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Fighting against factory farms

Summer 2013 | Issue 16World Society for the Protection of Animals

Stopping wild animal exploitation

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Appeals update

Hello and welcome to your summer issue of WSPA News, the magazine that brings you news of how you’re protecting animals by supporting the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA).Summer sees the launch of WSPA’s 2013 Big Bear Rescue appeal, focusing on the bears that still need to be saved from cruel and illegal captivity in Romania. Turn to page 8 to fi nd out how your donation could help save bears, just as many supporters did for Jimi and Jexi last year. (Read their happy ending on page 11).

Welsh factory farm At the time of printing, we’re waiting for news on the outcome of our campaign to prevent a factory-style dairy farm being built in Powys, Wales. WSPA supporters have been instrumental in helping us oppose the plans, which could see a great number of cows kept indoors all their lives. Discover how the campaign unfolded on page 4.

Stop the exploitation of wild animals WSPA’s recent appeal – asking supporters to make a donation that could help stop the exploitation of wild animals – has fallen considerably short of its target and needs to raise another £113,000. It is not too late to help. Turn to page 12 to read our exclusive interview with Dr Neil D’Cruze on how WSPA is fi ghting back against the cruelty of wildlife trade and farming, and to fi nd out how you can give to this appeal.

Superstar supportersWe’re very fortunate to have some particularly dedicated and determined supporters who have

Making progress for animals gone to superhuman lengths to raise money for WSPA this year. Read about their amazing feats to help protect animals on page 15.

Christmas catalogueIt may be summer, but the more organised among you will soon be thinking about Christmas, so we’ve included WSPA’s Christmas catalogue with this issue of WSPA News. Order from here or our online shop at and you’ll be raising funds for animals as you shop.

Thank you for your fantastic support for WSPA. It is your amazing generosity and compassion that will succeed in moving the world to protect animals.

Suzi MorrisDirector, WSPA UK

CONTENTS03 Using your voice for animals 04 Fighting back against factory farms06 Your support is helping protect

dogs and people08 URGENT APPEAL: Rescuing more

bears from illegal, cruel captivity10 Liviu Cioineag – committed to

caring for bears11 Jimi and Jexi – from factory to freedom12 The big fi ght back14 Your Will could change the

world for animals15 WSPA’s superstar supporters

Contact WSPA WSPA would love to hear what you think of this issue of WSPA News. Please contact us with your views. WSPA, 222 Grays Inn RoadLondon, WC1X 8HBTelephone: 020 7239 0500Fax: 020 7239 0654Email: [email protected]: Sarah HemingwayDesigner: by: Caxton Press LtdProduced by: Mailbird LtdCover photo: © WSPA/Jimi Rezac Unless otherwise stated all images are the copyright of WSPA.WSPA News is published by the UK offi ce (registered charity 1081849) of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

Help needed to rescue bears

With around 20 bears in Romania still in desperate

need of saving, WSPA are hoping that we can rely

on the generosity of supporters to kindly donate to

our 2013 Big Bear Rescue appeal. A donation from

you could rescue bears from cruel captivity and

give them a life of freedom at the newly-expanded

sanctuary. Turn to page 8 to fi nd out more.

Stopping cruel animal exploitation

Our appeal highlighting the exploitation

of wild animals as pets and products has

raised £87,000 but there is still a long way to

go before we achieve our target of £200,000.

This money could allow WSPA to do more

to help wild animals that are being used and

abused for profi t. It isn’t too late to donate –

please visit

Protecting donkeys and horses in Israel

Thank you to the thousands of you who supported

our Donkey Rescue appeal. You raised over

£230,000 to help abandoned and injured donkeys in

Israel. Donkeys like Michaela and her foal Spindles

whose legs were deformed because his mother

had been neglected. Both donkeys are doing well

at Pegasus and Spindles is being monitored closely

after his fi rst set of casts were removed.

Be part of itAre you part of WSPA’s social networks yet? See more news, photos and

videos of the animals you help protect on:

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Your voices heard: WSPA’s campaigns protect and improve the lives of animals all around the world

Love Spain, hate bullfi ghting? Your voices could stop increased government support for bullfi ghting

Caged cruelty: these bears are farmed for their bile in South Korea. If a new bill is passed it could be a thing of the past

Fighting for wildlife: these fur coats made of illegal animal fur were seized by the WCU right here in the UK

Your voices heard: WSPA’s campaigns protect and improve the lives of animals all around the world

Love Spain, hate bullfi ghting? Your voices could stop

Caged cruelty: these bears are farmed for their bile in South Korea. If a new bill is passed it could be a thing of the past

Fighting for wildlife: these fur coats made of illegal animal

CONTENTS03 Using your voice for animals 04 Fighting back against factory farms06 Your support is helping protect

dogs and people08 URGENT APPEAL: Rescuing more

bears from illegal, cruel captivity10 Liviu Cioineag – committed to

caring for bears11 Jimi and Jexi – from factory to freedom12 The big fi ght back14 Your Will could change the

world for animals15 WSPA’s superstar supporters

Using your voice for animalsCampaigning for the protection and improved welfare of animals is a key part of how WSPA goes about creating a better world for animals.A crucial component of most campaigns is the ability to show decision-makers that the public are behind them. By supporting WSPA’s campaigns, you become part of a collective voice that speaks out on behalf of animals around the world – a voice made louder with each additional person that joins in. Read on to fi nd out more about how WSPA supporters are speaking up for the protection of animals in 2013…

Taking action against bullfi ghtingThank you to nearly 13,000 WSPA supporters in the UK who signed our petition urging the Spanish Government to scrap plans for a law to protect and promote the practice of bullfi ghting – an outdated spectacle that causes the slow and tortuous death of a bull. Last month a public hearing was held in the Spanish Parliament on the proposed law to declare and support bullfi ghting as part of cultural heritage.

