
Post on 07-Mar-2019

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II i


IV f



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SPCBGUPP SRHTOU DAVIS,is kbpsx KB. ntsoK, or Mss"nrm

Mr. Darts. Mr. rvrrenr,te Sena fre--a

MissaelrUsettfcJa ww of till restarTi,teek eetuiea, in M jrextenil exermBatvee efwfelt esefc Senator sad saia. to asata atlBPton

te me- - I oo cot kw afcrtbT he quotes teeUewc I Bsea er Beat. t itawi. I ouiHW

reedMect the teacM) WK -- p

mat like & j,enratfut I am Jliry 10 CWit. U it wilt I thftrl aew, It It veteat IlbaftwfeBlpoeskcMifl teweichbe tIMed, as. tfaertdare what I Mf hivemM. Bat afce jrrtatlTPee BtaatmBr. That it net eratieu tealif a Beta aTxcr ptrtirnlr cUe ebaH beterete', that tt a aujentr who do net

at eject Pres, m wSUtbere-fR- fbreak ap 8k TJato. It m e IreeUratteD

kbit if a Baa be elected upoa a aMtJealarplatform, as there stated am) ibi mm ei asindtrtaVal wit oelr taxradaeetl ia errier topetet to jttttif T1t wat embraced

aae lima ia t. ta ow irnr(a man were to aaiae tb reim of Grsaet,net to adiutaauter it acrotdi"c to ttn CaMtita-U- h,

bt to perrer' it to oar d t ractias, toBkc aWa Cwmairi oa f haiUlHi to an,ire waaJaViWi ah right band rsdrm onrnrraacs. That ia bit opinio now. If anania wwftac to arjiv tin W hiUne; theoath to aaateUta the CotuMtatia that he mygtt paaawaias at the fowrrs of thfa Osvera-se- at

to aabveit H to the aads af that 4lt- -fera, I teal Maa. ear, ttat 1 hire tas aweisaWe and eaadideacc ia Jiat Bwttk to re

ther ererwRf aabltt rw tcbk iHenwMi I eaa aaaak t rer will If arirta toexit, I petar It o taa aihaaraioB to a traitoraad parjm wha anaciit the aowaciaa af tieGaeeraaaeat ia order that he mibt eerthrwMa Csaetataba

Thai ia mj aiaw. ThereTore, I anaaaae theSeoator saac-- araaxMr have qan'ed aae camctr ; hta reaatt eaay be earrf , bat hawcaawa

it that the Saaatar rcaaa Maaachier H hwho lniaiiL a an th- - erioM at dtaaaiaa?n ifaiMafcil i ii to b ! totete aHttadiSnateiKM are aaeitinf to braakai the GuearAar mn in w hare iiaiadtt we waald aaatWw ot)re t- - o i' ' Ha.reaweaaattaa; the Terr amn-a- n irliirh ia a

otaaha Daaaa hr t datrae'issaf itaOaaaHhiMau, rtaioM t" hold oa reaBoaVUe be.eaase Tlfllt fh t" ' an; tlaa. Weare namdU at the seeeewniata, whl!e 'hxjaeeeaW is the laot preMen ial elaetiaa ; waateT as a aMftoaeeipair far fcheoee4 .ea, 'Bdageiaaitearaa natra upon 'Miinii'iaaiMntfaaal eaadMaaa, aiippo rtad eaxtaairely bvaeeltaal aaia. Thar wa atta'aioa aeaeti-c- al

rrrrirlaa - We af U Saath hive r'aar othe CeaatatoHoi. W hare reaaweted the

and abided br it oataroajia'-- a ; aadserer was ihace a aa'tre aadaciaaa tataebeeduUered febaSaf arradrmeat whtah

hea Sad, acatoat th jaafi atdeeaerae S Cuijbjtiaa aad sheacahtpreml f iiillaalll iiailhi aajiatl t . C

H was Mt mt vaToae oa hh nreasfna toCo iato aar extended dieeaaioa : bat i' ri

to me aaw'tbat eea here a laewbee- - we barebeard R Hid that be Tiad violated theMisjaari cataproaaise, wl.en tbev wbo ett oathe ether Hde af the rhaanVr know tHermaat lotaw that the Smob as a hodr, pn-poa-

to extead ! In toe PiriSe ean. bariae;

from tbe abitaraHoa 'X the oeanae'; aad whenwere dee'ard aad condoct

adapted tofbesa foraa-- d the letrMaeicn of I8.1O.then I held that ao maa wbo claimedto arti-- H than-- aattamlcLhnt admit, as a re--aaK, isWaBtVr tireWi ajB;oJraise wa Lltsfciii&enr- - Tt-- .I hwa-iM- Isattatned the easdarf of the-- S--to rel imBois, (Mr. Danetaa.) who, pleo-- ti n that

forward to redeem tbe p'edre whichwas toraaabtat aa every hainraMe snxn. Wenevee admitted the rearrriitioalitv of the actof 18M. Wa said, however. " the people andtbe StotnlarVe amtotcedfn it" We --aid Hwas a mad at aVitpasiae: of a coniwrexay .

to de-ir--d bensions. therT.ive desireaad i the it nor

raady roan Hirid- - lt the flte 1 have

me uawilline; make fartheref the Tei ataj krf ah tterr which .yo i --ietpsKsissiri uaenj ew at; an.! nsen, waswiderea

cktjt, err akaan ahoa' trie ans- -aeaari eernarasaiee and its viola-tor-


Bat rt-- r. we t .1-- . ...jiuiuwia-ncnwiin- eii

who tbe men af the Southwbieh Ibaefthias disreeard diunionisti a wbo to

of Ceyj(tnltjaaaal djatjka, tpie upon theha Wnal ftaeiCatanrls; wbo seek

awa whotable is. a i to

of SeMtoPfwV-btVa- apa-nd- ix breastsaether el "at aa festival

in Hall. Basnr. na tbe even- -iae; ef Janajrr 24. lWl, to celebrate be

af ItV twesrtei year of eiistes ei ZeWrneoe White!hI t e earWe receit-- rt that on side bareTeceaeiy been Mrtbo hllH ef drawrac diatiBC-tia-

between tbe G retool Abolttieaist andKLpiihuais. that dial thai Senator,

ay?FW twer jreutrs I bare read the Iiraraaa, sir, kf Ifeeee ask.etv aeatbe

ami nairMlaa. if I eatertain a arefaawd re- -twtd far stMaaMsta af asaaa aH arer the jtweI awe (L aaa ami derree, t the laVr-r- ofWlMaai Uavd (ewJTisoe. rProeoureei

Oarrteaa, then, ia the ef tbe Senator, aad heassajK i of to pamUTbave aw leewaaar, eoxoe; years, xacthoagh f r a rerr disbw 1 uaiuasi. havefa and stiaaaae firmlr fix-,- 1. premiBent as thcaption af laat tbe first pae af

JAUt J u J u J ie win ua -

" No sjaiea with alaveheldera.""Tbe TJaited States Coastltatiei. tsarer-reaeat- jt

with and aa arreeaaeBt withheM." ,1--1'

aaanafeotl hit resBeett fortbe CewviltatiaB bis adherence to theUaton. This it the paper froea which he

to aVawb' tpialsai, and that the cap-ti- ea

with wtfteh ft head 4 evocation, thatwW read, from Me. OhanaiBe :

"There it setae excuse for eemaaaairJet when,--seder retfcrMs laipoloe, they eopoaia the causeaf tbe atipriasH ia ether tal by for'eyestwe thalr righta ; bat there ia ao excuse iaaidant, tfeer Scateu in bataltae an men an

Oa thia subject, oar fath era,in fraaaiwe tbe twerveif from 'herit-to- . We. their children, tbe end of ba a

ceekavrsjrTjTethc paRh of aVy saere clear! r ihwtbey, aaRaaaet w-- lk to it. Tc thia paint thepiaiitlc iedw( tat b--ea laat. tendinc. aad tbcttrae eeaae for laedttoe at at fallr, weSBtt- -

and wi b maaay and Ctartetian resJThere in 7oid hi crerne? eitil vrhl

weaMBaTtaakatkC "0 IM. MtiCit ISLAMVVUllCll--toretaae TCOjict.'a "dee M nana yeaVsifiehat foanditia every paser ; and yatbe priiseshi totor wise tbet teaches hsea in erery

shew actries she bis fartfato Ottttttoe, tbe to dVstroy theOwtoB. to sraca waraasoc the whichthat Ceifitaalngs sart to eceJ .WMie toepasalaViia that V dfawsjbisVyoswniaa iiiiiuiMIi ci eoutxe or iwerfathers af tte Republie, it i to be remarkvVthe iBtaouacemeBt it I. age 'hat we have wllkred ia tbe abaaVawo tbe aHrk ares wbieh cov-ered tbe fearaattioB af oar Couitltotieii. dhave tost stepped mit-iat- o a broad boat,

ttifttiiiaator. I suppose, praaosed to-d-

to rtarowwer Seni'e azaib.I' thlat-M- n

speeetc I hare q'to'ed, tbe said :" Yessir. I Widertake ta say here to nttrWt,

tbat ta aajaut eaf the world, and br no raceia tbe waod. hare beon. mkdfor beaajtB aaatyetiaBd baaaa Umbhave beessaadeeliTtoc: the iost thirty years BsM FaodsiBd rApptauae.' ITer refemeribave a Jtjai id aVe eaeet bHIHtBt rietetiea.Aaaeaj.arli ber hrilUaret iteteUeete, who bave

'bear Mate with the treat Meat ofprogress, ae ere shines more brtehtly thanabo aaawet Thempsan." fAppiau.

This ts abe VDrwre applied to tbe reryceaatry apilftet who-i-e oppreetiows he hasto-d- bit father aiadttets it to be token in can-- t on with his

to tbe aaaanuseat t Iflfl ! AMte wben it Ibi eeaapWmeM paM? Ts ktiwtfo'rapi AbaHti aaiat, who eame bere witha feel narpirdia t rth- - f Ti"Stle-l-; lelia, ia tbe Set-- a tor's awn State,a few years aee, teheo there waa a asunder pub-lic SBtBien, was taw aWu to lecture aeho

It net ilia mil ee into Fare-i-

HaH; aaai tb Beaatar. oa ihi aeeaateB,Ma rna-- Faee-t- il Halt w aa

throws epeB-t- t etK avtio oaeh aer-rte-

Xar i thia Tt ; the Senator"Aasi, ax aa n loriar my rottn-tr- y,

tbsriabisar t;r--at f prlne'-pi- et

aa which i'a ''u'iiwia ere feew-- e- Icsaiidtr h--re awd ive bias

ta tha' I srau'dto rho nvea wbo t.av- - nablr rarled

the last Catab where irb'rtt ha beat rlaveaatoww. faVeoatiof. And a tn be ettdtip aa a ajasa'bo to leave ..s, f treat thatwbee bwxaet.tbor wif! b- - neaw, at ioaat InMdittilasittTli, who arfT! cetat'ir b aa for

totaM fiecc --c caatrv taee ata asnisea ate ef Kaeh

Kone le Msilche)li.tts srhe sroaM et a area Brrtisii Abelttlntalit far caiar here to la- -t

erf ere with IsaaUtutioai of tb cetxaitriHe miyboaat tinft wwuld be ac ne. I" ttbttthere weuM be saatrr. I trust those few-ssb-e

hivttttekea ia each heroic tones tht theirwords hascuepad javer the rasl trsa therepwetiec. See marry who wtUj thwef;and I trust there is a power ta Massathattalswtaieh, spirit ahH aaatsifettHef by titetsftlef to invade Southern

wilt, in tbe MBXiuee ef CasbinC," throttle tiuew uhaK thaf eta&d.". Yef.lbe-- JMere tbe aH Bar State, j-, --s --eeoucn ocDeaeacraii Vac the CeMitatie and loyal

Ms abiVatioas. tf eeaiea to leaf ef bindto aaai maatoBtva, drjr btck thosewho thiwriae rrreai ber dstiet n tt' uon-Uah-

tttwitos tsU the Tbe apeaker coeses:

"We shall arrest the extentiea of eta rery.and reteae tbe Gorerameat fro, the eratp oftbt litre power. We tMvl bletr-alareT- y Intbe BittoBii cjapttai- - We ill earreunt the

States wrth a eerdon of free States. Weshall tbes aaeell to the hearts and conscienceof iee, iuX M a few years, notwithstandingtbe ienaeneeotsiereat comeip&d is the caaae ofeBBreaaiOBi'we thaii rive Uberty te theinbendare. fHeir! Hear!"

