19 Communication In this unit you will… Read magazine and newspaper articles. Talk about...

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Transcript of 19 Communication In this unit you will… Read magazine and newspaper articles. Talk about...

19 Communication19 CommunicationIn this unit you will…In this unit you will…Read magazine and newspaper articles.Read magazine and newspaper articles.Talk about telecommunications and the future.Talk about telecommunications and the future.Listen and learn how to use conversational Listen and learn how to use conversational cues and show sympathy in dialogues.cues and show sympathy in dialogues.Listen to dialogues. Use listening strategies to Listen to dialogues. Use listening strategies to identify different English accents.identify different English accents.Write a formal letter.Write a formal letter.Study noun clauses.Study noun clauses.

1 Telecommunications1 Telecommunications


1 Have you got a mobile phone? What can 1 Have you got a mobile phone? What can it do besides making phone calls?it do besides making phone calls?

2 How much do you know about the 2 How much do you know about the development of mobile phones? What do development of mobile phones? What do 1G, 2G, 3G and WAP mean?1G, 2G, 3G and WAP mean?


21st Century Mobile Phones21st Century Mobile Phones

Try to guess the answers of the following Try to guess the answers of the following questions before reading the text, then read questions before reading the text, then read it quickly and find out the answers.it quickly and find out the answers.1 Which country used to be the largest 1 Which country used to be the largest mobile phone market? Japan, China or the mobile phone market? Japan, China or the USA? USA? The USAThe USA2 What are the factors that helped mobile 2 What are the factors that helped mobile phones break into the mass market?phones break into the mass market?3 What features does the 3G mobile phone 3 What features does the 3G mobile phone have?have?

These are the factors: the improved techno-logy, the smart look and the price.One feature is a tiny camera in the phone that enables the sending of photos and video images. Another feature is WAP technology that allows you to access the Internet.

While readingWhile reading

4 What are the functions of mobile 4 What are the functions of mobile phones being used at present and what phones being used at present and what might they be in the future?might they be in the future?

5 What does the sentence “The idea that 5 What does the sentence “The idea that in the future we won’t need to carry in the future we won’t need to carry money …” in the last paragraph imply?money …” in the last paragraph imply?

It implies that in the future we may use It implies that in the future we may use mobile phones to pay for what we buy.mobile phones to pay for what we buy.

The functions of mobile phones are being The functions of mobile phones are being used in schools, just like exam review and used in schools, just like exam review and English learning. In the future, it might English learning. In the future, it might replace our wallets.replace our wallets.

Para1Para11 the latest research 1 the latest research 最新研究最新研究2 be ahead of 2 be ahead of 在…前面 在…前面 get aheadget ahead 进步进步 ;; 成功 成功 go aheadgo ahead 前进 前进 look aheadlook ahead 向前向前看看3 It was reported/predicted that… 3 It was reported/predicted that… 据报道据报道 / / 预测预测4 one in every four Chinese 4 one in every four Chinese 每每 44 个中国人中有个中国人中有 11 个个TranslationTranslation ::1 1 最新发现最新发现 / / 消息消息 / / 潮流潮流 the latest discovery/ news/ fashionthe latest discovery/ news/ fashion2 2 在学习方面他总是在我前头在学习方面他总是在我前头 He is always ahead of me in study.He is always ahead of me in study.3 3 据预测禽流感将再次爆发据预测禽流感将再次爆发 .. It has been predicted that bird flu will break out again.It has been predicted that bird flu will break out again.4 4 我们班每我们班每 55 个学生中就有一个是周杰伦的歌迷个学生中就有一个是周杰伦的歌迷 ..One in every five students in our class is Jay Chou’s fan.One in every five students in our class is Jay Chou’s fan.

Language focusLanguage focus


Comparison between the old and new Comparison between the old and new mobile phones:mobile phones:

Mobile Mobile phonesphones

consumersconsumers featuresfeatures

The old The old onesones

Business Business peoplepeople

Large, heavy, bad Large, heavy, bad reception, expensivereception, expensive

The new The new onesones

Average Average peoplepeople

Superb reception, light, Superb reception, light, small, smart look, cheapsmall, smart look, cheap

Language focusLanguage focus

1 compare to/ with 1 compare to/ with 与…比较与…比较 compare … to … compare … to … 把…比作… 把…比作… _____ to the sun, the earth is really very s_____ to the sun, the earth is really very small. ( Comparing/ Compared )mall. ( Comparing/ Compared )

2 break into (2 break into ( 强行强行 )) 闯入闯入 , , 进入进入

Language focusLanguage focus


1 at a … rate/ speed 1 at a … rate/ speed 以…的比率以…的比率 / / 速度速度2 keep in touch 2 keep in touch 保持联系 保持联系 3 Functions of the 3Gs:3 Functions of the 3Gs:

1G --- a) make and receive calls1G --- a) make and receive calls

2G --- a) + b) send text messages (SMS)2G --- a) + b) send text messages (SMS)

Language focusLanguage focus

Para 4Para 4

3G --- a tiny camera to send photographs 3G --- a tiny camera to send photographs and video images, access the Internet, etcand video images, access the Internet, etc

team up with sb team up with sb 与某人合作与某人合作

Para5Para51 replace: take the place of 1 replace: take the place of 替代替代2 hand over (to) 2 hand over (to) 移交移交 , , 交出交出3 add to 3 add to 增加增加

Voice your opinionVoice your opinion

1 Do you think it’s necessary for high 1 Do you think it’s necessary for high school students to have mobile phones? school students to have mobile phones? Why?Why?