The fi nal vote is expected in early September, directly after the summer recess, so it is crucial that we continue to put pressure on Spanish politicians. WSPA and our coalition partners will present the petition to the Spanish Embassy before the vote so there is plenty of time for you to play your part and add your name.

South Korea urged to vote out bear bile WSPA supporters are deeply committed to stopping the intense cruelty of the bear bile industry, where bears are held captive and farmed for their bile. Enabled by its supporters, WSPA has been working to end this terrible cruelty for the last 20 years.

In 2011, 160,000 of you signed WSPA’s petition to help convince the South Korean Government to phase out the bear bile industry.Progress has been slow but at the time of printing, the South Korean National Assembly is about to vote on a bill which aims to stop the breeding of bears farmed for their bile and calls for the closure of the country’s 53 bear bile facilities – protecting the bears currently being held captive within South Korea’s bear bile industry. Jang Hana (the South Korean MP who put forward the bill) said:

“MPs [should] pass this law so that we protect the bears of South Korea from the inhumane and unnecessary bear bile industry.”

This vote is a critical step towards ending the exploitation of bears in South Korea – something that is supported by both the South Korean public and WSPA supporters alike. If you stood up for bears by signing WSPA’s petition you will be thrilled to hear that your voice is making a difference – without your continued support, this would not have been possible. WSPA hopes to share further good news in the weeks ahead!

Supporters urge MPs to help tackle wildlife crime In the UK, WSPA supporters have been urging their MP to sign an ‘Early Day Motion’ (a parliamentary petition for MPs to sign) calling for them to support WSPA’s campaign to tackle illegal wildlife trade by protecting the future of wildlife crime police such as the London Metropolitan Police’s Wildlife Crime Unit (WCU), with sustainable funding. To date 111 MPs have already signed up making it the third most popular EDMs this year but we need you to continue to put on the pressure.

The survival of the WCU has been assured until April 2014 thanks to WSPA agreeing to provide up to £100,000 of funding – an amount we now must raise. You could help by supporting our appeal to protect wild animals from exploitation – and by contacting your MP.

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Make your voice heardYou can keep up to date with the latest updates and actions online at

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Page 4: WSPA News Summer 2013

Ever since plans to build factory-style dairy farms in the UK began, WSPA and our supporters have been saying a strong ‘No!’ to factory milk and fighting back to protect dairy cows from intensive farming methods.At the moment in the UK, around 90 per cent of our dairy cows roam and graze in fields from spring through to autumn; a sight that many of us consider very much part of the fabric of our countryside. Yet the remaining 10 per cent of dairy cows in the UK are confined indoors all year round and this could be set to rise if we don’t stop it now.

Grazing not guaranteedThe ongoing threat of industrial-style factory farms means that more and more cows could be forced to live in confined conditions, at greater risk from painful illnesses, unable to express their natural behaviour, with little or no time spent on grass.

Factories or fields for cows?The dairy industry in the UK seems set to take a sinister turn. Taking cows out of fields and putting them into US-style ‘mega dairies’ or factory farms would see our countryside, our environment and our milk changed forever, within a generation. And it’ll be cows that pay the highest price – with their wellbeing.

Cows in distressCows face a short, miserable life in industrial farms, burning out from being forced to produce huge volumes of milk and with

little or no chance to graze outdoors. Many suffer from painful illnesses such as mastitis (inflammation of the udders), along with inadequate care and poor living conditions. But with the help of its supporters, WSPA is doing everything in its power to stop this becoming a reality for even more cows.

Powys story: progress so farBuilding on our past success in Nocton, Lincolnshire, where thousands of you helped stop plans for an 8,000-cow factory farm back in 2010, WSPA once again called on its supporters to help fight off another application for a factory farm, this time in the Welshpool area of Powys, Wales.

Controversial plansIn 2011, the small village of Leighton near Welshpool found itself facing the very real possibility of a factory farm being built on its doorstep. An enclosure for 1,000 cows at Lower Leighton Farm would have been built next to a primary school. The resident cows would be kept indoors for most of the year, becoming little more than pieces of machinery at the heart of a factory operation. As part of the Not in My Cuppa campaign it was important for WSPA to stand up against these plans.

WSPA campaign manager Carol Lever explains: “If they can build it here (in Welshpool) they can build it anywhere. Intensive dairy farms damage the environment, pose a risk to human health and put more of a strain on ever more hard working, overburdened, exhausted dairy cows. We must choose a future that is economically, environmentally and ethically responsible – and sustainable.

Fighting back against factory farms

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Erum quate pro volut idus, serum ipsapis quibus est eates aut quibuscitium rerum eosa dolorese net

Powys: As it happened…

November 2011: Powys County Council ignore their own planning experts and vote in favour of a 1,000-cow mega-dairy.

WSPA rallies its supporters to campaign against the proposed farm and joins forces with local group CALFe (The Campaign Against Lower Leighton Farm expansion) and other charities to get the application ‘called in’ (investigated further) by the Welsh Government.