Wll Rt possible for aai-- ens to have thrownout an tavftatien to John Brown hi fol-lowers broader thia Shi? Had be a rieht to. 1 v -- 1 i- - J .a... ,. .anaifc fevesatieai. fhe--a wbo ave them wowld

which aUaebe. to tt? Wbtt deejtt tatin? 1

Dee tbit mean tesnatt pr the at '

I)es rhil Biean conformity lo tbe

treats- - ocTf-er- a of coafedericr as yon anhere. Itlstbe Janxeace ef one wbo IniUgiteaIniarreetion, who leekt to cirry war Into

SUtes, ind not the lan'tiare of acttixen of the UnUed SUtet, bound by thecompact of hit fatheri, tad, at in tbt cut ofJit bytlfewa U rerfttt rtrr

cHizraa ot ttcb SUteam eTe -rr . k . v

In thia onoUUon wblch I rra-- l la lot'SBixratire exprraaion, "the power." Ibare aoaw for (be mere fanatic. If beia a mere fanatic. his raind ubaMbedj-wl-

tb.I-- e r Bfrropbirfam, If be is slbeere hstranlinr; tbaiasUtottoBS of tbcSouth beeasse be believes tbem to be a creat

tatig, an4 step outside of aH the power andparen" af fee GTTrBmntr:ePnt,ioJxo-ne- ct

wltb I', refdsrslb be Knefitea brthe appeal wbicsi be mtela pasavlar preM-dice-


fbire some tor bJra : bat this((phrase slave power" saprests tbst the par- -

pose at ta aene me apotis or toe uorerament,notts walk wMbtbeaifte, errs if tt be sense-less, of a fanstjc to tbatto irbicb bUone Mea mtj carry Mai. Here


laesf acdnn thSena tor's speech to-d-y we heir cons'antly ofthe deraiaition of the klava power, and the

of the slave power. JawhatT Iwaited to bear, bat the Sehatar dW not tell as.Ia what bare the slaveholders, as a das, ifbe pinses so to consider tbem, ever aprrrsaedaa or latereati of the North?

WTTr in osraattanajoB of attawe bsTe strtpcled bete teTtW Wetfef-eraane-

to I'a delecated aWr bareclelcW to excit powers by cosa&acfieB, an!that has been the coatrovenx. betsraes thaNorth and the Sooth.

As for the ret, where, whea, la what, hattbat aetien ocearred of which the .f ltorspeaks aa tha accreaaloa of th ahrapower? In ca Tierronll enrind to theSeeator. I ask the qaesdoa beeaaaa I sboaMlire to know, tbat I mar direct my answer. Ihave asked the qaesttea before, and have pon-dered tt when I ire net been asswered, aadbate yet been enable to coaprebeadwhat ia mean by 'he arjrresttoo of the slavepower. When a larce msjerity of the Stateswere alavehaldinc did obey agyreaa en tbe nan-- 1

staveboMinc;? It tber bid not the temperand the parpose whea they hid tbe power bowidle it is to speak of that arrreaaiea at a dn- -

rr now, when, if they bad the parpose, they


have not Jfee absUty te perform H. The stave- - , and take their property with them InchidinebaMiac; aa each, are In a tr ia ' daves ah! it it too for the nerves ofthe : they cannot pssa4awtBd Ith scr SeeJ. T. - - 'tt ttswck oe at striate ai"i (bit (be Seat- - The writer of the elaborate article In thetor, to Ms arpament. aboaldhare peiated nt Sticlt, poi Mr. mess-tee-

,I--i M.

as an tba this minority bad held the Jon' of vhaae Jacctratioaa, 1control af tbe and dictated its hare heretofore coamnafcrted lo yon, Stow,peKcjw War, air, that mlrht be a boaet for , to M, Jonrdan, tt seems perfectly menstrmra,

man. If 'oay 4aaa tf my aissdcjatea : tint a people boMla? ftself free can boldbere weft rain etHwsCTtn make it, he "dltfrMelaves as andoictaaHy brlns alaret'beavt that In a minority stW waa as- - aboat with them. H wants to know whethercribed to them the control of tbe Gorernment. T80 call Christians. As If theaad she leap list of illastrioas names wbieh tkinr ad onlr come to Mi Vnowle-- e nt im.

asnalt of America a history, barn ann representlnc slarehotne; territory, mejiit .

even jasttfy that vanity which I hope maynever be exhibited. ; , f --,

That 'be Senator roes on to represenT thewhafe covernment as la tha slave i

T L. . J: . iaro. r I" ww n. v us m f

Sstttt --rtn'itien to ensblt us to confer te--Ketbef to tree and athit isTBrrofeac erltlt teinnim the rery preta-iiee-

ivhich&OBSttteie. tbe ereat diazer to the car- - .

ernment? I, sir, am not diapcted to be pat is t

a false pnattton in regard to tbe oaeatioa offo-u- Iam sot deposed becaase I ,

haveeail, and am te repeat, that I .will not consent (o bare tbe Coottrhstlea per- -

verted from the fof which It was es-- '

tahtisbed, and placed In the handl af thosewao avow that they wiH sae iuor oar 4eaac- -aaaa-ab- at aayicanaball therefore say I de- -eife-e-n destroy tbe government wbieh our fa- -tbers eatabHahed. --Al TToek aroon on tanrswhich ate paiic, my senses brine; back tome increased deepon-ien- cj Instead rf hope.n ra hi wt ran ra.nw, wroi me pmwbieh haaes over our fatsrr, I nlill hive aamy aarnesi ana nrsi aesire we preservanon or

oar camera, ormea it. i'leerMeaM Deiore as, toe Bom ITJaateJb tsvt tbe writer, would perpetuate ar

aftre had to preserve at in lis 'err1nnirent'r be had eoneelred that If thterisinal spirit and in the treat parpeses forwbieh it was established. has cown less; if lone befote thKrl jpWj t rapidly prow-t- o

see almost all tbe Northern States separa- - tag; miiarsl ies.JWofell Mas (bt coalinaed cx- -tiae; themtelvf In a presidential astbooph ihey were prorrtlntrto tlofle osit ltatari wcileii saaald'hereatter rrac tfe car ofthe

folio wed for in many years. They hire ren

whteh seemed be endteaa- - We peiee. , not diminisled toyWe wished anion fraternitv. We were to avert catlst-oph- e

to end the balance i 8trov tbe which I bear to

in so wise to

tode dearribe!)vlth The thosa Bnde(tlketbe a foandiHoas which Grwrra-caea- es

aewdWerli atls iata court. not tboe tatikis amntion A pamphlet baa been them. Tbe disuiaaista are those nader-reeat- ty

totd UMtvtny which speech uk destroy the Oonstltattontbe la tn betpect for ft la the-- of Americana.

rpeechbead CMitaMe



and elivery


i roxand

tbe calosaa of3ne


Than abeeaaktorand




at If



num-ber, of --rtoia'toaaf

tbe rearpaseinstitotitms

tattBcd In


lyhktb Senator



dsfdetd at atraazxflae;ad-

dress Bnaker


oven new to


slidsir, Am-r- tc

the nadamental



aaarIn few

starsry. earhsislaom.


wheEererrht feil

toto R a

band te












parpose destlnitlon


the rights




States, strong3avrrBraBt

Baehansn'siajary Ivoni.









and. as fir as honor and consistency permit,greater saerifael fewhtolttf eniaea of Qrtti.eaa., , . . , aa. . I JT '

trorernmein'wntco've inoentea oasklested os so ranch in the mat.

tber may be. Can that be ascribedto the South ? Have we not steed behind, thewnipaiuuiii'a uairirrr traee nor tmr runa i

brttaVd 'broach aad over ita rampirts? haveweerer sought o demoliah It ? And can anrrain ef common tense believe that now, whenpower bts been traaif erred to tbe Korth, tbeSen'h would teek lo break down tbe harriers '

behind wbttr h has stood in tha pJentrbrVf ber powers? Tteatan refutes it; tb bite '

toa-- of the Government denieett : commonseasein the mind ef my mm eJwuld preventbsm sawposinr aaeb a purpose. Haw, then, lentnntil tbe Minchesler Cotton Supplyan a Senator be justified ia --eklec to Im- - Aasociatton baa made tare of Its cotton tup-pre- -i

upon those not so well informed aa htm- - ply s mewhere else. That once accomplished,eif, the Viet that ve who sit here aUHy leis-- i yen will find Manchester and the Time lit-lati-

under tbe ConstttoHoa, aad bound hr leeir in fact, real - n.lL. tn ninU ft mrm --BAttafl u Vw m JI HMMMMMaaHHOMaHHHBBVw

When we will destroy the Government of whichwe are eonstftaent part?

n. Senator h riPrTtei in Htt UaWsenltae afGtn. eVson. though be tttd net qurtr l' co- r-

ireeilf , wben, on iceoantof Ihe nttUtvinr: ase i

f Mnance of South Carolina, be M the F.era I Utvlan mast be prescrrrd." It baa beento common In these denasciiUona ef southernmen and southern lets to pervert every thine:,that the word "Bonification " aneeettt tbename ef Sooth CroHna? am! rat tbat eaHtntState is one of the rerr few of the Old Thir-teen which bts never nullified a law of theUaiied States. Comet it well from Mitsa-cTwe- t'i

Ibit ber Senator shotted here irraieaSaiBh CareHna, and point lotheprectamatienas iadiettlnr South CaroKna's malfeasance,because tbe Itsnul an ordintBct for Balllfiea-tio- a,

under conditions which sever arose, ef alaw which wat fraudulently pssoe.1 IbrostetiCaBirrett, while Matsiebuseiti t'tnds frriBuMK yifltr laws, the constRutionaiity of whicheasaot be crnrttioned. and the direct tntnaefef.tbe ptssaeeof which letyes rvo loop-bo- le

for an exeat?I hare bee drawn, Mr. PreiWent. by the

cearss of tbe Senator's remirkt into thttof tbt yelatioa ef iadMdutls led,

tutM and Kinlea whtrb T alvava neafar Iaavoid. I am not to be considered as arraicn-te- niaa-- MassaabaaatLs. exeent in aa' far ttiat T

lnr...t h.r amaonet to oiw h..,ilk..arraitTPmeet of South Ctrotlna It ; no fnrtber.Mtssxcbuae'is it a sorcreirn member of tbeTJnton ; her own poHey it wHMn her ownbands, and, at less it tbe compHet with ber, ,. 1 . it. - . ., .

toateuatten o wt ivonoinwuon, no one nil arrljfbt to calaea T her Wb-niT- er the

does net, sbe owes to herself to wltbdrt w fromUBion, tne oooder wtt!c aee ha broken.

that case ari-e- s ebe wHl decide far her--eif. I bare netbin; to sly it to it, in antici

pation.But the Senator istamet aometblnr, K ttetat

ta tae, which it moat be Impossible for Mm teknow He says the laws of New Mexico

nrere pasetdat tha dictatien ef the dale fateiremtaic Twytterr. How 11 it possKtie torawv man to knew tbst? He styt tbe delersteacted aadcr the direction of Mr. Dtris, ofMistisaiBBl. of tht House of Sanresentakivaa.

lo'flit, my friend aai nameMke,tha Repreeeeit- -Hvo from Mtasisslppi, no doubt rejoiced .nthat-- law, tnd so do I ; but I birdiy think heweald have- - assumed to direct the leeislatio afthe TerrKorr. Tf he conrerted wttb the dele,rate, I have ne deubt be cave Urn bit oplatenin favor of aucb leeislttion ju-- t tuch lefii-Ubi-

at we have a debt to In every Territoryfor tbe protection of a pirtieulir property,which is more Viable than any other to be stolenawr; j9!t vrhat beaett men would pve toheir netrttbor tnywhere. Suppose there

were no laws and that a man abouid come Intoa neighborhood tni tty : " Here I Vive ipir-t-Bl-

ifecles ef property, for which I rrcjulreytrar aid to enable ae to ke-- p it ;'' would antbeaest men rive it to him ? Wonld a man de-

serve the name of a Boichbor, in Itt (rood ttate.srhe sreuid not else bio whatever aid witwtthin his power to rntble him to keep what-ever kind of property be hid? That I myview of the oSiration of eood nelgbborho tl.The Senator may eMff- -r wKh me abott tbat?He deet sot ant wet.

TheB, Mr. Prtwftt, I intwer to tbt Sena-tor, tbat until fee ii prepared to show aoae-th- nc

in wbieh the South bat eert-ae- d upontb Cta'ttteilps ; tmtrl he la prepared to ahowthat the South, or any pert'en of it des-re-- i tobreak no the Government of the Coestttietfen,he baa no rieht to talk of southern irerettien.Be riebt to talk of dituaten aa an ntT-a- oftbeSoath. Sarartt na'hera men have

their aWeraslntlao not te allow theGovernment to be perverted to their del trac-tion and humiHttien ; to (tr aa tber bave pro-claimed tbat they would maintain the rijjhtethey have Inherited, and would die at Ihey weretaarat, equals tn tbe Union, I rympitUse andconeer entirely with tbem; but to arrltenoatfcern men for urine tbit much, at men

wits seek to destroy the Censtttattea tnd theGereraaeBt, it at nnftir at it ia anfBunded.

