Download - Why HR is Key to CSR

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Crpin ConsultBridging today & tomorrow in HR, talent & career management

    Why HR = key to CSR!21st century HR

    Human ResonsileHuman Relations

    Human Results

    Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

    HR Strategy, "raining & #nter im $ana gement

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    "he 21st century%a undamentally changing conte't

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & care

    er management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR



    (ust )* years rom now, some +* more

    eole will e li-ing on this lanet

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, Talent & Career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    #s this what they will get.

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    we are entering a new /ra

    a 0dierent world!

    The future business environment:global, DIVERSE CULTURES, complex, uncertain, interconnected, TRANSPARENT & SUSTAINABLE

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, Talent & Career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Cororate Social Resonsiilitya mind shit that challenges

    a lot of traditional #ndustrial ge business thinking

    about H3W to do & H3W to run a usiness

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Alexander Crpin

    a shiftfrom now

    to HOW

    a shiftfrom profit now

    to how to ensure prosperityfor future generations as well

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR



    ashit& e-ol-ing insights#t4s is a (learning)5ourney about

    H3W rather than a destination, an endpointexpectations of compan beha!ior is constantl changing & will e!er be more demanding with time

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    CSR = SH3W H3WSH3W#67 Stakeholders

    CSR is art o your comanies 86


    C%R experience


    C%R performanceCSR =


    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    HR was & is aout H3WH3W to uild a CSR emracing culture.

    H3W to make CSR a art o the comanies 86.

    H3W do we get management & emloyees doing it.

    H3W to de-elo, CSR knowledge, skills & eha-ior.

    H3W to comensate CSR erormance.

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    CSR & HR''HR already works at communicating &

    imlementing ideas, olicies, cultural &

    eha-ioral change across organi9ations

    HR4s role in inluencing attitudes and links

    with :to; line managers mean it is ideally laced

    to do the same with CSR!

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    CSR & HR"o make CSR haen HR should take its

    initiating, facilitating & coordinating role

    #nsuring management & emploees*+ understand & engage in the CSR 5ourney

    + are enaled & ale how

    + to create sustainale -alue in a social

    resonsile manner!

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR



    "ime to

    Wake u!

    www.ailo.nlCrpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    #t4s also inour hands

    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, Talent & Career management

    eole, lanet & roita new kind o economy is emerging

    W/ 6//8

    H3W to do it????

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    Crpin Consult, Alexander Crpin for inspiration, innovation & results in HR, talent & career management

  • 7/26/2019 Why HR is Key to CSR


    CSR% creating comany4s -alueositi-e link etween cororate sustainaility & strong share rice erormance

    "he /conomist #ntelligence >nit