January 2012: The fi ght takes a dramatic turn as the Welsh Environment Minister ‘calls in’ the application, following a public outcry and pressure from WSPA supporters.

November 2012: Powys County Council overturns its own decision and rejects the proposals for the farm.

February 2013: Welsh MP Joyce Watson supports the campaign after visiting the proposed location for the farm, arguing, “A dairy this big in a village this small would have a huge, harmful impact. Industrial farms would be bad for cows, bad for farmers, bad for consumers and bad for the environment.”

March 2013: A two-week independent planning inquiry is made by the Welsh Government into the plans for the farm.

WSPA gives evidence against the plans, stating: “As well as having a poor quality of life, battery cows such as these could face a higher risk of disease, injury and premature death. Not only would this type of system be bad for the cows but also for the environment and health of the local people.”

WSPA also directly challenges the claims made by the farmer who is behind the proposals. Although the farmer said that his cows would have some grazing outdoors, WSPA pointed out that this wasn’t guaranteed and indeed most of the cows would be indoors all year round.

Power of your voices Roger Clegg, Chairman of local group CALFe said: We couldn’t have carried on our campaign against this factory dairy farm without the help of WSPA supporters. It helped to know we weren’t alone in this – that other people cared enough to take action. Without WSPA we wouldn’t have got very far – the support has made a big difference. WSPA has also opened our eyes to how we treat farm animals. I really hope that we never have to accept this, or any other factory dairy farm.”

Tweet all about itHere are WSPA campaign manager Carol Lever’s top tweets on the battle to ban the Powys factory farm.

Decision dayThe planning inspectorate wrote up the report from the inquiry in May this year, which is now with the Welsh Government at the time of WSPA News going to print. We hope the government will make a decision around August this year. Stay tuned on Twitter at for the result.

WSPA voices: WSPA’s Carol Lever and CALFes Roger Clegg (right) attended the inquiry with expert witness Mike Appleby

CALFe campaigners: concerned villagers and parents have come together to oppose the proposed mega-dairy

WSPA voices: WSPA’s Carol Lever and CALFes Roger Clegg (right) attended the inquiry with expert witness

CALFe campaigners: concerned villagers and parents

to ban the Powys factory farm.

Tweets WSPAUK @notinmycuppa

Today we are in Cardiff to talk to @AssemblyWales

re: avoiding repeating USA’s factory dairy mistakes

WSPAUK @notinmycuppa Welshpool mega-dairy would create ‘mountain of manure’ via @dailypostwales 

WSPAUK @notinmycuppa #Powys farmer says risk to human health posed by

farm ‘minimal’. Ignores experts who say kids near

large-scale farms have > [higher] rates of asthma.

WSPAUK @notinmycuppa Not just primary school children’s health maybe affected by #Powys ‘mega dairy’ also village hall toddler & baby groups (next door to farm)

WSPAUK @notinmycuppa The @wspauk team at #Powys ‘mega dairy’: “Isn’t

it normal to keep a cow in a fi eld?” Vet witness for

factory dairy: “no”



Animals in farming

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As a nation of dog lovers, it breaks our hearts to know that across the world, dogs are brutally killed every day in cruel culls triggered by people’s fear of rabies. It’s terrible enough if one dog loses its life in a cull, but nothing short of tragic that this happens to millions of dogs every year – and all for a disease that can be prevented.

Many people might see it as an impossible task to try to stop anti-rabies culls from happening, but WSPA supporters are never ones to turn a blind eye to animal suffering. Your outstanding support of WSPA’s Collars not Cruelty campaign is helping us to show governments all over the globe that there is another way: vaccinating dogs to stop the spread of rabies. Not only does this method stop the needless and cruel killing of millions of dogs but WSPA has proven it is a more effective method to control the spread of rabies and protect human populations. Thanks to you, we’ve been able to make real progress in stamping out this disease in dogs and ending such senseless deaths.

Collars not CrueltyYour support is helping protect dogs and people

Mexico and Dominican Republic We are sharing the success stories of rabies-free countries with other countries to show how effective vaccinating dogs against rabies can be. The state of Puebla, Mexico, has been free of dog-rabies for four years, thanks to its dog vaccination programme. We took the Director of the National Rabies Control Center from the Dominican Republic to see Mexico’s projects in action and together with your help, we are supporting him to launch vaccination programmes in his own country to save as many dogs’ lives as possible.

ZanzibarThis summer, WSPA supporters’ generosity will be helping us kick-start a rabies vaccination programme with the Government of Zanzibar. We’ll be doing a survey to fi nd out how many dogs there are, where they are and who owns them. This information will help us start stamping out rabies by vaccinating at least 70 per cent of the dog population (the fi gure needed to stop the disease spreading). We hope our success will inspire other African nations to use rabies vaccination programmes too.

Map of protectionThis map shows you how your generosity is helping protect dogs in many different countries…


Animals in communities

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China You have made it possible for WSPA to team up with the China Animal Disease Control Center (CADC) on a pilot project that has the potential to save as many as half a million dogs from being killed in response to outbreaks of rabies. We hope that the resulting reduction in the incidence of rabies will convince the Chinese Government to roll out this humane approach to rabies control right across China.

