A Reverse Hetalia Legacy Chapter 2.3: Til Death Do Us Part

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Transcript of A Reverse Hetalia Legacy Chapter 2.3: Til Death Do Us Part

We're back again! Last time we welcomed two (three) new additions to this weird messed up reverse legacy of mine, one of which was only alluded to. And two of those additions, one of which is Lara pictured above, became toddlers before the chapter ended. Well let's get started!

Miku: Good morning Lara are you waiting for grandma?

Lara: Gra'pa!

Miku: I think grandpa is sleeping Lara how about grandma?

Lara: Gra'pa! Wan gra'pa!

Well Vash was indeed sleeping so Lara got to spend the afternoon with her grandmother learning some more of her toddler skills (with the help of some smart milk).

Hey Niklaus I never got a chance to ask you last chapter but is there any career track you'd like to work in since your LTW is to have 6 grandchildren?

Niklaus: Not really, I was going to stay home and work on my paintings so I could be here for Lara when she comes home for school.

What about her grandparents?

Niklaus: ...They won't be around forever and I don't want them to feel like we're depending on them for everything.

Inside Roderich is getting Lara for bed.

Roderich: Okay young lady it's getting late and that means it's time for you to go to bed.

Lara: No bed you silly!

Roderich: I may be silly but I'm serious on this Lara it's time for bed.

Lara: Nigh nigh?

Roderich: Yes it's night night time.

I saved after Roderich put Lara to bed left and came back. When I started playing again this popped up. VASH DIED AND I COMPLETELY MISSED IT! I then had to go on a search through the house for his grave. Which I found in Kiku and Lin Yi's bedroom (oddly enough).

Vash Zwingli – 71 days old, Fortune/Family

Vash is survived by Roderich Zwingli (husband), Niklaus Zwingli (son), Sophia Zwingli (daughter), Lara Honda (granddaughter) and Johanna Zwingli (granddaughter, never met).

When Roderich learned that Vash had passed away he was heartbroken although it took a while for the news to sink in.

Vash: (Goodbye Roderich I'll see you soon. Tell Lara I love her.)

Feelings: dead.

Thank you Kiku he was the only one to have an immediate reaction to Vash's death.

Miku: There you go Lara all dressed for the day.

Lara: Dada?

Miku: Hmm? Oh what is it Niklaus? Did you want to wake Lara up?

Niklaus: It's not that it's about dad. He's gone.

Miku: Maybe we should talk about this outside.

Lara: Gra'pa?

Niklaus: Grandpa's gone Lara.

Lara: Gra'pa no gone!

Niklaus: I'm sorry Lara but he is.

Lara: No...

I don't think Lara fully understood what was going on I'm sure she thought her grandfather was just taking a nap upstairs and that he'd be down to play with her soon. In the meantime she decided to play with the pet food.

The rest of the family had their own ways of coping as well. Roderich especially in the days that followed seemed to find other ways to occupy his mind like joining Lin Yi on the ballet barre.

Lee dropped by the house and found the family's stash of juice in the kitchen when Lara toddled in.

Lara: Up?

Lee: Huh? Oh you must be my neice Lara.

Lara: Up up! Up!

Lee: Okay okay up.

I love toddlers they're so cute despite their helplessness.

Roderich: Alright Lara do you want to sing a song?

Lara: NO!

Roderich: You don't want to sing a song with your old grandfather?

Lara: ...sing wif gra'pa Rorich!

Roderich: That's a good girl.

The computer broke down after Lin Yi had been blogging on it for a while and despite her having a high mechanical skill level I still worried she would electrocute herself.

Later the family gathers in the kitchen to celebrate Lara's birthday. This feels really weird without Vash present.

Miku: Make a wish Lara!

Lara: Cake!

And here's Lara as a child. I feel like somebody really likes green.

Roderich volunteered to go out and buy Lara some new clothes but once he got there he realized he didn't have a clue what he was supposed to get for her. In the end the sales clerk was able to help him find something suitable.

Roderich: Is this it Author?

Yeah this is it... Are you sure you want to do this Roderich?

Roderich: No but I have to. He would have wanted to know.

