1111111111111111111111111 0031100003 - UNESCO

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1111111111111111111111111 0031100003

.Tra m1 a I ion fro m ,\ Jo ngo 1 i an'

To: Mongolian National Commission for UN ESCO

As a senior biyelgee dancer and choreographer, I would like to express my sincere

apprec iation and support for nomi nating the Mongol Biyelgee: Mongolian Traditional

Folk Dance on the World List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent


Mongol Biyelgee is the fundamental root and origin of the Modern dance of Mongolia

and is a distinct and precious heritage of Mongol nation.

Unfortunately. Mongol Biyel gee is currently endangered due to various negative causes

and I personally worry much on this matter.

I express my full support on the restoration and development of Mongol Biyelgee. on

behalf of the Biyelgee choreographers.

(Art of Mongol Biyelgee is the dictionary of my life that tilled my life with realization)


l \ 1 ..-- 11 I ; !"T'' 4 Requ C: ··

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• - ·- - ·· :J lf MOHrOilbiH COEil CY.QilAilbiH~Q:f1600""' '. . ..


N!! ... { ·- YTac: 976-99184789,976-11-366065 E-mail: tdorjdagvach@yahoo.com


.51apanTaii xaMraanax 6HeT 6yc coenhiH esHH:H TyxaH:

M OHfOJibiH .H3ryyp ypnamii:H H3f3H Tepen 6oJIOX "oiieJif33" Hb MOHfOJI ap.L{biH ypnarHHH XOBOp HaH,L{liH aB MeR 6eree.n MOHfOJI YH.ll3CTHIIH ap.L{biH 6y)l(fliHH yr YH.ll3C, eser, TYYHHM xenKJIHHH 3X yH.npara 6onHo. Heree TaJiaap 3H3 Hb onoH .HCTHYY.llbiH coenhiH HH3 6ypHiiH eBHHr xaMTaTraH xa.nraJI)I( esner.neH HpC3H ypnamiiH oHuroH: co.noH Tepen IOM.

fJnJI 3.llYD3 JJ.OTOOJJ., ra.naa.n HH3 6ypHiiH Hexuen 6aH:.nnaac IIIaJITraanaH "EIIenr33" Hb MapTar.na)l( xosop.uoH, ynMaap ycm)l( yryii 6onox HpM3r .U33p xyp33.ll 6ai1:Ha. TYYHHiir T33rqH.n Hb eH.nep Hacna)l(, MaHaii xoitq ye TYYHHHr esneH asq qa)J.axryH: 6aiiHa, 3px 3yHH 6onoo.n caHxyymiiH, n pqmH y.nHp.nnara, 30XHOH 6aH:ryynanTbiH TaamH: Hexuen xoMc 6ai1:Ha.

THiiM yqpaac " EIIenn3"-r IOHECKO-HiiH H3H HapanTaii xaMraanax 6HeT 6yc coenbiH eBHHH )l(arcaanTaH.n opyyn)l( 6ypTryymx Tanaap 3p.ll3MT3H cy.nnaaqH.n, yr esHH:r T33rqHJJ., xon6or.nox HCTHbi 6ynryy.n, opoH HYTrHHH 3acar 3axHpraa, ap.u Hpr3.U HHHT33p33 a.u.Hn H3f3H caHaa 6o.nomoii 6aH:raaraa HJI3pXHHJI)I( HpJI33.

MoHron "EHenr33"-r onoH yncbiH X3M)I(33H.ll xaMraaJI)I(, 3C3H M3H.ll asq yn.zpx Hh IOHECKO-HiiH 6HeT 6yc coenbiH eBHiir xaMraanax Tyxaii KOHBeHUHHH y33JI caHaaH.n 6yp3H HHHU3)1( 6aiiraa 6eree.n 3H3 Hb TOrJIOX ypnar 60JIOH 6ac 3aHIIIHJI, 3aH yHJI, TyyHqJI3H rap ypnan DC3H aHrHJiaJibiH aJib aJIHHJJ. Hb xaMaapar.na)l( 6aiiraaraapaa oHunor IOM.

I1HHXYY " EIIeJir33"-r IOHECKO-HHH H3H HapaJITaH XaMraanax 6HeT 6yc coeJibiH eBHHH )l(arcaanTaH.n opyyn)l( 6ypTryync3H33p TYYHHii Tallaap cy.nanraa, cypTaJiqHnraa XHHX, cypranT Hsyynax, n JrqH.n 6onoH esneH cypanuarqH.n, TepHHH 6onoH TepHHH 6yc 6aifryynnaryy.nhlr H.ll3BXH)I(YYJI3X, yifn a)I(HJinaraa HByynax MaTepHannar 6onoo.n caHxyymiiH Hexuen 6ononuooroop T3.UHHiir xaHrax, .L{3M)I(HX~aMIIIYYJiax .U3C .uapaamH: apra X3M)I(33Hyy.L{HMr 60.L{IITOH X3p3DKyyJI3X 60JIOJIUOOTOH 6oJIHO.

I1iiM.U "EIIeJin3"-r IOHECKO-HiiH H3H HapanTaif xaMraanax 6HeT 6yc coenhiH eBHHH )l(arcaanTaH.n opyyn)l( 6ypTryyn3x caHaJihir cy.nnaH y333.ll .L{3M)I(ll)l( erRe yy.


