Post on 06-Dec-2021

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50 AMAZING BODYWEIGHT HIIT WORKOUTS When working out at home, on the road, or outdoors, getting in a good workout without weights and

with minimal equipment can be tough. Luckily, these HIIT style Bodyweight WODs make the perfect

workouts to burn fat, and build strength, muscle, and performance, all with no equipment.

Whether you’re trying to get a quick, intense, and effective workout without a gym, or your simple

prefer bodyweight workouts, these 50 effective workouts will be perfect for every fitness level and

fitness goal. Read on to discover the 50 best HIIT bodyweight WODs for home, travel, and outdoor


Note: This post may contain affiliate links



Click to jump to your workout type of choice

No equipment bodyweight workouts

Pull-up bar / dip bar workouts + how to improvise for pull up bars and dip bars

The toughest bodyweight WODs

How to improvise for a pull up bar at home

Exercise demos

My Favorite & Equipment for Home and Travel Workouts




10 Rounds for Time: Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Sit-Ups, Squats

(Complete All Reps, in order, as fast as possible)

10 Push Ups

10 Pull Ups

10 Sit-Ups

10 Air Squats

21-15-9: Pistols, HSPU

(Complete 21 then 15 then 9 repetitions of each exercise in order, as quickly as possible)


Handstand Pushups or Pike Push-Ups

5 Rounds for time: Sprints, Burpees

(Complete All Reps and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

200 Meter Run

20 Burpees

150 Burpees for time

Perform 150 burpees as fast possible, with as few rest periods as possible

8 Rounds for Time: 800 meter sprints

(Complete All Reps, in order, as fast as possible)

Run 800 Meters

Rest 60 seconds


5 Rounds of 100 Meter lunges with 90 second rest, for time

3 Rounds for Time: Lunges, Squats

(Complete All Reps, in order, as fast as possible)

25 Walking Lunges each leg

50 Air Squats

10 Minutes AMRAP: Push-Ups, Mountain Climbers, Squat Jumps

(In 10 minutes, perform as many rounds of the following exercises as possible)

10 Push Ups

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Squat Jumps

20 Minute AMRAP: Burpees, Pistols

(In 20 minutes, perform as many rounds of the following exercises as possible)

25 Burpess

15 Pistols (each leg)

5 Rounds for Time: Squat Jumps, Sprints

(Complete all reps, in order, as fast as possible)

15 Air Squat Tuck Jumps

30 Meter Sprint

Rest 1 Minute

5 Rounds for Time: Sprints, Handstand Hold

(Complete all reps and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

400 Meter Run

1 Minute Handstand Hold

15 Minute AMRAP: Push-Ups, Air Squats

(In 15 minutes, perform as many rounds of the following exercises and rep count as possible)

20 Push Ups

50 Air Squats

For Time: 500 Burpees

(Complete all reps, in order, as fast as possible)

500 Burpees


Note: Yes, this is beastly, but you can do it. I challenge you. Challenge accepted…?

4 Rounds for Time: 400M Run, Squats, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups, Burpees

(Complete all repetitions and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

400m Run

40 Air Squats

30 Sit-ups

20 Push-ups

10 Burpees

10 Rounds for Time: Push-Ups, Burpees, Air Squats, V-Ups

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

10 Push Ups

10 Burpees

10 Air Squats

10 V-Ups

21-15-9: Squat Jumps +Tucks, Handstand Walks

(Complete 21 then 15 then 9 repetitions of each exercise in order, as quickly as possible)

Squat Jump and Tuck

20 ft handstand walk between sets of air squat tuck jumps

6 Rounds for as many reps as possible: Sit Throughs, HR Push Ups, Squat Jump Tucks,

30 seconds: Sit Throughs

30 seconds: Hand Release Push-ups

30 seconds: Air Squat Jumps + Tucks

30 seconds Break

Chipper For Time: Spring, Burpees, Squats

(Complete all repetitions and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

400-meter run

21 squats

21 burpees

15 squats

15 burpees

9 squats

9 burpees

400-meter run


1 Round for Time: Sprints and Air Squats

(Complete all repetitions and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