Roderich: Vash it's me. Today was Lara's birthday she's become a lovely little girl. We all wish you'd been there. We still haven't told Sophia about your passing, I should do that in the morning. My time is almost up I can feel it, I'll see you again soon Vash I just hope the kids can handle it when that time comes.

Smile for the camera Lara.

Lara: I am smiling Author.

I forgot to write her stats when she became a toddler so here they are, maybe I'll just put all stats when the kids reach the childhood stage.

Lara HondaPersonality: Aries (8/10/9/1/1)

One of the perks of being taller is that Lara can now join the rest of the family in what is the undisputed family hobby: music and dance. So far she seems to have a preference for the violin followed closely by ballet.

Lin Yi: How are you holding up Roderich?

Roderich: I'm fine Lin Yi I miss him but that's to be expected.

Lin Yi: We all do but I think his death hit you and Lara the most.

Roderich: I called Sophia and broke the news to her. I only regret he didn't get to meet Johanna before he passed.

I don't know if this counts as cheerful news but the headmaster has been invited over. We're going to try to get Lara admitted to the private school, the family needs some more good news.

While Kiku was off giving the tour of the house Miku made dinner which ended up being some of the fish she'd caught back in university. How it's still fresh is beyond me but hey as long as he likes it right?

Lara wasn't hungry but her mother made her sit at the dinner table and talk to the headmaster so she could ask questions about the school. What Lara really wanted to know about was if the school could withstand extreme weather conditions.

In the end the headmaster was a jerk and rejected Lara from the school. It looks like we'll just have to try again another time. Geeze and after we cleaned the whole house just for him.

So Lara started her first day of school at the public school and she brought a friend home from school. They talked about sumo wrestlers for a while and then he had to go home.

Lin Yi managed to reach the top of her career which wasn't her LTW but after spending most of her life working towards that it may as well have been.

Lara: Goodnight granddad.

Kiku: Oh are you going to bed? Goodnight Lara.

Lara: Goodnight to you too Cymmi.

Before the schoolbus came to get her Lara realized she'd forgotten to do her homework and asked Kiku for help with it. He wasn't very pleased when the music and dance hobby master interrupted them to invite Lara to the secret lot.

Kiku: Miss while I'm glad you've invited my granddaughter to your hobby lot the whole family already knows about it so any one of us could have brought her. And it is also extremely rude to barge into people's houses at 5am.

Hobby Master: My apologies sir, I'll be going now.

Lara: Okay thank you for the invitation!

Lara: Thank you for helping me granddad.

Kiku: Oh you're welcome Lara. Have a good day at school okay.

Lara: I will I made lots of friends yesterday!

Kiku: ...That's wonderful keep making friends okay?

Gilbert: Very good Zimi. Okay grandpa has to go to go the bathroom I'll be right back.

Uladzimir: Boddle! Boddle gwampa!

Gilbert: Oh are you hungry again Zimi?

Uladzimir: Hungwy! Boddle!

Gilbert: Alright I'll get you a bottle.

Hey Alfred what's up?

Alfred: Giving more financial counselling it brings in some money which we can use to pay off the mortgage of this house. I'll probably play with Zimi afterwards.

Alright well I'll leave you to it then.

Uladzimir: Gwampaaaaa! Gwamaaaa! Dadaaaaaa! Mamaaaaaaa!

Poor Zimi woke up and nobody was around to immediately let him out of his crib. Thankfully one of his grandparents heard him rattling the crib rails and came to let him out.

Poor Kornélia didn't have the best first day of work she ended up getting fired a few hours after she started.

Kornélia: How was I supposed to know what to do with that amp? WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?

Okay Kornélia I know you're stressed but you don't need to lash out at the townies.

Kornélia: I'm sorry Author I just can't believe I got fired on my first day.

Luckily Eli was home and he came outside to cheer his girlfriend up.

Eli: It's okay I'll help you with whatever you need to get another job whether it's in the same track or a different one.

Kornélia: Thank you Eli but I think I'm just going to take a few days to figure out what I want to do.

Eli: Alright take your time. I'll be back in a few hours.

Obligatory cute toddler photo.

Wait Arthur why are you here?

Eli: We're coworkers I invited him over.

