5 g mobile technology

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Transcript of 5 g mobile technology




March, 2015





















The 5th wireless mobile multimedia internet networks can be completed wireless communication without limitation, which bring us perfect real world wireless – World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW). 5G is based on 4G technologies, which is to be revolution to 5G.

The 5th wireless mobile internet networks are real wireless world which shall be supported by LAS-CDMA, OFDM, MCCDMA, UWB, Network-LMDS and IPv6. 5G technology has

changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth. User never experienced ever before such a high value technology. The Router and switch technology used in 5G network will provide high connectivity. The 5G technology distributes internet access to

nodes within the building and can be deployed with union of wired or wireless network connections. A new revolution of 5G technology is about to begin because 5G technology

going to give tough completion to normal computer and laptops whose marketplace value will be effected. The new coming 5G technology will be available in the market in affordable rates, high peak future and much reliability than its preceding technologies.

Keywords: 5G, Internet of things, WiFi, Gbps, R&D, WWWW



Mobile generation has appeared approximately every 10th year since the first 1G system,

Nordic Mobile Telephone, was introduced in 1981. The first 2G system started to roll out in

1991, the first 3G system first appeared in 2001 and 4G systems fully compliant with IMT

Advanced were standardized in 2012. The development of the 2G (GSM) and 3G (IMT-2000

and UMTS) standards took about 10 years from the official start of the R&D projects, and

development of 4G systems started in 2001 or 2002 (Akhtar & Pagani, 2008).

Predecessor technologies have occurred on the market a few years before the new mobile

generation, for example the pre-3G system CdmaOne/IS95 in the US in 1995, and the pre-4G

systems Mobile WiMAX in South-Korea 2006, and first release-LTE in Scandinavia 2009. In

April 2008, NASA partnered with Geoff Brown and Machine-to-Machine Intelligence

(M2Mi) Corp to develop 5G communications technology.

Mobile generations typically refer to non–backwards-compatible cellular standards following

requirements stated by ITU-R, such as IMT-2000 for 3G and IMT-Advanced for 4G. In

parallel with the development of the ITU-R mobile generations, IEEE and other

standardization bodies also develop wireless communication technologies, often for higher

data rates and higher frequencies but shorter transmission ranges. The first gigabit IEEE

standard was IEEE 802.11ac, commercially available since 2013, soon to be followed by the

multi-gigabit standard WiGig or IEEE 802.11ad. (Wikipedia, 2014).


Cell phones are used by millions and billions of users worldwide. Many do not know the

technology behind cell phones that is used for our communication.

The telecommunication service in World had a great leap within the last few years. 6 billion

people own mobile phones so we are going to analyze the various generations of cellular

systems as studied in the evolution of mobile communications from 1st generation to 5th

generation. We can analyze that this could be due to increase in the telecoms customers day

by day. In the present time, there are four generations in the mobile industry. These are

respectively 1G- the first generation, 2G- the second generation, 3G- the third generation, and

then the 4G- the fourth generation, 5G-the fifth generation.

1G, 2G, 3G & 4G ("G" stands for "Generation") are the generations of wireless telecom

connectivity. (Churi et’al, 2012).



1G (Time Division Multiple Access and Frequency Division Multiple Access) was the initial

wireless telecom network system. It's out-dated now. The analogue “brick phones” and “bag

phones” are under 1G technology. Cell phones era began with 1G. (Churi et’al, 2012).

Features Of 1G Wireless System

Developed in 1980s and completed in early 1990’s

1G was old analogue system and supported the 1st generation of analogue cell phones

speed up to 2.4kbps

Advance mobile phone system (AMPS) was first launched by the US and is a 1G

mobile system

Allows users to make voice calls in 1 country (Shiva, 2012).


The next era, 2G has taken its place of 1G. Cell phones received their first major upgrade

when they went from 1G to 2G. This leap effectively took cell phones from analog to digital.

2G and 2.5G were versions of the GSM and CDMA connections. And GSM is still the most

popular technology, but with no internet. Fortunately, GPRS, an additional service, is

provided over GSM for the purpose of internet access. GPRS has been developed and thus,

EGPRS was created. It's more secure and faster than GPRS. (Churi et’al, 2012).

