HE1FHTS APPEAL sr u w. WO Oat of the III nf1" '" oat of the stood folds r 1,er. O" asiisad brown And tk. - rwdde lornaK shaken. diiem and soft and Mow Deaeends tbe mint Km as oar cloudy fsncier take Snddenly .hAi in sosvadtlvtsieinlB. (M as the trocNedAeart dotfc make eonfSBSlon. in the white countenance The troabUd rrvwli Tb. grief It feeis. This the poem of trie air. Mow It la allent syllable, recorded Thin it ecre of despair Lota in nicAiay oisui Two. sua fiw'l COTTON FACTORS. Jacob i. rtm andhbw ficoft 7. Per sT Co., (OlfOJi FACTS, CwIMlbSIM AXB II'KWAKDIM. MKBtHASrS, awn WHOLESALE GROCERS No. MO FRONT BTEEET, So. Exchat. MM anm ten. Liberal advance mads on GonaUrnnteut. j. Late of AjaaSBSBS. l ; I : i J. I Ro3Toi, Late of DuBOSE A B0BEBT60S, rotten and Produce Fitters, ComaiMion Mercraaats, No, 3H Front Street, mp suslra.) Memphis, Tenn. . a. a .v,r. - mad c the o. rot ton snd produce of any character, and si-- i i ii ; ar attention paid to the tale ot i he ame. Tutr for the purcuaee o; supplic, ev . etc.. promptly filled at the lovMt market , rices Prompt attention given to all cntislgnments, dei7- - m V. A- VIOLXT. W.C BLACK. j UVLBIXDEMOH W . A. Violet t Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AJtD Commission Merchants, Offlae: 13b Ore Tier Street, HXW ORLEANS. .XT will rename onr old Grocery Trade In the Yv Kali, In connection with the Cotton ractorajre Baataeas. : ii t : e meantime we will attend to uie aale of COTTON and other products, and iurrr.sing palliation Supplies; and will make Ale anil remittance lor any consignments t naTiited to oar care, dee ru W A VIOLET A CO. A. J. nan a. MX1.LO.V 3rlce. Mellon Juxes. COTTON FACTORS Commission Merchants, So. nr.n Mala Street, y j am. Anent. T A SB Memphis, ---- Tennessee, James Monaghan. Late with Dobbin Co., 212 Front street, baa removed to W Adams at., with Taj-lo- IcKwfa, Bake t Co, Where he will be happy d aerre hia friends Groceries and Supplies Of every description. k r. JACXfcOK. w. B.GBBBUW, JB. Jackson and Greenlaw, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, COTTON FACTORS. ' C0MMISS1CM MERCHANTS, Ana dealer. In Family and Plantation Snp-- p: o. b front .treei, dwwd.ii akiiwu And Monroe. Memphis, Tenn. J. c vaarEK. A. J. GU Mercer, Antclo r Co., General Commission Merchants For the Bale of 0OTTO3J3", 3JTO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ? F.rra to Mean Nlxtra. Wood A Co., and .". . Norrts. Esq.. Cashier First National Bsi.t Memphis. Tenn. dl-3t- o A. W. SfriHirvKTB. IS WX. IM4HI Sotit It worth st- - Knight, SI5EKU 10XXLS8I0 MrUCHivTS. An(l Wholesale Dealers Groceries Prortstoas c Snpplles I'o. 1 MAIN OTREET, Mini PHIS, TENN. Webster Block, between A;auu A Wsahlngvos I. T. OorSLAf A W. KASTiV DougU'.ss, Donegan t Co., OROCEfcS Xnd Commission Merchants, HCNTSV1LLE. ALA. and sell Cotton and Country iTrodnce on BUT nov6-i- n w. h. nrraju. MemphiK Ksctucky rooMcameot H. B. F. a. w. St. ir. JT. 1 'it I man A Ce., No. S Front Street. Memphis, Tennessee ASD j Brother, Vn. x Locust Street, St. Loots, MMaourt. Tobacco Factors A Oeneral Commls- - (XiITON. We reepect'illy solicit . : iiouvs. One tlie Arm will always be each place to give ivrvinal a: tention t.) conslanmenu or o We will make advance on Cotton shipped SO onr corretoudent la New York, Boston or Philadelphia noviam W. H. P. A CO. .. a b"vi : :. ; a a. w LaaJSocaaJt- - Isiuiu Burnett FunhhotiKer, COTTON b TOBACCO FACTO ES General No rommNln Merfhants. 62 Street, KEW YORK. to J. w. Page, Jr.. President Com- - rs. 'Iiase, oiii. A Co.. MefcOTL LSTV A M ' i - M,;i nA ( ,. A J. C SiRjrri.SO. A H. TUBkT. GRIFFIXG dc TOBET, Cotton. Factors, COMMISSION M KM 'HA NTS And i dealers in Gold, Silrer, Exch&ngv and Uncur rent Money, Xo. 1! Jf fcrsoii strf t. ket. Front M Hall no MEMPHIS. TENN. Copartnership Notice. T.IT HAVE formed a partnership for the p aasst at a buainesa In the Pi eliasing and in the Cora of Cottoa, uncei the style of OU1 Simpson. uai M. nii,L SAM'L SIMPSON. Memphis. 1M6. UOOBVAjr. Mlsstssippl l. ii . . Broad Murphy muiurUii r-- pressing A December nneeson Consign of ids in New York, Bosuiu, ' .ILL 1. n. in '. si It., .a., New (iowlinan Jt Merrill, General ( omnilvslon Merehants COTTON FACTORS, :e New New YcrrV. anV Win give attention to Baying, or Taeing Southern as advances oi and make purer sses on New Y ork or a her markets deal sm Bender W H. II McMakin, w b r a r. GKOCE26 iD C0BSISSI05 MEEiH And Deal era In roreirn and Domestic Llrjnors, PSantailon A Faatlljr SSJSSSaj Ba.'c-ir- A Rope. Also Hay, Corn, Oaxa, Bran, am' Lime. Mo. K Main Street, Bet. Adsui. A Washingtot', rrelt 1m ?1F!MPH;s. TENN HssorJ. Moaar. cxis m. nosuuii, ja, Formeri? Vtneuy A Lais of liiil A Dorios Monby Jt Jtorion, mmssm merchants. OFFICE. '. A Hewl's stwAkttaa. f MaU, Li:irance over No. Front Street. M-rn- nieui, KiUcilix .ih.ii.lae aol rian'-auo-n Whea .Tand. Orders i rarefullv and pmr novvarn sr. 8. si oo ax- - Bless, ArlfaDsw, W. H. jvA A.M. J. J. Atie SIMPSON. IV.,. Stre)ft. Tnia- - lot, for aale ...: .1r.g (orwann .'y executed. Holly Springs. on In W. rirti Louis. In 1, vjents A mi York. ands, me SIIIS Hunt. IS ,,r or eh I an : a. v. lewis. Boi'-- s. Co., Mis. Moore, Lewi A Govan, COTTON FACTORS ASD wEMKll CSMIbSWf MKCSAKTB, No. 3aa Front StreeU (Up Stairs,) MEMPHIS, anT Uaerai Advaneea Made on QSawf I k. t scd ou Consigument to oar fnstHI -- w Tor. ss g4r a- -: '.'iJan r uppiits rromptly ftllad. u. . . im MISCEIXAKEOTJS. TAYLOR, M'EWEN, DUKE & CO., CEALKK8 lit DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND HHOEB, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, rtOTUlOXR, Plantation & Family Supplies, GENERALLY, LIQCORS EXCEPTED. Conimissioii Merchants, FOR TUE sale COTTON COUNTRY PRODUCE. DRT GOODS nOL'HE, (Old Standi K Main eireat warehouse and cotton sued, Noa tl, 93 and Sri Adams Street. OOTaS-aT- O BEST Bolting Cloths, FOR SALE BY Taylor, MrEwen, Duke Co, No. 23 Main Street, Memphla. gOLTTTCQ CLOTHS. Spinning Wheela Hpinninff Jennlea Cotton and Wool Yams. Sole and I ' pper Leather. Haron Grind Stonea. Window isAAh and ijlasa Corn Shellers, stock Kettles. Plows, Axes, Traoea, Wood and Earthenwsre. TATLOR, McEWEN, DCKE CO. BOTxV&ra M, 9SanJ 96 Adams street. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. XXXX FLOUR. pAGA"8 Rising San Floor. 60 bbb. Medlam Flour, clear side Bacon. New Sagar Cored Hauis. Irrled BeeX. New MoJassea, choice. Sirup in Kegs. New riugar. 60 boxes Prime Cheese. 50 bbls. Apples. CorTee. Rice. Plows. Wagona, etc Dae Mb. Racnlvlng and for sale by TAYLOR, McEWEN. DUKE & CO, novS-S- tl, (3 and K Adams at. R Dry Good. EADY MADE CLOTHIN- G- OreT and Wh te RlankeU. Bleacbetl aad Brown ItoLaeaUc Floe Blak and Trab Hata. Miles' Shoes for Lad lea. Ladies' Dress Ooods. Ladies' Fine Cloaks. Hbaker and French Fltnnela English and Araencan cVilaocsV French Merlnoe and LHdainsa. Hosier', Gloves, Laoea. mipendrnt. Trlmnilnc. etc., esc Gents' Find Boots and Shoes. TAYLOR, McEWEN, DCKE 00., nov35-G- Main Street, (old stand). D RY HIDES. or WASTED. Tallow. Wool. Dried At i " Jeans, Deer Sains, dry Shuck Mala I Tied Sage Ixavea eate oh! k i Fresh Peaabea. Linseys, Fura. OsMafl BaHaeta, hthuck Collars. H.ckory Nuta. aiauts. Butter A Egg5 Pecans, etc., TAYLOR, McEWEN, DCKE A CO. COTTO. ALL COTTON shipped ajootl boats, or oar Warehouse on Hals, Is covered cor open Polices of Iasurance In the DeSoto, Home, JEtna and Hartford Iasnranre Com- - pan lea TAYLOR, McEWEN, DUKE A CO. nnVjrV m BROKERS. M. C. CAYCE & CO. AUCTIONEERS, Cwmmiesion Merchants. r.r mra L ASWirra ami UFA FS1ATC BBOKEIth. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. JU I'KRSON STREET, NO. 06. Where can found in the same old Fix. Near i Post ufflcr, a Central stand. We are always frmnd at your Command. Forty long years in the Trade, The last Twenty at the Arcade. Stock of kinds will receive onr attention, And every other article you can mention. Wheu yuu rememuer we have toiled in the Citj long Years, Yon can visit the Arcade without any Fears. noVSm . Jo. T. Caxeko!i Lai' of Tenn. .Voievi Bunk Lait Tiller jj irmidclin uurunM C Cameron Carey. No Jefferson M.. BROKERS, BROKERS, And dealer, in Gold, Silver & tneurrent Money Orders for coin and anertrrenl money prom ply filled. Refer br permission lo Clioate A ( a. Mem pin. TeiinetMe National Hank, do; E. M. Avery, iwshler. and A. Foute. late President Oayuao Savings Institute; K. P. Boiling. Pre,;, dent Home Ins and Trust Co. de3t lot General Land Agents. nr. tM, Of Arl etc. by c. Mississippi Sale d Maccabe, REAL ESTATE AGENTS HELENA, ARKANSAS. Have for Shle or Rant line lainnnj i. ..i and Bottom Plantauons in Arkansas mil Mis- ¬ sissippi. tSajaC Acres ehoioe lands ft sale or rem in tract rrom acre. u acr. Taxes on lands paid. Debts promptly collected, dels lm W. P. Orne, XjACTD AGENT, No. Post Office Building, MEMPHIS, TENN. av Refers all the Old Settlers North MlasUBlppl. ' Iviieine Soli W. LOFLAND, STOCK, XOTE & MOVEV DKOkER. No Titos BoIMIng, Jeffaraon Bt, Memphis, Tenn., Will buy and sail commission. Oold, Sll- - wer, Mtockv Notes, l. o, Exchange. Bond, arsrment Securities. I'nrurrent Money, and f.Cs.unt', "iU IJtv ScripLete. Will als. ',' i;m.v - Tenneasee. Kan ii Mississippi. Arkansas, and this City. . ",PmroI1ge . Merchants. Br.ikers, Bants, old meeds solicited deci-i- sa J. W. Uopkinn & Co., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Little Bock, Arkaoaaa. W. nCTPKlN'S, formerly real estate broker aud agent, at Memphis, Tenn.; John t. attorney law aud fee era! insurance and J sines A- Martin, land surveyor at Hopkins . hours at S K. Samel have h noes: r.n on the amelr AiivihoSt Hundred Tbooseud sci- - Lew, O. which Los-- lemp'iis. xena Feathers. w J iu el. w, offer their services to the puu- - Agent for the Collectn the Hale and Ml Acra for sctnal Vrry J. eh It U.I I. we be be all 12 M. !' il Late of T'r uf uti 9 te of cits. ii on Bi w at at. on are of all Huil.liug, office of W. to come. W iber of Fine Plaata- - me for rent many of chlta. Sun flower an-- other the ,d Small flss Two seiecteo Dec weeks otlou : prtoeg 4 CO. dei lm LI" .SIB Lit: LIMBER; M. E. Cochran, LUMBER MERCHANT, sxjenipnlM, Teaa AS al'ayon hand a large asisortment of a Hull Hag Umlirr, cmslrtlng 1ll VaaJharBiiaailBa. raughSodreAied. lr Vhlle Pl-.- anTI Pine, Pof'lar and Cpre Fkxjrlng and Sealing; Hr annul Shelving and Inch boarda. Lath, hhlugiei and Picket; Ikajts, aash and Ulii.os. , i c. Lumberyard ird oBo. Rii of Weahluftoa street urders from the country will receive picmnt attention novJMm THE MEMPHIS D AIY rA!PPAt WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 37, 1865. GROCERIES. T. CAMS a. w. FoLoaa. C. IT. Ebbert & Co., Wholesale Dealers in hmek m mum iiolors. Rectifyers of Whisky, JVo. 349 Second Street, i re prepared to fill all orders at short nouee A. and at current ratea On, ,tA.-k- . r lunfM miw In store are very lam, and embrace every variety known lo the iraue, Mill our FadiltlM tor Rectifying are l nexample. Year, of experience, and a reputation already acquired, are auarantys of what our future will be. ear Orders Solicited from tne Trade.". Rcmembor the number. So. 342 Second Street, OPPOSITE THE GREENLAW OPERA HOT BE MEMPHIS, 421 ' :.1 TEXX. " " McGregor's Bourbon Whisky. Bourbon and Rectified. undersirned have lately been sppolHted rlE for the e of McAliagor's ' Bourbon and Rectirled Wluskv. Dealers will do well to call and see as before purchasing elsewhere We cuaranty perfect satisfaction ss to quality and price. Samples can be seen at oar office. ROBT. McOREGOR A CO., de3 lm 2b street, ap stairs. New Crop of Garden Seed FOR SALE, large or smsll lota, on consignment, for IN week, at 310 Front street. WuKMELEY, JOY A CO. de?- - BAM. A KCHXR, Memphis JN0. T. SHIRLET, Me! mi til. WAREHOrSE. JEFFERSON STBfcET, Near Third, nearly oppi Jte rost umce. ) Archer, Shirley & Co., Commission, Fonvarding AJTD STORAGE MERC" HANTS. Also, Steamboat and Railroad Agents Office Ho. 12 Titus Block, Jefferson St ( Opposite Commercial Hotel, ) MEMPHIS TENNESSEE. w Agents for Memphis A Louisville and Memphis A White River Packets. uoJb3ni STANTON & MOORE, (Oldest firm to Memphis Established 1M9.) WHOLESALE AD RETAIL 6B0CEES And Commission Merchants. Ko. 332 Front St., Memphis. Tenn. P. R. Special attention given to se'ling, stor- ing and shipping Cotton. Cash advances made on c'onslgtuaents in "tore. Cotton to us by river, and in store, will be liisur&a, unlesa Instructed t tlie con- - truv, (nols-fl- LOOK TO THIS. HAVE Jat Opened a House at Corinth, I Miss., for the purpose of doing a RECEIVINC, FORWARDINC General Commission Business. FREIGHTS Of All Descriptions, fVniianed to my care, win receive Prompt At- ¬ tention, and be forwarded to their destinations without delay. 1 propose to prepay freight and charge on all freights where an agreement to that effect is made, either with the consignee or consignor. S. . SMITH, R efer t.icrs : Maj. Oeo. firm of A Co., Mobile ; M. Bloom A Co., Ken Col team. Tale, and R R ; C. W. Brown A Co.. Miss. ; Mai. J H.Turner, Rob- e- Pi"ice. Corinth, Whitfield, Whitfield, Blilups Padnoah. tacky; Memphis Charleston Columbus, de.vim c w. I'M v- - Late of Copeland, Edmonds A Co.. ilrmphu. 