Oh well then it's nice to see you again Arthur.

Arthur: Likewise Author.

Uladzimir: Mama, Zimi soawpy!

Kornélia: Yes you're soapy Zimi.

Uladzimir: Wasser and soawp!

Ooh looks like we're on bump watch Kornélia is pregnant again.

While Uladzimir is taking a nap Natalia and Gilbert discuss music. At the same time Kornélia is in the garage jamming out on the drum set.

Natalia: So Kornélia you're pregnant again?

Kornélia: Oh yes Mrs. Jones...

Natalia: Please we're practically family even if you and my son haven't tied the knot which I still don't understand but it's your decision. I was just going to suggest we buy the baby some blocks. I was going to buy some for Zimi but he seems satisfied with the rabbit head and toy box.

Kornélia: That would be great I'm sure they'd like that very much.

Uladzimir: Gwama! Boddle!

Natalia: What's the magic word Zimi?

Uladzimir: Peas!

Natalia: Alright close enough here's your bottle.

Uladzimir: Yay! Boddle!

Oh... I should probably unlock this want...

Gilbert: *loud sighing*

Elizabeta: What's wrong Gilbert?

Gilbert: Just thinking about the future.

Elizabeta: That's quite unlike you, normally you live in the moment.

Gilbert: I know but I'm just worried about Zimi.

Elizabeta (off-screen): He'll be fine no matter what happens.

Gilbert (off-screen): I hope you're right...

Uladzimir: Hi gwama!

Natalia: Hello Zimi are you ready for your birthday?

Uladzimir: Birfday!

Yes it's time for more cake I mean another birthday.

Natalia brings Uladzimir to the cake for his final moments of toddlerhood.

And out of the sparkles and confetti emerges a child.

Another bump, we're getting closer now.

This family's tradition is ignoring people playing myshuno by doing ballet.

Eli: Zimi where are you going?

Uladzimir: Grandpa Gilbert said he'd take me out to buy new clothes.

Eli: Alright tell grandpa to call if you guys are going to be home late.

Uladzimir: Okie dokies dad!

Uladzimir: Grandpa did we have to walk all the way downtown? Couldn't we have taken the car?

Gilbert: We could have but my license is expired and I felt like walking.

Uladzimir: I can't wait until I'm old enough to drive grandpa!

Gilbert: That'll happen before you know it Zimi, just enjoy being a child for now.

Gilbert: For example teenagers can't do this can they?

Uladzimir: Ahhh grandpa put me down!

Gilbert: Alright but only because there's somewhere else we have to go after we buy you some new clothes.

Uladzimir: Where are we going?

Gilbert: You'll see when we get there.

And here he is post makeover.

Uladzimir: Did you take the photo yet Author? I want to know what grandpa's surprise is.

Yup I'm done you can go now.

Uladzimir “Zimi” BeilschmidtPersonality: Gemini (5/7/9/6/1)

Uladzimir had to wait for Gilbert to finish up paying for the clothes. Another child came into the store and he went over to say hi.

Uladzimir: Why are we at the park grandpa?

Gilbert: You wanted to go fishing didn't you?

Uladzimir: We're going fishing?! Thank you grandpa!

Uladzimir: I'm not very good at this. All I've caught is this boot.

Gilbert: Just be patient Zimi. Oh cool a fish!

Uladzimir: Look grandpa I did it! I caught a fish!

Gilbert: Well done Zimi we can put them in the fridge to eat when the headmaster comes.

Uladzimir: Wow it's raining really hard now.

Gilbert: Well I think we have enough fish why don't we pack up and head home. I'll make some omelettes.

Uladzimir: Yay omelettes!

Elizabeta: So I take it you told him then Gilbert?

Uladzimir: Told who what?

Elizabeta: Gilbert!

Uladzimir: What's going on?

Gilbert: Nothing Zimi, jJust enjoy your omelette. Elizabeta let me handle this.

Uladzimir: Alright...It's really good grandpa thank you.

Gilbert: You're welcome.

Generation 2 is really excelling in their careers, well those that have careers... Again this has nothing to do with his actual LTW but congratulations Eli!

Unfortunately the excitement is short-lived...