800 Meter Run

100 Air Squats

800 Meter Run

3 Rounds for Time: Handstands, Sprints

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

60 Second Handstand Hold

400 Meter Run

5 Rounds for Time: Burpees, V-Ups

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

20 Burpees

20 V-Ups

3 Rounds for Time: Sprint, V-Ups, Superman Holds

(Complete all repetitions and run, in order, as fast as possible)

Run 800 Meters

1 Minute Superman Hold

20 V-Ups

Lesley (Hero WOD)

(Complete as many rounds as possible, in order, in 30 Minutes)

24 Jumping Lunges

24 Hollow Rocks

24 Air Squats

24 V-Ups

24 Burpees


These workouts involve pull-ups and dips to step up strength gains from bodyweight workouts. If you

don’t have a pull up bar or dip bars available, considering picking up a compact suspension trainer (like

the Pocket Monkii, Monkii Bars 2, or TRX) or use a sturdy table for improvised pull ups and two chairs for

improvised dips.


Click here to jump to our section on improvised pull-ups and improvised dips.

3 Rounds for Time: HSPU, Pull Ups, Sprints

(Complete all repetitions and runs, in order, as fast as possible)

15 Handstand Push Ups

15 Pull Ups

400 Meter Run

21-15-9: HSPU, Dips, Push-Ups

(Complete 21 then 15 then 9 repetitions of each exercise in order, as quickly as possible)

Handstand Push Ups


Push Ups

20 Rounds for Time: Pull Ups, Push Ups, Squats, Sit-Ups

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

5 Pull Ups

5 Push Ups

5 Air Squats

5 Sit-ups

5 Rounds for Time: Muscle Ups, Burpees

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

10 Muscle Ups

20 Burpees Note: Use a suspension trainer for improvised muscle ups or perform an equal number of improvised

pull-ups and improvised dips.

15 Minute AMRAP: Pistols, HSPU, Pull Ups, Dips

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

5 Pistols

5 Handstand Push Ups

5 Pull Ups

5 Dips

21-18-15-12-9: 90 Degree Pike Push-Ups, Muscle Ups, Pistols


(Perform 21 of each exercise then 18 then 15 then 12 then 9 of each round of exercise, as fast as possible)

90 Degree Pike Push Ups

Muscle Ups

Pistols Note: Use a suspension trainer for improvised muscle ups or perform an equal number of

improvised pull-ups and improvised dips

5 Rounds, Every Minute on the Minute: Pull Ups, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Air Squats

(Start a new set of exercise at the start of every minute for 5 rounds total)

10 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Sit Ups

20 Air Squats

Chipper for Time: Burpees, Pull Ups

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

10 Burpees

1 Pull-Up

9 Burpees

2 Pull-Ups

8 Burpees

3 Pull-Ups

7 Burpees

4 Pull-Ups

6 Burpees

5 Pull-Ups

5 Burpees

6 Pull-Ups

4 Burpees

7 Pull-Ups

3 Burpees

8 Pull-Ups

2 Burpees

9 Pull-Ups

1 Burpees

10 Pull-Ups



15 Minute AMRAP: Burpees, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Sit-Ups


(In 15 minutes, perform as many rounds of the following exercises and rep count as possible)

5 Burpees

10 Push Ups

5 Pull Ups

10 Sit-Ups

3 Rounds for Time: Pull-Ups, Sprints

(Complete 3 rounds, all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

30 Pull Ups

400 Meter Run

300 reps for time (total for all exercises)

(Perform as many rounds as necessary to complete a total of 300 reps across all exercises following this scheme)

20 seconds of pull-ups

10 seconds of rest

20 seconds of push-ups

10 seconds of rest

20 seconds of sit-ups

10 seconds of rest

20 seconds of squats

10 seconds of rest

21 Minute AMRAP: Sprint, Max Pull-Ups, Max Push Ups

(Complete as many repetitions, in order, in 21 minutes. For pull-ups and push-ups, do not stop to rest. Once you pause, move to the next exercise)

