10 tips for more effective power point presentations

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 tips for more effective power point presentations

10 Tips for More Effective

PowerPoint Presentations

Patricia Ann Edralin Bagarra

1. Write a script.• A little planning goes a long way. give it a beginning,

middle, and end; have a clear arc that builds towards some sort of climax• Make your audience appreciate each slide but be

anxious to find out what’s next• And when possible, always leave ‘em wanting more.

2. One thing at a time, please.• Plan your presentation so just one new point is

displayed at any given moment.• Bullet points can be revealed one at a time as you

reach them. 

3. No paragraphs•Where most presentations fail is that their authors,

convinced they are producing some kind of stand-alone document.• Your slides are the illustrations for your

presentation, not the presentation itself.•  Don’t stand with your back to your audience

and read it from the screen!

4. Pay attention to design.• Use a sans serif font for body text. • Use decorative fonts only for slide headers, and

then only if they’re easy to read. • Put dark text on a light background. • Align text left or right. • Avoid clutter.

5. Use images sparingly•  Use images only when they add important

information or make an abstract point more concrete•  Absolutely do not use PowerPoint’s built-in clipart.

Anything from Office 2003 and earlier has been seen by everyone in your audience a thousand times.

6. KISS• Keep It Straight and Simple.• Keywords only.• No sentences!• Never read your slides, talk freely


7. Use Consistency• Consistently use the same font face and sizes on all

slides.• Match colors.

8. Take Home Message• Always express a Take Home Message.• It’s your message, a summary of your data or story.• Make it a highlight that stands out.

9. Keep Your Audience In Mind•What do they know?•What do you need to tell them?•What do they expect?

If you lose the attention of your audience, everything will be lost 

10. Practice• A well-prepared and enthusiastic talk will help you convince your

audience and maintain their attention. There are some key points that define a good talk.• Know your slides inside out.• Speak freely.• Speak with confidence – loud and clear.• Don’t speak too fast.• Maintain eye contact with the audience.