Sri Lanka From 2007 to 2012, WSPA supporters funded a project with the Blue Paw Trust in Sri Lanka’s capital city Colombo. Here WSPA urged the authorities to stop their cruel and ineffective mass culls and allow us to vaccinate dogs and spread the word to local people instead. In 2012, the number of dogs with rabies fell to just three, from a previous average of 35–40 dogs per year during 1992 to 2007. It’s a great success that we’ve shared with 11 other governments and real proof of just how WSPA supporters’ donations can improve the lives of both animals and people.

BangladeshYour support has helped us vaccinate 49,000 dogs against rabies in the Cox’s Bazar and Tongi regions as part of our Collars not Cruelty project in Bangladesh. Your support is also helping us offer advice and guidance to the Bangladeshi Government about the possibilities of running vaccination programmes in other parts of the country.

Bali WSPA supporters’ generosity towards our 2010–2011 mass dog vaccination project helped save hundreds of dogs from being killed and the number of human rabies cases fell 35 per cent in just six months. The project has been such a success that the Balinese Government and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations have joined together to continue our efforts on this beautiful island.

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Animals in communities

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Donna and Ray’s storyFor Donna and Ray, your help can’t come soon enough. Both around 20 years old, these two bears have known nothing but the limitations and frustrations of life in a cage. Their owner bought them from a zoo as cubs and has kept them in a small cages at his property ever since.

Donna and Ray have probably never felt grass under their feet, nor climbed trees. They have little shelter from the summer sun nor the harsh Romanian winter wind and snow.

It won’t be easy to rescue this pair because their owner and the local authorities are trying to claim that the bears are legally owned and so can’t be confi scated – but we know this isn’t true. Romanian law states that bears can only be legally kept in zoos that meet EU regulations, in cages that are suffi ciently large enough. This owner has no legal permit and Donna and

I want to help rescue bears like Donna and Ray

Makeshift home: Donna and Ray are kept in a labyrinth of small cages on a farm in RomaniaMakeshift home: Donna and Ray are kept in a labyrinth

Since 2005, WSPA and its partner Millions of Friends Association (MFA) have been fi ghting the cruel, illegal captivity of bears in Romania. Thanks to WSPA supporters, over 72 bears are living at the sanctuary. But this success meant there was no more room at the WSPA-funded bear sanctuary, so last year, we turned to our loyal supporters to help fund an essential expansion. Once completed, we got on with rescuing bears and another seven have already been brought to a new life of peace and safety at the sanctuary.

Rescue missionWe think that around 20 or so bears are still enduring a life in cruel captivity, illegally caged in run down zoos, tourist attractions, or even kept as backyard ‘pets’. These bears look out at nature from the inside of their cage. Without WSPA and without you, that’s as close as they’ll ever get to freedom.

So in our Big Bear Rescue Christmas appeal, we called on the generous compassion of WSPA supporters to help us get started on the rescues.

Seven bears safe thanks to youWith your generous response to our appeal, once the Romanian winter was over, WSPA and MFA were able to rescue a further seven bears. Jimi, Jexi, Luca, Tariku, Koda, Prince Charles and Winnie now enjoy the freedom and wide-open spaces offered by the newly-expanded sanctuary.

More bears need your helpEach one of these seven bears’ lives has been transformed beyond recognition. Where once they paced back and forth in a cramped cage, they now climb trees, cool off in pools, rest in dens and explore the acres of woodland and meadows. But WSPA and MFA still need to help the 20 or so bears being held in cruel and illegal captivity in Romania. We can’t abandon them to their fate. But we need your help to do it.

Rescuing more bears from illegal, cruel captivity

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I want to help rescue bears like Donna and Ray


DE: 13066W



Here is my gift of: £24  £36  £48  other £  Here is my £300 that could rescue a bear

Please debit my:  Mastercard     Visa     CAF Charity Card     Amex

Card no:  

Expires: /

Signature: Date:

OR I enclose a cheque  /  CAF cheque  /  postal order, made payable to WSPA WSPA send acknowledgement letters for donations over £5. If you do not want an acknowledgement for your donation please tick here

Please print your details clearly below




Increase the value of your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you Yes, I am a UK taxpayer and would like WSPA to treat all donations

I have made in the last four years and all future donations (unless I notify you otherwise) as Gift Aid donations.

Your donations can be Gift Aid donations if you pay enough income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax (VAT and council tax do not count) that WSPA (and any other charitable organisation you may support with Gift Aid donations) will reclaim in each tax year (currently 25p for every £1 given as a Gift Aid donation).

Registered charity no. 1081849

Your donation will help WSPA to protect animals from cruelty and suffering, including those featured in this appeal.

We’d love to keep you updated on how you are protecting animals. If you are happy for us to contact you, please fi ll in your details below.




Ray’s cage is far too small for them. So we are determined, with your help, to rescue these bears. There are even rumours of more bears being on the property – it is believed that Donna and Ray have had fi ve cubs over the years!

BalooAnother bear who we know many WSPA supporters are anxious to rescue is Baloo, whose story we told in our Big Bear Rescue appeal last christmas. Snatched from the wild as a cub, Baloo has spent the last 13 years caged as a tourist attraction at a ski resort. He spends his long days pacing behind the bars or digging at the door of his cage, constantly attempting to reach the freedom of the other side. We had hoped to have rescued Baloo by now, but his owner is a powerful businessman and has a lot of infl uence with the local mayor. WSPA and MFA aren’t going to take no for an answer and will do everything in our power until we have rescued Baloo.