Tux Kcw Minion to fxAXcr, The nifhtbefore bit departure, Mr. Faulkner, tbe newMistster to Fnnce, wit honored with a tertB-a-de

from' one of Hit poHttciI duba cl XewTort, to which be responded is follows s

jCetntnefce-i- i bow almost tbt only field leftlor drptoraicy. we nare mile or no Interestin BtBe-trBt-bi ef tb qoestioai which sgttateand coBvalse tbe European continent Wemay, it men, fceJ armpathy In tbe condition ofHaneirr, or ia tbe question of ItilUn

but it publicists, these questionsae. iltoEWirr excluded from our diplomaticceciMeraBon. The ereat quettloa of neutralr'ebtt, which, for more thin half a century,tbit country hat foasbt, tbroaeh forelen diple-znt-ey,

bat been aettled In earfivor, and onrriewi on pentra) commerce btve set with tbeacquiescence of the civilized world. So that,in fact, there remaini lUOe or potbiae for

action.Kow I metn atart fron those duties which

alwart deveire naon a rerrtse Dtltlve to maintain the national honor fappliuse and to pro-tect tht sight of citizens whether nttiv orfereUD-bo- applies with these rxeerwtlon, very tilt,e it left bat to open new sourcesor trade aaa new EeHs cl 10i . j v i . j.l.v..nH. i

py.j.cHc, keek to There h noiWti- -, .e tv,i.i A, rj,j.i,..m,wlaUn,

in n ,v. v.- -.

1 lrttfcr-)J- I ffi fhff wmavakaaef artxtw oaxaa- -, gtaerinc the bUUricafand toclil irspitbirt

il bind two eountrlet Hit Frtne and tbtOnita Etattl.

, n reatleaen. I hire rreit ttonfidtnee Intfet tt rtcUty and in tbt Urgt atattirstsihip of

taliyidail yrbt new cri iliti ott: tit txif

stive cswerof Dotflheleasl


Ttieiusices or ni paapte, oe win seas: to liberalize the cetamercia! relations between oarreontrr and TaOtfTg t a

kT tntrapenn Ijeajmnd tbe JleaJ- iJadftrrfctfel writes from Paris to the Miaiferi:

The t4reaideat mtsetihas first afrivatl InEarnpe, and it pabllsbed with the oaaalaoMMtat, aad the tnaal sprciee, of coramentary, tot the FaelrtinEnH;h pP"'jmiraantrs la trarofta areiver atf) sooaaj

'4.inli Ihlir hArtltcre iVltrieted bfiapprehemtntisjwbf thfT pereelvfeiano, utac yoo on t utmrT f mtjpuiv " -- i(pnr hown to apatv We principles or rr

nstltojen. There la a aewspaper ,nltP'eextremVlTra1r?waa?dflfiedIe FV

.re to the Pene. aa to the jnaaarement of

hit- - afialrs for hit baUnesa eos,warts its paternal retimes imabout bis own business, aad now, on the ap-


of Mr. Baehansn's raes-ar- e, toe

rl. ebat beraFts another oreatisn toLdtacbarre that blrb public daty, of IcetarinirT . 1every"". i.-.-

It woawappear-aa- . .nni'-u- u, sil""'r-,- h in.miDnta neuess aboat tbe TJaited

St'ra cpmea to them fresh and new once a'year.rta-e-rr meaee take them by annuls. andthey ll't op their bands and erea at It in art-

less amazemtnt. One would think .by this tjtime tbst the principles of tbe Dred Seoit de-

cision, for exatapK aiabt bsva to iiPsria. It it an om story now ; older. Indeed,than Jde Tetter himself, belnc only thtIsteat i(Neta! decision of what was tbe lawof the land before that versrible jiidfs witborn. Tel Mr. Bathaasn's referenca Jo thatTred Scott deeitlea bis reliance upon It asabwtnt and incontrovertible lata --hit"

to the eoantrr upon It ta sqand final exposition of tbe law all

tbisstrikee tbe liberal SiecJe with an astonish-me- n

it raaaat eonceal. What that citizens amavro intoaarterrHorrof the tTnited States.



he prstrsts that- - tht Republic of th UnitedStates, (hi which, mind, he take tbe deep-i- tand frlendliet Interest,) hat affixed npon Itabrow a deep stain (facie) br pennittite theeveentioa af tha martyred Brown, and lhajfr. Bncbaaan baa ttowdetpeaed and widened. . . v L B --mi 1 : . .. . .torn. IHin nuw ( nuj Drsfsusr ine plainlaw, as R has "exisied tlnee the revolntlon l

is'av, lit Juirdin, who has been so seriouslyleetnrine-- the Catholic church nf late, thinksthat new. whea bis hnd.lsJnhe Air as walleire a I ieee of his mind to the Pro'estmtchurches alio. Therefore, he austerely taxes joProtestants andCatbn In thelbiltrd Stt'etboth, alike. fnoiBo!?sB3-j,f- c ppn this oner I

principle. IfJtneV aerRTn nothiffj else 'bata man's slaves are h ia property,

Jfar declares that the United Stateshss now pltHseir far beneath JRussia it prsceeMblto ttaanelpsf ber nrfs. 1j0 the lotTcaT cijrtrlry-'c- f M. Joardin," It I

etna nrrciselr the time thine- - to emaneinae Ir iwhi'e farmers and to 'ree black slaves.VOpinie .Vaiioiialct-anothe- r 'rtry liberal'

nesrspaper nere, is airoou as raocn scandalized,It looks w th anx ety npon the disnnlon move--meat and tttgenerai exasperation of sectional

ttav'r-r- y : beelose a dissolstion of the

Confed-rse- v held toyether, It would not be

ltteie of eliveralWrpt-t--W'po- fcst simply;&? iftin-- t Ctacd5 erd"iC i Bntfif thereHal

allaten.Trieft thert ieian end ta M. Goer'sang tine hooej concerning yoar " de- -

tiny.' They are all terribly aneaty about you.If you knew what anxions.fiien4t yoa bare InEnrone watchlns your tad aberration! with alorine-- but painfel interest, surrlr rou wouldsend over WftrHa af rjceJip,iBcaiaport yoarytelres '.There (m one remarkible eTeentlnn hnweeee.

T ' ' "tnte Paris press. Tbe CoaiKuitosae! bis awise tnd temperate article upon tbe relationsef tbe North and Sooth, in which the writer.M. Mane Martin, without expressly tpprovie of aiaverji yet recpenizes that the,' sftntb-erp- er

bare certain rights eren equal rletittin twe Coifederacy, tnd that it Is htrctly le

to expect that they will bow down intubralstion before the rebuke of northern phll- -aroctsts who tell tbem they are thieves.

as for tDe i9doll Jimet, mere tt sotBinc;woadrrral in Badtnr K takine, in some meat-ar- e,

the part of tbe Sooth. Tbe looms of Man-chester depend upon tbt labor of neproiiaj-er- t.

and tbt revenues and the eredtt fends dependupop the teaaju of Manchester, and tbe Britishempire and monarchy depend on tbe' revenuesakd femds ; therefore, a commercial orrin of

- T J J - .(. ....cniauq win Envoi imjv ana tuiti nua 4a wev.Tiitaeas ts)itmixien ovr tb horror of altr- -

PliAlTTEKS' HOUSE,raerTbt?r riMllT M aT4t

MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE,TS w open far tke reception cd meals. Tk taW

will ke raa arte aapattl d wttlttka keat tko marketCkaeaea Two fcaadred day koartera

af earlv pppticalioo re piade.X. tf. WKST.

iai-J- r c. s. ruaaitoTnra tore.

STQTEMEISTToVthi eoxBtrina Or Thx f

City Fire lasiiraBce Cesiny of Hartford.

- JANtf ART 1. i860.Tl ft Crnffm(ii? tkt stttt Tae.-TheaaaM ar aa eaasaar 1 the C.'TT rime Issv-aanr- a

Coarrajtr or HaaTroan, lecated at Hartford,

Ike Captlal Stock at tk Oatppuy la. onotbeaawiimad Capital saors ratd vp l,...v,oco3bt Aaeela af Ik Gaeaoaa or aa fetaawa r

rir Kartetra'u. raise

W0 rkarea Park East Mock K T $10.0 fltauiw 1000 lasw109 i15ml3 Ina'rao.Tradeeprk IVIK T 1 ooo 11,30053 ef Keye pr. 5 000 tjot

too MarkM Baa. Sie-- t V T.. io ooo it, toofit StueJiLea ker B'lSl'k.K T 6.000 SJW0

IS z sarae'akwwa f 000it50oyCOQ

to- - XlVeke4am Mt, Brafca. 6.000 s,sooM RateALeataee B1 Sit " t.000 a. too

100 - afe-- road - ooo lO.WO100 .. Kaeere " v.noo it.noMi .. IteetaalitoBtai.HarltVd 14.100 it to- -

101 .. OiVVsAak " How HJoorfeoli ' - 5,eaoAataa - sjno t.t--

to fttAXia. " avoo fslK)cur x jo S.fO

110 BtHuUVC.-- ' t idlaToW Ar". .Tfan10 Vilr KtwiV Booi.100Qaach. leOpaVlIHieuarj fLtJt r ' vtOOTUt

Mlswrtajkinr too v iojKW lCtelltVet Okas SUte Stork 6,160

(IIT.1M tied art

Accrued I

Babvarea ao fkt we ftwai Axeala. ITtt-l- teVakeateotaod ta Ba-- k ai,M" 57Oaak I kaada at Ateata, w Ha tr.Qail, leaa

famuie-rim- i all ctiartea ............. 17,311 Cfi

Loaasenktarttaaeaf Reed Eaute C.BIJJOlyaaoa aecore y yaeeape ar Bias su ocaer

peck 4t.1tl.tlt ain' m or other saprored sercri .e,15Sd9

aae aaa.aora,r...... ...... ia.rwi.3000.08.196,671.00

altl laaets mWIkdaaiLmcs.

KatAakPtiaiM ae etberf, seaalSMtduaXa Le-a-r. adiaated aad do.liaaei at nated tod M daa l,tttLoa.-e-a reported "to neeaewaltax

farsh-- r praaT .....,.--. ....... ....tTr&tKe esper ctaiaaa acaie- -t tfcerapatsBr- -Tke ra-- f tke iiiapiaj tiftau Ike araecat tt any oa

. Tae aveate--t antaapt athioid to ae toaared ia aay oacity, leva w vulaaaa, yiri aoascdlor U Itt ell' sad -taaaaf prooerrf- -rb preateet anaaaal alknrpd ta ke iaiarld la any aaa

Meek, varies aa la tk precedeex.Na ptrt eT ita eaailal w eiraioaa-at- e dappatled with

par Stale or State at eeeurtty for teaaes tkertia.Aat ed mearpwpUes I aasa a Beretofare uf ot.

0. B. B0WHL, rreudcaUO. C Wairr secretary

srirx ,r ooKKSX'iiCirr. IHaarroan CoraTr. i ITarif-e-,to.r r t. BuBOirKES. PreeMeei, pnd

a. .. w 1 itt; of it city rite laianac-Oeepa-

eT Hartfnrd. aad aude eaie tkat tke rnrecelBtptuacaeat, ky taeaa makatsatiet. is s trae, fall and awrecteiatemeai af lbs Sak of uVtctHapasy, aad eikrDlU,eolar af caa k aaaoetaiatd at ki tote. Its pctaal

ea tMtwal d(y at JallVJ. lfBe awe me K PODP Vecarr Pnb Ic

Stats or TisxEaaue. CosTaotiia'Piirncx, IKaaksaU. Janaery IS. ItW.

TPi. ta t tbu ta Citr Fire lomaajce OeEpp-- S.

at Haeteped. ta Ike stait r CucAectleat.Baa oenalied witk apt Mat l!BtBjiajl-- el af an paaaedkytkedearrsl Aaaraahtr o( Ike Stale T Teoaeaaeo, laXarck teo eotHtet. -- A Actio retalale tk preoeieatt jaaaeapee ojeppoajea apt kpoprporated ke Ike SUte T

Teneaee " aa twpt 1 r. Til.tuwioL. eas w. a.WELLS are tke leeallaaaikatiied aaec ef 'aid ceo.easy, i tke uaraaC Wi te 4 Teanee. ee. ,' - - AT. BDilt-i?- , (VcuVler.

Paapraea iwo-- d aad eeeetved in tke pknre reHablsy UBinvHixa WKLU.yitvnUr

iaf aaX.(atUinx.Xtla street

Receiver's Sale,BT OBDCK


Silk and Fancy Dress Goods,

FRENCH MILLINERY,LicVCE ljCE GOODS,Aad all kind- - af acaxkuswoaJlr trat tn a rotST OtABS

BWSX, wig ke offered.

On Tuck! ay, February MfAt tt stare k ate tenawlr oecaniet II t jr. Heakle,Xtia tiff' afewdowa lk-- e Adaoai Tk sal ll im-- 1eratiea. put win k afafsl at puaala as e ka a few

dart Tks paMM at ,rpectmj isvited to exunlaatteltock icB.w a arx Ryalrat.