Grim Reaper: Gilbert Beilschmidt your time is up!


Grim Reaper: Time's up Gilbert it's time for you to come with me.

Gilbert: Can I at least say goodbye to my family?

Grim Reaper: No. You must come with us now.

Gilbert: I'm sorry Zimi, I know you can't hear me. I thought I had more time.

Grim Reaper: This way then Gilbert.

Uladzimir: Grandpa...

Poor Uladzimir was right there sobbing through the whole thing. I wish Grim had at least taken Gilbert when his grandson wasn't standing right there.

Kornélia: Oh Zimi it'll be alright.

Uladzimir: No it won't grandpa is gone! And I didn't get to say goodbye to him!

Gilbert's direct family and Alfred took it pretty hard. I didn't realize how close Alfred and Gilbert were until now. It hit Uladzimir and Elizabeta the hardest. Uladzimir was still crying a day later when the rest of the family had more or less calmed down a bit.

Gilbert Beilschmidt – 75 days old, Pleasure/Family

Gilbert is survived by Elizabeta Beilschmidt (wife), Kornélia Beilschmidt (daughter), Uladzimir Beilschmidt (grandson) and an unborn grandchild.

Kornélia: Wait dad?

Gilbert: I've only got a moment Kornélia tell everybody that I love them okay? And tell Uladzimir I'm sorry I didn't tell him this would happen.

Kornélia: I...I will dad.

Gilbert: Thank you I love you.

Uladzimir: Mom was that grandpa? Where did he go.

Kornélia: It was Zimi, he couldn't stay but he wanted me to tell you that he loves you and he's sorry he didn't tell you he was going to die.

Uladzimir: I miss him mom.

Kornélia: I know you do. Why don't you go hug mom I'm sure she'll be missing him too.

Uladzimir: Are you okay grandma?

Elizabeta: Oh I will be Zimi I know I'll see him again somebody.

Uladzimir: Are you going to die soon too grandma?

Elizabeta: ...I don't know Zimi.


Kornélia (off-screen): Oh shoot!!

Uladzimir: Good morning grandma what are you doing?

Elizabeta: I'm making breakfast. Would you like some omelettes Zimi?

Uladzimir: ...Yes please.

Kornélia: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah this hurts just as much as the first time!

Another boy Kornélia?

Kornélia: Yes, his name is Gils. I- I named him after dad... I wish he'd gotten to meet him.

He looks a lot like Uladzimir did at that age.

Kornélia: Maybe but it's too soon to tell.

It was a little weird for the family to go from mourning to celebrating Gils' birth but they didn't want to make him feel as though he was unwanted. He was a rather fussy baby although that might just be because he didn't like that chair thing I bought.

The day after Gils was born (which was the day after Gilbert died) Uladzimir started school.

That same day Natalia came home with a rather awkward promotion given the situation. Having had 2 members of the first generation pass away it was kind of awkward to think Natalia would be writing their obituaries.

Uladzimir: Dad!

Eli: Zimi how was school?

Uladzimir: It was fun I guess but everybody was asking why I had white hair. I told them my grandpa had white hair and I got it from him but they didn't believe me because they said all old people had white hair. But grandpa Gilbert had white hair when he was young right?

Eli: He did, he'd always had white hair as long as I knew him.

Uladzimir: That's what I told them! I knew I was right!

Uladzimir tracked down Elizabeta to ask her for homework help while the rest of the family was sleeping and then he rocked out in the garage together.

That awkward moment when you care more about the family cat than anything else. Also it looks like somebody really wants Bonkers to get a job.

What are you guys up to?

Ludwig: Conditioning our arms. Just because we're old doesn't mean we have to be weak.

Alright then have fun.

We didn't actually get to see Dovydas last chapter because with the way his graduation fell he arrived after the rotation wrapped up but he has joined the family. He and Rosa were briefly reunited before she had to run off to work.

Dovydas found his parents and received some welcoming hugs. Feliks had just retired when Dovydas arrived and Toris had been playing with Bonkers.

I don't know why you want to make Gilbert a zombie Ludwig but the answer is no.

He's only been here a few minutes and he already wants Bonkers to get a promotion so I've tasked him with teaching Bonkers to stay, the only skill he needs to be promoted.