1. . j.a. HriLntx, Latent Lynchburg, To. NAtAtiUe, Trna. EDMONDS, PFTTIGREW & CO. TOBACCO AGEXTS AD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Importers and IValers In BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C, No. 39 JeffetNon Street, Between Main and Second, MEMPHIS, TENN. Speclsl attention given the sale of Virginia Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco's. Aler- - cbanrflse, and other Prudoce on Conaignmeut. We have now id store, and receiving dally, a fine assortment sr Virginia Manufactured and smoking Tobacco's. Also A superior lot of uld Bourbon Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Gins, Porters, Alee, Ac, lo which we Invite the atten- ¬ tion uf the public Our motto is quirk sales and small profit. U1VK CW A CALL. poJK-a- JT. M. McLefresh, W1I01KSU F. GROCEK AVD (OKMISSI05 SKRCH1T, 894 FRONT STREET, novVAm MEMPHIS, asasiruis, l aw., December tj. IHBo. HARRIS, and (ieo. A. Ccehran. late el A: firm of West, Cochran A Co., liave as-- soclated themselves together, under the style and Arm of Harris. Crjehran A Ca., for the pur- ¬ pose of transacting a General Commission Buainesa. A. L. HAHKIs, O. A. COCHRAN. A. L. HAKBiA TENN. COCIIBAH Harris, Cochran ft Co., Commission Merchants. Office eventration, Goyer Co.', No. 3SS Front Street, de7-l-m MKilTHIK. TKiry. A. VAOTAAO. rAOsayja, aAekryxr, A. Taccaro Jb Co., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, Segars, Etc.. No. oov' ton O. A. A x. A. B. i. lIowsr3'si I MEMPHIH, TFLVK. John T. st rstnn. Late stratton, Mrlwvitt A ... tt. H. Dun scorn b. Late Htraiton, Mrlssvltt A Co., C.W.Ooyer, Laulodd A (ioyer. Stratton, Goyer & Co., WHOLESALE GBX-Rrj- C otloM Faetara and C onnnisNion Merchaaita, No. SB Front BL, batwaan Adams A Jefrersnn. MEMPHIS, TENN, Have for aale low V the trade an Bags Rio Octree. SO Bags Lagulta Co free. A' Bags Old tiovernment Java Co (Tea. 'J Bag" liraln Pepper, sifted. t.i.iA. Keoned qualities. U hh,l.finH, r. I. .n am lihda Clear Sides aao shoulders. 5u I. tii. Mess IV.rlt an bbls Flour, all grades. ueres aeD'ucay r..iggtng. nan do bah Ih tla ItagElrur. ja VAOCAkO. tow, eolls Rope: SOU half colls Rope. 30 bale Twine, aw bbls Salt. 0 half bbls and SO R.t Noa A3 Mackerel Choice Impereal aud tngllsf. breakfast Tea. Bear Candies, German soaps, tiarrh. Cider Vtnegar, Wrapping Paper. Wrappiug Twine, etc etc. nnvvini Plan I en ' OU Work. S T O Tt A. O E The undersigned propose to devot th above building to a GERAL STORAGE BtSIXESS. TlitJ are prepsrod to Bior Oct ton, Tobhoco, Haw, Own In abort itht d- - acrtpLion of hro.iuoa, Oooiit ..nd Cnatlals to any ax- - tant. Tha Inflnranoa Acatsta basw M fs J jftVoes will laka risks on psvapartr eroraa u LhSwj butMlngsat of onppT iit, par month, or three par cent, for six rnoatM. Th buiunsss wlU be under the manspnjsni of K. l. BA l.'GH, to whom common. rations may t tUcii jiiiI 1 V. DIXON, nov6 Sm J- K. CUHitTTIAN. JET. BERNARD, 280 Main St., Mcmphit, l'nn.. Agent fur & B. d H. W. Amah', AMERICAS O&GASS, for Cliurchet, ScAooln, or timt PurUtr. They are the first Instrument, made, Repeat at Horridly at a Piano, poi a Magnificent StvmUand nd the Bound- - 'teas, Depth and MeUotcnett of Orgass. Txr Sale at Manufacturer' i Prices at 2Sf Mam Street. COTTOW FACTORS. CROWDER & CO., Tobacco Agents, Commission Merchants, No. HU Front Street, MKUPBiS. TEXymmHK V. - Bonded Warehoose, No. L dels-1- Cojta rtnersh ip. WE have associated with us, Waa. M Brook. late accountant with Han A Co. 1. datlnjr from 1st November, ult. Tha style of our firm will be Gates, Wood 1 o. The style of lbs old firm will he used by either partners of the present, only In liquidation. Uecomoer AfAasa. uaiusi vvguu. 5. If. OATK A. WOOD. H. Gates, Wood & Co., COTTON FACTORS Alto General C oinuilwtiou Merchants, No. SO Front Btreet. Vp Stairs. MEMPHIS, TENN. de.V3m A. x. hAcrr. i-- a'onax Lacey ft McGhee, COTTON FACTORS, GRO.:KP.s AND O0M- - MKIiCHANTS. Also, Dealers In Boat Store, Wines, Liquors, Toiwvn sml eisrs. No. 222 Front SU, MiMPBHB, TENN. venvs-X- m W. B. OALRRBATH, JOHS C. riZBB, I Ate of Of Meacliam AOalhreath, county, Miss. WK. HTItW ART, .1 T- V- Ar" AJtDBBW 8TXWART J Cralbrcath, 6tewart k Co, WHOLESALE CROCER3 AND Cotton Factors, No. 834 Front Street, Between Union and Monroe MEMPHIS. TEsysaaES. Stewart, Galbreath & Fiser, COTTON FACTORS, AXD Commission Merchants, .VEir OKLEASS, LA. novTdeclT Sm c. C. PARTES, Late Veniou, Parte A Clsy FUAK IIAKHAKT, Memphla, MEKCER OTEY, wllh Partee 6b Harbert , Cotton and Tobacco Factors AND GENERAL COXXISSIOI SKKCH1KT8, No. 14 Monroe St., between Main Front, MEMPHIS, TENN. I. IHFRAL advances made on consignments. Hariioi relumed 'r 3iempnis arier au ao- - aeuce of fouryears in the South, we now resume business, and respectfully solicit from our friends and the public, a share of patronage. nov$-a- . HARLOW J. PHELPS, Of New Orleans. BBOOSa. Panola BUCKifER, Of Kentucky. Harlow J. Phelps fc Co., COTTON FACTORS AJTD EERAL COXMISSIOS HERCHAXTS, Xo. 142 Gravie r St reeU Bet. Camp and St. Charles, dell 6m HV ORLsEANS T. D. TAKVER, Madlaoii Count j. Ten a-- , V. L6RAHAM, AUaula. Oc crjfia. B. Tenn. A ft. K. BOYD, Memphis, Tennussee. B. li.i.AM, Moiiticelto, Arkansas. TIRVKK. BOYD, A CO., FArTORS AND GENERAL COM- - COTTON Merchants, No. 13 West Court street, beivvew. Main aud Frunl streeLs, Mem-¬ phis, IVnn'frWwHA. LllerHl Advance made on Cotton and other Produce, blnct aileutiou (dv-- n to filling or- ¬ ders, no 10 7am Sample, JJitchell & Co., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 304 Front Street, Mo&by Hunt's Block, np stairs MEMPHIS TEXXESSEE. V Special attention given to filling all or- ¬ ders for supples. Liberal I ash advance made on Cotton and other Produce In Store. d2-l- G. JF. Trotter, COTTON FACTOR AVD Commission Merchant No. 14 Monroe Street, nov7 are MEVPHIX TEXXESSEE. The I" U'llMin, Holmes N'OTICJO. i day dineWved by mutnal con. sent. Mr. ieo. c. Holmes withdrawing from the same. The business will be conducted at the old stand No. 1.1 t'nton streot, by Messrs. Wil- son, Laird A Co., who assume all liabilities, and are alone authorised to settle the buainesa of the old firm. S. A. WILSON. GEO. C. HOLMES, M. A. CARTER. Memphis, Dee. !, IfBS. In retiring fiom the above firm, take this opportunity of thanking the patrons af the boose lor their past favors, aud respectfully ask continuance of the same. GEO. C HOLMES. s. A wrtsov, I x. a. CAurxx. at. V. K v o I a &B. a. LAIRD, JAB X. )nv,ffT, Laird & Co., C0TT0. FA(T0KS, STUBiwE.COXSIfiSIOS Aid Forwardiag Irrchaats, No. 18 t'nion Street, MEMPHIS. TTNN. pecial attention given to storage and the aale f priKiuce aii-- l lut on conimlanion. i Conslenments respectlully solicited nii-i- W. A. 1A12TOLKY. LSkte ml fAingley A Co. St. Loul and fonuerlyof Brownsville, Term. wt. cat, of Metuphla, Tenn. Longley & Gay, wholesale asd eetail wRocbbs Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, No. kd FRONT ST., aWMoaby and Hunt's Block. novV.'.rn MEMPHIS, TENN, J A. H. BAST!, UontsvlUe, Ala. R. f i W. DOE.iAX .itemphls, Tenn. Mast in & Donegan, COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants No. 87 Jefferson Straet, deft-l- MEMPHIS, TENN. J. B. WOODS. W H. MATTHr.WS ABfTI. WOOD Woods, Matthews C Co., COTTCK FACTORS ABD Commission Merchants. 10.1 Ios'dra Nlreet, "f'g-- - NEW ORLEANS. BOHIKT BL( e k. crrn Lata black Pi t nfan. Late Horton. Lates A Co. Black, Estes Jt Co., COTTON FACTORS AB1 Commliwlon vfcrchanls. Office, Noa. 1 and A, Mnarry a Hunt' Block No. 3(1-1- . Front Street, MEMHPIS, TENN. i onatgnmeait of Cotton, Tr!acco and Grain solh-lte.l- . furnished at HagaiiiK. itope and all supplies nates. novS 3oi b. arxAacx. t.cmu, b.m'clillaii. Pearce, Park Co., Wholesale t d fietall B. A. A H. I. a. r A j. Groom, Cotton Factors ami lom mission Mrrclianfa, No. ax Front Street, betareen Washington and A Jains Streets, MI MPHIS. TENN. tr EKP conslantlr n band a large and well IV Muected stock is Graawiies, bagging Itots, aod Plantation Su iplic. Liberal aTvauces made on cotton f..r ilupaeBt or otharwtae. asvVSra s J. V. Clark C Co., T Cotton and Tobacco Factors AND SKNXK Al Commission Merchants, to. 1 JfnerWM! MrfM, Between Frout Row xnd Malu street, MMMeuIB, TtOtXESSEE Ae- - co-ef- i crsoaai attention aiven all sse. neas enLrusu-- l to ourcare, wllh prompt returns. vi., as IO.IOWS, his Fln-- t Nittioaal Bank. V. a, aShicr: r.M linvi-- , I're.ldenL Tniuei. v.. Uonal bank, N. B. brrsbin. Cashier: Oeorge K Butter, President. Commercial Bank. H. K. Oarth, I ashler; Jesse Page, Jr., President. Okvoso Savings 11 M A vers, snssh. ler; Jua Preadent. Jackson Insu- rance Company, Jos. M. Myerv Sec ; L M. Hill. Treasurer; LB. Klrtlaml President. Memphis Insurance Company, F. M. Cash, Secretary , J. J. Murphy, President. R. Hough, V. 8. Col- ¬ lector of Internal Beveuue ; bam. Tate, Presi- - dent Memphisaild (.hanenon lUllmad: Mesara Lacey A McOhee, FTlngton A HowelL 8. Mnn.aeld A Co., Oilbei . filgbee. New York-Mes- srv I. R Ktrtiand, Hill A Co., Bn users. isa 1st 1. J. BAWLING. J. L. VKBA. I. L. RAt I.GS J. J. Rawlings COTTON FACTORS, tt Co., GOCEERs Awa CQmrnirsftion Merchants, No. 37 J ,,,, Street, MEMPTUB, TENN, Sr vnil sail aU Country Prodaca consuroed lo nt. Bovaa m CLOTHING. P. Weiler, Fashionable Merchant Tailor, And Dealer in GENTS FTJBNISHTWO GOODS, I. MS Front Straet, Between Union and Oaroao Streat, MEMPHIS, TENN. All Work Warranted BovS Sm J. Sutter, MERCHANT TAYLOR, No. 844 Second St., neax Jefferson, MRMPHIS . Keeps constantly on hand the best French, English and ooutch Casnlmerea and Cloth. Clothing made to order I n the most approved styles, with promptness aud dispatch. del lm OVERCOATS, EVERY MATERIAL I STYLE, POPULAR PRICES. ROBESON . MITCHELL & CO. 272 Second Street, BLOCK. UNDERWEAR. Cotton Flannel, SHAKER FLANNEL, MERINO EXTRA HEAVY SILK SHIRTS I DRAWERS. BOBESm, MITCHELL A CO., 272 Second Street, BLOCK. DRUGGISTS. ESTABLISHED IN 1840 Soatbern Wboleale Drag Warehoose S. Mansfield & Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 301 A 30.1 Street, MEMPHIS, TENN and dealers in I'orelgn and Do-¬ IrrtigKj Cheinlcali. Paints, Oils, Dye tafia. Window bias. Seed. Spices, Soaps, Per- ¬ fumery. Brushes, Wines and Honors. Patent ete., etc. Everything warranted a tea sua sola ai toe mjwmi prices, or- ¬ ders executed (as In old umesi with 'he utmost fidelity and dispatch. Term Caah or city ac- - DOV.Vln F. M. Jacobi & Co.fs PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, 5o. 836 rreot Street, Four Doors North c Oayoso Hoase. MEMPHIS. TENNNES3EE. This Boise will be Open Day and SlgBl novS 3m MOORE CO., Cincinnati. ATERS ATERS Main mestic Medicines', SADDLERY. XUJWABO I.XTSOS MemnhIA HBSiT B. eebocsom, Agt., Memphla MOORES, SMITH & CO. Importers and Dealer In Hides, Oil and Leather, SADDLERY HARDWARE, India Rubber Belting, SADDLES AND BRIDLES Farmers, Curriers, and Shoema- ¬ kers Tools and Findings, Coac. and Boggy Ham Saddle Baaa, C ollars, Etr HARNESS, Trace and Breech Chains, All qnail tie and description. In OHBrtng our very large and complete assort- ¬ ment of o o r m In our Lis, Wa do so wllh th FULLEST CONFIDENCE that ww can offer Batter Inducements to Caah Buyer than any house In tha Booth west. uDnaaetad wtlh ess 0 the lsrgwst Sadtllerr, Hardware and XaoaactarlB. tatabU(hmiDt luxtum oonntry, ensoies us to oStr onr fsods as LOW sa they csrs bs had In SU Iionte or Clarlunatl. aarasstlv request an exarainaUoa of tsar stock by MERCHANTS A MAXVFA CTVRRS before porchaxlng elsewhera. MOORES, SMITH a CO., No. Ml MAIN STREET), Pro vice BaSdma, BbJB dra Httrrnp. taataai INSURANCE. MEMPHIS INSURANCE AGENCY. Fire, Marine, Hail Life 4 Accident INSURANCE, Representing Oldest and Safest Companies IN MEMPHIS. Ljirregaiei Capital and iseets Over $10,000,000. ETNA Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Organised A. D. 1819. A. lied UOD 1 ,. the of Net January HARTFORD Fire Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Organized d. iaa Net; N. l. Organ A. P. IMS. Assets. January MUTUAL BENEFIT Life Insurance Company1 NEWARK, Net Assets. Jaaaary Dfvtdend 50 par cent. With the Immense resources of the above Companies, their long and faithful experience in underwritlnx. and their promptness and lib- ¬ erality In the adjustment and settlement of Lo e. we are enabled to offer to Insurer the beat possible security against the dangers of r,re, water ana, upon terms as ravor able as consistent with the hazard incurred. In the l,lfe Iiepartraiint, the Mutual Benefit tanas without a rival. Bel lis entirely MUTUAL, it prod! are d! vlded among the Policy Holders HI RING THEIR LIFE, thus assisting them In the pay men t of Dretnlums. J It make no EXTRA CHARGES for residence in iennesee, ana its large aceaimvuanon or as-¬ set and smsll ratio of expenses, furnish the bast possible guaranty of It stability and per-¬ manency. All Applications for Insurances altbfully at- ¬ tended to, and all Losses Promptly adjusted and paia at uijs Agency, HENRY A. LITTLETON, Agent, Urn. 4 Madiaon Street, PHIR. TKNN LOSSES PAID O TEWESSEE, OVER $50,000 00. GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Btraixht forward dealing In everv department of It extended business, from the receipt of a premium to the payment of a loss, ha rendered lue name PHCENIX, Of Hartford, Conn., AS familiar as any household word ; and from far east sunrise to the golden shores of the Pa- ¬ cific slope. Its eminent usefulness as an Insu- rance corporation has been xboroughlv tried and satisfactorily tested. It is now, better than ever, prepared for service and duty In the line of it profession, with increased SxciliUe or the cr busiiiees. WESTERN BRANCH, Ko. SI Watt Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. H. M. MAOILL. Oaneral Aaent. stores, Dwellings, Elevators, Warehouses, Depots, Cotton Olna, Hotels, Col 'aw. Churches Mills, Manufacturing Esiah- - Us'iments of every deeorlptioa. Vessels building, a ndergolng resisUrs, or whlla la port, and Person! Property generally, win be INSURED BY THE PHCENIX LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIKE, Bates Conslilf nt with tb HaxatS assumed. SSlfA."r,n.!' irili Ms-m- l. aud paid bar. In haekshl fun ia Folic) cw lawnssrl frntptlj by HERMAN trlEUD, tAssHtnt Agsnt. Ko. 1 Kadlsett itmt, up ttatn. fKntraat n an Front,) fiavS la MEMPHIMTINN. BANKING.' TENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK, OF MEMPHIS, DE8ICNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT or THE UNITED STATES. THIS BANK facilities for a General Banking Business respectfully otlrrU tha 41C01.MS OF BASKS AXD INDIY1DI ALS. 8AVINCS DEPARTMENT. With a new lo tne enronracement of econo- ¬ my and savings of the Intlustrtsi claaaes. THIS HANK will, from and after this date, allow In- ¬ tercast on all deposits of oil DOLLAa or more, yided tr.