile visibility: which have a lower CTR & Position than average?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

You can also alternatively use OnPage.org Impact to filter data & see pages along their URLs directly

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Identify your pages with highest mobile traffic: which have a lower engagement & conversion rate?

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Export them to verify with URLProfiler which of them are not mobile friendly & have speed issues

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Mobile Friendliness

Mobile Speed

You can now easily prioritize your fundamental mobile optimization efforts towards the most critical pages

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

… and easily identify the assets causing the performance issues


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

It’s time to make your mobile site as fast as me

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Identify those pages with lower CTR & Conversions in Mobile than Desktop

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Use Chrome’s Mobile emulator to verify their SERPs and identify opportunities to improve your visibility

AMP in News Carrousel App PackApp Indexing G Maps Results

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

So you can focus your mobile optimization on what matters the most to grow your traffic & engagement

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

The job is done here! Let’s run to the next one

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Configuring Hreflang to avoid misaligned international

search results

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Search results misalignments issues are very common for internationally targeted queries






“Car Hire Sydney” in google.co.uk


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Misaligned pages will have worse rankings, CTR, user experience and conversions

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Hreflang solve this issue by specifying each page language & country targeting but they need to be correctly implemented


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Sadly, there are so many hreflang

implementation errors

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Including non-existing hreflang values, like “en-UK” instead of “en-GB” for a page in English targeted to the UK

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Adding non-relevant hreflang values, like unnecessary country codes for language targeted pages

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Trying to “override” the default country targeting of a ccTLD by specifying another one in the hreflang

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Adding incorrect URLs & values

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

With pages not specifying their own hreflang values or adding values that are not specified back

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Don’t worry! Avoid these issues by using the hreflang tags generator to add valid values & tags


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Or use the XML sitemap hreflang generator to include them in valid XML sitemaps


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Once added, verify the annotations by crawling with OnPage.org Zoom which has hreflang validation

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

That also allows to verify the relationship between the translated pages

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Or you can also use Botify URL Explorer which also allows to identify different type of hreflang errors

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Monitor how those hreflang errors go down by using Google Search Console’s International Targeting Report

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

… and start growing the search visibility of your international Web versions

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Now is your time to take control of your technical SEO journey to drive the organic growth of your site

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

These SEO tools will be your best weapons


Screaming Frog



OnPage Zoom


OnPage Impact



Hreflang Generator

XML Sitemap Generator

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

These SEO tools will be your best weapons


Screaming Frog



OnPage Zoom


OnPage Impact



Hreflang Generator

XML Sitemap Generator


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti

Unless you can use the force, then choose the force!

#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti


#TechnicalSEO at #SMXlondon by @Aleyda from @Orainti