Features Of 2G Wireless Systems

Fielded in the late 1980s and finished in the late 1990s


Planned for voice transmission with digital signal and the speeds up to 64kbps

2G was the digital handsets that we are used today, with 2.5G representing handsets

with data capabilities over GPRS


Then 3G came, the new Wireless CDMA technology. It is the first wireless telecom

technology that provides broadband-speed internet connection on mobile phones. It has been

specially made for the demand of internet on smart phones. Further development led to the

creation of 3.5G, which provides blazing fast internet connection on phones, up to the speed

of 7.2 MBPS. A smart phone can be connected to a PC to share its internet connection and

3G and 3.5G are ideal for this. But, as this WCDMA technology is not available in all

regions, it’s not as popular as GSM yet. Before making the major leap from 2G to 3G

wireless networks, the lesser-known 2.5G was an interim standard that bridged the gap.

Following 2.5G, 3G ushered in faster data-transmission speeds so you could use your cell

phone in more data-demanding ways. This has meant streaming video (i.e. movie trailers and

television), audio and much more. Cell phone companies today are spending a lot of money

to brand to you the importance of their 3G network. The above systems and radio interfaces

are based on kindred spread spectrum radio transmission technology. While the GSM

EDGE standard ("2.9G"), DECT cordless phones and Mobile WiMAX standards formally

also fulfil the IMT-2000 requirements and are approved as 3G standards by ITU, these are

typically not branded 3G, and are based on completely different technologies. (Churi et’al,


Shiva (2012) outlined the features of the 3G network as follows:

Features Of 3G Wireless Systems

Developed in the late 1990s until present day


Japan is the first country having introduced 3G nationally, and in Japan the transition

to 3G is being largely completed during 2005/2006

Global roaming

Superior voice quality and video conference

Data always add–on services (e-mail, personal organizer, etc.)

Information for web surfing, music, news, corporate intranet, transportation service


Purchasing – on-line shopping / banking, ticketing, gambling, games, etc.

Transmission speeds from 125kbps to 2Mbps

In 2005, 3G is ready to live up to its performance in computer networking (WCDMA,

WLAN and Bluetooth) and mobile devices area (cell phone and GPS)


4G, which is also known as “beyond 3G” or “fourth-generation” cell phone technology,

refers to the entirely new evolution. Developers are now going for 4G (OFDMA), which

provides internet up to the speed of 1 Gbps. It overcomes the problems of weak network

strength and provides a much wider network, making sure that the users get high-speed

connectivity anytime anywhere. No doubt, 4G opened new doors of revolutionary internet

technologies in place of the regular 3G and 3.5G. 4G allows for speeds of up to 100Mbps and

has voice, data and high-quality multimedia in real-time form all the time and anywhere.

Features of 4G Wireless Systems

It offer both cellular and broadband multimedia services everywhere

High-speed data access

High-quality video streaming

Combination of Wi-Fi and Wi-max



5G (5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems) denotes the next

major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the current 4G/IMT-Advanced


NGMN Alliance (2015) (Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance) defines 5G network

requirements as:

Data rates of several tens of Mb/s should be supported for tens of thousands of users.

1 Gbit/s to be offered, simultaneously to tens of workers on the same office floor.

Up to Several 100,000's simultaneous connections to be supported for massive sensor


Spectral efficiency should be significantly enhanced compared to 4G.

Coverage should be improved

Signalling efficiency enhanced.

NGMN Alliance feels that 5G should be rolled out by 2020 to meet business and consumer


Although updated standards that define capabilities beyond those defined in the current 4G

standards are under consideration, those new capabilities are still being grouped under the

current ITU-T 4G standards.

5G Network concept


Features of 5G Wireless Systems

5G technology offers high resolution for crazy cell phone user and bi- directional

large bandwidth shaping.

The advanced billing interfaces of 5G technology makes it more attractive and


5G technology also providing subscriber supervision tools for fast action.

The high quality services of 5G technology based on Policy to avoid error.

5G technology is providing large broadcasting of data in Gigabit which supporting

almost 65,000 connections.

5G technology offer transporter class gateway with unparalleled consistency.

The traffic statistics by 5G technology makes it more accurate.

Through remote management offered by 5G technology a user can get better and fast


The remote diagnostics also a great feature of 5G technology.

The 5G technology is providing up to 25 Mbps connectivity speed.

The 5G technology also support virtual private network.

The new 5G technology will take all delivery service out of business prospect.

The uploading and downloading speed of 5G technology touching the peak.