- - saone remains three months or frr Ifo JVctftce of Intention to withdraw de- - poalu Is ary, bnt all deposits ra held subje to check, tne stuue as in the rasralar Bualness Banking Departmant. SPECIAL DEPOSITS. It basins; been suraested by the Comptroller althe Cuneney , an u bf ing provided with a most ample and seeare vault, we will act ae c usto- ¬ dian, without chars?, of united Htates Bonds and other reprbseutaUTea of valne, which may be left with us for sale keeping. Corner JtHTmon and Main Streets. GEO. R. R UTTER, President. J.B. HUTCHINSON. Vice-Presa'- t (And Caahler of tbe Xattonal Bank of the Metropolis. Washington City, D. C.) N. B. novlVdel-3- liRlSBIX, Cashier. MEMPHIS INSURANCE COMPANY, ORGANIZED IS 1844. Office, 22 1-- 2 Madison Street. DIRECTORS J. J. MURPHY, Preatdenl; tl. M. AFPEKSUX. J. CCMBtl.CH, JoHxao. of tha honse af G. ralis A Co., Josm T. Htbattoh, of th house of Htratton Goyer A Co., J. F. Fbaxb, T. A. Nelso.x, of S. il. ft T. A. Nelson a Co., r. M. Cash. This Instltntlei. Is prepared to Receive De-¬ posits, to Buy and Sell Kxchange on all the Principal Commercial Cities, and to Collect Urafta on this City and all principal points in this section. Ke ml 'Lances Promptly Attended to. no vie, 3m F. af. CASH, Secretary. Scott, Powell Co., BANKERS 6c BROKERS. Dealers In rOXEIG AXD DOSEhTIC FKHOuK, Block. Bonds, Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, etc., THIRD STREET, MACON GEORGIA. dec6- - And necsw Scott. C. A. Nutting. A. H. Powell. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, OF MEMPHIS. No. 8 Jefferson Street, MEMPHIS. TENN. Paid lo Capital $258,000 Authorized Capital .... fl,SO0,0M Is prepared to transact a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. In addition to Its ordinary Exchange and De-¬ posit business, this Bank will open, on the 11th instant, A Siivings Department, In which deposits of ONE DOLLAR, or greater sums, will he received, and draw Interest, at fonr per cent-pe- r annum, where the sani. re-¬ mains three rnonths. This affords an opportu- ¬ nity for laying np small savings, and a saf de- ¬ pository, where funds will be productive. st" Accounts of Merchants and others are solicited. W. H, CHERRY, President, A. T. LACEY, Vice President, R. C. DANIEL, trahler. deeS-l- m FIRST NATIONAL BANK MEMPHIS Depository & Financial Agent UNITED STATES; DIALS IK ALL KIKES Or GOVERNMENT SECTBITIES, ABD DOBS A General Banking Business. A. P. BURDITT, of A. P. Bnrdltt A Co. ; HON. J. W. LEFTWICH, of Leftwlch, Cash A Co. J S. B BEAUMONT, of Beaumont, Hamilton A Co. ; L. HOWES, of L. Bowes A Company ; WILLI AST A. GWYNN, of Foster, Uwynn A Co. ; R. M cOREGO R, of K. McUregox A Co. ; S. D. MESSES, of Menken, Bros. A Co. ; r. S. DAVIS, President; F. W. M1TM, (late Caahler Union Bank of Tenn..) Vice President ; C. P NORRIS, Cashier. no3S 3m Liunber! Lumber! The subrrlber has on hand for sale, at bis Yard on Adams Street, Between Front street an,! the Levee, a general assortment, conslsllng In part of Fram- ¬ ing Lumber, such BS : Joists. Mils and madding. White and Yellow Pine Floorlne. Clear White Pine dressed. Dressed and Hough Weatherboarrttnf. BheatintL Poplar and Cv press Boarda Plank, Hhlngles, Lath, boors. Hash and Blinds. Orders promptly filled. ded-l- T. J. RICE. -- A.lo ! Ale !! LAGER ! LAGER !! T WOULD respectfully call the attention of I Merchant and Deaiars, that I am weekly roreiving a fresh supply, and adding to my already large stock of the finest Ale and Lager neer, wnicu 1 isq su.1117 hi siwasass. 1 am also sgent for the celebrated Kennett Ale and Porter, Put np In half barrel. All of which t warrant Vi keep tweet in this cllniste for months. I also have for aale Foreign and Domestic wine aaa Liauors. toraiai. Losaoii Scotch Ale, sic , etc. JACOH BTEIJiKCHL, No. 2au Third street, dgS ,n Library Bnlldtng, near Post office. AW Argui copy. UuntsvUte, Abu, LIME, To arrive per Memphis and Charleston R. It. For Sal by R. G. CRAIG A CO.. Jackson Block, Main street. Landre1h Garden Seed, A 'CRAIG'S HEED STORE, Jackson Block, Main street. Clover Seed, At CRAIG 8 SEED STORE. ORASS SEED, At R O CRAIG A CO.s Seed Store, el 778 Main street, Jsckson Black. Cotton Seed! Cotton Seed It 3000 T1nT& year's aaad. Price par bushel, S3. .aaa v.,... ciia la Bsraw War- ¬ ranted to be Sound, this yaar's ed. Flea per " - CO. ROBERT MCGREGOR dT-l- o trice, we Front stmt. MIsSCEt.I.ANEOUS. J. C. HOL8T A CO., UNDERTAKERS NO. 390 MAIN STREET. dsllml Htand, MEMHPIS, TENN. FOREICN IMMIGRATION, Real Estate and Labor Ageney. piepared to fnrnMi European laheirers AM A to Coal At the Old Planters, Kallroads, eal W. Alines, lurintlne v..ri -- 44sralsmts, Hotisigeeper ami II ontlce, in any nomlier, on iaeon livere.1 here or in New Orleans, lily olanter with asrrlculiural KS, roo inn , Sawmills, tels, at short lie terms, de- - will also snp-- impieinenls. labor-savin- g machines, machinery of all de- ¬ scriptions, hetlsevis, terunsvrs. etc., at manu- facturers pricea I will sell and rent land on commission, which will be advertised In New York. Mem- ¬ phis, New Orleans and Mobile, without charge to the seller. Address, W BATTAILE, dacu-l- No. 4 Royal street. Mobile. 8TATEMF.XT OF THE ST. LOUIS MOiLIiFE INSURANCE COIPANT, On the 1st day of July, lfi, made to the Comp- troller of the xtnlm of Tennessee in couidm- - mni-- with tbe laws of that Htate, relaUux to Atfent of I a so ran re amptvcles other sutes doinu busuiees !n that Htaue. Tli.- name uf tbe Cnueay is Tne fH. Loots Mutual Life Insurance company, and la loca- ¬ ted In the city of St. L- im. cooniy of HC Louis, SLsr of Missonrl Pilcied copy of Charter hereto si ticxeu, pagesS to lo lnciusaTe, Tbe amount of Capital Stock ia flflO.OOn fit Tbe aat ... paid up st 7S,usU 00 Notes for Trust receivable... Assets: Loans, amtjiv seonreI hr Deeds nt nrsi hssbb 01 wvoru aa swneraiiy sssnDt it per cent. int rvt ar.-- maturity, on Rrul jjttate in tbe city and coanty of St Louis, as schedule aunexcd .L'' Premium notes on polices in force Zi.T77 CaWi on hand, in v - m i bank. JStM i oc a txiutis, paniy rjy rwu Krttate and partly by andoubted per- ¬ sonal secarfty Premiums due on new policies In hamli of ascent awaitina retorns Deferred reneval premiums 44 71 M nilli receivable, nadocoted m secartty AmoanU due fToni a;feu', aud in eonree of transrabedon OiTbt-- a mi tore, iron safe, etc. Home Office and Ajendts. Amonnts due from btocabowders for Re'enne Tax paid on dividend... Rfveiae Htampn, and deposit with Stale Auditor to pay agent license. Total assets. Capital Stock . exclusive of premiums Liabilities: Interest to reduce real estst- - stork and other bonus ani notes to present Prtut value "t iltv.. lends tl . 1. isbT. lsw and vm Present value of policies In force 10,603 Jj87 71 2M fl . 1UU.U OU . eSJCTK 5RJM8&1 ati. 035 5 itfTrwtt. HI Reserve Fund for losses ad- ¬ justed and not et due tXJXO Rewrve Fnmi lor lossew un- - adjustesl... - Cstssj ou Resvrve Fuud for lisvsea re-¬ sisted on around of fla-¬ grant violation of terms of policies .. g. aSAW ft Riv i ve t uud for own Un4 eli- ¬ des - - 8Rr571 1 rOTl l wGtft,- - Amonniat RUk Uttjm. The sreatest amoual Insured on any single life is l.0ii. limit aa to the amount that may be in- ¬ sured In any one county, city, town or village. STATE OF MIKSOCR1. toa City asd Cocsmr tT. Lor ib, ) Samuel Willi, and William Selbv.Secrei.try of the Ht. Louis Mutual 118 Insurance c.'ompanv, belns; sererally sworn, depose and say, and ench for himself says, the foretfotna fcs a full. troe. and correct statement of tire aftairs of the M ompany, that the said Insurance Cotiiany is the bonn owner at" 37 jy- UO 00 'o or T. kmssiDov; siaen. oi wnicn tne nn- - tlon of that Invented in real estate se-- upon unencuinbered property in the county oi St. Loais, worth double t tie if saki principal loans, and that the sssststMa Investments, nor any part thereof, are made for the benent of any Indi- ¬ vidual exercHing authority In the maat;ement of said company, nor for any other person or persons whatever, and that they are tne above described otneers of said st. Louis Mutual In- surance Company. Miiioi AM"L WILLI. Piealdt-u-t. Bijjnedl Wm. T. SaxBT, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me the an- - derslned. Recorder of Deeds for Saint Louts county. In testimony whereof I have here- ¬ unto set my hand and onVial seal. This 7tb dav of November. 15. LSiajued JULICri CON RAD, Recorder. Rtate or TESyiTSSSjrK, ComptrolIe.8 Office, Naahville, Dec, a, lStA I, 8. W. Hatchett. Comptroller of the Trea- - aur-- . do hereb certify that tne u iauis bjbj tual Insurance avlii,h, and ecouofAiicu-- wru. AltAI. s,Alv . w. asawAH.M rwe-- s siw Of "StC ry evidence that sJd company baa compiifd with an tne requirement oi uie laws of the state of Tenueese imposed on insurance companies, and I further certify that Barbour tft Otis, Agents of said company, have also com- plied with the requirements of the laws of the StiUe, made aud provided In such cases: Wherefore, said Insurance Comptuty has au- - tiior to take rlakA and transact tbe business of lm u ranee In this Btate, at Memphis and vicinity. This certificate of Agency must be renewed the I: days of July and January of each year. IHlgwal B. W. HATCHETT, delo-s- Ceinptroller, Tenn. Our Stools. AND ASSORTMENT EQUAL TO ANY IN THE UNION. GUNS, PISTOLS, Accoutrements, Ammunition, WATCH ES , JEWELRY, Silver "Ware & Cutlery. All kinds of work done tn th best msnnar We hare a first class AKTIHT In oar PHO- TOGRAPHIC GALLERY. Tenus Cash. F. H. CLARK A CO., Corner of Main and Madison streets. MS-a- a SEWING MACHINES. A.. STjaVESsTIUXa., ASBWT rok WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITC- H SEWING MACHINES. Awarded the Ttlaheat Premium AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, Jtist held tn London, Eng., where all the Ma- ¬ chines of Europe and America were In tition. Also, at the INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, FRANCE, -- ASD AT EVERY UNITED STATES FAIR At which Sewln, Machines have been exhib- ¬ ited, and is the only Machine using the new strfe (Iaas Cloth rresaer. Corder, Braider. 1 femmer and Feller. Also Qvilis, TitrJts, BintU and Makes a Gather ana Snrt it on a Band ai the same time, lu the only Machine making the " Lock- - fitch," (alike on bssth sltles, and using Iesa tiiread than any other,) frith the MRola-- Cng Motion." We ortVr the above Machines, with a supply of thread and fixture, at Ht. '.ou. i prices. Ulve instructions free, snd warrant each ma-¬ chine tab ree yean. No. 233 &a?n Street, Clay Building. MEMPHIS, TENN. sHO North, Fifth, St.. St. Louie, Mo- - Send for a circular. AH kinds of work done nt the short- ¬ est notice, and at reasonable ratea. del-I- ra C ROVER & BAKER'S LXIJcX R A TED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Were awarded Tbe Highest Premiums Over all competitors, at tbe Bute Fairs of New lora, Vermont, lows. Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsyliwnta, Ohio and Oregon, and at every respectable Institute and County Fair, held In IMS. These mschtnee are adaoted to nil descriptions of work. Tbey hem, fell, cord, ruck, aullt, bind, braid and embroider, with eanal fscillly. They are simple, durable, easy managed, and not liable to eel out of order require no rewinding of thread; work equally well with silk, cotton or linen on cotton, silk, linen or woolen fsb- - rlcs. and are the only machine that sew per- ¬ fectly, and embroider perfectly. Saleroom SOS Mala Street, or-T- Stairs. All kinds of Ladles' and Childress' Garnreau, Made up with naatnass and dispatch. Em brotd err, braiding, cording, m eking. Sflga. ing.etc. dot ai hrw Tit, .. 303 Main Street, Over ManaAald's Drag Star, delOlm MEMPHIS, TsVrjT. ATTENTION, LADIES! CET THE BEST. ffUDl aA OUR NEW SKIRT FOR ise. THOMSON'S FRENCH ELASTIC SPRINC, The Greatest Discovery P W" aar, and the latest Invention of the A.rxeei Djanufscturers of Crlnotrna In the w oild. The CROWN SKIRTS Have a sepaSoaw. ssirt ItpmrUm,) Wyt. sisei; a. nisviAf sss-i- A iKirina; sha bsbhI year thea. Skirts have Been adopteit throoahoat tkks eoanlry by all the leadin. Dry loorfs Hisivi cam-- oain is ssmw.i wirn s ( km.., the hand. N. oe are aenuine wilhout it' THOMSON, LAHGDOJt CO., Manufacturers and Patentees Broadway, Mew York. JAS. Q. MOPFATT, No. ss7 Main street, Hooth of Union, snd P. HILL BR, Have made arrangement for the above Uoods. ASK FOR THOMSON FRENCH ELASTIC SKIRT. del .lm NEW SKIRT. FOK ise5-e- . TH vBEAT mEW 91 THK ibE. T. w Bradley's OlebrateU Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Or doable Steel Spring s b: I 3Ft T. WESTS'. BRADLKY A CART, Hole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Cham- ¬ bers aud and Si Read, street. NEW YORK. This Invention consist of Duplex for two) Elliptic Pu bnuded UK! edgce. makin t! and dura bend or brei .eiuent.y pi shape more Spnna skin The wond and pleasurt IQllptle Skii In all crow nailTUsAAi wl .u A d kir uvey are su per rne ,by ICSSS. f I' v ; . rieei ingeniously tty and firmly together, u I the toughest, ukmi eia- - ever used. seldom s. the Single Springs, and eon- - rserve their perfect and beautiful than as as any Single thai ever has or ran oe chun h euasie and folded tjitlly lady nernen rsrirnnirs. edge They like twice long mads. house m... flirt the Lsi'ilei pani'- i...r;y UUs, opsrras csrnv.'N pews, eriu chairs, fur :. aa tbe skirt cmn be ccupy a smail place aa yed the pleasure, ice of wearing the Isaplex iktrt for a Moadeday wtb lliuaily dispense with their misses ana young imdiss all others. hooD ;re sjbjbjbbbbI w.:m two olv donble twLsted tiiread and will wear twice aa Ions; aa the sinele yai u cover. o which as ssnsl on all sintclc- - steel hoop sklrta. The three bottom rds on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the overtnc frona wearing off loua when dnsap dm down staim, stone steps, etc., etc., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the bent quality in every part, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and per- ¬ fect shape psiMe, and are unquestionably tbe lightest moat dcarabie, conalortable and eco- ¬ nomical skirt ever mada For ale in all first class attire. Wholesale and Retail, in this and throughout Um I'nltea states and .'an.tdas, Havana tie Cuba, Mexico, South, and the West Indies. a- - latajtUre for the Duplex Ulliptic er Double sprlii Khlrt. Bradleja Uuplvx Klllptio Skirt. ComblnlntE eleaance, llahtnes-t- , duraljlllry. coejfort and economy, and unquestionably the most desirable article made, par sale wh sale sud retail by A COL afai Miiiti St., corner i sMirt St Brailcy tpit x EllipiU- - Very flexible, folded easily when In use. to occupy a small space, and an article of SOUTH! RRtTHFRS Skirt., superior vlc, ui au say tee, at me sa Mainjit-- euMy, DsjBwex Elltpti? Skirt, I. of th. best material style and manufacture, and Use most graceful, d arable aud economi- ¬ cal skirt made, l or sale by RICE, ml st crx, atVHand aP MaJasSiast. Bradlr'a lrvplex ElUpttc SfeJrt, The mont popaiar and Oexlbie in us. For WALKER BRCvX. A CO., ZS MAin street, Memphis. Tenn. Kritdloy-- Diiptr-T- . EMIplif Skirt. Is the best quality in every part, gratreful In whnttti nnil fwln rfswrihl. rv. b tl,d misat Life Company, located at pU. corufortable skirt I I IS compe- ¬ ; . nov2f-1r- n M ACK BROTHERS A BOHM 3U Mitin Strort. MISCELLANEOUS. S T1S60 X. DRAKE'S rL.LMATI. BJ ITERS. They puiify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a haithy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasrnaUc and inteiroltwent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They core Lrysperwla and Const lrrJou. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera & Cholera Morbus. They cn re Liver Complaint and Nervous Head- ¬ ache. They are tbe best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhaaiated na-¬ ture a treat resiorvr. They are made of St. (Yoix Hum. :he celebrated Caiiaya Bark. roots snd ' trr, and are taken with pui Ke ulea- - sare of a beverajv . without regard ts age o time of day. Particularly recommended ts dVllcate pencs-m- . requiring . gente stlmnlart- - Sokl by ail Grocers, Druggist. Hotels and sa- ¬ loons. Only genuine when the cork Is covered by our private !'. s. Htarnp. Beware of coun- ¬ terfeits anu rprliled bottles. P. H. DRAKE ft CO., 21 Park Row. New York. AGUA do MAGNOLIA. A toilet dellsrht ! The ladies' treasure and gentlemen Imjoo The "sweetest thine' and largest quantity, manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. I'sed for bathing tne thee and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, etc. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspira- ¬ tion. It removes redness, tan. blotches, etc It cures nervous headache and allays lnflsv m at Ion. It cools, soften and adds delicacy to the skin- It yields a subdued and perfume. It cures musqnito bite and stings of insects. It con tains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actrenses and opera Stmrer. It is what every Isdv should have. Sold every- ¬ where. Try thai Magnolia Water once and you will use no other cLgne, perfumery, or toilet water aiterwards. DEM AS BARNES fc CO., Props. Exclusive Attentat, N Y HAC AN'S MAGNOLIA BALK. Tills is the most delightful snd extraordinary article ever dise.ivere.1. t rlisiuie. th sun- burnt face and haiidstoa nearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble pu..ty of vouth. A the dsshairae ADpearance so lnvitlH4 In th cfty belle of fashion. It removes tan. ft ilas. pimples and roughness from the sktu. leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no imaerlal Injurious to tne skin. Patronised by Actress and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. (Sold everywhere. Retail pri., VI cents. Prepared by W. E. HAQAX. Troy, N. V-- Addrees alt orders to DEM AS BARNES ft CO., BOV3S-3- f'w Vortt COLLifBIAN GIIS" An srtlote Distilled from Imported JUJCnEK BERRIES, Pure and Unadultoratad, Rivaling the Schiedam. Hollands or any other standard artlcl. Excelling the mixture of th many manurae-- turcrs oX the day. r, (f jfeet Diuretic, the Simplest Stimu- - ' int. the Most fitlataile Beverage. w.stsl by all Druggist sod wrocar through - Hl tEe country. General AsCs deT-i- NIPOEN A REAKIItT. .IS. Main .treat. Memphis. r. c. ir-KA'-, ourviayor, Office Corner M and Monroe Street, w.,naelr.ln.lpnr 0 St'i'On.. S sfssu rente ol a.n.1 nnnecrltiBf. in all its branches, prorur Rftendedto-- fi- - HU H COTTON LA US FOE SALE, Near the Mississippi River. CALL AT OaSTCE. rboasand and Flirty T OFFER TO SELL m- n !Q. Mlasuavspl 1 Acre" of KTlar s Point, toa-- Rlver, within threj""d lwe,v, nuiaa nom homa Coanty, Jsaav- - betvaen 70S and 8U Helena, Ark- V?"., ..niriv.tion with alrsel- - a res m a hi aj" There la no LltLiJns'sBaaualsalppl Valley, and hi the 7r to-)'- Y'yary chaup, U early appiica;ion a aad UM partsss wlU call on Mr. W nrrS', J S3 Main Memphis, Tnn., or SB'HeUM'n.F.wAr. IaEOAX. NOTICE. of Land im Pay Debts. 4s arst Mnd t haLaa toss Aswt day o ,'nary . 1" t tnVi WtTl.Hls. .ss2Sfc?u'a" order .of the . oonty CooBty. self Us osaJbasS bidder Air), Acres of Laou ijoonded north by ir .f ' RJl'0a'l. sndSjuth l.y Wolf River, in heiov coonty Sale eatawUtUsa U Mrs U A. Isle.tamr. of estate oft V. Tate tonay th. aalAastata, Term-ilTie-- haif Lasfc, And the balance on twelve i. p. v, i t caark. M f. E Att y Chamcertj tmie of CMj iTojxrty, AT PUBLIC AUCTION. On Friday, I3th Janusr) , iw;. Chancery side of the Common Law au.1 Chan- ¬ cery Coon the city of Memphis, D. Fergiinn es. Henry Wade. AleiAiidrr trsalue, snd W. . BY virtues an Interlocutory decree mde in .hove on tne Id dav of 186,1 will, PrMav, 12th war of J .1, , USM, at the Coon K n. door rwtw.. hours of IS and rr.'eloek St., sell si pc tlon IB following dew rtbel real Sal it Lea No. .a, srvw, ra bsoesr Sfco. It. frm,'.i' , F31' street, seventy-liv- TT feet, and : ni Of Angaeta Krstltnuu and b. Sssj dvessssad. ' Gutirdiunsli ip County Coon of Shelby C oamry , 1 I Pwrsnaaea an order of Hin ard.Ja.lga of said Court, all t .aid OruArUuuistip at ueieoy eotlt! Krtday. Inc. 3th. IShS, I will uss 1 aa sueh Oosnltso before the tlerk .1 At hi office, lu the elty of Meriphlr aKNKT o. HI NT. December USth. lass. Chaccri, Sale Km I William B. Lvttt m. Vlrmnis isrtuo 'ill r . J AUred tsartrauui, man and others. T virtu, of an Interlocutory de of woveml-er- . lssfi, in the Chaiacery Court i ail on Friday, n lie Auction, ia fr in the ctty of Me Lc and H' si., rne I t wlt : Lot 1 A fi IsS1, fet in d. extension of tl 1 verms of sale. Csr-- Deeeaaber 11. isaj. DIa- -a Trustee's Sale. 1T virtue of a deed of trut exetrutfd 19 x tniete t.y Mary J. iLixms. coti-tea- of her K etiildreii iJth dao' of JsUy, Istki. and swssafstssl 1 Resdaters office of Shelby Teat in took Lea TS, Ai. i and sy, on tue b if August, ftt, to secure the payment c tain Dotea therein wpeetflcd. I wilt sefl a; Auctwn to the hixheat bidder, for casvh. tn of the businesa house of itoyster, Tntxea Co., on seco-- d street. In tiie of Mex between JeiTerMoa an Adams ttreetA. fi Jth day of January, la, between the ho 11 and 12 o dock am., the folio wing tr Land, sis: lying and being in tbe cju Hheiby. and mate of Tennessee, and bsj as f iNUowa, vn hespnnlngat the southw- - thin J. eJaasesof Stsructuresv from a stake, irom whtet. w. , y ree link stand a white oak saarfce: lence north tweuty-tw- o chains lo i sie on me wesi rrsnx or cane creek ; then--- east twenty to a staae; thanes sou it twenty-tw- o chain toastakei theneawass wrtl tha north side said avenue twenty -- "-- u the beglnnlnsT, eontaininc fhrTv-fon- r scree, v, nation east, being at he northwest corner o a uact land sold t.. .. ii Lundy, administrator of J. C Lund v. deswaaed and sold by A. G. Ellis Lo J. C McMauua, and J C. McJfanus to Mary J. Harman. Theriglit ., redemption Is expressly waived, and tha ml. to said land Is considered uieiuestionAble. .1 convey as trustee only. JOHN O. LONSDALE, Tnwee Memplts, December Tth. 1M5. Tru 1Y vriTI'E I) B) BBS tli Vemph Mar. mWk men. certain boni and eoai named i.nd de rlled. and wbicn and untski thesafd trust deed be! lu the Keaiater's athceOJ Prhelbv Book No. U, isaaes JXL jr, jjn will, the th nav r.f rA,r,.i.rv. the Lot and a.m.."iit HoteL proceed sell tha bfeneat bldde- - tne tog lota dsntsexu on tne c la. 1W. snd corner of Mah: de-2- tr of Work. In to of oa of of th of of s St xf to ol I, ro m on rs of 10 12 to to Cath, follow of ound. ks la Itttlalabelievnl utbacood. out invey a traateea. E. . DAVITT,t F. TITLa. JTrostee. Trustee's Sal. BT virtue of a deed ot Lmst to n- by R Snoner. on the ITth May, l&2, and duly re ordssl in the . n'rTjce of rlhelhy Teaneeaee. ou tAie zkl Msv -- .1 ' tn book No 51. pugei- - m, and i.L 1 wLl eU Jw cash, to the highest .idder. in front of thw taa, the following real In the city or Memp srrllied as follows, lo- -, tersection of the west the wrath side of JeOVi wardly with tha sou 11 forty feet ; thence line with Main streei Inches: thence esatws JetTersou street, forty del tds A LL J etth r s for Titles to Real F!sy aaAelrtasHnns wi4 , all Family tic Rale.h debuot aienUss ISsswsss. PXecntest Sisal said . executed Jimeph county, WIN M. TKJUiKH. Xotire to Crediivrs of Tht$. person having claims against Thomas pMtsrs, rTtnelpai or us with all the evidences of debt or other obli- ¬ and also the securities hekl hj I and any person having IVeds or Title p". said Petars Estate since 18. will please sen a us a stSeteanent of the Property and date ot Dm l or Bond- - lit papers have ail been iost or de- ¬ stroyed, and without some ahowiag from th parties interested, tt -- rill be rmr;SK.bre for h:iu u. settle with his creditors. dec3-l- WLKEKSHAM 4 BEECH KK. Trustee Sate. If virtue of a doed In trust tn SBstWecuted by I P. U. Meath, to satisfy - r Ii TlllssBMllii I ss therein meutioned, and due to W. L. stcAiary ft Co., and unpaid.l will epore toaale.and sefl to the Udder, tor cash, on the iiHh day of Janiisrv lssti, tn front of the door leartras: u the court roosu In Greenlaw buiidinsj. Bear the corner of Second and Union Mrtrt. m Memphis, Tennessee, lots Nos I An No. a, at the sontbwtet corner of Shelby and streets, in Memphis, Tenn. ?a.e ; 13 SI. B. A. drt'Md Trut-e- . ihTgd 15 by tbe state gation, highest Election yotice. of s writ of election to me directed. Hon. William Hi mor .t oITetinea. I will me!, .tion At each of the usual voting places, in each civil SSStill I iu Shelby counlv. on December 28th, 1S6S, for two members of the House or Iteore- - lives to All the vacancies occASioued by th res-¬ ignation of the Hon. J. M. Tonieny and Hon. M T. Rvder. The following persons are hereby appointe-- Judges aud Deputy sheriffs lo hold said elec- tion: 1st. Dutrirf Judge. R N Bond. fam. noo- - laas, J. a. DlekiDAon ; Deputy Suenir. Thoiuu Jrl'7w-Judge- s. Daniel Corbelt. H. P. Thompson, a, P. Li gnaw ; Deputy heruT. J. C. Campbell. si Z)uJncr. Judges, Charles i W. W . Dbsssbssbu J'.hn Hanliag: Deru'y .vhenfl". Col. umbus Crenshaw. Uh. Pislncr.-Jndg- ea, F. W. Hlnes. Jsmes - roil and F. Heater;, . M. Se.t- - terwalte. Sth. Z)iBTicf.-1- st. foil, Engine House Jud.e., John Glancy. E. O. Mafaoney, John Turner; Depatv yheriu. O. Dwyer. cAtt.lMttrid.-- M. Poil.3 Engine House-Ju- dj. F. W. Buttinghaas, M. aelig, Thomas Leunarl ; Sheriff s. T Morgan. HA. Dutrvt J iidrf.-s- . a. M. Allen, H. R. V ford, W. H. -- a.r:ff.a W.Vrr .r. 7IA IMMrirLluis--- u. M. Bartlett, E. Pull- ¬ man. J. a Mercer; Deputy Sheriff, James Hol- - Baag - -- 9tA rsstnl I F. P. Thomas, J. M. Thonips. n, S. C. Horn ; Deputy Sheriff, 8. p. 1tXItrirt. Judges, M. Rogers. M. L Wil- - S W. H. Webber; Deputy Sheriff, M. J. r?iWiiO--T- . C. Bleckley B. B. Newsll, J. Ai..u.whiia: Dsouiy Bswriff, H. Irty. riA, hwt let -- Judges, W.H, Walker. W.JC. HAITM;n.J, H. Townaeud; Deputy Sheriff. B. Iii;Sli.'w-- 0. m.Thoma, H ISjputT Hheilff, D. Hlluatorand. W. I.. Lnady, L. Xaarence; Deputy Sheriff. J. w. "iSkAAfrwx. f. I'M, i Engine Hou- Juilges. T. A- Hsnillfiin, Mliehucl Burke, John p Iwputy BhATW.F. V Leula. 141A-- lAsfru-t-M- . Fulj, 7 Engjno Hmau - Judites. Martin Kelly. J. f. WliHberly, "". W. Jonia; Deputy sheriff. Joseph Taas. lit. .DMrt-Judg- es, B, B. STTler B. U. Gliason, Dr. Thomas; Deputy Sheriff, w- - Cotton. iA. ijttirict- Judges, E. Brooks. J: H. te.l- - lau, W. Mapaa; Deputy Hherlff, B. W. Brooke 17IA. Xhtiits FWdlna Sxuith. Jerry Maasey, A. IL flnailiss; jsQlij Sheriff, Ervin Uak- - ejepnty SherlnBi Jsdgea,! Ur.--- - sw'; be required In all things to clv., s laws of the state defining aud Uniltts . tfr. francnis. Is?puty sheriff. w 1rlra. in. ? returns '.o me at he ouasouiw Block, Second Sgr e.rta Ohertrrsbelbv Cocntv. TO THE PUBLIC. THE RULES AND BY-LAW- S QoT.rainfi Vlaitorw WMWOOD CElfirTEl.Y. tctcr slfht months ago, guards frrini the sneioy uounty ir Willi: 11 vlir irsvaaut AA.. x,ta?uln Hoist aLrtx onlc the Cemetery. the river i GeKta Feter Deputy Walton V M. WI.M t.K to are A.-- T I . . ISili- - I ,H n,wl rimes st J. C. -- i : 13 In r .. .oonuT at Uayoso and had st all times a th. raoft.aTKV.AKT. gagaatosaajAuL VINK PLANTATION. ABOVE OVESJFLOW. For Sale, Miisussippt r. MKa, ax mile. a fine neighborhood : between f -- e hundred aud arty dred asm i. enltlvaUon. ttS lease and lour huu- - PrcM aad fiaai lw sfaa. There cmn he Bought with tha Place Eight hundred buahela of Corn. Two hundred and afty head e Kjo Thirteen bead of Castle iliht DuiKlrMbajshASo CottTiusLsi Auln. Mill and Gin Baid Wtth Plows, Hoe.. Chalna'ata. The above a a very and a Bargain can he had by SSaSS.VSt' cation to lPolvrPP daw-lt- No. t PtaU