200 Meter Run

Max set of pull Ups

Max set of Push Ups

Cindy (Benchmark WOD)

(Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes)

5 Pull Ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Air Squats Angie (Benchmark WOD)

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

100 Pull-Ups


100 Push-Ups

100 Sit-Ups

100 Air Squats

Mary (Benchmark WOD)

(Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes)

5 Handstand Push Ups

10 Pistols (Single Leg Squats)

15 Pull-Ups Barbara Benchmark WOD

(Complete 5 rounds all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

20 pull ups

30 push ups

40 sit ups

50 air squats

THE TOUGHEST BODYWEIGHT WODS Tabata This (Improvised for No Equipment)

(Perform an Eight Round Tabata for Each of the following exercises)

Improvised Row (Perform as a Sumo Deadlift High Pull with an improvised weight, such as a backpack, water jug, or sandbag)

Air Squats



Sit-Ups How to Tabata: Perform 8 rounds of each exercise with each round consisting of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes total time spent on each exercise

Jason (Hero WOD)

(Chipper, performed as fast as possible)

100 Squats

5 Muscle-ups

75 Squats

10 Muscle-ups

50 Squats

15 Muscle-ups

25 Squats


20 Muscle-ups Notes on improvising: For Muscle Ups, Use a pocket suspension trainer or perform improvised pull-ups (on a sturdy table followed by improvised dips (on a pair of chairs)

Benchmark WOD Chelsea (Benchmark WOD)

(30 Minutes performing each exercise every minute, on the minute)

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

Murph (Hero WOD)

(Chipper, performed in order as fast as possible)

1 Mile Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

JT (Hero WOD)

(21-15-9 - Complete 21 then 15 then 9 repetitions of each exercise in order, as quickly as possible)

Handstand Push Ups

Ring Dips


Hero WOD Garrett (Hero WOD)

(3 Rounds for time)

75 Air Squats

25 Handstand Push Ups

25 L Pull Ups

Note: If improvising without a pull up bar for L-Sit Pull Ups, perform table pulls ups and a 30 second aggregate L-Sit Hold per round (using 2 chairs)

20 Minutes AMRAP: Pull Ups, Push-Ups, Squat Jumps, V-Ups

(Complete as many rounds, in order, in 20 minutes)

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

10 Air Squat Jumps

5 V-Ups


100 Burpee Pull-Ups + Toes to Bar As Fast As Possible

500 Burpee Pull Ups for Time

3 Rounds of as Many Repetitions As Possible in the Allotted Time

(Complete as many repetitions, in order, in the allotted time and rounds)

30 Seconds: Air Squat and Tuck Jump

15 Seconds Rest

30 Seconds: hand release push-ups

15 Seconds Rest

30 Seconds: Bodyweight Bulgarian split squats (left)

15 Seconds Rest

30 Seconds: Bodyweight Bulgarian split squats (right)

15 Seconds Rest

30 Seconds: Mountain Climbers

15 Seconds Rest

30 Seconds: Burpees

Chipper For Time: (Too beastly to list….)

(Complete all repetitions, in order, as fast as possible)

400 Meter Run

4 Rounds of: o 5 Pull-Ups o 10 Push-Ups o 15 Air Squats

3 Rounds of: o 5 Pull-Ups o 10 Push-Ups o 15 Air Squats

2 Rounds of: o 5 Pull-Ups o 10 Push-Ups o 15 Air Squats

1 Round of: o 5 Pull-Ups o 10 Push-Ups o 15 Air Squats



Sit Throughs

o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Z6h-Y4ASo

Burpee Pull Ups

o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf9CKfkx-a8


For a maximally effective workout, pace yourself. Aim for a level of intensity in which you can

achieve the same number of reps per exercise in every round, then, the next time you do the

workout, aim for one more rep

If you want a little resistance, wear a tough backpack with weight in it or a weighted vest


Improvised Pull Ups

In place of pull-ups I recommend getting a minimalist suspension trainer. The best I’ve found is to build

this suspension trainer and the next best options are the Pocket Monkii, Monkii Bars 2 for travelers and

the bulkier but awesome TRX if you’re working out at home or a nearby park.