Very inpertor Strinrr, and everjUiIng' 1g tbtMoslc tine, very cheap it

- S3 ITIonroe Street, Memphis.

nilIttt vtV. 7i$tl& TiWiW asher Maoo-llk- a--a kt.-- r ackad -

eswauoj. daal ta. er--ra aeaeala- -

ttOtt CtOT M oe-- ee drSatOOl rts ana repsnoa, aaa, aa oart v fe-- IManat 'ETaa5 new nan setalit! trie tied u ti'e -- Bttre iattidia for tn yaarttke'Driert Patesi tea yean aim a 10c 01 ontisTATtoxzay. "w. saz,

rarntrtr of XlllTlHl. Iac5.X- - B. CaU pat pe tk TJKm laprarrd Gcturi tal

TlaHsa at its anni salt, setter usa tusr xius pt tsilM-4-

SsfrvJttre erenM i T. '' relaUontta.wtthi. , "riZZZZ SZlZf7,Xmean cojl!TJ ioj Frtn-- e- art not wbtt they abocld aerzxka auk. . it I aire peerM unrm n

of a frie E!ir State, IX--t bStTadby lay 1 he. ronaWerinetha naattlnn he.ae4o r.,f 1 keaaonarb very bell l kt Xre at lie

'' d balLT. rti.nirj.r --u --

4 ai, -aEsuaatrnr'. Pita.

nar tie tWti rai "M i LAiN AHAi TROUSDALE & DILL,

atuoai U. J pf aeitaxss, oa- ,

or ' a4rsw) see -- -- --f"-' 'J ??

abi. ify-- n.lwdl Mv- -a -- tn Krtcti sad rltitlr

paii.v ttAT5 rem ADVKIITI1I-IU- .rttMaqure 4 lea tines w en iaotftaa...$t M

evil arVUlV-- ul ineertko of M

5 ? 5


i oa ooj oni i as 111 oojirictiitoW y tti s eauaojtl co(w'a.

I o a cojit coin to it tojsa Kit o St oo

BJl MI4 000 toi cctti tsnwi tou ax'at eon itttsos

to ton cast oo u vuMt acJit soil to-t- i to a os'at oo's toea'tot

at t as it tttia axrxj e at eott ta jan taljI it o coat aatatata aoaa coes aort sol

TT-- 0 aqnira, reeewaata weexTj, ee aiaaaa, ya--l OU- tw9ra-r- 00rj-r- a anarea. raamM wwkly, atrsnmsa, ta 00- - - a , - SO 00

t lU atrertl-eoen- tw Ua appeal milt k k itd-- 4IK at Ua Otarfa deal.

y-- xll traaaim a4TrUa-ant- a mat be awkad tureeeciSed ttaw. srken aoc (kts rairtet, tksy wtB a

ckartedrgraa , aad dleeae-laaa- d, at tk adsUtilise.

J-- .ii adrarttaraaecu malnd UMkestaaaaoandeua. tRtaoXD aa zw etc, oar, and aa ttlrtnat.k&dvmaoe over elated ratea

J-- atrerUieaeaU directed I ke dlfjiUrad. ae ael Inarse tip, dtirred ooctLZ rate

Cp-- learlr --rill fc eharxad xlrs tw aeea-n- nt

apace oeer ewnrrart. aad wkn TTra lak ased, or tt adTrtUaemeat kepi a inalda e(

I"tr adTertlaera wtn Uttinu xtf uraaa-t- ar

rataa far WiMa.BoU(rm--'- Oartaenitpna-ieToOtutrsaeta-" " 'i ;s -atvrr aa rainnta

ajvaarc- -ty-- K adTTrtiaaraem wHl apvaar in Ua

auiiai kf ipcrlil mnlrartto kJaartd is Ik Weekh'tapw

miy. ar atirraca-a- r lalamia la alitor a( Iktpapert,Wtoctiarred(l par aasar lar cH sad mry txatr--

r3' j -r OeadMate for lute, OMtly and XOtscei, (it tack, la k paid la a4vaare ta every

tltftsnco.ry IB aCTtTtbaraenta far OkaritaM taiUtnUma,Fir (Vaaqionlt-- Ward, Taa and ttlU- PaMk MaaUna,lokeckarsedkaltprlc.

a I rf life-- aawl Peatka are at ae--nl kmolntaariea, TrtbaUa at Beapect and raneral tariutiaaaaaotaeradvertlaeiiianti.

TJ-- All Lesal aad Traaaleat Acrertiaaaienl win ke'ita rrA w thm laM.liga- -

Tf X4iVlI Xcalcoa ta Lal Ootanaa wia t-- chirredcenu per usa.

13 JtatedoctiaaaT ratiatioa trffl k aaai trata ttratea." " JCCLAXAkTajr. TCOrSOALB ft. Dili.










AttacUment forIeiit.CRAatXSj. SCt'LL 1 Lie . tie Oanaaoa

r. J Lew an OancerrOeartatntajf AS k Co. )tke W?lf-arkU- . 'lata eaa- - tlarp-arln- c o ike clerk I Ikal

n- - refpteatl at Ike SUteUT-a-e-e- r

it U tkaurokHcate-- a ke sad.tar feat we--- t- in tke UeBaekla Djtt --repeal,

aret ulrtte M aWrdlaala U apoeaoa-t-a-- e MeJa-tiae- laaiUaat ar-- aitltezai la.wan aaao an vklempkle. oa lac I rat kteadiT la Xitek aeit, l defendtHeaaitneowtatartlnniaeni inms aeaiBerja-fiat- ai

will to SrdctaaH.xi sens j. waionr. rt--t.

Bf Okaa. W Jatj-a-- -, Pepalj Cle k.Ilirrit h Wll ac, Atr Jl ter 0ai'l. feKMw

w vt Asn a cwp......... a. a. OLitaosAnArewH fc Gllsson,

STko aal and XHall

GROCERSupcojuaissiojr .VEncn.i.rrs,Xa. IM Ksla Street, tor. of giaklsileai,

xxptrnij. txxx.TQST leceiTed, a ekoic let ot Mew Terk Batter andO uaeeae. Aiao. teoaaaw rarwi, axaa eairm oraatTe,wktek wtu ke aoH eo IRierarieewa te tke trade.

We keep cDaatiaHysa kind aHartidea latkaGraceeytin, wkeck wm oner as caaip a par ana la rata cur. SULU-U- 1.


F A M. 1 It YS 13 PP lilES,m 1 1,1. Fit & votj-fttii- r,

JU JEFFERSON ST.,TTirK laat recairrdi'rrpah itndr t sverrtklailaXT. Iktlr Use at ttate I oelr etook row kstny on tf Iksxpaetctanp'eu in tk dfx- - Xtoxet Jacok'l eetekrpted

aKdUt-tu- d four catki Jarak'a tatar-cve- dHaisi , I ca-- new Bare . Sitae 1 plaa. pa paorl-me- et

of rralta and of pit liaet. M barreta eftk loeatkraatesf noar uud. vtt: Pearl Bint Walters aad tk Barriaon. all f wkte-- s the offer at St.lesls prices 1 tt Parrels Londoa ladr sod 50 kartellriB-e- y rptasoaa, vuca tner onvr at nvvr feicoa

rreek Bn-v- . Etxi, CkiekeBa Tarkeri pad GatapWanklnda, reealrpd deity frant tkeeewatry. Cariatrtaee.


G. W. JONES & CO.,


tarly Opposltt Old Fellowi' Hill,

Mtmphls, Ten- -

A ax mr itsr SE-- nrr or rnxtn fruiKOSIOCK Of


Wlndor Glass, Brushes, Perfumery,




SEEDS,Aad tvetr article aeM ty BSmaflf4X wlU not ke rtCDXXJOLD. PCBCHAsxtjJppRttn wttl Sod it nock U tkelr hrereat rViet'ear

pretea. 4Vaoa kctltsperleaced tut aampetett apnlkecariei

and packers ear etapkc.Tiivips dona be. I aett inKemrkia far tklrteea rean

ta tke ent i raaal Uf actroo or a 1at of ikgbeetat eRBaatp,7trtciaBe. Pualers and eesairy Dtatylsttla AlakiBt, XlaaipaipyliVlrkpaaa aalaTesnetiee.wppledc acKpatyee to meet tke tnerep-i- at denaasd at

Priwshlch vrlirconpare Farorably

Iwltk-aa- rEaater ae Weatera market,.


" aixsxso.rwwkicktka eatsurkttfeo win be paid, eHkerta csak or trade.


CXEflE80& VADENiS.. ,ki v

tut , Ata V

rpn PlS'wkick irtf-HeilSSiawyf-r vaRk

JL OilkolWOarck py relay n. Borneil. JBTka Xljfeawiaa W, ef Ir rklllo SltileeywHk

life r Ue.apkc t tprasteallre pedea. By w re ."Graf,1--. 1 veinea r a re--

Ckrlitlin Bpn-- r at pnd Ltetttx. I?,- - PT D.nBauationipjD,i PrefrpsffiftrtiUan.Xarata m sir-vtrd 0 lleytT Wj ' Xr r.'. f.

Tk WblU Bllla; tk-- tr Cerroea, Laadpcppp-aa- rrvtry. By Tkoesaa Sierr Kind. fim

Oa tks OrlzT Soecies b arrant or Kltaral Saleo.tlool be rreerrpUen ef favored Eaears in tksntiliM lorUjt SerpiPUep Parwia. X. A. V

Tke ImelKis ttettsit tti BepaeHory of fTslEnewledcr.iu ke re y Uto

. a.t eaetieal.rreiUee an OrIiaerpsIPiraaa'1ltrl

coatprUiax VjfpWv. rcn pan lira aatntlrspipe, paikode r cpluvafia:. euttiat sat carina Xl

tk nuaateweert of rraaa landa. BjCkpp. IltUajf-A- Pi

Tns Tame Oardener'a As telaat. ta fkras rarte ctlatslnt catalassea at tatden ppd newer paeda, witkprpejul dirretloo ' ed'C til M tor tkp caPtvptlpa

veteukles aad lW 1 eba, dtrretaoei forcaMeaUnt fraK reel, lke twp Tloe, etedjjjeta. T

pnajraraa.Taras lraptemeata. ttrt tkt pettKiples Pt EkelzSc'

ptractte pad na pa eaestruaty and fa T'treitlaenmeenaales ppd ea rjtsrstrEblloogpki, tepsrulr.applied te tke erdraar' prpctleeted atfaiavrt, willtwo harylred eaira-- el ll"patali-o- a By Jaka J.Tkotoaa.

Tk Oottei Pintor XnaaV oaHx'o oaprllUoB ffacts from tk kept PTkerttlea cu tka culsrocf cctiaailu utarsl binary, ckenlctl.i taalTilaAtrsdp pratjecm-rmp"- ""

pad eabraetot a biatery of cottoa aad ill est--toatia. pyj a Tamer.

T " "rsa-iw rxrArra S Yltrts'

Flour.B AXXJMS of trtra raallr Ploar. Jstt rscrlr.

8 edtalNtitrl tiy THJfOlfaC

For galeMBTEIif ksadrsd apt aeaawea, aelected laratlal

aeUleeaent, tylax a Seat Bead, ssatii attat&rfaaa rtvtr and oa tea's Ilk, !krre-tar- tri ef a ppB

Iteaa Bank rleee ; S awea dpdnedtkrSPirt ktfBesa lin an canty pop in onauraaaan. . .

Senrokl, and Okie raileoad. cenruaiax Wa acretvlas iacaHl ratios t frsat dwtllia. nexr arUrsand allaeccHpry kaPMjara, aH la gaad rtfr

Vor Sale. !AM laaarartJ ci'aUUaB feooUat an tt atiulutppl

mi il t.i nliu ihrt SfeinaPM, eypoiita Miad Ml l0 aerei la ta tradt t--O In1

aa exanen awentnzi iv wwetMtraaeiaiaKoaiuiTruwar, wie aw "aa4 mia an ia otter i ataMea, tou ant iaprmneats,

'l la anot order If deaired, t earn s lodJer, takeadafeatti, lOOkefi iOaaeep TrtH t-- Witt ttpiae. a rtece tM a leod sertard ie Uail rlciu '

XiaoOat pusutiaa rrostiat on the Vluiult! rivr Unatallea. la Bea naatr. ArUnastl S50 acre la taIractl no ta nMriteiol aa eieat traa Cwalllafaad laot strtrri lee M aaadaj Urf s In rtrrr (lakaw itk etua (ta mill aad vnw&yT aaUr of

aeceaaary emiafiosi, a., a ew.Uat'IapaKtartarieosaWaer. ana. if aaun iiwor tw oira, t fata , t --raaoaa, at to kadkiax,lrlikei(aatH.ltbci-f- e amlpialea, 1 atMtaMkanta X eaceUea eamta.

1,11 nuraoiia a. . .. a- -, iim Mj.Mt.ttMi 12ftH- - Lekrv- - Xiltem.

Crttteau. eairalr. Att-Bu- a, rraetiat St rriacia river,3o, m laad. lt awe la rert, JOB fenced, tealactrtaUeB.SCOtafdeidaedi aetraa-Ltrtar-


. (to km --rttt (ta sd - SBed t--Cr. noraUaa.ajai.

For Sale,ton teet front a e bum tiaa rca.4ACB.I1. am tmn altl cMCLtss. wlLk fir ronaa.

yostrr, klttkea aad two perveata, esoBa amotohaaa.,uMt. cirriPt k and oora crtk. IK atllp fromGaurtSaaare. ateao Jwrauoa m. ateat.

OR S LtAttd Terms JCaty.

talktwma rraperty, an aa tkree-oaart- nuieaTHX rram Oart Staara: Paar and a Jul! actI .kJ Mi Llh airael- - wick a rani rantllr BeaideOC Vltkalz room, arraali rooaa and ktuaen. dfteru, carriatkecx, autla asdwTttiid. sR weal hartaaed.