T3pryyH ~OKTOp, npo<l>eccop T.~Op)l(.narsa I ~

I '


Date: March 17. 2008

Ref 05


/Tra ns I a I i o 11 .fi"o 111 • \lo nr.o I i ani

To: Ministry of Education. Culture and Science of Mongolia

Mongolian National Commission for UN ESCO

Re: Intang ible cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

Mongolian Traditional Folk Dance ·Biyelgee· is an outstanding form among tradit ional

performing arts of Mongolia. and regarded as the original roots and wellspring of

Mongolian national dances. their core fo rebear. source of creativity, and heritage stock.

Today. the Mongolian Biyelgee is nearly extinct. due to the both fo reign and domestic

various causes and factors. For instance. lite-expectancy of the bearers is relat ively

getting lower. young generation is not inherit ing the hiyel gee heritage and there is lack of

favorable condition for legal. fi nanc ial. and organizational environment.

Thus. the biyelgee bearers. shcolars. experts. relevant ethinic groups. local adm inistrative

bodies and individuals have been expressing their opinions. init iatives. proposals on the

safeguarding ofthe Mongol Biyelgee.

Ensuring the survival and sate guarding of Mongol Biyelgee internationally coheres \\ith

the ideas of the UNESCO Convention for the Sateguarding of the Intangible Cultura l

Heritage. Mongol Biyeleg is related to the folkm ing domains of the intangible cultural

heritage. which are. performing arts. social practices. ri tuals and testive events. as \\ell as

traditional cratlsmanship.

By inscriping Mongol Biyelgee on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in l\;eed of

Urgent Safeguarding. there \\ ill be various possibilit ies to take consequent measures.

such as conducting researches. trainings and publ icities on Mongol Biyelgee. activating

the bearers and relevant governmental and non-governmental organ izations. promoting

and supporting with tinancial and other facilities and so forth.

Thus I kindly ask you to support the proposal fo r nominating Mongol Biyclgcc for the

Inscription on the of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.



/:,·tamped am/ signed/




.Qyraap . / ' "' .

. ' YnaaH6aaTap xoT

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Xa.ltmpau a.JJctu.wx n~vxai1

MoHrOJI Ap.LJ.biH 5hryyp YpJlarHHH EHH-6Hemr xon6oo Hb: MomoJibiH Yrcaamyy.LlbiH

yna!'.tiK..'ta.:u oHH-6He;nrHlir cy,.1.1a-x, cypTaJI'IH..la-x ,cyprax •mnnn:np .:lepeB .LJ.1Xb :a.:HJl,;:{:n a:a.:ruuan.


l1HM.Ll. \EHeT 6yc coeJibiH eB\ MoHronbiH onoH ~cTHbl yJlaM:a.:JI~lT oHH-6HeJnriDir A1JIXHHH

coe.\lolll cmm opyy:taXbir :J.3M:iKHiK ,x al\ITpan a:iKHH.:laxa.u Taa.'lal\nKTaH 6alina.

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~~KC : 976-11-319767 rap yrac 976-96066681

99196681 70116681


Date: ~\Iarch 8. 2009

Ref .\'o: 1/8


/Translatim7from .\fongolian'

To: Ministry of Education. Culture and Science of Mongolia

Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

Re: Cooperation solici tation

Association of Mongolian National Arts and Folk Dance is actively conducting research.

publicity and training on the Mongol Bii Biyelgee-Mongolian Traditional Folk Dance.

Hereby I acknowledge the deep gratitude and support tor nominating the Mongol

Biyelgee: Mongolian Traditional Folk Dance on the \Vorld List of Intangible Cultural

Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.


President of Association of Mongolian National Arts and Folk Dance

<vtamped and signed ·

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11111111 1111111 1111111111 0031100013


Date: April 15, 2009

Re.f No: 1/8


To: Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

·"·-• ~ . ,-.11-1 I ITH ,- -: ~- r · -. , 1 ... 1 : , _, •

.. --· -·-·---::l I . ! 'l ~ AVR. 2009 I

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/Translation _fi-om Mongolian!

Association of Mongolian National Atts and Folk Dance was established in 2006 and

vigorously implement various types of activities independently and together with the

relevant organizations, biyelgee dancers, practitioners and bearers for transmitting and

maintaining the tradition of Mongol Biyelgee, which is one of the marked representative

of intangbile cultural heritage of Mongolia.

Following people are the bearers of Mongol biyelgee who preserved and kept its

originality and are the members of Association of Mongolian National Atts and Folk


To show the geographical location of the etnic groups and types of Biyelgee:

In Khovd aimag, Mongolia:

• T. TsembeL D. Usnee. Ts. Uijinbadam. G. Tsend-Ayush from Bulgan county

(soum) (Torguud biyelgee dancers):

• T. Khorloo, N. Battulga. A. Norolkhoo. A. Enkhtaivan. E. Altankhuyag. Ch. Dmj.

Sh. Otgonbayar from Altai soum (Zakhchin biyelgee dancers);

• P. Munguntsooj. B. Tserendulam from Munhkhairkhan and Duut soums

(U1iankhai biyelgee dancers)

In Uvs aimag. Mongolia:

• J. Khumbaa. M. Jalk. G. Lhagva (Bayad biyelgee dancers);

• A. Chuluun. G. Baya1tai from Naranbulag somn (DurYed biyelgee dancers);

• M. Balgan M. Purevsuren. T. Arslan. U. Zinameder from Ta1ialan soum (Khoton

biyelgee dancers)