Your gift could help rescue more bears in 2013We desperately need to rescue Donna, Ray and Baloo from their cruel, illegal captivity – and with your help, we are confi dent that we can. With a gift from you to our Big Bear Rescue 2013 appeal, you could help give them and bears like them the life and freedom they deserve at the WSPA-funded sanctuary.

With just 20 or so bears left to help, WSPA supporters really could achieve a signifi cant end to animal cruelty by making the illegal, cruel captivity of bears in Romania a thing of the past. WSPA supporters have been there for so many bears in need of rescue. Could you be there for the last remaining captive bears in Romania?

Imagine being part of ending the illegal, cruel captivity of bears in Romania, for good. Allow yourself to imagine that because you really could make this happen. Donna, Ray and Baloo might not realise what a landmark achievement this would be, but they’ll appreciate the feel of soft grass underfoot, the cool den to hibernate in and the acres of sanctuary land to roam. Please give a gift to WSPA’s Big Bear Rescue 2013 appeal today.

Post the completed form below to: WSPA, FREEPOST SCE6686 Melksham, SN12 6GZ

Call 0845 0777 500 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)


The price of freedom£24 could buy a week’s worth of veterinary supplies for a rescued bear£36 could provide food and vitamins for a rescued bear for around two weeks£48 could cover the costs of safely transporting a rescued bear to their new life at the sanctuaryIt costs around £300 to rescue a bear and take it to a life of freedom. take it to a life of freedom.

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Animals in the wild

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Liviu Cioineag – committed to caring for bears

The man at the centre of ending the cruel captivity of bears in Romania is Liviu Cioineag, manager of the WSPA-funded bear sanctuary near Zarnesti. Liviu exchanged his life as a television and newspaper journalist for something very different – what he describes as ‘the best job in the world’. Liviu took time out of his busy life to talk to WSPA News about how, with the help of WSPA supporters, he is trying to rescue every last bear still held in cruel captivity in Romania…

What motivated you to devote your life to helping bears?“As a young boy, I remember seeing Lydia and Cristi, the bear sanctuary’s fi rst residents, rescued with the help of WSPA supporters and Millions of Friends Association (MFA), held captive in a cage in a ski resort and feeling terrible about the pain and distress they were suffering. Their misery affected me deeply – I couldn’t stop thinking about them.”

How did you get involved with managing the WSPA-funded bear sanctuary?“I knew Cristina Lapis, president of MFA, from when we both worked previously as journalists. She knew how much I cared about animals and so when she needed to hire a manager for the sanctuary, she thought of me. I didn’t hesitate for a second – I was so excited to know that soon I would be doing

everything in my power to save bears and to give them a better life. Cristina told me all about the special affection that the bears and the sanctuary held in the hearts of WSPA supporters around the world and particularly in the UK. It felt great to be part of something so positive.”

What has been your best moment to date?“My fi rst rescue, saving two bears from a bread factory (Jimi and Jexi), was defi nitely my most special moment. Although they were close to the sanctuary it was a real struggle to rescue them. I was not very optimistic as I had heard how diffi cult rescues could be with Cristina and the team encountering threats in the past. Luckily my contacts in the Romanian media helped us save the bears.”

What do you love most about your role?“When I drive up to the sanctuary, it’s so beautiful it’s like being in a dream. I see the bears playing and climbing trees – it’s a wonderful privilege to watch these big, strong, intelligent animals enjoying their forest environment. I could spend hours watching them but when I see these bears, it reminds me of the many bears that still need to be rescued and that is my motivation every day.”

Why are WSPA supporters so important?“Over 70 bears live in peace at the Romanian sanctuary and WSPA supporters’ donations have helped us rescue seven more bears from a life of cruel captivity in the past year alone. That’s an amazing achievement and a real credit to the generous compassion of WSPA supporters in the UK. If it wasn’t for gifts from WSPA supporters the sanctuary would never have been possible.”

Liviu’s hopes for bearsLiviu is dedicated to help or secure the freedom of each of the 20 or so bears still languishing in cruel illegal captivity throughout Romania. Together, Liviu and WSPA’s bear expert Victor Watkins, are doing everything in their power to rescue the bears. Liviu told WSPA News “I know that with the help of WSPA supporters, these bears will one day soon also enjoy a new of life of peace and freedom at the sanctuary.” Let’s prove him right.

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Jimi and Jexi – from factory to freedom

Thanks to supporters like you Jimi and Jexi are all smiles now as they enjoy life in the WSPA-funded sanctuary. But their lives were once very different. Sanctuary manager Liviu Cionieag led the rescue mission to free these bears and shared the story of their extraordinary journey from cruel confi nement to forest freedom...

Taken from the wildSnatched from a life in the wild as cubs, ‘home’ for brother and sister Jimi and Jexi became a squalid, metal, concrete cage at the back of a bread factory in Govana county, Romania. For eleven long years, these two sizeable bears, each weighing more than 350 kilos, were forced to endure a barren captivity without freedom to roam or behave as they would have done in the wild.

The bears’ owner claimed that Jimi and Jexi’s mother had been scared off by hunters and that the cubs would have died if he hadn’t taken them in. But WSPA and our partner in Romania, Millions of Friends Association (MFA), suspected that it was more likely that the cubs’ mother had been killed and the pair were sold to the owner as status ‘pets’.