A Lao A td PaaaOy Keaideae aa Jacksoa itreatwMk aeveo a, titobea, aarraaTa nav, datam, teatoed aeila, rarrlate tlaMe ant faetea, SB ta food

maA kaaxttral auALSO Per aattoa ranee alreet, a neat ant anfrta- -

kla Teaecenl vfto or raws', iotx roan, iiunrn, air- -rant's ravaa and etataia. an new, ana oeiweon uukisod Harnasde tk nortb aMe. at tie naratref ttok'ler . .

Alio Two nasi teaaes aa ran rKieriat. oaa a amwHk itinau ant fosr ne are terviBl'a nan, cUtera,tardea, carries kone. alaM aadaextard, ia tkla placethere a three acre, af reeaad Tk ether place In

Port Bcternar i a rraaae nana Witt Ova.racauJLI-eee- a aad aervinl'i roaca, etc.- Jiirlaallfr IklarmiTlliniiTiTnrtkoCall-n- a Staet. riener at Itaneoe and Mala streets.

Horxiss a. aiaoiJ. W. KOFKIXS & BICniRD 31. KIRBT,


OSes In tbu Calhobk BlocX corner ofMain and .Moure Stretu.

a Urre and wep elkrel IM of Lands Is Hip.HXTS Tie 1 eia v, Aiktaeaa- - Cu fsrelakirvi. ia urr ateo lo aoM oorekaaera. mad in alsaeBt tX3tacsltty ta- - Ua Xlailtaippa Taller Alptt tBpvevpd padBnipapeweed Prlp la loo attlea atesBpoip aoa we alee a Uat aa anaoa ef tko HCotafclea at eaf land.Wa wia n al,,Mat et uw llm Pa kaep Ike DlepsBrP efakowlnx Cteee UaleSB pay pad an peraona la eeaecki etUpatafwpenveBeat la aa puaslpaappt vaury. wi teeitkat we art prepared le ttve'ei teeerat itrtoruuilaB aadea near cnerectatzaa be oMataod e)wkr traea paypap, IB renr-sawa-e, law peocraf MiKwr -- lla tk dlXkreat'dlTlaai of tka xtlnlaatiTt vaeey. jpeied aad pons f Ot pswjoera of oex UndalXa. Acre. TowaaMp. Kaaft. ceunty. otato.

SCO t Bank, a eaet, vntaewoen, at.tea I nortk, tepet,s a 4 aortt, t eaat, "

. eenft 1 Mil V eaat. "r r r teres deadepet.,IKdl I asrtk, 1 east, Oetttentep, Ark.. lit! t nortk. 7 eut,f lite 5 arem. 1 etflptt' tawta, tip.

1700 .tamaureh, a eaet,1100 --Ooarth, S east, "too TOorib eaat "

IM0 ' ertk S eaurtta S nortk t east

,tM 1 nortk T oaat M

CO0 pctpp deadeapd.SH 1 north 1 eaat (IrHteodrn, All.

VTOO' S nortk 1 eaatBOO acres deooeoed.

fiSOO It nortk I eaat pUaalaalDpi. Ark.tCCO acres dtpdeued.

tat) II aartk t poet Kteaiapiprt, Arktin nortk 1 eeet "1903 II ixxta oaal r1500 It nortk t eaat70 13 nortk I rpat PaieoeU Alk.SO IX Bartb t eaet "

OM0 4 aaetk 1 weat JpekaaaandSL, TTaa.fif J eia. Ark Oaak neer.Mom 4 aareknot (aara we-- Jackeaa. Atk.tta X applt, I weptSCO 14 poatk I weatm 14 apaak tweet

13m I aerkk 1 weat WkKe oe.. All.C1M It aoatk t treat Oaiart to.. Ark.ISO 1 poatk t weet Peokp eo,, Ark.Mt II BOBtfc IOt 4 aoatk It weet Tantepco, M Ma.

: t poatk Itno It prwek 1 wept Ojpkenuc Xlaa.

XtO acres pa 4 west Ooinonu CO., Xiae,

130 4 weattto 3 BOPtt 3 weal TBpAptckie.Xir.

tin UPPoaiyp Daroa.2! 10 X3 pel 1 west asaajwat ua.. Bias.I3tt Itecalk xatlw natppea eo Xlaa.Its 31 penn t weat Saanawer, Xlaa.

Kear XcXaU.TT. n aooik 1 west WaakiPXWu. Xiap.

Skr Lake.aot II aoefh 3 wept WiaUsxtea, Xiat.100 31 poatk 1 weal SaaSewer. Xlaa.FX 11 oaoth 4 waat "

tl eeree feor tnOes aartk at ratal Kara Depot, laarkmo, AUkasul a pAaatPlpan on tke pbore, 400

acrea cplUvated Usd, pad kt repated W ke one ef tkekeatcotton plaatalJea fas skat part ef Alekama la lafereoca10 tMi laat nentitsed paaatatioa, Sertaxs,nsBtaeHle. Alikpnia. ra np neve.

n.vtae the eAreealne I tat aa well pi nupr eifcer traeti.own lota. etc.. we are coepieitled to sire real estilp

eaoat aT anr atteetMMi, apdai it ia aloct pi epay to repre-a- et

a kepey pa s moderate Bat af laad. we tender our aer--nce pa laa BUPrpe yeBerpny ps iirmi w cror w wleaie. If. reoaieed, any pnd Ptt praaeely istnated to otrreare. eitker lo tke dtp orcatmtrr. We eoM tire a satlafpctery nemoer f refer eaeet. Pat ea reference! offcert Httte mimltrele, at lEjVr " site ntaea enottck.Ws rarerrr r natteae akosM citl pat aeo up, pad tkenttartlre after trr ntede f kmlaaas.

Birrr Borrtfts a. tmirrj. J. sactTR Jts. T. Bouase. wst. xfLxtx

j. j. .aliTH & co..Commission and Forwiinliag MerehacLs,

AHD DE1LXES ISBoat toret and Shirt Chandlery,

(Lower Wkatf paatjl

MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE.ptrrcbaaed tk Wkaef Boat pnd aH tta

HATIVO frem Xeeara. rsrpl, Ahreo fc Oe., wsLira kid kae tborvrckar reaalmt, pnd wltk tko addUUea af ao of Xadi fc Keliouft Celekrsled Steam Tainp,ka ll new cue of tk aafapt Boau ca tka Xlaaiapipai

etree.Wa are neenaeed pa dop cenerpl Oominlpslon sad ypr-- v

wtrdiat ktulBeai, faftfc every fatiUty for BpUorItberilcatk adrincesou rrodnca, etc., conalraed t ustar aale.

All eoaaUstnentl ot ptodac I aa (niece otkerwteewink Indoraed ea oar epea potiCT.

Oar atepakoat frlenda may rely apeu oer kelnta applied witk erery prtkete ks tkp bnt Mpre pad

skip ckppdleTratBe at tkeAre est prieea, pnd tkat w wita lepoet inrcptoron aeurvtsata aereTerep on oar wai.

Jal-- lr J J gXTTH fc CO.


Praetlcal Bell Hanger antl locksmitb,Corner Union street and Second Alley,

ELL Tlssf sat Eepairedl Eers fitted I Locks r.lj railed etc Personal pttention t Hotu adsteaniboat itll-l- v

&- ti



" - Below Union, west iMt,



tTES.Scyul tueBtpra paid le tke peeaaraHon PC



Bride1! Plain tnd Garvetl Irory Iarrdled


CL 00 ita: 33 s .


jConiUntly hand the Choicest Selection of

r Toilet ylrtlclestrrr brtrBftt to any ovtlieni or writT mirtrt. "WtIwrtleaUrlr" tfnlrt tke pttentitu of psyilciiai t sr

mlrnl and Tharmacentic&XPreparations.

DEARING & WETHERILL, .e - "ZM Xiinitreeti''

iv,- - JLarge SCocH -

OP PUMPS!( for Every Purpose.

Bntt Joree Pumna, . . . , .

Copper Fcrce Pumps,Composition Force Pumps,

Iron Force Pumps,Enj-ln-e Pumps,

Donble-acti- Props,Railroad Pimps,

Boiler Feed Pornpt, .

Hrdraulle Purrpt,Iron Botinr Pirape,

Brut Rotarr Pnapa, . . ,

Dtep WeirPuopt,Erasi Lift Parnpt, .

Copper Lift Pumpavlron ;LSffPaii:pt; 4.

Beer Pbdpi, .

.LlqoorPjimpt,Clrtern Pumps,

fTitln Pn-Bt- llj

Pnmpt of tVtry description, slit sod price, I

lUT'Isi KhlOOStlsBlTiri.

ffltsato ons- -

Danghtrey, Korcom & CotImpnrt'ri sad waalesil Deplyrp ta

FCY'GROCERIES,Forclu Fr.ulls, uts,


Pol neprlrue-- l aT !k

KfBtueky Jockey flub RTilsky,

A'o.'01 aVerl Sreoaa Srrrrf,

Eplartjuria-fan-ta- t aai Ollv Slrtt,. - - st. um. KISSOUkl.

Mcci.uhe, nvnvarxx co.New ITrm .BoaoTal.

aadertlt-ae- d kit aiiodaUdwJtk aim la botoeet,Tkt brother, X Jt. VcOLDEE. tad E. t BUEUCT.pod reawred kit Wack lo IM Xaln eppoalu CntlStair, wkr fc bepe tka saw fins, wat cowtlaat laae ku former pair 00a, aad ss ntaay boot at tkty auyka klad asik 1 krlax wia Owes. Oar etaert arid P

tint tks vers ktettoodi. sadiaatfcemtlarivintsrpflLTk ruaot tit be froea tk eelekeptot tukits. CutawayItSoai. a. a. Otlp a. Co., acd J B. Daakpat, ta warertatcdzortisysars, Tk alack of tkeet XaaisuUlirteit la IP Cliy, pbc wju rrcetea uman, wijAlso, pit msaleal toerckiodit potd ia a caaai ataea,OItp ass call aad paltry rtarself.

JIOTP-l- n JA3. A. HCI-Lio-

Tine ChampagTieTHE 4sett CkuaptfB VTla new lesporled m tail. . . . .i. u - & - a bw

icaaetaf wkiea wp kavalatt receleat ttract rr--ca Xraoca.aAeep, - rrtne Imaerlil " aid tkr popaiar orpow, teahTaala pi leweat caarkci prlcoa.

daiwsa - r Ka. a rratt-tuw.-

To' OiftCustomcrsJS3 aHd tkeFabllc.

rnturnim tk citn ststex t W tk kerf wii balk kirer put aeller. we kav dattraUaed u adopttko paaa frpaa sad alter cut aai. uaz varau wo,tkersfat, koEtclutlttly Ctuh, or City o

itieirr tun. taamMa aaTttrfitr. Tjpaae tkta ereanc- e-

Pieot, oar alaxk Petal UrtP.watr pretaradl eaTPt

lira ipdooppteou l Baroaaera fIUU, aaiiH -Jaaaarr 1.18W. JS-l-

JA8. It-- OAPnEIala & CO.,laptrtert ted yrkoipa! Dealers ia

XR"5T GOODS,.LUienj. 'VP'Ut Coodi Qo(b, Cajrimtret,

AJIeLUfaCkSa oMrtedUa WWVkvtf awbtwdej

,Tte. 727 Chestnut Street,PHILADBLPIA- -

11. CAHrtlLL,) iALXX BICXXT.kzmi.T xaaaicx-- i (snt x otrpouiox.

ker. ETEEEtxO to lk pkaTP. wa kef lea re la atata tkalfin. wo kavp rtmeved frtPl X 4 Xptket at reel I Xa.

STt Ckattml alreel, aaa ar prepareo ae rzawi aarprpad puractlv KocX, ta wkkn wa larttt a pUmtloa afhh- - traaa iattJ



JTJ1T EECXtTXD A Til Ttwo Otlaal kyHITS wlk tkirty-t- lt IUBPtrpUaeaar dlfferenl edltiena.

Tk Atoptpdnetri byXlta Pirte! eoBpliU sad so--

Lsclaresw iota jieatecwKk a ran sMopmpipuastakiexripky af.ktr Hie, iwiaeHnc ker cal.bated ler--LareaoaBeas'iral Woeiea, OsRutry, Oautlc Aipect ofLore, Harlaetf Slatary.'trKa pad Waateaef PlrU,Uataaatrpj, eta.

.Tb Xin U Slack I aa nUterkll Bontaaoa at tk daylof QseenABM; byO.r.B, Jiraea; pppet- -

..airy ac arprtvecyi er, na juroa ot waeoit ajP X J to eaf paper.