I think Toris is the first sim to autonomously use the espresso machine and also the first sim to drink espresso when they're not at their family business. Weird.

Dovydas hung outside for a while stargazing sadly he didn't get abducted.

Dovydas: Don't you mean fortunately?

No I mean unfortunately. I like alien babies.

Probably to avoid being abducted he made the decision to go to bed. Pity though I really would like to have an alien baby somewhere in this challenge. The only sim to have been abducted so far was Vash and that was on his birthday so sadly no alien baby.

Bonkers was exhausted after his first day of work and fell asleep on the sidewalk the poor thing.

The next morning after Rosa left for work Dovydas started fighting with Ludwig.

Dovydas: I can't believe you don't like sports!

Ludwig: What are you talking about? My family's business has a recreational area and my daughter is in the athletic career track!

Dovydas: ...I have nothing to say to that!

Feliks, no. Just no. We are not cooking Feli no matter how tasty you might think he is.

It's weird seeing these two being autonomously romantic since they have more bolts with everybody else in the house (except their daughter obviously) than each other.

When Rosa gets back from work Dovydas asks her out on a date. She agrees but I have her change out of her work uniform first.

Rosa: You got me a rose?

Dovydas: They're your favourite right?

Rosa: Aw you remembered.

They decided to go to one of the bowling alleys downtown but didn't do any actual bowling since all the lanes were either occupied or blocked off.

Dovydas: How about we continue our date back home.

Rosa: But I was looking forward to bowling...

Dovydas: I can think of a few things more fun than bowling.

Rosa: Alright let's go home then.

And then one thing led to another and they woohoo'd we all saw this coming.

Feli: Whose a good Bonkers? Who got a promotion yesterday? Bonkers did!

Bonkers: (Must. Catch. That. Object.)

Rosa's pregnancy started showing after a while and she went downtown to buy some new maternity clothes. It took her a while to find something she didn't find hideous as most stores were closed and the one she went to had a limited maternity section.

When Ludwig woke up and learned he would be a grandfather soon he started fawning over his daughter's baby bump.

Wait Rosa where are you going?

Rosa: Work, I have a promotion lined up and I have to go in to get it.

But the baby-

Rosa: Don't worry Author I won't overdo it.

Ludwig: Feliks your food is burning. Feliks? Feliks! Author something's wrong!


Ludwig: Author?

No, no, no, no, no, no....


Grim Reaper: It's his time.


Grim Reaper: This is beyond my control.

Grim Reaper: Feliks Laurinaitis your time is up.

Feliks: Aww but what about meeting my grandchild?

Grim Reaper: I'm sorry but you have to come with me. I've even brought you this tropical umbrella drink.

Feliks:A tropical umbrella drink? Well I guess this isn't as bad as it could be.

Ludwig was devastated over Felik's death. And Toris...well he just kept eating his sandwich but I'll blame that on the game's coding.

...Not to sound insensitive but could one of you take the food Feliks was cooking off the stove before a fire breaks out?

Feliks Łukasiewicz Laurinaitis – 75 days old, Pleasure/Popularity

Feliks is survived by Toris Laurinaitis (husband), Krystian Laurinaitis (son), Dovydas Laurinaitis (son) Marlena Laurinaitis (daughter), and an unborn grandchild.

After making the arrangements to have Felik's grave moved to the graveyard Ludwig goes to take the food off the stove. Thankfully there was no fire. As his grave was being moved Feliks appeared to say goodbye to the family.

Dovydas was heartbroken when he woke up and learned Feliks had passed. He didn't know what to do so he headed out to the greenhouse and started fertilizing the garden plots.

Toris no, just no. It's been just under 8 hours since Feliks died I know you're a family sim and probably lonely right now but no.

Everybody in the family expressed their grief in a different way. Dovydas spent most of the following days playing with Bonkers whenever he could find him. And Toris spent the night following Feliks' death stargazing.

Ludwig and Feli spent more time being romantic with each other, most of the time with Toris nearby which I found fairly awkward but he didn't seem to care so I guess he was fine with it.

Dovydas: Dad I was going to go out to the greenhouse again do you want to come?

