
INDICATIONS. Special to the AppeaLl Wasoijioton, D. C, October 281 a.m. For Tennessee and the Ohio valley, or fair weather, except in the eastern portions light rain, northwest to southwest winds, stationary or ulwcbj rising barometer, oith no change in temperature. KEPOKT. Mkmphis. October 187. Time. Bur. Tber Wind. JJfJ Weather. VrflO a.ra. H0.35 f E. Cloudy. J.-O- p.m. 30.20 M5 N.W. Fair. rtKX) p.m. H0.14 57 S.W. Clear. Maximum thermometer, 07 deg. Minimum thermometer. 41 drm. T. H. CHINN. Assistant. WKATII Ktl OBI4F.HV.mONS, w okp't. hion4l HiRvirm, O. 8. Aiutr, i Mokiiat. October 27. 187. 10:08 p.m. f P ihvo ..t j I wind. Weatb- - jbwvttinn. ",tr lagr-- l pir. Force. er. aleHtiu...i:i0.20 So SI Fresh. Clear. Indian. ln. .. i:n l:! rtrt N. Kresh. Clear. 54 rt. Gentle. Clear. Memphis.... H0.1H 55 3.W. Light. Clear. tWnihvtlta ... hH)h 57 3.W. Light. Fair. NrtwOrlcuis ll'l.l 1 rtVJ N. Fresb. dear. Slireveport... IHO I M 'Calm. Clear. viekbiirg...(:iiUilj Hi N.K. Light. Clear. C.imutvmi-j- I'lO.OH 55 N. Light, Clear. Utile Kncx. .!.'(( ls 54 'V. Light. Clear. B. T. l IBNEY. Private SUcnal Ccrps.U. 8. A. A Washington special to the Appeal announces that Postmaster-Genera- l Key baa instructed the postmasters at New York, Louisville and New Orleaus hereafter to re- fuse to. rent boxes to lottery companies or agents. The failed mysteries of tho wand of magicians, or the supernatural powers of Aladdin's lamp, were called to mind jester-da- p in the chanK'jd appearance of every bnsinesH thoroughlaro in the city. From the dull, dismal, dead pictures of the pant four months, even up to Lhe close of the last week, yesterday presented a sudden, almost magical change to a panorama of activity, of bujy life. Toe streets were thronged from the rising of the tun till late at night. And to-da- y and the days that follow this week will present greater activity in proportion to the arrivals of those whose departure from theii various places ot refuga have already been heralded. If thoso who predicted commercial disaster for Memphis could witness the evidences of prosperity already apparent, they would bo convinced of the lo'.iy of their falao prophet cies. The St. Leu is Republican, of Sunday, hi alluding: to the departure of Memphis refu- gees from that city on their return home, speaks of our business people in the following complimentary term: "The rilsinir of quarantine regulations between here end 2Iemphis ha created a lively movement among the four or five thousand refugee here, and most of them are making arrange- ment to return home. Several hundred left last night by the Cairo Short-lin- e land Iron Mountain railroad lines, and many by steam- boats. Numbers will leave to-da- y and to- morrow, and the exodus will continue all Ifco week. No class of visitors were ever more welcome to the city than the Memphis peo- ple, notwithstanding the unpleasant aus- pices un Jcr which they came here. They at once became in a measure identified with us, and though etrargrers, it was not long berore in many instances lasting friendships ' and business connections were formed. The merchants acd business men of Memphis es- pecially, who made their temporary home here, were men of integrity and moral worth, and no doubt a reciprocal feeling of regret is teit for the terniiotrion of their acquaintance and domicile srorg us." couixu Honis. the sayings of would-b- e prophets that Memphis was ruined, her com- merce crippled to the extent that it would be forced through other channels, and that bor merchants were deserting her, we see a rapid development of a contrary state of af- fairs. Her solid merchants aro returning heavy handed, and sanguino of tour months of as good business as was ever experienced THEMEMPHIB 1 DAILY AOTEAXJ lEST ABLISHEr 1S40. METKOBOLOUICAL Notwithstanding in the same length of time. At the end of tbe present season it will be ascertained that Memphis has loU but a mite of Ler legiti- mate trade, and that the greatest loss that bat been sustained by the epidemic jast passed was the amounts expended by refugees away from home during the nearly four months of its prevalence. The bulk of business done in St. Louis, for instance, that would have come to this city had the Jever not appeartd, was done by Memphis merchants, and we now have it practically demonstrated that the first announcement that the epidemic was off was the signal for our absent business people to break up btanch, or temporary, houses, and prepare to return and resume at home. The ' best evidence of this fact is indicated in the following telegraphic correspondence, which we clip from tho Sc. Louis Globe-Democra- t, of Sunday morning: Tbe declaration of tbe close of the epi- demic has set refugee) merchants and others all agog as to their return, and preparations are being hurriedly made to get back ns soon as poesibip. The following telegrams explain tneto" elves: ' Memphis, October 25, 1879. W. 3. Booker, care of Jacobs & Booker, St, Louis: Epidemic declared over to-da- Flense see Memphis merchants and ask whether they want cotton brought here or to St. Louis. Answer by three o'c'.ock this afternoon here, or at llelera K. c. postal. Mr. Postal is the captain of the stenmer Hard Cash, which landed at Memphis at nine o'clock yesterday morning, bound South, and was tbe first boat to land at the wharf since July 24th. The reference as to the transportation, concerns cotton shipped to Memphis merchants from points below Mem- phis. The following reply - was sent to Mr. Postal s telegram : St. Lodis, October 25, 1879.' Ed C Postal. Steamer nurd Cash, Memphis: Telegram received. We want our cotton delivered in Memphis. Jacobs ft Booker, Mallory, C.hwford 4 Co., J. H Uodwln A Co , W. B. Halbrenth A Co., Brooks, Nee ly A Co., C P. Hunt 4 Co., H Dow. Day Proudlit, F. M Whit Co., Porter. Taylor & Co., liHddeti & FHnlngton. 27. M. L. Meachara & Co., Dlllard, Coffin A CO., J. T. ft Co., Wormeley ft (ioodman, Thoa. U. alien ft Co.. Howdre, M'Clellan ft Co., uampson. Filler. Frank ft Co., U Falls ft Co.. A. C. ft A. B. Treadwell, M. Oavln ft Co bchoollleLd, UmmuerACo., Hill. Fontaine ft Co., Furalenhelin ft Welllord. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. COTTON. Liverpool. Spots firmer: middlintr up lands, 7Bi; Orleans, 74'd; sales, 7000 bales; receipts, 'Z..UOU bales, r utures opened weak and close i flat; delivery, November-Decemb- er delivery, 6)4 delivery, 6id; March, April delivery, 6 May-Jun- e delivery; 6 ii 6,ff; Juue-Jul- y delivery, 6 15-82- J. Neto YorK. Spirts opened and closed quiet; ord nary, 9 15 lis; good ordinary, 10 11 16 ; low middling, 11 116c; middling, llJa--- ; lfoil middling, llc; middling fair, 12?8; lair, 13H- -. sales, lUCG ba'es. Futures opuued easier and closed weak; Janu- ary, 11.12c; February, ll.26ll.28o; March, 11 .41H.42c; April, 11.55(411-57.:- ; May, 11 69(tll.70c; June, 11 81(U.8:lc; Ju'y, 11.9l(ll 91 October, ll.21ll.23s; November, 10 01oill.02i;; December, 11 11 01c; sales 146,000 bales. New Ot leans. Cotton quiet; middling, 106bC; sales. 5100 bales; receipts, 15,204 bales; stm.k, 160,720 bales, Kecoipis at all United States ports sinoe Friday, October 24'b, 76,841 bales; exports to liritnm, 18,407 bales; continent, 26,-63- 6 UIcb; France, 8954 bales; stock, 459,552 hales. Sles in Memphis yesterday were 200 bales, which is held for export; receipts were 1044 bales; total receipts iuce September 1st, 5258 bales; stock on band, 5495 bales. PRODUCE. ST. LOUIS, October 27. Flour lowers double extra, $5 15(i5 35; treble extra, $5 50 (d)5 70; family, $5 80(35 90; choice to fancy, t6(d6 75. Wheat lower; No. 2 red, $1 2($ 1 24; No. 3 red, II 16. Corn lower, . 37 J7jo. OatsJower, 27327o. Barley - (I 1 L . . L. 1 .ill mm 1 . i Disay lUlCl. lUIA 11IUI, '0. Dry salt meat strong; nothing do noes l N otsj jobbing 6.4S, C.50o. asked. aKiisOH Ureal lot. boxed, 4, 4.10, Baoon dull. Lard A Pleasant Place for Memphis Keru-- - ; Dally Gunmialcktloa with Memphis, bat AT Infection Carried, to Capleville. Occasional Correspondence of tbe Appeal. Capleyillk, October 25. Notwithstand- ing tuere has been frequent and almost daily communication by persons between Memphis and Capleville, twelve miles distant, there has not been a single cane of yellow-feve- r in this place or its vicinity. The north boundary of Desoto county, Mississippi, less than two miles south of Capleville, has been closely picketed for over two months, at a heavy ex- pense either to the county or elsewhere, as a quarantine against the fever, yet the families ot Capleville, and for two miles around it, have been entirely exempt from it. w ithout incurring the expense of a dollar. Great (?) is inland quarantine to protect from yellow-feve- r. Capleville and State Line villages and post-office- s, oa the Pigeon Roost road, are about two miles apart, with Bethlehem (Methodist) church midway between them. Quite a num- ber of Memphis families have been re.'Cgee-in- g, or rough-a-geeiog- r, perhaps, some of them, in or near thene places. To amuse themselves and tho natives, several spelling: matches have been gotten up iu th.9 ihurch referred to, in which maay of the country youths displayed very creditable orthographi- cal abilities. Another mode of killing time, as Well as pleasing the young folks.jfras been in vogue. Hickorynuts and walnuts have been falling of late (not in price, but from the trees) to mo gro'iuu. a bait dozen or more young couples drive out in buggies on a nutting picnic, taking lunch with them, aad thus spend a pleasant day in tbe woods With naught but nature's canopy above tbtrn. Among the Memphis families who have been roralicing the past three months near Capleville aud State Line, are those of J. W. liowlett, John Payne (at Olive Branch, Mis- sissippi), Cin. Jackson, Walter Aisobrock, Ben Jackson, J. P. Prescott, T. S M.illory. and, also, Mrs. II. L. Guion, Mrs. liopo and Mrs. M'Sorley. Rev. Dr. LTarri pastor of the Central Methodist Church, has frequently officiated in the pulpits of tba Methodist chu'c.hes at Chapel Hill and near Capleville. His charm- ing daughters, Misses Lilian and Anno, fre- quently accompanied him and visited their friends in tbe neighborhood. DKSOTO COtlJiTY, HIS3. A Political sensationalist, who Manu- factures Material for Kleetion Par-pose- s, Handled without loves by One of the tio-Call- "Jock-Le- e Lawyers. Occasional Correspondent Appeal. Olive Branch, Mwi , October 21. I de- sire to notice through the Appeal a comma-nic&l'.c- u from this place which appeared in the Chicago Express a short time past. It was this : THE YAZOO PLAIT. Mi8sissifpian. Olive Brandt, tte&fo County, Mississippi. Ther is in outcroping of the Yazoo piss miniiested here, even two months before the election. - A once promi- nent Democrat, now an iupecunious jack-fi- g lawyer, with which oirr county is over- stocked, said to a Greentacler to-da- y: "We will carry thi ejection, if we have to do it with shotguns." "Ilow will you do it?" said our Greenbacker. "Why," says he, "haven't we got the arsenal at Hernando in our power?'