6 Ways To Generate Leads Your Brokers Can Use

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 6 Ways To Generate Leads Your Brokers Can Use

6 Ways To Generate

Leads Your Brokers

Can Use

For insurance brokers, generating new

leads online doesn’t need to be

complicated and time consuming. It’s all

about creating an attractive exchange for

online users: they tell you a bit about

themselves in return for stimulating and

relevant content such as a blog post, a

case study or a short video.

Take John for example, a

businessman who’s looking into

insurance options for his new


Whilst on his way to work, John comes across a ‘suggested post’ on his social media feed - a

case study commenting on exactly the kind of questions ticking over in his head.

He clicks on it and arrives at a landing page asking for some personal information. Drawn to the relevance of the content, John happily completes the form.

Once he’s finished reading or watching, John is directed to a landing page thanking him for his

time and giving him further ‘click’ suggestions depending on what you already know about him.

This could be more relevant content, a prospective quote, or perhaps even a phone call with your team.

This quick exchange leaves you with John’s valuable information and

something arguably even more important: in John’s head,

Thanks to the high quality content he’s just benefited from, your brand is now positioned as a thought leader in the insurance brokerage field.

Here are the key

considerations when putting

this plan into action:

Get your website to the top of the results

page based on keywords and search terms so

that someone like John will never struggle to

find you.

Search Engine Optimisation allows you to effectively target the

right people.

Busy people like John have short attention spans;

he will only be grabbed by something original and important

to him, so make sure that you’re raising and answering the

questions in your visitor’s head rather than just selling your


Keep your content regular, fresh and relevant.

This way, whenever your visitor feels the need to act on their

impulse, you’re making it easy for them to do so. For visitors

who haven’t yet made a decision, consider including a variety

of ‘click’ options that direct them to more information to help

with this process.

Call to action buttons should be all over your content and


Offer your visitors something for free - an

ebook, purchasing guide or webinar - the

more valuable, the more likely they’ll be to


Call to action buttons should be all over your content and

website cont...

For someone like John, it’s their very first impression of your

brand, so it needs to be visually flawless and easy to navigate.

Each landing page should have a specific goal to convert a niche

visitor into a lead with content that is tailored for them.

Your landing pages need to be numerous and highly specific.

A good one can quickly turn your visitor into a client if you

provide them with tailored, honest and trustworthy suggestions

for how best to proceed.

Never underestimate the power of a Thank You page

Make their next step as relevant, obvious and hassle-free as possible.

And remember that John might not get in touch straight away, but

your brand is on his radar, so consider using an automated nurture

process to continue targeting him with relevant and high quality


Never underestimate the power of a Thank You page cont...

By playing with keywords, changing questions on a form,

including a new call to action. Re-evaluating your process based

on data and feedback will ensure that your lead generating

machine is as powerful as you know your brokerage can be.

It’s crucial to constantly test and review your system

Use these 6 ways to increase traffic to your site,

maximise conversions, and be the lead generating machine

you know your brokerage can be.