07 July 2004FSS Project1 Frameworks Scoping Study JISC Joint Programmes Meeting 6-7 th July 2004,...

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Transcript of 07 July 2004FSS Project1 Frameworks Scoping Study JISC Joint Programmes Meeting 6-7 th July 2004,...

07 July 2004 FSS Project 1

Frameworks Scoping Study

JISC Joint Programmes Meeting 6-7th July 2004, Brighton

JISC Frameworks Programme Group

Jim Petch, Hilary Dexter, Pauline Wilcox, John CarrollRoss MacIntyre, Leigh Morris, - University of Manchester

Tom Franklin - Franklin Consulting

Mark Stiles - Staffordshire University

Paul Ricketts, Diane Saxon - City College Manchester

07 July 2004 FSS Project 2


• Rationale for the scoping study

• The Model Driven Approach

• Modelling tools and techniques

• Planning

07 July 2004 FSS Project 3

• Rationale for the scoping study

• The Model Driven Approach

• Modelling tools and techniques

• Planning


07 July 2004 FSS Project 4

The Problem Domain

• IE Framework

• e-Learning Framework

• e-Research Framework

• JISC Services

• JISC Programmes and Projects


07 July 2004 FSS Project 5

IE Framework

07 July 2004 FSS Project 6

E-Learning Framework

07 July 2004 FSS Project 7

e-Research Framework

Common FabricGroup A

Group B


Generic services

Private Resources


07 July 2004 FSS Project 8

JISC Services

07 July 2004 FSS Project 9

Plagiarism Nexus

07 July 2004 FSS Project 10

JISC Programmes and Projects

07 July 2004 FSS Project 11

Tracing the Projects

07 July 2004 FSS Project 12

The domain user requirements will be served by an architecture that is:

•Service Oriented•Component Based

and by processes that are: •Requirements Driven•Evaluation Steered

The Connected World MindsetNeed to understand the problem domain that encompasses the three frameworks and create a unifying architecture. This demands a model driven approach

07 July 2004 FSS Project 13

• Rationale for the scoping study

• The Model Driven Approach

• Modelling tools and techniques

• Planning


07 July 2004 FSS Project 14

JISC Domain Model

07 July 2004 FSS Project 15

Planning of Service Provision




•Risk Management

•Common Architecture

•Research & Development

What does this mean for JISC?

07 July 2004 FSS Project 16

JISC Frameworks Study: Scope

• Design a Unifying Framework– Map to existing JISC frameworks: e-Research, e-Learning

and Information Environment

• Collect representative data on range of JISC services, programmes and projects– Load into unified framework based repository

• Propose a toolset and process to support JISC planning

• Develop an approach and conceptual design rather than content

07 July 2004 FSS Project 17

Repository Metamodel

07 July 2004 FSS Project 18

The 3 Data Types

PROJ SERV UREQName Name NameDescription Description DescriptionParent FSS Consultant FSS ConsultantFSS Consultant Date of Recording Date of RecordingStart date Contact for Element Requirement Source Person

End date Element Type Requirement Source Document

Funding Parent Name Original Record dateDeliverables Status ScopeDate of Recording Rationale for the service User TypeProject contact Discipline User CategoryElement Type(s) User type PurposeStatus Deployment Environment DisciplineRationale for the project Keywords Regional IssuesUser Type Problems Solved Functional Req TypeDeployment Environment Metrics Non-functional ReqKeywords Solution StabilityProblems Solved Channel DifficultyMetrics Related Assets (Dependencies) Affects Frameowrk ArchitectureSolution References PriorityChannels StatusRelated Assets (Dependencies) StandardsReferences Testing DocumentationStatusTesting DocumentationStandardsAffects Framework Architecture

07 July 2004 FSS Project 19

The Repository Layers

Layering represents an ordered grouping of

functionality, with the application-specific located in

the upper layers, functionality that spans application

domains in the middle layers, and functionality

specific to the deployment environment at the lower


The number and composition of layers is

dependent upon the complexity of both the problem

domain and the solution space. For example, the

collection of technical patterns, utilities and

mechanisms is separated out as a layer.

Based on RUP Guidelines

07 July 2004 FSS Project 20

Repository Structure in XDE

07 July 2004 FSS Project 21

Unifying The JISC Frameworks


07 July 2004 FSS Project 22

Mapping the ElementsFW/Element TestApplication:A

comparison of the AKENTI and PERMIS authorization infrastructures

Content Packaging Tool-PackageIt!

GMIS data warehouse: preparatory phase

Testing IMS in Real Context: report on best practice

Co3 XML generator

IE: Presentation



IE:Shared Infrastructure


eLF:Learning Domain Services

eLF:Common Services

eR:Generic Services

eR: Resources

FSS:Domain Functional

FSS:General Operational

FSS:Technical Mechanisms


07 July 2004 FSS Project 23


• Rationale for the scoping study

• The Model Driven Approach

• Modelling tools and techniques

• Planning

07 July 2004 FSS Project 24

Planning Toolset

•Repository Tool

•Requirements Analysis Tool

•Visual Planning Tool

07 July 2004 FSS Project 25

Tools & Workflow

07 July 2004 FSS Project 26

Requirements Analysis: RequisitePro

07 July 2004 FSS Project 27

Modelling the Domain, Repository and Processes: Rational XDE

07 July 2004 FSS Project 28


07 July 2004 FSS Project 29


• Rationale for the scoping study

• The Model Driven Approach

• Modelling tools and techniques

• Planning

07 July 2004 FSS Project 30

The JISC Planning Use Cases


07 July 2004 FSS Project 31

JISC’s Planning Process

07 July 2004 FSS Project 32

Planning Interface

07 July 2004 FSS Project 33

Use Case to Workflow

Use Combination of Requirements, MindMaps and their links to the Repository

Select Planning Activity

Define a Task (workflow and project management)

07 July 2004 FSS Project 34

Mindmaps for Planning: MindManager

07 July 2004 FSS Project 35


Frameworks Scoping Study

JISC Joint Programmes Meeting 6-7th July 2004, Brighton