! This is clearly a geaerst in- timidation. These facU I can substantiate. The Greenback eanse is booming, but this same Democrat e73 they will count ua out. How can they do it? The farmeiS are deter- mined to kill off jack-le- lanycta and tbe in- famous bondocrar.r. Tbe abote communication was intended some one or We nnn and ' but to imagine, it may le thought by thus loud and empty vaunt of nm'ciuated victors laurels are to be won here. It nisy be an at- tempted dp!3y at sarcrn; it may be an ioRHfrinary flight, intended to shake off the If this be his purpose, I cflj; tell the gentleman, once for all, that be is greatly mistaken, and that he is dealing with a class of whose temper and character he has yet much to learn; and If provoked into crimination "and recrimination the honor- able gentleman mayy perhaps, find that in the contest tbero will be blows to take as well as blows to give; that others can state compari- sons as significant, at lot, as his own, and that his impunity liiay demand of him what- ever potters of taunt and sarcasm he may possess. I hope no odo will deem me that presumptous to think, in noticing tbe above card, that it is my purnose to reform its auihor. No; the cou.b ned jackMegs of Desoto county were ifVt wi.h the intellect of a Sidney, Bacon, or Gjrardt Noodt, the once renowned professor of civil law ot the University ot Lyden one of the most learned law professors of Europe great minds as these could not reason a reform in a base, wandering, contemptible political vagrant one whose obtuse brain is mixed with' political ignorance, his passions his vanity and his putrescence. Moral prin ciples are ot rjo more interest to the peace, It a in tt and nfiA nnvornmonl tf nil. nmin C as aaa Kuriyiutuvuv rr "ose j the D.smul tbe manu- - of Co., 80; VV. Son, 39 bog. Such h ,E', ho iX has certainly the I ni ruei will indulge HP- - wvDSey affords nounce it, and publicly express: my infinite lor all such political poisjnous, creeping, crawling, political snakes and ground who wriggle and writhe themselves into all sorts of political bhapes in the mud and filth the putrid lake of their depravity. was it that was said to cause so much thunder? What was said to this loyal, brave-hearte- d Greenbacker, that gave him a chance to bray intimidation? This is what was said: Before Desoto would be governed by official rogue?, perjured vi.'liens and before this court. y shoiid be robbed and plundered, her citizens submit to "suck" at the muzzle the shot- gun. This is what was said, not the mouthpiece of tbe Democracy of Desoto county, what Jack-Le- says. And tor th Yazooing, bulldozing, intimidation, Jack-Le- g is responsible. Now, Mr. Author, do you belong to this Are you iu this infamous category? If so, I have this to say: Ue who wears the shoe knows pinches, and all such are at perfect liberty peddle it to associates, and you or any other razor strap, loyal political jackass, whose is to gather politi- cal thunder and bray it the Chicago Ex- press. If that Greenback booming, boom away, the Hernando arsenal and count out can stand aside, we have no usu for them in your case. But the gjvn.t auestion that seems to trouble you how to off this over- stock of impecunious jack-le- g lawyers. I mut admit I not suggest a plan better than tbe one you attempted in the infancy of tbe Greenback movement i . our county. If you could find one devoid of prin- ciple, self-respec-t, with so little care for the future wellfare, good government and peace of our county, who was too base a cow- ard to submit bis name for office before a convention composed of the intelligent, pa- triotic Citizens his county; who would out- rage lust good faculty has given him by allowing his name on a.ticket with you, if you dupe one into this would him off. Alter the election would never see his face again in Lesoto county; and if your assertions be true that the farmers are determined kill, off such infamous bond-ocrac- y. have one glorious arid noble con solation, that we boom, but without this obarge against us, as one of that class who invade at the dead hours of midnight our peaceful county, mustering up the httle raised end scrapings of Radicalism, organ izing them into and with tbe cily tongue of gross, malicious misrepresentation of Greenbackism them into your craK of hatred, animosity and prejudice ogam si, the good citizens of the county. This p fact that can not only be it will be 8 for the future generations of jack-leg- s to boast ot. Now, Mr. Author, permit "us jack-legs- " to offer a little you: You go to your and let tbem advise you. The farmers know their interests bitter than you do. You are big enouch, old enough and ugly enough t j know better to play in the dirt. If you will Btep over to see your od pop, and stand still long enough, he will give you a good soapmg-otf- , and make yoa a clean boy. Then we all come together on the fourth of November, and vote the ticket. If you don't, you will follow this crew, the next thing you know there be something worse than impecu- nious jack-le- g lawyers to kill off; you will have to look out for the vagrant law. . JACr-LS- of an Alleged Kaaist. Terre Haute special to the En quirer, 21st: "Sam Griffin, notorious ne- gro desperado, who a rape on the person of Ada Malone, a mulatto girl ot thir- teen, about five weeks ago, was captured this morning in Indianapolis by Officer Thomp- son, of this city, by two Indianapolis Several attempts have been made to Orifiin since the was com- - -- ; . i thitted, all of which proved futile. On one occasion Officer Price covered him with a re- volver, and commanded him to throw up his Griffin drew a revolver, and began firing and running. He was chased for more thn a mile, new men joining in the chase every square, many of them using revolvers. Griffin kept them at bay, and, outrunning all bis pursuers, made good his escape. Officer Thompson was in Indianapolis on other busi- ness, and his encounter Griffin wrs purely The ieeling against Grif- fin among the colored people very bitter, and they are much gratified at the capture. The prisoner was brought to this city this afternoon." t THE BUWABDS' Sleeting- - I.ast Klsht The Association will Probably Wind Up Business Next Monday Night The How- ard. Orphans Other Busi- ness lly Considered by the Boys. At the usttal hour last night the Howard association met at their office on Madison between Main and Front. President Langstaff occupied the chair. The following business wae Tbe minutes of the previous meeting were read aud approved. the HevfAkfi Orphans. Mr. Moss, president of the Howard's orphan asylum committee, reported present number of orpbans in the asylum thirty-seve- n; taken away or died since twentieth of August, twenty; number of children taken to the poyluru since it was established, fifty-seve- n. Tbe asylum has been ran at a cost of nearly one thoueaad dollars Binee the took charge of it. THE BECKETARTBHrP. . Notice was given that the former secretary ot the association, Mr.. Smith, who has been abbent during the epidemic, is at Cairo, Illinois, and has stated that he intends to to the city ere lobs. TH.E ORPHANS. , General Smith offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted Ke That the orphans' home ba con tinued in charge . of the present committee until such time the different denomina tions will the orphans and take charge of them. President feaegstan stated that they had wet for the purpose of making arrangements to wind up the business of the MOTION NO. 1. Mr. Anderson moved that action b post- poned in that matter until next Monday evenings kOTION NO. 9. General Smith offered as a motion in lieu, that frcni and after this date no supplies shall be purchased by or for this association, nor shall any other nurses be sent out by the association, the authorities having declared the epidemic at aa end. kontoNNO.. Colonel Edmdadeoa rioved that General Smith's Motion be laid on the table, which iaotion was carried. " ' MOTION NO. 4, Mr. Anderson' rtoUCii to postpone action on tpn matter to next Monday night was called up and generally discussed by the members present. It was stated that come seventy-fiv- e nurses oa ditty, and it would be impossible to Wind Up association un- til end of next week at least. The dis- cussion took a wipe tange, involving the questions oT stopping the issuance ot medi- cine, the attendance of physicians, and the necessity of further Buppl'ics hilraes. General Swt!i advocated closing up busi-ire- ti at. once, if they did not, the demands upon the association may continue for sev- eral months. If there are any sick in the luture, their means who aave returned, or are returning, will take care of them. The for some purpose. are left .onnibtl in there are aiitv beda i it' such God therein now unoccupied. MOTION NO. 5. General Smith made a motion in lieu that from and after this date no member of Howard association receives any pay or al- lowance, that all nurses be requested to report to this office before November 1st for final settlement. The motion was lost. AK EXPLANATION. Mr. Finnic stated in explanation of his vote that no pay was received, but that cer- tain members received a certain amount as expenses, which he did not regard as pay or allowance. MOTION NO. 1 ADOPTED. Mr. Anderson's original motion to post- pone action to next Monday night, as to dis- banding or winding op the affairs of tbe association, was called up and was adopted. REFUSED. Mr. John Johnson moved to reconsider the vote tbe above motion, which motion to reconsider was not adopted.' ADJOURNMENT L08T. Colonel Edmondson moved to adjourn, motion was lost. i BILLS ORDERED PAID. Th9 following bills were audited and or- - r1rid naid . Seidell, 1UU a); Lytle & u cut nut kiswm v vua v u r - vv n t- i a i An r try, or to the interest of society, than the wa- - sc Co., W, ou; ters of Swamp are to I" JTo facturing enterprises Lowell. They are ' fl29 J, Tighe & f 8; but one interminable serbooiani i .NeldeLe.rS.: 2A TKe!?.' 59; depravity passed age ot re-- lanerty, w., . form. But I take the right to A ; the private satisfaction it me to do- - S?4liaaJ eaung, m. uracaeii contempt puppies of What county cotton-thieve- s; wcuid of as but .s personally class? but where it to your sorehead, mission it to is is kill couid without of the could you kill you to we being clubs, dupe is substantiated, but record suggestion to neighbors than will Democratic it will Arrest Cincinnati a committed assisted cthoera. arrest crime hands. with accidental).' is street, transacted: Sisters- - located return HOWARD solved. as claim association. are the the the and RECONSIDERATION on which cuuenoerg, Co.. $53 25; Oznne & May, f 16 75; Gen eral Leonard, $10; Oliver, h innie & Co, f4 95; C. B. Bryan & Co., $12; John Hun-no- t, $6 80; P. P. Pleasant, $7; A. Renkert, 6 25: Hessen & Co., 59 15; J. Walter, $53 56; M. Knox, f21; 1). Goodyear, K; G. Monmer, $9 50; J. S. Robinson, $130 50. Total amount, $482 30. ' ' RESIGNATION. President Smith read the resignation of W. A. Holt as a member of the Howard as- sociation; which resignation was accepted. ADJOURNED. On motion an adjournment was had .to the next regular meeting. An English Editor Sfontas for Ueftmi of Two JLadles. Gets Eiahteen B the Character Special to the Appeal. 1 London, October 27. Adolphus Rosen-benr- . the editor of Toin Talk, was sen tenced to eighteen months imprisonment for publishing--defamator- libels against Mrs Laoctrv. aud to six months imprisonment on each of the indictments charging similar offenses against Mrs. Cornwallis West and Lord Loundesbory, and at the expiration of his imprisonment he is to be bound over in his own recognizances in one thousand pounds sterling for eood behavior tor eighteen months. Justice Hawkins regretted that he could not add to the sentence hard labor, The sentences are concurrent with eighteen months sentence in the case in which Mrs Lanctrv was complainant, and therefore his whole term ct imprisonment will be only eighteen months. A Paris Newspaper Sappreased. Special to the Appeal. Paris. October 27. The prefect of police has forbidden the appearance of the Mot d'Ordre newspaper, which was to take the place of the Marseillaise during its suspen- sion, for insul tine the magistracy and defend' ing occurrences which the law characterizes as crimes. The North Pole and Equator Are not more widely distinct than the standard tonic, stimulant and alterative. Hosteller's stomach bit ters, and the cheap and Aery local bitters which un scrupulous vendors foist Upon the unwary as medl cated preparations with remedial properties. The latter are usually composed In tbe mala of half rectified alcoholic excitants, with some wi etched drug combined to disguise their real flavor, and are perfectly ruinous (o tbe coats ot tbe stomach. Bos- - tetter's bitters, on the contrary, baa for its basis choice spirits of absolute purity, and this Is modified and combined with medicinal extracts of rare excel lence and botanical origin, which both invigorate and regulate the bowels, stomach and Uver. They effect a radloal change In the disordered physical economy, which Is manifested by a speedy Improve ment in the general health. : M CODES HEATH Is the fate of every fiber npon which tbe CAUSTIC POISON of an ordinary hair dye falls. There Is no REaUKBKCTION lor tbe filaments thus blighted. But, as It were, in the TWINKLING OF AN BYE balr