Toris: ...

Dovydas: Alright...well I'll be out there if you want to talk.

Dovydas: You went to work again Rosa?

Rosa: Yes...I know we're supposed to be grieving and that I should be resting since I'm pregnant but I can't stand feeling helpless and doing nothing all day.

Dovydas: I'm not judging you. I respect your decisions just don't overdo it all right?

Rosa: I won't.

Rosa: How are you doing dad?

Feli: Alright I guess though it's sinking in that we'll never see Feliks again...

Wait a second what's that?

Rosa and Feli: What's what?


I can't believe I missed another death.

Toris Laurinaitis – 76 days old, Family/Knowledge

Toris is survived by Krystian Laurinaitis (son), Dovydas Laurinaitis (son) Marlena Laurinaitis (daughter), and an unborn grandchild.

-While I'm sad that we've lost another member of the founding generation, and a whole founding couple I'm glad Toris and Feliks can be reunited with each other. Despite his want to fall in love again I feel like Toris was really heartbroken over Feliks' death.

Dovydas: No... This can't be happening again.

It's been especially hard on Dovydas losing both his parents within two days.

As Dovydas fixes up his parents' bed in the next room Toris makes his final appearance to say goodbye.

Rosa: Author!

You called?

Rosa: The baby is coming!

Wait now?

Rosa: YES!

Feli: Wait the baby's coming now?!

Rosa: Dad where's Dovydas?

Getting out of bed.



Dovydas: Sorry Author I'm still not used to the fact both my parents are dead.

Understandable but your girlfriend is in labour on the deck and is screaming for you.

Dovydas: I know I'll be out in a moment.

And so a mere three hours after Toris died Rosa gives birth to a healthy baby- Wait Rosa why are you handing your son to your father?

Feli: Aww he's so small and cute.

Rosa: Hello sweetie. You look like your grandfather.

And so on the very last night of summer the Dovydas, Rosa and her parents welcomed the two newest additions to the family.

On the left we have Lucas Vargas and on the right is his younger twin sister Ieva Vargas.

Ludwig sneaks into the nursery to spend some time with his grandchildren before going to bed.

Rosa don't hurt your father!

Rosa: I'm not we're playing catch.

Feli: Aaaah!

Why aren't you guys sleeping? It's like 3 in the morning.

Rosa: Not tired.

I'm gonna miss these two when Grim takes them... In the meantime I'll just let them classic dance the day away.

Finally at the Bonnefoy-Wang residence I find Huan playing with Arthur's familiar, Charlie. Huan I'm going through your memories and I've found a couple that are pretty interesting. Care to comment?

Huan: No. Except to tell you to please stop doing that.

Aw but I like knowing what I missed.

Huan: It's weird please stop.


Want to talk about that locked want then?

Huan: Author don't do this to me.

Why? I find it weird that you're so hesitant after all you only have romance as your secondary.

Huan: Well maybe I made a mistake when I chose my aspirations.

If you regret it that much I can bring the sphere out.

Huan: Please don't that thing is creepy. Just give me some time Author to figure out my life.

There's no rush I'm gonna go find everybody else.

Outside I find three of the elders. Hey guys where's Yao?

Ivan: I think he's sleeping.

Arthur: I thought he went to work.

Francis: I haven't seen him.

...Well thanks anyway I'll leave you guys to your red hands.

Eli: Hey Huan what's up?

Huan: Eli! What are you doing here?

That's what I'm wondering.

Eli: I was out for a walk and thought I'd drop in and say hi. So hi.

Hey Huan while Eli's here can I ask about this other memory I found?

Huan: Omg Author NO!

Okay fine I get it I'm not wanted I'll go.

Ivan: Have you guys seen any good movies lately?

Francis: No there's nothing good on tv and there's no theatre around here.

Hey Huan not going to join the others in the dining room?

Huan: I just wanted to grab something to eat quickly André and I are going out on a date later.

Huan: We're going out later right André?

André: R-right we have a date tonight.

Huan: ...You didn't forget did you André? We were going to go to the bowling alley and grab a bite to eat at the dinner after.

André: Of course I didn't! I was just thinking about something. Huan do you mind if I change our plans?