Tks oaaniet oy caas. BKxeaai paper,WM. R. STRANGE A. CO.,

tseli gader Odd Tpaarws'JBaiU -

12 A? ECONOIlTY!r? fij lUk &

JJ Sare the fiecesi 9KIAt ttcridnUt wtB htyyen, rum in

JtmQitt. It lj TtTT eUitritviu) to worn ckodrp a4oaCTVDiwi wij far rrpkta rrBlUr, Tyt, Orodcrrjprtt- -, etc.

acfU evil tmch 9mTmci9$t ftAd liLMltt4avO tKeHtot) wilbovt It. UUir.n r?ft4j atvt to itiek

let point. Ttitra la m looter a Bfcticitjr for n

etaitrs, tpllatere4 Tenter, hMttleu itfoUtviui brokencndldM, It UltMt U article fir eon, sktR v4 MfcerortioUiitynUI worklto popralAT vitil U4it M. rcalUAeatad tut). ',1

&4mlr&l,U prntAratkia U msM CwM, twUj chenlId In AmtUm, and pomu1b aH at n)Uwlt

imavnUe f tt. vt brxatva,ert iVm. U may toed ia Ue jltc l M&inxtj mxlUi,hiiit ttr aort

4.esiT. -- UWPUt IS XTKatT BOUSK."X. Be 1 brasa tecoaynin taeb beUle, Price 2b

emit.YholuaU Depot S6 AS Ctdar tired, iVhe York.

AW,M Henry cTspalding & Co.,to K. a,P00, .Kew Toft,

rat up tor tleettTt la ee eoaUialec tt, eight atodtvetve tleitetwA beaalirBl 0tbcrafft btrard atcHSpaarijtc taca pActact. ,

X3'X iissie toctle r 5fuMJaxi rreparerl tfae wWare ten tlmre lUboat aaaaaltr torrery t6ae&aid,.

ftoM tf at! pram.aent iUrhuiert, drmczlita. Ltrdvarand faraltare de.lera, grvctr and faar tteraej,

Ceantry atercXuau aboa-- d make a Bote e SpaMiar!Prepared Glam wt,n miilcx ay taeir 111. tt wlBfund air climate.

niCMTitDso.rsiitisH LtiTEisrs,DAMASKS, DIAPERS, KTC,

H JUcaardMtt's Uaeatv aad tboM dsCOXSTMKRa tuiaiac tke BPinlav coocta. eberaM eetaat taa artklea ttej parefcaaa are ataled wica tto faflaanM af ttofiravJ.X WCHA1JQX. 80X3 h

aa a taaraatea of Ua aaaadnen aad 4aalllt7fittetwda.

TatUcaaUoa It rendered eaaeatlallT aeetmafr, aa Urf e(aatiUe of laTerlor anddtrecUreLiaeaaaxeprerfdaeaaoa after ecaetM. aad sealed arift the case ef ftkb-arde-n,

by Xrlaa hettaaa. wha, rrtaruOwai af tae ajaryUa, laltcted alike aa tka JUaericaa tTWDeanec ardtaenueafactaren af ta srtraia faods, Ut aeebtoBdon alrajfBeeanprvaukle We panhasert ratiiapfwed ea vita oole cd awnUMatAaractera

J. KJXJeOtl k of. B. ItOCCX.aoSC--a IctvaiaXCaarcB trat Kew Teak.

w. n. SLOVER & CO.,(SaeceeMra ta IUpkiaa, SUrrrr a. Ce)



Commission Merchants,No. IS Fan xt Row.

aelT-t-o hv3 PfKXrniS, TEkTSrxsSXB.


The Best aai Cheapest ever InrentaL


.ncKrjnvET &co.,Aaea's for tko jUpufpctnrees.


FUSTIC,- - o - -





Jntt racidved aJiyge Japflrjot thedbovtDj ewocai s?wbfe b we offer at lowprie ss. ? '

t.ijlbots o.f.vcr;lift VlfV CTPPfTaVoVeoVAAo UeOatMil .

Ill-da- iPreelae Block, bat. cTaloa andTol Ta3Ul


Corn crsjfaia tuid Adams StreetMEBCPHIS, TEKN.

J. i. WOBWAM. PrBSrtttOT.

Lumber 1 Laaber!t ua; xxcxirxp

ti SCO ooo feet Cyprpea Lsaker.1K0 feet Cedar fenetnt rartt.

tOO.SOO Latka.300,000 SPlctlea.

la pddttlon ts reso-- al already la yard.ttB-t-m st x. cocnxAjr.

i J oticePAXTICCLAE lUeotkn paU la Stuaa kp Blprpt, gp.

All ordsrp and Jcteinf attentrl to athoTtest notice, taddontwliknoitaeoi tad dlpnatek ky

J. E.FS03T,rfna-- i ,i japni 1 pad Builder,

- dell-dtm Coraer yoortk pad KpdkantsetP

SHKdrlcs100 SAOS XsrotrPstttoeti

330 kuikpu Seed Oati)to narea paatl starcx I10 tPlP. lew 11. r i iw rwi ptsat i


1. . wait. JAt. JPKStOB.ja ran ill i. Teas. cpfcLoatartK. Xy


Wholesale Grocerscommrssrorv utekchaiVts,

Nca, 77 Front Row, Mtispbis, Tms.,tttaaf tkPETkBOTSe.

for aale a laeto aad wB aatontdHATXepnetaaUTM0DOES.CK1A8J Pad TKO.

8tn. Orders eeUettcd for Plaor Park. Bane, estVl'ptr PnaapttttePllaa fK u Conelsnapentt ef Cu1 n.Ceea. aaJOaoatrr rlwloje taneeaBy paltalris. a-- mixxxs ....a. r. ntrssXreaptdp, Teaa. Little Bark, Ark.

MEMPHIS 1IAT MANUFACfORY.31. B, mtx.Tn &. co..

ixroarizj, xaxcpactcxxxs, iruaixsita txnXXTAXl. DEALEKS VX


JTo. X0r Main Street.taTTOSTTE C03XT CQOAXS,


oayoso sawgs' rmnuoss,LTSAKTESJ1D XT TSE

LEGISlUATdBE Or TESNKSJiEK.OApltdlX- - 8100,000.It 17HIT eoattvtd U depapit la PUSIP pi Pie PaliprsiVJL ae ajrwarda, 00 wikk laterpst at tie rata af pisper rest, per aaaom is pass tar ismr. nwuaiw m.r


t v Trnrx. A. X. rOCTX,joxjr vjjtttsa k. x. atebt.0. J. SEMB. . &JL TA aaf

Civil Engineer, Architect and Sarrejtf13 3Iadlton Street,

Kttt-l-v pVtweeo gain aee Praal Eow


Xa. IM X Stcoad ftjaet, SC. La til, Xa.nrrxstor B CIrttaad. Saa.XV X. . Pnappe ptteatlaa cteea to tk punkaxpadealeef atl tlodaa rrotaea. aplt-- lr


SOFHI ST., EAST OF CEMETERT,TTAS teat rscotved tier assea caa fat Ckiekea. sadXA, kaeps oooauncty oa kind ft-- potter,Penally Saajftirt t tk CPwkoat kladl.

Olr.Vlaa a tail

JACOB J. PERES,Professor of flrietltaltallgtiages


rfSTEPCTlDir la nskraw, Ckildaki pad Arpatc I pisTema npadaxat.

neotcy ta tk Oripatal LaPartatee Uukt Is Ikrea

GALVllu FAY,Aroliiteot,TSteesaredtorsralaa Prswints and avert leatienaetX BeJkaats at amy dtwripgea, aad alap Ilea bta per--aeoal sapntntesdaac la Ikttr reetasa uoea comerHalo pod Ac,aaa, oppoaK tke Wprskaas Bewee,

artl-l- r - . ,



261 lxLAJLSfjfiT


O 0 o 12 iJ". 'Hid sin ufF " - rjp- - rxj q3 S s 5 ta h

ra rWS

o PIAoaeaa i.apanuBVa...i car


S E E . TT S

Cash and Credit!


THOS. PETERS,AdEXT roft tux iAtfc or

Heal Estate in the City of Memphis.

abixrnde-- in TWirtrAirr, Arkansas.

Mississippi, EtcOFFICE, JtO. 5 CALHOUK BLOCK.

Jfita street, ooratr ef Xearop,

glempttlBa Tena.persons wlaklpt to ksrUPOi la tko ahwtealpci

AIX ar cordially Iwrlte to call at arrecTkreaadpes wktt I kae for asli pad If leaaaottatl ikes, eartie tibem free ot ckariP, patke aiiuiary lataeavptMt aenatry seaeraar.aad ia detail la neat eaeeo, ae

to atalHy, unintKr, price, line, ett Erery an deaLroaa or aack tafonaatlea. wlU Bad at my am o p wistnworkiat and commsnicstlpctspal.

thomas Keal EaUtd eaa tad eaod tpiaota.

PtTEODASEES rraptrty la tk Hat kelow. t aianew aey at tk property te tkoae w UP let ta yarcbaae, Irtke caty, pnd pnd for tkaee wk to IP Into tke kotbapp. 1 wtn propyl bare a spin wbo la pcnualoted teakopar at tkalotads planed,!-C- yealx, 6tr ppo a Irlel

ARKAX8AS EAJfDS.643 acres Improved, ea tk atiaalpilppt r.vr. 10 aerep

la euHlvBtlon. .ttt acre, near Bdraonoja'a Drprt, a Little kWk d,

too acre depdoaed aenilaayrirprctioa.loot acre. IX miles froea Klaabiippi river, ke aUes

kelow attmpkli, ieaproeed padaSkred kve laax timeto a road parckaptr.

10000 acre, ao pot nepr Ike 2U. Praacu river, laCriueBdea and Xeetlealrpl couaUri.

38,000 toes wed aHutad ia rebueu coaary, .Ctredlowapreaea.

7700 acre, la Pralrip county, ood kirk laad pkartainU ofiered ia tkit land.

10,009 arret Me. I but la Jfoarp eoaaty, m I rart a torait pankpserp.

1000 oeres In St. PYpncia eapnlT. weH Imocored rredorerera kepa pad nest leaner,, rtn mfB, etr.. too1ecrea cleartd. tie ereek koUaaa. pkove overaaw and veryrata Ited, eaa be poet lor eae-fif- lk caartlaela tearpaymeata witk lntereat.

IIM ers ia Cklopt eoanty, an R.r-.-a Maaon. peven.piuee rrora uatns- - LaaatBr, too arret aa cos aeatPinr,well pcetrctea troco aa arer flow, la a loot aaiirkkorkondpad p 4 nod u tb river.

1390 acre la Crttfendea county, near St. rrineiprtrrr. pad neat tks railroad, 100 acre, old deadaiBf.

ailSSISUPPI IaANDSe3500 acre, ta Tunica ameer, well lpsproved, aa lap

rlvsv.39o acre ia Oatbana rousty, alee wpfl lutpraved.

000 pcrea la BoUear pounty, vpry finely Improved.1000 pjaoia SoUrarcacuty, too M depdeaiat, toad

cakta. kltk tend.loot perea on tkp rtvpr ia Potivpr ceaaty, food laad

pad a 8b wood-yar-

MO attea in coawtj, aisasllep froei tb rlvar,300 aerea tn eppuppippn pnd wpH Improved a Eaa bar-ta-la

lapdred.1V900 peres in Bolivar cospy, wiVi UVI offered Vrw.

CITT AXD prnTJRBAirPlyllj f H sorts, atie pad. crtalitiona, bnprjred pnduntaiprpresd.'uen - THOS. PETER.

JHULMjER 4-- F17111.


( Over Elik'p Ka Star. )

tpAornxo op xvket ptacxirncw poxb oraT vrx deslraMs ms&Bsr Oar

B0C3E PA1KTIXO UTO PECOEATlXacainkst fail U .alt Ike tocat tlflVroJ I pa claaee. OursiaxPAnmNo,

OKXAJtfXimXO and' BAXXXX PAtXTIJlOttaoadneted ky tk keit trtltu la tali cwantir. Oar

ORAISING AITD MARDCISOstaadi aaanroockpklo ky any otkee ekep.

Onr wwknwuPrpiedwBkTpt tare, pttefwfcotut teppperatopsea pad ua turpi Ipnikkl ta iebarkw.

pyrewulptuatioaiieenutilkrpscae at tba baai-ne-

One ad ia XXdXrntlSS AtTD PISTATCH,arCS ta .

Keep Yor Eyes Opea.ME A P. BCTtDTTT, aew rentiaa la tk dire0 is ta petaer at . oew.. - m .at aiaaatl iotleidCanT. Sid I

terekV . w,n all peraons Pt te trpdo fw Plttrr. PP ttnuykeneceMpry for ikeuf sad mra ts tiH kick totkeat fa-- tniereplty. a k bp afters 11 lo tat.

witk Ikenj aad met aadlamdrwaitol to cent at ta rsd tt a Uw. uwkVk tiers are tw psds.

aer:wiie sr. L. COOPWOOP.

Wool Hats! Wool Oats!aort4 cototp reeeiTtd tkla day

TiSilMadlais TimaiaW.d kttJk.

1,1 K. 8. BTtiTiUf. lb CO.