of any obnoxious color Is changed to a RICH AND ULOBIOUa HUE, and, attheaame time, vital ized and improved by tne use or UKisrtwu KO'M-MAlf- t iVK, nature's safe ally and bnnutv'a regenerator. Manufactured by J. CRISTA DOttO, No. 93 William street, New York. fJold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indis- cretions of youth , nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FK.KK OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Bend a envelope to Bev. Joseph T. Ihmab SaUion D., New York Oity. . PRESCRIPTION FBKK Tor tbe speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness, loss of Manhood, and all disorder brought oa by Indlsore-tlo- a or sxeese. Any druggist has the Incradlenta. A ddreat DAVIDSON ft (X)., "8 3 L, New York Little Rock, Ark. , L. rie,Tea., and Pope's Htation, Silas.. Beaucie Railway Relations with Mtsnphla. Special to the Appeatl Little Rock, October 27. The State board of hea'th to-da- y raised quarantine at all points in the State. LAGRA&GS RAISkS THE GATE. Special to tbe Appeal.! Lagrange, October 27. All quarantine restrictions at this p'ace have been this day removed. . M. MTEICK, Major. POPE'S STATION OPENED TJP. Special to tbe Anpeal.1 Pope's Station, October 25. At a cell meeting of the board of mayor and alder- men of Pooe's Station, Mississippi-thi- s day present, Mayor Wray, Aldermen Pipkin and Deaton it was resolved that quarantine against Memphis be raised. Goods of all kinds can now be shipped to this place. There being no other business, the board ad- journed, a. w. wrat, Ik P. Ptpkin, Secretary. Msror. rr , t - - A ftt.enr f ire-E- n jrlno Dashes Through, a Draw-Urids- e. Cleveland, October 21. Steam fire-engi- No. 6, while going to a fire this evening went full speed into the river at the Colum- bus street bridge, drowning both horses and badly injuring three men. John Sewell, a substitute was badly cut about the head and ankle sprained; Oliver Hartzell, fireman, in- jured in the breast; Henry Delaney, driver, both legs hurt. The bridge was swung and the draw-gate- s out of repair. Tbe driver was unable to stop his team. More than om hundred and twenty-Sv- e thousand bottles of Dr. Bull's coueh syrup have been sold by & single firm in Baltimore Mesors. W. H. Brown & Brj. 8 ucicura BLOOD AND SKIN HUMORS. CUTICTJRA REMEDIES for the Treatment of Blood and Skin and ScalD Humors. When of Scrof ulous, Cancerous or Sypnliltle origin, theCCTICUrfA RESOLVENT is the principal lemedy, and If there are at tbe same time Ulcers, Sores or otber Exte'ial Affections, then the CUIICUKA. assisted by the CUTICUBA SOAP, must be used externally. If tbe disease is of tbe Skin and Scalp, tbe principal rem- edy will then be tbe CUTtCURA, with the CUTI- CUBA SOAP, and such use of the RESOLVENT as Is suggested by tbe following conditions: In all Skin and Scalp Diseases, when the skin Is hot and dry, tbe blood feverish, the liver toruld. tbe bowels con stipated, or when tbe virus of Scrolula or poison ot mercury is Known to lurt in me system, or wnen the Constitution has been shattered by Malarial and Antl Periodic Fevers and Debilitating Diseases, al- ways tase the RESOLVENT while using the CUTI- CUBA. A cure thus made will be permanent and sausiaciory. ECZEMA RODENT. The Cfetlenra Ceniedies Succeed where a. Consultation of Pbysieiaas Fails. Messrs. Wbkks & Potter Gentlemen . I have sufiered over thirteen years with skin disease In my hands and limbs, causing constant Irritation, deprlv- - lag iue of rest and attention to business. I wiiiplit many remedlefl hero and elaew! useot sulph ir baths, without permanent cure. Last Hay a uhysiclan called my disease Eczema Rodent spots appeared on my bands, head, and lace, ees became much Inflamed and granulated, causing at rengib Implied tigbt. internal ana external remedies were prescriuea oy lrjadliui nhyslclan for six months, was then Intro duced to another, and a consul tat' jn of several lead- ing physicians wps bad, when a definite plan was de- cided upon, brU aUtono purpose. Alter following advice lor iour monms wunout any permanent cure. I bought two bottles of Vuturura FttolverU, tw boxes of Cuticura, and some Soap, and can testify with great pleasure to the effect tbey have had in my case, in eight days being nearly cured. The pbyslclans pronoun jed uiy case tbe most ag gravated one that has ever come under tuelr expe rience and I recommend and highly Indorse tbe Cuticura Xrniedies. Yours tnilv, F. H. DRAKE, Aeent for Harper ft Bros.' Publications. Clifford street and WouUard Avenue, Detroit, Mich igan. January Z4, liW. SALT RHEUM. Oa Face, Head and Parts or Body. Head Covered with (Scabs and Sores. Messrs. Weeks ft Pottkb.- - I commenced to use your CUTICUBA. last July. Have only used one large and one small box, and one bottle of tbe RESOL VENT. M face and head and some parts of ray body were almost raw. i1 j bead was covered with scabs and sores, and my buffering was fesrfuL I had tried everything 1 bad heard or in tne J&ast and West. My was considered a very bad one. One very skillful physician said he would rather not treat it. and some of tbem think now I am only cured temporarily. I think not, for I have not a par- ticle ot oalt Rheum about me. and my case Is con- sidered wonderful My case bas been the means ot selling a great many of your CUTICURA REME- DIES in this part ot tbe country. Respectfully yours, MRS s. it. wmrfLK. Decatur, Mien., nov. i t, ists. CUTICUBA. CUTICURABES0LVKNT. and CU TICUBA SOAP, are prepared by Weeks ft Potter, Chemists and Druggists. co(J wasnington street. and are Tor sale by all druggists price oi cu 1 1- - CURA.small boxes. 50 cents; large boxes, contain- Inn one-hal- f times the Quantity or small Si ; RKSOL.VKNT, SI per bottle; CUTICUBA SOAP, 25 cents; by mail, 30 cents; 3 cakes, Vo cents. COLLINS- - VOLTAIC otber world enn assuase ntnat numvt.m. EltCTSIOof Paln, Tney distribute fi. . throuKbout the nervous sis aASTLl' temaeentle and continuous current ot Electricity, which lnsttmtly annihilates Pain, vitalizes Weak and Paralyzed Parts, cures Sore Lungs, Palpitation the Heart. Palnlul Kid neys. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and sciatica, net the gv nuine. No remedy In the so quickly tl.a of Young Ladies' School AND KINDERGARTEN. MISS CLARA CON WAT. .. PBIUCiPA L Modern In Hethod. Thoroixh in Work. Non-sectari- an In Character. mHE Principal of the school takes this method of JL saying to the people of Memphis, that Educa tion, IN ITS ONB TKUB SfcNdE. IS mo oujnci 01 uor work, and inai ner scnoot ior gins ia mo rrauu w a clnnn and careful study of tbe best school sys'ems and tbe best tbougbtof tbe leading educators of the world. All false and injurious processes of artifi- cial growth have been carefully avoided, and only sucn metnoos usei as win secure a iuu, ueauuy auu hurmnniniia irrowth toward and Into a true womanly womanhood. As heretofore, Physical Culture will receive the attention its importance demands. Ed- ucation after tbe method ot tbe Boston School of Oratory. Object lessons in the Primary Department nnnn tne Plan aennea ov rroi. uooaaie. oi uarvara University, and dally lessons in every department npon Health, Current Events and Topics of General Interest. Drawing will be Included in the Priraaiy Course, and French in the Intermediate. A thorough three-year- s course in English Literature, by extra work in tbe study or German and French autnois. The Principal of the school will give her personal attention to each department. The KINDERGARTEN will be under tie charge of Mrs. E. C. James, an accomplished graduate of the training-scho- ol of Mrs. A. B. Ogdn. Number limited to twenty. As this Is tbe only Kindergarten in Memphis, and as no parent should be willing to deprive a little one of this beautiful mental, moral and pbystclal health giver, it Is lmportaut that ap- plication for seats be made at once. Pupils in all depai tments are expected to enter at tbe beginning ot the term. lm loir Cotton GINNED -- AT- speerss en Nos.75, 77, 79 & 81 Vance St Largest and only Complete Ginning THE in Memphis. Tie ouly Gin where you can get your cotton cleaned by air entirely. No beat- ing and breaking qf staple. I (oarsatee the let sample sail turn-o- n t 1 have Four New Eighty-Sa- Gins and Hull-ere- , and will not keep you waiting for y.ur cotton. Large Wagon Scales to weigh cotton on. Cotton folly Insured (Free of Chara-e- ) and well l ake. Care of and see the Finest Ginning Establlsh- - me, t in the world. The Proprietor is always on hand to show you tbe Gin. ALL DRAT AGE FBEE OF CHABGE. N. W. SPEERS. JR. Notice of Disinfecting rTTHK owners, agents, or occupants ot the houses bounded by Gavoso street on the south. Front I street on tbe west. Poplar street on tnenortn.ana Second street on the east, are hereby notified that the State Board ot Health desires to inspect and disinfect during the present week, all the premise, within the above boundaries; and tnls is to lve no- tice and ask that some person may be present to open the buildings, so as to admit the men, engaged In this work. - Persons wanting to fumigate their' own houses will be furnished with tuimstone for that purpose on application hi the depository. Nns. 77 and U Monrw4treet,or atmyotnoe.No 1 0 Mmflioo street. JOBS JUliJSSON. Superintendent QuarauUne Ocattsr 27, . IS4 P. BS r a! tH THIRTY YEARS. Hatna, IIX, February 1 tth. 1S7. To J. O. RicttAHMON. Dear Bu- - Endowed find two certificates lor Clifford's feorlfuKe; can Ret more, and as for ivself I can say I have not sold any medicine In thirty years' experience that has clven sucheeneralbatirfacuoa. orjjs. FEBRSFUGE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. West Plains, Mo., July 27, 1 S73. Clifford's Febrifuge Belllntr well. Ha met with universal satisfaction. C. H. K. SnuTTEfe, Dealer la Drugs. Faints, &c. FEBRIFUGE SAVED. LINDSLT. Hotel, St. Lock, Jan. 10th. 1R79. Fir three weary years I have been the victim or Malaria, in all its forms, having used soores of such articles as Tonics, Aitue Fills and Ague Pads, but never findlwr permanent relief. Asa last resort i cava vour Clifford's J) eoniiure a inai, mm. x that the first bottle has not onlystonned the Chills, bat has thorouBhly cated tills dreadful deae from my system. eradi feel that your medicine has savea my nie. Xount, with graUtude, JAHJS3 & L0BDELL, FEBHiFUGE WELL PLEASED. Browkssoko, Tkxas. Dec. Slst, 1878. 3. 0. Richardson, 8t Louis, sir. Havlnir myself been afflicted during tho fall and winter with third day chills, I had occasion to use one bottle of Clif- ford's Febrifuge, and am so well pleased with it that I want to keep it: think that I can sell It very fast In tills community. How can I get it ? 1 'lease send terms, Ac Respectfully, W. L. O'NEDL. Qeneral Merchant. FEBRIFUGE BEST IN USE. Havana. Ixi., December 17th, 1878. 1 can safely say that Clifford's Febrifuge is the best Ague medicine in use, having used every thing before folding It. B. KELLY. MA&XTACTCBXD Et J. C. RICHARDSON, - St. Louis. FOR SAX. EVERYWHERE. FOR MOUTH OF WHITE RIVER. STEAMER JOSIK, .' master, will leav- - Memphis Wednesday. Ortob t S p.m . tor mouth ot White river. 8he will receive freight for all way points. She will return from mouth of White river to 8t Lows. ERKENBRECBEO Bon Yon Starch It Is abaoiately oderloss, and Chemically Pure. I: is snowfiake whits. It Is susceptible of the highest and most lasting Polish. It possesses greater strength ot hody than other rrade brands. It is packed li Pound Parcels. Full Weight guar anteed. It costs les ic?(, than any Starch In the world. It is manuit-Ciirt- d ta the heart of tbe greatest cereal region of tne ixlobe. It ts Sold universally In America by Grocers and Dealers. Its annual consumption reaches Twenty Million Peunds. Andrew JSrkenbreclier CIVCINXATI. ErlcenbrecJter't WorUl-Farv- m Ottrn Starch for Fond NOTICE. Memphis, Tbkn., October 27. 