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Revaluing the Self: Your Opinion of Yourself is the Only One That Matters 24 July 2014 - 8:46pm| Simon Nightstar Channeler:Simon NightStarr Divine Self:Truly, it is your opinion of yourself that is the only opinion that matters. This opinion about yourself, which is your self-perception, is literally the only one that manifests your personal experience; it is the only one that matters, as it literally creates and shapes the matterthe materialof your personal reality. My children, your opinion far exceeds the words that you use. Your opinion is actually expressed in all of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, convictions, understandings, actions, creations and in all of your results.Your Opinion Reflects Your Inner World of Emotion and FeelingYour opinion is your attitude, how you FEEL within yourself. When it comes to the subject of "opinions," most of you do not usually think of it in terms of the opinion that you hold of yourselfwhich is really about your mood, the overall FEELING that is vibrating, resonating and radiating within youbut rather you often believe that opinion is a perception that is held about "others" and situations in the "outer world," which is not actually the case. Your opinions, My children, really reflect your "inner world" of emotion and feeling, the psychic atmosphere of your inner self-perception.You are each learning to catch your attention more often when it wanders far off into the country of "otherness," for it is only within a centered NOW-focus of Oneness in which you perceive all others as One with you, that you truly appreciate the other as your brother, your sister. Notice that the word "brother" contains "other," for this is a reminder of who others truly AREfamily! I suggest to all that you allow yourselves to become more AWARE of your inner world of emotion and feeling, the realm of imagination in which you are constantly shaping your "past," "present" and "future" experiences through your present focus of attention, for mastery of how you consciously choose to feel in your inner world is also mastery of what you deliberately choose to experience in your physical reality. Just as all "others" that you perceive are characters in your personal "passion play," so too are "you" a character in the drama (which originally means "action") of all others who perceive "you."Concerning the Opinions of Others, Just Relax!Most of you are so "certain" that you "know" what the opinion of another is, when often this is not a clear reflection of True Certainty at all. Just because you may see, read and/or hear something, which your mind gives an interpretation to, does not mean that what you perceive is the Absolute Truth of the matter. The Divine Truth of all matter(s) is that EVERYTHING is essentially Spirit. (The terms "Divine Mind" and "Divine Spirit" both refer to the same Divine Reality.) Generally, as humans you very, very often assume that your opinions/perceptions are "correct" in an ego-based, "absolute" way, as opposed to aligning with the joyous perspective of your Higher Self, and I remind you, My children, that you may indeed relax any agitation in your life experience and bring it to peace, simply through a more consistent practice of surrendering negative judgments.Your Higher Self Has a High, Love-based Opinion of YouMany of you speak of "ascension" while simultaneously resisting ascending your own opinion of yourself, your own self-perception. The correction for any misaligned perception (simply meaning a perception that adheres more to worry and fear than confidence and well-being), is to offer it to the Holy Spirit (your Higher Self) for purification. In other words, this is a revaluation practice of continually checking-inchecking withinyour inner world of emotion and feeling to gauge whether your awareness is in alignment with love or with fear, and this is something that requires little effort, just an attitude of self-honesty about what your heart TRULY desires. Choose wisely, My children! Choose DIVINE LOVE!Remember that your Higher Self has an enlightened opinion of you, or else It would not be given the label "Higher," which is just a reminder of your Heavenly Nature. Many of you forget that You (your True Self) has a Divine Plan for "you" (your personal self), and I AM reminding you, seeker of Light, that simplicity is your True Nature. Why complicate your lives when you can expand your consciousness much faster through a greater willingness to RELAX? Why worry about the opinions of others? Your opinion of yourself is the only one that really matters for you! You may embody this truth (which is also an opinion, although an empowered one) more than ever before, if you so desire.Give others a high opinion of yourself, which is a gift of appreciating them equally as well. This is revaluing the self, which is updating and upgrading your self-perception. Amen.