Transcript of APPEAL...

Page 1: APPEAL sr u w. WO Oat of the III nf1" '" O"oat of the stood folds r 1,er. asiisad brown


sr u w. WOOat of the III nf1" '"

oat of the stood folds r 1,er.O" asiisad brown And

tk. - rwdde lornaK


diiem and soft and MowDeaeends tbe mint

Km as oar cloudy fsncier takeSnddenly .hAi in sosvadtlvtsieinlB.

(M as the trocNedAeart dotfc the white countenance

The troabUd rrvwliTb. grief It feeis.

This the poem of trie air.Mow It la allent syllable, recorded

Thin it ecre of despairLota in nicAiay oisui

Two. sua fiw'l


Jacob i. rtm andhbwficoft 7. Per sT Co.,




So. Exchat. MM anm ten.Liberal advance mads on GonaUrnnteut.

j.Late of AjaaSBSBS.





J. I Ro3Toi,Late of


rotten and Produce Fitters,

ComaiMion Mercraaats,No, 3H Front Street, mp suslra.)

Memphis, Tenn.. a. a .v,r. - mad c the

o. rot ton snd produce of any character, andsi-- i i ii ; ar attention paid to the tale ot i he ame.Tutr for the purcuaee o; supplic, ev . etc..

promptly filled at the lovMt market , ricesPrompt attention given to all cntislgnments,

dei7- - m


W . A. Violet t Co.,


Commission Merchants,Offlae: 13b Ore Tier Street,

HXW ORLEANS..XT will rename onr old Grocery Trade In theYv Kali, In connection with the

Cotton ractorajre Baataeas.: ii t : e meantime we will attend to uie aale ofCOTTON and other products, and iurrr.singpalliation Supplies; and will make proir.ptAle anil remittance lor any consignments

t naTiited to oar care,dee ru W A VIOLET A CO.

A. J. nan a. MX1.LO.V

3rlce. Mellon Juxes.


Commission Merchants,So. nr.n Mala Street,

y j am.




Memphis, - - - - Tennessee,

James Monaghan.Late with Dobbin Co., 212 Front street, baa

removed to W Adams at., with

Taj-lo- IcKwfa, Bake t Co,

Where he will be happy d aerre hia friends

Groceries and SuppliesOf every description.

k r. JACXfcOK. w. B.GBBBUW, JB.

Jackson and Greenlaw,MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.

Wholesale and Retail Grocer,COTTON FACTORS.


Ana dealer. In Family and Plantation Snp--p: o. b front .treei, dwwd.ii akiiwuAnd Monroe. Memphis, Tenn.

J. c vaarEK. A. J. GU

Mercer, Antclo r Co.,General Commission Merchants

For the Bale of


? F.rra to Mean Nlxtra. Wood A Co., and.". . Norrts. Esq.. Cashier First National Bsi.tMemphis. Tenn. dl-3t- o

A. W. SfriHirvKTB.



Sotit It worth st-- Knight,SI5EKU 10XXLS8I0 MrUCHivTS.

An(l Wholesale Dealers

Groceries Prortstoas c SnppllesI'o. 1 MAIN OTREET,

Mini PHIS, TENN.Webster Block, between A;auu A Wsahlngvos


DougU'.ss, Donegan t Co.,OROCEfcS Xnd

Commission Merchants,HCNTSV1LLE. ALA.

and sell Cotton and Country iTrodnce onBUTnov6-i- n

w. h. nrraju.MemphiK






a. w.


ir. JT. 1 'it I man A Ce.,

No. S Front Street. Memphis, TennesseeASD

j Brother,Vn. x Locust Street, St. Loots, MMaourt.

Tobacco Factors A Oeneral Commls- -(XiITON. We reepect'illy solicit. : iiouvs. Onetlie Arm will always be each place to giveivrvinal a: tention t.) conslanmenu or o

We will make advance on Cotton shipped SO

onr corretoudent la New York, Boston orPhiladelphia noviam W. H. P. A CO.

.. a b"vi : :. ; a a. w LaaJSocaaJt- - IsiuiuBurnett FunhhotiKer,



rommNln Merfhants.62 Street,KEW YORK.

to J. w. Page, Jr.. President Com- -

rs. 'Iiase, oiii. A Co..MefcOTL LSTV A M' i - M,;i n A ( ,.


J. C SiRjrri.SO. A H. TUBkT.



And idealers in

Gold, Silrer, Exch&ngv and Uncurrent Money,

Xo. 1! Jf fcrsoii strf t. ket. Front M Hallno MEMPHIS. TENN.

Copartnership Notice.

T.IT HAVE formed a partnership for the paasst at a buainesa In the Pi

eliasing and in the Cora of Cottoa,uncei the style of OU1 Simpson.

uai M. nii,LSAM'L SIMPSON.

Memphis. 1M6.


l. ii

. .






nneeson Consign ofids in New York, Bosuiu,

' .ILL1. n. in

'. si It., .a.,New

(iowlinan Jt Merrill,General ( omnilvslon Merehants


anV Win give attention to Baying, orTaeing Southern as advances oiand make purer sses on NewY ork or a her markets deal sm

BenderW H. II

McMakin,w b r a r.

GKOCE26 iD C0BSISSI05 MEEiHAnd Deal era In

roreirn and Domestic Llrjnors, PSantailonA Faatlljr SSJSSSaj Ba.'c-ir- A Rope.

Also Hay, Corn, Oaxa, Bran, am' Lime.Mo. K Main Street, Bet. Adsui. A Washingtot',

rrelt 1m ?1F!MPH;s. TENN

HssorJ. Moaar. cxis m. nosuuii, ja,Formeri? Vtneuy A Lais of liiil A Dorios

Monby Jt Jtorion,

mmssm merchants.OFFICE.

'. A Hewl's stwAkttaa.

f MaU, Li:irance over No. Front Street.


nieui, KiUcilix.ih.ii.lae aol

rian'-auo-n Whea.Tand. Orders irarefullv and pmr


sr. 8. siooax--Bless, ArlfaDsw,

W. H. jvA







Tnia- -

lot, for aale...: .1r.g (orwann

.'y executed.

Holly Springs.










ands, me




,,r or ehI an :

a. v. lewis.Boi'-- s. Co., Mis.

Moore, Lewi A Govan,



No. 3aa Front StreeU(Up Stairs,)


anT Uaerai Advaneea Made on QSawf Ik. t scd ou Consigument to oar fnstHI

-- w Tor. ssg4r a- -: '.'iJan r uppiits rromptly ftllad.

u. . . im







Plantation & Family Supplies,



Conimissioii Merchants,FOR TUE sale



(Old Standi K Main eireatwarehouse and cotton sued,

Noa tl, 93 and Sri Adams Street.OOTaS-aT- O

BESTBolting Cloths,


Taylor, MrEwen, Duke Co,No. 23 Main Street, Memphla.


Spinning WheelaHpinninff JennleaCotton and Wool Yams.Sole and I ' pper Leather.Haron Grind Stonea.Window isAAh and ijlasaCorn Shellers, stock Kettles. Plows,Axes, Traoea, Wood and Earthenwsre.

TATLOR, McEWEN, DCKE CO.BOTxV&ra M, 9SanJ 96 Adams street.


XXXX FLOUR.pAGA"8Rising San Floor.60 bbb. Medlam Flour,clear side Bacon.New Sagar Cored Hauis.Irrled BeeX.New MoJassea, choice.Sirup in Kegs.New riugar.60 boxes Prime Cheese.50 bbls. Apples.CorTee. Rice.Plows.Wagona, etc

Dae Mb. Racnlvlng and for sale byTAYLOR, McEWEN. DUKE & CO,

novS-S- tl, (3 and K Adams at.



OreT and Wh te RlankeU.Bleacbetl aad Brown ItoLaeaUcFloe Blak and Trab Hata.Miles' Shoes for Lad lea.Ladies' Dress Ooods.Ladies' Fine Cloaks.Hbaker and French FltnnelaEnglish and Araencan cVilaocsVFrench Merlnoe and LHdainsa.Hosier', Gloves, Laoea.mipendrnt. Trlmnilnc. etc., escGents' Find Boots and Shoes.

TAYLOR, McEWEN, DCKE 00.,nov35-G- Main Street, (old stand).




Tallow.Wool.Dried At i "Jeans,Deer Sains, dryShuck MalaI Tied Sage Ixavea

eate oh! k i



Linseys, Fura.OsMafl BaHaeta,hthuck Collars.H.ckory Nuta.

aiauts.Butter A Egg5 Pecans, etc.,TAYLOR, McEWEN, DCKE A CO.


ALL COTTON shipped ajootl boats, oroar Warehouse on Hals, Is covered

cor open Polices of Iasurance In the DeSoto,Home, JEtna and Hartford Iasnranre Com- -pan lea TAYLOR, McEWEN, DUKE A CO.

nnVjrV m



Cwmmiesion Merchants.r.r mra L ASWirra ami


JU I'KRSON STREET, NO. 06.Where can found in the same old Fix.Near i Post ufflcr, a Central stand.We are always frmnd at your Command.Forty long years in the Trade,The last Twenty at the Arcade.Stock of kinds will receive onr attention,And every other article you can mention.Wheu yuu rememuer we have toiled in theCitj long Years,Yon can visit the Arcade without any Fears.

noVSm .

Jo. T. Caxeko!i Lai' of Tenn. .Voievi BunkLait Tiller jj irmidclin uurunM C

Cameron Carey.No Jefferson M..

BROKERS, BROKERS,And dealer, in

Gold, Silver & tneurrent MoneyOrders for coin and anertrrenl money prom ply


Refer br permission lo Clioate A ( a.Mem pin. TeiinetMe National Hank, do; E. M.Avery, iwshler. and A. Foute. late PresidentOayuao Savings Institute; K. P. Boiling. Pre,;,dent Home Ins and Trust Co. de3t lot

General Land Agents.

nr. tM,Of Arl




Sale d Maccabe,


Have for Shle or Rant line lainnnj i. ..iand Bottom Plantauons in Arkansas mil Mis- ¬

sissippi. tSajaC Acres ehoioe lands ft sale orrem in tract rrom acre. u acr. Taxeson lands paid. Debts promptly collected,

dels lm


No. Post Office Building,MEMPHIS, TENN.

av Refers all the Old Settlers NorthMlasUBlppl.

' Iviieine Soli



No Titos BoIMIng, Jeffaraon Bt,

Memphis, Tenn.,Will buy and sail commission. Oold, Sll- -

wer, Mtockv Notes, l. o, Exchange. Bond,arsrment Securities. I'nrurrent Money, andf.Cs.unt', "iU IJtv ScripLete. Will als.',' i;m.v - Tenneasee.Kan ii Mississippi. Arkansas, and this City.. ",PmroI1ge . Merchants. Br.ikers, Bants,old meeds solicited

deci-i- sa


Little Bock, Arkaoaaa.

W. nCTPKlN'S, formerly real estate brokeraud agent, at Memphis, Tenn.; Johnt. attorney law aud fee era! insuranceand J sines A- Martin, land surveyor at

Hopkins .

hours at SK. Samelhave hnoes: r.n

on the

amelr AiivihoStHundred Tbooseud

sci- -





lemp'iis. xena







offer their services to the puu- -Agent for the Collectn

the Hale and


Acrafor sctnal

Vrry J.

ehIt U.I


we bebe




!' ilLate of




te of








of all

Huil.liug, office of come. W

iber of Fine Plaata- -me for rent many of

chlta. Sun flower an-- other the,d Small flss Two




otlou: prtoeg4 CO.

dei lm

LI" .SIB Lit: LIMBER;M. E. Cochran,

LUMBER MERCHANT,sxjenipnlM, Teaa

AS al'ayon hand a large asisortment ofa Hull Hag Umlirr, cmslrtlng 1ll

VaaJharBiiaailBa.raughSodreAied. lr Vhlle Pl-.- anTI

Pine, Pof'lar and Cpre Fkxjrlngand Sealing; Hr annul Shelving and Inch boarda.Lath, hhlugiei and Picket; Ikajts, aash andUlii.os. , i c. Lumberyard ird oBo. Riiof Weahluftoa street urders from the countrywill receive picmnt attention



T. CAMS a. w. FoLoaa.

C. IT. Ebbert & Co.,

Wholesale Dealers in

hmek m mum iiolors.

Rectifyers of Whisky,

JVo. 349 Second Street,

i re prepared to fill all orders at short noueeA. and at current ratea

On, ,tA.-k- . r lunfM miw In store are verylam, and embrace every variety known lo theiraue, Mill our

FadiltlM tor Rectifying are l nexample.

Year, of experience, and a reputation alreadyacquired, are auarantys of what our futurewill be.

ear Orders Solicited from tne Trade.".

Rcmembor the number.

So. 342 Second Street,





" "McGregor's

Bourbon Whisky.Bourbon and Rectified.

undersirned have lately been sppolHtedrlE for the e of McAliagor's ' Bourbonand Rectirled Wluskv. Dealers will do well tocall and see as before purchasing elsewhereWe cuaranty perfect satisfaction ss to qualityand price.

Samples can be seen at oar office.ROBT. McOREGOR A CO.,

de3 lm 2b street, ap stairs.

New Crop of Garden SeedFOR SALE,

large or smsll lota, on consignment, forIN week, at 310 Front street.WuKMELEY, JOY A CO.

de?- -

BAM. A KCHXR,Memphis

JN0. T. SHIRLET,Me! mi til.

WAREHOrSE. JEFFERSON STBfcET,Near Third, nearly oppi Jte rost umce. )

Archer, Shirley & Co.,

Commission, FonvardingAJTD

STORAGE MERC" HANTS.Also, Steamboat and Railroad Agents

Office Ho. 12 Titus Block, Jefferson St( Opposite Commercial Hotel, )

MEMPHIS TENNESSEE.w Agents for Memphis A Louisville and

Memphis A White River Packets. uoJb3ni

STANTON & MOORE,(Oldest firm to Memphis Established 1M9.)


And Commission Merchants.