1S79. TTIBEIGHT trains will commence running regu-- larly between this polut and Little bock to- morrow anl passenger trains on Wednesday Tbe Board of Heal tn of Lt'lle Bock still quaran- tines against Memphis freight and paeng"rs. No freight will be received for thai point or beyond un- til further notice. W. K. SHITH, dup't Y7 1 E.V' BE OIV KSO AND AND DRY N for business i a a re vr day s. VV on D2AIER3 IN was BKADT WALL PAPERI Window-Shade- s, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, 289 Second S., corner Madison. Conrcial ite opened THE rHlCH closed be Saturday, November 1,1879. There has not been a case of sickness, of any kind, In the hoti'e. DAVID HASTINGS, Proprietor. :or White River EgThe Steamer HARD CASH leaves St. Louis on Saturday, November lkt, for White Kiver Direct. Will be at Mem- phis on or about Wednesday, Nov. 5th. IS. C. POSTAL, 0..4U CnMAn P 273 street, iTxempin. oui tjaying meir si fully to receive and maelfceal Memphis, Tean., Oct. 7, 137t. . V& All restrictions having been removed, we are prepared to forward matter to all points with our usual promptness and dispatch. It should be remem!ered that our Inward business has been but slightly Interrupted through the entire epi lemld. C. O. JOHNSON, Acting Agent. Memphis, Paducah and Northern Kailroati Memphis, Txnn., October 27. 1879. T BAINS between Covington and Memphis are re- sumed this date. Arriving at Memphis at 9:30 am. Leavi- - g Memphis at 4 p.m. Freights must be delivered at Navy-yar- d Depot not later than 3 p m. N. MONSAbBAT, General Manager. 204: Front street, Hare reopened, ahd are no tr prepared to furnish their customers as usual, and to ret-eiT- e fnl handle cotton. Manhattan Bank of Memphis. Temporary Office at Knoxvillb, Tutu., I October 2. 187. TO CUSTOMERS business at NOTICE will be resumed 8a u'aay, Novem- ber 1, 1H7H. EWD. GOLDSMIT , Cashier. TUB Dili Co. HAS OPENED AN AT 272 !jecnnd fct.,opp. Court Square Rece'pt for t a;:-- monrys, and make close connections wlih E Companies for ALL points Nonb. Ka& . Saul). Jid West. Ma ter dellvr-- to th Union Express Company will In all ca-e- s be . r.t 'he sh.-rtcd- quickest ansl mostdin- - i .cutelo de''nat ori Notee. drafts and bi'ls uottPLiod, and returns rromptly made. For ra'es, apply at the oflic-- . A. F. T LBOTT. Agent. Memphis, Tennessee. lOTiOE, tZCQur customers and ths public generally are hereby notified that our Warehouse, the Mutual Storage Cot:.r. r.F, foot of Main street, Is open for the rceii.. of Cotton. Parties desiring advances will require Mr. J. M. Jones, Acting Superintendent, to give upon presentation of which here liberal advances In cash will be made The railroad companies will present freight bills to W. W. Thacher, First National Bank, for payment 1V A ptQIHiFlT. eopened! Reopened JElffSTsilB BOOTS 319 Main street, Memphis. Tenn. We will reopen our house In Memphis by first November, and have now on way from the factories a large new stock or fresh seasonable Hoots and shoes, to which we invite the attention of the trade. X!J 6 ILU? WW wtisdwaa Mm, mlX, o Cotton factor and Commission To. 355 Front street Memphis, Tenn. 1879 1 FALL TRADE mzx & .mitchsijIj Having opened thVr More are ready for the trade, with their usual heavy stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS! 321 and 334 llain street, Memphis RICE, STIX k CO. 259 Street, Memphis, Tenn m Just in receipt of a large xtock of GOODS, Fully prepared o meet the wants of rimrUs inrsund lr!n'ls in their line. All orders wilk receive l'-fti- ttt attention. A call respectfully solicited. HLLFO HQOK&LaGRILL Epss SHOES! 318 N. STREETVCQR. LOCUST. ST. IsOUIS, 3Io., ?uly 22, 187. ' We have opened a house for the transaction oi business in this city, at 318 North Commercial street, corner of L.ocut, at which nlaee onr correspondents will please add ess as. Onr store in j Memphis will remain open a long a poible, bnt we fear we will be unable to serve our f lends from that point for some time, in consequence of quarantine. Address all your communications to j ns here. Respectfully, tlllUL,. FONTAINE Jfc CO. ; - i Tarrant's Seltxer Aperient May properly be called the Hercules" of medicine, for it cleanses Natuie's augean stables, and allows tbe recti peratlve puwers of tbe system to do the work Of restoration to health. No medicine cures; Na- ture alone cures. This aperteot opens tbe proper avenues, tbe functions are permitted to resume their work, and tbe patient gets well. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ! J THE MEMPHIS GINS ARB now ready to gin all cotton consigned to and will furnish sacks to parties deelr Ins to sin with I hum. The are nsins? the Ch nm Dion Gins and Hmlers and a complete Cotton Cleaner, and their gins are superior to any in this city. V. PATRICK, Foot of KxehsBt, near river. C. H. TAYLOR. GEOEGK AllKOLD. ft Wholesale Grocers. COTTON FACTORS And Commission Merchantg, oouinerti express dosed I I prepared ad 1 OFFICS t A receipts, " vances on consignments of cotton, etc., to their Mnmnhls horse, fhev are lust In reoelDt of aBd oelving by rail and river a stock of Groceries, Produce and Plantation Sappllea -- AND - ECIaIPSE gins. OrtlCB Ct CABVBR Ofi and Machikk Co., t Corner Shelby and M'Call streets. f bave a supply on hand of ths Light-draf- t, WI Fa? Carver Cotton Gib, and also tbe renowned Eclipse Huillng ems and Condensers and Feeders, and are prenama 10 ao win nepairuig promptly. AND MACHINE OO. CAKVEHULN MISS SCHOOL to many Inquiries, Miss Higbee RESPONDIHG to ber friends that, pursuant to pledges made la t July, sne will open rer seoooi in Memphis, Ge l w Jlng. about the 91IDDJL13 OF liOdMBEB. Having engaged a corps ot who- - trained to mod- ern methods tn leadir .o,.eges aid normal achoole. and provided e- - y appliance In furniture and appiirurrjs necessai? o make the school at- tractive, Miss Higbee t?r-- to establlfi an lnstltj tJen which will realize tb expect vttons of her pa truos and Justify the continued confidence of a com- munity with whose In tares ts she has been Identified for so many years. Circular" Wth full particulars, will be Usued as soon as pructt.-Jit- ). Addieaj. af- - -- oember 1st, Ho. 12 JefUrson street, yeuphi. Tenn. Fresh JNO. B. SIGNAIGO. OT3TKB3, wholesale and retail, at X7N FBSSH atreet. Memphis, and 11 neeaid street, LonlsTille, aky. Orders can be niled direct from Louisrllle. Ky. D. CANALE & CO. FRUIT AND LIQUOR DEALERS, Ko. S Hadlson street. returned. During thelf absence they HAVK a large lot of assorted Macaroni, Wines and Liquors. Also ordered from Italy a full stock of the above goods, a part of which they are at present receiving. . GREAT REDUCTION IN.PBICI3 OF CELEBRATED PBOBOCTHCED BT OOTTBOISEXITBS TO BB THE OSIiV HOOD BATJCK," And applicable to KVXBT TAXDRT Of DISH. NIC Sold - ST., EXTRACT letter frem s KBDICAL 8BHTLB- - aua at Madras to his brother at WOBCxsTER, May, 1861: Tell Lea ft Pbk-MH- 9 that their is highly esteemed in India, and is In my opinion the most palatable, as well aa the most that made.' THUS GITntB THE OOHStTMER NOT ONLY THE BEST, BUT TBE JOSX ECONOM- ICAL 8AVCE. SIGNATUBS ON EVEBT BOTTLE. JOHN HUKCAN & 80S, A Colleae JPlaee and 1 Union Baaare, W YORK, of IS Merchant, H.Wetter&Co. ARE SOW ABLE TO 1879 FILL ALL ORDERS Main NS,Etc. TANEdiCO COMMERCIAL Gil Hi Tijlor Amli HIGBEE'S Oysters! WorcestersliireSauce From Memphis, WITHOUT DELAY ! COTTON-SEE- D! -- On and cXter this ;"(., Oober 18, 1879, tbe Memphis Cotton-see- d will psy Wl Dollars per ton tor kj good sound Cotton-so- l delivered on wharf or depots at Memphis. Will fui- - nlsh sacks to shippers as soon as Quarantine is raised. JOHN T. FLYNN. Pec'y and Treas. Notice to Shippers. I891S8IPPI AND TENNESSEE R. R., trp'T Orrica, Memphis, uctooer t, i tv. New Orleans having raised all quaiantlne restrictions Memphis, we will receive aud forward all freights for thatlpolnL M. BURKS, Superintendent A 8a TONIC and RESTORATIVE after the YKLLOW VKVRK. hai.akial rKVKKS. and otber debilitating diseases, no remedy can be compared to DUCRO'S ALIMENTARY ELIXIR. Uniting the properties of aleohollo stimulants and raw meat. U ana aupyons inn viuu forces. It la a food by all druggists. fl a Sauce wholesome Sauce is medicine for convalescents. EiFOCtlERA V GO. Asiontn, ew Verk. ETOTSB r toward asbociation,-- ' lO JSAUIaSH October 25. 18' All neroons havtiiii claim against th. 9. ard Asaoeuroo t luom at ones ior pay BMBt. y UU t.WAIUHU, ocrir. VOL. SXXVni-NTJMB- BR BOWDRE, RI'CLELLAW o sjln't General Stimulates COTTON FACTORS, 280 Front street JSg Mempliis, Terr A' Whed in open readr t ? rffyiye Cor SGH00LFIELD,HAMUER8l WHOIaES AIaE Grocers and Cotton Factor, 256 Front street, Memphis, Tenh. TJB COTTON WAKSHOUSS 13 NOW OPEN. AND WE SOLICIT - - friends customers. As as quarantine u raised we open out faitoeri Bouse ; . An Kntlrely New and Fresh Stoclt of Goci wait on our friends a usual. 11. Ho ore. jr T. A. HD, Jk MOORE. BASS ETT TENN. Dealern Itt Doors, Sash, Blinds, ioldin Ziumber, Xath and Shingles, 351-353-3- 59 Neeond street, nympliis. Tis Fari-ason- . Hunt. J.T.FAMMSM Cotton Factors and Commissii 369 FKONT bTSEET, MEMPHIS, OB" HAVE OPENED A PER;'. ANKNT "F OUB HOUSE I"V J! WF.ots of oar trade, and consignments of cotton will have earerul att l Our St. Louis office will be closed as noon as It Is to return and r Wholesale Grocei's.Gotto. 1 l?ac. 23 JO Onr an on. and soon will and Cm J. C3. C. safe 3Jia tJommij-SA-iyL- a iiJLei Bont Streot. uviv ii r to satt TO RTtTTTRN TO VErfPHIS. OUB J. T. FABOASOX. large stOCK or sua i - tikju " u-- . JAMES A. HUT. Hell,. NEW BItANCH uroosrtts. ymiwm TOSS WIUL OPENTU J. T. FARGASOn k Wholesale Grocers, Cotton fact 219 Cliestnnt Street, Xonl Owing to tbe yellow-feve- r epidemic at Memphis, we brve opened an omoe fully nrenand to mwet the wan' of our entnmr as rierwtofore. A iSSDUSTHIHL IR0P9W T. It. rarfe YJI Ver,r c-- iu I taipor-ri- : 51 AC aiNISTS 3511 LLWiTaG 89, 31, 33 and 35 Front street, corner Auction, 7Iem;l: 8AWMTLL9 AND ENGINES ALT. KTN&3 TBON AND BB ASS CASTINGS -- SOI. T STEAM A Valle's Atlea and Cam Steam-Pumps- . Iron Store-front- s, SbiMiir. Pu:- -j - ' ln.r ttl"i Wrk a i ei alty. Eoiua.c plication. B. ! C orb. ran. GODWIN. NCROOiri HAWtTBH ISO WE Moi St, tvatrambaat FOB DESCHIPriVE C4TALOGUj;1g1 S. A. Haicaer. . L. Cochrar HAN CfACTTJBKBs R. nwd Lumber, lath and ISiing! lors. and Blinds, and all kinds ?eltln Boxes. Office aad Tard, foot WaaLLngrton gt. I Saw and Flanlns Kills, North ea-.- I T I mew uncus. OV aah MAmnhi. TniwiMv ASDBEW HTKWAKT. ASDBEi WWYSSK, nenaphls. STEWART, GWY! l$asott. WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTOII FACTO: Nos. 356 sod 358 Front St., Memphis, Tenn. AUD Stewart Brothers & Co., Cotton Factors and Commission ILXerc hrr r: J. R. J.UG0 w Orleans, lonlsiftna. L. D. MULLLXS, Jr. DW N nOTTOM EAP.TfT uu uiu nu v AND COMMISSION 3XEB. VIAWT No. 336 PRONT ST. 219 CHE:r.jTinj: Jleniplii, Tenn. St. Jji .Is, Ho. tWe have opened office 219 Chestnut street, St. .V serving oar customers and friends rntil the fever make HAJiTLETT, TENN., his headquarters. We also ha .t office Memphis, who will receive aU consign-- . will adrsnce liberally on It, either . ash or merchei. : FULBSEH, BURTON iuy. MT-SE- m abates. Cotton (SrCCESSOEh TO K- - Jno. feiuEDGE, FcKAT 4 a r : A. TO si BE FA e 1 X of of i i i i P.HLHAri'V. 1 1 an at In la M. r.nrp: oi us attoa: v CO.) Grocers. Cotton Factoi And Commission Hercxumto. . na. 371 nnel 373 Itfain street. lienilii. HiOTISJR. WI HAVE DAT ADMITTru MR. W. l if for the pet utn a-- - I THIS nartner In nur bu,lna. under the Arm name and style Of M ALLORV , CHAWFOHU 4 C J. a ful for past favors, a continuance of tbe same la respectful! solicited lor the new concern. ft sr. Louis, no., oeptemoer x. loiv. mai-ui- ui W MALLORY. I MALLORY, 9 !' ; rt NEW FHWL CRAwF J. OKA Late of Han Mallory & Co. Late of V7. b. III SI (SUCCESSORS R MALXOBT & luLl FO WHOLESALE GROCERS, COHON i' u.iibro&v TOW. AA'D COMMISSION MEliCnATS, Front Otroet, 1 'JTo avowing to the prevalence of yellow-fev- er In Memphis, opened an tempo: 'i t stret.ltt. L.Mia, Jio., where' order, and eorislttpnienu td pamfni " W. W. Hi CO.) W. Oillard. a. Collin. DILLMD, 00FHI Wholesale Grocers and Cotton HP"" JIcCALLl ilOPARTNKBsHIP FAG" QB4 Tsgoaaa-jpT- i Facto 219 Chestnnt Street, St. ious. r:o. ws wv nsu-- dTT TSTinimHRn KS tiers or our m uiuiuutiuf . . s i A - , Hl 1 4, . la. H J. CH lWT w d. I W. WF I I -- VJ &m we have offlct-- , .i . l will have out oromi t U - - a j? n t 1 TT . nai SinvrAAn a v flllMMITI.V hJ li A ft & X T i - a. iriaiu nnTsig.vD m if- - Al