Huan: Well what did you have in mind?

André: I want it to be a surprise but we'll have to dress formally.

Huan: Formal huh? Well alright I haven't bought new clothes in a while but my dress from university should still fit.

Huan: Alright so you changed our date to the restaurant in Meladawn Hills instead of going downtown. I see why we had to dress formally but are you going to tell me why we came here instead?

André: You'll just have to wait and see. Come on I made a reservation for two at seven.

Waitress: Ready to order?

Huan: Hmm everything sounds really good... What are you having André? André?

André: Sorry what?

Huan: ...We'll have whatever the chef reccomends.

Waitress: Alright food will be ready in about 15 minutes.

Huan: Alright André what's up you've been acting strange all evening what's up?

André: Well I was going to wait until after we'd eaten to do this but... Huan Wang will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

Huan: ...

André: Huan? This is where you give me an answer. I screwed this up didn't I?

Huan: No. I mean yes I mean no you didn't screw up and yes I'll marry you!

André: Really? I know how you feel about marriage so we don't have to have the wedding anytime soon-

Huan: Let's get married in the morning.

Wait what.

André: If that's what you want.


André and Huan: Shut up Author!

... I think we all know what happened next.

André Your wedding is in like 5 hours what are you doing?

André: Playing on the couch!

It's a good thing Huan loves you.

Yao: Don't you think space and time is weird.

Arthur: Where are you going with this?

Yao: I'm saying that we need to tell them what's going to happen.

Ivan: But why it's not like it's unexpected it happens all the time.

Yao: Yes but look at the others they didn't expect this and the kids are heartbroken.

Arthur: We can't tell them something like this they'd just worry over something that's out of their hands.

Francis: But we can't just not tell them either. While I agree with both of you I think we should tell Huan and André.

Huan: Tell us what?

Francis: Oh are you guys up? We were just talking about going out to buy some soft drinks.

Huan: Somehow I doubt that...

André: Well Huan and I have something we wanted to tell you guys as well. Can we talk in the dining room?

Yao: So what did you want to tell us?

Ivan: Did we ever congratulate you on that great graduation party you had?

Huan: Uh thanks dad but that's not really why we're here.

André: Actually we're getting married.

Parents: WHAT?

Huan: André proposed last night and I said yes. We're getting married at 3.

Arthur: As in today at 3?

Huan: Yes I know it's short noticed but it's what we want. I just hope everybody can make it.

After some more questions and explanations wedding preparations were underway for Huan and André to be married in less than 12 hours. Everybody left to attend to their part of the wedding preparations. Huan left to make some breakfast and when she came back Francis was still there.

Francis: Huan is it okay if I talk to you for a moment.

Huan: Oh uhm sure Mr. Bonnefoy.

Francis: Please just call me Francis Mr. Bonnefoy makes me sound old.

Huan: Alright... what did you want to talk about Francis?

Francis: I just wanted to make sure you know what you're getting into marrying my son.

Huan: Excuse me?

Francis: I know you're half Romance sim and that some Romance sims have trouble with marriage. I just want to be sure you won't regret this.

Huan: I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude but aren't you a Romance sim too?

Francis: Yes and I love Arthur very much but everybody is different.

Francis: Anyway that's all I wanted to say I should go help Arthur set up the backyard.

Huan: Alright and Francis?

Francis: Yes?

Huan: I was already certain that this is what I wanted and that I wouldn't regret it but you just confirmed that for me. So thank you.

Francis: You're welcome young lady and best wishes on the union.

Huan: Thank you.

Huan stopped by the Honda Family's clothing store to pick up a wedding dress they'd managed to have ordered overnight. She managed to call over Lily, Valeria and Tao to get their opinion on it as most of her other contacts were at work taking early shifts so they could get to the wedding later on.

Later at 3pm everybody had gathered in the Bonnefoy-Wang backyard for André and Huan's wedding although very few people are paying attention.

Regardless the wedding has to go on so despite the fact most of their guests aren't paying attention André and Huan exchange their vows.

Then the exchange of the rings (and yes Huan got a good memory from this) as the petals fell.

And then the union is sealed with a kiss.

André: Any regrets?