A Rare CHa c e.afA. attatW InriataJKtrdat te-afc-e, a Free ee'aet. oraeJIStAPSeetra.aa pad ernoi ereep.- n ha an otaHaaadaan a. toBPa,

SELL MY UaS.E ItViLO T,aaakiieaiki hi in a if an

lees, tre--v-l ifctBjiSfcXXi 'AT I'UaLIt; AtXTTMrK,

ialetsai pertrSteer. I eMIur flpe w aiA Wa lajpT ttianreVy, wrPP t tea n --e MgHteMa,ear ntitptr eaetr. iU, twaes iieaiaD.taVokaeoe1 bare .

aad skint tt awrsor lead, iaV.peea, ec as.. pu ac wall I wia pea aw m as Itt.leraalPM Kates. .

tsatv aoaa ta BaP "U 6 praaatae aa ajti loBk ataes.pats,PU taera unaapi aenr pwep.

atan. arwaaA rabc.fat-la- s

X A. Lueiar.UNDSEY & ri

commssioiv iiiERASP SmoLBltLn Otei

Flour, Grain anHo. H Howard'i

TrXETon wall jJieaaEjKijg, osdAV ire to aa, Still aWnkJiVl HATa&AX, pip. , wkupaker walorWe.

Hieiet tpod tactinia. Ike kOaparcneee eff aatPtat at aldeunalpptpaa aat ae k TadOsaBet M 1, aleykytay KwHlaule deatanapc iri n ir nri n rattaaian paaar atett intsaii III I a iff BaapVaairaa.

Mil-t- ry r TlatrBi at .voAtr e. laatzp...


3 1 a. v e s.Tio. 174 3IAI.V STREET,

ade3x33.TaT3 1 r, "Toxoxiosstestoo. UKJZLir .ykuiiossFOR SAT.TH.

TT7X kite, padwjH m lia kaao aa poet hfr V til, P l--i lit ac nerroea, awnw

kindppat koaa aerrpats, tkpt we wta pailtaato tercu. ynarmartasied.WpartntMaatdpadaesl aaspeeena l.tliatrt-- Tba lirkeat caek were paet pt all liapea ter aaar

yetioes. aTI-aw- ai

wm Lvpp epiiurs- - ptALLaa,8tpw aadS.t ntXr. Ptaapker.



oeoedpar at ppe, nana at tknaWi elect alack ! Xecoptva : aaiat iri. reo--d.xla. lleprkete, Ba llcwi--. Batk Tal ptpe Ckoeta,With,. S.BB Maaaea. WalerQaattP. wkak Tatrea. WklaMes. Lead, laao and t'eepeePipe, Ntppa, est., 4 eeerrttsap; iipirt.l wait tketrad a.

Water. Beepps and Alprw DlMa eappired. EaS.yprop top. . ral-- exXAt,IB- -rxiciT.. w. Levi.J. D. TIORTOIV &. CO.,


Fonrardla? & Ceaalssfoa llerchaat,itopswioks or enr wsabt hut,

pod iii pin, laEteru Variety or float Stores,

xEktrata, twittjatpr Pietares ae enr Okee.


Gnralanlzed Iron , Corniccx,MUtJLDI.XGS, WUtDOW CAPS, ETC.

TTAYEORp JJOSEI.T & CO'S.,Cormsnteil Iron TAoflHtur'.



,In ereer te aieae eut r WrfcTRR

STOCK 'tt Gtsf

ine jClotMngAND


Wt wrH teH fer fee xt

Oar entire tteek of

Ifli lllillli


in.fetjiiCBi. ruiciis,All ot wbkh wt giuuauiei eaual ia siyU ta4

quiHtj to lay ia tbe market.


Wboitsik aad Retail Cietatlira, Geatiettea'sCJetbtex aiviFitrBlsMBgStera, Ka 3 Cldrk'iMil Me Btoek, Wt Main Street.

iilMlwpewf.H AHtidee. A.X.Aaetla,s 1 Seoepe,.s H AlofHieJr

AI.DIlIDOE.At'STIX & CO.,lBtpattra pal Mkrrtks


Coabs, Brushet and Para is' iter. Coeds,

.Xbs. 411 nittl 413 .Uarktt Street,PHILADELPHIA.

EJe A tenlt (or iHt kst mates or BOp SJCTEPS.Ia3l-3-

t5r. J IVIiite S Oo.,

DEALERSrno tbetp. phrsekt spoox yyoBTi? isX paet -

3P00 palt Jfaee. ajbaaav, paiaelfdtsa Milt a;

m dot, ,VepaLpal HaaeMi1T - Hetoe daeHltf

Bkutpaiit Ase.too Weedtat Boaajltd - CowOrrnlt,

Xeaialevewloop Bar tppa aad CattlPli;araa Takia Xaieee aad Fetter

tah leVe. reaeitk eed ecWlellpl af rkswaAll ot tkokteee wfpTkeattt II ' rtktsai aa Ike ppeet

faeprakeolaesaa. A. dk W ten It. IK..itll'Ha) Xa. ft VTWX Bew.

JL. CARD.TTATIrfG paerxialed wtek Be, ia any est koataeep, tkaXI of tartar and iamx Xestoea. k taeamialoneiaad an oetTalo aanaL Be S. X. Jem. of BeSahMiss . aad my keotker, w. S rexaxor, at ptimpkii.tcaa tendr te my frieadp better lemlttae (ka l aaatarer keMee been ppeo lo oaee raees

Oar tnikHMi pre located TS SO Ateaaa ereet, aepdeoreaidor or aid reart. TPe-- are i.iii na., oeaappi

ll Inn I inn In l ill ii" T " stasias pp tapeUkHiamenfee kant la tke State, aad aaaol kppa.ttl.t 1 kave erer ipapccted-- T

eraaiialraBwaataltt tar par aew arm frem etrtrtiada pat aasaoraerp pad tk peWPt. okawkieb 1 bare PHtely pad Ukerally retetTe kltapruIm tbeaa, and wtn only tkat wkak wo teomteeapy we tnaraale. pieawoi.


p. b-- raaataT.. . s. jostP - wa. H.raaJLrssDeSeto. kll-- e



TlfTTTTYl I- - ' ' 'gt TST3Ttff.board pad sell pn pad keep caa

TBIT of Tuatneaan kind a tooOeaotm sad Carolina Ncfraee. u

500 ITegroes Wanted.TTPCwtR pay nrftbu IPy etkor aweonhrS.

Xetre... rlted lo ! "w -


PRODUCE AND PROVISIONCommission Mcrouanls,


X. B. PlXOLttO. Is?".1et-v- il It -- rsXeM. - Jfv

PetlUoa for Ilowcr. Parti-tion, etc.

COCXTT OOO XT. IXIMAET, vs. Aadrew Bas. ex'r. Beaa-I-S

t Ar W tU aees, (ran .otarff, Jlt tn at. owe tiltr-


TPresa Bate. paTliprtaret, Vtatest,. n aaa,ael,, pa aba.

' ar of tk Sutp sttkat pnkHntiM k d tank

tor tktrty dat tor psM defeadanlatatB-U- ftkeir srpesrsne at tt Xireu term (next) et tail

coin, ae aael petluac will PeltkeP far coofaeoed pa to

rfl... aty ..rd.p. TBEEETASr. D O.

f P. Caps. AUoeacy faryeUtiea. let-l-a


ncrowMivi mts, hub deksb,yxiTXT ah'd com. lUEsoxs, rxityBxx-- t,

tJAJtyrrs, wont peuaa, naswur,SOTKJXS. 10T, XT8. , ETC.,


AJZVBHOUD tty TVI.LI iTiHH,US Iftlx ttreet, tttwcea Oireao and Ktia.

vtri eae oartiewtir ttttatrm t onr ktistlp. Cloak pndVY Dreweasti-- depirtmeat, and ilia to toe makingaf cktWrrn'p CSMklnf . Stazpias don it iSoa notiae

Cmto atlorSet


lewrvo.vcrorrteieed dtm 'pop Bko ,oofact aeoea and 1n

iCPT aa ikoWtpiiHoal. Atpaa upaap atkaW IHot'VZZVXZ ttZZXTi .

Paeile ; Sal'aaa, 4elBXkt of H Wjfsaa. oaSraaa aaee-- t . Kasatp; UamaPl Boaappj j a Ik-U- l,

XeafraeoJaJSjaen MaH apTee-- Kane- -

Wla3oay jk vyiaax-- a AttefMay Xaniu.wool bp. Pal ease. alar-- aad tae a ky

norjapw. TXABxa-nmefj-"

feat mat aM

tJATffi, WtXH. & MeKKlGHT.




. " "t IB UN&aXB. CAB-O- K, LAXB AXP TXAIXOILS,.Cement and Plaster Paris,yljrltds. fJvtarxytstxtLsxjo,a VAriL. sfcajti SKSXAIXT

l A Wp ptoe ofTtAOUVta, ROPE AXD T1VIXE,

Wptb a aeoaral Mack atpil.YT.iTiojr svpprins.

XT. L? ft kae m abaro a Uf to akak of SeaVY trttCBS. MlPWiaa; tTWABS. .ad t (act rreey--a a.aaprp papa apapwwa or ke tpa.i.

uaies, iTeod & Jlcliiijlcnr--ty



(Tke oetr laaae pa I a, apal ( ky TewnaeadX wklasMto.)a .'Bar sw maat itacer Pkaeltlab. oed apaa PbeeU snt ter tk hut 'ear jeeea, pa4r. b atr et peiaaitiea bp kaaraaa. to leoele tt ttsr

parte, aw old iriepao. pa aeapssy atsr pa sssyfaewkasrppa.

a ma win ke tutored, aatepi stWewlasteaaeaeli j. apyrkmp- - you amy dp (or ttt was pa dutypppeetfatttl tat lUoaas you hear paewiiuj ear ppteta-ot- e.

t BbjaWaae kepi eaeeupaa topi.aieta eaaf Htaea . uarprv laayiad tampwauaa. Ja aaiia.

will be aaflasawp . XV Oatiaa ,ew eApaeei. er aw.lament, way ket eewn p utet wv pi miatiaill i, Ola ear kelI pop pl-- pe'Per ed Pa aSoeo aft kindboraaa Ijr .ettiaa. 3 it per coat.all eroera par karalac. kapa- - a

SOd pt tie law eel aaar bet trim.Sa e. H

a. turi.e....K. a. arvCHrLi r. pt lanmESAMPLE, NITCHEEE tc CO.,


CwfiniMM. RtcdrtoR aad Frw.r4iBgittEKCHAlVTS,

.tiawltit S TVrec Deori Serf nr Utin SoX--Jlerapliis, Tens


BecelTiiff , Foirordlog aad General

(!0ilMISSI0N MERCHANT,.Tb. 3S8 .Train Street,

JIEMPI1IS, TENNESSEE.rxMJC ACaUrt lar tkoppbaot KAXAVBA SAU. KeepO .a aaad a rail etaptxar Baaataa, aaa. leap, Voile.Seper Codke. pod Broreriea atipBj. wktak wa ke

Ut- -

S. tt. W Haiti tVMSOIw,


CoiTiniissioii Mercliaiit,SO. FROiNT ROW,




rorwartlini, Merchants.XO.MtTKtekKsaa.BaT, - - XXWOXLXAXP.

Alfred A. Smith wick,kAaoat at Mimtkl.. A. T. TfatW.alMeealcat


OOTTOKT rACTOIt,esever ur vtArklts. TIKNXSeux.

ereeea ktaaerrpee. pptaoyepaMrppfmIibi liiaalll (er tko traPiartaaa pt tkeir

He teeni coaalaawUeakaadtke kept VUttaX and Sop,pnd wiB gpj pet aai . ri' al. n not ktpi w beat lenoa.

SttUt AaairT kerl Sac Ulaol Ptisliltan Oeru paWaa. WUta.

AIT CeWao at raped la ktmkr rteer. tnd dattaa tu alae

lor tab. wtB to Nbaore. uawap taaaaaaiu r a.ewa eea or akpyill.

Sopeseln aad tarwaraaatT peed Uaeodello.OSSrr.

rvEw FiKrii.iAS. w. aaeexxau. z. a. xrrxt .sr. a. aeaTea,

QORTOS, ESTBS & CO.,hBeewojoft PP X A Oe )

Cotton FactorsAXD

Gc&eral CosalssioB Jlerthaats,rt rp xrtr. c3. xasnM-si- -, n? staisj.

MEMPHISif B A :-" mack ot Batata aad 2- -a plwpys pa

kiat. PUatatPaa apylln fstamkatPtCVelswtstitpekelpales. yttPeUUT PWieion ppro oe. aarar aarCettmeratkee Piwdaeo, wa1pa rou OS HILL. CHAS. B. COSMOS, JB.


(toHHlssloa, RecelTlBg & Forwanlln?3VX TH id. C XI --Ol. 1ST A. St --

OFFICE NO. M FRONT ROW,a. aj naar af V.aar a. Itoaa'a BptHksa.

krrwPTn, TEH5ZS8ZZTJAReiXS pad BOTH tad rtpatatlaa Sapalta far- -XJ arenas , wr naariea ratea.

pis lo as wliike Itojured. aaiea otaer- -wfi; lotvncwd. laatt-pww-

ttA tUXXTcW., ,r. t. jovxt.. A. HATCHXTT.


Cotton tfe Tobacco FactorsContutlaslori and


nemplais, Teaa.MAasyaaPSdpMttPeat'. erders (er

Seaattop Utpd. Opsy SrJSi teB7eoa per tela.

TBRXOX&CO.,Commission, lccelvlBf:



iiencral Protlnce Rroltersso aa eiuar saw. XXXrHaB.