If buying a suspension trainer is out of the question, find a sturdy table, lay underneath, grab the lip of

the table, and pull doing an improvised row. If this exercise doesn’t offer enough resistance, consider

doing it one handed.


Improvised Dips

To do dips with minimal equipment, my first recommendation is, again, to build this suspension trainer

and the next best options are the Pocket Monkii, Monkii Bars 2 for travelers and the bulkier but

awesome TRX if you’re working out at home or a nearby park.


If building or purchasing a suspension trainer is out of the question, then place two sturdy chairs next to

each other shoulder width apart and use these as improvised platforms for placing the palms on during


Scaling Handstand Push Ups

If you are still building up the strength and stamina to do several handstand push-ups, replace the

handstand push-ups with scaled pike push-ups. To do these, bend at the hips, keeping the upper body

and legs as straight as possible, placing the hands on the ground, then push in a modified/scaled

handstand push up. To increase difficulty of the pike push up, elevate the legs onto a chair, box, stairs,

or other surface.

Performing Muscle Ups Without Equipment and Scaling

If you do not have the equipment to perform muscle ups (a pull-up bar or rings) consider purchasing or

building the **suspension trainers** above so that you can perform the muscle up movement



If you do not have a suspension trainer available then perform an equal number of improvised pull-ups

and improvised dips for every muscle up.

EQUIPMENT I RECOMMEND FOR HOME, OUTDOOR, AND TRAVEL WORKOUTS Bodyweight workouts are amazing even without any equipment. However with a small amount of

equipment, we can step up the intensity and strength gains of our workouts at home and while

traveling. These are the essential pieces of home workout equipment I recommend for the best Crossfit

bodyweight WODs possible.

Every piece of equipment here I currently own, use frequently, and highly recommend because they’re

all durable, cheap, and effective.

For a Home Gym

Make these quick, easy, and tough Parallettes at home, or checkout these other 10 great Parallettes options

Consider getting a TRX suspension trainer if you don’t travel much

For Travel, Home, and Outdoor Workouts

Pickup the Pocket Monkii or Monkii Bars 2 OR

Make this minimalist gymnastics rings styled suspension trainer at home



Flat, heavy duty resistance bands like the Rogue Monster Resistance Bands – these are the best and toughest I’ve been able to find. These bands make deadlifts and a slew of other lower body resistance exercises

A tough backpack to carry weight in for weighted bodyweight workouts

A Lacrosse Ball for self-massage and faster recovery


1. Pick 2 to 5 Exercises (listed below)

2. Pick a manageable number of reps per set

3. Pick a format

a. AMRAP in 20 Minutes

b. AMRAP in 30 Minutes

c. 21-15-9

d. 21-18-15-12-9

e. 3, 4, or 5 Rounds for time


Limit the workout to 20 minutes

Aim to keep your heartrate up and rest periods short (between 15 and 60 seconds)


Low Intensity

Push Up

Air Squat


Russian Twists

Longer Runs (1000 meters+)

Superman Holds

Hollow Rocks


Medium Intensity

Air Squat Jumps

Air Squat + Tuck Jumps

Jump Alternating Lunges

Mountain Climbers

Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats

Shrimp Squats

Hand Release Push Ups






Suspension Trainer Muscle Ups

Pike Push Ups

Piked 90 Degree Push Ups

Sprints (100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter, 800 meter)

High Intensity


Toes to Bars

Burpee Pull-Ups

Burpee Muscle Ups

Pistols (Single Leg Squats)

Muscle Ups

Handstand Push Ups

90 Degree Push Ups

By picking up these two pieces of equipment (parallettes, suspension trainer, and a couple high quality

resistance bands) you open up options to endless other workouts.

Check out these articles to see what other great workouts are possible at home and on the road with

these few pieces of workout kit

Travel WODs

Hotel WODs

Benchmark WODs