Huan: None at all, I don't know why I was so scared.

A few more people paid attention once the ceremony actually began although the vast majority were still distracted even when it was over

I bought them a cake because I always like seeing if sims will smash the cake into their spouse's mouth or not. In this case Huan didn't although I expected her to.

Eleanor: So are you guys planning on having kids anytime son?

André: Well we were hoping to travel a bit first.

Eleanor: I heard that Twikki Island is nice around this time.

Somebody toasts the newlyweds although not everybody decides to join in.

As the party winds down André and Huan share their first dance as a married couple.

Huan: Hmm so we have this genie lamp nobody's ever touched and a fairly large bank loan so we could afford this house.

Huan: Wow it actually worked.

Genie: I am the Genie of the lamp your household gets three wishes, your wish is my command blah blah all that stuff.

Huan: Wait I thought everybody would get three wishes each.

Genie: Nope three per family so what'll it be.

Huan: Well I guess our first wish will be for money. You see-

Genie: I don't really care. Wish granted, wake me up when you have another wish.

Huan: Well I won't complain about his attitude since my wish seems to have been successful.

After the wedding I have everybody work towards relieving the family of their loan. Ivan scampered off to work without me noticing numerous times and Arthur would stargaze all night so he'd be sleeping during most of the day. Huan also went off to work on most days.

Ivan came back from work one day to find a bag of money in the kitchen.

Ivan: What on Earth?

I forgot to fill up the cat bowls so Charlie disappeared and I had to get Arthur to re-summon them.


André language!


Oh yea...I may have forgotten a fire alarm when I made this house.


Relax it'll be fine I'll have your dad call the fire department but in the meantime the fire extinguisher is under the sink use it.

Hey Rosa what's up.

Rosa: Nothing much just stopped by to say hi to everybody.

Are the twins alright?

Rosa: Yea they were sleeping peacefully when I left. I trust the guys to watch them.

André's sister Eleanor stopped by uninvited and hung out in the music room for hours before I realized she was there.


Grim Reaper: Arthur Bonnefoy your time is up.

Arthur: This is really creepy I just got out of the shower. Also you're kind of going through the door.

Grim Reaper: Look I have a lot of paperwork to fill out with all the deaths in this chapter here's a tropical umbrella drink let's go.

Arthur: Oh wait there's a family meeting going on in the living room can't I just go say goodbye to them.

Grim Reaper: If I was being paid overtime I would say yes but sadly we have to go.

Arthur: I understand. Say is there a telescope in the afterlife?

Grim Reaper: You're a strange one you know? I don't think so but it's the afterlife you can have one if you want.

Arthur Kirkland Bonnefoy – 75 days old, Knowledge/Family

Arthur is survived by Francis Bonnefoy (husband), André Bonnefoy (son) and Eleanor Bonnefoy (daughter).

-With Arthur's passing we also lost Charlie as the two were bound in life and with the lost of their master Charlie has now left the realm of normal sims. So no more sparkly kitties.


Francis: He's dead isn't he? We said we'd meet here at 5:45 and it's 6:30 now that can only mean he's dead right?

I'm sorry Francis.

All these death scenes are sad but the fact Arthur's ghost is waving at his family in the living room and nobody notices just might be the saddest part for me so far.

Ivan found Eleanor collapsed in the music room broken over Arthur's death. He called Francis over who was able to console her and also learned why she'd come over in the first place. She'd gotten engaged the other day and was getting married the next day.

Eleanor: You'll come right dad? I wanted you both to be there but I didn't know...

Francis: Of course I'll be there ma chérie and don't worry about it there was nothing anybody could do but I hope I can be happy enough for both of us at your wedding.

Eleanor: Thanks dad...

After Arthur's passing Francis took over the easel especially since Summer was coming to an end and it was getting colder outside.

And Arthur took over the telescope. I'm not sure if I'm hoping for him to be abducted or not although I wouldn't be opposed to it.

And finally we end with the community graveyard.

From left to right, back row to front row we have the graves of: Arthur, Gilbert, Vash, Feliks and Toris.

I'm starting to have enough pictures for a spare update I'm just debating on when to do that. So that may or may not be the next update. I'll see you guys next time.