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · INDICATIONS. Special to the AppeaLl Wasoijioton, D. C, October 281 a.m. For Tennessee

INDICATIONS.Special to the AppeaLl

Wasoijioton, D. C, October 281 a.m.For Tennessee and the Ohio valley,

or fair weather, except in the easternportions light rain, northwest to southwestwinds, stationary or ulwcbj rising barometer,oith no change in temperature.

KEPOKT.Mkmphis. October 187.

Time. Bur. Tber Wind. JJfJ Weather.

VrflO a.ra. H0.35 f E. Cloudy.J.-O- p.m. 30.20 M5 N.W. Fair.rtKX) p.m. H0.14 57 S.W. Clear.Maximum thermometer, 07 deg.Minimum thermometer. 41 drm.

T. H. CHINN. Assistant.

WKATII Ktl OBI4F.HV.mONS,w okp't. hion4l HiRvirm, O. 8. Aiutr, i

Mokiiat. October 27. 187. 10:08 p.m. fP ihvo ..t j I wind. Weatb- -

jbwvttinn. ",tr lagr-- l pir. Force. er.aleHtiu...i:i0.20 So SI Fresh. Clear.

Indian. ln. .. i:n l:! rtrt N. Kresh. Clear.54 rt. Gentle. Clear.

Memphis.... H0.1H 55 3.W. Light. Clear.tWnihvtlta ... hH)h 57 3.W. Light. Fair.NrtwOrlcuis ll'l.l 1 rtVJ N. Fresb. dear.Slireveport... IHO I M 'Calm. Clear.viekbiirg...(:iiUilj Hi N.K. Light. Clear.C.imutvmi-j- I'lO.OH 55 N. Light, Clear.Utile Kncx. .!.'(( ls 54 'V. Light. Clear.

B. T. l IBNEY. Private SUcnal Ccrps.U. 8. A.

A Washington special to the Appealannounces that Postmaster-Genera- l Key baainstructed the postmasters at New York,Louisville and New Orleaus hereafter to re-

fuse to. rent boxes to lottery companies oragents.

The failed mysteries of tho wand ofmagicians, or the supernatural powers ofAladdin's lamp, were called to mind jester-da- p

in the chanK'jd appearance of everybnsinesH thoroughlaro in the city. From thedull, dismal, dead pictures of the pant fourmonths, even up to Lhe close of the last week,yesterday presented a sudden, almost magicalchange to a panorama of activity, of bujy life.Toe streets were thronged from the rising ofthe tun till late at night. And to-da- y andthe days that follow this week will presentgreater activity in proportion to the arrivalsof those whose departure from theii variousplaces ot refuga have already been heralded.If thoso who predicted commercial disasterfor Memphis could witness the evidences ofprosperity already apparent, they would boconvinced of the lo'.iy of their falao prophetcies.

The St. Leu is Republican, of Sunday, hialluding: to the departure of Memphis refu-gees from that city on their return home,speaks of our business people in the followingcomplimentary term: "The rilsinir ofquarantine regulations between here end2Iemphis ha created a lively movementamong the four or five thousand refugeehere, and most of them are making arrange-ment to return home. Several hundred leftlast night by the Cairo Short-lin- e land IronMountain railroad lines, and many by steam-boats. Numbers will leave to-da- y and to-

morrow, and the exodus will continue all Ifcoweek. No class of visitors were ever morewelcome to the city than the Memphis peo-

ple, notwithstanding the unpleasant aus-

pices un Jcr which they came here. Theyat once became in a measure identified withus, and though etrargrers, it was not longberore in many instances lasting friendships

' and business connections were formed. Themerchants acd business men of Memphis es-pecially, who made their temporary homehere, were men of integrity and moral worth,and no doubt a reciprocal feeling of regret isteit for the terniiotrion of their acquaintanceand domicile srorg us."

couixu Honis.the sayings of would-b- e

prophets that Memphis was ruined, her com-

merce crippled to the extent that it wouldbe forced through other channels, and thatbor merchants were deserting her, we see arapid development of a contrary state of af-

fairs. Her solid merchants aro returningheavy handed, and sanguino of tour monthsof as good business as was ever experienced




in the same length of time. At the end oftbe present season it will be ascertained thatMemphis has loU but a mite of Ler legiti-mate trade, and that the greatest loss thatbat been sustained by the epidemic jastpassed was the amounts expendedby refugees away from home duringthe nearly four months of itsprevalence. The bulk of business done inSt. Louis, for instance, that would have cometo this city had the Jever not appeartd, wasdone by Memphis merchants, and we nowhave it practically demonstrated that the firstannouncement that the epidemic was off wasthe signal for our absent business people tobreak up btanch, or temporary, houses, andprepare to return and resume at home. The

' best evidence of this fact is indicated in thefollowing telegraphic correspondence, whichwe clip from tho Sc. Louis Globe-Democra- t,

of Sunday morning:Tbe declaration of tbe close of the epi-

demic has set refugee) merchants and othersall agog as to their return, and preparationsare being hurriedly made to get back ns soonas poesibip. The following telegrams explaintneto" elves:

' Memphis, October 25, 1879.W. 3. Booker, care of Jacobs & Booker, St, Louis:

Epidemic declared over to-da- Flense seeMemphis merchants and ask whether theywant cotton brought here or to St. Louis.Answer by three o'c'.ock this afternoon here,or at llelera K. c. postal.

Mr. Postal is the captain of the stenmerHard Cash, which landed at Memphis atnine o'clock yesterday morning, bound South,and was tbe first boat to land at the wharfsince July 24th. The reference as to thetransportation, concerns cotton shipped toMemphis merchants from points below Mem-phis. The following reply - was sent to Mr.Postal s telegram :

St. Lodis, October 25, 1879.'Ed C Postal. Steamer nurd Cash, Memphis:

Telegram received. We want our cottondelivered in Memphis.Jacobs ft Booker,Mallory, C.hwford 4 Co.,J. H Uodwln A Co ,W. B. Halbrenth A Co.,Brooks, Nee ly A Co.,C P. Hunt 4 Co.,H Dow.Day Proudlit,F. M Whit Co.,Porter. Taylor & Co.,liHddeti & FHnlngton.


M. L. Meachara & Co.,Dlllard, Coffin A CO.,J. T. ft Co.,Wormeley ft (ioodman,Thoa. U. alien ft Co..Howdre, M'Clellan ft Co.,

uampson.Filler. Frank ft Co.,U Falls ft Co..A. C. ft A. B. Treadwell,M. Oavln ft Co

bchoollleLd, UmmuerACo., Hill. Fontaine ft Co.,Furalenhelin ft Welllord.


COTTON.Liverpool. Spots firmer: middlintr up

lands, 7Bi; Orleans, 74'd; sales, 7000 bales;receipts, 'Z..UOU bales, r utures opened weakand close i flat; delivery,

November-Decemb- er delivery, 6)4delivery, 6id; March,

April delivery, 6 May-Jun- e delivery;6 ii 6,ff; Juue-Jul- y delivery, 6 15-82- J.

Neto YorK. Spirts opened and closedquiet; ord nary, 9 15 lis; good ordinary,10 11 16 ; low middling, 11 116c; middling,llJa--- ; lfoil middling, llc; middling fair,12?8; lair, 13H- -. sales, lUCG ba'es. Futuresopuued easier and closed weak; Janu-ary, 11.12c; February, ll.26ll.28o;March, 11 .41H.42c; April, 11.55(411-57.:- ;

May, 11 69(tll.70c; June, 11 81(U.8:lc;Ju'y, 11.9l(ll 91 October, ll.21ll.23s;November, 10 01oill.02i;; December, 1111 01c; sales 146,000 bales.

New Ot leans. Cotton quiet; middling,106bC; sales. 5100 bales; receipts, 15,204 bales;stm.k, 160,720 bales,

Kecoipis at all United States ports sinoeFriday, October 24'b, 76,841 bales; exportsto liritnm, 18,407 bales; continent, 26,-63- 6

UIcb; France, 8954 bales; stock, 459,552hales.

Sles in Memphis yesterday were 200 bales,which is held for export; receipts were 1044bales; total receipts iuce September 1st,5258 bales; stock on band, 5495 bales.

PRODUCE.ST. LOUIS, October 27. Flour lowers

double extra, $5 15(i5 35; treble extra, $5 50(d)5 70; family, $5 80(35 90; choice to fancy,t6(d6 75. Wheat lower; No. 2 red, $1 2($1 24; No. 3 red, II 16. Corn lower, . 37

J7jo. OatsJower, 27327o. Barley- ( I 1 L . . L. 1 .ill mm 1. i Disay lUlCl. lUIA 11IUI,

'0. Dry salt meat strong; nothing donoes l

Notsj jobbing6.4S, C.50o.asked.



lot. boxed, 4, 4.10,Baoon dull. Lard

A Pleasant Place for Memphis Keru-- -; Dally Gunmialcktloa with

Memphis, bat AT InfectionCarried, to Capleville.

Occasional Correspondence of tbe Appeal.Capleyillk, October 25. Notwithstand-

ing tuere has been frequent and almost dailycommunication by persons between Memphisand Capleville, twelve miles distant, therehas not been a single cane of yellow-feve- r inthis place or its vicinity. The north boundaryof Desoto county, Mississippi, less than twomiles south of Capleville, has been closelypicketed for over two months, at a heavy ex-pense either to the county or elsewhere, as aquarantine against the fever, yet the familiesot Capleville, and for two miles around it,have been entirely exempt from it. w ithoutincurring the expense of a dollar. Great (?)is inland quarantine to protect from yellow-feve- r.

Capleville and State Line villages and post-office- s,

oa the Pigeon Roost road, are abouttwo miles apart, with Bethlehem (Methodist)church midway between them. Quite a num-ber of Memphis families have been re.'Cgee-in- g,

or rough-a-geeiog- r, perhaps, some ofthem, in or near thene places. To amusethemselves and tho natives, several spelling:matches have been gotten up iu th.9 ihurchreferred to, in which maay of the countryyouths displayed very creditable orthographi-cal abilities.

Another mode of killing time, as Well aspleasing the young folks.jfras been in vogue.Hickorynuts and walnuts have been fallingof late (not in price, but from the trees) tomo gro'iuu. a bait dozen or more youngcouples drive out in buggies on a nutting

picnic, taking lunch with them, aad thusspend a pleasant day in tbe woods Withnaught but nature's canopy above tbtrn.

Among the Memphis families who havebeen roralicing the past three months nearCapleville aud State Line, are those of J. W.liowlett, John Payne (at Olive Branch, Mis-sissippi), Cin. Jackson, Walter Aisobrock,Ben Jackson, J. P. Prescott, T. S M.illory.and, also, Mrs. II. L. Guion, Mrs. liopo andMrs. M'Sorley.

Rev. Dr. LTarri pastor of the CentralMethodist Church, has frequently officiatedin the pulpits of tba Methodist chu'c.hes atChapel Hill and near Capleville. His charm-ing daughters, Misses Lilian and Anno, fre-quently accompanied him and visited theirfriends in tbe neighborhood.


A Political sensationalist, who Manu-factures Material for Kleetion Par-pose- s,

Handled without lovesby One of the tio-Call-

"Jock-Le- e Lawyers.