The 5G technology network offering enhanced and available connectivity just about

the world.

GSMHistory.com has recorded three very distinct 5G network visions having emerged by


A super-efficient mobile network that delivers a better performing network for lower

investment cost. It addresses the mobile network operators pressing need to see the unit cost

of data transport falling at roughly the same rate as the volume of data demand is rising. It

would be a leap forward in efficiency based on the IET Demand Attentive Network (DAN)


A super-fast mobile network comprising the next generation of small cells densely clustered

together to give a contiguous coverage over at least urban areas and gets the world to the final

frontier for true “wide area mobility”. It would require access to spectrum under 4 GHz

perhaps via the world's first global implementation of Dynamic Spectrum Access.


A converged fiber-wireless network that uses, for the first time for wireless Internet access,

the millimetre wave bands (20 – 60 GHz) so as to allow very wide bandwidth radio channels

able to support data access speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s. The connection essentially comprises

“short” wireless links on the end of local fibre optic cable. It would be more a “nomadic”

service (like WiFi) rather than a wide area “mobile” service.

Wireless Network Evolution Speedometer


We should reiterate that no firm 5G standard has been agreed on as yet, and that there may

even be multiple standards all operating under a loose 5G banner. Huawei, for example,

believes that 5G radio access will be built upon both new Radio Access Technologies (RAT)

and evolved existing wireless technologies (LTE, HSPA, GSM and WiFi). Various entities

working on potential 5G network standards, including Samsung and researchers at New York

University, have come up with the idea of utilising millimetre-wave frequencies. This

frequency range lies between 3 to 300MHz, which is much higher than current network

standards. The main advantage of using this frequency range is that it's scarcely used by other

broadcast technologies. The result is the potential for greater speeds, as well as the capacity

for more data to be drawn through it.

Millimetre-wave frequencies don't pass through solid objects very well, and it's difficult to

sustain them over long distances, which is why they haven't been used in previous mobile

networks. As a result, any 5G networks that adopt this approach will likely use lots of little

base stations rather than relatively few large masts. The increase in spectrum means that these

smaller base stations will be able to share data between one another as well as with

everyone's phones, smartly detecting how much data each user needs to access at any one

time and doling it out accordingly. (Mundy, 2014).


5G technology has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth. User

never experienced ever before such a high value technology. Nowadays mobile users have

much awareness of the cell phone (mobile) technology. The 5G technologies include all type

of advanced features which makes 5G technology most powerful and in huge demand in near

future. The gigantic array of innovative technology being built into new cell phones is

stunning. It has extraordinary data capabilities and has ability to tie together unrestricted call

volumes and infinite data broadcast within latest mobile operating system. 5G technology has

a bright future because it can handle best technologies and offer priceless handset to their

customers. (Pachauri et’al, 2012)

The Router and switch technology to be used in 5G network will provide a very high

connectivity. The 5G technology distributes internet access to nodes within the building and

can be deployed with union of wired or wireless network connections. A new revolution of

5G technology is about to begin because 5G technology is going to give tough completion to

normal computer and laptops whose marketplace value will be effected. The new coming 5G

technology will be available in the market at affordable rates, high peak future and much

reliability than its preceding technologies. (Churi et’al, 2012)

In 5G, each network will be responsible for handling user-mobility, while the terminal will

make the final choice among different wireless/mobile access network providers for a given

service. Such choice will be based on open intelligent middleware in the mobile phone.


Shankland (2015) outlined reasons why the whole world should be very much eager to

receive the forthcoming 5G wireless network. They include:


New realities: 5G will push augmented reality and virtual reality into the mainstream.

Augmented reality overlays information like walking directions, product prices or

acquaintances' names over our view of the real world by, for example, projecting data

onto a car windshield. Virtual reality creates an entirely artificial view. Both need to

pull in new data almost instantly.

Instant gratification: Download speeds should increase from today's 4G peak of 150

megabits per second to at least 10 gigabits per second. That's fast enough to download

"Guardians of the Galaxy" in 4 seconds instead of 6 minutes.

Lightning-fast response: In addition to cramming more bits into every second, 5G

will shorten the lag time before the first bits show up. Waiting a few seconds for a

streaming video to start over 4G is no big deal, but that's unacceptably slow for things

like self-driving cars, where every millisecond counts. 4G ideally needs 15 to 25

milliseconds for one car to tell another behind it that it's begun emergency braking.