Ko. 332 Front St., Memphis. Tenn.

P. R. Special attention given to se'ling, stor-ing and shipping Cotton. Cash advances madeon c'onslgtuaents in "tore.

Cotton to us by river, and in store,will be liisur&a, unlesa Instructed t tlie con- -

truv, (nols-fl-


HAVE Jat Opened a House at Corinth,I Miss., for the purpose of doing a


General Commission Business.

FREIGHTSOf All Descriptions,

fVniianed to my care, win receive Prompt At- ¬

tention, and be forwarded to their destinationswithout delay.

1 propose to prepay freight and charge on allfreights where an agreement to that effect ismade, either with the consignee or consignor.


R efer t.icrs :

Maj. Oeo. firm ofA Co., Mobile ;

M. Bloom A Co., KenCol team. Tale, and R R ;

C. W. Brown A Co.. Miss. ;Mai. J H.Turner,Rob- e- Pi"ice.


Whitfield, Whitfield, Blilups

Padnoah. tacky;Memphis Charleston



c w. I'M v- -

Late of Copeland, Edmonds A Co.. ilrmphu.1. . j.a. HriLntx,

Latent Lynchburg, To. NAtAtiUe, Trna.




Importers and IValers In


No. 39 JeffetNon Street,Between Main and Second, MEMPHIS, TENN.

Speclsl attention given the sale of VirginiaManufactured and Smoking Tobacco's. Aler- -

cbanrflse, and other Prudoce on Conaignmeut.We have now id store, and receiving dally, a

fine assortment s r Virginia Manufactured andsmoking Tobacco's. Also A superior lot ofuld Bourbon Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Gins,Porters, Alee, Ac, lo which we Invite the atten- ¬

tion uf the publicOur motto is quirk sales and small profit.






asasiruis, l aw., December tj. IHBo.

HARRIS, and (ieo. A. Ccehran. late elA: firm of West, Cochran A Co., liave as--soclated themselves together, under the styleand Arm of Harris. Crjehran A Ca., for the pur- ¬

pose of transacting a General CommissionBuainesa. A. L. HAHKIs,





Harris, Cochran ft Co.,

Commission Merchants.Office eventration, Goyer Co.',

No. 3SS Front Street,de7-l-m MKilTHIK. TKiry.

A. VAOTAAO.rAOsayja,



Wines, Liquors, Segars, Etc..

No.oov' ton

O. A.


x.A. B.

i. lIowsr3'si IMEMPHIH, TFLVK.

John T. st rstnn. Late stratton, Mrlwvitt A H. Dun scorn b. Late Htraiton, Mrlssvltt

A Co., C.W.Ooyer, Laulodd A (ioyer.

Stratton, Goyer & Co.,WHOLESALE GBX-Rrj-

C otloM Faetara and C onnnisNionMerchaaita,

No. SB Front BL, batwaan Adams A Jefrersnn.MEMPHIS, TENN,

Have for aale low V the tradean Bags Rio Octree.

SO Bags Lagulta Co free.A' Bags Old tiovernment Java Co (Tea.'J Bag" liraln Pepper, sifted.

t.i.iA. Keoned qualities.U hh,l.finH, r. I. .nam lihda Clear Sides aao shoulders.5u I. tii. Mess IV.rlt

an bbls Flour, all grades.ueres aeD'ucay r..iggtng.nan dobah Ih tla ItagElrur.



eolls Rope: SOU half colls Rope.30 bale Twine,

aw bbls Salt.0 half bbls and SO R.t Noa A 3 Mackerel

Choice Impereal aud tngllsf. breakfast Tea.Bear Candies, German soaps, tiarrh.Cider Vtnegar, Wrapping Paper.Wrappiug Twine, etc etc.nnvvini

Plan I en ' OU Work.

S T O Tt A. O EThe undersigned propose to devot th above

building to a


TlitJ are prepsrod to BiorOct ton, Tobhoco, Haw, Own In abort itht d- -

acrtpLion of hro.iuoa, Oooiit ..ndCnatlals to any ax- -

tant.Tha Inflnranoa Acatsta basw M fs J

jftVoes will laka risks on psvapartr eroraa uLhSwj butMlngsat of onppT iit,par month, or three par cent, for six rnoatM.

Th buiunsss wlU be under the manspnjsniof K. l. BA l.'GH, to whom common. rationsmay t tUcii jiiiI 1 V. DIXON,

nov6 Sm J- K. CUHitTTIAN.

JET. BERNARD, 280 Main St.,Mcmphit, l'nn.. Agent fur & B. d H.W. Amah', AMERICAS O&GASS,

for Cliurchet, ScAooln, or timt PurUtr.They are the first Instrument, made,Repeat at Horridly at a Piano, poia Magnificent StvmUand nd the Bound- -'teas, Depth and MeUotcnett of Orgass.Txr Sale at Manufacturer' i Prices at2Sf Mam Street.


CROWDER & CO.,Tobacco Agents,Commission Merchants,

No. HU Front Street,MKUPBiS. TEXymmHK

V. - Bonded Warehoose, No. Ldels-1-

Cojta rtnersh ip.WE have associated with us, Waa. M Brook.

late accountant with Han A Co. 1. datlnjrfrom 1st November, ult. Tha style of our firmwill be Gates, Wood 1 o. The styleof lbs old firm will he used by either partnersof the present, only In liquidation.

Uecomoer AfAasa. uaiusi vvguu.

5. If. OATK A. WOOD. H.Gates, Wood & Co.,


General C oinuilwtiou Merchants,No. SO Front Btreet. Vp Stairs.


A. x. hAcrr. i-- a'onaxLacey ft McGhee,


Also, Dealers In Boat Store, Wines, Liquors,Toiwvn sml eisrs.

No. 222 Front SU, MiMPBHB, TENN.venvs-X- m


Meacliam AOalhreath, county, Miss.WK. HTItW ART, .1 T- V- Ar"AJtDBBW 8TXWART J

Cralbrcath, 6tewart k Co,


Cotton Factors,No. 834 Front Street,

Between Union and Monroe


Stewart, Galbreath & Fiser,


Commission Merchants,.VEir OKLEASS, LA.

novTdeclT Sm

c. C. PARTES,Late

Veniou, Parte A Clsy


Memphla,MEKCER OTEY, wllh

Partee 6b Harbert ,

Cotton and Tobacco FactorsAND


No. 14 Monroe St., between Main Front,MEMPHIS, TENN.

I. IHFRAL advances made on consignments.Hariioi relumed 'r 3iempnis arier au ao- -

aeuce of fouryears in the South, we now resumebusiness, and respectfully solicit from ourfriends and the public, a share of patronage.

nov$-a- .

HARLOW J. PHELPS,Of New Orleans.



BUCKifER,Of Kentucky.

Harlow J. Phelps fc Co.,



Xo. 142 Gravie r St reeUBet. Camp and St. Charles,

dell 6m HV ORLsEANS

T. D. TAKVER,Madlaoii Count j. Ten a-- ,

V. L6RAHAM,AUaula. Oc crjfia.





K. BOYD,Memphis, Tennussee.

B. li.i.AM,Moiiticelto, Arkansas.


COTTON Merchants, No. 13 West Courtstreet, beivvew. Main aud Frunl streeLs, Mem-¬

phis, IVnn'frWwHA.LllerHl Advance made on Cotton and other

Produce, blnct aileutiou (dv-- n to filling or-¬

ders, no 10 7am

Sample, JJitchell & Co.,



Mo&by Hunt's Block, np stairsMEMPHIS TEXXESSEE.

V Special attention given to filling all or- ¬

ders for supples. Liberal I ash advance madeon Cotton and other Produce In Store. d2-l-



Commission MerchantNo. 14 Monroe Street,

nov7 are MEVPHIX TEXXESSEE.The I" U'llMin, HolmesN'OTICJO.i day dineWved by mutnal con.

sent. Mr. ieo. c. Holmes withdrawing from thesame. The business will be conducted at theold stand No. 1.1 t'nton streot, by Messrs. Wil-son, Laird A Co., who assume all liabilities, andare alone authorised to settle the buainesa ofthe old firm. S. A. WILSON.


Memphis, Dee. !, IfBS.In retiring fiom the above firm, take this

opportunity of thanking the patrons af theboose lor their past favors, aud respectfullyask continuance of the same.


s. A wrtsov, Ix. a. CAurxx.

at. V.








)nv,ffT, Laird & Co.,C0TT0. FA(T0KS, STUBiwE.COXSIfiSIOS

Aid Forwardiag Irrchaats,No. 18 t'nion Street,

MEMPHIS. TTNN.pecial attention given to storage and the aalef priKiuce aii-- l lut on conimlanion. i

Conslenments respectlully solicitednii-i-

W. A. 1A12TOLKY. LSkte ml fAingley A Co. St. Louland fonuerlyof Brownsville, Term.wt. cat, of Metuphla, Tenn.

Longley & Gay,wholesale asd eetail wRocbbs

Cotton Factors and

Commission Merchants,No. kd FRONT ST.,

aWMoaby and Hunt's Block.novV.'.rn MEMPHIS, TENN,

J A. H. BAST!,UontsvlUe, Ala.



W. DOE.iAX.itemphls, Tenn.

Mast in & Donegan,COTTON FACTORS,

RECEIVING,Commission and Forwarding Merchants

No. 87 Jefferson Straet,deft-l- MEMPHIS, TENN.


Woods, Matthews C Co.,


Commission Merchants.10.1 Ios'dra Nlreet,

"f'g-- - NEW ORLEANS.BOHIKT BL( e k. crrnLata black Pi t nfan. Late Horton. Lates A Co.

Black, Estes Jt Co.,COTTON FACTORS


Commliwlon vfcrchanls.Office, Noa. 1 and A, Mnarry a Hunt' Block

No. 3(1-1- . Front Street,MEMHPIS, TENN.

i onatgnmeait of Cotton, Tr!acco andGrain solh-lte.l- .

furnished at itope and all supplies

nates. novS 3oi

b. arxAacx. t.cmu, b.m'clillaii.Pearce, Park Co.,

Wholesale t d fietall








Groom, Cotton Factors amilom mission Mrrclianfa,

No. ax Front Street, betareen Washington andA Jains Streets,

MI MPHIS. EKP conslantlr n band a large and wellIV Muected stock is Graawiies, bagging Itots,aod Plantation Su iplic. Liberal aTvaucesmade on cotton f..r ilupaeBt or otharwtae.

asvVSra s

J. V. Clark C Co., TCotton and Tobacco Factors


Commission Merchants,to. 1 JfnerWM! MrfM,

Between Frout Row xnd Malu street,MMMeuIB, TtOtXESSEE

Ae-- co-ef- i crsoaai attention aiven all sse.neas enLrusu-- l to ourcare, wllh prompt returns.

vi., as IO.IOWS,his Fln-- t Nittioaal Bank. V. a,

aShicr: r.M linvi-- , I're.ldenL Tniuei. v..Uonal bank, N. B. brrsbin. Cashier: Oeorge KButter, President. Commercial Bank. H. K.Oarth, I ashler; Jesse Page, Jr., President.Okvoso Savings 11 M A vers, snssh.ler; Jua Preadent. Jackson Insu-rance Company, Jos. M. Myerv Sec ; L M. Hill.Treasurer; LB. Klrtlaml President. MemphisInsurance Company, F. M. Cash, Secretary , J.J. Murphy, President. R. Hough, V. 8. Col- ¬

lector of Internal Beveuue ; bam. Tate, Presi- -

dent Memphisaild (.hanenon lUllmad: MesaraLacey A McOhee, FTlngton A HowelL 8.Mnn.aeld A Co., Oilbei . filgbee.

New York-Mes- srv I. R Ktrtiand, Hill A Co.,Bn users. isa 1st



tt Co.,GOCEERs


CQmrnirsftion Merchants,No. 37 J ,,,, Street,


Sr vnil sail aU Country Prodaca consuroedlo nt. Bovaa


P. Weiler,Fashionable Merchant Tailor,

And Dealer in


I. MS Front Straet,Between Union and Oaroao Streat,

MEMPHIS, TENN.All Work Warranted BovS Sm


No. 844 Second St., neax Jefferson,


Keeps constantly on hand the best French,English and ooutch Casnlmerea and Cloth.

Clothing made to order I n the most approvedstyles, with promptness aud dispatch.

del lm





272 Second Street,



Cotton Flannel,SHAKER FLANNEL,




272 Second Street,




Soatbern Wboleale Drag Warehoose


No. 301 A 30.1 Street,MEMPHIS, TENN

and dealers in I'orelgn and Do-¬

IrrtigKj Cheinlcali. Paints, Oils, Dyetafia. Window bias. Seed. Spices, Soaps, Per-¬

fumery. Brushes, Wines and Honors. Patentete., etc. Everything warranted a

tea sua sola ai toe mjwmi prices, or- ¬

ders executed (as In old umesi with 'he utmostfidelity and dispatch. Term Caah or city ac--


F. M. Jacobi & Co.fsPRESCRIPTION

DRUG STORE,5o. 836 rreot Street,

Four Doors North c Oayoso Hoase.


This Boise will be Open Day and SlgBlnovS 3m

MOORE CO.,Cincinnati.








HBSiT B. eebocsom, Agt., Memphla


Importers and Dealer In

Hides, Oil and Leather,


India Rubber Belting,


Farmers, Curriers, and Shoema- ¬

kers Tools and Findings,

Coac. and Boggy Ham

Saddle Baaa, C ollars, Etr


Trace and Breech Chains,

All qnail tie and description.

In OHBrtng our very large and complete assort- ¬

ment of

o o r m

In our Lis,

Wa do so wllh th FULLEST CONFIDENCEthat ww can offer

Batter Inducements to Caah Buyer

than any house In tha Booth west.

uDnaaetad wtlh ess 0 the lsrgwst

Sadtllerr, Hardware and XaoaactarlB.tatabU(hmiDt

luxtum oonntry, ensoies us to oStr onr fsodsas LOW sa they csrs bs had In

SU Iionte or Clarlunatl.

aarasstlv request an exarainaUoa of tsarstock by


before porchaxlng elsewhera.


No. Ml MAIN STREET), Pro vice BaSdma,BbJB dra Httrrnp.





Fire, Marine, Hail Life 4 Accident



Oldest and Safest Companies


Ljirregaiei Capital and iseets Over



Insurance Company,


Organised A. D. 1819.


liedUOD 1,.



Net January


Fire Insurance Company,


Organized d. iaa Net;

N. l.

Organ A. P. IMS.




Life Insurance Company1


Net Assets. JaaaaryDfvtdend 50 par cent.

With the Immense resources of the aboveCompanies, their long and faithful experiencein underwritlnx. and their promptness and lib- ¬

erality In the adjustment and settlement ofLo e. we are enabled to offer to Insurer thebeat possible security against the dangers ofr,re, water ana, upon terms as ravorable as consistent with the hazard incurred.

In the l,lfe Iiepartraiint, the Mutual Benefittanas without a rival.Bel lis entirely MUTUAL, it prod! are d!

vlded among the Policy Holders HI RINGTHEIR LIFE, thus assisting them In the paymen t of Dretnlums.

J It make no EXTRA CHARGES for residencein iennesee, ana its large aceaimvuanon or as-¬set and smsll ratio of expenses, furnish thebast possible guaranty of It stability and per-¬

manency.All Applications for Insurances altbfully at- ¬

tended to, and all Losses Promptly adjusted andpaia at uijs Agency,


Urn. 4 Madiaon Street,PHIR. TKNN



$50,000 00.





Btraixht forward dealing In everv departmentof It extended business, from the receipt of apremium to the payment of a loss, ha renderedlue name

PHCENIX,Of Hartford, Conn.,

AS familiar as any household word ; and fromfar east sunrise to the golden shores of the Pa- ¬

cific slope. Its eminent usefulness as an Insu-rance corporation has been xboroughlv triedand satisfactorily tested. It is now, better thanever, prepared for service and duty In the lineof it profession, with increased SxciliUe or the

cr busiiiees.


Ko. SI Watt Fourth Street,


H. M. MAOILL. Oaneral Aaent.

stores, Dwellings, Elevators,Warehouses, Depots, Cotton Olna, Hotels, Col'aw. Churches Mills, Manufacturing Esiah- -

Us'iments of every deeorlptioa. Vesselsbuilding, a ndergolng resisUrs, or whlla

la port, and Person! Propertygenerally, win be



Bates Conslilf n t with tb HaxatS assumed.