Occasional Correspondent Appeal.Olive Branch, Mwi , October 21. I de-

sire to notice through the Appeal a comma-nic&l'.c- u

from this place which appeared inthe Chicago Express a short time past. Itwas this :


Mi8sissifpian. Olive Brandt, tte&foCounty, Mississippi. Ther is in outcropingof the Yazoo piss miniiested here, even twomonths before the election. - A once promi-nent Democrat, now an iupecunious jack-fi- g

lawyer, with which oirr county is over-stocked, said to a Greentacler to-da- y: "Wewill carry thi ejection, if we have to do itwith shotguns." "Ilow will you do it?"said our Greenbacker. "Why," says he,"haven't we got the arsenal at Hernando inour power?'! This is clearly a geaerst in-

timidation. These facU I can substantiate.The Greenback eanse is booming, but thissame Democrat e73 they will count ua out.How can they do it? The farmeiS are deter-mined to kill off jack-le- lanycta and tbe in-famous bondocrar.r.

Tbe abote communication was intendedsome one or We nnn and'but to imagine, it may le thought by thus

loud and empty vaunt of nm'ciuated victorslaurels are to be won here. It nisy be an at-tempted dp!3y at sarcrn; it may be anioRHfrinary flight, intended to shake off the

If this be his purpose, Icflj; tell the gentleman, once for all, that beis greatly mistaken, and that he is dealingwith a class of whose temper and characterhe has yet much to learn; and If provokedinto crimination "and recrimination the honor-able gentleman mayy perhaps, find that in thecontest tbero will be blows to take as well asblows to give; that others can state compari-sons as significant, at lot, as his own, andthat his impunity liiay demand of him what-ever potters of taunt and sarcasm he maypossess. I hope no odo will deem me thatpresumptous to think, in noticing tbe abovecard, that it is my purnose to reform itsauihor. No; the cou.b ned jackMegs ofDesoto county were ifVt wi.h the intellectof a Sidney, Bacon, or Gjrardt Noodt, theonce renowned professor of civil law ot theUniversity ot Lyden one of the most learnedlaw professors of Europe great mindsas these could not reason a reform in abase, wandering, contemptible politicalvagrant one whose obtuse brain is mixedwith' political ignorance, his passionshis vanity and his putrescence. Moral principles are ot rjo more interest to the peace,It a in tt and nfiA nnvornmonl tf nil. nmin Cas aaa Kuriyiutuvuv rr"ose j

the D.smul tbe manu- -

of Co., 80; VV. Son, 39bog. Such h ,E', ho iX

has certainly the I ni rueiwill indulge HP- - wvDSey

affordsnounce it, and publicly express: my infinite

lor all such political poisjnous,creeping, crawling, political snakes andground who wriggle and writhethemselves into all sorts of political bhapesin the mud and filth theputrid lake of their depravity.

was it that was said to cause so muchthunder? What was said to this loyal,brave-hearte- d Greenbacker, that gave him achance to bray intimidation? This is whatwas said: Before Desoto would begoverned by official rogue?, perjured vi.'liensand before this court. y shoiidbe robbed and plundered, her citizenssubmit to "suck" at the muzzle the shot-gun. This is what was said, not themouthpiece of tbe Democracy of Desotocounty, what Jack-Le- says. And tor thYazooing, bulldozing, intimidation, Jack-Le- g

is responsible. Now, Mr. Author,do you belong to this Are you iu thisinfamous category? If so, I have this tosay: Ue who wears the shoe knowspinches, and all such are at perfect libertypeddle it to associates, and you or anyother razor strap, loyal politicaljackass, whose is to gather politi-cal thunder and bray it the Chicago Ex-press. If that Greenback booming, boomaway, the Hernando arsenal and count outcan stand aside, we have no usu for them inyour case. But the gjvn.t auestion that seemsto trouble you how to off this over-stock of impecunious jack-le- g lawyers.I mut admit I not suggest aplan better than tbe one you attempted in theinfancy of tbe Greenback movement i . ourcounty. If you could find one devoid of prin-ciple, self-respec-t, with so little carefor the future wellfare, good government andpeace of our county, who was too base a cow-ard to submit bis name for office before aconvention composed of the intelligent, pa-triotic Citizens his county; who would out-rage lust good faculty has given himby allowing his name on a.ticket with you, ifyou dupe one into this wouldhim off. Alter the election would neversee his face again in Lesoto county; and ifyour assertions be true that the farmers aredetermined kill, off such infamous bond-ocrac- y.

have one glorious arid noble consolation, that we boom, but without thisobarge against us, as one of that classwho invade at the dead hours of midnightour peaceful county, mustering up the httleraised end scrapings of Radicalism, organizing them into and with tbe cilytongue of gross, malicious misrepresentationof Greenbackism them into your craKof hatred, animosity and prejudice ogam si,

the good citizens of the county. This p

fact that can not only be itwill be 8 for the future generations of

jack-leg- s to boast ot.Now, Mr. Author, permit "us jack-legs- "

to offer a little you: You go toyour and let tbem advise you. Thefarmers know their interests bitter than youdo. You are big enouch, old enough andugly enough t j know better to play inthe dirt. If you will Btep over to see yourod pop, and stand still long enough, he willgive you a good soapmg-otf- , and make yoa aclean boy. Then we all come togetheron the fourth of November, and vote the

ticket. If you don't, you willfollow this crew, the next thing you knowthere be something worse than impecu-nious jack-le- g lawyers to kill off; you willhave to look out for the vagrant law.

. JACr-LS-

of an Alleged Kaaist.Terre Haute special to the En

quirer, 21st: "Sam Griffin, notorious ne-gro desperado, who a rape on theperson of Ada Malone, a mulatto girl ot thir-teen, about five weeks ago, was captured thismorning in Indianapolis by Officer Thomp-son, of this city, by two Indianapolis

Several attempts have been madeto Orifiin since the was com- -

-- ; . i

thitted, all of which proved futile. On oneoccasion Officer Price covered him with a re-

volver, and commanded him to throw up hisGriffin drew a revolver, and began

firing and running. He was chased for morethn a mile, new men joining in the chaseevery square, many of them using revolvers.Griffin kept them at bay, and, outrunning allbis pursuers, made good his escape. OfficerThompson was in Indianapolis on other busi-

ness, and his encounter Griffin wrspurely The ieeling against Grif-fin among the colored people very bitter,and they are much gratified at the capture.The prisoner was brought to this city thisafternoon."



Sleeting- - I.ast Klsht The Associationwill Probably Wind Up Business

Next Monday Night The How-ard. Orphans Other Busi-

ness lly Consideredby the Boys.

At the usttal hour last night the Howardassociation met at their office on Madison

between Main and Front. PresidentLangstaff occupied the chair. The followingbusiness wae

Tbe minutes of the previous meeting wereread aud approved.

the HevfAkfi Orphans.Mr. Moss, president of the Howard's orphan

asylum committee, reported present numberof orpbans in the asylum thirty-seve- n; takenaway or died since twentieth of August,twenty; number of children taken to thepoyluru since it was established, fifty-seve- n.

Tbe asylum has been ran at a cost of nearlyone thoueaad dollars Binee the tookcharge of it.


Notice was given that the former secretaryot the association, Mr.. Smith, who has beenabbent during the epidemic, is atCairo, Illinois, and has stated that he intendsto to the city ere lobs.


General Smith offered the following reso-lution, which was adopted

Ke That the orphans' home ba continued in charge . of the present committeeuntil such time the different denominations will the orphans and take chargeof them.

President feaegstan stated that they hadwet for the purpose of making arrangementsto wind up the business of the

MOTION NO. 1.Mr. Anderson moved that action b post-

poned in that matter until next Mondayevenings

kOTION NO. 9.General Smith offered as a motion in lieu,

that frcni and after this date no suppliesshall be purchased by or for this association,nor shall any other nurses be sent out by theassociation, the authorities having declaredthe epidemic at aa end.

kontoNNO..Colonel Edmdadeoa rioved that General

Smith's Motion be laid on the table, whichiaotion was carried.

" ' MOTION NO. 4,Mr. Anderson' rtoUCii to postpone action

on tpn matter to next Monday night wascalled up and generally discussed by themembers present. It was stated that comeseventy-fiv- e nurses oa ditty, and it wouldbe impossible to Wind Up association un-til end of next week at least. The dis-cussion took a wipe tange, involving thequestions oT stopping the issuance ot medi-cine, the attendance of physicians, and thenecessity of further Buppl'ics hilraes.

General Swt!i advocated closing up busi-ire- ti

at. once, if they did not, the demandsupon the association may continue for sev-eral months. If there are any sick in theluture, their means who aave returned, orare returning, will take care of them. The

for some purpose. are left .onnibtl in there are aiitv bedai




therein now unoccupied.MOTION NO. 5.

General Smith made a motion in lieu thatfrom and after this date no member ofHoward association receives any pay or al-

lowance, that all nurses be requested toreport to this office before November 1st forfinal settlement. The motion was lost.

AK EXPLANATION.Mr. Finnic stated in explanation of his

vote that no pay was received, but that cer-

tain members received a certain amount asexpenses, which he did not regard as pay orallowance.

MOTION NO. 1 ADOPTED.Mr. Anderson's original motion to post-

pone action to next Monday night, as to dis-banding or winding op the affairs of tbeassociation, was called up and was adopted.

REFUSED.Mr. John Johnson moved to reconsider the

vote tbe above motion, which motion toreconsider was not adopted.'

ADJOURNMENT L08T.Colonel Edmondson moved to adjourn,

motion was lost.i BILLS ORDERED PAID.Th9 following bills were audited and or- -

r1rid naid . Seidell, 1UU a); Lytle &

u cut nut kiswm v vua v u r -vv n t- i a i An rtry, or to the interest of society, than the wa- - sc Co., W, ou;ters of Swamp are to I" JTofacturing enterprises Lowell. They are ' fl29 J, Tighe & f 8;but one interminable serbooiani i .NeldeLe.rS.: 2A TKe!?.' 59;depravity passed age ot re-- lanerty, w., .

form. But I take the right to A ;

the private satisfaction it me to do- - S?4liaaJ eaung, m. uracaeii






cotton-thieve- s;



but .s


butwhere it


sorehead,mission it


is kill




could you killyou





issubstantiated, but


suggestion toneighbors



Democratic it





arrest crime




















Co.. $53 25; Oznne & May, f 16 75; General Leonard, $10; Oliver, h innie & Co,f4 95; C. B. Bryan & Co., $12; John Hun-no- t,

$6 80; P. P. Pleasant, $7; A. Renkert,6 25: Hessen & Co., 59 15; J. Walter,

$53 56; M. Knox, f21; 1). Goodyear, K;G. Monmer, $9 50; J. S. Robinson, $130 50.Total amount, $482 30.

' ' RESIGNATION.President Smith read the resignation of

W. A. Holt as a member of the Howard as-

sociation; which resignation was accepted.ADJOURNED.

On motion an adjournment was had .to thenext regular meeting.

An English EditorSfontas for Ueftmiof Two JLadles.

Gets EiahteenB the Character

Special to the Appeal. 1

London, October 27. Adolphus Rosen-benr- .

the editor of Toin Talk, was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment forpublishing--defamator- libels against MrsLaoctrv. aud to six months imprisonment oneach of the indictments charging similaroffenses against Mrs. Cornwallis West andLord Loundesbory, and at the expiration ofhis imprisonment he is to be bound over inhis own recognizances in one thousand poundssterling for eood behavior tor eighteenmonths. Justice Hawkins regretted that hecould not add to the sentence hard labor,The sentences are concurrent with eighteenmonths sentence in the case in which MrsLanctrv was complainant, and therefore hiswhole term ct imprisonment will be onlyeighteen months.

A Paris Newspaper Sappreased.Special to the Appeal.

Paris. October 27. The prefect of policehas forbidden the appearance of the Motd'Ordre newspaper, which was to take theplace of the Marseillaise during its suspen-sion, for insul tine the magistracy and defend'ing occurrences which the law characterizesas crimes.

The North Pole and EquatorAre not more widely distinct than the standard tonic,stimulant and alterative. Hosteller's stomach bitters, and the cheap and Aery local bitters which unscrupulous vendors foist Upon the unwary as medlcated preparations with remedial properties. Thelatter are usually composed In tbe mala of halfrectified alcoholic excitants, with some wietcheddrug combined to disguise their real flavor, and areperfectly ruinous (o tbe coats ot tbe stomach. Bos--

tetter's bitters, on the contrary, baa for its basischoice spirits of absolute purity, and this Is modifiedand combined with medicinal extracts of rare excellence and botanical origin, which both invigorateand regulate the bowels, stomach and Uver. Theyeffect a radloal change In the disordered physicaleconomy, which Is manifested by a speedy Improvement in the general health.