That delay will drop to 1 millisecond with 5G.


5G will be a dramatic overhaul and harmonisation of the radio spectrum. That means the

opportunity for properly connected smart cities, remote surgery, driverless cars and the

"internet of things" . 5G's capacity will also have to be vast. The network will need to cope

with a vast increase in demand for communication (Ram, 2014).

By 2020 it is thought that 50 billion to 100 billion devices will be connected to the internet.

So, connections that run on different frequency bands will be established to cope with

demand. The huge rise in connected devices will be due to a boom in inanimate objects using

the 5G network - known as the internet of things. It won't be just products like remotely

controlling your heating or that mythical fridge ordering you more milk; trains could tell you

which seats are free while they are in the station. Devices will be able to choose dynamically

between which of three still-to-be-determined bandwidths they use to avoid any of

frequencies from becoming overloaded. The aim is for the first of the frequency bands to

come into use around the year 2020, with the other two to follow soon after.

Japan wants to play host, not just to the 2020 Olympics, but also to the world's first

commercial 5G network but that doesn't stop them from wanting to flaunt their research to

the market. In South Korea (which spearheaded work on 4G), Samsung hopes to launch a

temporary trial 5G network in time for 2018's Winter Olympic Games.


Not to be outdone, Huawei is racing to implement a version for the 2018 World Cup in

Moscow. Despite such apparent rivalries and the huge sums each is investing in R&D, the

bigger story is that they are co-operating to deliver 5G. And that in turn paves the way for

potentially unmatched new technologies.

The next evolution in wireless networking holds promises of self-driving cars and movies

that download in the blink of an eye. (Shankland, 2015).


Nokia Networks, along with other industry partners, believes that communications beyond

2020 will involve a combination of existing and evolving systems, like LTE-Advanced and

Wi-Fi, coupled with new, revolutionary technologies designed to meet new requirements,

such as virtually zero latency to support tactile Internet, machine control or augmented

reality. 5G will be the set of technical components and systems needed to handle these

requirements and overcome the limits of current systems.

We will soon live in a world with 10-100 times more Internet-connected devices than there

are connected humans. The Internet of Things will require even more reliable communication

links, minimal latencies and extreme throughput to serve the data transmitted by hundreds of

billions of sensors and machines. 5G including pre 5G LTE-M will be the technology of

choice for the Internet of Things.


Adequate security measures should be put in place so that privacy of users of the expected 5G

wireless network will not be invaded. High level and very secure authentication protocols

should be developed alongside the wireless system.

Also, the wireless system should be inspected of its implication on human health since more

sophisticated devices such as high quality base stations and other telecommunication gadgets

will be implemented to make the wireless system for it to achieve its goals



Akhtar S. & Pagani M. (2008): “2G-5G Networks: Evolution of Technologies, Standards,

and Deployment” (pdf) (Second ed.). Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States: IGI

Global. pp. 522–532.

Churi J.R, Surendran T.S, Tigdi S.A, Yewale S. (2012): “Evolution of Network (2G –

5G)”; International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing

Technologies (ICACACT) 2012; Proceedings published by International Journal of

Computer Applications® (IJCA).

GSM History: "what is 5g, 5g visions," . History of GSM, Mobile Networks, Vintage

Mobiles; www.gsmhistory.com/5g/

Mundy J. (2015): “What is 5G? 5G vs 4G and future of mobile networks”;

http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinion; updated 28 July, 2014; retrieved 5 March,


NGMN Alliance (2015): “5G White Paper – Executive Edition”;



Nokia Solutions and Networks (2015): “5G”;

http://networks.nokia.com/innovation/futureworks/5G, retrieved 5 th March, 2015

Pachauri A.K. & Singh O. (2012): “5G Technology – Redefining wireless Communication

in upcoming years”, published in International Journal of Computer Science and

Management Research, Vol. 1, Issue 1, August 2012, ISSN 2278 – 733X.

Ram E. (2014): “How will the 5G network change the world?”; BBC News,

www.bbc.com/news/technology updated 1st December, 2014, retrieved 5th March


Shankland S. (2015): “How 5G will push a supercharged network to your phone, home,

car”; http://www.cnet.com/topics/internet; updated March 2, 2015, retrieved March 5,


Shiva K. (2012): “5G MOBILE TECHNOLOGY”; http://seminarprojects.com/Thread-5g-