Jimi and Jexi were fed on what the bread factory could not sell: stale bread and croissants. This diet left the bears malnourished – they need a varied and fresh diet of nuts, forest fruits, meat and fi sh.

Fight for freedom WSPA and MFA contacted local authorities in Romania to urge them to confi scate Jimi and Jexi but there was no interest in doing anything.

Liviu told us, “Jimi and Jexi’s owner was furious that we wanted to take his bears away and threatened me and my staff, we weren’t going to give up but it was clear that we couldn’t rely on the authorities. I knew that thousands of people back in the UK had generously donated to WSPA, motivated by their desire for bears such as these to be rescued from cruel captivity. I wasn’t about to take no for an answer.”

Rescued just in timeIn May 2013, Liviu made a breakthrough. He persuaded a Romanian TV crew to accompany him to the bread factory and confronted the bears’ owner. The owner fi nally bowed to the

media pressure and handed Jimi and Jexi over to MFA. Liviu quickly arranged transport to take the bears to the WSPA-funded sanctuary. Both bears were given a complete health check upon arrival and their road to recovery began.

Happy ending thanks to youThe pair now live peacefully and safely in the oak forest acres of the sanctuary. Free to roam, they spend hours swimming in the pools and playing together – something they never had the chance to do in captivity. While Jimi is relaxed and sociable with the other rescued bears, Jexi is taking a little longer to fi nd her confi dence and sticks to her brother, her partner in captivity and now in freedom.

Life-changing supportThe amazing support of people like you has given Jimi and Jexi a new life of freedom in the sanctuary. WSPA supporters’ generosity has changed these animals’ lives beyond recognition and for that we cannot thank you enough.

It has been an epic battle to rescue them, but with WSPA supporters behind us, we were encouraged not to give up. Seeing these two bears at rest and at play in the wide, open spaces of the sanctuary is all the reward we need – and we hope it is for you too. You made it happen after all.

Life in captivity: Jimi and Jexi spent over 10 years imprisoned in this barren cageLife in captivity: Jimi and Jexi spent over 10 years

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Animals in the wild

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If you are lucky enough to spot a rare bird swooping across the sky or encounter a wild animal as it roams its’ natural habitat, it’s a wonderful reminder of the beauty and power of nature and a priceless experience to have stumbled upon and felt connected to, if only for a moment. Whether native to British shores or roaming the plains and jungles of distant continents, it is the wildness of these animals which fascinates us, their value fundamental to the natural world.

Yet for millions of wild animals, their encounter with humans is not a rewarding one. Tigers, birds, bears, apes and snakes and more, are illegally killed, butchered or snatched from the wild and sold into a brutal, commercial world where they become commodities to be traded. Sold as pets, farmed for their body parts, traded dead or alive, their suffering is inconsequential to those who profi t from this lucrative line of business, often carried out by the same international criminal gangs that traffi c drugs, people and arms.

The big fi ght backThe exploitation of wild animals as pets and as products happens on a daily basis, in vast numbers, for vast amounts of money, throughout the world and often close to our own doorsteps. It is time to say no, to stand up for the natural world and fi ght back against the cruelty of illegal wildlife trade and farming. WSPA needs the help of WSPA supporters around the world to act as agents for animals and start the big fi ght back against such heartless animal exploitation.

Advising WSPA’s big fi ght back is Dr Neil D’Cruze, wildlife campaign leader at WSPA. WSPA News caught up with Neil to fi nd out about the problems wild animals are facing and how WSPA supporters can become an agent in the big fi ght back to protect wild animals from exploitation…

What problems are wild animals facing in the world today?“It’s an all-too familiar fact that populations of wild animals are being destroyed at an alarming rate, with conservationists doing all they can to protect the numbers. But behind these fi gures lie untold stories of animals suffering. Snatched from the wild and traded as commodities, wild animals are smuggled out of the world they know and into a horrifying journey of captivity. It is one of the biggest challenges of our time to stop this organised, illegal trade and stop wild animals being exploited both as pets and as products.”

How are wild animals exploited? “Wherever money is to be made, animals are mistreated in every way possible. They are killed to make clothes, such as the rare Tibetan antelope used to make highly-priced shahtoosh shawls. They are butchered or killed for their horns, like rhinos, whose horn currently fetches a higher price than gold. They are held in captivity and farmed for their body parts, as is the case for thousands of Asiatic black bears farmed for their bile or tigers farmed for their bones. Other animals – often young – are snatched from their habitat to be sold as some status pet – the ultimate in cruel vanity.”

stopping the exploitation of wild animals

The big fi ght back:

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What happens to live animals that are illegally traffi cked?“It’s awful enough that these animals are taken from their natural home in the fi rst place – particularly as a protective mother may be killed in the process – but this is just the start of their cruel journey. The snatched animals will then be transported to the ‘buying’ countries – such as the UK. Because the trade is illegal, the animals need to be smuggled across borders, often crammed into crates and suitcases. Many won’t survive the journey but will die from starvation, dehydration, extreme stress or suffocation. It is as far from nature and the natural cycle of life as you could possibly get. And for the ones that do make it? They endure a life in stressful captivity.”