2 Can you think of new uses for mobile 2 Can you think of new uses for mobile phones in the future? What new features phones in the future? What new features could be added? Discuss in pairs and then could be added? Discuss in pairs and then tell the class.tell the class.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.the words.

enable, break into, accessible, predict, means, enable, break into, accessible, predict, means, keep in touch, rate, scankeep in touch, rate, scan

1 Future computers will be able to _____their 1 Future computers will be able to _____their own systems and solve any problems.own systems and solve any problems.

2 Computers should be made more ________ 2 Computers should be made more ________ to aged people.to aged people.

3 Her teacher ________ that she would win the 3 Her teacher ________ that she would win the first prize.first prize.

4 The fast development of mobile phones 4 The fast development of mobile phones _____ us to communicate more and more _____ us to communicate more and more easily.easily.





enable, break into, accessible, predict, enable, break into, accessible, predict, means, keep in touch, rate, scanmeans, keep in touch, rate, scan

5 The end of the 20th century saw a rapid 5 The end of the 20th century saw a rapid ______ of change in technology.______ of change in technology.

6 I met him when I was studying in London. 6 I met him when I was studying in London. And I’ve _____________with him ever since.And I’ve _____________with him ever since.

7 Many British firms have failed in their 7 Many British firms have failed in their attempts to _________ the American attempts to _________ the American market.market.

8 Email has become an important ______ of 8 Email has become an important ______ of communication.communication.


been keeping in touchbeen keeping in touch

break intobreak into


Finish the following exercise without Finish the following exercise without referring to the text. referring to the text.

1 The latest research ____( do ) on the 1 The latest research ____( do ) on the mobile phone industry shows that China is mobile phone industry shows that China is now ahead of the USA as the world’s now ahead of the USA as the world’s largest mobile phone market.largest mobile phone market.2 ___ demand for mobile phones has 2 ___ demand for mobile phones has increased, the cost of the phones and calls increased, the cost of the phones and calls has fallen, ___ mobile phones more has fallen, ___ mobile phones more accessible to the average person.accessible to the average person.

A. For; makes B. As; has madeA. For; makes B. As; has made C. As; making D. For; made C. As; making D. For; made


Exercise:Exercise: 请分析下面划线部分句子成分请分析下面划线部分句子成分 ::

It has been predicted that mobile phones It has been predicted that mobile phones might soon replace our wallets.might soon replace our wallets.The idea that in the future we won’t need to The idea that in the future we won’t need to carry money seems crazy.carry money seems crazy.What this meant was that mobile phone What this meant was that mobile phone users could use SMS as a cheap means of users could use SMS as a cheap means of keeping in touch.keeping in touch.What we see now are new phones with What we see now are new phones with super reception.super reception.John said that he was leaving for London John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. on Wednesday.






Noun Clauses Noun Clauses 名词性从句名词性从句在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (N(Noun Clausesoun Clauses )。 名词从句的功能相当于)。 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组名词词组 , , 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。句和同位语从句。

主语:主语: ThatThat he is still alive is sheer luck. he is still alive is sheer luck. 他还活着全靠运气。  他还活着全靠运气。  宾语:宾语: Tom said Tom said thatthat he was leaving for Paris at C he was leaving for Paris at Christmas.hristmas.  汤姆说他圣诞节要到巴黎去。   汤姆说他圣诞节要到巴黎去。  表语:表语: The fact is The fact is thatthat he has not been seen recen he has not been seen recently.tly.    事实是近来谁也没有见过他。     事实是近来谁也没有见过他。  同位语:同位语: The fact The fact thatthat he has not been seen recen he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. tly disturbs everyone in his office. 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。 不安。 形容词宾语:形容词宾语: I am glad I am glad thatthat you are satisfied with you are satisfied with your job. your job. 你对工作满意我感到很高兴。 你对工作满意我感到很高兴。


ThatThat she was chosen made us very happy. she was chosen made us very happy.We heard the news We heard the news thatthat our team had won. our team had won. WhetherWhether he will come is not clear. he will come is not clear. 还不清楚他是否会来还不清楚他是否会来It is not important It is not important whowho will go. will go. 谁去并不重要。谁去并不重要。It is still unknown It is still unknown whichwhich team will win the match. team will win the match. 尚不清楚哪一队会赢得比赛。尚不清楚哪一队会赢得比赛。It is quite clear It is quite clear thatthat the whole project is doomed to fail the whole project is doomed to failure.ure.  很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。 很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。It‘s a pity It‘s a pity thatthat you should have to leave. you should have to leave.   你  你非走不可真是件憾事。 非走不可真是件憾事。