Casgpdpaieimoeeoaoaaiiamalaor tkatia.nuli

m(nm pitdaca ta treed, pr aoaaeaaoawd ky koPo ae

dtwd. teal'M paoelBapw P'leowo. "r-- .

S100 Reward.VAT tap w er. Lease tkeot ae.

RAMA ante Paaa PilMetV. CpJkaaa eooaty, XKM.. M rke Wtk July, B. apy buto mt. NBL-ao- ve

pa mm nM. eaaoae oaaw. Hero wkttkee,kapk eket ks an aPatB pad warned, weiaktaf pkost.t

i. aaaaaaitpripral In ttilr-Ti- rl kiea.jeax woatuu.

CwMj Xlak r o . CiikiBB msnty,return

ISHin G. HARRIS,eeraNOii or thb statb or tm-jjms-


To Mt arsta r Grata of Suiiy, ia toeiStxit. GrttHaeiOOaeooeaas piwaipaiilio epeo ie.a w anr

i . i aa ar.raa ac aaaaaao aroaar oa raweaajutpoatk-t- kl resiirv. xeae. peter ap i.

atow ke taw Striae eleollao at p Jaeelm aod Heart, pt ee)y at

klaaapett. IB lajdSaelo. l ail tke apaaatr eMnaata aylu retetsnwion af Ma P CpratBetp, sad art. H aa. ptajjedloaT to low

i i ii nai atn.i lkt-Tf'r- " rl . a bond aat eaaaed JM treat peal of pudCut laf "tke BttaeJat Xaikellbs, tkp Tbboar ot JieuPry,

n tea I

MAX S HABBlg.X. Bar. Sereeteeeot BtaPe. tPMo





new oerrtMr. eeir. Ipatj and whe at ceTLrtrax.Jt buidae Oka raeptat Soot rropt. aardraa, TraHTapes, etc Taaa Xaaarasaa recei.ed tba lidoritmeutof Ike

MTTH C IBAUK A SUfe Arrkuttural Society,SCOXSItALABAHA -

Tke naodep' Hiatitttiau SakpkJ Itaepeori Acad,tke iodireenmys luMltpesmipi.

Tkal pfcaw ij tsiy VaVe tad opportunity of expert-nrstpp-s;

te asaeeoenepz beaaae, eappttep wtH be placedwsft a--i japl a TAA rati, jiempota,

Ow. Etaat lew pnd Madlpon street.w. ml-A- at cu , atempnm,

Ko. t newsrd's Bew.B. at. BSOBSa fc CO., BtMaers.

waa receire prccapt aHeo- -

tftfottce.eoitre heterett U tie Sna ef

fc SkerecK to tt tsar. Oeow It Caetp, wkopp- -S3SSHpk.llUralaiatoflkooldarBV

I tiT-ia- 'pjwiiiiin.1 lit acw Seal to say mpem aotrtk paallpreoeeirrr. pad keopeak fw tkes a eoBtlaopBeeefepWptlPpapiawkiekkPpkaeBPP iar kerfaaed eoQe ailwaa. X. A. SHiieCI.

SEW FIUM.J. SC. tjEXWaaa, ..U....S. t. BAVIE.

Ot Of Ontrk nne.Teoer-y-? pit's s aVJE,

TTrlllefeaaalJt eretXaeatt Oeocees sad OnVV - - - - ----- piace accrete Bread

No 30 XeJtppatec WIW- -. wweltee. ansn, "i.ei 1 1 J lowers H. bWi JatO-3-

'ITotide to Customerskse ysuwe ad ear pfSoa M ts Cty Pslldtad. --

IMWI ICtin rtre-- t, crp acarrt, wker. a. rpr.p.rdss aau.1 to attend to oar frieadp sadtm.

Tko tele Sr ky wMek w were kural out wnTtwtta tk Hist wtteYta trttaaesilji ear kotloet.

fc CO.

iurnar cCaris.

.PAX. 1 Sill.IB1 .ft WALE.


IttairTS , ta ffontr and TSVUtky.Josa Meaat Jl liaiaa... alaeoS,

BiNiaMpfatrvBee- -- i pata

Uiiieiunati V enemyhi&rapwet0.pfatll

P- - ataaweeiB - a w. xapeieacfc- -

HAKWtU &, TIARMADOKE.TrpjoUBAUt aarKrajka.

fmmite n6 torn Qinaiitim

a l

ar. temt,M0ratleeaUaakaallltpBalWiaa IP

.rsMfflMEWMum imhi m.


0, I S A V DaJOHT,itAawrAtrramiu ar

"IfewB aad Book PriatiBg Pafer,axe suuu ta


177. Mai h Street, 3.oMivtH, Ky--

franspertafitju.Xati!irS2Bel eHik a4 XeM as4 emf9

R A I LRoA DS.JffyB er temk.rvti om t

una mi raiiroio wtaoaxpt- capki. ea lollnwa

Lecet AnnOUC Ad i nsriMiffA-- MdWTiLU H n yvw 'rTMU trina mkm SakCwfMr! uriifi tt.Ieas ..!.CmxpK H.M ..PaateMw3pUmeS o a. a a a . a . . . a , . . . . . e . . . . . A4

Now yark. so .. .

n i 'Maa, i.. st ...'. tmtm.. ........ 7... ..........Z...... Pi

Tba, p nkeonty eeakatte root, maftjau aar jpwtnLean,

ckecwed tkeaappb leall paaopa Pksi MalibakBa a reap. apae. owap auoaabaot travel. tammaCpic t beara a St ienup, SB awara bp lenatJkip, lerppiioeerl

rj-rpt- ea, aoo ke kadea OaTaa pastnOtTtUa, and ai Vo- I uitae tpae lard

deM W L. KtUJOIt, I pillAvel.pek- - aad Xaaoiree cape

.If E .TSf P H I s


R A I L R O AD-attc- e

Id) 9irckamts a4 9Mm- -

padapkeeiaaBPli S Papa. le Xepaatr tap, tdMrOPJ Bailee. f amtupf will aai raoppal tw, aar k,..p o.ipie na-- par rr.iePl aaiu aritroeot la i

aa wsu aIktaaad peat Paid

rood, from Madteea aod -- fbee peteta, at tk .opopmarHdepot In m pi lal. pad wtu araraprrreolor trekpkt. Bkirs-r- a may eeey npaa bWh

ikn r r Cetna wpn tenaasitln itItpdlppa So paeaeM at lite ceatp

Tfee re. beat aad Pamaaxee erata win leaowatScSt A. 14 aesreo M ptadaa, a as t Wan

r-- prriee at U at 11 P- - mat in i aaat a na

slratal Carls.SHIS. A. &. J. P. WBie$9irSurge en JDenflsts.

-- ptOa oa Itetaatreot eeaeLl &0..'e. . m pnd SSX,

orkere re or nock --an Be itrniV. A.

(rrr tke .ant uxeen yeon..iBMlkr pad ttke ad)etBlg coaallaerrom aaie te rati .at loaortrd ea iiminikirtr pamasa.

uissar CatABoaa.epil pel a il tee'.bPar laopnraa rantal ae ter taaaUl teePar taU aaediaaa uto coepuaa.Ferdaaatnt teetk. I 9aate.rtpPS te-- ek Lte

XJ Teack epuoited wttkoat llTtai patomaett--

DR. B. EOffCOTT-- kae tVl I dTy.

1 u, orxTNMS pi i laemed pt

Jl Moderate Priee- -Or FIOC;

fCABatf atflBBBawSa

Pawn raptar awn rt uiiaaji i

SlieriMTs Sale.vwtao of mar eedeee at aato. dtroppad la tkewpTBT SBoPpy eoaaty, aaaped flea" too bow apto at Pke

nmsi I eodttin ij' CPart o( IBs ttn tt kteoa-pa-

aae ia bat at Oapaait. oUat Sktmiml , ao aaaaar at Par. B..II. fc Co , one ta faoar at atSoea

ypcato, tea --.ker io faoor at W. Vila, pad awatael Jota P. Armour, I will, oo MOB DAT. tta Skdaypf kEseeB, Idea, n treat of laeoaetlMMita. aita .1 III ail WPtklB PMPl kuaPP.n PP tealk daoc, P - tko oabewiox 4e --load readrtad u, la !Pp IS M aio ett? af steaayaaa, lea,.. .- - - aaa raaapma kplfaeti ankaPeiatoo . f J ka Aismnl'i Let Be. ttd; aatdteolpprraopterderp at aaie. ikk. 11 owr af BpMaorv.Ma w iar a-- amaxm, i

Br. w.fet-B- I Bopatr IBarau ss l


JrrmrKH IAghhti ttg Reds I

E. F. GOOlJiC CO.,aad retail deo'ece

VV ataa aota, eT rear? a nil pa. pad t I analPara. J K.lcaell'a PaptMuaa Aaappled traa aapt TUaa--

C tser Bb. al Btaaaaa Fetal. 1mm ill I .Bodi alalia aw., etc , Per aaa ea IQIBae-elm- w

deoleea. X de eeeeted ia tk euy aa eaay tarma.pnd work foPy worrpale.

Oedera tort at W c. rpaa'p peeap (i r. Ho. Seoeeot

plley, Pear ooraee er Ban paa i mew miiaaa. tceree


istf&ai, IekeW, SodttW a--i. Waefc.,

IK SDKS ftp 1 AM BPWtBdb, BT twIB


BGardens and arear lobar at taaJ, TaVrtrtJf tT CtawtwCr

Fth !t. riewers,Uweeaeaeea. Cr.aper'. Il?ap kpppp PliatS, pat-- - .e ail ilea. Ao aola tea varpttref 4

Poora. Peockea, lyalep, Wactarinra, Apricots, CBeeeiee.Pkmoe, taa. atrpwtwrtlat. kwcsa, Cbpp tkaee-keetlo-p,

nsa, paeao. -- paniaa Ckiiiaatii, Mil ,Xeoliek WpIbM.. tc, atp. Ata.

Uiiosani st, tt auUPeaat Jdads m tWlaa. Tawa. CopWl. Jupiaera. ArkOV Tkka, at- -aadITprieppted Bew. m in lack aador nan ipBikla tw rammriea.

Cut FlotrexspapBioked pt pll iipiibi ot ta year. A eaVI.

lulu at Bptkt aad Ptewee Seed dntey list in rait(r,at E arape.

Pram peraaaa aaaaawa la tke proprpslat, rem naat ppttoawreary lefeieae, mraat aaaassppay ai er'

.eawMatee antra i na 1 aa to -- ontoatbaa,, el aad piaoa et tiinaaaia A awe, ratemaprppekaaa..iriiaisp opvez aasnaad

Aipoakaaep, pllai I tk iiipiplitmr krtaadat nroad, are al tae mt: pt mm po a i i . .i a i .

aaBtaalpe ac muni i naar. ka a kipmaap.aki assa warn

be ekeectoHy copeoced OiMM Mteftjp m mf

VKaBwVawtV orwfJrl raw area w...WPTPBa

0 .

If . 1 . L,MWX!S,CRXKK or

Main and Moarow Stzefte,MEMPHIS 1WV.,

M .i . V F .tji TVK B--

SsMm, Jbam, m& fct.,

Xa oatbera,C3r u. xaa. 3t3 .3a.clei,"

kppe, etaaae, petea. 81' n spa. Sr. ka.SHOE FINIMfvdJg,


TffPreKS AK TAfrtFtMtorTUrflsO H 'rr iiiasfirsipiSwork I a as aapt. as t smpK'T " o

IVA b.Ctit. ee Mew atls i aad iPPll ta Xy apac BHA9C wnC Ip "kip pad ppat aaoopm k r.i- pad I wtB p it pt a ssiiiaian at an J

PttiaaVtay tke V'PtSe of ine PBa i

J a Se MILLS,STo. 3 X'O'xalAar Storeet

DrnpTist and Apetkenjary,ipuasaipw to X. 3. lABepeta

ta Palate . Oils, win Spa Mae, Sae Brjn 'r,DXyLBP. aujt Liaaaip. CBemniW pad Pwrfraer-- p

irUld eeeeeulstty aelwtt Bk f iptiuiil d l i nrajpirlaB' Peeaeetatia eutetry prop renreef e eo nipM.

HATE Iw apio man tii lot iBslalK ( - . tI tt om. Jpptep A Ckroew. a tees. tpaTear , -.-

aal etmow Taa, il lin Maa rtfn .elec pdXweegrteap and I

yBetsdMa peveeatpndjacenerpl ppportmentof eearrtaiacalPaepeey. waicfc 1 wtU tt&paa

ABwdert fMae tn uopUj SOedpe-aM Vt IUHw Waler, iltke etpt at aw

polt-S-s X.

J. SI. VEIlw..Kote, Stock &Zxcha.;e 1

M fpsat Rew, ( or -

aafaeeet.lATOTXi POtapf Xiare,c., i

i d Stale najaap, ao" Stork .1 a'aapt. Ktaer leaned wpae, Mrtc-- .earity. raxticotae attaptkw . ..- -


TJ S90LTX0. By tk Bpote

AV ts CKy or .apa ef a tmr pp.

tttcttywtlcopiid er-- fKaeor asd Poard at A

treat tke simee t p, vt. -L S. lteSABX. etl.t

u, sweat s; taa.







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