In your mission to fi ght this cruelty, what is the worst case of abuse of wild animals that WSPA has uncovered? “For me, some of the most tragic are the items seized by the London Metropolitan Police’s Wildlife Crime Unit (WCU), whose survival as a force to tackle wildlife crime is thanks to WSPA and its supporters. I think the saddest thing I have ever seen is a mantelpiece ornament seized from a dealer in Islington – a pair of tiger cubs, no more than ten days old, had been poached from the wild and killed before they even opened their eyes. One of the most shocking is probably the seizure of two Caiman, members of the crocodile family, that were sold from the boot of a car. I can’t believe that someone actually thought they could be kept as pets.”

Why does it matter that WSPA tackles these issues? “Put simply, wild animals belong in the wild. No wild animal can enter a domestic environment and truly live a life as nature intended. A tiger being kept as a pet does not have the same experience as a pet cat. It has taken thousands of years to domesticate cats and dogs and they thrive in caring family homes. But without its natural habitat to roam and the freedom to behave naturally – to climb, to hunt, to migrate, to mate – a wild animal will most likely become traumatised and unable to cope. As an international animal welfare charity, WSPA has a unique role to play. The issue goes beyond the conservation of a species – WSPA is concerned about the suffering and cruelty endured by the individual animals. We are determined to protect them from the criminals’ greed that exploits them but we need the help of WSPA supporters to do so.”

So what is WSPA doing to fi ght the exploitation of wild animals?“WSPA are collaborating with different kinds of ‘animal agents’ to tackle the exploitation of wild animals as pets and products. We directly fund the WCU to secure this key force in fi ghting wildlife crimes traded in London – and our own investigations team also uncover illegal activity. We are campaigning to stop the farming of bears for their bile and the farming of sea turtles in the appalling conditions of the Cayman Turtle Farm. WSPA supporters can join us by becoming an agent to help protect wild animals by shunning any involvement in their exploitation and actively supporting our appeal and our campaigns. In fact, WSPA supporters are the most important of all the ‘animal agents’. Without them, nothing can happen.”

What can WSPA supporters do to help?“WSPA supporters can help by talking about the issue, which may help to make it more of a stigma to buy an illegally-traded animal as a pet or a product – so please do share WSPA’s campaign videos and sign up to campaign actions. WSPA supporters can also donate to our appeal – a gift from you could help fund the operation of the WCU or WSPA’s investigations team. Please also be vigilant to the illegal sale of live wild animals or products such as bear bile on the internet and in your home town. When on holiday, avoid tourist attractions involving animals that should be in the wild, not in cruel captivity. Apathy is what the perpetrators rely on, so I’d ask WSPA supporters to get behind us and use their voices, energy and donations to help us tackle the exploitation of wild animals.”

Roaming free: WSPA believes that wild animals only belong

in the wild like this tiger in India

Serious overcrowding: The tanks that sea turtles are kept in at the Cayman Turtle Farm are barren, shallow, concrete and not adequate for keeping wild animals.

Help protect animals against exploitationTo make a gift that could help WSPA fi ght animal exploitation, Call 0845 0777 500 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)


the help of WSPA supporters to do so.”

Roaming free: WSPA believes that wild animals only belong

Serious overcrowding: The tanks that sea turtles are kept in

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Animals in the wild

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Your Will could change the world for animalsWe probably all know we should have one but somehow, many of us fail to get round to making a Will – or we let it get horribly out of date. Daft really, when you consider that a Will is the only way of ensuring that you are the one to make key decisions such as what happens to your property, your belongings and your savings – even who looks after your children or your pets – after you have gone. A Will is your opportunity to decide which family members, friends and charities benefi t from what you have accumulated in your lifetime. A Will is your last chance to take care of who and what matters most to you, what you believe in and how you can leave your mark on the world. Your Will is the last thing you will be remembered by – something totally personal to you.

Caring for animals in your lifetime – and in the futureAs someone who actively cares so much about animals, you may want to continue caring for them in the future by leaving a gift to WSPA in your Will. That way, you could be part of a better future for animals, protecting them from cruelty and suffering after you have gone just as you have done in your lifetime.

What type of gift to leaveYour legacy to WSPA could help us secure the protection of animals from cruelty and suffering in the future – wherever we are needed most. We would therefore recommend that your gift isn’t limited to a particular campaign or project, but is left to all our efforts protecting animals.

So that your Will doesn’t need updating as the value of your estate changes, most solicitors would recommend that you leave a stated share or percentage of your estate to your chosen relatives, friends and favoured charities – rather than fi xed sums of money. Should you want to leave a gift to WSPA as a way of caring for animals in the future, please do contact us for more information about how to do this (see the information box below).

Your Will can help makes things happenJust as the donations you’ve already made have helped protect animals from cruelty and suffering, so can a gift in your Will. WSPA supporters have already helped end the cruel practice of bear dancing in India, Greece and Turkey and have helped protect hundreds of thousands of dogs from being brutally culled in the name of rabies. You’ve fed and cared for many animal victims of disasters. You are helping campaign for the protection of wild animals from being exploited as pets and products. You are close to helping bring about the cruel captivity of bears in Romania. Together, we have already achieved so much for animals. By leaving a gift to WSPA in your Will, you can make sure that you continue to be a part of changing the world for animals after you have gone too.

The panels on the right show our ambitious vision for ending the suffering of animals around the world. A vision you could help achieve with a gift in you Will.