Is the fate of every fiber npon which tbe CAUSTICPOISON of an ordinary hair dye falls. There Is noREaUKBKCTION lor tbe filaments thus blighted.But, as It were, in the TWINKLING OF AN BYEbalr of any obnoxious color Is changed to a RICHAND ULOBIOUa HUE, and, attheaame time, vitalized and improved by tne use or UKisrtwuKO'M-MAlf- t iVK, nature's safe ally andbnnutv'a regenerator. Manufactured by J. CRISTADOttO, No. 93 William street, New York. fJold byall Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.

A CARD.To all who are suffering from the errors and indis-

cretions of youth , nervous weakness, early decay, lossof manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cureyou, FK.KK OF CHARGE. This great remedy wasdiscovered by a missionary In South America. Benda envelope to Bev. Joseph T. IhmabSaUion D., New York Oity.

. PRESCRIPTION FBKKTor tbe speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness, loss ofManhood, and all disorder brought oa by Indlsore-tlo- a

or sxeese. Any druggist has the Incradlenta.A ddreat DAVIDSON ft (X)., "8 3 L, New York

Little Rock, Ark. , L. rie,Tea., andPope's Htation, Silas.. Beaucie

Railway Relations withMtsnphla.

Special to the AppeatlLittle Rock, October 27. The State

board of hea'th to-da- y raised quarantine atall points in the State.

LAGRA&GS RAISkS THE GATE.Special to tbe Appeal.!

Lagrange, October 27. All quarantinerestrictions at this p'ace have been this dayremoved.

. M. MTEICK, Major.

POPE'S STATION OPENED TJP.Special to tbe Anpeal.1

Pope's Station, October 25. At a cellmeeting of the board of mayor and alder-men of Pooe's Station, Mississippi-thi- s daypresent, Mayor Wray, Aldermen Pipkin andDeaton it was resolved that quarantineagainst Memphis be raised. Goods of allkinds can now be shipped to this place.There being no other business, the board ad-journed, a. w. wrat,

Ik P. Ptpkin, Secretary. Msror.rr , t - -

A ftt.enr f ire-E- n jrlno Dashes Through,a Draw-Urids- e.

Cleveland, October 21. Steam fire-engi-

No. 6, while going to a fire this eveningwent full speed into the river at the Colum-bus street bridge, drowning both horses andbadly injuring three men. John Sewell, asubstitute was badly cut about the head andankle sprained; Oliver Hartzell, fireman, in-

jured in the breast; Henry Delaney, driver,both legs hurt. The bridge was swung andthe draw-gate- s out of repair. Tbe driver wasunable to stop his team.

More than om hundred and twenty-Sv- e

thousand bottles of Dr. Bull's coueh syruphave been sold by & single firm in Baltimore

Mesors. W. H. Brown & Brj.


CUTICTJRA REMEDIES for the Treatment ofBlood and Skin and ScalD Humors. When of Scrofulous, Cancerous or Sypnliltle origin, theCCTICUrfARESOLVENT is the principal lemedy, and If thereare at tbe same time Ulcers, Sores or otber Exte'ialAffections, then the CUIICUKA. assisted by theCUTICUBA SOAP, must be used externally. If tbedisease is of tbe Skin and Scalp, tbe principal rem-edy will then be tbe CUTtCURA, with the CUTI-CUBA SOAP, and such use of the RESOLVENT asIs suggested by tbe following conditions: In all Skinand Scalp Diseases, when the skin Is hot and dry,tbe blood feverish, the liver toruld. tbe bowels constipated, or when tbe virus of Scrolula or poison otmercury is Known to lurt in me system, or wnen theConstitution has been shattered by Malarial andAntl Periodic Fevers and Debilitating Diseases, al-ways tase the RESOLVENT while using the CUTI-CUBA. A cure thus made will be permanent andsausiaciory.


The Cfetlenra Ceniedies Succeed wherea. Consultation of Pbysieiaas Fails.

Messrs. Wbkks & Potter Gentlemen . I havesufiered over thirteen years with skin disease In myhands and limbs, causing constant Irritation, deprlv- -

lag iue of rest and attention to business.I wiiiplit many remedlefl hero and elaew!

useot sulph ir baths, without permanent cure.Last Hay a uhysiclan called my disease Eczema

Rodent spots appeared on my bands, head, andlace, ees became much Inflamed and granulated,causing at rengib Implied tigbt.

internal ana external remedies were prescriuea oylrjadliui nhyslclan for six months, was then Intro

duced to another, and a consul tat' jn of several lead-ing physicians wps bad, when a definite plan was de-cided upon, brU aUtono purpose.

Alter following advice lor iour monms wunout anypermanent cure. I bought two bottles of VutururaFttolverU, tw boxes of Cuticura, and some Soap,and can testify with great pleasure to the effect tbeyhave had in my case, in eight days being nearlycured.

The pbyslclans pronoun jed uiy case tbe most aggravated one that has ever come under tuelr experience and

I recommend and highly Indorse tbe CuticuraXrniedies. Yours tnilv, F. H. DRAKE,

Aeent for Harper ft Bros.' Publications.Clifford street and WouUard Avenue, Detroit, Mich

igan. January Z4, liW.

SALT RHEUM.Oa Face, Head and Parts or Body. Head

Covered with (Scabs and Sores.Messrs. Weeks ft Pottkb.-- I commenced to use

your CUTICUBA. last July. Have only used one largeand one small box, and one bottle of tbe RESOLVENT. M face and head and some parts of ray bodywere almost raw. i1 j bead was covered with scabsand sores, and my buffering was fesrfuL

I had tried everything 1 bad heard or in tne J&astand West. My was considered a very bad one.One very skillful physician said he would rather nottreat it. and some of tbem think now I am onlycured temporarily. I think not, for I have not a par-ticle ot oalt Rheum about me. and my case Is con-sidered wonderful My case bas been the means otselling a great many of your CUTICURA REME-DIES in this part ot tbe country. Respectfullyyours, MRS s. it. wmrfLK.

Decatur, Mien., nov. i t, ists.CUTICUBA. CUTICURABES0LVKNT. and CU

TICUBA SOAP, are prepared by Weeks ft Potter,Chemists and Druggists. co(J wasnington street.and are Tor sale by all druggists price oi cu 1 1- -CURA.small boxes. 50 cents; large boxes, contain-Inn one-hal- f times the Quantity or smallSi ; RKSOL.VKNT, SI per bottle; CUTICUBA SOAP,25 cents; by mail, 30 cents; 3 cakes, Vo cents.



otberworld enn assuase

ntnat numvt.m.EltCTSIOof Paln, Tney distribute

fi. . throuKbout the nervous sisaASTLl' temaeentle and continuouscurrent ot Electricity, which lnsttmtly annihilatesPain, vitalizes Weak and Paralyzed Parts, curesSore Lungs, Palpitation the Heart. Palnlul Kidneys. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia andsciatica, net the gv nuine.

No remedy In theso quickly



Young Ladies' SchoolAND KINDERGARTEN.


Modern In Hethod.Thoroixh in Work.Non-sectari- an In Character.

mHE Principal of the school takes this method ofJL saying to the people of Memphis, that Educa

tion, IN ITS ONB TKUB SfcNdE. IS mo oujnci 01 uorwork, and inai ner scnoot ior gins ia mo rrauu w aclnnn and careful study of tbe best school sys'emsand tbe best tbougbtof tbe leading educators of theworld. All false and injurious processes of artifi-cial growth have been carefully avoided, and onlysucn metnoos usei as win secure a iuu, ueauuy auuhurmnniniia irrowth toward and Into a true womanlywomanhood. As heretofore, Physical Culture willreceive the attention its importance demands. Ed-ucation after tbe method ot tbe Boston School ofOratory. Object lessons in the Primary Departmentnnnn tne Plan aennea ov rroi. uooaaie. oi uarvaraUniversity, and dally lessons in every departmentnpon Health, Current Events and Topics of GeneralInterest. Drawing will be Included in the PriraaiyCourse, and French in the Intermediate. A thoroughthree-year- s course in English Literature, by extrawork in tbe study or German and French autnois.

The Principal of the school will give her personalattention to each department.

The KINDERGARTEN will be under tie chargeof Mrs. E. C. James, an accomplished graduate ofthe training-scho- ol of Mrs. A. B. Ogdn. Numberlimited to twenty. As this Is tbe only Kindergartenin Memphis, and as no parent should be willing todeprive a little one of this beautiful mental, moraland pbystclal health giver, it Is lmportaut that ap-

plication for seats be made at once.Pupils in all depai tments are expected to enter at

tbe beginning ot the term.

lm loir Cotton


speerss enNos.75, 77, 79 & 81 Vance St

Largest and only Complete GinningTHE in Memphis. Tie ouly Gin where youcan get your cotton cleaned by air entirely. No beat-ing and breaking qf staple.

I (oarsatee the let sample sail turn-o- nt 1 have Four New Eighty-Sa- Gins and Hull-ere- ,

and will not keep you waiting for y.ur cotton.Large Wagon Scales to weigh cotton on.

Cotton folly Insured (Free of Chara-e-)

and well l ake. Care ofand see the Finest Ginning Establlsh- -

me, t in the world. The Proprietor is always onhand to show you tbe Gin.


N. W. SPEERS. JR.Notice of Disinfecting

rTTHK owners, agents, or occupants ot the housesbounded by Gavoso street on the south. FrontI

street on tbe west. Poplar street on tnenortn.anaSecond street on the east, are hereby notified thatthe State Board ot Health desires to inspect anddisinfect during the present week, all the premise,within the above boundaries; and tnls is to lve no-

tice and ask that some person may be present toopen the buildings, so as to admit the men, engagedIn this work. -

Persons wanting to fumigate their' own houseswill be furnished with tuimstone for that purposeon application hi the depository. Nns. 77 and UMonrw4treet,or atmyotnoe.No 1 0 Mmflioo street.

JOBS JUliJSSON.Superintendent QuarauUne

Ocattsr 27, . IS4 P.

BS r a!


Hatna, IIX, February 1 tth. 1S7.To J. O. RicttAHMON. Dear Bu- - Endowed find

two certificates lor Clifford's feorlfuKe; can Retmore, and as for ivself I can say I have not sold anymedicine In thirty years' experience that has clvensucheeneralbatirfacuoa. orjjs.


West Plains, Mo., July 27, 1 S73.Clifford's Febrifuge Belllntr well. Ha met with

universal satisfaction. C. H. K. SnuTTEfe,Dealer la Drugs. Faints, &c.


LINDSLT. Hotel, St. Lock, Jan. 10th. 1R79.

Fir three weary years I have been the victim orMalaria, in all its forms, having used soores of sucharticles as Tonics, Aitue Fills and Ague Pads, butnever findlwr permanent relief. Asa last resort icava vour Clifford's J) eoniiure a inai, mm. x

that the first bottle has notonlystonned the Chills, bat has thorouBhlycated tills dreadful deae from my system.


that your medicine has savea my nie.Xount, with graUtude, JAHJS3 & L0BDELL,


Browkssoko, Tkxas. Dec. Slst, 1878.3. 0. Richardson, 8t Louis, sir. Havlnir myself

been afflicted during tho fall and winter with thirdday chills, I had occasion to use one bottle of Clif-ford's Febrifuge, and am so well pleased with itthat I want to keep it: think that I can sell It veryfast In tills community. How can I get it ? 1 'leasesend terms, Ac Respectfully, W. L. O'NEDL.

Qeneral Merchant.


Havana. Ixi., December 17th, 1878.1 can safely say that Clifford's Febrifuge is the

best Ague medicine in use, having used every thingbefore folding It. B. KELLY.




STEAMER JOSIK,.' master,

will leav-- MemphisWednesday. Ortob t S p.m .

tor mouth ot White river. 8he will receive freightfor all way points. She will return from mouth ofWhite river to 8t Lows.


Bon Yon StarchIt Is abaoiately oderloss, and Chemically Pure.I: is snowfiake whits.It Is susceptible of the highest and most lasting

Polish.It possesses greater strength ot hody than other

rrade brands.It is packed li Pound Parcels. Full Weight guar

anteed.It costs les ic?(, than any Starch In the world.It is manuit-Ciirt- d ta the heart of tbe greatest

cereal region of tne ixlobe.It ts Sold universally In America by Grocers and

Dealers.Its annual consumption reaches Twenty Million


Andrew JSrkenbreclierCIVCINXATI.

ErlcenbrecJter't WorUl-Farv- m Ottrn Starch for Fond

NOTICE.Memphis, Tbkn., October 27. 1S79.

TTIBEIGHT trains will commence running regu--larly between this polut and Little bock to-

morrow anl passenger trains on WednesdayTbe Board of Heal tn of Lt'lle Bock still quaran-

tines against Memphis freight and paeng"rs. Nofreight will be received for thai point or beyond un-til further notice. W. K. SHITH, dup't




for business i a a re vr day s.