SSlfA."r,n.!' irili Ms-m- l.aud paid bar. In haekshl fun ia

Folic) cw lawnssrl frntptlj by


tAssHtnt Agsnt.

Ko. 1 Kadlsett itmt, up ttatn.

fKntraat n an Front,)







THIS BANK facilities for a

General Banking Business

respectfully otlrrU tha


8AVINCS DEPARTMENT.With a new lo tne enronracement of econo- ¬

my and savings of the Intlustrtsi claaaes. THISHANK will, from and after this date, allow In- ¬

tercast on all deposits of oil DOLLAa or more,yided tr.- - saone remains three months orfrr Ifo JVctftce of Intention to withdraw de- -

poalu Is ary, bnt all deposits ra heldsubje to check, tne stuue as in the rasralarBualness Banking Departmant.

SPECIAL DEPOSITS.It basins; been suraested by the Comptroller

althe Cuneney , an u bf ing provided with a mostample and seeare vault, we will act ae c usto-¬

dian, without chars?, of united Htates Bondsand other reprbseutaUTea of valne, which maybe left with us for sale keeping.

Corner JtHTmon and Main Streets.GEO. R. R UTTER, President.J.B. HUTCHINSON. Vice-Presa'- t

(And Caahler of tbe Xattonal Bank of theMetropolis. Washington City, D. C.)

N. B.novlVdel-3-

liRlSBIX, Cashier.



Office, 22 1-- 2 Madison Street.

DIRECTORSJ. J. MURPHY, Preatdenl;tl. M. AFPEKSUX.J. CCMBtl.CH, JoHxao. of tha honse af G.

ralis A Co.,Josm T. Htbattoh, of th house of Htratton

Goyer A Co.,J. F. Fbaxb,T. A. Nelso.x, of S. il. ft T. A. Nelson a Co.,r. M. Cash.

This Instltntlei. Is prepared to Receive De-¬

posits, to Buy and Sell Kxchange on all thePrincipal Commercial Cities, and to CollectUrafta on this City and all principal points inthis section.

Ke ml 'Lances Promptly Attended vie, 3m F. af. CASH, Secretary.

Scott, Powell Co.,


rOXEIG AXD DOSEhTIC FKHOuK,Block. Bonds, Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, etc.,





Scott. C. A. Nutting.A. H. Powell.



No. 8 Jefferson Street,MEMPHIS. TENN.

Paid lo Capital $258,000

Authorized Capital .... fl,SO0,0M

Is prepared to transact a

GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS.In addition to Its ordinary Exchange and De-¬

posit business, this Bank will open, on the 11thinstant,

A Siivings Department,In which deposits of ONE DOLLAR, or greatersums, will he received, and draw Interest, atfonr per cent-pe- r annum, where the sani. re-¬

mains three rnonths. This affords an opportu- ¬

nity for laying np small savings, and a saf de-¬

pository, where funds will be productive.

st" Accounts of Merchants and others aresolicited.

W. H, CHERRY, President,

A. T. LACEY, Vice President,

R. C. DANIEL, trahler.deeS-l- m


MEMPHISDepository & Financial Agent




General Banking Business.

A. P. BURDITT,of A. P. Bnrdltt A Co. ;

HON. J. W. LEFTWICH,of Leftwlch, Cash A Co. J

S. B BEAUMONT,of Beaumont, Hamilton A Co. ;

L. HOWES,of L. Bowes A Company ;

WILLIAST A. GWYNN,of Foster, Uwynn A Co. ;

R. McOREGOR,of K. McUregox A Co. ;

S. D. MESSES,of Menken, Bros. A Co. ;

r. S. DAVIS,President;

F. W. M1TM,(late Caahler Union Bank of Tenn..)

Vice President ;

C. P NORRIS, Cashier. no3S 3m

Liunber! Lumber!

The subrrlber has on hand for sale, at bis

Yard on Adams Street,Between Front street an,! the Levee, a general

assortment, conslsllng In part of Fram- ¬

ing Lumber, such BS :

Joists. Mils and madding.White and Yellow Pine Floorlne.Clear White Pine dressed.Dressed and Hough Weatherboarrttnf.BheatintL Poplar and Cv press BoardaPlank, Hhlngles, Lath, boors.Hash and Blinds.

Orders promptly filled.ded-l- T. J. RICE.

--A.lo ! Ale ! !


T WOULD respectfully call the attention ofI Merchant and Deaiars, that I am weeklyroreiving a fresh supply, and adding to myalready large stock of the finest Ale and Lagerneer, wnicu 1 isq su.1117 hi siwasass.

1 am also sgent for the celebrated

Kennett Ale and Porter,Put np In half barrel. All of which t warrantVi keep tweet in this cllniste for months.

I also have for aale Foreign and Domesticwine aaa Liauors. toraiai. LosaoiiScotch Ale, sic , etc.

JACOH BTEIJiKCHL,No. 2au Third street,

dgS ,n Library Bnlldtng, near Post office.AW Argui copy.

UuntsvUte, Abu, LIME,To arrive per Memphis and Charleston R. It.

For Sal by R. G. CRAIG A CO..Jackson Block, Main street.

Landre1h Garden Seed,A 'CRAIG'S HEED STORE,

Jackson Block, Main street.

Clover Seed,At CRAIG 8 SEED STORE.


el 778 Main street, Jsckson Black.

Cotton Seed! Cotton Seed It

3000 T1nT&year's aaad. Price par bushel, S3.

.aaa v.,... ciia la Bsraw War- ¬

ranted to be Sound, this yaar's ed. Flea per

" - CO.ROBERT MCGREGORdT-l- o trice, we Front stmt.


J. C. HOL8T A CO.,


NO. 390 MAIN STREET.dsllml



FOREICN IMMIGRATION,Real Estate and Labor Ageney.

piepared to fnrnMi European laheirersAMA toCoal

At the Old

Planters, Kallroads, eal W.Alines, lurintlne v..ri

--44sralsmts, Hotisigeeper ami IIontlce, in any nomlier, on iaeonlivere.1 here or in New Orleans,lily olanter with asrrlculiural

KS, roo inn, Sawmills,tels, at shortlie terms, de- -

will also snp--impieinenls.

labor-savin- g machines, machinery of all de- ¬

scriptions, hetlsevis, terunsvrs. etc., at manu-facturers pricea

I will sell and rent land on commission,which will be advertised In New York. Mem- ¬

phis, New Orleans and Mobile, without chargeto the seller.

Address, W BATTAILE,dacu-l- No. 4 Royal street. Mobile.



On the 1st day of July, lfi, made to the Comp-troller of the xtnlm of Tennessee in couidm- -

mni-- with tbe laws of that Htate, relaUux toAtfent of I aso ran re amptvcles othersutes doinu busuiees !n that Htaue.Tli.- name uf tbe Cnueay is Tne fH. Loots

Mutual Life Insurance company, and la loca- ¬

ted In the city of St. L- im. cooniy of HC Louis,SLsr of Missonrl Pilcied copy of Charterhereto si ticxeu, pagesS to lo lnciusaTe,

Tbe amount of Capital Stock ia flflO.OOn fitTbe aat ... paid up st 7S,usU 00

Notes forTrust


Assets:Loans, amtjiv seonreI hr Deeds nt

nrsi hssbb 01 wvoru aa swneraiiysssnDt it per cent. int rvt ar.-- maturity, onRrul jjttate in tbe city and coanty of StLouis, as schedule aunexcd .L''

Premium notes on polices in force Zi.T77CaWi on hand, in v - m i bank. JStM ioc a txiutis, paniy rjy rwu

Krttate and partly by andoubted per- ¬

sonal secarftyPremiums due on new policies In

hamli of ascent awaitina retornsDeferred reneval premiums 4471 Mnilli receivable, nadocoted m

secarttyAmoanU due fToni a;feu', aud in

eonree of transrabedonOiTbt-- a mi tore, iron safe, etc. Home

Office and Ajendts.Amonnts due from btocabowders for

Re'enne Tax paid on dividend...Rfveiae Htampn, and deposit with

Stale Auditor to pay agent license.

Total assets.

Capital Stock .

exclusive of premiums

Liabilities:Interest to reduce real estst- - stork and

other bonus ani notes to present

Prtut value "t iltv.. lends tl .

1. isbT. lsw and vmPresent value of policies In force


Jj87 71

2M fl

. 1UU.U OU


5RJM8&1ati.035 5itfTrwtt. HI

Reserve Fund for losses ad- ¬

justed and not et due tXJXORewrve Fnmi lor lossew un- -

adjustesl... - Cstssj ouResvrve Fuud for lisvsea re-¬

sisted on around of fla-¬

grant violation of terms ofpolicies .. g. aSAW ft

Riv i ve t uud for own Un4 eli- ¬

des - - 8Rr571 1 rOTl lwGtft,- -

Amonniat RUk Uttjm.The sreatest amoual Insured on any single

life is l.0ii.limit aa to the amount that may be in- ¬

sured In any one county, city, town or village.STATE OF MIKSOCR1. toa

City asd Cocsmr tT. Lor ib, )

Samuel Willi, and WilliamSelbv.Secrei.try of the Ht. Louis Mutual 118Insurance c.'ompanv, belns; sererally sworn,depose and say, and ench for himself says, theforetfotna fcs a full. troe. and correct statementof tire aftairs of the M ompany, that thesaid Insurance Cotiiany is the bonn owner



jy- UO




kmssiDov; siaen. oi wnicn tne nn- -tlon of that Invented in real estate se--upon unencuinbered property in thecounty oi St. Loais, worth double t tieif saki principal loans, and that thesssststMa Investments, nor any part

thereof, are made for the benent of any Indi- ¬

vidual exercHing authority In the maat;ementof said company, nor for any other person orpersons whatever, and that they are tne abovedescribed otneers of said st. Louis Mutual In-surance Company.

Miiioi AM"L WILLI. Piealdt-u-t.

Bijjnedl Wm. T. SaxBT, Secretary.Subscribed and sworn to before me the an- -

derslned. Recorder of Deeds for Saint Loutscounty. In testimony whereof I have here-¬

unto set my hand and onVial seal. This 7tbdav of November. 15.

LSiajued JULICri CON RAD, Recorder.

Rtate or TESyiTSSSjrK,ComptrolIe.8 Office, Naahville, Dec, a, lStA

I, 8. W. Hatchett. Comptroller of the Trea- -aur-- . do hereb certify that tne u iauis bjbjtual Insurance avlii,h, and ecouofAiicu-- wru.

AltAI. s,Alv . w. asawAH.M rwe-- s siw Of "StCry evidence that sJd company baa

compiifd with an tne requirement oi uie lawsof the state of Tenueese imposed on insurancecompanies, and I further certify that Barbourtft Otis, Agents of said company, have also com-plied with the requirements of the laws of theStiUe, made aud provided In such cases:Wherefore, said Insurance Comptuty has au- -

tiior to take rlakA and transact tbe businessof lm u ranee In this Btate, at Memphis andvicinity.

This certificate of Agency must be renewedthe I: days of July and January of each year.

IHlgwal B. W. HATCHETT,delo-s- Ceinptroller, Tenn.

Our Stools.



GUNS, PISTOLS,Accoutrements, Ammunition,



Silver "Ware & Cutlery.All kinds of work done tn th best msnnar

We hare a first class AKTIHT In oar PHO-


F. H. CLARK A CO.,Corner of Main and Madison streets.





SEWING MACHINES.Awarded the Ttlaheat Premium

AT THE WORLD'S FAIR,Jtist held tn London, Eng., where all the Ma-¬

chines of Europe and America were Intition. Also, at the



EVERY UNITED STATES FAIRAt which Sewln, Machines have been exhib- ¬

ited, and is the only Machine using the newstrfe (Iaas Cloth rresaer. Corder, Braider.1 femmer and Feller. Also Qvilis, TitrJts, BintUand Makes a Gather ana Snrt it on a Band ai thesame time, lu the only Machine making the" Lock- - fitch," (alike on bssth sltles, and usingIesa tiiread than any other,) frith the MRola--Cng Motion."

We ortVr the above Machines, with a supplyof thread and fixture, at Ht. '.ou. i prices.Ulve instructions free, snd warrant each ma-¬

chine tab ree yean.No. 233 &a?n Street, Clay Building.

MEMPHIS, TENN.sHO North, Fifth, St.. St. Louie, Mo- -

Send for a circular.AH kinds of work done nt the short- ¬

est notice, and at reasonable ratea. del-I- ra




Were awarded

Tbe Highest PremiumsOver all competitors, at tbe Bute Fairs of New

lora, Vermont, lows. Indiana, Michigan,Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsyliwnta, Ohio

and Oregon, and at every respectableInstitute and County Fair,

held In IMS.

These mschtnee are adaoted to nil descriptionsof work. Tbey hem, fell, cord, ruck, aullt, bind,braid and embroider, with eanal fscillly. Theyare simple, durable, easy managed, and notliable to eel out of order require no rewindingof thread; work equally well with silk, cottonor linen on cotton, silk, linen or woolen fsb- -rlcs. and are the only machine that sew per- ¬

fectly, and embroider perfectly.

Saleroom SOS Mala Street,or-T- Stairs.

All kinds of

Ladles' and Childress' Garnreau,Made up with naatnass and dispatch.

Em brotd err, braiding, cording, m eking. dot ai hrw Tit, ..

303 Main Street,Over ManaAald's Drag Star,

delOlm MEMPHIS, TsVrjT.





The Greatest DiscoveryP W" aar, and the latest Invention of theA.rxeei Djanufscturers of Crlnotrna In thew oild. The

CROWN SKIRTSHave a sepaSoaw. ssirt ItpmrUm,) Wyt. sisei;a. nisviAf sss-i- A iKirina; sha bsbhI year thea.Skirts have Been adopteit throoahoat tkkseoanlry by all the leadin. Dry loorfs Hisivi

cam-- oain is ssmw.i wirn s ( km..,the hand. N. oe are aenuine wilhout it'

THOMSON, LAHGDOJt CO.,Manufacturers and Patentees

Broadway, Mew York.JAS. Q. MOPFATT,

No. ss7 Main street, Hooth of Union, sndP. HILL BR,

Have made arrangement for the above Uoods.


del .lm

NEW SKIRT.FOK ise5-e- .

TH vBEAT mEW 91 THK ibE.

T. w Bradley'sOlebrateU Patent

DUPLEX ELLIPTIC(Or doable Steel Spring


Hole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Cham- ¬

bers aud and Si Read, street.NEW YORK.

This Invention consist of Duplex for two)Elliptic Pubnuded UK!edgce. makint! and durabend or brei.eiuent.y pishape moreSpnna skin

The wondand pleasurtIQllptle SkiiIn all crownailTUsAAi


Ad kir

uvey are su perrne






rieei ingeniouslytty and firmly together, uI the toughest, ukmi eia- ever used. seldoms. the Single Springs, and eon- -

rserve their perfect and beautifulthan as as any Singlethai ever has or ran oe

chun heuasie and



nernen rsrirnnirs.edge


twice longmads.


m... flirtthe Lsi'ileipani'- i...r;y

UUs, opsrras csrnv.'Npews, eriu chairs, fur:. aa tbe skirt cmn beccupy a smail place aa

yed the pleasure,ice of wearing the Isaplex

iktrt for a Moadeday wtblliuaily dispense with theirmisses ana young imdissall others.

hooD ;re sjbjbjbbbbI w.:m two olv donbletwLsted tiiread and will wear twice aa Ions; aathe sinele yai u cover. o which as ssnsl on allsintclc- - steel hoop sklrta. The three bottom rdson every skirt are also double steel, and twiceor double covered to prevent the overtnc fronawearing off loua when dnsap dm downstaim, stone steps, etc., etc., which they areconstantly subject to when in use.

All are made of the new and elegant cordedtapes, and are the bent quality in every part,giving to the wearer the moat graceful and per- ¬

fect shape psiMe, and are unquestionably tbelightest moat dcarabie, conalortable and eco- ¬

nomical skirt ever madaFor ale in all first class attire. Wholesale and

Retail, in this and throughout Um I'nlteastates and .'an.tdas, Havana tie Cuba, Mexico,South, and the West Indies.

a- - latajtUre for the Duplex Ulliptic erDouble sprlii Khlrt.

