12th FYP

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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Transcript of 12th FYP

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP



    What Next for

    Faster, More Inclusive andSustainable Growth

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    There are Short Term and Medium Term Challenges

    Short Term : Reverse the current growth slowdown :

    5.5 percent in 20121!"

    #im $or %.5 to & percent in 201!1'

    Longer Term : (et )ac* to high growth. This re+uiresaccelerating $rom 5.5, in 20121! to over -, in last twoears

    This is ver di$$icult" especiall given the glo)al situation

    Twelfth PlanStrategy

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    Inclusiveness is a multi-dimensional concept :

    Reduce povert

    /mprove regional e+ualit across states and within states

    /mprove conditions $or SCs" STs" Cs" Minorities

    (enerate attractive emploment opportunities $or outh

    Close gender gaps

    Twelfth Plan lists 2 monitora!le indicators

    Growth must not only be rapid, but also moreinclusive

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    #verage (3 (rowth o$ 4 percent

    #griculture (rowth o$ ' percent Reducing headcount povert ) 10 percentage point

    (enerating 50 million wor* opportunities

    liminating gender and social gap in education

    Reducing /MR to 25" MMR to 100 and T6R to 2.1

    nhance in$rastructure investment to -, o$ (3

    #chieve universal road connectivit and access to power $or all

    villages #ccess to )an*ing services $or -0 percent households

    Ma7or wel$are )ene$its and su)sidies via #adhaar

    25 Monitorable Targets, e.g.

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    There are two routes to inclusiveness

    through higher growth which e8pands income and emplomentopportunities

    through government propoor programmes which target poorergroups

    oth are important. Twel$th 3lan com)ines the propoor programmeapproach with e$$orts to get a growth pattern which is $aster andinherentl more inclusive

    Two routes are mutuall rein$orcing

    9igh growth generates more revenues" to $inance inclusivenessprogrammes

    Man inclusiveness programmes health and education;contri)ute to growth

    Strategy for chieving !nclusiveness

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    Must increase the rate o$ investment" especiall in in$rastructure

    omestic savings must increase even more to reduce the investmentsaving gap which is necessar to *eep the Current #ccount e$icit

    under control

    (overnment dissavings must )e eliminated. This means $iscal de$icit

    must )e reduced

    (rowth o$ su)sidies has to )e contained

    &5, o$ the investment in the econom is private investment household

    plus corporate;

    oth the Centre and the States have to create an ecosstem that

    encourages private investment /n$rastructure" especiall +ualit o$ power" and availa)ilit o$ s*ills is


    Macro"#conomic $hallenges in chieving%igh Growth

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    Twel$th 3lan sets am)itious targets $or 6lagship 3rogrammes in

    areas o$ 9ealth" ducation" Rural in$rastructure"

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    4 percent (3 growth re+uires % percent growth in energ suppl$rom all sources

    ur $ossil $uel resources are limited" and our import dependence isalread high

    nhanced nerg $$icienc in all sectors

    >e need to push push $or renewa)le nerg: >ind" Solar and Storage


    i$$icult 3olic /ssues: Coal vs. 6orest Cover 3etroleum 3rice istortions

    =atural (as 8ploration 6ramewor* #ll nerg 3rices: Coal" 3etroleum product" =atural (as and

    lectric power are currentl under priced. 6uel ad7ustment is



  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    Management o$ water resource is a ma7or challenge. stimateso$ water availa)ilit have )een optimistic

    Twel$th 3lan proposes modi$ied #/3 and e8panded>atershed Management 3rogramme

    >ater sector needs )etter Regulator 6ramewor*

    =ew (roundwater ater Regulator #uthorities in each state

    =ational >ater 6ramewor*

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP



    12th 3lan goal o$ 4, inclusivve growth is not a $oregone

    conclusion epends on di$$icult polic decisions to )e ta*en ) Centre and


    6or the $irst time 3lan presents three scenarios

    Strong Inclusive "rowth #$

    Insufficient %ction & to &'$

    Polic( log)am to '$

    #nthing much less than 4, will not satis$ aspirations o$ the


    lternative Scenarios

  • 7/26/2019 12th FYP


    Thank You