VV on




WALL PAPERIWindow-Shade- s,


289 Second S., corner Madison.

Conrcial iteopened


rHlCH closed be

Saturday, November 1,1879.There has not been a case of sickness, of any kind,In the hoti'e. DAVID HASTINGS, Proprietor.

:orWhite RiverEgThe Steamer HARD CASH leaves St.Louis on Saturday, November lkt, forWhite Kiver Direct. Will be at Mem-

phis on or about Wednesday, Nov. 5th.IS. C. POSTAL,

0..4U CnMAn P 273 street, iTxempin.oui tjaying meir si

fully to receive and maelfceal

Memphis, Tean., Oct. 7, 137t. .

V& All restrictions having been removed, we areprepared to forward matter to all points with ourusual promptness and dispatch.

It should be remem!ered that our Inward businesshas been but slightly Interrupted through the entireepi lemld. C. O. JOHNSON, Acting Agent.

Memphis, Paducah and NorthernKailroati

Memphis, Txnn., October 27. 1879.

TBAINS between Covington and Memphis are re-

sumed this date.Arriving at Memphis at 9:30 am.Leavi- - g Memphis at 4 p.m.Freights must be delivered at Navy-yar- d Depot not

later than 3 p m. N. MONSAbBAT,General Manager.

204: Front street,Hare reopened, ahd are no tr prepared tofurnish their customers as usual, and toret-eiT-e fnl handle cotton.

Manhattan Bank of Memphis.Temporary Office at Knoxvillb, Tutu., I

October 2. 187.TO CUSTOMERS business atNOTICE will be resumed 8a u'aay, Novem-

ber 1, 1H7H. EWD. GOLDSMIT , Cashier.



272 !jecnnd fct.,opp. Court SquareRece'pt for t a;:-- monrys, and make close

connections wlih E Companies for ALLpoints Nonb. Ka& . Saul). Jid West.

Ma ter dellvr-- to th Union Express Companywill In all ca-e- s be . r.t 'he sh.-rtcd- quickest anslmostdin- - i .cutelo de''nat ori Notee. drafts andbi'ls uottPLiod, and returns rromptly made.

For ra'es, apply at the oflic-- .

A. F. T LBOTT. Agent.Memphis, Tennessee.

lOTiOE,tZCQur customers and ths public generally arehereby notified that our Warehouse, the MutualStorage Cot:.r. r.F, foot of Main street, Is open forthe rceii.. of Cotton. Parties desiring advanceswill require Mr. J. M. Jones, Acting Superintendent,to give upon presentation of which hereliberal advances In cash will be made The railroadcompanies will present freight bills to W. W.

Thacher, First National Bank, for payment

1V A ptQIHiFlT.

eopened! Reopened


BOOTS319 Main street, Memphis. Tenn.

We will reopen our house In Memphis by first November, and have now on wayfrom the factories a large new stock or fresh seasonable Hoots and shoes, to whichwe invite the attention of the trade.

X!J 6 ILU? WW wtisdwaa Mm, mlX, o

Cotton factor and CommissionTo. 355 Front street Memphis, Tenn.


mzx & .mitchsijIjHaving opened thVr More are ready for the trade, with their usual heavy stock of

BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS!321 and 334 llain street, Memphis

RICE, STIX k CO.259 Street, Memphis, Tenn m

Just in receipt of a large xtock of

GOODS,Fully prepared o meet the wants of rimrUs inrsundlr!n'ls in their line. All orders wilk receivel'-fti-

ttt attention. A call respectfully solicited.






ST. IsOUIS, 3Io., ?uly 22, 187.' We have opened a house for the transaction oi business in thiscity, at 318 North Commercial street, corner of L.ocut, at whichnlaee onr correspondents will please add ess as. Onr store in

j Memphis will remain open a long a poible, bnt we fear we willbe unable to serve our f lends from that point for some time, inconsequence of quarantine. Address all your communications to

j ns here. Respectfully, tlllUL,. FONTAINE Jfc CO. ; -


Tarrant's Seltxer AperientMay properly be called the Hercules" of medicine,for it cleanses Natuie's augean stables, and allowstbe recti peratlve puwers of tbe system to do the workOf restoration to health. No medicine cures; Na-ture alone cures. This aperteot opens tbe properavenues, tbe functions are permitted to resume theirwork, and tbe patient gets well.




ARB now ready to gin all cotton consigned toand will furnish sacks to parties deelr

Ins to sin with I hum. The are nsins? the Ch nm DionGins and Hmlers and a complete Cotton Cleaner,and their gins are superior to any in this city.

V. PATRICK,Foot of KxehsBt, near river.


ftWholesale Grocers.

COTTON FACTORSAnd Commission Merchantg,

oouinerti express dosedI I prepared ad







vances on consignments of cotton, etc., to theirMnmnhls horse, fhev are lust In reoelDt of aBdoelving by rail and river a stock ofGroceries, Produce and Plantation Sappllea

-- AND -

ECIaIPSE gins.OrtlCB Ct CABVBR Ofi and Machikk Co., t

Corner Shelby and M'Call streets. fbave a supply on hand of ths Light-draf- t,WI Fa? Carver Cotton Gib, and also tbe

renowned Eclipse Huillng ems and Condensers andFeeders, and are prenama 10 ao win nepairuigpromptly. AND MACHINE OO.CAKVEHULN


to many Inquiries, Miss HigbeeRESPONDIHG to ber friends that, pursuant topledges made la t July, sne will open rer seoooi inMemphis, Ge l w Jlng. about the

91IDDJL13 OF liOdMBEB.Having engaged a corps ot who- - trained to mod-ern methods tn leadir .o,.eges aid normalachoole. and provided e- - y appliance In furnitureand appiirurrjs necessai? o make the school at-

tractive, Miss Higbee t?r-- to establlfi an lnstltjtJen which will realize tb expect vttons of her patruos and Justify the continued confidence of a com-munity with whose In tares ts she has been Identifiedfor so many years.

Circular" Wth full particulars, will be Usued assoon as pructt.-Jit- ).

Addieaj. af- - -- oember 1st, Ho. 12 JefUrsonstreet, yeuphi. Tenn.


OT3TKB3, wholesale and retail, at X7NFBSSH atreet. Memphis, and 11neeaid street, LonlsTille, aky. Orders canbe niled direct from Louisrllle. Ky.



Ko. S Hadlson street.returned. During thelf absence they

HAVK a large lot of assorted Macaroni,Wines and Liquors. Also ordered from Italy a fullstock of the above goods, a part of which they areat present receiving. .







And applicable to





- ST.,


letter frem sKBDICAL 8BHTLB--aua at Madras to his

brother atWOBCxsTER, May,

1861:Tell Lea ft Pbk-MH- 9

that theiris highly esteemedin India, and is Inmy opinion the mostpalatable, as well aathe most

that made.'




JOHN HUKCAN & 80S,A Colleae JPlaee and 1 Union Baaare,




Merchant, H.Wetter&Co.ARE SOW ABLE TO





Gil Hi

Tijlor Amli




From Memphis,



-- On and cXter this ;"(., Oober 18, 1879, tbeMemphis Cotton-see- d will psy WlDollars per ton tor kj good sound Cotton-so- l

delivered on wharf or depots at Memphis. Will fui- -nlsh sacks to shippers as soon as Quarantine israised. JOHN T. FLYNN. Pec'y and Treas.

Notice to Shippers.

I891S8IPPI AND TENNESSEE R. R.,trp'T Orrica, Memphis, uctooer t, i tv.New Orleans having raised all quaiantlne

restrictions Memphis, we will receive audforward all freights for thatlpolnL

M. BURKS,Superintendent

A 8 a TONIC and RESTORATIVE after theYKLLOW VKVRK.hai.akial rKVKKS. and otber debilitating

diseases, no remedy can be compared to



ELIXIR.Uniting the properties of aleohollo stimulants andraw meat. U ana aupyons inn viuuforces. It la a food

by all druggists.




wholesomeSauce is

medicine for convalescents.

EiFOCtlERA V GO. Asiontn,ew Verk.

ETOTSBr toward asbociation,-- '

lO JSAUIaSH October 25. 18'All neroons havtiiii claim against th.


ard Asaoeuroo t luom at ones ior payBMBt. y UU t.WAIUHU, ocrir.







COTTON FACTORS,280 Front street JSg Mempliis, Terr


Whed in open readr t ? rffyiye Cor


Grocers and Cotton Factor,256 Front street, Memphis, Tenh.

TJB COTTON WAKSHOUSS 13 NOW OPEN. AND WE SOLICIT - -friends customers. As as quarantine u raised we open out faitoeri Bouse ; .

An Kntlrely New and Fresh Stoclt of Gociwait on our friends a usual.

11. Hoore.

jr T. A.

HD, Jk



Dealern IttDoors, Sash, Blinds, ioldin

Ziumber, Xath and Shingles,351-353-3- 59 Neeond street, nympliis. Tis

Fari-ason- . Hunt.

J.T.FAMMSMCotton Factors and Commissii369 FKONT bTSEET,

MEMPHIS, OB"HAVE OPENED A PER;'. ANKNT "F OUB HOUSE I"V J!WF.ots of oar trade, and consignments of cotton will have earerul att

l Our St. Louis office will be closed as noon as It Is to return and r

Wholesale Grocei's.Gotto. 1 l?ac.23 JO

Onr an on.

and soon will



J. C3. C.


3Jia tJommij-SA-iyL- a iiJLei

Bont Streot.uviv ii r to satt TO RTtTTTRN TO VErfPHIS. OUB


large stOCK or sua i - tikju " u-- .




uroosrtts. ymiwmTOSS WIUL OPENTU

J. T. FARGASOn kWholesale Grocers, Cotton fact

219 Cliestnnt Street, XonlOwing to tbe yellow-feve- r epidemic at Memphis, we brve opened an omoe

fully nrenand to mwet the wan' of our entnmr as rierwtofore. A



It. rarfe





taipor-ri- :

51AC aiNISTS 3511 LLWiTaG89, 31, 33 and 35 Front street, corner Auction, 7Iem;l:


STEAM A Valle's Atlea and Cam Steam-Pumps- . Iron Store-front- s, SbiMiir. Pu:- -j - 'ln.r ttl"i Wrk a i ei alty. Eoiua.c


B. ! Corb.ran.






tvatrambaat FOB DESCHIPriVE C4TALOGUj;1g1

S. A. Haicaer.




Lumber, lath and ISiing!lors. and Blinds, and all kinds ?eltln Boxes.

Office aad Tard, foot WaaLLngrton gt. I Saw and Flanlns Kills, North ea-.- I T

Imew uncus.



MAmnhi. TniwiMv




WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTOII FACTO:Nos. 356 sod 358 Front St., Memphis, Tenn.


Stewart Brothers & Co.,Cotton Factors and Commission ILXerc hrr r:

J. R.

J.UG0w Orleans, lonlsiftna.


DW NnOTTOM EAP.TfTuu uiu nu v


Jleniplii, Tenn. St. Jji .Is, Ho.tWe have opened office 219 Chestnut street, St. .V

serving oar customers and friends rntil the fevermake HAJiTLETT, TENN., his headquarters. We also ha .toffice Memphis, who will receive aU consign-- .

will adrsnce liberally on It, either . ash or merchei. :








K- -




a r











i i i i




an at




oius attoa: v


Grocers. Cotton FactoiAnd Commission Hercxumto. .

na. 371 nnel 373 Itfain street. lienilii.HiOTISJR. WI HAVE DAT ADMITTru MR. W.



for the

pet utn

a-- -


nartner In nur bu,lna. under the Arm name and style Of M ALLORV , CHAWFOHU 4 C J.aful for past favors, a continuance of tbe same la respectful! solicited lor the new concern.


sr. Louis, no., oeptemoer x. loiv. mai-ui- ui









Late of Han Mallory & Co. Late of V7. b.









AA'D COMMISSION MEliCnATS,Front Otroet, 1 'JTo

avowing to the prevalence of yellow-fev- er In Memphis, opened an tempo: 'it stret.ltt. L.Mia, Jio.,

where' order, and eorislttpnienu td pamfni "

W. W.



W. Oillard. a. Collin.

DILLMD, 00FHIWholesale Grocers and Cotton





QB4 Tsgoaaa-jpT- i

Facto219 Chestnnt Street, St. ious. r:o.

ws wvnsu-- dTT TSTinimHRn KS

tiers or our m uiuiuutiuf













w d.I W. WFII

-- VJ

&mwe have offlct-- , . i

. lwill have out oromi t


- - a j? n t 1 TT. nai SinvrAAn a v flllMMITI.V hJ li A ft & X T i - a.

iriaiu nnTsig.vD m

if- -