Bradleja Uuplvx Klllptio Skirt.ComblnlntE eleaance, llahtnes-t- , duraljlllry.

coejfort and economy, and unquestionably themost desirable article made, par sale whsale sud retail by

A COLafai Miiiti St., corner i sMirt St

Brailcy tpit x EllipiU- -

Very flexible, folded easily when In use. tooccupy a small space, and an article of




vlc, ui au say tee, at me

sa Mainjit--

euMy, DsjBwex Elltpti? Skirt,I. of th. best material style and manufacture,

and Use most graceful, d arable aud economi- ¬

cal skirt made, l or sale byRICE, ml st crx,

atVHand aP MaJasSiast.

Bradlr'a lrvplex ElUpttc SfeJrt,The mont popaiar and Oexlbie in us. For

WALKER BRCvX. A CO.,ZS MAin street, Memphis. Tenn.

Kritdloy-- Diiptr-T- . EMIplif Skirt.Is the best quality in every part, gratreful

In whnttti nnil fwln rfswrihl. rv. b tl,d misatLife Company, located at pU. corufortable skirt



compe- ¬




3U Mitin Strort.


S T1S60 X.

DRAKE'S rL.LMATI. BJ ITERS.They puiify, strengthen and Invigorate.They create a haithy appetite.They are an antidote to change of water and

diet.They overcome effects of dissipation and late

hours.They strengthen the system and enliven the

mind.They prevent miasrnaUc and inteiroltwent

fevers.They purify the breath and acidity of the

stomach.They core Lrysperwla and Const lrrJou.They cure Diarrhea, Cholera & Cholera Morbus.They cn re Liver Complaint and Nervous Head- ¬

ache.They are tbe best Bitters in the world. They

make the weak strong, and are exhaaiated na-¬

ture a treat resiorvr. They are made ofSt. (Yoix Hum. :he celebrated Caiiaya Bark.roots snd ' trr, and are taken with

puiKe ulea- -

sare of a beverajv . without regard ts age otime of day. Particularly recommended tsdVllcate pencs-m- . requiring . gente stlmnlart- -

Sokl by ail Grocers, Druggist. Hotels and sa- ¬

loons. Only genuine when the cork Is coveredby our private !'. s. Htarnp. Beware of coun- ¬

terfeits anu rprliled bottles.

P. H. DRAKE ft CO.,21 Park Row. New York.

AGUA do MAGNOLIA.A toilet dellsrht ! The ladies' treasure and

gentlemen Imjoo The "sweetest thine' andlargest quantity, manufactured from the richSouthern Magnolia. I'sed for bathing tne theeand person, to render the skin soft and fresh, toprevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, etc.

It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspira- ¬

tion.It removes redness, tan. blotches, etcIt cures nervous headache and allays lnflsv

m at Ion.It cools, soften and adds delicacy to the skin-It yields a subdued and perfume.It cures musqnito bite and stings of insects.It con tains no material injurious to the skin.Patronised by Actrenses and opera Stmrer.

It is what every Isdv should have. Sold every- ¬

where. Try thai Magnolia Water once and youwill use no other cLgne, perfumery, or toiletwater aiterwards.

DEM AS BARNES fc CO.,Props. Exclusive Attentat, N Y

HAC AN'S MAGNOLIA BALK.Tills is the most delightful snd extraordinary

article ever dise.ivere.1. t rlisiuie. th sun-burnt face and haiidstoa nearly satin texture ofravishing beauty, imparting the marble pu..tyof vouth. A the dsshairae ADpearance so lnvitlH4In th cfty belle of fashion. It removes tan.ft ilas. pimples and roughness from the sktu.leaving the complexion fresh, transparent andsmooth. It contains no imaerlal Injurious totne skin. Patronised by Actress and OperaSingers. It is what every lady should have.(Sold everywhere. Retail pri., VI cents.

Prepared by W. E. HAQAX. Troy, N. V--

Addrees alt orders to

DEM AS BARNES ft CO.,BOV3S-3- f'w Vortt

COLLifBIAN GIIS"An srtlote Distilled from Imported


Pure and Unadultoratad,Rivaling the Schiedam. Hollands or any

other standard artlcl.Excelling the mixture of th many manurae--

turcrs oX the day.

r, (f jfeet Diuretic, the Simplest Stimu- -' int. the Most fitlataile Beverage.

w.stsl by all Druggist sod wrocar through -

Hl tEe country.

General AsCsdeT-i-

NIPOEN A REAKIItT..IS. Main .treat. Memphis.

r. c. ir-KA'-,

ourviayor,Office Corner M and Monroe Street,

w.,naelr.ln.lpnr 0 St'i'On.. Ssfssu rente ol

a.n.1 nnnecrltiBf. in all its branches, prorurRftendedto-- fi- -HU H COTTON LA US FOE SALE,

Near the Mississippi River.

CALL AT OaSTCE.rboasand and Flirty

T OFFER TO SELL m-n !Q. Mlasuavspl

1 Acre" of KTlar s Point, toa--Rlver, within threj""d lwe,v, nuiaa nomhoma Coanty, Jsaav- - betvaen 70S and 8UHelena, Ark- V?"., ..niriv.tion with alrsel- -a res m a hi aj" There la noLltLiJns'sBaaualsalppl Valley, and hi the

7r to-)'-

Y'yary chaup, U early appiica;ion aaad UM partsss wlU call on Mr. WnrrS', J S3 Main Memphis, Tnn., or



NOTICE.of Land im Pay Debts.

4 s arst Mnd t haLaa toss Aswt day o,'nary . 1" t tnVi WtTl.Hls..ss2Sfc?u'a" order .of the . oonty

CooBty. self Us osaJbasSbidder Air), Acres of Laou ijoonded north byir .f ' RJl'0a'l. sndSjuth l.y Wolf River,

in heiov coonty Sale eatawUtUsa U Mrs UA. Isle.tamr. of estate oft V. Tatetonay th. aalAastata,

Term-ilTie-- haif Lasfc, And the balance ontwelve i. p. v, i t caark.M f. E Att y

Chamcertj tmie of CMj iTojxrty,AT PUBLIC AUCTION.

On Friday, I3th Janusr) , iw;.Chancery side of the Common Law au.1 Chan- ¬

cery Coon the city of Memphis,D. Fergiinn es. Henry Wade. AleiAiidrr

trsalue, snd W. .

BY virtues an Interlocutory decree mde in.hove on tne Id dav of186,1 will, PrMav, 12th war of J .1, ,USM, at the Coon K n. door rwtw..hours of IS and rr.'eloek St., sell si pctlon IB following dew rtbel real Sal it

Lea No. .a, srvw, ra bsoesr Sfco. It. frm,'.i' ,

F31' street, seventy-liv- TT feet, and : ni

Of Angaeta Krstltnuu andb. Sssj dvessssad.

' Gutirdiunsli ip

County Coon of Shelby C oamry , 1

I Pwrsnaaea an order of Hinard.Ja.lga of said Court, all t.aid OruArUuuistip at ueieoy eotlt!Krtday. Inc. 3th. IShS, I will uss 1aa sueh Oosnltso before the tlerk .1

At hi office, lu the elty of MeriphlraKNKT o. HI NT.

December USth. lass.

Chaccri, Sale Km IWilliam B. Lvttt m. Vlrmnis isrtuo

'ill r . J AUred tsartrauui,man and others.

T virtu, of an Interlocutory deof woveml-er- . lssfi, in the

Chaiacery Court iail on Friday, n

lie Auction, ia frin the ctty of MeLc and H' si., rne It wlt : Lot 1A fi

IsS1, fet in d.extension of tl

1 verms of sale. Csr--

Deeeaaber 11. isaj.

DIa- -a

Trustee's Sale.1T virtue of a deed of trut exetrutfd19 x tniete t.y Mary J. iLixms.

coti-tea- of her K


iJth dao' of JsUy, Istki. and swssafstssl 1

Resdaters office of Shelby Teatin took Lea TS, Ai. i and sy, on tue bif August, ftt, to secure the payment c

tain Dotea therein wpeetflcd. I wilt sefl a;Auctwn to the hixheat bidder, for casvh. tnof the businesa house of itoyster, TntxeaCo., on seco-- d street. In tiie of Mexbetween JeiTerMoa an Adams ttreetA. fiJth day of January, la, between the ho11 and 12 o dock am., the foliowing trLand, sis: lying and being in tbe cjuHheiby. and mate of Tennessee, and bsjas f iNUowa, vn hespnnlngat the southw- -


eJaasesof Stsructuresv

from a stake, irom whtet. w. , yree link stand a white oak saarfce:lence north tweuty-tw- o chains lo isie on me wesi rrsnx or cane creek ; then---

east twenty to a staae; thanes souittwenty-tw- o chain toastakei theneawass wrtltha north side said avenue twenty -- "-- uthe beglnnlnsT, eontaininc fhrTv-fon- r scree, v,nation east, being at he northwest corner oa uact land sold t.. .. iiLundy, administrator of J. C Lund v. deswaaedand sold by A. G. Ellis Lo J. C McMauua, and JC. McJfanus to Mary J. Harman. Theriglit .,redemption Is expressly waived, and tha said land Is considered uieiuestionAble. .1

convey as trustee only.JOHN O. LONSDALE, TnweeMemplts, December Tth. 1M5.

Tru1Y vriTI'EI) B) BBS


VemphMar. mWk

men. certain boni and eoainamed i.nd de rlled. and wbicnand untski thesafd trust deed be!lu the Keaiater's athceOJ Prhelbv

Book No. U, isaaes JXL jr, jjnwill, the th nav r.f rA,r,.i.rv.the Lot and a.m.."iitHoteL proceed sell tha bfeneat bldde- -

tne tog lota dsntsexuon tne c

la. 1W. sndcorner of Mah:



of Work.










s St

xf tool



onrs of 10 12

to toCath, follow of ound.

ks laItttlalabelievnl utbacood. out

invey a traateea.E. . DAVITT,tF. TITLa. JTrostee.

Trustee's Sal.BT virtue of a deed ot Lmst to n-

by R Snoner. on the ITth May, l&2,and duly re ordssl in the . n'rTjce ofrlhelhy Teaneeaee. ou tAie zkl Msv --.1 '

tn book No 51. pugei- - m, and i.L 1 wLl eUJw cash, to the highest .idder. in front of thw

taa, the following realIn the city or Mempsrrllied as follows, lo- -,

tersection of the westthe wrath side of JeOViwardly with tha sou 11

forty feet ; thenceline with Main streeiInches: thence esatwsJetTersou street, forty

del tds

A LLJ etth r sfor Titles to Real F!sy

aaAelrtasHnns wi4


all Family tic





Sisal said





Xotire to Crediivrs of Tht$.person having claims against Thomas

pMtsrs, rTtnelpai or

us with all the evidences of debt or other obli-¬and also the securities hekl hj I

and any person having IVeds or Title p".

said Petars Estate since 18. will please sena usa stSeteanent of the Property and date ot Dm lor Bond- - lit papers have ail been iost or de- ¬

stroyed, and without some ahowiag from thparties interested, tt --rill be rmr;SK.bre for h:iuu. settle with his creditors.dec3-l- WLKEKSHAM 4 BEECH KK.

Trustee Sate.If virtue of a doed In trust tn SBstWecuted byI P. U. Meath, to satisfy - r Ii TlllssBMllii I ss

therein meutioned, and due to W. L. stcAiaryft Co., and unpaid.l will epore toaale.and seflto the Udder, tor cash, on the iiHh dayof Janiisrv lssti, tn front of the door leartras: uthe court roosu In Greenlaw buiidinsj. Bearthe corner of Second and Union Mrtrt. mMemphis, Tennessee, lots Nos I AnNo. a, at the sontbwtet corner of Shelby and

streets, in Memphis, Tenn. ?a.e ;13 SI. B. A.

drt'Md Trut-e- .

ihTgd15 bytbe state



Election yotice.of s writ of election to me directed.

Hon. William Hi mor .t

oITetinea. I will me!, .tion Ateach of the usual voting places, in each civilSSStill I iu Shelby counlv. on

December 28th, 1S6S,for two members of the House or Iteore- -lives to All the vacancies occASioued by th res-¬

ignation of the Hon. J. M. Tonieny and Hon.M T. Rvder.

The following persons are hereby appointe--Judges aud Deputy sheriffs lo hold said elec-

tion:1st. Dutrirf Judge. R N Bond. fam. noo- -

laas, J. a. DlekiDAon ; Deputy Suenir. ThoiuuJrl'7w-Judge- s. Daniel Corbelt. H. P.

Thompson, a, P. Lignaw ; Deputy heruT. J. C.Campbell.

si Z)uJncr. Judges, Charles i W. W .

Dbsssbssbu J'.hn Hanliag: Deru'y .vhenfl". Col.umbus Crenshaw.

Uh. Pislncr.-Jndg- ea, F. W. Hlnes. Jsmes -

roil and F. Heater;, . M. Se.t- -terwalte.

Sth. Z)iBTicf.-1- st. foil, Engine House Jud.e.,John Glancy. E. O. Mafaoney, John Turner;Depatv yheriu. O. Dwyer.

cAtt.lMttrid.-- M. Poil.3 Engine House-Ju- dj.

F. W. Buttinghaas, M. aelig, Thomas Leunarl ;Sheriff s. T Morgan.

HA. Dutrvt J iidrf.-s- . a. M. Allen, H. R. V

ford, W. H. -- a.r:ff.a W.Vrr .r.7IA IMMrirLluis--- u. M. Bartlett, E. Pull- ¬

man. J. a Mercer; Deputy Sheriff, James Hol- -Baag - --

9tA rsstnl I F. P. Thomas, J. M.Thonips. n, S. C. Horn ; Deputy Sheriff, 8. p.

1tXItrirt. Judges, M. Rogers. M. L Wil- -S W. H. Webber; Deputy Sheriff, M. J.

r?iWiiO--T- . C. Bleckley B. B. Newsll, J.Ai..u.whiia: Dsouiy Bswriff, H. Irty.

riA, hwt let -- Judges, W.H, Walker. W.JC.HAITM;n.J, H. Townaeud; Deputy Sheriff. B.

Iii;Sli.'w-- 0. m.Thoma,H ISjputT Hheilff, D. Hlluatorand.

W. I..Lnady, L. Xaarence; Deputy Sheriff. J. w."iSkAAfrwx. f. I'M, i Engine Hou-

Juilges. T. A- Hsnillfiin, Mliehucl Burke, Johnp Iwputy BhATW.F. V Leula.

141A-- lAsfru-t-M- . Fulj, 7 Engjno Hmau -

Judites. Martin Kelly. J. f. WliHberly, "". W.

Jonia; Deputy sheriff. Joseph Taas.lit. .DMrt-Judg- es, B, B. STTler B. U.

Gliason, Dr. Thomas; Deputy Sheriff, w- -

Cotton.iA. ijttirict- Judges, E. Brooks. J: H. te.l- -

lau, W. Mapaa; Deputy Hherlff, B. W. Brooke17IA. Xhtiits FWdlna Sxuith. Jerry Maasey,

A. IL flnailiss; jsQlij Sheriff, Ervin Uak- -

ejepnty SherlnBi Jsdgea,!Ur.--- - sw';be required In all things to clv., slaws of the state defining aud Uniltts .

tfr. francnis. Is?puty sheriff. w 1rlra. in.?returns '.o me at heouasouiw Block, Second Sgr

e.rta Ohertrrsbelbv Cocntv.



QoT.rainfi Vlaitorw

WMWOOD CElfirTEl.Y.tctcr slfht months ago,

guards frrini the

sneioy uounty irWilli: 11 vlir irsvaautAA..x,ta?uln Hoist


onlc the Cemetery.

the river

i GeKta




V M. WI.M t.K




I . .

ISili- -

I ,H n,wl rimes st J. C.

-- i :





.oonuT at Uayoso andhad st all times a th.raoft.aTKV.AKT.



For Sale,Miisussippt

r. MKa, ax mile.a fine neighborhood :between f --e hundred aud artydred asm i. enltlvaUon.

ttS leaseand lour huu- -

PrcM aad fiaai lwsfaa.There cmn he Bought with tha PlaceEight hundred buahela of Corn.Two hundred and afty head e KjoThirteen bead of Castle

iliht DuiKlrMbajshASo CottTiusLsiAuln. Mill and Gin BaidWtth Plows, Hoe.. Chalna'ata.

The above a a veryand a Bargain can he had by SSaSS.VSt'cation to lPolvrPPdaw-lt- No. t PtaU