How to leave a gift in your WillRequest one of our information packs Protect what matters to you by calling 0845 0777 500 or download it at

Contact Kathy Rich, our experienced senior legacy offi cer by calling 0845 0737 500 or email [email protected]

No matter what you decide, please take a moment to consider leaving a gift in your Will to protect animals with WSPA.

2015An end to the blood sport of bear baiting.

2035You could ensure no animal is forgotten when disaster strikes.

2055You could help ensure no farm animal faces a lifetime of suffering.

2042You could protect generations of dogs from culling.suffering of animals around the world. A vision you could help

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Your legacy

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WSPA’s superstar supportersWSPA’s supporters help us protect animals from cruelty and suffering in so many ways, from adding their voice to our campaigns, to making a monthly gift as an Animal Protector, to donating to our appeals or remembering us in their Will.Everything we do for animals is made possible by you.But some supporters take their commitment to helping animals to a whole other level. WSPA News shares the stories of three superstar supporters and the extraordinary lengths they have gone to in the name of raising funds to protect animals…

WSPA needs youIf you are inspired by our superstar supporters but not quite ready for such extreme challenges, why not have fun with these events and raise money for WSPA? SportRun to the Beat (London’s musical half-marathon) 8 Sep 2013Virgin London Marathon 2014 13 Apr 2014AdventureKalimantan Jungle Trek (Borneo) 9 Nov 2013, 24 May 2014, 8 Nov 2014Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro Trek 27 Sep or 25 Oct 2013Costa Rica Coast to Coast Rainforest Trek – 16 Nov 2013

Book now Madge is our experienced fundraiser who will help you organise your fundraising.

Call 0800 316 9772 (8am-4pm, Mon-Fri)

Email Email [email protected]

Colin’s trekking challenges

To take part in WSPA’s Romanian Bear Adventure once is an amazing achievement, but Colin Sharp is a WSPA supporter who has found the trek so amazing, he has done it an incredible four times!

Colin shared with WSPA News why he is an avid fan of trekking to see rescued bears…

What made you go back each time?From the fi rst time I heard about the trek I knew I had to do it. I’ve got a real passion for bears so it was good to do something to help. After the fi rst trip I was hooked, it was great meeting new people each time and slowly I saw the sanctuary build and progress into the wonderful place it is today.

How is each trek different?Each trek is different and always a challenge. There can be changes to the route, the guides and of course my fellow WSPA supporters on the trek. There are new things to experience and I even saw a wild bear on my fi rst trek.

What was the highlight of each trek?The best part of the treks has to be the WSPA-funded sanctuary, seeing the bears enjoying their freedom, playing in their pools and climbing high in the trees. I love to see Max, blind but beautiful, my favourite.

Would you recommend it to others?I would defi nitely, unreservedly recommend this trip to anyone, for the challenge, the outstanding views of the Romanian mountains and of course to see the bears.

Sherry’s 100km Sahara trekIn October 2013, Sherry Knight will be walking 100 kilometres (62 miles) across the Sahara desert to raise funds for WSPA. Sherry will face some tough terrain – dunes and rocky hills – all in extreme heat, sand storms and cold nights. Her sterling training and fundraising efforts have included an 8-hour stint on a treadmill at her local supermarket and a 60km walk. Best of luck Sherry!

Glenn’s ‘toughest footrace on earth’In April Glenn Winslade took part in the Marathon de Sables (meaning marathon of the sands), a gruelling 243km (156 miles, the equivalent of six marathons) six-day race in the Sahara desert.

After almost a week of blisters, heat stroke, injuries and mountainous dunes Glenn achieved a great result of fi nishing in 351st place out of 1,024 runners (it is an achievement just to fi nish and many don’t)!

He refl ected: “I was overwhelmed by the response from my family, friends and WSPA supporters. If you called, emailed, texted, donated, posted a card, shouted across the street, I can’t thank you enough!” Glenn raised a terrifi c £1,855 for WSPA. Congratulations Glenn!

To take part in WSPA’s Romanian Bear Adventure

Sherry’s 100km Sahara trekIn October 2013, Sherry Knight will be walking 100 kilometres (62 miles) across the Sahara desert to raise funds for WSPA. Sherry will face some tough terrain – dunes and rocky hills – all in extreme heat, sand storms and cold nights. Her sterling training and fundraising efforts have included an 8-hour stint on a treadmill at her

Glenn’s ‘toughest footrace on earth’In April Glenn Winslade took part in the Sablesthe sands), a gruelling 243km (156 miles, the equivalent of six marathons) six-day race in the Sahara desert.

blisters, heat stroke, injuries and mountainous dunes Glenn achieved a great result of fi nishing in 351st

fi nish and many don’t)!He refl ected: “I was overwhelmed by the response from my

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Get involved

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Your WSPA 2013 Christmas Catalogue is enclosed with this issue of WSPA News. 16 pages brimming with beautiful animal-themed gifts will help you fi nd your perfect presents for loved ones this Christmas. And remember, everything you buy helps protect animals from cruelty and suffering.

How to order Post Please fi ll in the order form and place in the WSPA Christmas Catalogue envelope with your payment, to:WSPA Christmas CatalogueCarriage HouseForde RoadNewton Abbot TQ12 4EY

Call 0844 324 8556 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) Online (where you will fi nd more cards, wrap and gifts) Email wspa@cbfulfi

Please fi ll in the order form and place in the

Protect animals this Christmas

10 cards £4.9930 cards £13.47 (saving £1.50)

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